porsche club of america
los angeles region
calendar JULY 9: PCA-S~n Diego Slalom- Bill ~affe~ ~Y 13: Gener~ Membership Meeting at C~uenga ~ementary School, 220 S. Hobart, L ’ A. 8:00 ~o.m. SpeWer from Porsche/Audi. " ~Y 16-21: 17th PORSCHE PAR~E Lake Geneva,
~t~de Boothe 696-0866 79~7 S. Forest Ave. ~ittier, C~if. 90602
~. ~:~o~ ~, ~o~t~ ~ ~o ~e~o~,
~Y 18: Board Meeting 8:p.m., ~ane holm. E~eryone v~elcome. Phone 283-7~23. 283-7423 PRESID~T ~e ~ ~f 23: PCA-LA ~ive~’s School & Road Test 1049 Bradshaw Ave. Monterey P~k, at T-R-W in lq~atten Beach, 12:00 noon. C~ifornia 91754 ~Y 28: PCA-LA Paper-put-together at ~ri Boothe~s, 8:00 p.~. Y’all coze~ 696~0866. VICE PRES. Dale ~derson 459-1219 ~Y 29-30: Ein ~lebnis .~ Tahoe - Sierra S~RETARY Paul ~ (805) ~48-~84 Nevada Region, Cal Neva Lodge, LM~e T~oe TR~S~R~ Lewis ~lley 861-1~3 Rallye, ~&utocross, Di~er, see ’7EVents’. BD CH~AN ~orge ~deon 869-7~ &~G~ST 10: ~ere ~ill be a di~er z~eeting ACTIVITI~ Ron R~age 374-6888 at the Proud Bird i~esta~t. Plan to attend. P~LICI~ ~ri Boothe 696-0866 TEC~ICAL Rob.t V~Cleave 368-4059 &UGUST 26-27: ~’~avig~tional Rallye. ~ ~ ~7-5109 M~RSHIP Cor~ ~rk SEPT~BE~ 1-4: Loma Prieta Region - W~T P.O. ~x 416 COAST WE~ in S~ta Cruz. .See ’E~ents ’. ~cadia, C~if. 91006 SEPT~IB~ ~: Gay Nineties Picnic. 0CTOB.~ 14-15: WILLOW SPRINGS TI~E ~I~S.~ OCTOBER 28-29: To~ to San S~eo~. ~j~~,~ DIAL-A-PORSC~CL~ ~EC~!B~R 9 : Chr~.s~as Dice,-dance.
activities, call: 398-2217
"’WewantthebestforyourPorsche, Soshouldyou’" Welcome PCA
PASADENA, CALIF. 91105 John Beyea, Parts Mgr.
sales, parts, service
Primeau, Service M@r.
Old Wierd Jim and Queen McSteve strike again! PCA fiLmdomTs dynamic duo hereby invite those latent Thespians in PCA-LA to participate in another cinematic extravaganza. Any of you who want to help us, please call, write or scream and you will instantly be in the picture or in the crew. Depends on what you want to do and what the film needs. We expect to start filming in September. We will be planning the film in ~u~y’and August so we need to hear from you by the end of July. . . . The film uill follow in the tradition of "The 24 Ninutes of Lemons" and will be another takeoff on a nationally kno;m flick. But we,re not talking yet. It will be fun for everybody. No pressure. So if you’ve been waiting for your big Hollywood screen test, cal! or ;~ite Jim E~ing at 6~9 So. Prospect #202, Redondo Beach, C,al~f. 90277, (213) ~3~-073% (days). Get on it’.’. Besides, our casting " couch is very comfortable: Members of the West Phalean Porsche Club from Dortmund, GeEnany would like to find accor~Jaodations during either the month of September or October in a private home in exchsnge for the same courtesy should you ever travel to Europe. In Germany, they roll out the ’red carpet, for you; in some instances, even give you a Porsche to drive. Persons interested in sharing their borne with a fellow fror.~. Oer%m~y, contact Bud Snyder, 8122 Bleriot Ave. I..A. 9004~ or phone 64%-0279. PHOTO CONT~,ST for all pictures t~o_ken at the Lake Tahoe Memorial Day Weekend is now in progress. Get your prize photos and slides to Duane Alan, I0~9 Bradshawe Ave., Nonterey Pa~k, Calif. 917%~. Cost per person is $2.00; send as many photos as you care to. DEADLINE is July 21~th. These photos m~d other pictures taken during the first half of this year at PCA-LA events will be sho~cn at the August Dinner-Meeting at the Proud Bird Restaurant. If you have any slides you would like to show, please contact Duane, 283-7~23. He needs your pictures~ We need sane reliable person with access to a labeling machine or EDP equipment to make up the address labels for the envelopes for "Porscherama". If vou are that person, please contact Curt Kuebler 398-2217 or Corky Kirk ~47-%109.~ ATT~TION 91~ 01@IERS: Monterey, Calif., June 26th. Elliot Forbes-Robinson II of La Crescenta, Calif., on the pole in a Porsche 91~, led the Porsche sweep in "E" Production here on Sunday. Bob Kirby of L.A. and E~nie Tenderich of Napa, both driving Porsche 3~6 Speedsters were 2rid and 3rd following 31 and [~l seconds respectively, well behind the Forbes 911~....from our President who happens to own a 91~. CUSTOMER’S COMPLAINT FORM Please print your complaint legibly and completely in the box provided below.
p ~r[8 [Or DO~SC]~B8
including body panels, glass, suspension end drive line components for the earliest 356 to the latest 900’s.
We stock a complete inventory of racing & high performance parts as
well as new and used parts for your Porsche,
Ad.|. St., An.h.inl, I~.,if. "18OS Ph: |714} ,SG-~4’’
next events
JULY 13: General Membership Meeting at Cahuenga E~emenfia~y School, 220 S. Hobart, L.A. 8:00 p.m. Wolfgang Brueche~, District Service Ms~ager from Persche/Audi Div. will be our speaker for the e~ening, so come prepared ~ith lots of questions for him ~MEWAT~HALLTHEP~RS~HE~G~AR~D~N~LESATTRW~h~4~{ATTANB~ACH~NTHE23~D~FJUL.k-FUN1~UN : : JULY 23: DRIVER’S SCHOOL A~D ROAD TEST. Have you ever wondered if you are driving your Porsche the right way or the ~rong way? Have you ever done something that went off real well and you really don’t know why? Now is the time for you to co~ue to the LOS ANG~-v_ES ~EGION Driving School and find out just how you should be doing what your doing with your Deutsc~land machine. The event will be held at T-R-W in Manhattan Beach on the corner of ~&viation Ave. and Marine Ave. Cars will start running at 12:00 noon. The cost for the event will be nominal ~ $i.~0 per car. Come and have fun as well as learn to drive your car. For infor~ation or con~uer~ you can contact ~on Ramage at ~61-311!~!~ or 374-6888. I also need several volunteers who would like to work. EIN ERL ~i SAN TAH0 EEIN!~RLh~NI SAN TAH0 EEINF~LEBI~I SAN T~0EEINERL EBN I S~IT~ 0 EEIN ERL ~NI S JU~Y 29-30: Ein Erlebnis An T~ahoe. ~o days of events a~M fun including an autocross, rallye and dinner with the Sierra Nevada Region at the Cal-Neva Lodge, North Shore, Lake T~oe. Hotel cost: ~23.10 single, $27.30 double. Make your reservation on or before Ju~y Ist. (Sorry this ~zasn’t printed sooner.) Autocross, rallye and dinner cost is ~$2%.00 per couple, ~18.%0 single. Mail check for events to Start Abbott, 32% ~i~ithridge Park, Reno, Nevada 89%02. For infor~aation - 702/82%-3098.
.-presidential rhetoric
On June 17th, ~7 ~ell-scr~bbed people of the reciprocating engine set, gyrated~ bumped and glided to the music of Don Ricardo. This event took place on the patio of Don’s lovely home in Pasadena. ~he cocktail hour ~d a half was a g~eat social success, high-lighted by ou~ well stocked ba~. Don Sommerville and Ray Kornfeld did yeoman service as bartenders. ~irley Kor~eld was like a butterfly selling tickets for d~i~s ~d my wife, Nicki thou~t ~e wa~ a security gu~d making sure everyone paid for the event. South Hills Caterers of Baldwin Park did an excellent job on o~ ste~s, li~i~g’up to their reputation. . ~e group enticed Don Ricardo into opening his garages to show us his five M~r~edes ~ll-wings. One is in La~a; that makes six plus H!~le~’s car, a ~40K Merced~s. I believe he ham enoug~ equipment and tools to build a c~ f~om scratch. (~ades of H~’s. ~.) ~e evening was d~li~tf~ and well enjoyed. I would like to th~ thos~ that helped cle~ and set up Sa~rday afternoon ~d the late stayers who put everything away after it was over. . ~ile I ~ writing about events, we had another great one yesterday morning, ~ay, J~e 2~th. Bob Van Cleave, our tech chai~, ~ged for the club to to~ the Bond ~blishing Comply.... ~e s~ broke t~ou~ the overcast ~d it was a beautiful ride do~ to Ne~ort ~ach. ~entyt~ee ca~s t~ned up and Jo~ Bond was there to greet us. ~. ~nd gave us a short talk about the m~ing of Road & ~ack ~d then turned us loose to tou~ as we wished t~ou~out the buildmng. However, he was available fo~ questions ~d co~ents at all t~es. I will have slides at the Au~st meeting. ~ter the tour, about twothirds of us went to the "Hungry Tiger~’ for a ch~pa~e br~ch.
N~m badges are ~ewelry ~d PCA Up-Fixin" went be available at
being ordered and should be available at the July meeting. New publications were available last meeting. ~e new c~ badges ~d fast. Mo~e have been o~dered for July .... the Au~st meeting.... Head co~t im ~8. ~e new roste~ should Co~ Ki~k
last events ’
Nothing quite like a wilderness, white-water raft trip to get you close to nature. A bunch of PCAers discovered same, June 10th near Sonora on the Stanislaus River. The weather was on the cool side of perfect and clear skies kept the photogs hapDy. Although shove-off t~qe ~¢as delayed due to a missing boatman (found out later he flipoed his van in a storm on the way up), plenty of action in the first raoids ~ot everyone in a good mood. ~en got ~dith Savage in the water. After a couple of miles of big rapids and getting splashed with 50 degree ~¢ater, everyone hiked uo l~ose Creek to sample the more enjoyable 70 degree swi~nuing holes. ~d Hedrick discovered where not to step on the way back (didn’t really t~e long to dry off, did it?). i~.ore rapids and sihns of gold minin( activities kept the attention until landing at ?arrots Ferry and camp. Time for dry clothes and good food, not to mention the good humor established by Peter Luelsdorf’s fun friends. Dinner was ste~k onuder the stars and nobody ~ent hungry. (~anks to the Millers for helping with the stove t.~a~.~k.) Even ice cream for dessert.... Sunday dammed ~lorious and finally the ~’~iller-less group (left for head start on way toward Vancouver) was ready for, "Gentlemen, start your oars." &ualler rapids on the second leg, but the scenery was still superb. D~ring passengers w~.~ting to try their luck at rowing had their chance (WATt{ OUT FOR THAT ROCK:). Everyone ~¢as entranced watcl~ing a doe lead her very tiny fa~.m to safety from the watering spot. The last half mile was a rowing exercise as the river lost it’s current and beck_me a lake. ~’~ade everyone appreciate the cold drinks waiting for lunch at Melones Bridge. Back to civili(Did you zation ~ud Porschcs and the drive home. That’s what Porsches are for. l~ave a safe drive home, Peter?) Curt Kuebler LAKE T~IOE i~E~.i0RIAL DAY On Friday, May 26th, route 39~ between Mojave and Stateline was the scene of many little sparkling jewels winding their way around each other, trying to be the first to arrive at Lake Tahoe. Peter ~qd Yoka Luelsdorf hosted this event so to begin ~ith, the caravan s~a~t~d out behind Luelsdorfs and their friends sharing Peter’s Audi, when all of a sudden several cars were missing from the group. Couldn’t imagine anyone stopping to sight-see around MoJave. Come to find out, ~ay and Shirley Kornfeld’s 356 blew a cross-threaded plug right out, but very luckily it was quickly replaced and they were able to continue on. . I left at 3:30 the afternoon, nearly five hours after the pack had left Saug~s’and arrived only about one and a half hours after all the ’big daddies’. (I think Ron’s car sprouted wings. Ed.) Running around the North Shore of Lake Tahoe late that night, I passed most of the other guys taking in all the sights,t. Saturday morning we all left Tahoe Vista to cruise along the lake to Tahoe Ci y ~o~ breakfast A quick trip to Squaw Valley for a view of the beautiDal mountains resul~e~ ~n’a few hours spent for a pleasant horseback ride through the green meadow and across the stream. Others enjoyed boating, water-skiing, riding the ski lifts or Just riding around. Later we met with some of the party at ~erald Bay, driving on around the lake for lunch at the South Shore. Saturday night everyone gathered around the cottages on the beach to enjoy a ba~b~q~e, with the girls preparing baked potatoes, salad and hot bread. Don Sommerville and Duane Alan shared what looked like one half of a cow. Sunday morning found Tom Terrell washing his car again, with Ralph Boothe ~i~i~g him moral support. Soon, small groups left for Harrah’s Auto Museum in Reno, with Nick and Cece ~h~iesen leading our party through Truckee. As we breakfasted at Sambo’s (won $1.75 on the Sambo slots), Reno was showing signs of it’s usual hot stuumer weather... At the museum, the first few hours were spent walking through the buildings, up ~nd down row after row of perfectly restored vintage auto_mobiles, ranging from the Thomas Flyer which won the New York to Paris race in 1908 to a 1955 Chevrolet. Then Peter arrs_uged a tour for us of the library various shops for a view of the equipment and processes used to bring an old vehicle back to the original. Our guide was George Batcabe, Assistant Purchasing Suoervisor at Harrah’s ~useum and member of PCA, Sierra Nevada Region.. Very impressive place, that auto museum. If you ever go there, plan to spend ~h~ day.... Later next page
L~HqE TAHOE WEH~H~D cont ,J’after returning to the lake, a breeze came up and the water became very choppy, but the weather was still a pleasant 75 to 80 degrees° We were very lucky as there could have been snow that time of year. Some of us had dinner in our cabins while the other troops trooped to the South Shore to a dinner-show at Harrah’s Casino... Monday morning ~e left early, through Sacramento to Sutter’s Fort and on over through San Rafael to San Francisco across the Golden Gate Bridge and on home down 101.... Some of the group stayed on until Tuesday morning and Delores and Skee Ziezenhenne motored on up to Vancouver B.C. on vacation.... It was a very enjoyable weekend; those of you who have never been on a Porsche Club weekend have a surprise in store, should you ever choose to go on one. Ron Ramage
The n~eeting was brought to order by President Duane Alan and officer reports were given. Cork~F Kirk reported that f~he new roster is being typed and there are about 24% names on it. Also, he has lotm of goodies for sale, a new item of special interest being a PCA-Los Angeles car badge designed aud hand made by Ernie 0zsvath. It i~ round and represents the ~ag wheel in heavy enamel; an excellent combination with the PCA National badge. They are $1%.00 and would make a nice gift.... Ron Ramage gave a run-down on future events and said that there would be a navigational rallye August 26th in place of the Colorado River tour. He also read a list of names of those members who have earned points for participation in activities in the first ~ months of this year. Nick Friesen then reported that he had a letter from Cliff Yost who is now li$i~g’in Lone Pine for a whil~ and who, being a true Porsche enthusiast has lined up a race track up there, with map and all the dope and says its only 215 miles fro~m LA to Lone Pine. Nick gave the letter to Ron for any follow-up.... Duane then opened the floor for discussion of Porsche problems which everyone responded to eagerly. ~&fter coffee break, the evenlng~s entertainsent, a film of the record-breaking Honda motorcycle ~as ~hown. Jon McKibben, engineer and driver of the cycle answered questions and talked of the many problems encountered during the timed runs at Bonneville. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Paul Beam, Sec’y. PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC., LOS ANGELES REGION Statement of Receipts and Disbursements 5-16-72 to 6-13-72 Cash on hand, May 16, 1972 Receipts TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR Di ~bttr s ement ~Cash on hand, June 13, 1972
$1,619.04 261.00 1,880.04 234.43 1,64~.61 Lewis Pulley, Treasurer
, memhers
U NEW ME~ ~RS : ii11.~ Harold Green l~gl0 Ventura Blvd., Suite 801, Encino 91316 Phone: 788-3020 0vn~s ’%7 1300S coupe and ’72 911T coupe - both brown. Marty Jacobson 3375 Livonia Ave., Los Angeles 90034 Phone: 652-0171 ~ns ’60 3%6B gray roadster. And girlm, both of these fellows are single.
ADDRESS CHANGES : Vicki Lynn Ness P.O. Box 806, Alhambra 91802 ~m. Nolen 671 S. Main, Big Pine, California 93513 Ramona Boren 9744 Zelzah Ave., Northrldge, 9132~ W.W. Wells 48727 Valley Blvd., Tehachapi, Calif. 9~561 Bob Van Cleave 106%3 Beckford Ave., North~idge, Calif. 9132~ Paul Brinkley-Rogers 2351 Eastern Canal St., Venice, Calif. 90291 -5-
FOR SALE: 196~ ’C’ Cabriolet hardtop, super cl~an inside ~d out. interior, Blau~t ~/~I, Pirellis, original o~er- 474-6~3.
for sale
~ite with black
FOR SALE: 1971 911T Coupe, 19,000 mtl~. a~P cond., ~ags, ~allye lf~ts
take over
pa~ents - ~so c~ cove~ ~20. ~d b~a ~20. call C~alg Ca~ne~ ~-86~6.’ FOR SALE: 1969 T~ge~ine 912 Coupe,
cle~ c~, neu gempePtt Pad~, ~aup~t
~4, c~e wheels, tinted glass, car cover ~d bra - 620-8577 day, ~2-7046 hire. BR~ N~,ff GIFT IDa: Los ~gel~s Regi~n C~ Badges,
a beauti~l 3~ tnch.dia., fouP
c~l~, en~el plaqu~ in the desI~ o~ a mag wheel.
~clusive ~d l~ited p~oduc-
$1~.00 each, t~ Incl.
~l oPdePs PequiPe h~f do~.
!.~d~ by ~nfe Ozsvath
796-3878 o~ ~te ~nI~ at 2~2 So. Mento~ Ave., Pasadena Calif. 91106 Apt. W~A ~ F~T? It’s all at the ~heel~ ~d ti~ - for sale: ~ neaPly new factory ~ley ~h~els mo~ted ~Ith 10.4~-14 Goodye~ Racing TiPes. If new it would sell fer $7~0.00. Price It~ you uon’t llke ~t~ But I’ll m~e you such ~ offe~ yeu won’t be abl~ to reuse.
8oe KoPpiel
(213) 882-8~82. 20616 ~ase St. C~oga P~k.
GET Y0~ CUSTOM I~E ~DE RIMS R~Y FOR ~LLOW SPRINGS. ~ in. f~ 911’s, 6 3~6’s - Painted e~ ~ome. . . NE~ in box, Bosch ~tz Ied~e Headli~ts fo~ 911s . . . . C~ Covers, 911, 91~, 3~6 - call 696-0866 for Peasonable prices. ~R SALE: ~ ~. C~0~ ~E~S for A & B dP~m brae 356’s - like new, fo~ those who w~t to restore ~eir c~ to the o~iglnal. Call 390~003 ~. ~mez.
~ ¯ ~3 3 ~ 3~a~
m~ 3 m
3 x o°