1700 So. Third St. Alhambra FEBRUARY 1967 PRESIDENT
Duane Alan
Don Groth
Pete Galena Ray Kornfeld Lave Kalbach K:ale Boyd John Bevan
329-8~07 653-9520’ 247-3071 281-I689 935- 32 32.
The FEBRUARY membership meeting will be held at the Art Center School, 5353 West 3rd Street. This is just east of Highland Avenue. Please no parking on McFadden which is the street immediately west of the sch0ol.
* * ""
ART CENTER SCHOOL, 5353 W. 3rd Street
* *
o,- .-,- -,~ ~,- -,- -,- -,- -,- ¯ ;’,’- ~’~ ~-~ ;l~ ~ .-,- ~,~ o,- ~i.~ ~1~ -,- :’;- -,- :’;- -,- -,....,~ ~,- -,- -,- -,- -,~ -,- -,- W- -,- -,.- -,- ~ -",~ ~",~ :’I~ # ;~ ..I.:
Struthers McMinn teaches and lectures on automotive design at the A r t
Cente r and he will be our speaker for the evening.
Last summer, the i~rt
Cente r sent Mr. McMinn to Europe to visit various automotive factories. Center produces some of the most outstanding automotive designers in the
United S~tates so this is a marvelous opportunity to get an inside picture of the school. It is hoped that a tour of the facilities at the Center will take place. We’ll see you there at 8 pm.
Bring a prospective PCA-Lt\ member!!
The January 1967 meeting was held in the usual me~ting place, Alexandria Avenue School, located at 4Zll ©akwood Avenue in Los Angeles, California. A full slate of officers were present as well as a full house of members, guests and new members. The meeting was called to order at g:10 pm by John Bevan, CIub Presiden.t. The order of business developed in this fashion.
i. John welcomed all members and guests to the meeting. evening would be enjoyed by all.
He hoped that the
Z. The minutes of the November meeting of PCA-LA appeared in the December issue of the POKSCHEIKAMA. The members were asked to approve the minutes as they appeared in prin-:. The motion was seconded and passed. There was no meeting in December. The annual Cl~iatr.aas party took its place on the club calendar. 3. Haroid S~mai{s’, the club Treasurer reported that there is about $373.00 in the club till. He commented that this is about where we stood financially at this time last year. In view of the rather large. financial undertaking assumed during the membership drive heth0ught this was a rather sound financial condition~0 be in. The Secretary had no audible comment to make.
5. Norm Sandusky, our v{ce P~esident announced ~hat in all about~ 60~ n~embership "profiles" w<~re returned. This was from a total of IZ5 that were sent out, one to each ...... member He rep0rte’ d ’ that the 1967 sl&te of club activities were at thi~ moment being formulated and with a !arge measure of.guidance from the information gathe}~d f~0m the profiles. He concluded that it was hishop’e that more profiles would have been.returned since it is always the wish of the Board to form club activities to please the greatest number of members. He thanked those who did submit the profile, properly.fi!led 6.
Curt Kuebler, Technical~ Chairman had ’no comment to r~ake at this time.
7. John McNeil, PORSGH~RAMA Editor th~anked all members for their assistance in putting together the publicgtion during the past year. He hoped that equal support would be offered to the new Editor. 8.
Miles -J.ackso~.i Activities .Gh~irman’~xpressed his sincere thanks to all
memb~rsJwho, off~.red~th;eir helpduring thc.;!966 season.
H."~’thoUght that we had
a rather V~ried slate: of acti.vities durin’g the past season and that a great deal of enthusiasrc~-w~s.expr:~sSed the ye~ar r0nnd’.. On a practical basis, all events ~aade mon4y except~ the Christmas Parry. The:total balance ~br tHe!entire year was on tlie plas side, .howeve.r. He hoped that the response dur.ing!ilh:e~ coming year would be of ~:q.ual depth and enthusiasm. Miles then announced the winners in the annual contest which, included.atte.~danc~, meetings, a.vents, placing in. events, working in events, having articles published, etc. Ten winners were taken from the male section of the membership and ten winners from t.he female section,of the membership.
Nick Friesen
;:~: .
2 3
Paul White Don Morris
-’:~ ~’:-"
They were:
, , , ~
.’ ,.
¯ ..... ~
Z 3
NSrma Sandusky ;:: -’1’ Helen Boyd
4:~: 5 6 7 8 9 10
Curt Kuebler MiI~S Jackson John McNeil Jim Hawkins Gary Kious Dale Boyd Norm Sandusky
* ::~:
:~ 4 " .... 5 .: 6 7 8 9 10
Ruth Hawkins Mary Morris Connie Bevan Barbara Lovell Carol Gedeon Charlotte 6emans Vivian McNeil
’:,Den0[es trophy winners All winners (first five in each divislon) received a beautiful trophy. Miles then individually thanked all and a warm round of applause was also given by club members. Miles announced the event for January. It is the annual "BREAKFAST RUN" to Apple Valley Inn. Breakfast will be served at 9:30 am on January Cost will be SZ.00 per person. After breakfast, a tralom is slated. A flyer will soon be out covering the details.. 9.
Old Business.
There was no 01d business obtained from the floor.
~.0~ New Business. John Bevan introduced the new President of PCA-LA for the -/ear of 1967. Duane A!an becomes our new President as a result of an extremely clc~e election. John gave us all a rather thorough resume of Duane’s background. John then :¯tepped down in favor of Duane. 1 i. Our new President then gave thanks to John and all the members for their support. He ashed for their support during the coming year. Beautiful plaques "in appreciation" were then handed out to the outgoing Board members. Duane then announced the new Board as chosen by ballot. Your Board for 1967 will be:
Duane Alan
Don Groth
Ray Kornfeld
Pete Galena
Dave IKalbach
Activities Chairn-~an
John Bevan
!= was announced that Dale and Helen Boyd will serve as Editor and Publisher of PORSCHERAMAo 12.
Curt Kueb!er remains as Technical Chairman.
JohnBevan then asked for the floor~~
He thanked all the women for their
great support during 1966 and in so many and varied tasks. individua!ly thank all outgoing Board members.
He announced that over 100
new members resulted from the membership drive~ set aside for this program was well spent~
He then went on to
He thought that the $600.00
He ann~,unced’that all new Board
members were elected in an extre.mely cIose elec:tion and ¯thanked ali who were willing i0 run and hoped that in future elections. ’~-ven more would offer their SeFvices.
13. Harold Semans then asked~for the, floor and expressed a hope that more and more club members would¯ actively participate in club affairs and events; The magic v;ord, he said is FUNziFUN-FUN. His closing words were "GET A~CTIVE" 14. John Bevan asked for the floor once more to publicly thank his wife COnnie for the help and understanding, during 1966. 15. Duane then gave a brief thumb nail sketch of each new Board member so that we all might get to know them better. He then asked Kay Kious and Marry Morris to act as Coffee Hostesses. 16.
The Meeting:.was adjourned for a "Coffee Break" ate8:50 pro.:
17. .At 9:15 pro, the meeting was. once more called to order. 18.
First order of Lusiness was "New Business"..
ao John McNeil announced that,it is not official that all.911’s are being called in for modification by the factory. The modification is concerned with the heat exchange unit. Soon al! 911 owners will receive a registered letter telling them where and when to present their car for the modification which is free of charge. b.
Don }Aorris has arranged for a batch of tickets for themovie "Grand Prix".
Get in touch ~x~.~x ~’"’ him for details . He asked that all members interested in driving to App!~e Valley as a group (.January Zg) should gather no later than 7:00 am on that morning. .at. Coffee Dan’~ in..~est Covina right off the San Bernardino Get in touch with him for both events (284-0387). c.
Duane announced that John Bevan has been appointed the Membership Ghairman.
d. Lance Keith announced a coming i~OC event. Du~-ne commented that the best way to ~nake our club well known .is to enter outside events of this nature. Lance announced that he is fox-ruing plans to start ~ PCA-LA Slalom Team. Anyone interested, get in touch with gance~ . e.
Guests were then introduced.
Quite a number were present.
f. Dale ~3oyd announced that Gerd Reetz has a 1967 Factory Calen.dar for sale. He also announced that the deadline for publication on future issues of the PORSCHERA~,J~A.~ ,~ is on the 20th of each month. This will assure publication~by the !st to the 5th of every month.
Dave Kalbach announced that the February Event will be a ’[Wine-o Run" ’
This is~a <epeat of the ~ireatly enj~oyed event of 1966. Route this time Will be through th9 vineyard.s to the wesi~ of our area. The run will be onFebru, ary Z6 More on this later. He then anno.unced that plans are being imade to pr~sent an
annuaL:t*ophy;toth~ member winnmg the most Slalond~ during the calendar year. The trophy will be handed down from year to year. He further announced that a card type Events Calendar is being made up and will be passed out as soon as printed’. , i .... ~ h. : Don Orotb:then asked for a team of: two women to as’sume the Coffe<: Hostess duties for the period of the next three n~onths. .Connie~ B.evan’~nd Norma Sandusky volunteered. Don then announced that due to a school holiday we shall not be able to use our mee.ti.ng place in 9-iebrUary. Vv’e will meet in F,<BRUAXY .ONA ONESHOT BASIS ONLY:AT THE f"RT CENTER SCHOOL LOCATED AT 5353,’WE~ST 3rdS:TREET IN LOS AN©E~Li]S:~The meeting will be on February 13 at ~:00 pm. Mr. Struthers McMinn will be the speaker. He is a well-known designer of cars .and the talk should prov~ extremely interesting. His talk, of course, will be on car design. M<.rnbers were urged not to park on the street immediately to the west of the school (McFadd~.en St.) It is a¯private street. There is a parking lot to the rear of the school ~s well as Street parking elsewhere. The school is on 3rd Street, about Z-3 blocks east of Highland Avenue. 19.’ Curt Kuebler announc.ed that"Budd S~~yder has the art work finished on the c’0v~f’~or th~ proposed ~’Up-Eixin der Porsche"’ now in the planning stages. Z0. The monthly meeting of the Tcchnicd Committee was announced. As always it is held on the 4th.Wedn~sday of <very ~nonth. The January meeting falls on J~huary Z6. Met.tings.are held at [1650 Santa Monica Blvd. in V’,est Los Angeles and start at 6:00 pm. All members are ’.;~clcomed and urged to ~{ttend. They will be rewa~d&d by an iflteresting get tog~th~..r. ZI. The speaker of the evening was introduced. Hd was Mr. ~!,illiam Black of the Color-Kit Company. His interasting talk was concerned with coating vinyl and l~ather with a dur~bl¢ material mad<~ by his organization~ Thiscoating i~ available in many colors :~nd is ea~ily applied. It was in interesting demonstration. ~Z.
Duane Alan announced that for the r~:cord, this meeting shall serv~ as the
Annual Meeting for the years !~66
The meeting was adjourned at i0:05 pm. Pet~ Galena - Secretary
I cal~id Dale Boyd the other ev,~ning and during th~ conversation Eale asked me for some :comments to put in the POR6GHERAMA.. "Man~ I can’t telt them anything they don’t know already~ " I s°~id.
Real sn~ooth lik¢ h{: comes back ~o me,
"You should have something to say in the first issue. for their support of you in the e!ection. "
At least thank the members
V~<~l~ OK, I’ll buy that"
I snarled.
"D:e"ar’ M~mbers, thank you very much for your support fn the last election, think,i’’ Seriously, I do not think that you could have a more dedicated group of PCA members on the Board. I am speaking for all of us when I say we will do our ufmost ~o ~dvance the Los Angeles Region administratively, publicly and most of all in the activity department. Now.~. hb_w~_a]~.out supportlng your Board! I know we cannot please all of you no matter ~hatw.e eo But sometimes if you don.It, like an ~vent, come ou~ any~:ay. Cry on~my Shoulder. You never know, Dave Kalbach, our Activities-..Ghair-man ~aylet you put on th~ next one. Duane Alan - President NOTES FROM YOUR SECRETARY .....
Let me urge all PCA-LA club members to submit their 1967 dues to PCANational as soon as pos.sible. Deadline is January 31, 1967. %’e would like to see y, ou all back with us during the year 1967. I can tell you that the calendar of events for 1967 will be a most interesting one and I know that each one of you will not want tQ miss all the f.un and excitement planned during the coming months. There_is no better way to thoroughly enjoy your car than to enjoy its pleasures in the company of others equally enthusiastic. ~We want you all back in 1967 with us. .Each one Of you is important to ImCAo-LA and its plans for the future. Won’t you send your national dues to PCA-National Headquarters soon. Thank you. , ¯
]~ete Galena - Sec<etary
To the entire membership my hearty thanks for your fair support this past year. The many fel!om~ships ~,~e~ve shared have been richly rewarding° To the officers and chairmen go a large measure of this thanks. .~ John Bevan - Parlimentarian TECH COMMITTEE RA]PORT The next Tech Co_"<qmittee meeting takes place the fourth Wednesday of February (~Znd) at 8"00 pnn. The location, as usual, is i 1650 Santa Monica Blvd. in Los Angeles. Anyone interested in talking Rorsche is more than welcome. No Tech Meeting was held’la$< Lecember. appear in the March issue of
Details of. the January Meeting wil~:
Tz]CH TIPS OF THE MONTH: NEAT PAINT JOB (From the personal experiences of A. Lyle Arnold as told to Curt Kuebler). Planning to have your Porsche painted? ]Decide which parts Of the Car you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t want excess spray to adhere to and ~oat these surfaces with a light oll film. Use an aerosol can of WD40 or similar oil-cleaner preservative as used on the engine. SLOPPY GEARSHIFT LEVER -356B, C Models. If your gearshift lever seems loose and/or vibrates or rattles ~vhile at cruising speed, chances are the molded guide ring (Part No. 695 424-211101) has split. This guide ring is located directly below the shift lever back to transmission. To replace the ring, remove the gearshift lever assembly and then disconnect the shift tube (remove the access plate at the foot of the rear seats and pull back the rubber boot. Mark the angular and longitudinal position of the tube with a sharp pointed scribe and then remove the clamp). Slide the tube forward in the tunnel until the guide ring bracket is free. Either install a new ring, or make a lifetime replacement from teflon. A teflon replacement should be made with smaller flange diameters to ease assembly. Following careful re-assembly, the gearshift Will~ bperate silently. Curt Kuebler - Technical Chairman
Shock Absorbers: 356 thru 356C
Gabriel Heavy Duty Adjustable $8. 35 each
Brakes: Bendix Heavy Duty Bonded Linings (best quality) 356 thru 356B $6.00 per axle Clutches: Forex, rebuilt Cover 47180 356 $ 9. 17 356A Cover 47185 $ii. Z0 Cover 47187 $11.Z0 356B
All above require plate 48185
Valley Friction Materials -~..~i 11o17 Sherman North Hollywood, California PHONE: POpular 5-5174 or TRiangle 7-6450 ASK FOR VIRGIL (KATHIEâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S UNCLE) are not normally stocked items. for any model not listed. Joe Schneidcr Phone first since these
Also call
XII PORSCHE i°A.&ADE ..... ZJashington, D.C..
....... ....
PCA Potom0c :Region will hostthe iZth Porsche Parade and they have com~menced making fantastic plans for thiS~’1967 Annual Porsche Meet. A personal invitation fer all LA PCA’ers to attend Was recently received from the PotomocRegion (founding region of PCA and host of the ist Porsche Parade). In addition to the normal competitive events and planned evening activities, a highlight of special n~te isthat :a new 911 Targa will be raffled off. during the Parade.’ Plan now to visit our Nation’s Capitol and’i~tend the iZth running of this PC~’~: National Event. W:~tch’Panorama for further details. (~d. Note~ Follow PCA to ]YO~ SALE
POrsche Speedster Hardtop, ~targe rear window, aluminum framed sliding side windows, 9 "85. 00
Cal! Budd Snyder
i%alty C0unters, meunts in ash tray slide (356 models),, easy installation and may Internally lighted. Measures 1/100 mile $50~00
~be removed between rallies. Call Budd Snyder,
btevens l°~a!ly’Ca:icuiator with case, never used $7. 50
Call Budd Snyder, 645-0279.
Call Gerd Reetz, 521-0Z26. ’$7 i--’orsche EaCtor:y ............. G~le~dar, ~4.00. ’~
WA?.,~TED .~ar~op to fi~ early ’6Z Roadster, Eelgiumbody, any co!or.
Contact Gerd Reetz,
~:~A~q<~.~ OF ADDRESS
Dennis YSudir~qir 1827 PIo!lyvista Avenue _.~.o~-~ Angeles, California
Bob Downie (Marge) 5633 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Apt. 329 Woodland Hills, California 91364
V~’i)].ianz G. Lef]-~n_~ g 3123 i/2 lToothi!l Blvd. #22 (Correction to Blvd. instead of Rd.) La Crescenta, California 91014 ..’_~OP,.~ NEW M2MBERS!
7aniece Burnette d314 1/20verhill Drive LoS Angeles, California
Edgar W. Hermann 468 Toyopa Drive 90043
Pacific Palisades~ California
. 90277
William C. Hellsisen 1145 Oak Avenue Manhattan 2,each, California 90266
John ~. Caler 16734 Addison ,~.ncino, California 91316
Fred B. Taylor 23031 Twin Pines Lane Diamond Bar~ California 91766
,â&#x20AC;&#x2122;2thelyn F. Fairfield 8500 ~.Tilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, California 90211
Victor Dilores 320h Ladoga Avenue Leng ~Seach, California 90008
Chase ,,~,. Craig 4124 Fulton Avenue Sherman Oaks, California 91403
John Moore 14425 La Pluma Drive La ~,4irada, California 90638
Dale I4,akefield 5179 Fountain Avenue Hollywood, California 90029
Please send all typewritten ads to POKSCHF, KAMA to arrive no later
than the 20th of each month to be in next monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s edition.
Thank you!
.]â&#x20AC;&#x2122;oh~ M. Cl.yma~
923 "G" Second Street ~nta Monica, Calif. 9050