Porscherama 1967 March

Page 1

1700 So.

Third St..Alhambra MARCH 1967




Euane Alan Don Groth


~ete Galena



Ray Kornfeld Eave Kalbach Dale Boyd John Bevan

653-9520 247- 3071 28i-1689 935-3232.


The M.-\RCH membership meeting will be held on March 13, 1967 at 8:00 pm at the usual meeting place, A.L,P.X_ANDRIA AVENUE SCHOOL. located at 4211 Oaf<wood Avenue in Los Angeles. Mr. Don Davis will be our guest speaker. Mr. E~avis is an audio engineer-salesman who writes frequently for the Christian Science Monitor He has covered the 1955 and 1958 Grand Prix seasons in Europe, seven years at the Indianapolis 500, and most recently a private interview and visit with Jim Ho~ll at his Chaparral Car headquarters in Midland, Texas. He spent thr~..e months in Russia searching for Motor Sport activity ("Cars, Communists and Confusion" in the December 1959 issue of ~’Road and Track"l. He has owned five Porsches out of 15 foreign cars and currently drives a red 912, 5 speed. He is the holder of an FIA International Competition license, vintage i~55, and carefully avoids using it and spoiling the effect it creates. He will discuss some of the mental influences that affect the driver, the observer and car racing critics. See you there at 8! MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY Mr3MBEP~SHIP MEETING The ~’ebruary 1967 meeting was held as always on the second Monday of the month. Due to the unavailability of our regular meeting place, the meeting was held on a one time basis only at the ART Ci£NTe;R SCHOOL locate.d at 5353 West 3rd Street in Los Angeles. On hand were a full slate of officers and a large and enthusiastic number of members and guests. It was a truly pacl<ed house with designs towards a good meeting. The meeting was called to order by our President, Duane Alan at 8-10 pm. order of business took this form:


i. The minutes for the January meeting appeared in the February issue of PORSCHERAMf’~. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as they -I-

appeared, in the publication. Z.

The ~notion was passed.

The S9cretary wad called upon for a report.

He had none to make.

3. The Treasurer, ~_%ay Kornfeld reported that we have a total of $180. 00 on hand. This does not reflect the influx of 1967 dues soon 1o begin trickling in. ~ay asked all members h~ving name badges on order to pick them up fro~ him. He suggested that a.ll new ~e~bers should plac~ their order for a name badge. The cost is $i. 00 each. The badge comes in handy at all ~eetings, events, etc. It often takes one to ~now one:.


Don Groth,

Vice President reported that our next meeting will be ~ack at-the

usual sta~ing grounds.

The. meeting ~ill be on March 13,


whicl~ is. ].o_a~ec~



The:place is


in LOS ANGEL, ES, Th~s is a f.~w blocks west of IZermont Avenue and a little ~outh of the Hollywood Freeway..The me¢t.[ng w]].l start promptly at 8:00 pro. He urged all to att~:~nd. Die announced that the entertainnaent portion of the meeting will be i.n the hands.of M~r..E~on K~.avis. ~,Ai-. ~avis has an extensive background Sports Car.Activities. H~ ].<~ows~ on a persona] basis ~any of the known drivers. He has owned many cars and a fair nuz~be~- of th~z_ R~RoCH~$, Die has been ¯ published a number of times in ~%OAD a,_)~d T~,~AC ..... ~g(agazin6 as wel! as other:publications. Die wi!l share his b~ckgk;ound with us, ~on stated that this shapes up ~to be a n~eeting none w~ll w&%nt to miss. Pie announced that the ~%pril i~eeting ~ill~ fe~ature the Pors:che Factory R, eprcscntative . !t too pr6mis~s ~o ~ ~ue a li£,ely session. 5. Curt Huebler~ Technical Chairman ~’eportsd tl}~t the new ("UiZiFIKINTM is progr~:ssing nicely. Budd Snydcr has )scrked up the art worl< for the cover and Curt wa-s: ab]e to put it on d%sp]ay. Curt :+n.ncsnced that the a~:$i~"les wi~l be ~co~piete and will-’,over cars up ~nd..through 1966 mod~!s..~Uz’t sthted that th$ ~iast Tech Me.et:ing ~as well ~ttendcd and those in attendance were treated to: fil~s <of our recent ]Driver’s School as well as a rcc~:~nt Sla]on~. Curt ~nnounced that plans arc under way to offer the Technical Co~.:~i~ee and guests an oppol’.tunity to see a 91Z engine assembl.ed fro~:q iz~rts ~ Curt zg,~iz{ a~kJd one a.nd..all [b atte~n~ t~e ~ext Tech Meeting. i~%s.,always, it is held on the [ourth Z, edne~<da-! of the ~onth. The February }~eting. .is :-,~ ~5"<bruary Zg~., _~967 and th{s ~.sin the t~’<nd_ of today t0 "work’.’ on holidays. The :~meeting will start %t 6:60 prr~ anti ~f~l.[ be held at 11650 Santa.Monica Blvd. in West Los ~.’},ngclc6j ¯ 6.

Eale Boyd, PORSCHERAMA ]<ditor ann,,unced’that all copy for the ~arCh’

issue is due b%~ February 20,


G~ T



f~q !


’ "

7 ¯ Activities Chairman , Dave Kaibach - ’ a nnounce<~ " ¯ ~ tha~ over i~00 cars a~tenued ’the January ~vent called the "i~lpple Valley Run". T’l~is was a ~i0s’t po~ul~z:;"event Dave hoped that everyone enjoyed th~ day (as if he needed assurance of that). ~OHDr 45 cars took payt. in the,"GO-KfiRT 3LA~30~I" On~ c~[r didn’% qu’itc mak~ " " ~"~ the full second ~ ~ run but encugh of that[ ~ It " turned ~zm~@ out to be h very suhcessful . event by any measure. Trophies ~ill be passed out at the }di~RCH ~f~eting. -~-

Duane Alan interjected at this point to announce that PCF\-LA has firmed our location for the 1967 Christmas Party. A date has been accepted and a deposit paid to the La Canada Country Club. This is truly a top-quality place for such an event.

Don Groth reminded the membership that the F.e]BRUAIKY event is the annual "Wine-o Run". Day the wine flows (gratis-som~) is February 26, 1967. This event is conducted by Nick Friesen (no implications implied). 7~ flier will soon be out on this one. Don announced that a few sleepy people gathered to see the "GRAND PRIX" movie the other night. Apparently it was enjoyed by alI--YAWN--I think. The April Event will be a fun type rally -"professional" photographers will be on a "PIRATE TREASUR2E HUNT RALLY" available Sundays in the coming weeks, in April. 8.

A call for OLD BUSINESS was made.



shift in his teaching burden,

involving photography. A number of hand to assist and advise. Also in April wil! be held. Due to the shortage of three events may be forrnally conducted

There was none offered from the floor.

Don Groth our Vice Pr~.sident announced that due to a he will no longer be able to attend meetings.

then tendered his resignation.


Duane announced that in line with our by-laws,

a new Vice President will be appointed by the Board at the next Board Meeting.


Duan6 announced that the next Board Meeting will be held on the evening of

February 21,


All are welcome to attend.

home located at 41~ So.

The meeting will be at Duane’s

Alhambra Avenue in the city of Monterey Park.


time wilt be 8:00 pro.


Guests were then asked to stand up and give their name as well as the name

of the car they drive.

As usual, there was a very large number of guests on

hand and they are always welcome. 12.

Connie Russell and Norma Sandusky were announced as the Coffee Hostesses.


The Meeting was called for a coffee and talk break at 8:35 pro.

14. The Meeting was cMled to order again at 9:00 pro. Euane announced that all membership applications should be sent to John Bevan at 1050 So. Plymouth B!vd. in LosAngeles 90019. A!l matters of concern revolving around membership should be directed to John. 15.

John Bevan announced that membership has reached 230.


Duane then introduced the speaker for the evening, -3-


Strothers McMinn.

Mr. ~dclV[inn he~=L~s, the Transportation Lesi.~n Section of the In<’~usfrial Design motive desizn as well as actual pa~-~n~p.~on .... "c: ~’ in events rcvolvin~ ~round sports cars k:c et<n~:~tcd a number of intercstinpj color slides on what the ~uro~ean car nmakers arc doing this year. It was an em~vcrnely interesting] display and well spiced by a constant co<m~entary.


- Secretary

£; u ar~ e /x La n - E’ :" e s id e n t





be n~,,.~

on ~.~rch Z9 (the fifth .



~ -sdav~ ~ii~

at .... ~ vea~:s dz-zv;~,<~] sc,~ou! and othcz" Porsche-infested events. The u~:<<_.~-c(, ~ec us Lnow that his nnach.ine was pur~’in8 smoothly

after rninor s, " ~’, ~’y (See :. ]gec~:~n~>er PORSCHERAMi~).

~nte~es£ was Shown in

O:’ay a~z’eed,~ i:o handle ~:or~cspozzdencc an.c~~ Aiain _Mona of~e#cd" : to help with pre-

S !’,[ G I N £] A S S }~ h,! U, L f ] ] S ~v~ O N S ’.L’ R/’, T { O iq ¯

~.. ,,/~ .or,

’. ~<-. re]:,z’e, sent,ztive h&s offcz-e<t to he!p arranse a

Porsch~:engine~.asselnbly demonstration.

More details will follow eJs to -where



if your $90, B, C, or 91Z clutch ,.3o~s out of adjustment rather suddenly and the clutch cable is definitely not broken, "~.~ [r~-~-~ ...... ~’may be a flattenedthrowout bearing, The throwout bearings which arc used with d~e transn~ission-mounted guid~ tube have a rolled steel contact ring fastened to the inr~er r~c<. Norn~a! contact with .the clutch diaphr;.b{rn, tends to flatten this ring, and although the cross.-scction is a strong arch, so~netirnes the ring does fat! an.’ become flat. The bearin~{ must be replaced v,hcn.this happens but you ca~ drive a few n-~iles to the repair station by [akin~ up the cable adjustment and using th~ clutch as

11~[=c as


Curt Kuebler - Techzdcal Chairman APPLE V,~i,~, Y The January event has become a traditional one: and rightly so.

On January

PCA was on fts ~vay to the annual fK~pl~ Valley Ereahfast at Y~ov Rod~er’s f~pple

Valley !nn.

There ~y have been soiree question r~garding how sunny and

b~’i ~ ~t was when ~,vc left out" }~{.,:~ea a~ ~.~ early hour but there were no questions

~O~V f<~g-bound we becal0ae as v~c drove e~st on.....the fz’ec~a~ heading to Coffee lJan’s in 9/eat .3ov~na. /~ z’at[~er dense fog rea!].y rolled in, so dense that Pete Oa].ena <~rove ri~d~t past h,~ -orrect o.[f-ra~mp~ ~e mana;c~~ to find the next one. though but had diffict, lties finding his way back v~a conventional streets and a d~s.er{ed fog covered sho,pping area. ~inally, he knew he was close when he could be.at the ~.u~nble of ~ lev.’ "[~"ur oa..s~rs sin~inf~ in. unison. .X{riving just: short of ~oo la[e~ he found ab<.u, 30 or so cars r<ady to tak¢ ’off. Onu participant n~a

:’ouble with~hiss<’:~n"<"a.to~ brushes a~<~d,

hav~b.rcahfe_at at Coff<~<



~las it ~ppeared that he was doomed to

Thanks to that red b.caded, f~malc with her trusty

~irror... the last screw was fin~J]v_., set :~nd zowic, th~./~encrator was as good

Th~ fog soon c~.gared or rather we drove away fron~ it .rather q.uickly.~.

We pro-

ccede<]on back .type roads most of the way e.~’r~ving at the Apple Valley .~,-" in dine fo:_’ <ho..,., ¯ A- fa<{t count produced a~ut ’ a 10C cars on th~ sc~ne. !t seemed ev(¢r)~one enjc, yed his breakfast and also seeing old (in reruns of being"in the club mc~nbers and it was ~ood to sta~d arom~d and talk a li[tlc. The weather was pc.feet, sunny ~nd war~n t~ith <lea: blue skies so’after a delicious breakfast, we convened around the pooi~’- ~:’k ~neetin;g t !d of the unlimited delights available for the. group, ~k conducted tour of Apple Vs..fez was offere<l or one could drive few miles east for the Tralom tha~ w~s planned at the "Go-.Go-Kart~Track". The course ,;urned out to be rather interesting, nottoo lon:g but-tric!ty enout:jh to be just right. Over~45 cars entered the event and were able to enjoy two practice runs .(tinned),as well as "~}~, ~;~-e<~.runs. -~ ....... . ........ ~i’op tirae for. the day was run <luring the


This was tu:rned, in by R. Remefka with a spee.!ster from the Or~inge

G0ast Region. H~. was in the modified class and turne,’~ ;:,~ 44. 30 sec lap onthe s~cond time around. All badges were ~t half mast for Remeikt~ blew his engine. On the final r’uns it was evident that th~ performance ~as d.gwn, because he ~dld only turn A 45.50 ~t best for the timed run. Top ti~ze for the ti~med part w~s tuz-n~d, in by another modifiC<2 cl<:tSs car - 44 see (guess who).? ? ? And so it gods



every .clay and every event, the tim6 fina.lly arrive~ to st’at.

home. Pete thou~ht~ s he would rc::lly play it smart and miss the crowds pouring outof Riverside ~s well ~s the nearby ski slopes and go home via Pearblossom, Palmdale, Saugus, etc. b’<~i! it ~ill suffice to say that we all have the ri{$ht make a bad judgment onc~ i~ awhile. To<~ b~d that he didn’t haw a counter on his clutch pedal for he must have broken the recc~rd for a trip under i000 miles in length [ Pete Galena and Dave K~xo~ch R~$U. LTS





Car No.

1 Z






5 30

M. Friedman J. Collier

47. i0 46. 70

46. 35 46. 35

46. 45 47. 55

45. 70 47.40

3 4 5

6 44 ~o

? ? ? ? : ? : D. Schneider K. Kuebler

49. 35 51 60 50 30

49. 30 53. 30 49. 65

49. Z0 50. 10 50 50

49. Z5 49. 40 49. 60

R. Greenery

50 40


50 30








50. 70



L. Seafton

50 30

51 40

51 90

50, 50

9 10 11

Z5 Z., Z0

?’? . ? : ? ? R. Ballard ? ’? . ? ’? ?:

52 30 51 70 53 30

51 20 51 31 53 b0

50 60 5]. 30 51 Z0

50. S0 51. 00 51. 50



D. Teiwes


5~ S0

52. 60

5Z. I0







B Supers

i 2 3

2 4 34

R. Br.ownell N. Rich C. Wehmerer

46. 20 46. 45 ~-I-.o.. 30

4’6. 30 47. 35 48. 35

46. 50 46. ~5 49, Z0

46. 50 46. b0 47. 00

4 5 6 7

33 35 26 3Z

Vv, G. G. W.

49. 00 49.00 40.40 51.00

40. 70 4~.70 49. 90 49. 90

"-~9, 49. 50. 51.

46, 50 ~o.60 49. 3.0 50. 0’5

Kol] McGlelland Rectz Waugman

00 Z0 90 10


Car. No.

~ 9 10

39 2-9 45



30 43 8 38 I 15 10 42 42 22 23 12 46 iI 40 12 47




1 13

49 18 19 41 14 D

i 2 3 4 Glass

D. Kalbach N. Hunter B. Fujinaka

49. 30 51.60 54. 90

4~5. 90 52..50. 51.40

50~ 10 50.70 50.60

50.40 50.60 51.80

Gaffing 45. 50 ¯White 47.00 Mona (Ist Dr.) 50. i0 Smith 47. 55 Brownell (2nd ]Dr. )47. 30 Corbett 46.70 Keith 46. t~0 Masukaua (.ist 12r.)49,05 Gupti (2nd.Dr.) 46. 99 Friesen 4o. 39 Morris (Ist Dr.) 50,80 Bonta (Ist Dr.) 49. 35 Curss 47. 50 ? ? ? ? .~ 49. 90 Hassel 50. 90 Whitton (2nd Dr.) 51.40 Yokota 49.60

46.40 46.60 4~.70 46.68 47. 15 47. 90 ¯ 47. i0 4b.40 46. 52 47. 95 46. 9~ 4~.65 4~. 00 4~. 50 51.70 51.05 51.06

2/5. 95 47.05 47.70 47..0,5 47.¯10 47. 15 47. 15 47.25 45.. 05 47. 90 49.00 47. 35 4~.40 49. o0 45. 65 49.25 51.50

45.80 45.85 46. 65 47.25 40-00 47 30 47 o0 47 70 47 30 47 55 47 70 4~ 20 4o 20 40 ~50 49,80 . 49, 15 49. 30

49. 50

49. S0

51. 90 50.40 50. b0 NTR NTR NTR NTP~

49. b0 50. I0 DNF NTR NTR NTR NTI~


44. 80 46.45 46.75 4o. I0



D. P. A. R. H. C. L. J. D. N. D. D. R. ? ? A. J. M.

D. Garrett

49. 50

P. Pierce (Ist Dr. ) R. Cooper R. Kodini F. Robbins D. Davis G. Kious ??? ?? ??


49.00 45.85 49.63


4o. 70 50.22 50, 70 50.20 50.50

4~.S0 48.60 4~.40 I~Z.2.0

"i~. 30 45. i0 . 46.70 50.50 :

45.30 44. 30 47. 55 55.20

’-}6.-00 49.40

54. 10

51, 00


49. ~0

51. I0


51. i0


51. 35 57. 30

50. 3o 55.60

49. 50 54. 30

50.25 53. 50


¯ 16 31 27 28 E


911, 912 $90

l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ~


B. Olander R. Remeika

G. Smith J. Case

45. 50



27 .

¯ 2~








~I. MOna (2nd Dr.)


M. MOrris S. Garrett -7-



G~r..N.. 9.~1"

5 ’-: -~.’ 6 :~’ {"" 7 ’ 8

:i7 ~" ~Z9.<!:!:‘ ’31~ : <I


........ .i.:


57.60 ~ 53 0’0 ’55’."]310 " 59. I0 53.70 ’:53: 545Z.40 52.45

M. !Strehle~’ J. ,Hun{er L. Lewis K. Kious

Official 56.’30 NT~: NTR NTR

55:90 NTR NTR ~’ NTR

NTR - - No timed runs DNF ~} ~ Did’..no~ finish

. ’

’ ~


~ - ~ De~i:~z.nates top time in Class for practice and:[i~ed runs

SWAP SEssION Oran~ Coas[ ~e~lon has... invited th~ Los An~eles ~e~ion[d)a ~orsche Swap

s~o~ on ~m~J~ ~ [{$~v~,}~ ~.o~ ~0 ~m ~o 4 ~ o~.~o~ ~ T & M Motors, SZ51 Garden Grove Blvd.

Oarden or0ve[

This is o~e block east

of Beach Blvd and one b16ck nor~h~f the Garden Or0Ve Fgee~ay.

vaiu~bic) and browse th~Sdeh o[her’membegs’ P0}sche Z06dies andperhaps ~o}~dhe ]unk~

No~ is your chance to sell or trade thai sp’are sun visor or tail

P~rsche ~h&t just sits in your [4arable. Sunday light ~r even tkat spare~ ...... ~: ~. b[~rch 19[. is thedate f0ryou to find &ll those ~arts for which you’vh Leen looking for your Bet you don’t Z~ home ~it~’the same stuff, i~nything goes" ~s !ong ~s it pertains 1o PO~%SCHES.~..Co~fee and refresh~]ents will b.e ~urnished.,



S~ash~~ekle me .dom~n ~tes~ raise zour sails amd <ast Off f.or an a~Iyenturous cruise searchin~ for burie-d tressu}~ s:)mewhere in {he? ~a~k ~ay spy ~lasses, camera,



Time is allowed for leisure searchin~ of clues.


is next to several beautifui p’arks f~r picnics and se%erai {’known’~ restaurants. are within a couple of blocks.


9~30 am Sunday Mar<h 1Z.


AII cars ~itl.d:r~ dock ai ZODY’S PARKING LO.T (1000 .N. San Fernando



Last car casts off ~t !0:30 %m.


Burb~k) Take th~ Oolden State Er~$eway’]inters[ate 5) to Burbank


offramp’ (across from the International ~ouse of Pancakes).

The cost will be a mere three dabloons.

~<11 Buccaneers should

arrive a[ [he sta.r[ mith ~ full lank of air and eye patch. .:. <The hunt

"~ ’


]o:pAm:..-to all ~.A[’]membe}s, hostages and those’ with lette}~s of marque. ~.:-.,

, . ..





u j u.; i--. ouUl ~

wkat you’ll dig up ........

"Good luck mates do. "

and matics

r.~lay you get to ~’ " booty

Blackbeard Teiwes.


’57 I’,T C’<upe, b!ue. L’±ust s’ell, leaviug for Peace Corps. Al! new drive t .:in. Dennis Lyr_cb~ ~ 57Z Volga Dr. !-lu.ntlngton iieach. 749-?,598 (,Jays) 8.-i-Z-iOr.:2 eve> :’orsc~e ~pce(.~szer =-[ardto:~, lar~ze re&r window, aluminum frarnsd slidin3 s~de windows: $85.00 Call Dudd Snydcr, 645-0279 Ynl!y Cou~:t~rr:, mounts in asl: tray s![de (356 models), easy installation and tmay .... 5~:~. i,deasures J_/lOu ~nile ~u9, 00

St,evens .... !13 (-:-Mcu!a.:or ",.v *’ .:use, ::.,~.’.,’er :.:,ed $7. ~:2.

,C:~!! ),3udd Snyder, 645-0Z79.

_~..<.yc~_~ (wide ’ead) re-caps_on Dmoloo SP cas.~ngs (!csn i.han !000 miles) ~ ~ Kobbi>s, 652.-0346 (eve) 1;5-- 15 $~0 . . CO ~-~ ~ ...... Ga!l :~cy<

Your offer

¯ .Ha~.d’.:o.., to fit ,:




-" ., :’,

boXy, any color

Gcn.~act Gerd P, eetz,

!4/52 1

¯ ’_,u: ompie’:e g~c:~4e" 9--’ maintai,:i:,g Porsch"_. :,e,;~ on!?¢-o6~’~e-" r..:::.~h F_uo~" c,.:,=..e-’ .... of utilities. Call Curt Xuebl~

.............. borscne ,-:.f a,_-~y type in concou~’s cond~:on. /~rice no object CnlJ. c:r write ~_~.ve~-,~ Ka?_bach at 3!6-A Irving Ave. Glez:.Ja!e,. -£07 i.

NE W h’!’g i’.<-; Y, Eleven new POR.SCH:E-I-USHERS h:~ve joined theran,,o .... of Z~CA-LA this monta’ , ho,,-.,evers.mace .°robJoJts listi:2g them this morion."



Cur .

WZfxR YOUF_ ;’ADG~3 _O/_

zS_l issue will lis" them ~.1.~~.


a!] meetings and events[


ALHAM BRA, gALl F, ~’1803


John Mo Clynaan 923 "G" Second Street Santa Monica, California 90403


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