5640 Stardust Road, La Canada
JULY 1967
Duane Alan Don Morris Pete Galena Ray Kornfeld Dave l<albach Dale Boyd
283-7423 284-0387 329-8807 653- 9520 797-6126 ?90-4298 "
John Bevan
THE JULY MEMBERSHIP MEETING V~ILL BE HELD ON JULY I0,.1967 AT THE TAM O’SHANTER INN, 29g0 Los Feliz Blvd. in Glendale. This will be a dinner meeting with business conducted as usual following the dinner. This special dinner meeting..will feature the return of our guest speaker Mr. Don Davis. Mr. Davis is associated with LTV Ling Altec of Anaheim, California as an audio engineer/salesman. He is currently responsible for the west coast development of.Dr. C. P. Boner’s West Coast Acoustical Engineering Method. Mr. Davis. has written two books on acoustics and numerous articles for electronic technical journals. One of his hobbies is auto racing. He writes frequently for the Christian Science Monitor of Boston, h~[assachusetts and has covered 1955 and 1958 Grand Prix series in Europe.. ’,~: Recent assignments have included a major article on the California Highv~ay Patrol which necessitated numerous weekends of riding in high speed patrol cars and.a day long interview with Jim Hall at his famed Midland, Texas headquarter,s.. Mr. Davis has just returned from his seventh attendance at the Indianapolis 500 and will begin his talk with some anec.:~’,:.2s from that event. RE.SERVATIONS MU~T BE MADE IMMEDIATELY FOR THE DINNER BY CALLING DUANE.ALAN AT 283,7423.. Cocktails will be served at 6:30pm with dinner .: scheduledfor~ 7:30,pro. Top sirl-oin wil! be featured and the price per person.is $5. 50 including tax and gratuities;
MINUTES OF THE JUNE M.,~,MBE~SHIID MEETING The following are the minutes as taken at the general membership meeting of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA- LOS ANGELES REGION for the month of June. The meeting was held on the evening of June IZ, 1967 in our usual meeting place, ALEXANDRIA AVENUE SCHOOL.,.4ZII Oakwood Avenue in Los Angeles. As alwa.ys,,.:the 1~eet,in..g tqok. pla.ce on~ . the second ivfonday of the month. On hand were~a full slate of officers Wi~h Duane A?.an presiding. The hall was filled with a good turnout of ~ne~’nbers and guests. At 8:i0 pm the ~eetin~ was called to order. The order of business developed in this mannerI. A motion was made from the floor to accept the ~-ninutes for the May: Meeting as they appeared in the. June issue of POIRSCHERAMAo [[’he m0ti~n was seconded. Busily dotting his "i’s" a,nd Crossing his ~’t’S", the .Secretary had no. comment to make. ’ ’ Z. Ray Kornfeld, Tre~surer repertedth~t PCA-LA has a bankbalan~c~ o.f $447.60. He remin-~e~i t~e member’s that beis the r.oan to see for cltib nan~e badges, His new list is growing and soon he will send an order in so he urged all new members not having ider~tification badges to put up a buck and get one. Ray then made a pitch .for his stock of club "goodies’:’, ~He now has a good stock of decals, tie clasps, etc~ and he urged all member’s. to ]fill up. It’s a small way for us to help our bank balance and a big way for members to get little gifts for y.ou.~ know who. 3. ~: Don Morris, our Vice-President asked that all members land guests .sign ¯ the attendance record that is passed around at all meetings. He hopes th~t.othe list is. signed in a legible manner as well as a complete ~qanner. Don announced that the.0~’ange Coast Regio~ha~ Officially o.btainedthe PORSCHE pARA, DE for i~6.9.. Theevents will revolve ar0tind a new raceway, under,construction (Irving P~a. ceway). Planning on attending? ¯ He then gave a brief run-down Of the recent races at Santa Barbara. Don says they were O.K. and the big party, now a fixture of the~ week-end, was even better. He also attended the recent ’~JUNE ]BUG SLALOM~’ given by Orange Coast and re. po~ted that PCA’ LA didO. K. at the event . For all lovers of Hill Climbs, Don an~,ounced that the Silver 5age P~egi.0n up in ..,Idaho. ~.is..getti.n,g. one, up for ~.ugust Z6-27o If you are interested, see Don Morris for particulars, " ~- .. . ; 4.., ,.
~Da!e.. Boyd,, POt%oCHmRAM_~_. ."" "~ "~ Editor hoped that one and all liked the page of
....... ~g.aPshots, included in.-the Juri~ isgue:.. It was a-ct~b.milestone. Pictures. were of excellent quality and credit should go to Duafie-lAla}i for that. Dale stated that the picture quality should improve even mo~e arid a:~ked for all pic-tur, es .that, would be of genera! current club interest. DaIe;;agked that all copy.be inbefore
~’ for use in the next issue. the 20th of the mon~,~ every month.
Please send all copy to:
This is always the cut-off date
Dale Boyd, 5640 Stardust Road in
La Canada 9101 i. 5. Don Teiwes announced that he most likely will be moving east soon for a period of about one year. Don has been our most recent Membership Chair.man. .Ray Cooper has been good enough to volunteer his capable efforts in. this position. Glad to hnve you in the spot, Ray. 6. Curt Kuebler, Technical Chairman announced thai the "UP-FIXIN" is about finished. He asked Budd Snyder to expand on this. Budd showed a booklet that he thinks is bound in the manner most practical for our needs. Budd thinks, that about gl0 pages will finally complete the tome. An estimate of 600-700 articles will fill the pages. Curt then invited all members to a~:-end the ne:~,t Tech session., Curt promised the usual interesting meeting plus a bonus of a free a~-:le inspection on all the "900" series cars. Tech meetings are held on th~ 4~h ~Vednesday of eve.ry month.. This month it will fall on June 28, 1967. Meetings are held at I1650 V~est $anta.Monica Blvd. in West Los Angeles a~d start aS 8:00 pmo 7. Under "Old .Business" ’Duane announced, that .the recent bill for legalizing radar on state ~highways was defeated once more; however, some "progress" was made in the area of snc, oping. A bill was passed.to allow a "limited" amount of unmarked patrol cars. Also allo’.ved will be a limited amount of patrol cars painted in various and. unusual color patterns. (Now I know what that polka dotted car with the flashing red hgh~o was in my rear view mirror ....) Duane went on to tell about his very recent trip to Yosemite National Park. Due to the heavy winter snows, he stated that the park was utterly beautiful and that anyone having a chance should visit it soon before the ravages of summer ~real!y set
ii~. 8.
Nick Friesen th~n n~ade a pitch for the coming Driver’s School this weekend
at Whiteman Stadium, Several~Sialorn type driving conditions will be set up and drivers will tr5~ to polish their skills. The event ~s~June 17, 1967 starting at I0 am. Cost is $3. 50 per car, all dayand the event is opened to all PCA’ers and their guests. 9. John Bevan described a recent visit to Viill0w Springs iR~aceway near Rosemond. He thinks the track should ma~e for an excellent high speed event. Very soon a film will be made of the course and it will be available for showing to a11 interested groups. Thedate of November 11-12, 1967 is now .firm for t.he weekend of high speed time tr~ialso . ~ . I0~. , No new business was raised from the floor.
l I. A short description of the recent "Trolley Folly Run" was. made, : A good tirn4i~as lladlbyall,~ e~eh in his’~ own way~ .,~,~,~. 1Z.
A period of general discussion then followed in which future dub events
were discussed.
i~3~ ..... -DUe:to the absence 0f~a~e Kalbach, there .was ~o rep.ort from.our Activities iGh&irrdan. Per’haps he will fill us all in next lime. 14.
Meeting broke for coffee and conversation:at 8.:45 pm, ~!t was called back to
-.order at~9:10 prn. ~5.
Oues:ts.were thenasked to stand and give their nan%e and car driven..~
¯ al~vays we hada large number oY guests onhando 16. Under "announcements" John McNei! stated that anyone interested in getting lube:oil~tio’please get in touch with him° Call him at his home if you are interested. Don Morris then introduced our speakers for the ev.ening. Ala:~ Johnson and . ~:17.. .~,BOb Iiirby drove’a hbt 911-S at the .r~cen~ S.ebring’iZh.ours of endurance. Alan gave a detailed description of ~ghat is involved getting into, obtaining a car for, getting down to the annual event down Florida way.. Bob then took over and described the =fgor,~ ~f~driving iZhours during both daylight and evening periods of a day. In all it was~ detailed y~t humorous accounting of the entire e~zent, your ¯secretary :~. ~for"one, rie~ally got .his first inside looh at Chili sort of thing and what is involved. Incidendy~. tlieir Car tool< first in class and tenth overall in what t.hey described as a..,.finish~taken~right out cfa ClaSs double 7 movie..,, A brief question and answer period then followed. 18. The me.effng was adjourned at i0 pro. (The next meetin~ will.be at the ¯ TAM.O’SHANTEI~ INN in Glenda!e"as mentioned on page I. This is on a one-time basis only;~ou.r .August meeting wili again be b_eld at our usua! meeting place ~ Alexandria Aver, ue School in Los 5kngeles.) Watch POi<SCH.EI<AMA for the details. ." ’
Pete Galena - Secretary
PC,A-.L’A i~OP~SCHE PP~ACTICE AT WHiTEMAN STADIUM On a cool and misting Saturday morning (June i7,
1967) more fitting to the Pesca-
dores than to Pacoima, the hotshoes of the Los..Angeles Region gathered,for a
Po.rsche Practice~ PractiCe was held on the parking lot and race ~t~’ack at.~Vhiteman Stadium.’-The ¯idea being .to have several typic~l.s.lalom-autocross :type ¯ driving gr’oblems as~ell as a fast slalom Course.~e’t Up, The courses~were laid outusing pylons obtained by Tom ~allace, John McNeil., Paul White, Don Morris, Kamikage Kodani and Joe Schneider. They put a "figure 8", a cloverleaf ( four leaf variety) and a "slalom" in the Stadium’s north 40 .... after it was swept clean of glass. Helping on the broo~ detail were new members ~ob Burfitt and Bill -4-
Heueisen (supervised by Jackie H.) The registration was handled by "Kookie;’’ Waugaman and photographer Pete Galena, Bill McInerney, another new member brought all the ¯"bell" helmets in th~~ront of his 912...big isn’t it? ? Technical inspection¯and .keeping the cars running was a job well done by Curt Kuebler, our Tech Chairman. ¯ With all the details out of the way we got down to running. It was a ball, especially while the track was wet.. We almost had ~. great skid pad going. It was so.good that Mary Merris wa== ab!e to get Kay Davis to ~-un the parking lot problems in compe~titive times, afte~r Kay said she’d neve~ get in the car! The Kious family brought their own driving,instructor-, Ed ~Vakely of Formula V~me~. Others~ having a bail and improving their driving slzill were Dr. A1 Mona and George~ Merwyn in their red 911’s and Bob Gregory arid Pe~er Luelsdorf in their 912’S. Joe Schneider gave his father-in-law, Bill a real father’s day thrill .... several fast loop.q in the "green hoz~net’’. The cona~titive normal of ~¢li!ze Fredman had minor mechanical problems so iV~ike left early. The enly real problem (almost) of the day occurred when a certain ¯blue 911 had one of its new Goodyear racing ti~es go bang as it went up on the ]~anking. The exciting half second was caused by a slight interfer’..~nce between the tire and a bolt in the suspension causing a rip about 2" long in the sidewall. _At 45 mph on a tight turn nezit to a very solid concrete wal!, this is a bit exciting. No problenq tho, since the car was very stable and controllable after the initial lurch° .The tire was ruined, but in a short while we .were back rcnning again. . Dave Kalba.ch (yvho doesn’t hav~a car an~ynaore)helped keep things going in the "north 40" while his ex-roomrn,~te Don Teiwes was out practicing, The Ree~z.family came out to spectate and Max Strehler left },~4arianne at home so he dould ha~e the ,car to himself for practice, Between signing up new members and driving his yellow coupe .fast, ?:embership Chairman Ray Cooper had his hands full. As usual Dawn & Mina (would the real Mrs. Cooper stand up) cheered us all on faster. About 4 pm the sun be.gan to shine, so we decided to drink so~e l~ccky i~.~ountain Spring "~Vater and pick up the pylons..
I~ob I~-urfltt brought hi= truclc over and with
the help of tl~¢ racers we soon had the stadium cleared out, There were some 23 drivers., in. 16 cars, so. that the event did rr~.nage to break even finan.cia!iy. The two premises, l) good driving can be lear~,,ed, and 2) you can learn to be a good driver were proven to everyone’s satisfaction. Lap times improved as the dr.ivers became more familiar with the course, their Porsches and their .own skills. For such a dreary day there were many happy faces.
Nick Friesen - Practice Organizer
~ . :
The next:Tec~ Committee M_eeting takea’pi~de July Z6th ([he ~th ~ednesday).at
1::!=~50~ Santa ),~.onica’Blvd. ~’ ~Vest L0~Ang~les~ ten~n:c~e procedures ~.eglns a%~8 pro.~ ’
A timel~ discussion of main, :,
Those attending the May meeting got to inspect a 904-type rear axle which had failed i~. service ~n a 912,. The outside universal joint had dried out, lost its needle bea~<in~s ~nd i~actured the ~vheci ~rive yoke. Since these joints cannot be re~greased~,~:~i~ ~h~nportan~ that owners of 912’s and 911’s with the 904-type ~,~triple joint axles have them i~spcc~ed clong with. regular servicing. If a rust~ red pow(~,er is fo ~n.u ~ear cue of the sn~all crease seal rings, the axle may have ~o be re]3lac
.. The following is the promised continuation of tIIGH-STI~ENGTH FASTENEI~S
FASTENER TENSION A.fastener should o_ tfghtcned to the point where t~ tension exceeds any peak load to which it Wi].l l~<.terbe subjected. Peah ~oads caused by vibration are the most difficult tO {=a].culate, and the equ}p~ment for making such analysis is frequently prohibitively expensive or unobtainable. Hence, the practicing designer freq.uentl!,~ selects a size, grade, and type of fastener with a strength considerably exceeding the calculated static loads. The value used for the torque should insure that ful! advantage is tal<en of the fastecer strength while a safety factor is .included . ~o that:’ failure from o-vertightening will not result. The values provided are for thos(~:applications dcen~ed other than critical. APPLICATION OF TORQUE VALUES
Use to~’que f].gu~ez directory -when using standard industrial fasteners as furnished by rnanufac[ure~" (no~-plated fasteners with no special lubrication). Multiply the :torque values by:a factor of 0. 9 When capsCrews are cadmiurnplated. Use an:: 0o8 factor when nuts. and bolts are Cad plated, Multiply the torque values by a 0.9 factor when high pressure lubricants are used, such as Eelpro C-5.A, Graphite and oi!, molybdenum disulphide~ or white lead. High pressure lubricants are re.com~mendcd for torque af.--.plic:gfi6:~ as they tend to eli~inate many v.ariables ~ associated with:torq.ue-to-tension re:lationshipso It is important to lubricate, ~. under the heads o~ nuts [o be rotated," V~.hen tapping holes’ enough thread l~r~gth must be provided to match the tensile st{-ength of the bolt, or .the threads w,i!! be pulled out.
FASTENER M~AT!IqG SURFACE CONSIDERATION It is ~mpor~<~.n,~ in a!l but the most non-critical applications that the tightening
surface under the bolt or cap screwy head be carefully scrutinized Most of the variation in torque-~o-tensi.on.relati0nsh~p~ of threaded fas~teners is due to conditions of friction under the head.o~ nut d~=ing tightening.... The most,questionable c.on:dition.would result when a soft cap screw-,~ ]~avi.ng little or no lubrication under the head, was tightened a.gainst.a soft material. Galling tends to take place under tl~ese conditions, and much of the.applie.d torque may be lost through head.friction ..... .. It becomes increasingly important when the hi.gher strength fasteners are used that the most d~sirable surface under the bolt head be provided for tightening. Hard flat washers ~rovide a desirable tightening surface, Close hole tolerance contribute to a more stable torque-to-tension relationship.~ Most high grade fasteners of high tensile strength are provided with a step ~der the head expressly to hclp provide a more stable tightening surface. The ad~anrage of the step is lost when sof~ ma!:eria!s are provided as the mating surface. Substitution of a high stress lubricant under the head of a b01t;0r capscrew, for a hard washer, can bz m~de at times. " TORQUE VALUE DZTICI%MIN~TION For the fastener ~o function properly, the tension should be 60% to 70~/0 of the ultimate tensile strength o± the fastener material~ A simple test may be performed to determine t:he proper torq~u$’~f ~i dhart of specification is not available. The fastener’in question is stressed unti! it fractures, while the peak torque to accomplish this is noted. The proper torque is a value from 50% to 60% of the fracture torque or joint failure torque. ~’ fastener tension of approximately 60~/~ to 70°/0 will result, based on 50~/0 to 60%’ of~he failure torque.
.EFFECT ON TENSION OF SELF-LOCKING 5CRL~ S OR NUT5 Most’S:elfhlocking fasteners are provided with means for an interferencefi~ of some kind. This means [he fastener is tightened, a certain amount of torque is los~’ t~i~ough overcoming thread fqiction~ "Rundown" torque (the twisting f~)rce necessary to turn the nut on the free thread) should be added to the desired torque to obtain the required torque.
’ ’":
Almost all industrial supply houses or top line hardware establishments can verify the fact that roost customers in need of a fastener kno~iittle or:nothing on how to order" them -- including journey mechanics[ The standard comment: "I want one of these!" or "A big nut with a sn~all skinny washe~" or "Do yo:u have a pile I can sort through! " ..... ~’~ ¯
To be short and to the poin~ there are.eight specifications a "counter man" could
ask the customer before coming up. with the desired fastener from the stock shelf. i. !"
Fastener type (such as cap screw or bolt, etc.) He~}d, design (hex, allen, fillister, etc. ) ’ ..
3. 4.
~Threa.d diameter (0.?-50, !/Z", !0 ram, etc. ) ..~ . ; " :Threads per inch.or pitch .distance between threads such.as in metric
5. 6...~ 7. 8.
Thread fit (50% to interference or distance of mating) Thread.length (length of threaded section) Tgnsi.le strength (64,000 p~i.to Z50,000 psi for space industry) Plating or material (cadmium or stainless, etc.)
FASTENER SPECIFICATIONS (MIETRIC OTANDARD) The following chart i:s pr09ided through the courtesy of Sturtevant Company, manufacturers of quality torque wrenches and torque reiated tools.
The Porsche enthusiast will find the chai~t extremely helpful when determining the amount of twisting force to apply upon a fastener. The information offe.ro the thread diameter of most common metric fasteners, the U.S. decimal equivalent, torque amounts applied as related to tensile strength, bolt head and nut size. %¢~hen attempting to perform exacting and quality work concerning torque values, the following rules apply: " ¯ Use’. FEL~PRO C5A C:OMPOUND or other high stress (high pressure) lubricant under the b’olt head as well as on the threads. Chart figures can be used directly. ¯ Increase torque by Z0 percent when engine oil or grease is used as a lubricant. (D~’t torque bolts dry.) (Follow manufacturers specific specs, if available.) ¯ . Reducetorque by 20 percent when new Cadmium plated.bolts are used. . Increase .torque by 20 percent When multiple tapered tooth !gck washers are used.
¯ Remember these values are for standard "thread fits", greater percentSage fits cause greated run-down-resistance. In practice, runrdown-re~, sist~nee: ah0uld be added to manufacturer’s spec~{ication. ¯:CONVERSION OF UNITS Multiply Reading by 12 for inch-poundso Divide reading by 7. 24 for meter-kilograms. !I MKG. equal~ 7oZ4 ft-lbs,~ -8-
Tensile Strength
Metric ~ ......
Dec. Equiv.
6 mm
. 2362
~o ram.
0 3150
i0 mrn
’ .. 3937
!2 mm 14 mm
.4720 . 5512
16 mm
. 6299
IS mm
mm 24 rnm
s66! . 945
1014 142,.2.00 psi.
12K. 170,679 psi ’:
V:.rench Size
.... 5
10 mm
10 m~
14 rnm
14 mn
~ 40
17 n~m
17 mr
34 55
54 89
70 117
~, 137
19 mrs 22 mm
!9 mn 22 mn
24 mm
24 mn
2.7 mm
27 mr~
394 570
,, ’ ,~,
Metric Bolt
Torque (in foot pounds)
. 709
8G.. 113,800 psi
Socket or
Grade Markings on Head Bol~
5D 71, 160 psi
419 ’ .~!
.32 36 mm
TORQUE SPkECIFICATIONS-Porsche Engines 356-911
Item Cylinder Head C~ackcase Thru-bolts
356-912 519/616
Carrera 547
Carrera 692/l
Carrera 2 587
911 901 ~
25. 3 25. 3
25.3 25. 3
25. 3 25. 3
Crankcase Studs/nuts
2.2 29 29
25. 3
Crankcase 8.-mm bolts
Connec ring .Rods
58- 62.
72. 3
16- 18
25. 3
Timing Case Cover (S)
C:,m Cear o.r Sprocket
Ccuntersha{~ Bearing Nut Camshaft H~)using Nuts Camshaft Flywheels Racher Arm Stand
Flywheel 3!56-B Flywheel S-:90-SC-912 Kocher Shaft Screws Blower Nut
270 350
6.-ram Studs
25. 3 -
Scribe Mark 326 108o4 435 ....
21-?.4 25-31
(Readings in Foot/Pounds) o When tightening a series of fasteners on a single casting (cylinder heat}, it is of ez.:.reme importance to consult the manufacturers specifications on sequence of tightening0
Often a "torque map" may be found available.
"Stage torque" o~’ those procedures requiring a large casting to be tightened down
in small amounts until the final amount is reach.ed is of extreme importance in preventing casting stresses or war~iag. o Bolts threadeddnto aluminum may require MUCH LESS torque! ¯ High p’ressu~e fastener lubricants available are: Neve~.seez, Molykote, pro G’Z50 Graphite and oil~ Chalk oil, or similar mixtures. Curt Kuebler PGA~LA
Techn~c~al Chairman
FEE:: V~ HO:
9 am to 5 pm P~ose B~wl in Pasadena (Parking lot at SOUTH end) SUNDAY JULY 23, i967 $3. 50 oer car All Pots ches
Exercise of precision driving r.eg.uiring more .skill than speed ..... (Z) Men and Ladies Awarded at completion of the event in both cla--s.-ses Don Morris - Gymkhanan]aster, phone: Z84-0387. Bring your 0~?n..picnic lunch, snacks-andliquid r efr-e shine nts. Street mufflers only.
6. .7.
I0. ii.
Ray Cooper Duane Alan Nick Friesen Charles Watts Harold Semans Cecil Gouchenour Alan Mona IVlax Strehler Gharies Scott Pete Galena Paul White Russell Gates Lawrence Hammett
Workers 15 i0 i0 I0 i0 9 8 8 ~ 7 6 6 6
I. Z. 3. 4.
5. 6. 8. 9. i i. 12. 14.
Nick Friesen John-McNeil Donald Teiwes Joe Schneider Curt Kuebler John Bevan Ray Cooper Paul White Bill V~augaman Cecil Gouchenour Alan MOna Harold Semans Alexander Gray Peter Luelsdorf
30 27 2Z Z0 14 IZ IZ 11 i0 i0 8 7 7 6
Competition (FEMALES)
Wo=’kers (FEMALES)
Inga Mcna
Mary Morris
Mary Morris
2. 3.
ivlina Cooper Connie Russell ilay Kious Alexandria Gray Mac Gouchenour
12 I0 10 7 6
5~ 6o
Connie Io evan
Dav~ !lalbaeh- Activities Chairman ORANGE COAST REGIOI’~-PCA TO HOST LOS ANGE.LI£~ REGtON-PCA.
The Orange Ccas[ !iegi,~.n c.f ~CA ’.v:...i! ke hostlers the Los Angeles l~egion of PCA to cocktails Saturday evening Ju!y 8 frown 7:00 pnq to 8:30 p~n in conjunction with ou~" northern friead t~e ~olden Gai~e 7~egioa’s visit to the ~riggs Cu~ningham Museun~. Fo!!0"!’ing ~he cockt~ii h0u~: there v,fii be a cate=’~d Me~ican Dinner for a norninnl fee of $3~00 per person., This jala event will be held at one of Orange Coast ~egion’s members home~ The address is: 16~6 S.E. Skyline in Santa Ana. Direction,s: S~nta Ana ~’~y to 17th Avenue offramp, Left on 1?th to end~ (i~ewport ~Ivd.) Right one block, Lef~ onto Skyline D~-ive - i/Z mile on right to 16~6. FOR i(ESERVAT!ONS, PI,EASE CALL DUANE ALAN AT 283-?423 IMMEDIATELY. DUANE MUST INFORM ORANGE COAST BY JULY 5.
l-ley group , here is the preview of coming even.~o for the rest of the year! On ADgu.st.Z.Tth the President’s i~ally (The Lucky 7 plus l) will take place. In . ~ptember~ on the 24th, we are having a campiug trip. In Octobe= what better than an ~4~.~:,.~erfest and a picnic at Bothwel! I<anch. November II-IZ will b~"~he highlight of the year’s activities -- The Time Tr~a!s at %TillowSprings. ~’ ~ ¯ . ,’ Dcce~noer 23rd ~s the date fo~ cur annual Ch:zistma~ Part7 which will be held at the La Canada Country ~lub (~ill ~iay is entertainment chairm~n this year) and of. course;. ~ Janizary 21 ~e head back to A~p!e Valley for our traditi6na! ~&estern S{yle ~ ~-eakfas t.~
Augus~ Z7 Septen:be~ Z4 October
The Presi!<n~’s ~al!y CamFing ’,~’rip ~othwei! Ranch (picnic)
Nove~nber 11-!2
Tinge ’lri~.~s ~t V,,’~[!ow Springs
Dece~ber Z3 January Z 1
Christ~as Party ~pB~e Valley Jaun~
CHANGE OF ADDRESS A. Ho NiChols 1645 Beverly Blvd. Los Ang.eles, California e2~-3661
.... Dave Kalbach 920 Alta Pine Drive Altadena, California 797-6126
~ 90026
Sam S, Sugine, Jr-~.’>~~ 1748 Dillon Street Los Angeles, California 90026 662-7!51
Kenneth ~, ESerts
4064 .~Vo
!002 N, Mariposa Los Angeles, California
t39d~ Street
H-zwthorne, .Ca!ifornia 90250
Albert M.: S~:eo_t
Frank H. Rave "
.320 W. Kelso, Apt~ C
g500 Briar Crest ~oad
Ingleweod~ Ca!ifornia 90301
Beverly Hills, California 90Z10
Wil:li~m.L, ScarfS<[ .. Z,31Z.5 Samuel Street .$i~ Tozre.nce~ California 90505
Dick Loveil 13805 Ventura ’Blvd. Sherman Oaks, California 91403
John P,, McNeil i90! L~nu~uer : -’Drive La Habr~.,LCalifornfa 90631
Donald V. Smart 507 Esplanade, Apt. A l~edond0’Bea.ch, California 90Z77
Z~%:;-7-’~-Z? ~ S~,~, ~ OU, THEP, E ~
5640 Stardust Road La Canada California 910!I
John M. Clym~n
"G" Second Street Sant~ Monica0 Galiforni~ 923