Porscherama 1967 April

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5640 Stardust Road, La Canada APRIL 1967 PRESID~2 NT VIC~- PR~.SIDENT Sff, CRNTARY TREASURER ACTI VITIES’ CHAIRMAN EDITOR,~ ’PUBLISHER PARLIMENTARIAN The APRIL membership the usual meeting pl~ce, Avenue in Los Angeles. ative for the lower west ing meeting so turn ,out

Duane Alan Don Morris ’Pete Galena ~Ray.~or~feld Dave Kaibach Dale Boyd John Bevan

2&3-7423 2~3:~- 0 3~7 329-b~07 653-9520 Z47 - 3071 ...... 7 90-’~2 9~ . 935 - 32 3Z

meeting will be held on April 10, 1967 at S:00 pm at 2~LF~KANDRIA AV~NU~ SCHOOL located at 4211 Oakwood Mr. ~.rhardt Ziegelmeyer who is the factory representcoast.will be our guest speaker. It should be an interesty’all. ¯ .

IVIINUTES OF THiE MARCH IMEMBERSHIP M22~.TING The following will be the minutes taken at the March 1967 general membership meeting of the PORSCKIE CLUB OF .AMERICA-LOS ANGELES 1KEGION. meeting was held on the ~vening of March 13,, 1967.


Mezting place was at the

usual location which is located at the ALEXANDRIA AVENUE SCHOOL, 4211 OAkWOOD AVENUE, LOS ANGEL2S. On_hand were a full slate of officers with Duane Alan presiding. The hall was packed with one ofthe larger crowds ever in spite of the inclement weather. at 8:00 pm. 1.

The meeting was called to order promptly

The order of business assumed the following form:

Minutes of the F:ebruary gene.ral meetin:~ were accepted as they appeared in

the March issue of PORSCHERAMAo 2. Ray Kornfeld, Club Treasurer r,~ported that we have a total ’of $510.00 in the bank. He asked all members not currently owning PCA badges (for identification) to please get in touch with him if they desired to order ~ne at $1.00 each. He advises that in view of the current surl~e ef new members, it w~,uld be best to p, in a badge on for all meetings, events, etc. 3. Our new Vice President.. Don Morris was introduced ta the floor. He volunteered to take Don Groth’s spot which became apen due to a recently acquired -1-

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