5640 Stardust Road, La Canada APRIL 1967 PRESID~2 NT VIC~- PR~.SIDENT Sff, CRNTARY TREASURER ACTI VITIES’ CHAIRMAN EDITOR,~ ’PUBLISHER PARLIMENTARIAN The APRIL membership the usual meeting pl~ce, Avenue in Los Angeles. ative for the lower west ing meeting so turn ,out
Duane Alan Don Morris ’Pete Galena ~Ray.~or~feld Dave Kaibach Dale Boyd John Bevan
2&3-7423 2~3:~- 0 3~7 329-b~07 653-9520 Z47 - 3071 ...... 7 90-’~2 9~ . 935 - 32 3Z
meeting will be held on April 10, 1967 at S:00 pm at 2~LF~KANDRIA AV~NU~ SCHOOL located at 4211 Oakwood Mr. ~.rhardt Ziegelmeyer who is the factory representcoast.will be our guest speaker. It should be an interesty’all. ¯ .
IVIINUTES OF THiE MARCH IMEMBERSHIP M22~.TING The following will be the minutes taken at the March 1967 general membership meeting of the PORSCKIE CLUB OF .AMERICA-LOS ANGELES 1KEGION. meeting was held on the ~vening of March 13,, 1967.
Mezting place was at the
usual location which is located at the ALEXANDRIA AVENUE SCHOOL, 4211 OAkWOOD AVENUE, LOS ANGEL2S. On_hand were a full slate of officers with Duane Alan presiding. The hall was packed with one ofthe larger crowds ever in spite of the inclement weather. at 8:00 pm. 1.
The meeting was called to order promptly
The order of business assumed the following form:
Minutes of the F:ebruary gene.ral meetin:~ were accepted as they appeared in
the March issue of PORSCHERAMAo 2. Ray Kornfeld, Club Treasurer r,~ported that we have a total ’of $510.00 in the bank. He asked all members not currently owning PCA badges (for identification) to please get in touch with him if they desired to order ~ne at $1.00 each. He advises that in view of the current surl~e ef new members, it w~,uld be best to p, in a badge on for all meetings, events, etc. 3. Our new Vice President.. Don Morris was introduced ta the floor. He volunteered to take Don Groth’s spot which became apen due to a recently acquired -1-
commitment .
Don M.
~nnounced that our speaker for the April Meeting will be
Erhardt Ziegelmeyer who is the factory representative for the lower west Coast, ,t.
Date Boyd was not present but he would have ~sked
for all copy (as always)no later than the ZOth of the month. 5.
Our Member~ship Chairman, John Bevan announced that he had no business to
{: :
6 The Technical Chairman, Curt Kuebler asked ]3udd any~er t<~ make .~ proii~r.ess report on their efforts towards completion ,o.f.’a new version of ’!UP-F!~IN tier POi%SCHE’’ Budd said the task is .~oing well and~at this point there are i2~.pages completed with about Z5 more pages to go. Curt then announced that the 91Z MOTOR TOGETHER" event will be:held sometime in May.~ It will take plmce at VW PACIFIC TRAINING SCHOOL. He stated that perhaps~a tr.ansmis$ion~ill also be asse~nbled. Space will be on a limited basis so he advised all interested parties to keep a close watch on future znnouncements on this interestin~ event. -4 that a~O~t . ~ 30 ca~s turned out 7. Activities Chairman, Dave Kalbach announce~ for the "Z.~INE TOUR~’. Byall standards it was a successful.event. The March event, the "PIRi~TE TRE:f<~SURE HUNT RALLY" was called off due to the rains that fell. It will be held on next Sunday (March 19,. 1967) with all details as before. A flyer will be rush~d out on the change. Dave announced that due to much discussion on the points system he would cla.r~fy once more how it is now set up. Competition points will be kept separately from working points, etc. Two separate classes are set up with trophies to be awarded in each class. Club officers will not be eligible for working points sinte this pleasure becomes a part of being in office. John McNeil th~n ~nnounced the winners of the January event. He stated that because of the extremely large,turn-out it required more time to settle the behind, the scene ~ffairs. He stated that the .event was;fhe "most ever’~ since:.we were Organized. 8. In line with "/~ctivities" it was announced that the ORANO~ CO~XST R~GION~S "SWAP ME~T" will be set back to /~pril 9, 1967. Save your unneeded goodies and swap. ~ Swap will be at bgbl ~arden Grove Blvd. in Garden Orove~ California. 9. Our new Vice President, Don ~forris then asked for volunteers for Coffee Hostesse.s for future ;~atherings.. There were no volunteers.., H~then~ ~sked that anyone h~ving ideas f0r,speak~r~s for futu=e meetings to please :~et i.n touch with hi~. Don went on to praise th&~.recent San Di.,~o Region’s event in ~olt~ille. ¯ He said he learned mor~b:out d~iving at this event than at any::other title event. He described the :~id airfiel~’_ saying there was plenty of. spac~ (arid wind). Nick ~riesen won a first in Class D and ’~rou~ht- hom~ some ~ilver to show for it. Don ~dvise,i all PCA-LYI members to take advan.ta~e of,the ndxt event Diego mig-ht put on of the same ~ature. They’re a swingin~$~b~unc~ down there Duane mentioned we might be able ~o get Willow Springs for a fast TIM£ TRLkLS type of event soon. Only ~raw-.zack might be the $800 that will be required.
There was a call for OLD BUSINESS fr~m the fl~or ~nd none was offered.
Under NEW BUSINESS, it was announced that the next BOARD MIE~TING
will be held’, at 63~0 WILSHIREBLVD. SUITE 804. office.
The meeting is open to all.
This is Kay Karnfeld’s
Time is ~:00 pm on the evening of March 21.
Cart Kuebler announced that for this month only the TECHNICAL MEETING will be held on the 5th Wednesday of the month which is on March 29,
next month it will be ’~nce again on the 4th Wednesday (as usual) which falls ,on April Z6, 1967. As always the meeting is held at 11650 WEST SANTA MONICA BLVD. IN WEST LOS ANGELES°
All arc welcome t’,, attend.
The "SHUTTERBUG FUN RUN" will be held on Fpril 2, 1967. It will be a truly fun type thing with no points to be awarded, so let’s all come out. More inft~rmotion to foll~,w ~.:,n this as to time, place to me,et, etc. Duane then asked for a show of hands for members who would like to attend a camp-out sort of event that may be in the making. F~ good show af hands we~.t up. 12. Duane then opened up a discussion from the floor on the relative merits of the 900 Series and the 356 Series of PORSCHES. The discussion covered mainly ~he body work of both series. A variety of opinions were expressed. The general trend seemed to be that no general rule .~f thumb might prevail but rather it seemed to depend on when the car was delivere,l. Generally it was conceded that the earlier 900’s might have had some body problems but it is being all worked out. The ~.,iscussion then drifted to the relative merits of the iron work under the rear deck. At this point the discussion seemed to warm up a little l-_.ut ’once again a wide spread appeared in the opinions expressed. This discussion was limite.~ due to the limits of time. 13. Coffee break was called at 8:50 pm. Connie Russell.
Hostesses were Norm~ Sandusky and
14. The meeting wa~ re-opened at 9:15 pro. Joe Schneider announced that he is working on the April Shortie Rally and it is all set. Last year it was highly successful. It will be ,,:m April 23, 1967. Approximate length will be 130 miles and through extremely interesting country. More on this in a coming PORSCHER~k MA. 15. Guests were then introduced and were asked to identify their car. number of guests were on hand.
A large
16. Floyd Robbins then introduced the speai<er for the evening. Mr. Don ]Davis has a wide and interesting background in the field ,.ff sports car activities of all nature. He is a well-~.~nown author with many articles to his credit. He is wellknown in ~_’acint{ circles and he himself owns a competition driver’s license. Don gave us an extremely interesting talk on a variety of subjects. He covered the -3-
current "Safety in Cars" program now in the headlines and outlined the <.~an,.oers which rni~ght effect our type of driving{. He went on to abstract a number of recent articles~on car and highway safety. He iaro~dress~<I on [o the area of "what makes a good Grand Prix Driver".. He ,offered a number of interestin~3 and no.vel reasons why one man may be superior to another. Al! in all it total.ed up to an extremely interesting¯ talk and was wel! received¯ by the membership. 17.
The ~Y~ee~n~ was adjourned at i0:i0 pro. Pete Oalena - Secretary
The I 1650 West Sant~ ~onica ~ivd. Los An~eles. den]onstr ation
Discussion of the engine assembly
’ lDieetin@ was the inspection of a 911 ~_ Tech Cornn>~rttee . . The highlight of the Fe’~ru:~zy clutch ass~mb!y which had fa lec~ after IZ~000 ~m~iles, Ten PCA’ers were in attendance., ....
The date is now official for the en[ine assembly demonstration. It ~ill be hehi on Tuesday, ~day !6. Only .10 people can attend due to sp:Ice limitations so watch the May ioORSCHERP.}dA for reservation inforn~ation. T.ECH
The following ~rticle was stolen from the Pot:~m~c Region’s
for February i967. UNSAFE
by Royal W. R£ndall, Jr.
The.~£berspaCher BN 4Heate.r, an,optional extra of 356 l~’s and G’s .i~ a well-des’ ~ ..... ~gne{x, we11-executed gasoline heater. Its des~,~n includes sew-~r[d safety features" The electrical circuit to an external fuel pun~p ~nay 1oe opened; or an electrically-operated v~dve in the gasoline line in the heater may be shut. These two actions to stop the flow of gasoline to the heater occur simultaneously when: I. ¯ 3.
The heater ignition fails for two or three: minutes. ~e .combustion chamber becomes too hot. The Velocity of the circul{~tion air dropstoo far.
The ~rnp0rt&nt point is that <he design provides thi~ee.series @iectrical switches to control two series fluid, devices~ giving an innerently~ safe
heater. The h~ater design, hi~wever, Cid n~)t consider all possibl~ install~tion characteristics. -V?hen switched off, the fuel pump will still permit gasolin~ to flow under ~Travity or siphoning if the h~te~~ is m~unted It~wer than the fuel supply.. Then only the electric:~l valve is left for fluid control. Should the v~ive not seat in an installation which all~,ws ,~r~vity fl~w or siphoning, ~asi~line will fl~ow into the combusti-.,n chamber re~ar,~iless ,~f the st~t~ of th~ thre~ safety switches. This c~,ntravention of the s_~fety ~eatures is no academic m~ttter, for the BN 4 Heater is mounted in B’s and C’s below the l~vel ~f g~soline in a full tank. In r~-y heater a leak did occur, one which was discovered when gasoline was f~und dripping from the c.~mbustion air.intake . N~, ,_,~solin~ c,~r~ppe<, ~ ’ ~ within the heatt~r well within the" trunk. ~5c~urce of the failure was the electrical valve, ~vhich z!id not seat properly ~n i allowed gasoline to siph~an c:~ntinuously into the combustion chamber. On dis~ssemioly of the valve, it was foun~i to be nonconcentric with its piston--a trouble considered in the service manual. Additi:~nally, the piston w_~s scored. R~pair acco,fding if., the service manu~l is replacement of the valve znd its attached presure re:_~ulator. f~nother possibility, %s yet untrie.’._, is coatin~ the piston with Teflon and seein!~ if this will lubricate the piston adequ~ately for c~;mplete closure. ¥.hether. or n,:~t the 900 series suffers from a sirr~ilar potential malfunction is not known. ~:~ different heater is used; but it toe is rr~o~ll~’~d low in the car, ~t least raisin,,~ the question :~f ~fravity flow or siphoninif. Fortunately the problem of malfunctionin,Z heaters should nat be with us durin~ the XII P~rade. The local weatherman is presently neg~tiating for warm, sunny d~ys and pleasant cool nights.
Curt Kuebler.- TechI~ical Chairrr~an FRIESZN FROLIC II
(February 26, 1967)
In s.pite of a rainy start to the weekend, the sun shone on PCf~-L~:~ Sunday Fe~)ruary 26th. This was t~reat as it kept the ~riesen Fr~)lic II from !~,einL~( froze out. Some 30 Porsches and one Shelby 350 Horse met at E.enny’s in downtown L3s ~!,nc~eles ~t ab~:~ut 10 ~m (Note r~llymaster’s early break of clay starts}. From there it was a pleasant drive to the Brookside ¥~’inery in Guasti. for tasting, tourintd ~nd a picnic lunch on the lawn. V,.ines were available and a dark blue brea~l -5-
we. ~,on provi,ied_ ~ v@.riety of breads to complete Orna’s verse on h<~w to live well.
After a le’fsurely two hour lunch.; th~ participants went to sevez’~_l other wineries to taste and see. One ~f the hig’h]ights of the trip was a h~rse show (not by Shelby) using miniature, 27" high at the shoulder horses. After a good overview of the Cuc~mon~:j~ area (Anahei~m ~nd Azusa are d:)-it-yourself trips) the returned to downtown Los Angeles...al~.-)st ~!! of the ~-]roup :~nyw.~y. Seven c~rs never ~ot to the finish~ evidently the wines we:<~e too good to leave behind. There the terribly tricky twenty question
sheets were scored.
The competition
was in three pnrts: the first bein~ the Z0 questions worth Z points each that were intended to ~Tive the participant some helpfu! information about wines and their use.
The second part was b~sed on how m~ny wines were s~mpled.on the tgur.
The more sampled, the hi~,her the scc.~’e.., up to a point.
Since wine is the
beverage of moderation, those that clain~ed to hav~ tried more than 15 wines in
the 5or 6 wineries visited were to be penalized (only one tried more than 15). As a discontinuous scale of points was used, 3 points each .for the first 5~ Z points each for the next 5, and only i point each for all those fro~ i0 to 15. ~Fhat is one sample w.as worth 3 points, 6 sa~i~les worth 17, ]Z sa~ples. <vorth ZT~ etc. The champion taster was Paul ’~Z/hite. The points he ~ained here were:lost on the answer sheet the, so it did hi~ little The third test ~:ms of the car’s gasoline cc)nsumptinn. ~any interpreted this to be a check for the best milea~(e. On this basis the. flious tea~_ won with a low of Z. 3 ~allons or over .i0 ~p~f. However it didn’~ work quite that .way. Since the drivers were rewarded for consui~ption, so were thecars. There was a prize for the car using the most ~);as [ Charlie Z~at%s used 7. 3 ~Tall0ns and won a bright red plastic can with over three gallons of premium fuel in it to keep him. fro~m bein~ stuck out on the road. The Mustan<~ was next up with 6. 9 gallons used~ but this was not enouh{h to win any p:)ints. The ]=~oints were awarded on the basis of what the car did compared to wh:~t i.t could be expected to so. That is a Po~sche "Normal,~ should get about 30 mpg, so any usage under 3. 2 ~]allons was wor{h nothings. ~ach tenth of a gallon over 3. ! would be worth i point to him. For the "Super~ class, anythin~ under 3. 6 {al!ons didn’t count~ for the "SC", "9!2" group points started at 3. 9 ~allons. The ~’9]l’s" didn’t ear~ points until over ,$. ] ~al].ons and the Mustang needed t. 2 gallons for his first p.oint: 30 :points were the maximun~ allowed.
The overall winner.~ most points earned, was announced at the finish as Russ Gates and he was presented a bottle of cha~-~pa~fne. C. ]{.;atfis and Oeor~j(e blerwyn were named the 2nd and 3rd ]place winners~ receiving cha~p~gne a~d ’wine respectively. Unfortunately, the rally~aster had been talkin~ (?) to the "Little old winemaker" too lon~ and coul~ln’t~ a.:~<~:’ correctly. The corrected scores and placin~]s are shown on the next pa~e. The:Se was a )ottle of cham@a~ne for you to<:, Geor~$e, but the rally workers were afraid it ~ay spoi~ bef<~re the next ~=eeting, so they too~:care of it..Better luck next time .... at least you tSefi the firs[ place mctivity points. Las~ b.ut not least, we made n~oney on the event,
I ;’,~ I ~’,~ 3
Watts Merwyn~:~’~ Scott~:~ ~ Lucls~orf ......
C 911 911 912
3Z 30 36 34
Zi 27 Z7 Z7
30 26 15 16
7. 6. 5. 5.
3 6 5 ~
83 83 78 77
6 7 7 9 i0 11 i2 12 14 15 16 17 i~ 19 20 21 2Z 23 24 Z5
Co%~er Gouchenour Kious Richards~:~ Bevan ~.lan Schneider Reetz White,P. Pulley Gedeon Gray G~lena Crane Ericksson~:~:~ Baughman ~:~ Gr e gor y~:~ Hall ~’:~ Lewis ~:~ ~:~ O’Keilly
SC C SC 912 911 C A-N S 912 SC $90 912 91Z 912 GT350
3~i 3Z 3~ 34 3Z 36 30 36 2~ 30 30 30 36 24 32
30 gi 30 27 Z7 Z5 27 Zl 28 25 19 19 3 Z3 12
5 15 0 6 .-i 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 9 0 0
.~. 3 5. 0 2. 3 4. 4 ~. 4 Z. 7 2. 7 ZI7 3. a 3. 1 4.0 3.9 4.7 3.4 6. 9
69 68
67 63 61 57 57 56 55 51 50 47 DNF DNF D NF DNF DNF ENF
~:~ Watts ~on gasoline consumption prize and tie:~,~: fer ist place even though was oz’i,~inally ~n~ounced ~s Znd. ~:~ Merwyn had been c~edited ~ith 3rd, but was really tied for ~:~ Gates was credited with ~4 points ~nd ~ar2ed ist due to an addition error by rallym~ster. ...... Gu@st Workers: Don & Mary Merris, Bill & D~wn ~augaman, Dave Kalbach. E. Nick Friesen WINE
Chuck & Kathy Scott seeme,=-~ to enj,Jy their first ,~ttempt at rallying.. . it was good to see Grace ~nd Ch~riie Watts out again, looxs like Charlie finally talked the -7-
boys into lettin~:~ him use his c%r.., l<%r~n ~ Lewis Pul[ey.~i~:~i!’quite" a time with their ~,tnoked oysters ,-’,urin~ ~md %fter the #icnic--s~ms they couldn’t ~t the c~n op@n far enough to .{et,~t the <~ysters, but [,Pen enoujh to let their ~roma drift into the c~r fr<~m th~ fr:~n[ compartment.., i~y G<~.>per wzs sur~)rised when Min%
" and iviary Morris or,.:~%niz ~,,.~ ~ ~ th~ sang )~t the picnic to sin~ , H%pk)y Birthday. ..
You couldn’t miss Dan O’Reilly in his new ctn~)~ry yellow
Nat%sha Reetz,
yes we s~i<]
Ke!iy .iViorris 5nd Tr%cy Sshneider a!l enjoyed seein,~ the little
horses a.t the Re,~!in~ Winery; . . This
r,~,~r~,, was suppssed t’:) play i spy_ ~t the
S.%n i:~n/onio Winery where the tour ende ~ but the only
czlled is that everyone was h~ving m,ball~
com~ent that c~n be re-
st, ~much so th~/ it was difficult to pry
some souls %way for .the trophy.present%tion.
It w~{s hard rio contain ,~urselvcs as we watched E.uane £.lan amon.~ others pdshin~
"~ ~ 3a s for th~ econo~y p~)rtion of the V~ine Tour , what % t~ist 0f ~]rape to fin<[ .that the c~r -~itb. t~e worst mile~$e w<)u].d win. Would you believe 7 milesijalt,>n by a Rorsc~c %s oppose£~ to the iZ. 5 by i 350 iviustang[ [[ their cars to c_no~rvs
6cor,7c & Carol Oed’.eon
R@l"k-S~n Diejo Ti~e. Trizls~ Moltvillc Friday nite M~trch 3r~i
.~ c%rs fro~v~ the b~, Re.~i.on met :~t Don & Mary Morris’s
to bid Kelly,:,~oo~,,~v¢_~-.. ~ ~nd t:~ c~rzv~n ~.:~wn to Imperial G~dif::~rnia
See~. Tim.e to the urday
south of Salton
C::~opers, ~,augam~n,~s :~n,£ Friescn w%nte,~ to be 0_t the San Die j9 Region’s Trials bgisht ~nd <,arly S~turd~ay rnorninS. True to fort~, Friesen made track bef’~re i~:30. D~ve Kalb%ch {n£ his ro,)K~mate E~)n drove down Satm~rning~ :~rrivin,] before i pro..
Practice stzrted sometim~ e%rlier in the ,::!~y .%nd went until 5 pro. The course was l~id out on ~n Rban,!,~ned ]B-iV b~sc :And consisted of deteriorating concrete .2elin[~[e-~<~ by ~ thousand rubber pylons. There w~{s a sn{~rt’ strai~h[ some ]000 feet lon{6 in front of the Riffs. Pylons then curved off to ths leffl into Rn "~’~ [urn with z ionS sweepin~ runoff into ~ short hook to the left ~nd then risht. This was followed by ~ very loni{ (300-,-~00~) swk~e~)er fie the ri~]ht en:£in8 with ~ decreasin] r~dius ri~6ht hook into a hard left onto the s[~’~i;~h[-~-way chute. The I/Z mile strai.]ht-9~-way termin~t<d on the left siC~e of the course (North Side) into a short chute with ~ sle~iom type hard ri~ht, hard left (at absut 30 ~ph) into ~ 80’ strai,~h$ to Set u.p for £ h,p~rd decrq.asing radius right turn that led into ~ hijh speed "S". Exitins~ the ’~3’~ put you on to a ZS0’ stra sat that was in line with the pits. This endear, with ~ h~.r:~ 90° ri~ht then 90::~ left ::}nto the pit straight ]nd the finish line. The track was ~2)out i. 7 tulles ~x*<un<~., ~ DurinS practice up to < c~rs were on th~ c:,urse t~t ~ ti~e. Bein.] well spaC~<,, there wats .little pa’ssin~ .39~c .%6 c%rs entcre.~, with 59 drivers. "Ladies" and "iio!ified." cl~sses were the large, est. Two cars were on the track ,iurinS [im~d runs, one on ~ w~rm up l~p, and the <ther bein~ timed. A flying start ~nd finish
was used. ster.
The fastest time of day was about 73 mph avera,3e by a n odified Spee2.-
By comparis:~n, the 911S’s (als,~ in modifie.d, there were 4 there).ti..~ about
70 mph. To do this they were hittin.~ ae~ut 140 mph _~n the rr.ain straii:ht. The supers and super 90~s would hit from i00 to 105 there, i; bid part of the difference was in cornering speeds as well as in acceleration..V:hereas s.~me pe~,~le would take turn :~ne at 60-70 mph,
one of the ladies (91 IS) spun ~,ut there at 100
plus. The Speedsters were just goin.~ into a.th gear and acceleratin,5 ~ oin...7 into this turn[ This was to be a practice and one of the thin~s to learn was that turn such as this could be safely taken at high speeds if the proper technique was use ~.
That is below 70 mph,
one could hit the brakes and take turn one nicely.
From 70-90 mph it could be taken with a neutral throttle, off ~r slow down would cause the car to spin out.
but any attempt to ]~ack
A:~out 85-90 mph, the corner
could stii1 be negot~ate~, but only ’-y apt~lying the trottle, narcs! !
The trick is to
take the corner as fast as p,zssible without havin.7 the rear end ~;et there the front end. Another spot that ~ot t,.~ be exciting w-as ":~n turn A couple ~f fast cars
15, the last before the pit straic;ht.
g,~t .~ut :~f shape here and s2un out ri 7ht in front :,f the pits.
One car hit a hay bale or ~ome brush scattering it and almcst ~;.~t into the pits. ~Speedster did ab.-~ut ~ lb0° turns ta~ing _’,ut about 700 feet of p.ylons. This was caused by backin::~ off in the turn.
It was a difficult turn since too much toower
would i)ut you off the track in a 4 wheel drift. do w.:ll.
It required sldll and jud;jement to
(V, ho ran over Bill "¢¢augaman’s new muffler? ? ?)
~’~s far as trophies went,
LZ, Region could have done ~oetter but Dave and
didn’t stay for the competiti.~n.
As it w:~s everyone that ran finished in the top
half of their classes. This include~ a 5th in Ladies, which was scored usin,~ an index number. This bein.:i fairer than raw times where a ,~al in a modified car is virtually sure of winnin:d.
A first in Class E: (Oil’s) was also won, this being
LA’s only trophy. ~’~11 was hol lost thou~h since Dawn ~aui,~arnan w:,n a ’snaa knob’ for their white "C" coupe. T~ sum it up, it was a ~,~reat weekend in Holtville. Don Morris - Vice President
Ray Cooper informs PORSCHEtL’kMA that due to the popularity of the Tirne Trials at Holtvilie, San Die;~o Re,~ion has scheduled a re-run May 6 & 7. Headquarters will be the Imperia~ Valley Inn in Brawley (71~-3~-i--1150). Cost to enter for the g days -- $7.00. Call Ray Cooper or Don Morris for more details (HO. ~-3o31 :)r Zo4-03~7). Open to all PCA’ers and invite.q guests.
THE FALL OF BLACKBEARD At last, Blackbeard’s buried booty was uncovered by five hearty buccaneers on
,our March iZth Treasure Hunt. ~%fter travelin4.trlrcudn some of the most scenic back country roads of S nta B~rbara, twelve c~rs out of the sixteen Which started, docked at Oaviot% Be~ch Parm. (Blac~<b~ard ~ust have s~nk the remaining four cars ~ curse him~ .~ ~) The n~sty oi<~’, pirate ~s chased at.~) un<~’~ the be~ch until he finally agreed to surrender five of his treasur~ ~aps to our bucczneers ....Everythin~7 from a bottle ~,f rum (uncovered by ~ate ~:~lan) to old pirzte candy was du~$ up. Cursing~ ri_.~ht~ up until the end, BlackLeard an.~ his p~rrot werd ci~st off to sea in a lonely <>ld row boat. Everyone ~aved gogdbye to the oil pirate and then siiled b~ck to LF~ ~ith their prize booty. Don
In June, a :~,yn’,kana is bein,~ planned in preparation for the PORSCHE V.’~KF, ND TO WILLOV’; SPKINGS IN OCTOBEX (27 an<[ Z..). ¥,,~ATCH FOR DETF~IL,5 IN THE COMING ISSUES OF PORSCHERAMf~ [ !~[
F LASH ;’.°:"F L A SH ~:< ;’,’F LA SH
Came to the May Event and see what the ;(irls have planne.] far fun,.~ames and iaushter[ iknd all you c&rnFe r s , w:~tc h for the hikin~ trail event Date to ~.)e ~nnounced in the paper.
FOR SALE Trade or sell:
Coco Mats for 900 Series c~rs
brand new,
never used.
Two Dunlop SP’s with new (never mounted) R 5 recaps by Gardner Reyn: h..~s with tubes. Call E.N. Friesen .~l--~8o3 (~ t<) ~ week<rays) or sen<[ a postcard to I0-):o Everett _Place, Los
1900 VOLVO 54,~ Two-door sedan red, 3ood condition. 359-17ZZ.
Call Paul Ma~.~aris,
N~ed new :)r Lo rr~ilea~fle 6. 95-15 Goodyear Grand¯ Prix or Semperit 165H}I-15 tires. Also want to swnp ~.~ speed box for 5 speed. C:~ll P~ob Downie, 3_:~6-6675 ~fter 6 pm.
D:le i~oyd 5640 St~rdus t
Glenn K.:L.
La Canad~
California 91011
Mulii3an C~lifornia 9~631
Joe Schneider 615 Vv. f~venue H-0 : ’ Lancaster, California 9353,1-
Jerry Rin/er i~15 Irvin/ f~venue Olendxle, California
Dr. f,~lain G. Mona 5572 Ferr~hill Circle~ #B Huntin ~ton ]3e~ch, C~liforni~ 926=7
V]. Miles Jackson, Jr. 700 E. iv,~aple Street Gl~ndale, California 91205
Bruce V,. Ku~bler 590~- Woodman Avenue #205 Van Nuys, California 91-i01
Jan Paul Pietrzak 1.~-5 J;ast Merced
Mike Fredman (Christel) 1532 Prospect ,"~venu~, ~\pt.
~/es:t Covina, California 91790
S:~n Gabriel,
Dick Rice (Bode) 6612 Via Siena
P. ©.
Rc~kert O.
Miral~ste, Calif.,rnia 90731 Michael A. 253
5th Street, f,>t.
Seal Beach,
California 91776
Box 20-~3
CMifornia 93534
C. D~ui, las V. ikl~. 650 S. G and f,.venue
California 907.10
Loren Patric<
Los Angeles, H.
California 90017
Charles Hass~l
Box 695
10540 Natinnal Blv
f~ltadena, California 91001
Los fmjeles,
Donald f~.
~’. Richar<s
California 9003-5
316 "f~" Irvin;~ f:,.v~nu,~
11155 Ma.~n.Mia f~pt.
Sherman Oal<s,
CaliL,rni~ 91202
California 91-;03
P,::ter G. Luclsd::rf (Yot<:a) 10245 Compton Blvd.
$~m 0. Sudine, Jr. (Pauline) 1307 Maltman ~venue, Apt. 3
California 90706
.Los Angeles,
Charles V.
T,~ylor (Jannah)
J~ck Wallace (iV~ardi~,) 5’722 Larxmie ~ venue
1662 No.
Gar,:y ~’ venue
P:)mona, C~’lifornia 91767
Vvoodl:~n.; Hills,
Glint Ry~_~el 1115 Sorr~erset Lane Newport B<~ach, California
California 90026
California 9136-~
R~ESULTS OF THE 1966 PROFILES AT LAST During 1966, Profiles were sent to each individual member which were to oe returned and compiled. Results are shown belov; for the ~eneral interest of naernbers and the’activities associated with their Porsche:
P RE F.£ R
.bIKE Z4
1o Z1
19 13
9 13
9 14
1 ..
oY~T. ~V_~NTS
6 1Z
lb i~
7 Z3
1 1
SUNDAY SHORTIE .&F,~LLY, April 23, 1967 V,.:’HZR~E:
Starting{ from the TRANCAS RESTAURANT parkin,~ lot (between Zuma and Leo Carrillo b~aches on old Coast Hi3hway) and traversin3 about 150 miles of fun-type roads throu;_4h beautiful country. First car out at 9:30 %m.
Two classes will be run. "Navi~ational’’ for those fearless people who like to work and "s~at-of-the-pants" for those who are just out for the fun of it. Trophies will be 3iven in both classes.
The rally will end as it did last year at the BIG OAKS LODG~ in Bouquet Canyon with ~ ~Treat Shish-ka-~o~,b ]Buffet. ~ii you can eat for $Z.60 a h~a~.
This is an open ~vent, s~ brin.~ your friends.
~ntry fee for the rally is 43. 50.
GZN£Rf~ L:
Dash plaques will be ~iven t~ all entries. Breakfast will not be available at TRANCA5, so eat a~fare you come out. The buffet will start about Z-30 pm.
PLEAS,~ PRE-R~EGIST.:ER, AS WE MUST NOTIFY THE LODGE IN DVANC2 HOV.’ MANY TO EXPECT FOX THE BUFFET. SEND ENTRI..£3 TO: Joe Schneider, 615 V, ost Avenue H-O, Lancaster, California 93534.
Tenor Off
D..£IV E R:
/{MOUNT ENC LOSZD Ple%se enclose ch~c}< made p~yabl< to PC~-LA f.~r en[ry fee and JEnner tic~<ets. Send to" Joe Schneider, 615 V~.i~venue H-8 L~nc;~ster, California 9353~i.
John M. Clyrnan ~-3 f~G~â&#x20AC;&#x2122; Second Street Santa Monica, California 90403