56zi0 Stardust Road, La Canada MAY 1967
Duane Alan Don Morris Pete Galena Ray Kornfeld Dave lialbach Dale Boyd John Bevan
283-7423 284-0387 329-8807 653-9520 247-3071 790-~Z98 935-3232
The MAY membership meeting will be held on May 8, 1967 at 8:00 pm at the usual meeting place, ALEXAND’RIA AVENUE SCHOOL located at ~211 Oakwood Avenue in Los Angeles. Featured entertainment for the evening Will be past President John Case showing the movies of nu~nnerous PCA Treffens to the Porsche Factory. John has been associated with PCA perhaps the longest of any member of our region. His vast knowledge of PCA and Porsche make him an experf on the "goings on" on Porschestrasse. Don’t fail to miss this exciting evenings eriter tair~ment. MINUTES OF THE APRIL IVflEMBERSHI.@ MEETING The following will be the mir~ufes taken at the April 1967 general membership meeting of the POR~SCHE CLUB OF AMERICA-LOd ANG~L~0 REGION. The meeting was held on the evening of April i0 in our usual meeting place which is located at the ALEXANDRIA AVILNUE SCHOOL in Los Angeles. A full slate of club officials were on hand with Duane Alan presiding. The hall was filled with members in spite of strong competition of the. Academy Awards T.V. Program. The meeting was called to order at 8:10 pro. The order of busir~ess ass~ reed this sequence: ,. ,
i. A motion was asked for and eventually seconded and passed from the floor to accept the minutes for the MARCH.meeting as they were published in the April issue of PORSCHERAMA, our official club publication. The secretary was approached for any further comment and could offer none. Z. Ray Kornfeld reported that as of ]Vfarch 31, 1967 PCA-LA had a~bank~’ b~lance of $673.00:. He promised a full balance sheet for the first quarter of
1967 and it will appear in the next POKdCHEP, AMA. Ray announced’that he had a number of newly arrived name badges on hand and requested people involved to pick them up as quickly as they ,night. A new list is now in progress and as soon as 15 names are obtained, the order will be submitted. 3. JDon Morris asked for volunteers from the ladies to act as future coffee hostessess. Alice Grey voiced her willingness to volunteer. Don announced that due to the great success of the recent Time Trials at Holtville (PCASAN DIJEGO) a new week~end is on tap for May 6-7, People going down from here will caravan down and will meet at Don Morris’s home at about 6:00 pm on May 5th. If interested in joining, get in touch with Don. Don recommended all interested parties to make motel reservations quickly since there are not too many rooms available, 4. Dale Boyd asked fox’ a show of hands of anyone n<}t getting the PORSCHERAMA on a regular basis, He ashed that anyone not getting his issue to make this known at ~he next meeting.~ 1~le then an:aounced that the Santa Barbara Region will have a chaatapagne party followizig the races there on May 27, 1967. All will be we!ccme at $2° 50 per head, : " 5.
Our recent Mem.bership Chair~men. John B, evan was asked to introduce his
successor, Don Teiwes, V. elcorne aboard Don. All members’~with affairs involving membea’ship get i.n touch with Lon in the future. He will l~mV~a Supply of ~nembership app]ications avail_able at all ti~nes, i ,~ ¯ ¯ 6.~ Curt kuebl-er our TECHNICAL CHAIRMAN then asked Budd Snydei~to make a:~progress report on the "U±m-lcI~IN’’ pub].ica[ion. ]~udd stated~tha[~h0t mucl~ has taken place since our last 171eeting, Curt then announced that th~ ~}[Ay ]0tld date for the engi~e mssembly de~nonstration is firm° Details will abp~ai~ in’the next issue of i~O~3CHIERA~viA, fle inentimned once more that a limit of 40 people must be imposed due to space lin~itationso Should a la.rger turn:0~t~ " " becomeapparent-~, a second date will be arranged. The next Tech Committee Meeting,~vill be on April 26° As always it w~.ll be at b:00 pm and located!~t ’’ 11650 ~v~,~est Santa Monica Blvdo in ~Aest _:_,os Angeles° " 7., Dave Kalba<h ou,r ACTIVITIE~ CHAIRIVLAN reported [hat the PIRATE RALLY was,a great success,, izle gave&hri’ef run-down of the Winners along!with som~ amusing comment about then=,. ’He th-~nwent On to briefly ’describe our PHoTo RUN which was ou:~’:extra, ev.ent for last ~<eonth, It was really /huge "splash[’ and Duane filan can be:te~’ attest to this: I-le had to be "fished~ out Of a stream and no one even knew if he was in season, Joe Schneider thenbrlef~y" ~ filed a re.yiew of the April event, the SUNDAY SHORTIE RALLY which’ will take place" on April Z3, 190~7. Don then announced that our ~iay event w{li be a ~,suzpri~eii event which is in th.e hands of the ladies of PCA-LAo Th~ June event will Oymkhana. The August event, will be aSlalom, All of this ~S to ready one and all for the big Time Trials due in October at Willow Springs, An extra event is being planned for ~Vfay. ~A camping trip is being planne<] ~or later in the Sprin~.
8. Euane Alan then announced that Billy May will handle the entertainment portion of the 1967 Christrnas Party. Sinatra .....may-be ......... . 9. Harold 5ernans then asked for the floor and read a brief review of a recent article which appeared in the April issue cf COI’$SUMER’S REPOP~T6~ The article dwelled on the very pccr quality control standards on new cars currently being delivered from don-lestic producti.,.,m(s). Harold thought that once in awhile we should be reminded about the relative quality of the field in general and that car., .can’t think of the name right now~ .. Harold concluded that the entire article should be obtained and read. I0. Duane then announced that a i~zw bi!l is in the hopper up in Sacramento (BILL AB-1070) covering still another attempt to legalize radar in California. He expressed a wish that we all write our re~resentative asking them to kill the bill. He ~hen asl~ed the m~mbc~’shiD if they had any interest in Z "dinnermeeting" type of meeting cnce in awhile T~lere was no ’interest expressed. He then announced that, as always, there will be a Hospitality Tent at Tu~rn 7 up at Laguna Seca on May 7, 1967. PEA-IN{OblTEKEY wili be the host. ii. All guests were thel asked to stelnd, identify b0thperson and car. ’ As usual th, ere were a number of guests p~’esent, 12 Mary )/iorris ~h.~n a-r, nb{~nced that she was able to l~ak a few details on the "SURPRISE EVEI~$T’’ coming up., ~t will be a Eox Lunch social type of thing with. picnic. , hampers cf food to be su~’i~d~__ ~ by the ladies. They will be auctioned off to the highest h"~ ~ ~ae~" andff_~e b.".dder will lay claim on the goodies (in the basket.)~ Shades o~ a g~:od~c]4 fashioned clam ~ake. Mary would not. elaborate further on tKe other F~ti0n oi the day other than to state that what-ever, a, Grand Prix type ef start will he involved~. Get in ~h~.~)~ -~! ~ boys. 13. Curt iiuebler thcn gave a brief run-down of the. Swap Meet in Gar~,n Grove over tl~e. hst week-endo It was well attended :~y PCA-LAo As a bonus there was a Targa on hand for close i:l~p’6ction and some rather good prizes raffled off. ’ 14o The. meeting was brohen off for coffee at 8:50 prn with Connie Russell and Ma~-y Morris acting as h0stes~ses. 15.: The meeffng was reaWakenedAt 9:10 pro. It was announced that two PCA-LA members came in with sonde first place hardware taken at a POC Slalom on~ April 9th. 16. The next board m!eeti’ng was announced f0~r the evening of April 18 at 8:00 pro. It will be at ~he home of Dave Kalbach whicli~iS located at 316 A~Irving St. in Glendale. All are welcome bu~ please call first. 17. Duane then_ presented the spe’akef f)r the evening, ,F,r’hardt 2iegelmeyer who
rep~se~~t~~est coast distributors in matters 0fa technical nurture. ~rhardt then wer~t Ohta answer a full~hour of technical questions, fr0~ the fl0oi-. It was by far the most satisfactory session of this nature ~o date or in the ~e~ory of you~secret~ry~ 18.
’ ’
...... ’
T’h’e m&eting was adjourned at i0:30 pro,
~, ~
Pete Galena - Secretary
THE SHUTTERBU© FUN TOU’P~,-ORSPLASH On Np"~fi~g a~ ;1~0:10 an< one Volkswagen, one BM?, and eightPorsches left DuP~ Thou~indOaRs< ’: it was a mag:dficent day. The cloud formations were the fin~st I have even geen in Southern California. To get some shots of these clouds~nd distant snow capped mountains, we turned up a narrow road and parked in the "parking lot of the local Y~; CA~ Then we climbed up a pretty good hill (funny how the hills are getting s te eper). The next 30 minutes were spent
’photographing the clouds, White topped n~ountains, local scenery and close-ups of flowers. The only thing Don Tiewe s photoggaphed all day was the date he had brought along. (in between repairing his camera). Coming off the i~ill, the mud was thd:~tiC~iest~ T’~fi On thr:o~gh. Moorpark and Fillmore to a one room Red School Ho~se. ¯ This 6cho61~H;0~s~ dompletC’ with bell tower is still in use. It is idcated on .Rout~ 126 abo~C3~fl$%::ea~t .... Of Santa Paula~ Of course, everyone had ~o try Out the Swings
Along the Upper Ojai Valley runs Lions Creek.
It is a very pretty creek and
wantedX ~’0uple of shots of it. V~e Stopped and went between the~ungs of a closed gate d0~n ~hill to thecreek. I was carryin[,;my4xS’on a tripod a~d Pete Galena was carrying my case’(ab’odt 40 lbs~). Naturally the other side of~the creek greener. I went across with the 4x5 and came back for the case. I couldn’tc~nvince Pete that he should bring it to me. The creek at this point was about 18’ wide. Going back with the Case, i slipped on a rock and in Iwent[ The caseI saved, but I was wet up to my neck,. I also hit my eye on a rock and h~d a ~! eye for a week~
Thank goodness for perma-press clothes.
(I did get the pictures
Ojai was the next stop~ The ]ocal "Stop the war ~n Viet Nam" people were out and a white pick-up truck painted all over with signs "Stop.the war with total victory" waspa~kedb;y[hem; however , by the time we left, everyone~ad dispersed and .
Gathering everyone together and proceeding west on .Route 150, we turned and ..... twisted past Lake Casitas, through Montecito onto San MarcosPass and Stop~
at Lake Cachuma.
Last leg was into Mission Santa Ines at oolvang,
go into Solvang as people and cars were impenetrable. to Pea :~oup _Anderson for dinner and back home.
Let’s eat!
ke did not So off we go
The problem of runaing a caravan through high density areas are obvious. I would like to run another caravan up to llernville later on; perhaps on ~aturday. POINT OF INTEReST--Everyone of you knows what an automobile junk yard looks like, but do.you know what an aircraft junk yard looks like? ? ? About 12 miles north Of .~osamond just past Soledad Mountain, turn left onto Silver ¢~ueen Road, There is a yard with about 7 or 8 airliners that had augered in somewheres, National, United, Venzuala, Branif, etc. just to name a few° ~iso in this a~rea is the Golden Queen Mine, Bob Tail Mine and Elephant Eagle M~ne. Its a gold mine of past lore. T:~IOLL~Y FOLLY--June 4 i~ the date! This is the extra for June. Leaving Denny’s i~estaurant off the ~an Bernardino Freeway by t.he Union Station at Ii am, ~e wilt go to the Orange ~mpire Trolley Museum in Perris (California). -SEE RID~ Streetcars, Interurbans, Locomotives, Cabooses, V:.ork-cars and £quipznent. ]~i~F,~ 7~.E:IvlIS.~ION. Luane Alan - President T,~CH COMlv..ITTEiE R;EPORT The next Tech Con-.~qittee Meeting will be held IV:ay 2~th (the ~th V..ednesday)at 11650 Santa lvionica Blvd. in V eat Los Angeles.
All are welcome to attend an
informal discussion of int’ere~ting technical topics.
Twelve PC~a’ers at the March Tech Committee Meeting discussed, among other things, inspection plans for October’s run at V, illow Springs and publication of UI~-z’IXIN (Volume If).
iJyle /~rnold volunteered to write for the official PCA-
National competition class list. (~e had since received a full reply from Jim Perrin). Concerning U~-~-IXIN, it was agreed that pre-put)lication orders could help.finance the project. ~NGIN.g ~iSSh~MBLY D~’2MONSTKATION-S PE CIP L
Tuesday, May 16th, is the date when ~0 interested Porscheneers will witness the assembly of a 912 engine. If you would like to attend ti~is special evening session, send immediately for reservations. Just send your name and return address to:
Curt Kuebler P.O. Box 66515 Los z:>ngeles, California 90066 -5-
>.,Yo~’will be notified :by. retwrn mail of. the ~time &~rdpla~e~
If~ou plan tObring a
~.,~a~ilZ,.~e:mber~ pl~ase include his /her hame sinc~individual~t~ckets issued.
,, :: .,,.
T~G,~G~O~UM~. ¯ . The expression, Porsches,
,:~ "; ..’.
" ::
,.. ;
.... ~ .-
~blown oil cooler",
..... , ’i(
find its origin in the early days of pushrod
Sinc.e .oil coolers for. t.he:gtl engines are also’ made by ~ehr,
not. surpris:lng to ffnd~a;l~king:911, coo’ier. ~.anew one (less than :$100)...:iIt~is,simpler, ,.the.9tl engines than the puShrod e’~gfne.
The big surprise is the pr£ce of
tochange’oiicooie~s on
The 911 cooler can be:changed ~f~ho.ut
pu.lling t.he . engine. ... The air clean*era and three pieces of sheet metal ghr0uding must be removed~before loosening the four: cooler mounting nuts. must,
of course,
be drained.
Curt Kuebler., Technical Chairman PCA-LJ
PERIOD._ ~ANUA:~Y 1’ :-MARCH 3t:,
1st quarte~’
Refund of dues from National Christmas Party: ,~t Sale
$ 6a-4. 79 ¯
..... :
of Badges
Gain on Coffee
151 2 5
Gain on Apple Valley Slalom
Z1. 39
~gi~:on Ereezin Frol}fe II
Ga:~n on Treasure f£~unt
1g. 64 "
Total to be accounted for
~ ,:
106 ":.
..... ’
190 80
’ ’
14. 00
Depqs.it On1967 Ch~istma~ 9arty
~ieposit ~ V. i!low,Springs Raceway Cash in Bank,
.... ~-
Awards tp Out-going officers and 1966winners Newsletter:and publication costs S~ppl.i~s
Parade,this REMEMBER
~ ~60, 98
100. 00 ..... ’~’
Total accounted for
1, 1~4.
w ho
Jufie ’1’9 through 2.3
XII Porsche
ivir..Duane C..Alan, President Los ~ngeles ~egion Porsche Club of ~a1~erica 418 5o. Alhambra Avenue ivionterey ~ark, California 91754
]Dear Mr. 7’fan:
7as the time for the XII Parade approaches, I want to extend again to you and your region n]y personal invitation, as well as that of Potomac l~egion,~ to attend the ~arade. ~,e hope you are anticipating attending as eagerly a~ we are anticipating .your attendance I want toemphasize the fact that there will be so~ething of interest []ere for each member of the faiT~ily -- those who are interested~in the competitive events as Well as tho~e ’who are not, and the fact that it will be a fun filled week for the entire family. In planning with an eye to a ~omplete week, we baize placed muc,-~ stress on the quality of our banquets and our total planning for the evenings. All plans are firm. ~Ii of the banquets are subsidized L~y POAC and the local dealers. There will be an open (free) bar for the luau and mooniight cruise. Tnerefoz’e, although the rates for the various evenings are reasonable, t~}~y will be ~uite lavish. I hope when you and your membezs register that you will take advantage of the exciting evenings available. The German ~mbassy na.s graciously invited all of the registrants to the reception at their Chancery. This is a most unusual honor that they have accorded us, and will be a long ren~embere.d portion of yotir trip to the XII Parade. In essence, I feel that your evenings at the Parade will be as memorable as your days will be at the concours, the rally, the autocross and the driver’s school. I know I do not have to go into all of the details of the new Targa 911. It is a revoluti-Onary car for Po~scne lovers and’ one that w.e all find most exciting. ’ \;,.ell, A Targa 911 will be raffled off at the ~[II Parade! It will be one of the first to
arrive in this country, and we anti~cipate its arriva! impatiently. This will give all, of us an opi~ortunity to see and ’examine it. And some. lucky participant will ¯ go home with a Targa! One important bit of information which applies to all who are planning to register in the Parade; the registration form which was included in the February issue of "Der Vorganger", the official publication of the ~otomac i~egion, which was mailed nationally had an error. The address of the registrar IVlrs. _Agnes VanSant, which was listed as 1060 ~"..eymouth is in reality 10601 V.,eymouth Street, Apt. I02, Bethesda;. iviaryland Z001~I. ii0uld you please call this to the attention of your member,s. : The lo:c~al pos~ 0ffide here has been notified of.this error and is co~ operating, Dtit ~we don’t ~van~t even .one person to be disappointed! In clos.ing,, let me reiterate h~W cordially you all are in~vited to share with us in all of the. fun that will take place the week of June 19 through 23 at the Xll_~arade. -7-
The letter was signed by Robert S. Lee, General Chairman, ’XII Parade. "
HOLTVILLE TIME TRIALS ~or all you stormers going to bloltville, these are the classes and options." Class A All normals Class 13 Supers, "G’s~’ and 91Z’s Class C Sg0’s and SC’s Class E
.~ ~
~viodified (also 911S’S)
Glass F Ladies (}; omen’s :class will be scored by index of performance) If there are p~ore than 5 supers and "@~s", they will have their own class. wise if there are more than 6 - 911 supers. Entry fee:
Ladies free ..... Men $7. O0 both days.
Group I options Velocity stacks - i ’ Ngn-standard venturis 1 pt!. Group II dptions Free~±~ow exkaust - Z pt .Lightened flywheel - 2 pt. Neg£~’i:~e canubcr - Z pt. (froo.%..~heels
Racing tires - 6 pt. Z. ide rims - 4 pt~. N0n-st~nda~d gearing - 5 pt. Spee~sc£r body -
Ro~ds[er body - 4 pt. If yOU bare ten (]0) points,
. you will m~ove up one class
{~ For each addi[i.0nal five
5) points you ~ov6 Up another class. Hope to se~. a].oref’y;h:r,: smiling faces. : Should ¯prove to be a very exciting ~nd’ ec~end ~ancing, dining and other extras scheduled for Saturday’Nite.
For z~orc iiaforrnation, just call Don iVlorris at 284-0387 anytime after 6 p~. Don Morris - -Vice. P’fesident
SEBRING lZ-~Iours of Endurance
~: :~ ¯
In an ini:re~dfble show of Strength, South~e~rn California 2~orgche pil~tS Od0~[er ’ Patrick,: ~ilan Johnson and Bob Kirby leda virtually indestructible Porg~h~<~team to num.er:o@s in~pressive wins at the iZ ho.urs of Sebring. The Ra[rick-~iitter under two liter Porsche whipped every car in the race except the winning 7-1iter Ford of Andreiti-)¢icLare~n and another 7-1iter Ford which finished 8 sed0nd:s ahead of the Porsci~e. The So}}thern California duo of:Alan Johnson and Bb~Kirb:y %ere -8-
entered as independents in that they had no factory sponsorship which made their win even more astounding. They ran to a first in OT and nineth overall in the face. ~ The only cars to finish ahead of. the production m0de.l Porsche 91 IS were ’ :fo.ur..prototype Porsche racers and ~our 7 liter Ford prototypes. Don Morris - Vice President SOlviE PEOPLE ARE JUST PLAIN LUCKY
An interesting side light occurred during ’the March Z6, 1967 Treasure Hu~[ ’ rally. F,.e had ma~le a wrong turn in Lompoc because one of the ’identifying road signs had disappeared and we wound up at the gates to Vandenburgh .Air Force Base instead of Pismo Be:~ch. Understandably, we were a bit in a hurry backtracking, particularly since we had already dallied away more than the allotted lunch hour in ~anta Barbara. I thQught I had better take it easy through town, however, and stayed in second gear. Nevertheless, we discovered a police car following us with its lights flashing. Max advised me to pull over and I did. In the police car behind us the officer put on his crash helmet, etc (I wonder if he expected a fight [)He stepped up to our little Porsche and demanded to see my drivers license. I dug through my wallet and could not find it. In desperation I ~mptied the contents of the wallet into my lap and again went through the paraphernalia of II~’s, credit cards, library cards, etc. and there it was. I handed it over. He inspected it leisurely and handed it back. ~’as I familiar with the posted speed limits of the town, he inquired gravely. I said that generally the speed limits ranged from Z5 to 35 miles per hour and I thought that was what I was doing. Next he asked whether we had checked.the speedometer lately. V.e answered negatively, and he said we should since his was radar checked, and according to his calculations I was driving 40 miles per hour in a ZS-mile zone. In addition, he exclaimed,"...and I only heard you shift once!" V. ell, y~es, I said, becs~use I was~going too slow for anything higher than second ~earo Then he wanted to know j~st how familiar I was with the operation of the car (things were getting more embarrassing by the minute!) and did I ever confuse the tachometer with the speedo~-neter, and "don’t you ever use the rear view mirror, I have been following you for the last three miles." I replied that, well, my own ca~- (this was my husband’s) had the speedometer located where the tacho~-neter was in this one and that I did have trouble seeing out the back window because Mona’s head was in the way. By way of explanation, Mona is our young daughter who had joined us in the treasure hunt and sat uncomfortably but quietly squashed in the rear emergency seat. Well, the officer finally decided to let me. off easy. "But let this be a warning.to you," headd~d, shaking His fin~er at me....Anyway, he said it wo.uld not be fair for him to give me a ti’cket and let Max go free when he really should write him a ticket for throwing his cigarette butts out the car Window.~ He flashed a broad smile, which we dutifully returned, .and steered his well-padded form towards .his , ..~...,.~ automobile. Ke heaved a si~:of, rel~f and Mona quipped cheerfully: "The,rolypoly ones’are always softheartedo" " Max and Marianne Strehler -9-
PCA-HOSPITALITY TENT ~ND CHAMPAGNE In~4RTY-LAGUNA SYSCA hilonterey Bay Region, PCA agXiriwill kiost’a hospitalitytent at Turn 7"~oilowed by a champagne party Saturday evening betwden 7 and 9 pm at the hi.~o~tereyFair Grounds. A special p’arking area adjacent {o:Turn 7 just for Porsch-es is being provided. This will be known as the Pot s che Cor ral. As a special activity, there will be a one lap Porsche Parade on the famous Laguna Seca Course Sunday during the noon lunch break. This Parade will be led by a new Targa driven by Eon V~ester. Entrance in the _~arade will be’on a first come basis¯ among Porsches parked in the corral. Cars are requested to be clean and in a good. condition. Don’t forget-Laguna Seca V, eekend h/lay5-7. 7th ANNUAL JUNE ]BUG SLALOM--ORANGE COAST PiEGION, PCA
Date : Place: Time:
June ~th Orange Plaza Shopping Center, Chapman & Brookhurst Garden ~rove. California Registration and Tech Open 8:30 ~o 2:30 Couroe
Open ;-00 to 4:00
Classes: Trophies:
I thru V including ladies ist, Znd. 3rd i~ class Top time of day Participation plaques Required: kIelmet~ (available), seat bel~s, tube tires, street ~nufflers, maxin%urn Z drivaro per car Code: RCP L~ational Guidelines Cost: $3. 50 per driver, $5. 00 for m/f team, $i. 00 reruns - time permitting Cour.semaste.;r~s:Joh~= CcilJer, George IV~cClelland For further., informa.tion contact: O V
McClell~and, !3ZOZ Hoover St. r:30, V:estminster.
CHAh~PAGNE FLOV, S AT SANTA BAR]~Y’RA ROAD RACES MAY 27th Chanqpagne Party after the Saturday running’of the races at the Veterans iV,,emorial Bldg. i i~ V.o Cabril!o Blvd. at the beach° Time: 9:i~i prn, This is a great way to meet fellow Santa 13arbara PGA’ers, the hosts and others in the area. Price SZo 50 per person.
,Rall:y Counters,~imounts in ash tray slide (356~m0d:els), ea~sy installation and may be removed be, t~eeh ~:allies.:. Internally lighted. Measuf$S 1~100 mile $50.00 Call Budd Snyd.e~, .6ziS-0279o . ’ Johnson.7~igSse~n~ Z-way citizens band mobile transceiv:ir: a,nd is. complete with¯ antenna and’ mount-contaCt Oerd
v~asins~’alled i~r~3~6A
John M. Clyman 9Z3 "G" Second Street
Santa Monica, California 90403