5640 Stardust Road, La Canada
Duane A!an Don Morris Lyle Arnold Ray Kornfeld "Dave Kalbach Dale Boyd
283-7423 Z84-0387 684- 1861 653- 9520 797 - 6126 790-4298
John Bevan
935- 32 32
THE SEPTEMBER IVLEMBERSHIP MEETING WILL ]BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER Ii AT RICKY’S RESTAURANT, 323 West Valley Blvd. in Alhambra. (Take the San Bernardino Freeway east from the Civic Cen~er, off at the Garfield offramp, go north on Garfield toward Alhambra, left on Valley Blvd. Ricky’s is two blocks west of Garfield on the right side of the street. Parking is very limited so-park behind JC i:~ylor Insurance, 401 W. Valley, one block west of Ricky’s.) .. : ’This will be a very informal dinner meeting as there will be no speaker. Trophies from the Lucky 7 Rally will be presented and also some short movies of a few club events will be shown. Reservations must be made by Se~::::c’i~ber 5th ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ! ! ! ! ! Please fil! in the reservation form at the end of this paper and mail immedi~tel:y to Duane Alan, 418 So. Alhambra Avenue, Monterey Park 91754. .: . Cocktails will be served at 6:30 pm with dinner scheduled for 7:30 pro. On the Menu will be New York Steak at $4. 95 per person or Baked Ham for $3.25 per person. _KEI~iEMBER TO FiLL OUT THE RESERVATIOi\$ I~LANK. I hope to see all the members at this one, especially all you new members. Come on out and. get acquainted. Don Morris - Vice President
MINUTES OF THE AUGUST MEMBERSHIP MEETING The following are the mir~u.t.es as takeni~at the monthly meeting of the members of PCA-LAo These minutes will cover the meeting for the month of August in the
year 1967. The meeting, as always, fell on the second Monday of the month. This month the date was August 14, 1967. The meeting took place at the usual meeting place after the absence of one month. The normal meeting place is the ALEXAiNI)RIA AVENUI~ SCHOOL which is located at 4211 Oal~wood Avenue in the city of Los Angeles. On hand, for a rather warn~ and humid evening, were a full slate of officers, a large numbe~ Q~ r~ernbers arM ~th.e.usual large compliment of guests. The meeting was called to order at 8:12 pm with our president ]Dua~le Alan presiding. The business progressed i~ this ma~ner: I. The minutes of the July meeting (the dinner meeting at the Tam O~Shahter~Inn) were approved as they appeared in the last issue of PORSCHERA.MA, The secretary was asked for.any further conn~nen~ and he was unable to offer anything~ further than his printed words° 2. Ray I(ornfeld,. Club Treasurer announced that the banl~ balance stood-at $416. 50. He stated that he. did.have a rat!aer large cl~eck on han.d resulting from the:re~ent successful event at the Rose Bowl. For all those anxieus for their ordered name badges. R~_y had to announce that due .to a .mix-up in delivery he was not able to break open the package that night but was hopeful that sooner or laterI he might find the.little h.undle (badges) on his doorstep. i Don. Moorris, Vice-President reminded all people present to please sign the roster sheet~. T.hisi~s.ho.,~id be .good advise every meeting since this is ~the on’iy’-way one..~, can.,.~. acquire., points for ~,t~nda.nce. Dc."~ announced that the coffee the eyening would be. Mary Morris and Dawn P,~augaman. Don~expressedhis for the goed t~rn-out at the rec.ent.Gymkhana at the Rose Bowl. . i: : .. 4. Dale Boyd, PORSCHERAMA Editor reminded all that as usual the cut-off date for articles, ads etc. for the next issue will be on the 20th of the month.~I He asked for more,articles He asked for a sho,~ of hands of those who might hav~ put the ..... printed c[,!en.dar of events to work. .Most people put up their hands (one apiece). All see~.n.to tb..in!~ the calendar .is a good idea. 5.
Ray Cooper,was asked for pessible comments and he had none to offer.
6. .Curt!iuebler, Technical C,hairman announced that the next Tech hd~ting is slated...:,, ~, for,.,August .... 23, 196,7~ Thins. is the f.ourt~ Wednesday of ~he month which is " the,...: :usual: day set aside for, these, meetings. . ~The meeting:place is at i~1650 ~’~st Santa Monica Blvd. located in West LoA. This meeting will be concern&d with a new idea in carburetion. A question was raised from the floor regarding the effect on the warranty wh.en any o.ther filter other than the factory approved one is used. Curt seemed to think that it would void the warranty, 7. Dave lialbach, Activities chairman ~t~0duceda fellow PCA’er from the Santa Barbara Region..He announced that d.tfe to a:series of circumstances this years
races in .Santa Barbara might well be: the last.~ tk~t ~s a .fix.tu~:e.at, the races.
Hewent on:t0.elaborate on the :party
He stated that a flyer will be sent out soon on the
party and it will cover al! the details regarding w.here and when andwhat tariff will be needed.
The party will fall on September 2,
..~,h, ei grandf!nale (maybe).
1967 so make your plans for
Bt~t!heck0 one doesn’t need a special reason; just ask
one who knows.
¯ :
Dave was pleased over the turn-out for the gymkhana as well as the way it was set UP, e.tc.. ¯ He thanked people for showing up as well as all members who worked so hard and long making it what it turned out to be. He announced the winners’~fl all the divisions and stated that trophies were passed out to the winners at the conclnsion of..the event .... Dave then went on to express a wish that even more members .should take advantage of events of this nature, events that tend to sharpen u~):~0nes driving skills. Without going into details he stated that his participation in these events may have saved his life over the past weekend. So, me sort of situation while driving was involved and he was able to talk about it later due to some bits ofskill honed while participating in a high speed event(s).
His comments made much sense.
The. ,:.~ ;nextevent:. was announced as the "LUCKY SEVEN PLUS ONE".
This is anannual
event, a rally of some interest since it is being put on by Dale Boyd with help from past Presidents.
Dale got up to elaborate on the Rally.
He stated that it would be
a "simple navigational, type rally" with no "gimmicks" of any kind. Hesaid it would be approximately 100 to 125 miles in length and over very good. rally type roads Time needed will be 3-4 hours, if one stays on course and you take it from there .... i~you don’t. Fee is $3.00 per car. Starting place is the Denny’s Restaurant behind t.he .Union, Station in downtown Los Angeles. He asked that members pick up astack of fliers and pass them out at weekend rallies since this is an effeh~ive way to drum Up. bulsines s.
....Dale,then made .a pitch for the coming Sports Car Olympics up in Scluaw Valley on
September Z - 3-4- 1967. Dave announced that the September event will be the camping trip. It will be arranged that those not interested in spending the night (in a sleeping bag) can drive up for the day. More information will follow in the next issue of PORSCHERAMAo Dave then touched strongly on the November event.., the Time Trials up at ~illow Springs. He stressed that this is a large one and many workers will be needed. " He asked that all people interested contact Nick Friesen. Nick has already started a series of meetings to iron out the details and anyone interested in climbing his hill. ~ to attend should surely, contact Nick. ¯ " .: ’" Duane then stressed the, need for workers since we will rise or"fall on their total efforts. ’8,,’: D~ane then announced
that the next general meeting will. take place not at the -3-
os~qh.o,o~:~t a~ a ~re:s-ta,~r~nt;
, This time it Will be:in’Alha~nbra at RICKY’S
R,E,S:TAU:RA:N.T on ~V~E,S~T VALLEY BLVD. in another section of the paper.
The ~tii~eetions in detail Will appear .....
" .....
Under new business, Joe Schneider announced that he had oil filters available at reduced prices. See Joe! Frank Schueler anneunC~ed that he had a garage fu!l of nicknacks still floating around from the recent parade PCA-LA put on. He seemed anxious to be relieved
of the stuff, I0. A~short and general discussion on tires for the CAR then followed. A very interesting artic!e.which appeared in a very recent issue of CAR and DRIVER was quoted at some length on the subject of tires, 1 io
T.he meeting was adjourned for coffee at 8:50 pro.
12. At 9:10 pm the meeting was ca]led to order once more. Due to the west, her, .the meeting was held in the parking lot back of the school. A number of benches were arrang:ed and the ~al fresco meeting took place~ A number of,gu~st.s were introduced and their name and model Porsches were made public ¯ - 7~s u~ .~~,i, we had a go~d. ~,~u.n-ot.~ :~ of guests. 13, Don ~or~is ~hen m~,de a short intrc~duc/ion of the guest speaker for the .evening. Our speaker- was M~. G, R, Wyn.ne of the Los Angeles Police Department. Mr. Wynne was vdth us once befo~-e ~n the pasL Mr. Wynne is involved in safety in cars and drivin~ for the dep .... m,nt. He made a series of interesting observations on the ~" ~,,~ ~, .e~i,. ~urge towards "car safety",, He gave what the dcpartment dces to insure safe driving within the department as well as equipmant to drive~
A very interesting question and answer period followed.
The. z):.?ettn3 was adjourned at10:15 pro. Pete Galena - Secretary
TECH COMMITTEE REPORT. THe next Tech Ccm~m .... Meeting ~a!,.es place September 27th (fourth Wednesday) ~ "~ at 11650 Santa~Monica Blvd~ in. West Los Angeles~ Time is 8 pro. The July Meeting was devoted to discussion of severa! relevant topics.
A q.uesti~n
was raised regarding the 911 oil filter article which appeared in the June PANORAMA The au~b.ors of said article pointed out that an adapter could be used to fit American oil filter cartridges to the 911 lubrication sss~em, ~ ~ . The adapter is a simple straig.htt~_rougn~ ~h~c~n~.,. ..only. 1,38~inches:. tong with a9/16 inch hole clear through. The only ~roblem is that some of the American cartridges do not have a safety by-pass valve -4-
which permits oil flow if the filter gets plugged. Research is needed to find an American cartridge with by-pass valve which operates at the correct pressure. There is no danger, however, if the adapter is used and oil filter is changed every 3,000 miles. - ............................. 91Z owners should be aware that the acceleratorbell crank mounted inaccessibly just forward of the fan housing needs lubrication: If your throttle gets sticky, check the crank. Concerning goodies, for..., the. travel kit, it was sug, gested that a tube of 40 second epoxy and some fiberglass cloth would be handy for emergency repairs. l~or 900.~series cars W~ich:aredriven over ba"Ck r0~ds, a gas tank protection plate of ?SST aluminum would be good insurance. A thickness of 0. I00 inch is adequate. T~GH COLUMN ~ The ~011owing article.comes from thepen of MyronKagan:
CAPACITIVE-DISCHARGE IGNITION PROBLEMS ON THE 911 Although the use of a capacitive-discharge ignition system on the 911 provides many real benefits, especially increased spark-plug l~f.e.-and,smoother idle,.: certain problems may be encountered which might discourage some from taking
Three principal problems have been encountered: (I} Cross-firing due to arcing ">~:’lhe ~istr~bu~0r~:(Z) ~ tachometer reading error of about and (3) erratic performance of the tachometer above 6500-6800 rpm. ’ ¯ -~h~ p~0blem of arcing in the distributor is due to the small rotor-to,cap clearances and can be eliminated by removing the spring-loaded weight fromt’he governor switch and by Coating the exposed metal parts on the~r~tor near the raised lip on its edge with KTV silicone rubber. (Made by G:E or ~Ow-Corning and available everywhere) The governor ~i11 operate at too low an engine speed anyway with the high secondary ~oltage of the C-D system, and removal of the weight does not cause any balance problems ¢ith the rotor. The error in the tachometer reading is caused by the large negative voltage swing f0ll~owing, the positive pulse which triggers the tachometer. This negative pulse is similar~to, butfOur times as large as that from the normal Kettering-type ignition, It iapparentl~ feeds through the amplifier and t~igger circ:uitry~Of the tachometer and adds to the average current being read by the meter. A simple cure is to clip the negative pulse with ~.a diode, installed with a resistor asfollows:
The resistoz and diode may be mounted conveniently near the coil. ,
,. ,.
o£ the d~sCh&~e.c~p~c~Id~: ~ t~e ~&z~ 10 ~nit £zo~ !.5 ~£. ~o 1,0 ~£. c~uses no discez~ble ~ed~ct~on ~ ~e 9~£o~ance o£ the ~t.
. ~:,
~h~s c~nBe
~he s~alle~
~olt~se ~ ~e hiSh engine s~eeds wheze ~he ch,~z~B ti~e ~e~s below $ ~i11~seconds.
GYMKHANA IN THE ROSE BOWL July 23rd dawned bright, ho~, and .Sunny! . The activity of the day was a o~e-ci~ss gynkhana :in th:e:".~0se Bowl in Pasadena. We had a nice turnout -- 35 cars and 40 drivers and all the participants had a good time, inspire of the heat!
Practice .s~arted about 9f.30 am and ran u~il 2:00 pro. had two tin~ed runs.
At that time everybody had
The course wasn’t too long, about 6/10ths of a mile.
starting position was rather unique or shall we say backward, in that th~ c~rwaS .~backed~up to the Starting line, and the driver had to get out of t~e car: and sta~ :t-heclocl~for ~is timed ~u’n, a few fast steps ~ere taken to get back into the~.~ar~,.: then grind..it into reverse (some people, get nervous, huh. ladies?) back th@ ~ar into th~gar.age~v~atCh’~h~pylon at the bacl~.of.g.arage} then aw:aydown a shor~ stfaigh~ ¯ -~o~a 1 - 2~ ch~cane~ar~ful) o~k. -- now around a short decreasing radius turn, no:w:back on the :tl~ro’~le and a nice swing around the tree i~ a 180° turn, oops that next turn to the right looks a wee tight (it was~} the out house,
set~p i~n a b~x~shape. ~..
Now where? ? Oh ya, a left around
Oboy a. straightaway, better shirrto.second, oh H
Oh yeah--somebody. . . . mentioned., a,~clover leaf~ all.right turns.
Here we go arb:und"#l~, ~0t~loo fast, around ~:hey. this:is-o.k. A~0und #3; gee it. seems I’ve done ~his ofi~ ~fore, LOOK OU~I..,Not to wide:,: that pyl0h is No~ where ?
Around #4, ~nd back~thru the c.en~er of the clover {pyi6n ~s~:"left b0t~om
0f c.ar) to a short hook t0 the le~ then on to a chicane and around into the end garage to a dead stop! {Sure glad we had some practice time!}
Trophies were presented to: MEN ’
i. 2. 3.
Mary Morris
John Anderson
Inge Mona Dawn Waugaman
2. 3.
]Bob Remeika Mike Fredman
It was good to see some new faces out, a few friends from Orange Coast Region, POC and some enthusiastic new members. My appreciation to all the members who helped and to those who readily volunteered. Don
RUN TO THE CLOUDS Let’s get out of the smog and up into the sparkling air. Mr. Pinos (7,800’) in the Los Padres National Forest is our camping spot for September. Only 70 miles from the Civic Center or 1 i/2 hours driving time ’on all paved roads. There are tables, g~ills, toilets and water° For those of you who can leave Friday evening, meet at the Ranch House Restaurant (Saugus turn-off, Hwy 99, approximately 40 miles from the Civic Center) at 7:30 pro. Saturday morning a caravan will leave the same restaurant at 9 am. If anyone would like to go up with me Friday morning, please call me at 283-7423. The entry fee will be $I. 00 -- a trophy will be given for the best camping Porsche. What to bring -i. Camping gear Z o Few pieces of wood (if everyone would bring a few pieces of wood, we Would have a ffre.)
3. 4. 5.
Jackets (it may be cool) B. rinS your own bottle, ice and mix will be provided. Br[hg your own food; however, there is a grocery store about 17 miles fr~’f~ the campground. 6. If anyone has a guitar or a piano -- bri~g it or anything that will contribute to Saturday Nites Shindig (i.e. dart game, horseshoes, volley, bas~~, foot, basket or golfballs are welcome. Also monopoly).
For those of you who would like to go but do not have the equipment~ you can rent equipment quite inexpensively. (example - sleeping bag $4.00) Here is a partial list of places that have rentalsHume’s Sporting Goods Co. 140 IN. Victory BlVd. in Burbank~ 8;49-1614 Hollywood Sporting Goods 6551 Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood, 464-Ii01 -7-
Sport Chalet 951 Foothill Blvd. in La Canada, 790-~.717 Kelty Pack Mfg. 1807 Victory Blvdo in Glendale, 247-3110 If you would like suggestions on what to bring, call Dale Boyd (7 901’42 98) or myself. The experienced campers will more than happy to help those less experienced in setting up° ~Do not let lack of equipment keep you away. This is for fun and not a trip into the High Sierras. If you haven’t been off concrete in a long trine, -now’s your.Chance to relax, clear your lungs and enjoy God’s Country. ~..... Duane Alan - President PoS.
For the Ladies: I guarantee there are no snakes.
MORE ON THE UPCOMING "TIME TRIALS" Remember the date "November ii and 1Z" for the upcoming Time Trials at Willow Springs. There will be a I~uffet ]Sanq.uet Saturday Night with open bar. The Buffet will cost $3o00 per person. Club Headquarters will be at the Caravan Inn. Please make your reservations direct with the Motel early. Commercial rates are available to participants of the event and reservations should be made by each individuall Their rates are as follows:
$12. 50~ $15. 00
$15.00 $ 3.00
7%egis.tration for the race should’ bemade with Mary Morris, 1532 Prospect #32 . ,San.Gabriel, California 91776. Registration is limited ~o ensure plenty of driving time for all entrants. Additional details will continue to be published in each paper. Those interested in helping are requested to contact any of the ¯Club Officers or Nick Friesen, Chief Race Steward. Da~ze..Kalbach - Activities Chairman
ATTENTLONI ! OI<TOBEblEEST ON THE ZZnd of OCTOBER Save October 2Znd for the event of the year at Bothwell’s Ranch -- the Oktoherfest celebrated by al!,Porsche drivers and friends.
Be sure and attend.
activities always can be counted on when the Beer flows. next paper.
More about this in the
. Dave Kalbach - Activities Chairman
At the last meeting an interest in radial ply tires was shown by many of the members. I have a number of articles and reports (mostly 5AE) on radialply tires and tire~ in general, any of which I will be happg to loan out to anyone interested.
They are as follows: Io
The Fundamentals of Radial Ply Tires - A Programmed Course Pit e!li, 1964 V1]cratlona~ Perforn~..ance Differences Between Tires With Crossed Bfas Plies and Radial Plies, Pirelli, SAE
Radial Ply; 19. g~e ]Breaker Tires, Dun!op, SAE
Radials ~Lcgin to ~o!l, Machine Design 8-3-67
Application o~ Radial Ply Tires for American Cars, FoMoCo, SAE
~.’~P~adial P!y Tires - VJha~ & ~Z~hy, Schneider, PORSCHE~IMA 5-66 7~
Ta!~e the Bio~s Out of Tires?
SAE Journal, 5-65
Glass Reinforced Tires Showy Long ~ear, Unusual Stability, OwensComing, SAE Journal June 1965
~oo h:~ve a varietv of-t~chnica! reports on variousautomotive sub]ects and.I
~¢~d ~<~ ~ippy to ~oa. ~.~ o~ t~em o~t. Also - Something new in brakes. Velvetouch bonded metallic brake lining - %VILL NOT FADE° Ask Me. I put these on my car after running out of brakes at Holt--~ ville and they are great! ! Please see me about courtesy prices to PCA Members, also special prices on Bendix organic linings, Heavy Duty Gabriel Adj. Shocks and Rebuilt G!utckeso . ~.~.!~ Joe Schneider PORSCHE PKO-V!DES ALL THE ACTION AT COT>.TI NATIONALS
................911S DO}~INATE C PRODUCTION AND B SEDAN ~CES Alan Johnson one cf the new members of the Club took a is~p.!ace in the Produclioh race in .a. 9 1 IS at the SCC~ Cotat-i, Nationai~:[at ~h~~6id~n Gate ps~ssed Dave Jordan’s 9!IS~ OTHER IqEWS Los Angeles .l~egion goodwill ambassadors Ada and Vern Covert drove away from the Twelfth Parade in Washington with plenty of hardware. Their -9-
spotless red 911 took two concours.trophies --fi’rst in the 911 class and third overall. For the entire Parade, the Coverts took sixth overaI1. Rumor has it that,~Ada,:a:nd-Ve:rn .will e a ch be driving, a Porsche to Galifornia sometime in Dece.mb,eV~ Be: too.kiing fo:r .a Carrera Speedster and..:a 904~ . ’:
Factory corduroy for Porsche Seats 4.5 meters $35.00. at 664-0730.
Contact. Dale Wakefield
Bursch Muffler for use with the Bursch convertibie header system for use with the Bursch stinger. This muffler has less than 200 mi on it. $!2.00. Also available is a 356B Stock Muffler. ContactDave I<albach at 797-6126. MEMBERS (Welcome !) Roger Wagner .... " . 1045 So. Manning Los Angeles, California 90024 (474-5452)
Roll E. Meyer (Eleonore) 1515 Washburn Road Pasadena, Calif0rnia 91105 (257-9765)
Sam Cabiglio 11703 Halcourt Avenue Norwalk~ California 90650 (863-5447)
Anthony V. Tippins (transfer from Pacific 2436 4th St. #3 Northwest Region) Santa: Monica, California 90405
CHANGE OF ADDRESS James°D. Nivette, M.S. 12565 Lull Street i,lo. 1-1011yw.o:od~ California 90605
Lynn W. Bockemohle 5045 Oakwood Avenue La Canada, California 91011 (790-6976}
W, ~lliam~ May .... 92..1 .Li.nc,01n Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 (451-9469)
Number of Reservations
Check one...:New York Steak @:$4. 95 per person including tax & gratuities . ]3aked Ham. Dinner @$3.25 per person including tax & gratuities DEADLINE IS SEPTEMBER 5th FOR RESERVATIONS--PLEASE M.AIL THIS FORM TO DUANE C. ALAN, 418 South Alhambra Avenue, Monterey Park, 91754