Porscherama 1966 August

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ALEXA~DRIA AVE. SCH00~ 4211 0akv~ood Ave. Los Angeles

8:00 p.m. on ~onday August 8, 1966





~ ~



5 blocks west o,f Vermont I block north of Beverly

WITH DEEP REGRET we must inform you of the death of one of our previou~ region members. Reggie Willing passed away most unexpectedly due to a heart attach while with his wife, Shirley, on their vacation to their native land, England. Reggie and Shirley had become United States citizens well over a year ago. Many of us who knew Reggie in PCA will remember many good times and fond memories, for the Willings were indeed most active and enthusiastic members. Shirley plans to stay in their home at 5030 Meridian St.~ Los Angeles 45. 1901Lindauer Dr., La Habra AUGUST 1966 The August Membership Meeting of Porsche Club of will be held on the 8th of the month, once again The meeting will begin at 8:00 at the ALEXANDRIA 0akwood Ave., Los Angeles. (Five blocks west of block north of Beverly.)

America, LA Region, in our new location. AVE. SCHOOL, 4~ll Vermont and One

MiNDTES OF THE JULY MEMBERSHIP MEETING The July II, 1966 general meeting of the LA Region of PCA was held at our new meeting place, the Alexandria Ave. School, 4~ll 0akwood Avenue, L.A. The school is conveniently near the Hollywood Frwy. There is a very large, fence enclosed, parking place available. The auditorium is very spacious and ample for our present use as well as any future growth. A very large turn-out was in attendance. A full complement of club officers were on hand other than Harold Semans who is still enroute from the llth Parade in Colorado Springs. John Bevan, our President, called the meeting to order at 8:50 p.m. The President made a short speech of salutation to the effect that he was. pleased to see the large turn-out at our new meeting place. He ended by expressing a hope that this would be the first of a long series of successful meetings in our new home. Secretary (Pete Galena) was asked for comment but offered none. minutes for the June meeting were approved and seconded as they appeared in the July issue of PORSCHERANA.


Treasurer (Harold Semans) was not present so there was no financial report available, the lack of a report having no bearing on his absence, howe ve r. Vice-President - (Norm Sandusky) stated that the Profile is completed to date. He is currently compiling the facts and figures obtained to date. He went on to highlight a number of rather unexpected facts he had obtained to this point. He felt that the earliest effect of the resume will be felt in the next slate of club activities for 196V.~ Information learned will be put to practical use in arranging the activities for the coming year. Many other uses will be found for the information, all of which will ~°~ ~,~o~ ~ ~;~b ~b~rs ~ way or ~uoth~.

Activities Chairman (Miles Jackson) asked for a show of hands on club members in attendance who had made the trip to Colorado Springs. In all 15 sunburned left arms were counted. We had a good turn-out at the Parade. He asked that anyone placing in any of the events (no connection with the beer busts, etc.) tell him so that they might be properly awarded the competition points due them. He reminded the members of the coming event for July, the Picnic out at the Hawkins’. He asked for a show of hands of people planning to attend. Editor (John McNeil) asked for pl~enty of copy for use in the next (August) issue of the PORSCHERAMA. Technical Chairman (Curt Kuebler) pointed out that the monthly meeting ~’or July of the Tech Committee was a huge success. He was asked from the floor why some of the information was not printed in the PORSCHERAMA. Curt explained that the information was being compiled and in the future some sort of publication may become available. Curt announced that the next meeting will be held at the same place which is at 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., in West L.A. The meeting will start at 8:00 p.m. All are invited. The evening is as always on the fourth Wednesday of the month which in July becomes V/~7766. One rather important task is to gather material for a future issue of a current "Up Fixin Der Porsche." Local efforts will be combined with material that might be obtained from National. 01d Business - There was none. Announcements. 1. Next Board meeting will be held on the first Monday in August (8-1-66) at the home of the Pres. John Bevan. All members are. invited to attend as long as they let John know in advance. His address is 1050 So. Plymouth in L.A. Meeting starts at V:30 p.m. 2o John McNeil asked that anyone interested in bulk purchases (case lots) of oil get in touch with him. 3. The next general meeting was announced for the usual second Monday of the month (8-8-66) to be held at the new hall. The next order of business was the announcing of new members and guests. The meeting was then broken off for a coffee break; at this point the hour being 8:50 p.m. The second portion of the meeting was called to o~der at 9:25 p.m. This was to be taken up with accounts of the just completed llth Parade. John Bevan stated that in his opinion it was a highly successful one. All facets of the Parade were conducted on a high level of polish. He thought that about 400 cars were in attendance. The weather was near perfect for the entire event. John pointed out that Dr. Porsche and his family were there as well as Briggs Cunningham. Other club members then spoke on various aspects of the trip. A lot of talk centered on the Hill Climb. Apparently it got a bit "hairy" and was called off prior to the planned end of the meet. The next Parade was announced for the Potomac Region and the following probably somewhere in Florida. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Pete Galena - Secretary

FRO , THE EDITOR V~e wish to express our appreciation to Jim & Ruth Hawkins for the highlight of 1966 .... the Post Parade Party. The event was attended by approximately 90 Porsche people (except one Mustang owner:). Everyone had a ball ’swimming, playing volleyball, watching pool "-Hustlers" and just plain socializing. A good catered dinner was served, followed by more socializing and a lot more Porsche talk. Again we thank Jim & Ruth for opening their fantastic facilities. to the membership. AUGUST EVENT The August Event will be hosted by Kay and Gary Kious and will feature a shortest distance ralley (with surprise gimmicks). This event will be PCA~s first Saturday NITE event and we are looking forward to large turnout. The ralley has been named "CARRERA 6 I." and will star.t from the South Bay Shopping Center in Torrance promptly at 7:30 p.m.,Saturday, August 27th. The ralley will be open to the public but limited to Porsches only~¯ ...... entry fee will be I~2.00.~ " PLEASE FILL OUT A~ S.E~ IN E~RY BLAlfK FOU~D AT BOTT0}I OF THIS PAGE FOR REGISTRATION=~.~~"~,’AUTO FIELD ~[EET - On Sept. ~8th (rain date Oct. 9th) at the Santa ~nlta Rgce Track Parking Lot (~8~ ~. Huntington Dr., Arcadia) you are invited to the HCC-SC Annual Auto Field Meet for collector’s cars. ~,~ajor trophies will be awarded. Gates open at 9:00 a.m. and Grand Parade stagts at 4:00 p.m. It is open to all antique classic, vintage veteran, and sports as well as individual car collectors. Entry fee is $1.00 per car, .50{ each spectator. For information write to: }~ilton L. Stevens, 3989 Beverly Glen Blvd., Sherman 0aks, Calif. 91403 There are events arranged for every type of car. CARREHA 6 I .-~

Aug. South Bay ~an"~ieg~ one block

Nail entr~ for~ to~

7:30 p.m. 27th ShopDing Cente~ (Take the Frwy. to Artesia Blvd., go west to Hawthorne Blvd.

Kay K!ous, 11714 So. Trur~ Apto C., Hawthorne Calif, 90250



payable to PCA/Los ¯ Angeles).


(Please make checks

TECHNICAL C0~.!TTEE REPOR~ Next Tech Committee meeting will be held.August e4th at Boggs & McBurney Auto Parts, I1650 Santa Monlca Blvd. Time is 8:00 p.m. as usual. The July ~Vth meeting was an informative discussion session. highlights, included the following:



The bottom part of .the 911 .air cleaner can (mounted on each carb) is painted black inside., The paint has a tendency to come loose and plug the~ai~r jets. ~New cars Will have zinc platedcans, so present 911 owners should checkthe pain~ condition and remove it if necessary~


0wenChampi0~n showed some fittings.whlch~could be used for a remotelubrication system for the cars with front, end grease points. He will hopefully haveavailability detail~ by next ¯ mee ting,


Po01 supply Stores sell a coarse weave matting (for diving board c0vers.)$~hich has the same texture and’ colo~ as the interior carpeting on some Porsches. ~yone w~o needs re, placement carpeting should investigate this possibility.


I’~ was reported that. 911 shock absorbers could~be~ converted to Koni’s for about $40 each instead of~.paYing~about I~85each for reolacement Koni’s. Vasek Polak may have these conversion kits in stock.


Ray Kornfeld mentioned that some members would be interested in weekend do-it-yourself sessions where~hey could learn more about Porscheneering. Those so inclined are welcome anytime at the Kuebler residence. Call 398-~1V first to make sure the shop is open. Curt Kuebler - Technical Chairman

HIGHLIGHTS OF THE IITI POR3CHE PAR~DE by Virginia Case Jack and I left Los Angeles Sunday morning and stopped, at Las Vegas overnight~. I put one nlckle in the slot machine and lost it! We went to the Tropicana and saw the Folles Bergere and we sat so close to the stage the girls’ skirts almost swished our drinks off the, table! ~ We then traveled*through Utah which was new and.interesting~to us, and arrived at the Chateau Metel Tuesday afternoon and stayed there overnight as we couldn~t~get~into our room at the Broadmoor Hotel until Wednesday~ We~had a problem with that because the next morning was the Concours, and the girl at the hotel assured me we could park our gear at the Broadmoor Hotel until the room was ready. Well, I had a mental plcture~of Us handing the Bell Captain 8 cans of oil, polish, tar remover, rags, helmet, tool box and our luggage. We parked most of our gear~ on the l~wn at the Concours and it made a nice little mount 3 f~et tall. /It was a beautiful sight as usual to see all the little gems - they had a-10t of 900 series. (Continued)

The Rally wasn’t really much fun, it was run mostly on State Highways v~ith very slow (and I mean slow)speeds and I kept looking for the route to turn to quaint lltt-’~roads but it never happened. The one interesting part was called the Sky Line Drive and they meant exactly that. The road was narrow and twisting up the mountain with dip~ up and down and a drop straight down on both sides with no guard rails. I sat as close to the left hand side from the right as I could, and I kept asking Jack, "Do you suppose this ~is one way?" He said, "I don’t see how with those turnouts in the road." Well we stopped at a turn out to take pictures and chat with some buddies we met from~ Pennsylvania and who goes by bult Paul White and, man, he was traveling so fast I couldn’t get him on camera. Nick Frlesen arrived about that time also, and we all enjoyed the view. On the way down I kel~ looking for Paul on ei ~ther side and as I told him at the German Beer party that night I was sure glad to see him. The autocross was ideal in as much as they had use of the Continental Divide raceway. Some of the 911’s showed their tail-heavy characteristics. Everyone seemed to enjoy that event. The hill climb - well - let’s not go into that. We never got to run it as they closed it ~he morning of the second day running as two fellows ploughed into the fence and the next one would have gone straight down - enough said. The technical qulzz for the ladies this year was very tough -- in fact my husband didn’t know two of the parts one had to identify, so how could I? Anyway some made it. It was fun to try. It was nice to see Mr. and Mrs. Porsche and Mr. Rather again and Aria Lisa Filius whom I hadnlt seen for several years. The Broadmoor~ Hotel facilities were of course very top class and the hotel is situated on a beautiful lake and lends itself to picture taklng. When we left several die-hards were getting ready to go to Pike’s Peak to see the H!ll Climb, but we had to get back. So ---maybe next year to Washington, D.C.? ~JVe met the President of the Potomac Region, a very fine fellow, who assures us they have a beautiful Inn which will accomodate ~00 entrants. See you there? FOR SALE 911 Bali Blue w/black interior, AN/FN signal seeking radio extra 5~" chrome wheels available, 4 good Dunlop SP’s. Seat belts and shoulder harnesses, fire extinguisher, custom exhaust system, car cover w/lock. Wall to wall carpets, no drapes, latest factory modifications. Call Nick F~iesen, 6~5-8~03. PLEASE HAVE ALL COPY FOR THE NEXT PORSCHERAMA IN BY AUGUST ~7th. PLEASE MAIL, ALSO, CHANGES IN ADDRESS TO YOUR EDITOR: John McNeil, 1901 Lindauer Dr. La Habra, 90631 --6--

SEPTEMBER EVENT I~ is my feeling that a lot more members would participate in competitive events if they knew how to compete on an equal basis. For this reason we decided to hold a complete Driver’s .,School with no competition involved. The event will be held on S’atur~ay~’ September’bOth at i0:0~ ’£’.m. in Pacoima at %’~nlteman Stadium. The event will consist of driving instruction over different course layouts and at varying speeds. The instructors will be experts and advanced amateurs with one purpose in mind; teaching you how to s.afel.v control your Porsche under speed, braking and tight maneuvering conditions. %~e will possibly have professional instruction on suspension adjustment for this type of event, i~e would like to see the women interested in learning how to handle a Porsche better come to this event. This is an event open only to PCA members and their families. belts are required- crash helmets furnished.


FOR SALE (4) 16" Porsche ~qeels with Turbo !~eel Covers, plus (3) used Dunlops (mounted), plus (4) Botyl Tubes for same. $i0 complete Contact Bob Do~nie 346-6675 MORE ON T~ SEPTE~BER EVE~ Date


Saturday, September I0, 1966



]~qqiteman Stadium, 12850 Pier St., Pacoima



I0:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

Entry Fee - $4.50 per car. This includes wives. Extra drivers - ~!2.50 We need at least 30 paid entries to pay for the rental of the stadium and equipment .’ If you plan to attend, please fill out the form below and mall today ’. (to John McNeil, 1901 Lindauer Dr., La Habra, 90631) Name

Name of additional drive, if any Address Year of Porsche


. Engine: Normal ~ .Super__S90__Carrera... 911


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