Duane Alan Don Morris Lyle Arnold Ray Kornfeld Dave lialbach Dale Boyd John I~evan
283-7423 284-0387 684- 1861 653 - 9520 797-6126 790-4298 935 - 32 32
The OCTOBEi% membership meeting will be held on Oztober 9, 1967 at 8:00 pm at the usual.meeting place, AI~EXANDRIA AVENUE SCHOOL located at 4Zll Oakwood Avenue in Los Angeles. Featured entertainment for the evening will be a short talk and pictures by Harold Semans who recently returned from a trip to Russia and points North. I’m sure it will be a very interesting evening for all. See you there l I F_)on Morris - Vice President MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER M~MBEP~SHIP MEETING The following will be the minutes taken at the September iI, 1967 general membership me.et[ng of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA-LOS ANGELES P~GION. This meeting was a combined]Dinner/]Business Meeting and was held at Ricky’s Restaurant located in Alharn]~ra at 323 \~fest Valley Blvd. This meeting was well attended by a spirited group of sixty-five. A happy hour began at 6:30 pin,and progressed until din.ne~- at eight. i. After dinner President Duane Alan called the meeting to order and comm.ented on the:sp!endid tu~-r~out .and mentioned he was especially pleased to see so many ladles present. Duane added that dinner rfieetings in the past had been questioned by s6me of the members, but if this group was an example of what could be expected in.. the.. future.. .,~perhaps. more meetings of this type sh0uldbeconsidered. By the time the evening was over, guests present had me-[ and talked:[o most .of the member.s. 2. A motion was made from the floor to accept the minutes of the August Meeting as they appeared inthe last issue of POf{SCHEP~AMAo 3.
Ray l<ornfeld, Treasurer had nothing new to add to the last report.
4. Don Morris, Vice President announced that he had contacted l%oger Bursch and Alan Johnson and that they had agreed to attend the ~eptember 27 Technical Committee Meeting and discuss car preparation for the Time Trials at ZTillow Springs. 5. Dale Boyd, Editor of Porscherama announced that the cut-off point for the next issue would be September Z0th. 6. Dave¯ liaibach, Activities Chairman gave a review of the plans for the camping trip co~ing up on September Z3 and Z4. He asked for a show of hands of those who expected to make the trip. Dave added that if some were too timid to.~pend the night that they should drive up the following day not to miss out on the fun.~: Duane Alan, an avid camper, painted a picture of the beauty of the location and gave an iron bound guara~!tee that there were no bears or snakes in the area. 7.
Nick Friesen mentioned the coming events that would be of interest: POC Slalo~r~ POC Riverside PCA-SD Time Trials at Ho!tville PCA-LA TIME TRIALS AT ~,,’ILLOW SPRINGS
October l October 14-!5 November 4-5 November II-IZ
PCA-OCR Slalom
November 19
: PGA-MBI% 8th \Veekend
November Z4-Z6
8. Dave Kalb’achannounced the speaker of the evening would be Dale Boyd and thereupon Dale took the floor and outlined the route of the recent "Lucky 7 plus l Rally". ]Dale asked the members to take note of the fact that all had passed the La Canada Country Club enroute. This will be the location of the 1967 Christmas Party. The winners of the rally were then announced: Navigational i, George Merwyn, Jerry Gordon ¯ ’ : ’
Seat of Pants i. Curt Kuebler, Bob Briffett Z~ Meredith and Tom Vv’alters 3. Pat and Bruce Kuebler
Duane thanked K]ale and his workers and mentioned what an interesting and well planned rally it had been. 9. Curt Kuebl6~i~"/ ’Tech~{~alChair.man announced that the next Technical Meeting will be heldthe’:ZTth 6fS~ptember at i1650 Santa.Monica Blvd. in West Los Angeles..~ 10.
The b<~l!~h~’dr’the evening was turned over toDon Morris and his movies of the
Dri~cer~s~’S,~~o(~f h~ld at Whiteman Stadium and the PGA-SD Time Trials at Holtville.
The rne~f-i5’g"’W~,~ adjourned at 10:15 pm. Lyle Arnold - Secretary
TECH COMMITTEE REPOP~T The next Tech Committee Meeting takes place October Z5th (fourth Wednesday) at i1650 S:aiilfa MonicaBlvdJ in Vvest Los Angeles. Timeis8 pro. .Final agra.nge " :ments for’ the Willow Springs pre-tech inspection wi!lb$~ade. Discussions at the August Tech Meeting ranged from the latest news about 1968 Porsche models to fluidic Carburetors and cutaway 911~6iI filters. .Er. Mona " reported that:four 1968 Porsches would, be available in Germany: 91Z, 911T, ~I’i, and 911L. The rumored sport0matiC transmission would also be an available option. : "Up-:fixin der ~orsche, Vdiume If", the collection:0f I~ANOP~AMA Technical articles, is ready for printing. The booi~let will have ZI0 pages of articles and probably sell for SZ. 50. The. opportunity to finance this publication is open to interested parties, with first chance going to PCA National.
TECH COLUMN It has been observed that exhaust valve pockets inlightweight forged replacement pistons Wez-e machined at an incorrect angle, resultiiig in valve-to-piston interference, The flat pocket bottom should be pef~:e’ndicular to the exhaust valve axis within +30 arc rain. %~hen assembling an eng~ine with high comp~.ession pistons such as those from MC Supply, ti~e spent in checking TDC clearance iS not wasted. Clearance must be sufficienf ~o that interference does not occur even when deposits have lengthened the e~haust v~ilveso A plastig~ge-tgpe mate~’ial works fine for this check° Guest c~lumnist this mo~-.th is Golden Crate Region’s Jim INellington: Did you know that if you drive your car an average of i0,~000 miles per year, its spark plugs have probably fired some 15 r~Jllion times since their last replacement?... that the carburetor- may have mixed as much as 700 gallons of gasoline with more than 6 million gallons Of air?o o.and that each piston could have traveled over 3000 miles up and down inside the c]~linder? Theseffigures do n0t take into consideration the idle time which the speedometer does not record...this could be the equivalent of another g000 miles or so Of driving. Makes you tired just thinking about all the activity ! It’s no wonder that periodic tune-ups are necessary to put pep back in the old bus! Did you know thatlit takes about eight to ten miles of driving for the oil to reach a normal opera’ting’temperature? Further~ from 30 [o I00 mile~ is necessary before contaminants such as water and gasoline are driven off. No dbubt the majority of your travel produces mileage averages much less than ~this. Regular oil changes’ must be encouraged in order to minimize the build-up of crankcase ¯contaminants. ¯ More arid’more, Car manufacturers, including the 911 Porsche.are installing alternators using diodes robt.rectification. Thu~, itseems.%im~ly to mention that it is imperative that battery hook-up be correct, Make sure that batteries are installed
with correct polarity and that charger leads are connected positive to¯ positive¯ and negative to negative, f~eversing polarity could cause burning of th¯e-diodes as Well as the wiring harness. iOushing an alternator-equipped car~with a’stone dead battery is hopeless ! Who would push a Porsche anyway? I’~o 911 owner, I know! Unless a~yin¯g battery can give a Z-amp inheritance to the magnets within the alternator, you~’re down! You can spin the alternator all day .... at any speed° o o but you won’t get a trickle of juice. Alterna~ors use electrornagnets in contrast to generators; at least 2 amps m~ust¯be delivered to the n~agnets to endow your car with G(Do ]Best bet is tO use a booster battery hooked up properly. Curt liuebler - Technical Chairman OlIT OB E P(F~2 S T.. .... O~:tobc r ZZnd Porsche pusher, here is your chance of a l~.fe ~n~e. o. Champagne with~breakfaSt Yes, this is a real Oktobe-,"fest with a twist fit for all Porsche drivers and their favorite riders. But this isn’t any regular Oktoberfes~ It starts withan~c0nomy run to Idylwild~..a real ~est to see what your Porsche can do. The economy run is.approximately i00 miles through some of the most beautify! pa~’ts of P~iverside ~n a ca~-~yon (~n Jackrabbit Trail (don’t worry, its County~ You even travel throu~’ ¯ paved) eventually arriving at ?000 feet where the air is clear and the pines are tall. We then decend to the Chef-in-the-Forest hiSden among the pines in a mountain village~ The food at the Chef-in-~he-Fores~ is pre~y ~ famous. In case you haven’t been there, read about i~ in V~’~estcrn Highways Magazine or ~s~k the San Diego Region about the ~estaurant a ~nile high in the sky. Have a little something early but leave some room for brunch.. You’ll need it! Brunch goes for $Z.50 per person for al! yo~: ca~ eat. This includes a large crystal glass¯ of orange juice, homemade toast, ~gg omelet (choice of cheese, lox and onion, mushroom), ham or polish .sausage (homemade), french toast or waffles and milk or coffee. For an extra $.75 its a large bubbly glass of champagne. Entry fee is SZ., 50 per car with -trophies going to those with the best gas rnil~age. Advance reservations are encouraged to insure space for you an~l your guest. The run is on October Z2nd and ~ar,. ..... s from the Huddle I~estaurant in V~est Covina just off of the S~n Bernardirzo Freeway betwe~:n Citrus and Barranca cfframp on the north side of the freeway next to the May Co~npany already., First car out at 8:16 am. See you the~’e~I Please phone your Activities Chairman (Dave Kalbach, 7’97261Z6), PreSident (Duane Alan, 283.-7~iZ3) or Editor, (Dale Boyd ..... 790-4298) for reservations. PoSo if you stay. fo~ dinner,, you’re in store for a treat ...... L’~wenbrau flows with ,,great steaks an¢~ other g..reat meals wi~h good singing around the old piano. Dave¯ Kalbach- Activitie.s Chairman
Wi.th 0nly :a 1-n0nth .to go ’~ii"the bi~ even} ’dr i%:illow Springs, it i.s v’ery’:gratifying report that, all is gQing well an~d.
that it
i~ shiping up
to be
a real good
Many details still need to be ~r~solved and hhere ar~ numerous ch~ges to"5:e dohe before the even~ can happen, but th~se are be:ing handled by capa~[:4vohntee~s.- . Quite a few people ~ave already taken on responsibilities ~or this event. The’P~-" sponse has been verg good and is app.reciated~ Dave Kalbach and the Boyd Family have done a lot in getting out the publicity (check the October "PANO" and help.pass Out som~’h~ndbills), aS well as Dave’s.assisting Duane Alaa with th~ organization and arrangements ~or the track and the buffet dinner/party. ’~ Ma~g Morris is handling registration w~th ~he help of Jackie Heueisen Minna Cooper. ~. . ~and: Shelly Ramage. They will need some more help at the tr.ac~so don’t you girls be bashful~ t~ you are culinarily iaclined you might ~e~ ~ithDa~n v~ augaman who is in charge of the concess2ons. Until track time, Dawn is playing Betsg Ros~ for PCA and:sewing some competition 2lags. Miles Jackson and Bob Bri~fett are. ~rganizing the~ Flagman Committee ~ to keep tabs on the drivers and:ke~ep" the track safe~ ~ ,~ ’
Prior to the event.there will be an inspection of the Competitor’s cars at ~Transocean v!~-Porsch,e’"in Pasadena, conducted by the Tech Committee, headed by Curt Kueb!er. Paul Magaris is asiisting Curt with the paperwork and the rest of the fello~s will be bu.sy locking at the. cars. Other pre-event activities included a car preparation~ . briefing..~ at the September Tech,. Meeting by Roger Bursch and Alan Johnson. ." At the track the .crowd control will be handled by Golden Gate transfer, Dick Seward .
.helped by "Tiger".I~ruce Graham. Tin~ing of the Event will be by professional Jack Purcell who has done numerous $CCA] Formula and’stock car races in Southern California. John McNeil ~ill supervise the scoring ofthe event w{hile Don M0r~is and Nick E~iesen will start the cars and brief the drivers. ~ " ..~..Other event. .v°lunteers include "Big~ Band" Billy ~[ay, the ~on Ramages, the Lyle ~Arnolds, the ~ay ~¢rnfe~ds, George "Daddy" Oedeon and theBill Heueisens. Floyd ~obbins has helped by giving lega’l~ a~vise andTdm V, allace V61unteered he and Jim Vlaming to help with communications via radio. Among. the ~’hot Si0~s"~. ~hat ar~"helping., to put on thi~~event at V~illow springs as well as planning on being very om~e-Htive are: iahi~ V,.’h~te, Eic~ ~,Kamakizi,,~ K0dani, Mike ~’N0rmal" Fredmin~ Bill"’Shper" wauga~anand "who kn0w~~, Joe{ Schneider, our man in Lancaster~ Peter Luelsdorf and Ray Cooper willbe just in from..Mexico City. to work and~ run while~ Minna will be the official Den Mother .of the event. Chari~S V,~ike}:ind always dep~n~dable worker Pet4 Galena have
: ...... ("i . , ..fs0 ~i~.dicat~daae.si~e
to h~lp"~ake this. event a lo~ of fun for you.~ Even out oi .... t0~ners Dick "M~. Hol~vi!le" Ba~bour a~dHarry "904" Haggard have vohntee~e:d.
That’s a large group of enthusiastic workers/drivers mentioned above, all working to make it a great weekend for ALL the competitors. these.pec~pl.e.and YOU to make it a success.
Remember, it takes all.of
If your name was left out, it wasn’t
Don!~t~be bashful about letting Us know you are interested.
Mary or Eon ]?Ao~ris (284-0387) or Nick’Fri~sen ¯(4:81-4883) andlsee us at the
, The Race Corrfmittee
TP~I-STATE .pO~SCHEtKAMA as reported by Dawn ~augaman
Let me tell you.about the Tri-State Porscherama I attended last week-end. I’m glad I didn’t miss it because it was filled with sorrle very exciting moments and scares!!
It was a wee!~end affair put en by the New Jersey, New York and Con-
necticut ±~egions.of PCAo
Nearly one hundred and: twenty people lodged at ~he "Interlaken Inn" deep in the .wooded area of Connecticut~ I’d take a guess and say we had over eighty cars there (Porsches everywhere). Saturday was f:i_lled with acceleration runs (quarter mile).., my best time out of two being Z0. Z seconds with a speed of 70. 3 miles per hour Afte’r this we had afew laps around the "Lime Rock ~ace Track" before we started actual time trials. The course is very similar to Kiverside with two big bends, zig zags, esses, climbing turns, diving turns and ~ main ,vtraight whi~ch stretched out to one half mile. The track as a whole was about i. 8 miles long. =After spinning out o.n the "}Zig Bend" once, l learned to respect it (a real hairy one). For only ten practice laps before the actual timed runs, I felt I did pretty well .... missed a third place trophy, however, and p!ac~ed fourth out of twelve cars in my class(A), l’ily best ti.rnc out of two Was 136. 16 ~econds. The first being 140. 88 seconds. Really cut the old time down. That night~ we ha.d a cocKtail, party where one could drink all he wanted with a time limit.of an hour. I’m tellink’you~ tier Snaps war ausgez’eichnet! Aber ich hatte zu viel getrunken! ! The dinner was a real test. The Concours was scheduled for Sunday morning and then of all things it started raining. -.This.. didn’t stop *hin~so -o however. People were outside washing cars in the rain!., lh~n a Porsche Nut but this I wasn’t about to do, I’ve got pictures I took to pr~ove ,this,, In th~.latest Panorama m~gazine., you p~obably ~SfW the condo.urs winner fr.om the recent Parade in.l~ashington D. Co 17,. ell, he was ’there, The. night before the judging he w:as ].ast seen in Lis ro~rn v~ashing his four wheel~ in the b.athtub No lie, he won by the way. ¯ :i
After~~ concours event; a 70-mile flily took place. I’ll sware the area we went thr’0~:gh reminded ~ of the Bouquet Canyon area. So nice and green.(that.’s.the way~e’kierytl~ing is o~t here). After a very enlightening tech session, the Victory Dinner took place. I won anot~ef door prize again[[ This time it was a huge Porsche Flag with a large crest in the middle.
It’s now hanging in the living room and ever7 morning ~ give
it a few salutes and sing a course (a four track~) of "Porsche fiber alles~ Dawn ~ au~m~........ BITS AND PIECES Guess what? ! Having recently renamed the car’s battery the "energizer~, ]D.elcollemy E)ivisio~a of General Motors nOW goes one be~tter with the "pleasurizeri"~’. It’s the latest word for shock absorbers. It is reported that by the end of summer, a female mammoth will join the giant male which dwells at the La.Brea Tar Pits. Seven new pieces are planned so all of animal ].overs take not~! "Nothing ha’s sprea’d SOcialistic fee:l~ng in this country more than the automobile; to the countryman, they are a picture of arrogance of wealth, with all of its independance and carelessnesS.’!’~ ’~ ~ Woodrow V:.’ilson 1906 New Sounds
on the
- A ileal Turn on with Art Linkletter .....
This latest development in guided tou~s is put on by Art Linkletter. Three different tours of the Los Angeles area are available. This is how it works .... for $5. 95 you rent an old batte~y-op~Pated tape recorder and a small cartridge that goes with it. ’Izd[~ also get an attr~t~iv~souvenir map booklet that lays. out the trip, indicates stops and keeps you on the right track. Meanwhile by pushing the stop-go button on the r’ecordsr, you turn Mrs’ Linkletter on and off. If you’re.taking the #2 tour, that includes Santa Monica, a swing around Palos Verdes, Marineland and on to Disneyland and Knofts ~erry Farm. As you approach the Wayfarer~s Chapel (the all glass chu~ho~Pa!os Verdes) Linkletter is busy telling you about the architect, the historical baCkground of the sightand other human interest tidbits. You park your car, turn’0ffthepl:ayer and go into the church for a l.ook around, c:ome back out and start up the car and player again° V~.~hile continuing your drive, Linkletter.tells you ,about the offshore islands and whale watching, one of the more p(~pular past times Of todays populace.., and then onward to San Pedro and so it goes. ., Tour #l in4!udes’Hollywood, Beverly Hiils:,~ unive~al Studios., Farmer’s Market and other west county spots; while T0ur ~3 ~’e~’ds’~0r Olvera S{reet, Forest Lawn, San Gabriel Mission, Huntington Library, Pasadena and points east. If you want to take one of these tours, headquarters for~’Auto Tape Tours is at the corner of Sunset and Cahuenga, o.but by calling HO 9-9364 other locations which are more convenient
will be given.
~Don ~T~iwes Who left for New York last month sent a note of his ~ravels through Wyoming, Detroit, Canada and finally New York where he now lives.
I under-
stand the cnly excitemen~ On the t’rip w’as:th%e rodeo in C~yenne and the .ri,0~s in Del~i"0ito
Don now lives a’t 95 Cox Avenhe, ~Yonkers, New York 10704.
Dave Kalbach - Activities Chairman
Z I/Z cases Castrol 20-40V~; oil.. $9. 86 per case, all or part. Ca!l Bob Briffett home phone 767-?.513, work phone 481-4845.
4 painted rims to fit ’63 drum brakes. are listed above.
Please contact Bob Briffett. Phone numbers . -
NEVJ ME MBERS (Z’ elcome ! ) Michael L. Green ZZSZZ Palm Avenue Grand Terrace, Cal4fo, rnfa 92.503
A.F. Haak (Judy) 2718 Loftyview Drive Torrance, California 90505
ffohn Molinelli (Pauline) 5725 P(eseda Blvd. Tarzana, California
Tom Ohmer (Luana) 7262 Cirrus l~ay Canoga Park, California 91304
~lohn So l~ichardson 84525 9th Street Trona, California 9356,2
Kenneth P. Shivers 1315 Lamont Avenue Thousand Oaks, California 91360
Stanley W, Turner (Kay) 812 No. Azusa Avenue West Covina, California 91790
Announcing the arrival of" Todd Eric Gedeon (6#11 oz) 19" 9-5~67 8575 Lubec Downey, California 90240 PrOud parents are Carol and George Oedeon. Congratulations fromPGA! By th~ way, Todd was born at 9:11 am.
CHANGE O.F ADDRESS Robert H. Armstrong Z0146 Crestglen~ Road. Glirfdora, California
Charles Hassel 320 Raleigh Road Kenilworth, Ill. 60043
Co Fred Arnold Z237 Ente~rprise Drive Richland., V.,,ash. 993~52
R.C.A. PORSCHERAMA 5640 Stardust Road La Canada CalJ_for~_ia 91011
John M. Clyrnan 923 "G" Second Street Santa Monica, Calif. 90403