Porscherama 1966 November

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1901Lindauer Dr., La Habra NOVEMBER 1966 The November membership meeting of Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region will be held on the 14th at our new meeting place~ Alexandria Ave. School, 42110akwood Ave., Los Angeles. The meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. Be sure to attend this meeting -- NOMINATION OF OFFICERS will be held. Be sure to bring any good ideas with you and be ready to accept if your name should be nominated. Vasek Polak will be there to share with us all the experiences and rewards of racing his Porsches and there will be a question and answer period afterwards. See you there--be sure and bring your name badge!~ We have a lot of new members to meet!


October I0, 1966

The meeting was called to order by the President, John Bevan. The first order of business, was last meeting’s minutes. There was a correction they should have read "Curt Kuebler - Tech Chairman" instead of "Curt Kuebler - Activities¯ Chairman". The minutes were then approved as corrected. Curt Kuebler then reported from the Tech Committee. He reported that Butt Propp had copies of Panorama which were needed to complete technical manual. Activities - A report on the top ten in the point standings was made. Also, the up and coming events were reviewed: Oct. 15 - Tour to Laguna Secca (Lyle Arnold gave details on reservations; Oct. 53 - Lucky 7 Rally (Don Morris who is chairman gave general instructions. The start is at 8:00 a.m. There will be navigational and "seat of pants" classes and a special class if enough warrant another class. November 11-13 will be the Las Vegas Fun Run with Bruch Munch as chairman. Meet¯ at the ~Stardust on Friday night. The activities for the weekend will run ~77 a coupSe and, the event is not limited to P.C.A.all friends are, lnvited. On Dec. 3 the Christmas Dinner Dance will be held at the La Mirada Country Club. $13.00/couple - ~6.50/per person. Next Harold Semans, Treasurer, reported that as of October I ¯the balance was 321.7.61. .4 Our Vice President, Norm Sandusky, related that 84 profiles had been completed. Also that nominations will be completed bv the November meeting. Ballots will go out within the next week and tallied by or on December i. Nominations will be open from the floor at the November meetlng. (Cont ’ d)

The meeting was then turned over to Nick Friesen who gave a pep talk on nominations. He reminded us of the wine tour to be held on October 23. Also he pointed out that PCA Santa Barbara will hold its annual picnic on the same date at II:00 a.m. There was no old business.

The meeting then turned to new business.

Ray Eornfeld brought up the idea of having a skid test at Edwards AFB. Buzz Wells is to get information about the possibilities. Announcements were then made: The at 1050 So. Plymouthe Los Angeles

Board Meeting will be held on Nov. 8

Next the guests were introduced. The coffee hostesses were Carol Gedeon andShlrley Kornfeld. The Greeters were Ray Kornfeld and Gary Kious. After the coffee break the program was the showing of the film "Made by Hand". Meeting wa~ then adjourned. Reported by Norma Sandusky in Pete Galenats absence, ...TECH C,O~B~.IT, TEE_ ~,EPORT Next Tech Committee meeting takes place the fourth Wednesday of November (25rd) at 8..00 p.m. The location, as usual, is 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., West L.A. Anyone interested in talking Porsche is.~ mope ~han welcome. Highlights of the October Tech meeting were a report from Buzz Wells on a site for the proposed skld-trainlng school and a tip from Dr. Mona, a new club member, on how to precisely adjust Koni shocks. Buzz mentioned that either Edwards AFB, Palmdale Raceway, or a certain parking lot in Palmdale could be used for teaching Porsche drivers how to control their cars on slippery surfaces. He will contact Palmdale Raceway and Bill Scott agreed to approach the owners of the parking lot. If a site is found, we can look forward to a skid-training school early next year. While on the subject of Koni shocks, Dr. Mona described a simple technique for making sure both left and right hand shocks have identical time constants. Hang a I0 or 20 pound weight on each compressed shock and measure the time required for full extension. Simple enou~. This month’s technical information reached the PCA LA Technical Library via Nick Friesen, whom we thank, HOW TO READ SPARK P.LUG. DEPOSIT,S - Used but still good plug will have a light gray or tan deposit. Electrodes won’t be burned, but they should be sandblasted, and then filed. If you don’t file the electrodes, you may get poorer pl~-performance than you did before cleaning. Cold fouling with black carbon deposits suggests a switch to the next hotter plug. Also look for clogged air cleaner, sticky manifold heat control valve or faulty choke mechanism. If only one or two plugs fouled this way, check for sticking valves or bad 18nitlon l~ads. (Cont’d)

Wet fouling means too much oil is getting into combustion chambers, either from worn rings or cylinders, or, in OHV engines, worn valve guides. Using hotter plugs may relieve oil fouling, but only. temorarily. On new or rebuilt engines, oil fouling may occurstemporarily efore normal oil control is achieved. Plugs subject to wet fouling can be re-used after they have been degreased, sand blasted, and the electrodes filed.


High speed glazing may cause misfiring at speeds above 60 mph~ The shiny deposits are yellow or tan-colored. Actually, they are normal deposits that-have melted during a sudden temperature rise, as in fast acceleration. If glazing recurs, switch to cooler plugs and. clean them regularly. Silica deposits are hard, rough lead silicate formations that usually result from faulty air cleaner or leaking intake manifold on vehicles that operate frequently in Sandy or dusty conditions. Plugs with these deposits must be replaced. Constant speed load deposits are likely to form in pump or compressor engines that operate at governed speeds. Ifpossible, disconnect the engine load every day and work the throttle linkage back and forth. The change in temperature should help fluff off these deposits. Overheating shows up as a blistered gray or white insulator. If everything else is normal, switch to a cooler heat range. However, overadvanced ignition timing, detonation, or stoppages in the cooling system may also overheat spark plugs, even if they’re in the right heat range. Turbulence burning causes electrodes to wear away on one side. It’s characteristic of normal turbulence patterns in certain engines, and if plug performance is satisfactory, you can ignore it. However, if gap growth is excessive (more than .001" for each 1,000 miles on the plug) it may be caused by over advanced ignition timing, detonation, or plugged cooling system. Reversed coil polarity shows up as dishing of the ground electrode, with little wear on the center electrode. The symptoms include misfiring and rough idle. The cure is to reverse primary coil leads. In general, deposits normally occur in distinct bands on the~ insulator. Generally speaking, the deposits nearest to the electrode are the ones that affect spark plug operation. If they become conductive, their shun resistance is said to drop, and the plug is short-circuited. ~ Curt Kuebler - Tech Chairman. LUCKY 7 RALLY The Lucky 7 Rallye took place October 53, an annual event in which all participate, and all who participate were there (less than 10% of the club members). " It turned out to be a nice day for a Rallye, the first car starting its journey at 8:04 a.m. The results indicated that the first leg was the most difficult, with most of the 28 cars getting off course before the first checkpoint. However, we had a great group of real zealous rallists, the majority checked through the first checkpoint a little late, but getting there with the exception of two cars.(cont’d) -3-

One car caught up at the second checkpoint, while the driver and navigator of the other car in a new 91~ continued along Highway 26 (to make a. long story short and to make a long .rallye longer) was the only car to attempt to run the rallye backwards. The second leg was ~un along some rather narrow winding roads with only one car running off the road and pranglng his brake disc which was taken care of at the second checkpoint. The third leg ran through .Hidden Valley, a nice scenic trip along Lake Sherwood. All cars passed through the third checkpoint hosted by Curt Kuebler and able staff of volunteer workers. The last leg took our safari over Mulholland Highway and after a few twists and turns finished at Lakewood Bowl. Everybody finished, even our friends who llke to run rallies backwards (Smile, it was really great to have you fellows along)! The majority had a few questions on the instructions, but hopefully were cleared up. I extend a hearty¯ thanks to all ~he people ~ho volunteered to help, a nicer bunch of people’~ou couldn’t hope to meet, namely: Curt Kuebler, A1 Grey, Betty & Lyle Arnold, Martha and Phll Jol~nson, Chrlstel & Mike Fredman, Frank Schueler, Carol Gedeono Thanks to the participating rallyists, I hope you had a nice day and enjoyed the drive -~ No thanks to all.you non-p~rtlclpating members ~ Don Morris - Event Ch~alrman .R.e sults~: Navigational I. Helen & Dale Boyd 2. Grant Fraser, C.N. McNamara 3. Nick Friesen, George Gedeon I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ~. 8. 9. iO. II. 12. ii~i 18. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

S.0.P. B~ Chuck Bucklsh Bill Nation & Tom Webster Bill & Susanne Riechel Terry Van Noy, Betsy Pothem B~el Amann, ~Vm. 0’Reilly ~m. & Lorrle ~ay Jack & Adele Mason F~eda ~& Peter Chuck Hassel, Cliff ~hettl Richard~Brock, James Graham Bill Johnson, Kay Kious Ray & Shirley Kornfeld Bob & & Meredlt~ Marge Down~e Tom Walters Jim & Ruth Hawkins Gerd & Erika Reetz Bob Budell & Lil Johnson Richard Beck, Ray Canara Thomas Lidenfaden, T. Denning Bruce Bartells, Janet Getz (~Cont inued)

Car. Marque Porsche Porsche Porsche 911 Porsche Porsche Porsche Volkswagen Porsche Porsche Porsche Fiat - Spider Porsche ~ Triumph Porsche Porsche P orsche Porsche 911 Porsche Porsche Porsche Corvair Porsche 911 Triumph



FROM THE EDITOR We have enjoyed the cooperation received from the Board of Directors and membership over the past year very much. It has made our Job much ~ easier. Due to the increased size of our family Vivian and I find ourselves unable to continue as PORSCHF~AMA Editors for 1967. ~le hope every mble member will give strong consideration to accepting the Job of Editor for 1967. If you have any questions concerning what is involved, please feel free to call Vivian or myself anytime. John McNeil, PORSCHERAMA Editor 691-3648 FOR SALE : I.

1800 cc engine (P601825) with Badger pistons, I07 cam, ~Jebco springs and retainers, light fly, wheel, fresh and clean: ~675. G300 Briggs Clarifier, fully chrome plated, ~Tith new cartridge: ~28. Tow bar, complete with ~mp bar and wiring, adaptable to all Porsches: $1e.80. Neff bars for 356A, chrome plated, new: $4~.80 per set of four. Metric fasteners (Ge~an made) for Porsche service -- screws, nuts, wau washers, cotter keys -- ~ite for low prices. Curt Kuebler, 3533 Moore St., L.A. 90066 ~one: eI$/398-2~17


4 each chrome wheels to fit all disc brake Porsches - $I00. Contact Nick Friesen ~one: 481-4883 (days)


Late ’66 model 911 with Weber carbs. ~is is Ve~on Covert’s concours trophy winning red beauty with all the custom extras chromed bumpers, s~m~etric dual free flov~ e~aust system, luggage rack, cover, map light, padded dash, head rests, wide seat belts, and photo electronic i~ition system. Send serious inquiries air mail to: Capt. Vernon A. Covert, P.0. Box 2713, St. ~omas, ~. S. Virgin Islands, 00801.

~T M~BERS Cecil F. Gouchenour (May) 60~0 S. Western Ave. L.A., Calif. 90047

Tom T. Nagatani (Chiz) 471~ Teesdale Ave. No. HollNood, Calif. 91604

Nelson L. Atkins 3734 [~. Adams Blvd. L.A., Calif. 90018

William H. Scott (Shirley) I25 8th Street Ma~attan Beach, Calif. 90266

Nicolas L. Noxon (Molly) ~309 Earl St. L.A., Calif. 90039

Myron F. Kagan 4068 Ursu~ Ave. L.A., Calif. 90008

~illiam E. Waugaman (Dawn) 1633 Ra~ond Hill Rd. So. Pasadena, Calif. 91030

Hart Issacs Jr., M.D. (Patricia) c/o ~ildrens Hospital 4619 Sunset Blvd. L.A., Calif. 90027 -- 6--

,s, .o .P. 21. Lee & Sherrill O~afton ~. Lar~y S..Par~en.~ :Bob Po~tin ~MCP


~ne R. ~ona~d, Di~e We~eneP

Don Ceaffa~ini, Ed E~i~.

Car .Narqu.e,,


Porsohe. ~o T~i~ph PoPsohe


~Issed ~heek Poln~ Poatsoriptt If you ~eteet s to~ of Sa~ossm, you’~ ri~tl ~ would llke to take ~s ti~ to expla~n ~y. It is not an enJo~nt to belon~ to any organization and ~a~ nothing but 8~ipes and o~slntS about h~ it operates as It leaves no~i~ to be ~esired. ~oweve~, ~e~ are ti~s ~en one ~ould be hea~, so hear me now, We are a club over st~ ~d wh~ you volunteer to org~i~e ar~ ~si~n an event, you are. ~de~ obligation to the club to do It well I It entails dedication a~ ~ wo~, but you don’t ~ so much because ~e:.m~bers will have a reat t~e and ~ia in itself Is your rewa~. ~e best. praise ~d s pa~tloipation I


Let us say we plan an event with the mere i~ea of ~% shrug, ~ieh a reaso~ble n~ber, and less th~ I~ come. ~ere Is, to say the least, s~e ~isappoin~ent as t~e, money and material are wss~l ~ am not ash~ed to ask for your succor, s~pathy,an~ obligation to ~e ~re events and event c~i~en, because if yeu ~on’t offer s~e of ~is you are 8o~g to find yourself with a club in ns~ only because no one will want ~ put fo~ the effort for so few. ~o.~e ~ew" -- don’t mis~e~ stand me, we are grateful for your ~rticipatlon, sl~ou~ 8rati~de isn’t really necessa~ for these people ~ e~si.stently ~beeause ~ey ~ow t~ events to be enjoyable. Z tin sure there is some sacrifice, but this not a vali~ excuse as ~ere is sacrifice involved in most eve~thi~ Per~ps some of you are ss~, "~ey should ~e happy," the~ had ~ .oa~s (IS mem~rs), they di~’t 8o b~ke, t~y ma~e a few bucks ~ Well we ~8 but we were ~sdy for a h~d and wewe~e so optimistic we t~~ we would at least get ~ I We had goo~ publicity at the mee~ ~d t~ou~ the newspaper, ~d it was a beauti~l ~y. ~ou ~II me, happened to the othe~ members# I’m making s plea to all of you--to participate in events, it is We,re a ~oup of Po~s~e en~usiasts -- we like Potages and we like Pors~e people. Anyone wish~g to express t~ir oplni6n, pro or con, please d~p s line. We would .be 8~d to hear fr~ you. D.C. Mor~s Ma~ Morris San ~ab~el, Calif. ¯ ~Y G~A~ - Orange Coast PCA 0n November ~Oth st i0100 s.m: at. the Bri~s C~in~ Auto Muse~ (co~er of Re~ill ~ Baker in Costa M~sa). Prizes will be t~ee deep in bo~ ~n’s and w~en’s olasses. F~st prize ~.~e men~s class .will be large turkey. Roas~ ducks, Co~ish ga~ hens and a f~e~ will~ ~e other awaY. Couple te~ ent~fee ~s ~.50, single partlel~nt it $5.00, each sd~tional male driver is ~I.00, ea~ sdditio~l retie driver .S~. For ~rther i~o~ation call Di~ Loff (89S-~9~) o~

h~W MEMBERS (Cont inued ) Phillip Verne ~63 RosvJell A~e.. Long B.ea~ch, Calif.

M.L. Goodin M.D. (Jeanne) Don D. Tobey 4580~ Sunset Blvd. 211 S. Inverness L.A., Calif. 90027 Glendora, Calif.

John A. Lango 10412 W’ilsey Ave. TuJunsa, Calif.

Gerald Kiliany (Madelalne) Charles Walker 1901 E. 3rd 401 S. Park View #13 Long Beach, Calif. L.A., Calif.

Wm. M. Frankum 576 29th St. Manhattan Bch, Calif.

J.D. Nivette, M.S.(Patri606 No. Sixth St. cia) Burbank, Calif.

David A. Maddux 871 Winston Ave. San Marino, Calif.

T. ~.~. Frenzinger II 4819 E1 Rovia Ave. E1 Monte, Calif.

Jeffrey V. Peterson 240 No. Cliffwood Ave. L.A., Calif. 90049

John J. Lloyd Joe McGuigan (Margaret) 23323 C~Ivert St. 11407 Delano ~Joodland Hills, Calif. No. Hollywood, Calif.

L. B. Burfitt 6019 Tampa Ave. Tarzana, Calif.

A.V. Tippins (Monica) 3226 Thatcher Ave. Venice, Calif.

V~/. G. Leflang 3123~ Foothill Bird #22 La Crescenta, Calif.

Dennis S. Shillam 1435 Riviera (Marjorie) Pasadena, C~lif.

Guy Brown (Edna) 25228 Mslibu Rd. Malibu, Calif.

David Mount (Peggy) IS0 W. Foothill Blvd Pomona, Calif.

Thomas H. Orlando 308 W. Queen ~4 (Karen) Inglewood, Calif.

James Griffin Box 637 Manhattan Bch, Calif.

Dick Garrett P.O. Box 936 Barstow, Calif. 92311

Arthur C. Youngerman 1557 E. Florence Ave. L.A., Calif. 90001

James Kinnu (Zoe) 17263 Nordhoff St. Northridge, Calif.

John Koriagin (Marsha) 5685 Cerulean Ave. Garden Grove, Calif.

Lawrence Hill (Mary) 6215 La Ti~esa Blvd. L.A., C~lif. 90056

Phillip Johnson(~artha) 8533 Sheffield Rd. San Gabriel, Calif.

Nicholas Rall 4720 Donnie Lyn Way Carmichael, Calif.

Leigh Grafton (Sherrill) 1904 E. Linfield St. Glendora, Calif.



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