Porscherama 1970 August

Page 1


/ R E LL/

cinturato 367 radial ply

12630 S. VERMONT AT EL SEGUNDO (213) 754-2907

¯ ¯








photographic editor

passing interest by 914’ers and 914 sellers alike.



ch:iver, AI~ Johnson wi~ Richie Ginther ~d Riverside Race Queen and




The action on the front cover is currently watched with greater than

that M1 importer checkered flag~ the very swift 914-6.


vested ~terest in the whole thug. typist h~d ’nit’ pi=ker


~r favorite worker

The photo was

prodded to us by Porsche-Audi Pacific who of course have no smM1


Our friend and race

and yours.

Anyhow, the accent is speed.


It’s time to dust off the Firestone Indi’s, get that windblown

hero racedriver look on your face and start prepar~g for Willow Sprigs aga~.

This issue ~d next mon~’s will highlight Willow.

peopIe, the places, and ~e performance.

The fun, the

The fea~re, center is

our editor’s ra~bling over so~e pho~ographs suppl~ed tous by Run Ramage from previous Willow adventures.


~ Willow poster is Mso planed for all of you. we’ll f~d it in with ~e rest of ~e b~k.

It remains [o be seen ff

This month we’ve also put




back~e page numbers so we’ll M1 know where to f~d CIfff Yost’s new


















Next month, more Willow.

~ere to f~d the night life.., ff you are

Perhaps a feaze on driving ~d preparation h~ts.

~d so go on ~d get ready.

And so

The ~ive with the biggies happens

October 3rd and 4~h.




Also, we need stories ~d more photographs of Willow for the next




issue gter ~e event.


chairman of the board


Please send an~h~g you have to the Porscherama


advertising DAYS:




Greetings to all you new members from ye ’ol Membership Chairman.

We want you to belong.

This is your club so come out and



Alexander Little,

1012D Budlong Ave.,

Los Angeles 90044


Alex is a 38 year old ~ower Station Operator who drives a Burgundy Pomcherama ~s the official publication of the Porsche C~ub o~ America, Los Angeles Region. ~he Porsche Club o


Alex is single and interested in Drivers School and Rallyes.

Porscherama ;s owned by

America, Los Angeles Reg;on(a Cal;~-

orn]a Corporation) and ;s published monthly in accordance

Jerrold Say Berger, 657-7030.

3154 Dona Sarita ~1. ,

Studio City


Jerrold and w~e Marsha are interested in Tech (SIC}

and Gy~khanas.

They drive a blue ’58 Speedster.

with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter gr~nted Victor Dilore~,

bythe Porsche Club of Amerlca. Dated mater;al must be received by ~orscherama no later

5561 Burlingame,

interested ~ Rallyes, than seven days after completion o~ an event ~o ;nsure

Buena Park 90620,

714-523 0408.

Vic is 45 years old, married and is driven by a ’61 Porsche. Drivers Schools,

He is

and the technical aspect

of these Stuttgart wonders.

publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available bas~s. Statements appear;ng in Porscherama are ~hose of the author and do not constitute an opin]on of thePorsche Club o~Amer]ca, LosAnge[es Region, ~ts Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its s~aff.

All contH-

bufions become the propertyof Porscherama un[ess accompan-

Clar~ Farrar,

8501Sepulveda Blvd.


Los Angeles



Clarke is GeneralManager of a ~recision Grinding


He and his w~e Phyl lis drive a canary yellow ’61

Super 90 coupe and are mainly interested in Racing and Tech. See you at Willow Springs Oct.

Robert E.


3 and

2601Adkins Ave.




led bya self-addressed stamped envelope.

Robert is a Computer Test Engineer.

The editorial s~a~f of Porscherama reserves the right to ed]t

a ~64 Polar White "C" Coupe.

as necessary all material submitted ~or publ]ca~ion.

This ~onth I’ll get my address change in or my name isn’t Cliff

He and’wife Vickory drive

Interested in Tech and Racing. Yo--

continued on p.



T~~~I~[~~Q~w~ PLACE THE REST OF ’70 August 10

General Meeting(Moonfire-Topmnga)

August 16

Slalom- Santa Maria Airport Long Live the fearless auto racing team.

August 17

Board Meeting (Ron Ramage-Studlo City)

August 22

Beach Party-Huntington Beach

August 26

Tech Meeting (Green Pbrsche-Audi)

September 14

General Meeting (’O1 School House?)

To members of PCA-LA interested in the Sodona tour: Our tour will take us into "Navajo Country. " Bob Cogen is a member of the Navajo tribe in this area and has made arrangements for us to be present at a Navajo ceremonial meeting Saturday night. The meeting will begin in the late afternoon or early evening and finish shortly after dawn on Sunday. This is a rare opportunity because few white men are ever permittedcto attend. Because special arrangements must be made with the II~dians for the hogan and provisions must be stocked (breakfast is included, as well as steam baths, etc. ), it is necessary that Bob be notified as far in advance as possible by everyone who will definitely go as well as those who are interested and might go. Please call him at 277-3655 or 879-1419 anytime during the working day to make reservations or to obtain further information. Bob will be happy to answer your questions. This could be an exciting opportunity...

Willow Springs here we come. BEACH OF A PARTY AUGUST 23 September 16

Tech Meeting - Preparing for Willow Springs - Kendon Porsche-Audi

How do you look in a Bikini? How does your wife look in one? Huh? How does your Porsche look in one? Porsches with bikini-ed passengers and hairy chested drivers will take command of Huntington Beach State Park, Sunday, August 23.

September 20

Oktoberfest (Possible Stalom) Jungle Land Thousand Oaks)

September 23

Willow Springs, Tech. Porsche-Audi

September 25-26

Porsche Weekend Los Gatos

as possible. Lately it seems the 900 series cars have been outnumbering the 356’ers at events. How about that you guys. I think this time it will

Oktober 3-4

Willow Springs - Driver’s School

be different. Let’s get those Speedsters, Cabriolets, beautiful little cars out and show them what Porsche is all about. Prizes for the day will

Oktober 11

General Meeting ’O1 School House

Oktober 16-17

Sedona Arizona Tour - Reservations if any should be made early

include (1) bikini contest, naturally, (2) hairy leg contest (Bob Cogans specialty), (3) most sunburned nose contest, (4) the famous Japanese Pinata Party to climax the day.

Oktober 24-25

Holtville Drivers School (may still be moved to Oct. 31-Nov. l)

November 9

General Meeting ’O1 School House

November 15


November 15

SlaIom, Santa Maria Airport

ing lot (75¢) enter and go south as far as possthle (maybe to lifeguard stand #14 if possible) park by the other Porsches and rev to 7 grand. We will then know you’re there. Come early. See you there.

December 14

It’s Christmas Party Time Mandrake and Captain Marbles

Ron Ramage Activities Chairman

Century West

It will be a bring your own unbrella, wienerschnitzel, and beverage aflair. Those who wish may meet at Denny’s Coffee Shop in downtown L.A. behind Union Station at 8:30 a.m. and we’ll leave as soon thereafter

Once again, Huntington Beach State Park, Sunday August 23.

An entry

fee of $2.00 per car will cover prizes and games. If you have a suggestion Or a favorite pass time that you would like to see the club indulge in at the beach, call Ron Ramage 784-5245 or Ursula Wolf-RottKay at 477-9668 and see that your wished will be granted. Take the San Diego Fwy (45) to Beach Blvd. (39) go toward the sea until you see a beach park-


August I0

To be held under the stars at the Moonfire. For all of you who went earlier this year--you know how good the organic food is. The dinner will be served next to the bubbling brook. An evening of movies including some shorties as before of Laurel & Hardy. The Moonfire is located next to the brook at 246 S. Topanga ~ Topanga.

Some thoughts on our upcoming day at the races-Willowy Springs; as we’ve affectionately called it in this calendar. The press mad advertising we give it will call it a driver’s school and time trial. What you call it

THE AUGUST TECH MEETING Dick Kodani reports that Kurt Kuebler and Joe Schneider will be the gue.st speakers. The meeting wii1 be hald at Green PorscheAudi (where the Concour was held). Bob Kelly, the GM has graciously consented to act as host. The subject to be covered is timing and ignition systems of the car. Meeting starts at 8:00 p.m. ~


~ /~l~/~ ~ _~.-.._~~--~


And drivers will be graded and weeded out or at least held back if they don’t do so well.

August 17

To be held at Ron Ramage’s 4439 Wortser, Studio City. pIan on coming, please let Mr. Ramage.know" II



ioSry°ur°wnthing" Itwfllc°me°utdriver’ssch°°l time trial or Indi or the Trans Am depending on who’s war story you’re listening to, or telling. What .~ ~ the war stories make it is important to the success of the next one. What you make it on Saturday October 3rd is vitally important to the success of this one and will govern the class of war stories avaflable to you at the Christmas Party. If it’s the TransAm or the 24 hours of Lancaster-Palmdale or something we’ve got a lot of preparation to do. Safety equipment and super-tech to start with. Not to mention a big dose of driver training and driver weeding out, ala SCCA. Ala Porsche Owner’s Club in fact. Because they had war stories of a distasteful sort, they sorted out the problem and decided to go racing all the way. Their drivers school will be only

If you

~ ~,a~,~ ~,a~/


~l ~

Well that’s not our way around the circuit. And our circuits of the circuit have been most uneventful in a most exciting way, ff you know what I mean. Last year I distinguished myself with two spins in the same place on two successive laps, right. You bet. And nobody’s fender got bashed and nobody got hurt because nobody wanted to race with me. They were too busy sharpening their own skills racing with themselves. So let it be that way October 3rd.

THE SEPTEMBER GENERAL MEETING September I4 Everybody get out there and race against the guy who reigns in your book The September meeting is currently scheduied to return to the ’oi school yard at Mariposa and Oakwood (421i) in Los Angeles. The whole meeting will be devoted to driving Willow. Films of our last events will be shown. So come out and perhaps ~f you were there you wi,ll see yourself. If you weren’t, then you’ll see what its all about. Mr. Cogen promises to have a great speaker who drives Willow to work. Yoa’lI Iearn to watch for the line, break, and curl into a bali if yon ~nll

Tt-IE SEPTEMBER TECH MEETING A real must. According to our man, Mr. Moto, Kendon PorscheAudi will act as host on the 16th. This meeting should prove real interesting for those attending. Willow. The tech meeting is scheduled for one week before the Willow Springs Tech Session. So if you want to have the car set up right attend. Kendon will have their head race mechanic there on the spot as well as some of their drivers. Subjects to be covered include safety as well as how tomake the car go faster. The .... ingpromises robe a goodone. It will start at 8:00 sharp. A note of thanks to Mr. Ken Connella, Chuck Sperback of Kendon who have invited us in to their house.

as the greatest hero driver all the rest of the year . . .you! But watch out on turn #4. I’ll probably be up there with my tail racing my nose for the lead into #5. Participation. The guy getting Willow all together is Joe Schneider. Herr Schneider needs help, and I don’t mean therapy. Course workers tech, crowd control, helmets, the Hungry Dawg (our very own version of Der Wienerschnitzel drive thru food service) and so on. Much help will be needed with promotion to make this a success. This is the biggest undertaking of the year and it therefore requires the greatest participation by all of you. But it may also be one of the most fun events of the year if you like to watch Porsches going fast or be in one when it does. A couple of us are thinking about making our own short spoof of "Gran Prix", just for fun. I.f you remember the smell of greasepaint or hot lights in your past and wish to be once more immortalized on the silver screen give me a call. 535-1588 during the day. 674-5489 in the evening. If it just sounds like fun be sure to call too. More Willow words next time. ested.

Look forward to chatting with the inter-

REVIEWS This month there is no real review because last month’s paper was so fast it covered the last two events. So this month--just to be different, we are running our fastest receipes. Just try them. We guarantee ’era to be good (if you can hold a pan and measure a spoon). And some of you will find it nice to be fast-a-foot. What THE BIG JOHN SPECIAL (Just the thing after a Spin in the Sun. ) 1 oz of lemon juice 1 g



dash of Angostura


1 1/2



sugar, or

sweeten to taste


MEMBERSHIP MEETING, July l3 Precisley at 9:10 p.m. Vice President Cogan quelled the mirth and merriment at the Rhinelander with the announcement that the formal July membership meeting was commencing. Bob announced that our leader had been felled by a flu bug (fitting retribution for the dispatch of the beetle), and then called upon Ron Ramage for the accounting of past and present activities. Ron introduced Joe Schneider who talked about Matti’s Maze the 8 I/2 hr,

24, 12 hour rallye.


then briefly noted the high points of the PPPNR & C. Bitters

Dark Jamaican Rum

3/4 oz 151 proof Dernerara Rum grapefruit soda Shake all ingredients except grapefruit soda w ell with ice, strain and pour into 14 oz glass with two ice cubes. Fill up with grapefruit soda. Garnish with maraschino cherries and orange slices if you wish. Makes 1 fast lap for 1 weary driver.

THE FEARLESS AUTO RACING JAVA (For those a little Chilly in the PM we present our own special Care to race your motor. ) Hot Strong Black Coffee 4 small pieces of lemon peel Z oz I00 proof Vodka Z oz Creme de Cacao

Members were reminded that the August membership meeting will be at

"Mooafire" with racing and comedy films on the entertainment bill. Lynn Bochemohle irfformed the members that the Treasury balance was $664.44. Corky Kirk put on Part II of the great oil raffle with yours truly getting the Castrol. The meeting was adjourned at 9:33 p.m. with the showing of our V.P.’s slides of Sedona. Respectfully submitted, G.L. Gedeon PCA-LA Scribe TREASURER’S REPORT July 20, 1970 Cash on Hand Checking Cash on Hand Checks to be deposited

$ 628.94 $ 52.22 $ 31.25

Cash Flow - Disbursements Fell four cups almost full with coffee and add lemon peel to each. Warm Vodka-Creme de Cacao mixture in ladel or small pan; ignite and pour blazing into each cup. Four fearsome servings for four fearless racers.

Telephone Postage Paper Flyers

6-15 to 7-20 $ $

13.94 35.50

Bob, baby--watch your bird! ~a~u~ Fa:~ V [4~



fire extinguisher, even if it’s only one of the smaller powder (or dry) types. And as an added incentive for the male members of the crowd--if the number of people reading this article, can in any sense be considered a crowd--let’s point out that every now and then you run across some beautiful, but helpless woman whose car is on fire. After coming to the rescue, she says, in a low and affectionate voice, "whatever can I do to th~nk you?" And you reply "ah, er, we’ll think of something. If you’re completely unabashed you might memble something about lighting your fire. Your Porsche is rusting away. No arguments about the quality of the factory undercoating, the advisability of applying additional undercoating, the special problems of spot welds and seams~, etc. However, a few facts are pretty well accepted. First of all, the exterior chrome plated parts of the car do begin to rust on the outer surface, Apparently tiny holes develop in the plating, allowing the air and water to penetrate to the steel beneath. The corrosion of the steel continues beneath the chrome until the plated layer is no longer attached to the steel, at which time it peels off. Also keep in mind that some chrome is plated over relatively non-corrosive metals, but no common metal (even the chromium itself) is im~aune to prolonged attack by salt, air and water. Cleaning the chrome regularly and applying wax or special chrome coatings is the best protection against rust. While the chromed parts generally rust from the outside in, the opposite is true of the painted surfaces. In other words, all that washing and waxing may make the car look good, but it doesn’t have much effect on the rusting of the metal. This is because a solid coat of paint (whether clean and waxed or not) really prevents rust. Where you see a rust spot in the paint it is usual~.y a sign that the steel has rusted all the way through from the s~de opposi te the paint So the thing to worry about is really the unders#.de of the car And unlike the exterior surfaces where water salt and dirt just rnn off underneath the car there are lots of crevices pockets and ledges that trap these corrosion-causing substances 0nly a perfect barrier of undercoating could cope with this kind of rusty onslaught Since undercoating is never perfect the only hope is controlling rust is to wash off the mud and salt with plain water. Then I poke the hose all around underneath the car, turning the nozzle every whichway to get the dirt.

Porscherama $ 961.29 Flyers(for several months) $


Lynn Bockemohle, Treasurer BOARD SPLINTERS The book is filled. The goals set for advertising have been met by Porscherama. Of course, if~s up to the club to support our advertisers when possible. When you’re in the shop--go out of your way to let them l~now "you saw their ad". Of course, if you know anyone who wants to advertise--turn them on. By glancing atfhe calendar you wi~l note that the rest of the meetings have been set. As have the programs. 7~fter August we will again return for a dinner meeting for the Christmas Party. Willow is here. And so you better start planning. Of course we still need some workers and Chairman for such things as flag team, crawd control, etc. Joe Schneider, Cliff Yost and Bill Mclnerney are serving as event chairmen. So give them a call. They’ll be needing a lot of help. The board decided to dispense with the Willow Springs Banquet because it has been a lot of trouble and has always lost money.

Thomas Landini has a new address: 2700 Peterson Pl. #35B

Costa Mesa


Ed Sornstein has moved to 205 Knob Hill Ave. , Redondo Beach 90277

perfectly. SCHNEIDER


Schneider Autohaus offers the Porsche owner a complete facility for the professional care and maintenance of his automobile. In addition to Porsche service and repair, the Autohaus specializes in custom engine/transmission rebuilding; electronic engine diagnosis; and a full line of Porsche parts and accessories (when you come in be sure and ask about the special of the month).

Please call for appointment





company printers and offset lithographers 10620 la cienega blvd. inglewood, california

telephone: 674-9350


HERMOSA BEACH 9th and Pacific Coast Highway






182nd and Western

.... .’....~,~..~ "" ..." ....’. .....


324-7520 371-6291 (eveni ngs)




The enjoyment and fellowship of other owners.


Maintenance of a high standard of operation and performance

D. The maintenance of beneficial relationships with Porsche Works, Porsche dealers, and other Porsche clubs.

PCA GIFT SUGGESTIONS Items may be purchased at a monthly meeting or by mail--make checks payable to PCA-Los Angeles.

Send check to:

Lynn Bockemohle, Treasurer ¯

5045 Oakwood Ave, La Canada,

colo Badges (ea.)







Standard Emblem Jacket



$1. SO

4 color


LAPCA Region Patch





Cinb Name Tag (payment on order)


Up-Eixin DerPorsche Member Non-Member

$3.00 $4.OO

PCA Cu~ Lings. 1/2 in. Dia, 4 color


PCA "Storm Master" windproof lighter Embossed Porsche Insignia


PCA Emblem Pin discount priced



PIRELLI CINTURATOS " RACING TIRES, SCCA APPROVED RACING AND RADIAL PLY RETREADS ¯ Mag & Wire Wheel Balancing to Racing Tolerances " Most Diversified Stock of High Performance & Racing Tires on the West Coast "


Wheu purchased with car badge or nationalpatcb






~r 11~E1

8441 $epulveda Blvd., Van Nuys, CA Tel: 894-3700


We’re Here!

|UDI 3erVice Area




next. However, a dedicated pro will overcome even those obstacles. So how do you stop him.

DON’T FORGET TO LOCK YOURPORSCHE Few Porsche owners need a reminder to lock their cars when unattended, but how many are aware of the inadequacies of the stock security system. The following discussion of ways to secure a parked Porsche is intended to free the enthusiast from worry about forced entry into his pride and joy. Peace of mind in the case of Porsche’s being lifted into or onto trucks, or engines being pulled on their spot, is a separate, more elaborate story, T.he primary barriers to forced entry are the doors. If the dogrs can be kept shut, the car is an unattractive target. Doors are normally lockable from either inside or outside. The inside lock is actuated by the door handle on 3S6 series adn by a vertical button on 900 series cars. The outside lock is a key operated pushbutton which also serves as the door latch actuator. These inside and outside locks are connected so that the doors can always be opened from the inside. Which explains why so many windwings are damaged. Heavy wires and other tools are used to either actuate the inside door handle or to raise the locking button, and of course the most convenient access for this operation is the wing window. A common deterrent in the locking button case is to eliminate the mushroon head and/or trim the length so that it is flush with the windowsill in the locked position. While this is a step in the right direction, it is not foolproof. The solution is to isolate the inside and outside locks. Short of picking the lock, this makes it impossible to open the doors from inside or outside, An advantage for 900 series owners is that the sill button can be left up (unlocked) and wing damage is unlikely, The exterior lock may be isolated in two ways: (1) The inside sill button can be disconnected from the door latch mechanism and used instead to throw and retract an extra door bolt. Design and installation of this bolt is straight forward but time consuming. (2) An extra can-type deadlock can be installed in the door just below the outside handle. Use of the tubular keyed "ace" can lock will maximize security. The door frame should be strengthened where the strike is installed. A recessed ainminum plate attached from inside the rear fender well can serve as strike and weather protector. Without independent door locks, one’s best protection is use of the steering wheel and transmission locking deterrents. But, wouldn’t you rather keep the doors shut? Curt l<iuebler STOP THIEF

by John Leonard Imp.re mac Ilegion

To stop a thief from stealing your beloved Porsche, it is 1~ecessary to know your enemy. Is he the joy riding teen-ager? No! He would have taken the pony car next to yours. And even if he had tried your car, the locked doors and windows, shaved off or non-existent lock buttons, alarms, etc. would have stopped him. Your enemy is the professional car thief who values your l~orsche as highly as you do, but in a different way. Once he steals your car, you wouldn’t see it again. The first line defenses, designed to keep undesirables out of the car, don’t work against the pro. The pro carries effective lock picks; and might even hava a key that will fit. The alarm is a minor annoyance, although it might unnerve him if it’s a type that is difficult to shut off. Once quietly inside, it’s a simple matter for him to start your engine. A steering wheel lock or a gear whirr lock is a good deterrent, since both are visible from outside the car and might make it just too much trouble compared to the

Surprise and frustrate him by confronting him with the unknown! Even the professional x~ill eventually give up if the engine won’t start, or starts but the transmission doesn’t work, or starts and moves but stalls and won’t re-start after a few blocks. Of course, it’s important that there be nothing visibly amiss in the engine compartment that the thief can easily fix. The engine won’t run without spark and gas. i switch that grounds out the electric tachometer lead from t he coil also grounds out the points. A switch that cuts offthe electric fuel pump gives the thief a short ride that hopefully ends in the middle of traffic where he won’t take the time to figure out what went wrong. The electrical system is quite vulnerable since the presence of a battery, coil, points, rotor, high-t-oltage lead from the coil to the distributor cap, all properly hooked up, andthe absence of a short circult are required to run your car. So without any tools you can confound a thief by removing the rotor or the high voltage lead and/or ground the points. With a screwdriver you can loosen the point setting screw and allow the points to close. Hopefully you also know how to reset the points when you return. The engine also needs gas and air to run. The fuel pump can be switched off if it is electric and suitably wired, or the wires and the in-linefuse (if any) can be removed to break the circuit. The proper flow of fuel can be otherwise interrupted by removing, for example, the fuel lines from the carbs or the filter holder from the pump, but the risk of fire is great. The flow of air to the carbs can be stopped by placing a sheet of cardboard over the air filter, or asbestos over the carburetors. Be sure to reassemble the air intake system so that your modification is not obvious. You can also drive a huge cork ~p the tailpipe, but a cork screw big enough to get it out is hard to find. 911 owners have one further ploy. The transmission can be readily disconnected from the shift linkage by removing the cover plate on the floor in the rear between the seats and unscrewing the square beaded bolt found underneath the dust cover. If you put the trans in reverse and then remove the bolt, It is guaranteed that no thief will make any forward progress. Although 356 ox~rners can’t do this as easily, they needn’t worry since their vehicles are becoming increasingly protected from theft by age and condition. One last thing. Don’t forget to up fix anything you un fix, and don’t lose any little parts you remove. It’s better to hide the rotor in the trur~k than to leave it in Bermuda and have to rely on the availability of a Porsche part on Sunday, or Monday, or Tuesday, or ..... ESSEN~[IAL EQUIPMENt EACH PORSCHE SHOULD ~AVE by G~il Fritz Potomac Region Each Porsche should have a flashligh, and fire extinguisher Jn your official vehicle, lhere’s no~hing funnier than to see a car stalled in the middle of the night for lack of the mos rudimentary of tools. And there’s notching more pitiful than to see a Porsche on fire, although if you’re an extreme optimist you’ll point out hat at least you don’ t need that flashlight to see the engine. Given the builtin tendency of most Porsche carburetors to leak some gasoline, and the fact that the large carbuertor-short manifold design (which is great for getting power out of the engine) promotes flash-backs; this adds up to quite a bit of danger, firewise. So take along a Continued on P. "6. WHEN POSSIBLE.PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. TELL THEM YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE PORSCHERAMA.




porscheneering consultants for: custom engine rebuilding and blueprinting precision transmission setup fabrication of special tooling imported metric fasteners special engine- transmission installations quality metric tools functional accessories instrument repair mechanical detailing precision machine work

213 398 2217

please call for appointment vernon covert curt kuebler




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185VR 70-15


Globe Tire Co. 2450 SOUTH LA ClENEGA At Santa Monica Fwy. 836-0804



Special Discount with PCA Membership Card

9436 Las Tunas Drive Temple City, California 91780 specializing in Porsche and that other Deutsch auto---Volkswagen Porsche Parts.

by appointment





You can depend on Jay Duenes, Jim Furlong (above) and the rest of the highly skilled master technicians at IVT to give you the best and most personalized service possible on your Porsche and Volkswagen. They’re dedicated craftsmen, backed up by the cleanest,-best equipped and most modern plant in the area. Drop in and see them soon!

IMPORT VEHICLE TECHNICIANS Pasadena 449-5747 - 449-5748 684"2007


Ted & Julie Metz took delivery of a miniature 914 1/2. 11 oz. boy

July i0, 1970

Born was a 7 lb. Dear PCA-LA

For Sale:

Speedster Emblems, 2, Brand New $25 or trade for 356 B or C

front neff bars in new condition.

Ron Ramage



The Bruce Keublers took delivery June 15 on a baby girl named - Ste~hanie Kay weighing in dry at 8 lb. 1 oz. Br~,,,. 4_ -

George Gedeon won the raffle this Iast mouth. The prize--a case of Castrol. August promises to see a fire extinguisher or a pair of driving gloves.

Our New PCA Croup Insurance Plan

At the Porsche Parade June 29, 1970 Directors meeting, I was privileged to report on the progress of the enrollment in our Club’s new Croup Accidertal Death and Dismemberment Insurance Plan. Our new insurance plan has the enthusiastic support of our national officers, zone coordinators and committee chairman. 100~o of our national officers have now enrolled in the plan. Why is the plan important to our membership?

1956 550 RK Spyder, one of the finest left. Strong 1600 push rod much modified. 3600 miles since rebuilt including pistons, cylinders, vMve job, light flywheel, big clutch. Carters curbs. Silver with black leatherette interior. Near new Continental records. First $3000 to enthusiast, Will consider Speedster or other older Porsche in part payment, (213) 797-4511 Loren Patrick

1966 912/4 Cpc., Red/Blank, Blanpunkt, 1740 cc power. Nearly new konis, Recent alignment and lowering job. $3500 Will consider financing. No trades. Bob Downie 346-6675 Canoga Park

Late ’62 Coupe. 1700 cc Concour Body, engine interior almost perfect. Converted to 12 volt system everything new. Total 54,000 mi. Golden Green acrylic lacquer - no dings, nicks, etc. Dual vents are anodized gold. Chrome Wheels. Phoenix Firestone Tires. Engine rebuilt by Litz. 1700 cc moly pistons. Maxnafluxed - balanced - only 700 miles on engine, Rear end - gear box - syncro’s all less than 1 yr. 200 mm cintch. Abarth exhaust. A1 rubber, chrome new. All new Konis including damper. Spent $8000 - must sacrifice because of growing family $4800. Serious inquiries only must see car and bills to appreciate. Dr. Guy C. Markham 355-i475 days . . .355-7097 nights.


It gives their families important and substantial accidental death benefits if the member is killed while participating in a club sponsored rally, gyrr~hana, auto cross or hillclinmb (many policies exclude coverage for speed contests);

2. The member is covered anytime he or she is driving, riding in or struck by a Porsche for double the benefits applicable in any other make of car; 3. The member is also covered while flying on scheduled airlines, as a pedestrian, and on any land or water common carrier; 4. The atmual premium of $15.00 is less than 1/3 of many comparable individual plans. The enclosed Hartford I~surance Company brochure shows an annual premium of $50.00 for a $50,000 conveyance plan which excludes coverage for injuries sustained while an operator or occupant of any conveyance engaged in an_~y speed contest. No matter how excellent our plan is it will not succeed over the long run without a sizable enrollment. We need your help in promoting this plan. Sincerely,

WANTED . . . luggage rack for single grill. Cliff Yost 325-4131

For Sale: 1967 912. Polo Red with black interior. Engine, body, interior co,npletely concours throughout. 2% 000 miles. Blaupunkt AM!FM/SW. 7.00X15.00 Goodyear Bluestreaks (near new) on 911S factory mugs. Konis. ’69 leather 911S steering wheel. Car lowered 2". Velocity stacks with combination Bursch w/chrome stinger. White Hells driving lights. Fire extinguisher. Factory 912 engine manual. ALL SERVICE RECORDS. Serviced only by Wolfram Berger. Reason for selling: buying speedster. $4850 firm. Serious inquiries only. Contact David Nahrstedt at (213) 846-7800 between 6 and 9 p.m. weekday evenings. ’64 Carrera II 50,000 (79,000 kilo) Red. 5 Dunlop tires chrome wheels. Disc. - new. Engine rebuilt at Stutgart 10,000 miles. Excellent condition Stored (4 months - not leaving garage - ran on weekends in garage). $3,750.50. Ask for Mrs. Cannon 424-0192



Ed Clark PCA’er

Must be in good shape.


Two super programmers want part and/or full-time programming assignments to aid in their support of a 911S. Heavy experience in the development of systems and applications software that works without hidden bugs. Experienced in both large and small machines - assembly languages as well as FORTRAN, COBOL, and PL/I. We work at your place or ours - your own machine or we arrange for rental - reasonable rates, 714-529-8460 Glenn and Carole ~{ulligan 387 Nutwood St., Brea, Calif. 92621 [tIRE THE EXPERTS - OUR CREDITORS ~IEED THE M0r~EY

"PCA 365" - Our Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Plan Covers You: 24 hours a day - 365 days a year - while driving or riding in any auto mobile -- $25,000 Benefit in ordinary automobiles -- $50,000 IN A PORSCHEI Even covers you on rallies, hillclimbs, gymkhanas and auto cross -PLUS $50,000 coverage for scheduled flights on scheduled arilines -PLUS $25,000 coverage for other common carriers. All of these benefits for $15.00 a year! You can double the above benefits with the $100, 000 Plan for $30.00 a year. Family members can also be covered. This great plan has the lowest premium charge of any similar type plan we know of in the country -- and with double benefits when a Porsche is involved -- it is unbeatable -- compare it with any other plan available to you -- enroll today. Protect your family while enjoying your Porsche. An application is attached to both May and June issues of Panoraxna -- or write PCA’er Ed Clark cio Plamer, Goodell & Keeney, 1387 Main Street Springfield, Massachusetts for an applicatinn form. Wanted: Super sharp (or just sharp) typist with electric to assist in typing the PORSCHERAMA. Earn worker points or for that matter, write a story and win big points. Write and see your name in lights!

The right tire for the test. SCCA approved retreading done in our own plant. For your radial. Any Radial. The finest compound and tread design for high performance. Wet or dry. One day service. Loaner tires available. With complete street and competition wheel balancing. Ask for Jack or Alex. MASTERCHARGE ÂŻ BANKAMERICARD.





Dear Porsche Owner: Possibly you have been notified by our distributor, Porsche Audi Pacific, of the change in authorized sales and service facilities for your Porsche;namely, that Porsche products along with the newest and most exciting import, "Audi", will be handled by a separate~ newly formed dealer organization. We are proud to announce our appointment as your local dealer. In the past we were known as Century Motor Sales, now we are known as Century West Porsche-Audi. We want you to enjoy thefinest, exclusive, personalized service from our factory trained Porsche specialists, which is why Service Manager Ken Brady Lee Price Porsche Technician AI Garcia Porsche-Audi Technician Bill Rogerson Porsche-Audi Technician Porsche-Audi Technician Allen ~ing have been transferred to Century West in order to continue to give you the ser\~ice you want and expect on your Porsche. The entire staff at Century West extends you an invitation to see our new facility and to fun-drive the Porsche and all new Audi. Si ..... ly ~.,~ ~ ~

Leon Do Peskin, President P.S.

YOUR PORSC~ NEEDS LUBRICATION FOR ITS LIFETIME. WE WILL PROVIDE IT FREE! PICKUP YOUR GP~ATIS LIFETIME LUBRICATION CARD AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENI~CE. Our Service Department is open evenings Monday and Thursday to 9:00 p.m. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday we are open to 5:30. Loan cars available.

Handbook and Service Manual on the 912 by Floyd Clynl~r is now available.



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