1901 Lindauer Dr., La Habra SEPTEMBER, NEW MEETING PLACE:
ALEXANDRIA AVE. SCHOOL 8:00 p.m. on Monday 4~ll 0akwood Ave. September 19, 1966 Los Angeles (5 blks W of Vermont, 1 blk N of Beverly)
The L.A. Police Department will present a program on defensive driving and general traffic information and, of course, a question and answer period will follow. See you all there~ THE PREZ SEZ ............. ’67 Candidates - How about it? ~.~en you answer your telephone and that voice asks that you submit your name as a candidate for office in ’67 ... how about it??? There is lots to be done and much fun ahead in helping to make PCA-LA reach its goal - "The best and biggest" of all the 60 regions. Membership D?iv% - In the next few weeks each of our members, as well as some 5,679 registered Porsche owners in the L.A. area, will receive a letter from PCA-LA. Included with this letter is a PCA application form and a convenient return envelope. The purpose in sending each member this correspondence is two fold: first, it will inform you in detail exactly ~vhat is being done to increase membership and thereby broaden and strengthen club activity; second, it will provide you with a convenient introductory package to be given to a potential PCA member, There are many dedicated enthusiastic Porsche pushers in L.~ that are not aware of PCA. Let’s let them in on the fun! 1967 Porsches - Here’s some more on the new models (stolen from the recent Treffen flyers): 911/1967 -- Does not have wood steering wheel, gas heater or fog lights. Otherwise same as 911/1966. 6 cylinder, 148 hp (SAE) engine with Webers. Same performance as current 911. Standard equipped with 4 speed box. 5 speed box is $50 extra. 5 instruments standard ex factory ~4,995. 9115/1967. External appearances same as 911 except for special bumper strips front, rear and side, and bumper horns front and rear. 5 speed box standard, 6 cylinder 180 hp (SAE) high. performance engine. Equipped with gas heater, fog lights, forged alloy wheels, velour carpets, new headliner, special dashboard and radial tires, Ex factory ~,990. (Continued) --I-
912/1967. 4 cylinder 102 hp (SAE) engine. New engine mounts. instruments. Horn ring. Carpet~ include tunnel cover. 4 speedSbox standard. 5 speed box $50 extra. Ex factory $4,150.
The general meeting of the Porsche Club of America for the month of August in the year. 1966 was held on the evening of August 8, 1966. Meeting was held at our new place, Alexandria Avenue School situated at 4211 0akwood Ave. in L.A., Calif. On hand was a full house of Porsche Pushers, a full slate of officers and a spacious parking lot filled (amply spaced) with a variety of ~e Cars." The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. with J.ohn Bevan presiding. The meeting followed this pattern: i. Minutes of the July meetlng were approved by the members as they appeared in the August issue of PORSCHERAMA. 2. .~..A.ct.ivlties..Chairman.--Miles Jackson stated that the Post ?arade Party was a huge success. In all a total of 87 dinners were served to a bunch of hungry "Pushers" with appetites sharpened by an afternoon of swimming, vol].eyball, pool (pocket variety), sitting and watching and gabbing. He asked that we went on record to thank the Hawkins for their gracious hospitality. Gary Kious was asked to give a pitch for the August event which he is putting on. The Levent will of course be a G~ick type rally as stated on the calendar. The event will be a saturday one and an evening one as well. The Rally will be held on 8-27-66 with first car going out at 7:30 p.m. The starting point is at the South Bay Shopping .Center. Rally will last about 3~ hours. It will b~ open to all. Porsches and the fee will be $2. John McNeil was then asked to talk about the September event. The ¯ event is a DriverWs School slated for a well lald out track complete with stands and all. John explained that a maximum of 40 cars had to be set so that all drivgrs could really get a thorough schooling in the art of high speed driving. If more than 40 cars slgn, a second session will be held very soon. First come first you know what -- so-et signed up as soon as the circular gets around. The fee will be 4.50 per car, each car with a maximum of two drivers. Extra drivers
will be. charged an additional $2.50.
A "Sports Car 01ympic" will be held.over the Labor Day Weekend up in Squaw Valley, home of the recent winter games. Many Interesting events are on tap. Competition points were not available in a CU~Tent fo~m since official points from the llth Parade had not ye~ arrived. 5. Technical Committee-. Don Morris stood in for Curt Kuebler who could n6t’"’make it to the meetin6. Don expressed thanksfor the excellent attendance to the Tech Sessions held as always, every fourthWednesday of each month. He hopes man~ more willcome on the fourth Wednesday of August at 8:00 p.m. The place is. at 11650 Santa Monlca Blvdo in West L.A. (4 blocks from the San Diego Freeway.)
’4. Editor - PORSCHERA~ John McNeil a~ked for plenty of copy for the comi~g issue. Anythi~g’o~ general interest will be welcomed. It’s your paper so why not "by-line" an article or two. 5. Secretary - Breathing heavily between a badly placed noun and a brace of poorly spelled words your secretary gasped that he had nothing to say. He was last seen plunging back into the mangled page. 6. Treasurer - Harold Semans reports that PCA-LA has a total of $660.62 on hand. He requested that members having name badges ordered but not yet picked up please do so. He announced that he now has PCA car badges available again for anyone interested. He went on to say that anyone wishing to stay around after each meeting to "shoot the breeze" please do so only after his car is taken out of the parking lot. The Custodian assigned to our meetings must leave at 10:30 at the "latest. Question was then asked from the floor as to what was olanned for the balance as announced. John Bevan answered the question by stating that the Board recognized the size of the bank balance and had and is giving serious consideration to ~hich way it could be out to the. best use for the benefit of all PCA-LA members. More on this subject will be coming soon from the Board. 7. Vice-President - Norm Sandusky in the role of our statistician announced that to date 32% of the members have turned in their completed "profile~ He hoped that more are coming in soon. It would take double that number to arrive at a meaningful compilation of facts and figures. The future of the direction of club activities of all nature will hinge on the response from the questionaire. Norm asked how the members liked the new meeting place. very pleased.
All seemed
In the role of Chairman of the Christmas Party, Norm was able to announce that the date (I~-3-66) and the place (La Mirada Country Club) are now firm. Party will be limited to i00 guests. October will be a cut-off date if more express a desire to attend. A question was asked from the floor on why the limit of guests. Norm answered by stating that that is all the hall will hold and that past experiences showed that it is hardly likely that the number of I00 will be passed. As of now the shindig will go at about $6-~7 per person, this including a band. 8. Introduction of guests - all guests in attendance were then introduced. 9. Old Business - There was no old business on hand to discuss. A valiant effort was made to discuss the blazer situation, but the mirth quickly placed this subject out of order. lO. New Business - Question was asked from the floor if the Rally to L~g~n~-~ca is st~ll slated as part of driving up to the races in November. There was no interest in the membership for this part of th~ package so it will only be a Caravan up. Lyle Arnold volunteered to pick a meeting place for the starting point for those interested in driving up in a body. He will reoort later on his efforts. Laguna Seca is on Oct. 15-16, 1966. Ffforts will be made to set aside a number of motel rooms.
The Hawkins arrived at t~his pgint carrying a paper bag filled with . odds and ends left behind at the party. Members were urged to claim ~ their belongings. ¯ Another question was raised from the floor concerning the Laa Vegas and or the Laguna Seca deal. Miles e.xplained they are Separate events, separated not only in character but also by a month. Las Vegas is on the weekend of Nov. 12-13, 1966. More on this in the near future. Ii. Announcemen~.s - Nick announced that the "HULEN 1958", newly acquired by’a new owner, recently won a first in a Slalom. Ray, who was,present didn’t seem to mind. Next Board meeting will be held on the first Tuesday of September (9-6-66) instead of the usual MondaY. Place will be at the Bevan’s home and the time will be at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome but as usual please call first so we know how many to expect. 12. President speaks - John explained that the end of the year is comln~ fast and asked that all members give serious thought to their particular role in the club and how best they might, serve our mutual interests. He hoped that many would express a desire to serve in some official capacity. He ended this discussion by expounding the "Joys" of serving in this manner. 13. Entertainment -. Norm announced that we would be treated to a couple of ro~Is of color film taken enroute and at the recent llth Parade.
The meeting was adjourned for coffee break at 8:58 p.m. Meeting was called back to order at 9:20 p.m. The films were shown and they were as could be expected; very interesting. Meeting was closed at i0:00. Pete Galena - Secretary SEPTEMBER EVENT The September Driver’s School will be held at Whiteman Airport Stadium in Pacoima. The course is approximately ~ mile in length and is asphalt paved. This is a no competition event, designed to benefit you in your driving. The purpose of this safely control your brakes and gears to technique of slalom
driver’s training is to: i) teach you how to Porsche at varied speeds~ 2) how to properly use control your Porsche; and 3) acquaint you with the and autocross driving.
We will start at 9:30 a.m. with registration and tech inspection, followed by verbal instructions and a safety briefing. Students will be grouped by skills (i.e., experienced, non-experienced, desire to learn fast driving, slower driving, etc.) and will be accompanied by an instructor at all times. We strongly urge the participation of women in this event and~have arranged for ~wo of the best women drivers to instruct!
The Technical requirements are as follows: Seat Belts - Manditory Shoulder harnesses - preferred Crash helmets - manditojrj. (these will be supplied by PCA) Tire pressures - Radial~. front 30, rear 38 minimum non-radials: front 38, rear 40 minimum (Continued)
Have your link pins & wheel bearings adjusted before arrival Minimum tread depth - 1/8" Open exhausts will be allo~ed Place:
~%~iteman Airport Stadium, 10600 San Fernando Rd., Pacoima (Golden State Fwy to Tarra Bella turnoff. East to San Fernando Rd., north i block to Pierce St., turn right to stadium. Date: Saturday, September I0, 1966 Time: 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Tech Inspection: 9:30 a.m. - II:00 a.m. Entry Fee: @4.80 per car & ~ drivers - 3rd driver Grand stands, sanitary and refreshment facilities will be available. If you are planning to attend this driver’s training, either mail in the form at the bottom of this page or call John McNeil at 691-3648. There is a limit of 40 cars to be allowed to participate in order that everyone can benefit in a maximum way. First to register will insure their ability to participate. If you register after the maximum has been filled you will be notified. So.... either write or call soon and we’ll look forward to seeing you there ! John McNeil - Activity Chairman TECH TIPS
(by Will Mack - PCA Northeast Region)
Lubrication~ An old point worth repeating. Be sure that the front suspension of your 356 series is unwelghted during lubrication. 0nly in this way will the Job be effective. With weight on the suspension, the grease can not be forced into all the vital friction points. If you do your own work, clean up the fittings after as well as before the lube - and while you’re at it - wipe off any grease that may have gotten on ~ubber parts. Grease and oil rot rubber. DID YOU KNOW THAT: (from PORSCHESTRASSE) There ~sre now 4 Porsche "names" in the Porsche Factory, Stuttgart? They are: Dr. Ferry Porsche, son of Prof. Ferdinand Porsche and Managing Director of the company; Ferry Porsche III, grandson of the Professor and Head of the Design studio; Peter Porsche, grandson, Head of the Production Dept.~ Wolfgang Porsche, another g~andson and working in the Management division. . CHANGED ADDRESS?
Please mail to John McNeil, 1901 Lindauer Dr., La Habra, 90631 Name Name of additional, driver, if any Address Year of Porsche
Engine: Normal 911
Super__ $90 912
PLACE STANDINGS PCA Rally turned out ~o be a most enjoyable event, thanks Kay Kious. Miles were traveled all the way from the L.A to Marineland and over to Ports of Call, with a few stops in between. Have you ever seen a Mexican Restaurant specialized in Chinese food? | The navigators were given the try out their skills at slot car racing, too, which was additional factor in determining each entry’s standing. The the event will be given out at the next PCA meeting. Corrected Mileage
Standi, n~
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 II
Mike Warmer-Steve Johnson John & Viv McNeil Paul White Pete Burnell Lowell & Harold Semsns Tom & Meredith Waiters Bruce Kuebler-Patrlcia Daniels Tom &. Jill Gould ’ Phil Goar-Lynda Marie Betot Bernie Glienke-Linda Walls Jack & Dena Ogden
Raymond Zazzetti-Jacquelin T.
13 14 15
Nick Friesen-Pat Hookstratten Dick Johnson-Kathy Harold Max & Marianne Strehler
68.0 69.0 69.5
Don & Mary MO Tis
George & Carol Gedeon
Bill Johnson-Gene Stoegbauer
19 20 21
Dale & Helen Boyd Ken Klempan-Pauls Stubbs Le s lie .Bogdan
52.1 53.0 56.8 58.5 59.0 59.9 62.5 62.9 63.3 64.2 67.4
69.5 VI.4
86.0 Missed checkpoint Missed checkpoint DNF
COMMITTEE REPORT Tech Committee meeting will be held September 28th at McBurney Auto Parts, 11650 Santa Monlca Blvd. Time is 8 pc. topics of discussion at the August 24th meeting were inspection for the September event and preparations for pubUp-Fixin~ Volume II. Morris accepted responsibility for collecting equipment and personnel to inspect cars. at the drlver~s school on Sept. I0. pressures and tread condition will be checked carefully. rolling on tires with less than 1/8" of tread will not inspection for this event. Snyder discussed his progress with arrangements for puba new Up-Pixie.. Format and the index are ready. A work to c~t .~rticles-from back issues of PANORAMA is ~cheduled August 30th at Bud’s residence. One copy each of the following is still needed~ Aug. ’61, Sept~. ’61, Nov. ’61, June t62, ’63. If you have an extra copy of any of these, please Curt Kuebler. The matter of fi~ncing is still unresolved. of funds for printing the books will be sought after a price is obtained from the printer. C%rt Kuebler - Technical Chairman -6-
"TOUR FOR ZILES A hardy welcome back from your vacations to those of you who took your yearly trek to points outside the "L.A. city limits." It has been one of the most beautiful summers we’ve seen and Just perfect for those trips to the llth Parade and other points of interest. This month’s tour will give those of you who follow this article a real choice of varied events throughout the month of September which can be attended with a minimum amount of driving. Locally this month there are events each weekend to which you shou~ (Get out of the house just once more be sure to attend at least one. before summer’s over). Weekend of September 3-5: Regatta - Sailboat and speedboat Regatta on Lake Arrowhead. Both Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Alfalfa Festival - 3 days of rodeo’s, horse shows and a fair. Lancaster, California. Weekend of September i0-Ii: PCA Driver’s School - for Porsche drivers an excellent opportunity to learn good driving habits and skills. At the Whiteman Stadium in Pacoima. Weekend of September IV-18: L.A. County Fair - opens for 3 weeks at fair grounds in Pomona. Weekend of September 24-25: Surfboard Championships - 2 days of surfboard and dory racing off shore at Huntington Beach. Concours d’Elegance - Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. All day Sunday featuring classic, sports, and antique cars. $1.00 admission. For those of you who have a yen to really take off for places more removed than the L.A. limits then we have found that the following activities are up and coming in the Southern California Area. Get ready, and leave early. Weekend of September 3-5: Sports Car Olympics - Squaw Valley offers 3 days of concours, rallies, autocross, quiz’s. Sponsored by the Northern California Sports Car Council. Races - Santa Barbara Road Races at the Goleta Airport. of sports car racing.
2 days
Weekend of Sept. 17-18: Danish Days - Folk dancing, singing, village band, roving musicians, horse show, pageant all taking place in Solvang, Calif. Weekend of September 24-25: Cabrillo Festival - 2:.00 p.m. Saturday at Shelter Island in San Diego Harbor. A free pageant with costumes, history and Spanish dances. (C~ntinued)
Hydropl~ne Races - All weekend on Mission Bay in San Diego. Admission $1-2. Speeds up to 200 mph. The above events and activities sum up the majority of local southern California events which all the PCA members should consider attending. Now that the entire month’s events are planned out for your convenience the choice is yours. Choose 1 or all to attend and then be on your way. more from MILE~ next month. HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR NAME TAG~ The following name tags have not yet been picked up. your dollar to the next meeting and claim yours. Duane C. Alan Bob Buckisch Clive Craig Speck Jones Dave Kalbach Jack Lamb
Please b~ing
Marilyn Lamb Lyn Lockhart-Mumery Bob Manley Mick Neal Elise Olsen Cliff Viden
~ARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE PCA LA CHRISTN~S DINNER DANCE ON DEC. 3 AT THE LA MIRADA COD-NTRY CLUB. A BALL W~LL BE HAD BY ALL ! ! HAVE YO~o TURNED IN YOUR MEMBERSHIP PROFILe? Only 32% of the member profiles have been received. We will report tabulated data when a representative number have been returned,~ Mail yours today or return it to Norm Sandusky at our next meeting. LAGUNA SECA
EVE~Wf :
Lyle Arnold has taken the responsibility of organizing a caravan up to the Laguna Seca Races this year. A block of motel rooms is hoped for% The races will run Saturday and Sunday, and as always, there will be a PCA Cham~agne Party, The caravan will start at 6:30 a.m. ~. sharp at Fred Hai~eyTs Ramch House at the Saugus turnoff on Route 99. For more infomnation call Lyle Arnold at 684-1861.
AUTO FIELD MEET Don’t forget the HGC-SC Auto Field Meet for Collectorts tars on September ~5 (Rain date October 9th) at the Santa Anita Park Race Track parking lot, 288 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia. For more information Write to Milton L. Stevens, 3989 Beverly Glen Blvd., Sherman 0aks, Calif. 91403 WANTED:
Five 3~6 A or B 18" wheels. No bent ones, please ! See your Treasurer, Harold Semans, at the next meeting or phone TE 1-1997. Our 356 is on blocks, rari~~ to go. Two cases Castrol HD-30. Contact Duane Alan, 418 So. Alhambra Ave., Monterey Park.
FOR SALE : PCA Goodies & Gadgets - One Elfrlnk Tech Manual $3.00 ~r0ugh 886~B - 19~)0: One PCA Panorama Binder $3.00 PCA Car Badges $6.00 PCA Tie Bars PCA Emblem Pins (i") PCA Emblem Patches - - - 1.80 (sew them on your Jackets) CONTACT HAROLD SE~A~S --8--
VJood Rim Steering VJheel fqr 356A w/Hub I set black headrests never used Lucas fog light (clear) 5" alia. - & Marchall head lights Contact Duane C. Alan, 418 So. Alhambra Ave., Monterey Park 1966 Porsche 911 -- 4800 miles Extras ~. I. Electric Sunroof 2. Leather Seats (black) 3. Leather head rests (black) 4. Extended steering column 5. Cocoa 6. Seat Belts (Porsche) V. Tinted glass all around 8. Special color (champagne yellow) 9. Blaupunkt Am/Fro/Marine Band New Yorker signal seeking automatic radio I0. Electric aerial II. Enameled emblems on wheels 12. Rubber bumper guards~ front and rear 13. Engine chromed 14. Outside rear view mirror 340-7890 Charles T. ~alters 6564 Debs Ave. Canoga Park 4 each Chrome ~!heels to fit all disc brake Porsches $I00.00 Contact Nick Friesen 481-4883 (days) 66 V~V Variant Station ~agon, 1600, 2800 miles Contact Bud Snyder, 645-0279
911 Bali Blue w/black interior, AM/FM signal seeking radio, extra 5~" chrome wheels available, 4 good Dunlop SP’s. Seat belts & shoulder harnesses, fire extinguisher, custom exhaust system, car cover w/lock. ~all to wall carpets, no drapes, latest factory modifications. Call Nick Friesen 481-4883 (days) Stevens computer for rallies - now w!case ~7.00 Electric computers for rally - complete with Tee, wiring, svJitches, etc. Set up for Porsche, mounts in ash tr~y bracket ~50.00 Competition style (4") seat belt ~5.00 A. C. Snyder, phone 645-0279, 9024 Croydon, L.A. 45. PLEASE HAVE, ALL COPY FOR NEXT MONTH~S PORSCHERAMA IN BY SEPT. 24th. ANY & ALL DONATIONS OF I~EREST ARE APPRECIATED & ~LCOMED. SE~D TO YOUR EDITOR: JOHN MC ~UEIL 1901 Lindauer Dr. La Habra, Calif. 90631