5737 Tobias Ave.~ Van Nuys JANUARY 1968
Curt Kuebler Ray Cooper Lyle Arnold Ray Kornfeld Peter Luelsdorf
398-2217 661-6642 684-1861 653-9520 925-3015
MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN Don Morris 284-0387 TECH. CHAIRMAN Roger Wagner 474-5452 EDITOR, PUBLISHER Ron Ramage 781-6737 ~ARLIMENTARIAN Duane Alan 283-7423 The Jaq.uar~ membership meeting will be held on January 8, 1968 at 8:00 P.M., at the usual meeting place, ALEXANDRIA AVENUE SCHOOL located at 4211 Oakwood Avenue in Los Angeles. The 1968 Officers will be introduced for those of you that weren’t at the Christmas Party. Guest speaker for the evening will be Don Ricardo. In case his name sounds familiar, he is the same man who provided the excellent dance music.at our Christmas Party. It seems Mr. Ricardo has had some very interesting experiences at Bonneville that he would like to relate to us. Start the year off right by attending the first meeting~ okay? GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND CHRISTMAS PARTY The crowing event of a very successful year was the PCA-LA annual Christmas party. This was held at the beautiful La Canada County Club in La Canada, Calif. A well attended cocktail hour started shortly after six P.M., with the dinner featuring Tournedos of Beef starting at eight P.M. President Duane Alan arrived late in the afternoon and saw to it that the walls were decked out, not with holly, but with colorful posters depicting racing Porsche’s in glamourous poses. These posters were later passed on to those present through a drawing. Duane opened the festivities by calling each new board member to the floor for an introduction.
As in the past our good friends among dealers, parts houses and maintenance garages donated some very attractive prizes for the drawings. This wide variety ranged from A (for air horns) to Z for Zuffenhausen (cal~nders from). We are indebted to: Bob Benton Europa Motors
Foreign Car Parts Klein-Forman Dick Lovell Jack McAfee M. G. Mitten Perf.ormance Products Porslhce of America Royze, Inc. Joe Schneider Karl Schreiber Scientific Automotive Jim Stovall Vasek Polak Zipper-Estes Motor Co. In case any names have been left out, let us know and they will be included in the next PORSCHERAMA. Another highpoint of the evening was the awarding of activity and worker trophies by Activities Chairman Dave Kalbach. These awards were as follows: ~oqkeq Trophies ist Nick Friesen 2nd Curt Kuebler 3rd Joe Schneider 4th John McNeil 5th Dale Boyd
qompetition Trophies ist Lyle Arnold ist Harold Semans 3rd John Anderson 4th Ray Cooper 5th Mike Fredman
Ladies Worker Trophies ist Mary Morris 2nd Dawn Waugaman 3rd Helen Boyd 4th Minna Cooper 5th Shirley Kornfeld
Ladies Competition Trophies ist Inga Mona 2nd Mary Morris 3rd Dawn Waugaman
Between trophy awards and prize drawings dance music was provided by Don Ricardo and his orchestra. Don knows the kind of music sports car buff’s like, as he pushes a 300 SL in local competition. Thus closes 1967 as the newly elected board takes over. Lyle Arnold - Secretary -2-
WILLOW SPRINGS FINAL The following trophy winners have neglected to pick up their awards. Old and new board members request that they please make arrangements to have Zhem picked up so we can start the new year fresh. John Anderson John McNeil Harold Semans APPLE VALLEY - BREAKFAST AND SLALOM - JANUARY 28~ 1968 Sunday, January 28, 1988 is the date for the annual Apple Valley jaunt. Dave Kalbach will head one procession from the Huddle Restaurant (Citrus turnoff, San Bernardino Fwy.) at 7:30 A.M. Ray Kornfeld will lead another originating nea~ the Golden State Fwy., Highway 6 junction (at Cascade, N.W. corner S.F. Valley) and departing at 7:45 A.M. Breakfast is scheduled at Apple Valley Inn, starting at 9:30. Price $2.00 per person. Slalom will start at 12:30, at Deadman’s Point (Go-Kart ~track) with car inspection and practice as time permits. Entry fee is $3.50 for PCA members, $4.50 for non-members. Additional drivers are $i.00, with one extra driver limit. Please take note the date is January 28th and not the 21st as was reported in the December Porscherama. See you’all there. (This year Mr. Rogers Long Horn Special has agreed dot to competent) TECH COMMITTEE REPORT The January Tech Meeting will take place, Wednesday, January 24th (fourth Wednesday) at 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., W.L.A. Time is 8 P.M. Unfortunately, information of scheduled discussion is not available at time of printing, so come to the membership meeting, meet Mr. Roger Wagner our new chairman and find out for yourself firsthand. FUTURE PORSCHE PUSHERS OF AMERICA Mr. Robert Alexander Fredman Born: Dec. 9, 1967 to Christel $ Mike Fredman Mr. John Bevan, Jr. Born: Dec. 19, 1967 to Connie g John Bevan CONGRATULATIONS-
NEW MEMBERS - WELCOME! Cheryl g Richard Eastman 747 12th Street Manhattan Beach, 90266
Jerry Weinberg 14718 Magnolia Blvd. #6 Sherman Oaks, 91403
545-5752 (’67 - 911)
789-0704 (’64 C Coupe) -3-
Garland Westfall 2524 W. Garvey Ave., #30 Alhambra, 91803 289-5801 (’67 - 912) See you at the January meeting.
D O N ’ T
Your Board of Directors for 1968 anticipate increasing participation by a mojority of the membership in activities planned for this year. To the end that anticipation results in reality, the Board will appreciate an~idication of your interest and the extent to which you will involve yourself in club activites. Especially invited are the family members, wives of active members, whose contribution to the life of the club can be of great value. With a membership roster exceedin~ 250 it is impossible for your Board to know each of you personally, but perhaps by this time next year we will have reduced the unknowns to a small minority. Please fill in the attached interest and activities information and bring with you to the January meeting, or mail to: Ray Cooper 3311 Rowena Ave., #19 Los Angeles, Calif. 90027 Thank you, Ray Cooper, Vice President
Top and boot needed for 1961 Model 356 B Porsche Roadster. Contact Loren Patrick. 797-4511 during working hours.