1901 Lindnuor Dr.,
F,a Habra
DECE~~!BER 1,966
~eRY CI~RIST~"~AS ! !
~APPY ~7~
YEAR ! !
The Ja~nua~.y membership meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month~ as ~lways, which is the 9th. Meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. and the ne~ officers will be put into office. The meeting will take place at the Alexandria Avenue School, 4911 0a~eod Avenue, LOs Angeles. Be sure to come and help start the new yea~ with membership support and enthusiasm. ~ere’s no t~e like the beginning to ge~ to know your new officers and fello~r members. See you ~ere ~ ~ "~ITJ~S 0~’ T~TE N0~"~B~ ~.~T.~B~’~I~I° ~.’E~TI~G ~ollovJ~ng ~vill be thc minutes of the general meeting of the Porsche Club of Americu, L.A. ~egion, £or bh~ month of ~,[ove~nbe~ in the year of 1966.A.D. As is the custom, the meeBin~ was held on the second Monday evening of the month. ~is month it fell on II/1%/66. ~e meeting took place at the appointed meeting place, Alexandria Avenue School located at 4~iI 0a.~ood Avenue in the c~ty of Los Angeles. John Bevan, President, presided over the meeting. ~e usual packed house was in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. proceeded along these lines:
.~e order of business
I. Motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes of the October meeting as they appeared in the November issue of the PORSC~RAMA. Motion was passed. e. Club Treasurer, Harold Semans repor.~ed that we have a balance of $915.7~. He mentioned that this figure does nob reflect .the actual moneba~ value of the Region since he had Just paid $150 on deposit towards the coming Christmas party. Harold urged all new members to make arrangements to order name badges bhrou~ his office. Price is $I.00 each and delivery is ~out three weeks. Each member should have a name badge so that his name will soon become well known to one and all. ~e same name badges a9e quite handy at outside events involvi~ P0~C~ type activities since it identifies the wearer and publicizes our region. 3. In the absence of our Activities Chai~an, E. Nick Friesen Jr. filled in. Nick asked No~ Sandusky to report on the progress of the Christmas par~y. No~ stated that all is s?b fo~ a good time. Santa will be there
in the for~ of many goodies to be r~ffleG off and won as door prizes. Fae for ~h..,~ ±un’~ " is se~ at $6~50 per person ...... ~1.,~v_ is La ~i~ada Country Club and directions wlll be included on tickebs. Dancing will be from 9 to l~CO a.mo The affair must be l_z~ued to 150 people. ~is will be a good opportunity for newer members to get acquainted, 4. Our Technical Committee Chairman, Curt Kuebler2 announced that he is gratified at attendance to the monthly meetings. Meeting this mont~ will be on 11/23/66 at 11650 8anta Monlca Blvd~ in West L,A. Time will be 8r00 p.m. Curt reported that ~ this point 75 full pages have been gathered towards the new ~Up-Fixin der Porsche~o He announced that it will be ready for publication soon. A cost of $I,000.00 was offered as the price of going to print. Curt feels that in the long run it will be a "money maker". PCA-Natlonsl is interested and will handle the distrlbut!on once the new manual is printed. 5.
The Secretary was asked for comment and had none.
6. Nick Friesen in the role of our Immediate Past President had a couple of announcements to make. He described the coming PCA-0range Coast Region event. He went on to describe a possible "Ski Party" on the weekend after the Christmas party. Place picked was June Mountain. See Nick at the party about that if interested at all. 7. Under old business, Don Morris took the floor to comment on the recent "Lucky 7 Rally". It was not a huge success and it should have been since it was a well planned event and our annual rally "big show". 0nly Porsches were on hand and V other assorted cars. Don passed out beautiful ceramic drinking mugs to the "Lucky" winners. Don thanked all who helped put the rally on. John Bevan expressed the thanks of the Board and the club membership for all the effort on Don’s end of the event and thanked non-club people for their attendance and participation. The official PCA-LA Club Blazer was mentioned and in spite of an on the scene appearance by Jim Hawkins modeling the official blue selection there was a notable lack of line forming to the o~der table. 8~ New business was the next order of buslnes~. At this point the meeting was turned over to Norm Sandusky who chaired the committee to fo~ a slate of officer candidates for 196V. Norm~s opening pitch was to express a wish that people should volunteer to serve in some capacity. This is your club so serve it well. Our club needs and wants new faces to serve in all capacities. Names were then placed in nomination from the floor. These names were then added to a number of names already contacted by the committee. The full slate, as a result of tloe combined effort shaped up in this manner~ Office of President
Office of Vice-President
Gary KiBus
Faul ~ite Don Grobh Office of Secretar~ ~~~ls Pete Galena (cont’d)
Don Groth A1 Nichols Richard Kodani ~ffice of Treasurer Ray K6"~nfe~ Connie Russell
Office of Activities~Chairman Lance KetCh Dave Kalbach There was some discussion at this point regarding the possibility of adding the PORSCHE~AMA Editor to the Board. The matter was resolved in this manner. An amendment to our constitution will be drawn up to that effect and will be submitted for consideration in the form of a vote in conjunction with the slate of officers. Each candidate for the office of President was then asked to stand and give a brief verbal introduction in terms of background that would serve him well in the position. After that all other candidates for the other offices stood up briefly to be acknowledged. John Bevan then expressed gratification for what he considered to be an excellent slate of candidates. The ballots will be mailed out at the end of this week and must be returned prior to December l, 1966. 9. In the form of an announcement, Dale Boyd made a pitch for Reggie Willing’s 1959 Normal. Shirley is anxious that ~it gets in loving hands. It’s a beautiful car. Call.Shirley at CL 7-5570 if it’s not too late if you are interested in getting ~his real bargain. Porsche Owners Club announced a Driver’s School and Time Trial combined event to be held at Riverside Raceway on December 3rd.and 4th. The entire Raceway is reserved for the event. Activities will start at 9:00 a.m. Members of the P0C Racing Team will be on hand to instruct. A big "Bash" will be held at the Mission .Inn and will take the form of a Dinner-Dance on Saturday night. Timed runs will be on Sunday. Porsches only. Entry fee is $15 per car. The next board meeting will be held during the week between Christmas and New Year. It will be a Joint meeting between the outgoing board and the incoming one. It will be a closed meeting due to the large number of people in attendance. The time and place will be announced at a later date. THERE WILL BE NO GE~ALMEETING FOR THE MONTH OF DECEMBER. meshing will be on the second Monday of ~anuary, next year. IO.
Coffee hostesses were announced:
The next
Carol Gedeon and Kay Kious.
II. Guests and new members were then introduced. meeting broke for a coffee break.
At 9:~0 p.m. the
12. Meeting was re-opened at 9:50 p.m. Norm Sandusky announced that the speaker(s) for the evening would be Vasek Polak and Jerry Titus. John Bevan then presented Vasek Polak with a beautiful scroll on which was inscribedthe fact that Vasek had been made an Honorary Life Member of PCA-LA in recognition of his tireless efforts on behalf of the Marque. Vasek and Jerry then described the making of an ordinary street model, sometimes demonstrator car, that well known "911" into the terror of the track. Vasek described what was done to turn the usual everyday .911 to the beautiful and reliable racing machine that it is. Truthfully very little had to be done. Jerry then talked about some of the behind.the scenes happenings at the friendly little get-togethers in which the 911 rapidly made its self a go gsttum reputation. It was apparent that it was a team effort--the CAR--the proud’owner and condltioner--and the DRIVER. We as a region are lucky that we have Vasek and his organization
in our area.
The meeting was then adjourned at i0:50 p~m. Pete Galena - Seoretary TECH COMMITTEE REPORT Next Tech Committee meeting will be held Wednesday evening, January 25 at 8~00 p.m. in the meeting room st 11650 Santa Monica Blvd.., West L.A. Please note that no get together is scheduled for December because of Christmas vacation. Drive safely : The November 25rd meeting turned into a discussion of the pros and cons of Carrera 2 ownership in Southern California after everyone had inspected a worn camshaft under the stereo microscope. The cam had been "Microsealed" along with all other moving parts from a $90 engine - a process which would supposedly eliminate mechanical wear. The engine was torn apart to replace worn out rod bearings and badly worn camshaft and c~ankshaft Journals were discovered at that time. The microscope enabled us to compare the worn journal with the original "Microsealed" surface. The interesting detail appeared at the transition from original to worn, where it was apparent that the hot-sprayed "Microseal" coating was being abraded away. The partially abraded area looked much like graphite. Conclusion -- investigate fully the claims of those who would eliminate completely mechanical wear in your Porsche engine. The Carrera 2 discussion was sparked by an enthusiastic owner who (we were so interested we forgot to ask his name) felt that 150 miles per quart of oil was quite poor under ideal driving conditions. Comments from other Carrera owners will be welcomed at the January meetlng~ or contact Curt Kuebler anytime at 398-221V. A site for the proposed skid training school is still being sought. Arrangements for this event will be coordinated with our next Activities Chairman. Have any ideas or suggestions? Speak up ! TIP OF THE ~0NTH: Have you checked the condition of your (B and C models) transmlssion-mounted accelerator bell crank lately? The plastic bearing bushings (part no. 695.423.211.00) at each end of the bellcrank are subject to deterioration which leads to sloppy accelerator linkage. If your bushings have lost their effectiveness, try making replacements from DuPont’s super slippery Teflon. If the 10mm pivot stud is also worn, it should be replaced. Polish the stud to minimize unnecessary damage to the Teflon. Radial clearance between stud and bushing bore can be O.001" to 0.004". No lubrication is required for the Teflon. Curt Kuebler- Technical Chairn~.an GOODBYE 1966 - THE PAST YEAR OF THE PORSCHE It was mentioned in January, 1966 Porscherama that this yeer would be "~"ne Year of the Porsche" and the year’s activities were outlined for which all could make long range plans. Now that the last month of 1966 is here there are those who made plans and those who dldntt see the need to plan ahead. Some were in attendance at e~;ery event during the year and some attended only a very few events, but I am sure that each person with his own particular reasons for attending was more than pleased with each event~ its organization, and found real sati~~-’actlon in participating.
The time has come to look back at those events and praise the chairmen. I, being the chairman for the year’s activities, have to thank the very hard work of each person who chairmaned an event, the event workers, and those participants who made the event the success it was. The real satisfaction comes in finding such energetic people who are willing to do that "little extra" for the PCA-Los Angeles Region. During the entire year there have been those people who have made my Job so much easier by taking the Initiative and following it through until completion Their satisfaction comes not from any monetary gain but from ~, the people who are welcome to attend each event. Many hours of planning, mailing and plain hard work go toward each month’s event. This fact should never be forgotten. Each month usually presents a new type of event which enable each of you to be a chairman, worker, or participant in at least three or four events per year. Again, I must say that the success of each event and the PCA-Los Angeles Region is dependent upon you, the club member, who displays the plaque on the ma~que called Porsehe~ It’s been a tremendous year for you and for me and I certainly expect to see all of you at the events during the year 1967, another "Year of the Porsche" . Best wishes from the HAPPY HORSE (Mustang). Miles Jackson -Activities Chairman WHO ~E THE MOST ACTIVE PEOPLE (1966) IN PCA-LA?? JANUARY MEETING AND FIND OUT : ’. ~
NEWS FLASH - OLD NICK COMES EARLY TO LA MIRADA ~ Yes folks, it’s true Santa Claus became lost in the fog over California the weekend of the PCA LA Annual Christmas Party. Taking any port in a storm he landed his sled on the fairway of the LaMirada Country Club. In as much as he was on his way to the North Pole with a special load of goodies from Stuttgart it worked out to the benefit of many of those at the well known Porsche Party. The old gentleman retired to the bar to regain his spirits for the Journey home, and goody distribution was handled by a couple of pltnnp elves, looking vaguely llke Norm SandUsky and John Bevan. These fat and Solly types were ably assisted by a not so plump (only in the right places) elfess named Sherryl. These elves began to pass out good things as though it was Christmas Eve, already. The Boyd’s got a car care kit, as did Riverside Racer Lance Keith. Also given new car polish were "traveler" AI Cline and "Mr. Mustang" Jackson. Bob & Betty Gough got a bowl full of Jelly, the Semans’ took home a Porsche poster stand, and Bob & Eleanor Raucher got a set of matched Porsche T shirts. Also getting his and her Porsche& Vasek Polak T shirts were Bill & Dawn Wright (new members) and the Schuelers. Frank really did well getting s~ne seat belts with the T shirts. Would you believe that those fat little elves, even gave away a 911 : Would you bel~eve not 1 but 3 : Well they sure ~enough didO.. And get this, they gave them to people who really need them, llke Ray Kornfeld, John Bevan (he really really needs one) and "Carrera" Case. Of course none of these fellows worried about getting these cars home. No sir, they Just slipped them into t~eir pockets and walked out. Lucky Don Morris is now honking along with a~ new air horn set, and Nick Frlesen got a set of good mats for a 38~. ~ No problem though, since George Gedeon received a set for a 911. Carol Gedeon won a 4 cylinder Porschew
exhaust system, no less, not enough,for ~ Pontiac though. Not every item was a Porsche part, both Phll Johnson and Lyle Arnold got BNW beer mugs. John McNeil got a gift certificate for a car cover (BN~V or Porsche, Vivlan?). Jack Hart, the l~ meter yachtsman, from Orange .~..oast Regi~o~ took time off from "America Cup" practice to come get a tire gage and have some fun with the LA crowd. Pat, driving Jack’s black Speedster received a cologne set. Connie Bevan got a key chain for her 911 keys. Big winner Norm Sandusky took home a map case, and a woodrlmmed steering wheel. With his sleigh thus lightened considerably, and his spirits lifted, the gentleman of good cheer sped off into the night on a northerly course to prepare for bigger and better things. He left without that not so plump elf’ess, called Sherryl who was taken home by new member Lee Grafton, lucky fellow. Santa’s largess was made possible by the cooperation of the following firms and members.. Allred Bros. V~ Competition Motors Four J Motors Precision Motor Cars Transocean Motors
Universal Motors Vasek Polak Porsche d’Elegance (McNeil) Bob "Big Beef" Benton Louis Pogley Drugs
Stop by to wish them a prosperous new year and let them know that PCA appreciates their generosity. PCA Party Gift Committee: Bob Benton, Nick Friesen, Pete Galena, Miles Jackson, Lance Keith, John McNeil, Mary Morris, Louis Pogley, Bob Raucher, Norm SanduskF, Tom Walters, Paul White. Nick Friesen JUMP FOR JANUARY It’s once again the start of a new year for all of the Porsche people and since I’m sure that you are all anxious to get going on a complete schedule of events for the ensuing year I c~n think of no other way than to start the year as you would start the day... WITH A GOOD HEARTY BRE/LKFAST AND SOME EXERCISE TO FOLLOW : : There being no better place than the fresh air of the desert we are considering the APPLE VALLEY INN once again for a breakfast and a nearby go-cart track for the exercising of the Porscheo How does that sound? Gre~t, I thought you’d like it. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS TO FOLLOW.IN THE JANUARY PORSCHERANA. Miles Jackson - Activities Chairman ’66 FROM THE EDITOR Again we would like to express our most sincere thanks to all the members and the Board for their contribctions to Porscherama over the past year. Next ye~rr~ Ed~o~ will be announced at the January meeting. John & Viv McNeil
9409 E. Mountain St.
Allan J. Crane Jr. (Barbara) 4859 Longrldge Ave.
Pasadena, Calif.
Sherman 0aks, Calif.
Willi Markard 686 Cottenwood Rd. Palm Springs, Calif.
Irene T. Wagner P.O. Box 57384 Los Angeles, Calif.
Richard R. Smothers (Linda) ll41 Marilyn Dr. Beverly Hills, Calif.
Charles L. Scott 1280 Angelo Dr.. Beverly Hills, Calif.
J.T. Baughman (Madeline) 857 Via Somonte Palos Verdes Estates, Calif.
Richard T. Coen 2010 Manhattan Beach Blvd. Redondo Beach, Calif. (transferred from New York Region)
Jon Hatch
C. F. Arnold 5610 Fallbrook Ave. Woodland Hills, Calif. ADDRESS CORRECTION & CHANGE) Jon R. Stimson 3640 Sepulveda Blvd., ~218 (change) L.A., 90034, Calif.
Lewis Pulley 3615 Lubec (correction) Downey, Calif. 90240
WANTED 1964 or 65 "C" or "SC" Engine (complete)~ details, including serial number, mileage, and source, to: Buzz Wells, 44130 Beech Apt. I, Lancaster, Calif. 93534, or 805/948-~837. FOR SALE Continental Tires - all types including latest radials - available to PCA members at large discounts. See Buzz Wells at next meeting. ’66 91~ with 5-speed transmission. I~,000 miles. Light ivory with black interior. Chrome wheels, AM/FM Blaupunkt, tinted glass (all windows), head rests. Exeellent condition, like new. ~4~475. Contact: Dick Whitesell ~718 Rodax St. Canoga Park 883-9796-- evenings ~45-8448-- days HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS & A MOST HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ : REMEMBER TO DRIVE SAFELY AND DEFENSIVELY. WE CANfT HAVE ANY OF THOSE PRETTY PORSCHES STARTING OFF THE NEW YEAR WITH NEW DENTS : :
John M. C l~an 923 "G" Second Street ~nta ~nica, Calif. 9040