Porscherama 1966 December

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1901 Lindnuor Dr.,

F,a Habra

DECE~~!BER 1,966

~eRY CI~RIST~"~AS ! !

~APPY ~7~


YEAR ! !

The Ja~nua~.y membership meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month~ as ~lways, which is the 9th. Meeting begins at 8:00 p.m. and the ne~ officers will be put into office. The meeting will take place at the Alexandria Avenue School, 4911 0a~eod Avenue, LOs Angeles. Be sure to come and help start the new yea~ with membership support and enthusiasm. ~ere’s no t~e like the beginning to ge~ to know your new officers and fello~r members. See you ~ere ~ ~ "~ITJ~S 0~’ T~TE N0~"~B~ ~.~T.~B~’~I~I° ~.’E~TI~G ~ollovJ~ng ~vill be thc minutes of the general meeting of the Porsche Club of Americu, L.A. ~egion, £or bh~ month of ~,[ove~nbe~ in the year of 1966.A.D. As is the custom, the meeBin~ was held on the second Monday evening of the month. ~is month it fell on II/1%/66. ~e meeting took place at the appointed meeting place, Alexandria Avenue School located at 4~iI 0a.~ood Avenue in the c~ty of Los Angeles. John Bevan, President, presided over the meeting. ~e usual packed house was in attendance. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. proceeded along these lines:

.~e order of business

I. Motion was made from the floor to approve the minutes of the October meeting as they appeared in the November issue of the PORSC~RAMA. Motion was passed. e. Club Treasurer, Harold Semans repor.~ed that we have a balance of $915.7~. He mentioned that this figure does nob reflect .the actual moneba~ value of the Region since he had Just paid $150 on deposit towards the coming Christmas party. Harold urged all new members to make arrangements to order name badges bhrou~ his office. Price is $I.00 each and delivery is ~out three weeks. Each member should have a name badge so that his name will soon become well known to one and all. ~e same name badges a9e quite handy at outside events involvi~ P0~C~ type activities since it identifies the wearer and publicizes our region. 3. In the absence of our Activities Chai~an, E. Nick Friesen Jr. filled in. Nick asked No~ Sandusky to report on the progress of the Christmas par~y. No~ stated that all is s?b fo~ a good time. Santa will be there

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