porsche club of america
los angeles region
MARCH 9 : ALAN JOHNSON will be our guest at the General Membership Meeting, Cahueng~a Elementary School, 220 S. Hobart, L.A. ~:p.m. MARCH 12: PCA-0range Coast Region’s WHITE GLOVE CONCOURS 7777 Edinger, Huntington Bch. Call Don Hyatt 893-72~6 for information. MARCH l~: Board Meeting 8:p.mo at President Duane Alan’s home. Anyone ~elcome. MARCH l~: Technica~ Meeting at RICHIE GINTHER SHOP, see events for details. 8[~7-7022 MARCH 19: GYMKHANA at "T-R-W", ~e event$. MARCH 2~-26: Holtville Time Trials, event~. MARCH 26: PCA-0CR Rallye, 893-72[~6 Don Hyatt. APRIL 23: Economy Rim and Photo Rallye. MAY 26-29". Lake Tahoe Memorial Day Weekend. JUNE 10-11: Stanlslaus River Trip, call Cu~t Kuebler 398-2217 for information. JULY 16-24: 17th PORSCHE PARADE, Lake Geneva, Wis. Playboy Club with Chicago Region am host.° More details next month. JUNE ~: Sknmuer Dinner-Dance. JULY 23: Drivers School and Road Test. AUGUST 2~-27: Trip to Colorado River. SEPT~.[BER 2/~:. Gay Ninetie.s Picnic. OCTOBER 14-15: Willow S.pr~ngs Time Trials Tour to San Simeon and/or Sedona, Arizona NOVEMBER 18-19: 0vet-night Nav. Rallye. DECEMBER 9: 0hrist~as Dinner-Dance. For information about PCA activities..., Call DIAL-A-PORSCHE-CLUB - 398-2217 ~*~-x-mw*a~/"~x-’l-’~’~x-x-"~’~*e~-r~’~-x~*@*
"’California Imports’" ....
Garden Grove Blvd.,
STAFF o Ge~tz~ad~ Booths 696-0866 79~ S. Fo~st Ave. Wh~ttle~, Calif. 90602
283-7423 Dmane Alan 1049 B~adahaw Monterey Pa~k, Ave. Callfernla 917~4
LeWlsGeo~gePUlleYGedeon Ron Ramage Gerl Boothe Rob’t VanCleave Corky Kirk P.O..Box ~16 Arcadia, Calif.
869-78~ 37~ 68 696-0866 87~-3976 ~7-5109 91006
Johnson o March 9th
ALAN JOHNSON OF BOZZANI PORSCHEAUDI will be the guest speaker at the General Meeting March 9th 8:p.m. and will talk on his book "DRIVING IN COMPETITION" with autographed copies on sale. This will be a very entertaining evening 1
Garden Grove, California
comment COMMENTC 0MMENT C.0.~ .EN.TC 0MMENTC 0MMENTC 0MMENTC 0M~ENT C 0MMENTC 0MMENTC 0MNENTC 0MMENTC 0MME LESLEY ANN GEDEON arrived on the scene FEBRUARY 1ST, 1972 at 5:47 a.m. and CAROL and GEORGE GEDEON now have another Porsche driver. Her specs are: 6 pounds, 13 ounces and 19 inches longJ CONGRATULATIONSJ. P’lans are being made to have a DINNER MEETING APRIL 13; details next month. ~he AGONY and the ECSTASY in reverse, is having 7 people put the paper together the first month and 3 people the next. You comma my house, Friday, March 31, and I give you candy, free booze to lick stamps with and a stapler in each handA Alex and Alice Gray and myself volunteered our services at the POC-PCA Rallye, Feb. 13 and what fun.’ It began with registration at Gabriel & Olsen Porsche/Audl in Encino and one eager beaver came rushing up late saying he overslept. After my own private rallye from Whittier at 6:a.m. and helping to register 73 entries, I informed him I had ’underslept’. I asked one fellow if he was running navigational or SOP and he thought I called him an ’SOB’....At Solvang the check point was located in front of a quaint little cemetary and someone remarked that it was an appropriate place in view of the speed on the roads he had Just executed. As car # I0 approached, Marcia Downey yelled, "Mark ten," for the gay with the timer and I looked around for a Jaguar. As it turned ~ut, it was our winners, Duane Alan and Dale Boyd....The weather was intoxicating and for those who drove the rallye and could steal a g~limpse now and then, the scenery was spectacular. ~anks POC; hope we can return the honors next year. Maudi Audi’s advice for the month: "Be sure brain is in gear before mouth is engaged." Geri
next events N EXTEVEN TS TECHN I..C.ALMEETI NGBRINGYOUR0~WNCHAI R TORI CHIEGINTHERS SNOPG00DTECHNI C ALE ~.~TING L MARCH 15: The technical meeting this month will be at RICHIE GINTHER’S SHOP, 6110 Slauson Ave., Culver City at 7:30 p.m. Due to a shortage of chairs at his shop, it is requested that each person bring his own chair. ~e evening will be in two parts; first, a tour of RICHIE GINTHER’S SHOP facilities and second, a run-down on the preparation of his race cars and various types of work he performs for Porsche owners, along with his private business. Let’s all turn out for this tech meetingJ .C~_all Bob Vau Cleave 8.74-3976 for more information. GYMKHANAGIMMI C KGYM~AGIMMI C KGYMKHANAGI~ ~NAGI MMI CKGYMKHANAGIMMI CK~ANAGIMMI CK MARCH 19: Fun-type GYMEHANA with navigator will be held at "T-R-W" in Torrance and sponsored by the TRW Rallye Club. From the San Diego freeway take the Rosecrans off-ramp and go West to Aviation Blvd. Then go ~outh to Marine Ave and west to the event. Starts at 12:00 Noon with two classes: (1) Open cars including Targas and 914’s with tops off, (2) All closed cars. Price per car: $3.00 PCA members $4.00 non-members. Call Bill Mc Inerney 805/495-9671 or Ron Ramage 461-31;!;~ for more information. Come and show your agility and accuracy; T.I. METRI ALSSANDI EGOREGI 0NHOLTVILLETIMETRIALSSANDIEGOR_~3I 0NHOLTVILLETIMETRI ALSSANDI E MARCH 25-26 : HOLTVILLE TItlE TRIALS - Headquarters at the Holiday Inn, E1 Centro. Sponsored by Bob Brown Motors ~18-6757 in Santee Make reservations with Cliff Berryman 10820 Dutton Dr. La Mesa, Calif. 92041 ~r call PCA-LA Tech chairman Bob Van ~leave 874-3976 for all information.
"A Na~ is a person without any Horse-sense." --2--
presidential rhetoric HO0 BOY~L~ Two great events these past two weekends. The P00-PCA 12 hour rally, which will be an annual event, put on for the first time by POC was a real Top Drawer: Rall.y~masterminded by Ed Mohr. PCA brought home the overall win with 1 man. - 35 hundredths error. Cool head, steely eyed Dale Boyd navigated the win while I hung onto the wheel of the 356C. We drove Navigation Class. Dave Kalbach and Nick Friesen came in second in Nay. Class. At this time we do not have all the official results. They will be in the next issue....The Fasching Party was the second event. These Germans really know how to eat, drink and stomp up a storm. I have never been to tKarnival,, before and I won,t miss another one. Some of us were in costume, most were not. Our fearless event chairman, Peter Luelsdorf wore a square establishment type attire. For such a Mod fellow as Peter, this could be a costume?....The State of the Club is great. Events are shaping up; so-- Go Rafting L~ Duane Alan
last events
The air was crystal clear, the grass brittle with ice, the track fast and the Porsches beautiful....This is how it was on the morning of January 29th at the Santa Anita Sweepstakes Concours d’Elegance. The members and guests who attended ~ i~(~ae event on that bright, sunny Satttrday saw one of the finest Porsche gatherings in a long time. The setting was f~utastic with the beautiful San Gabriel mountains in the background....Out of the 30 official registrants, 27 made the deadline of l0:00 a.m. for Judging which was carried out by real professionals ably assisted by four Porsche Factory Reps from V.W. Pacific....Just about every vintage car was represented from the early speedsters to the latest Targa backed up by competition cars. B0ZZANI PORSCHE-AUDI of Monrovia had their 914-6 G.T. ca~ on display so we could all see what a real honest-to-goodness @.T. car 1. ooks like today.. Trophies were presented to all class winners just prior to f~rst post time with 6th race appropriately named after the Porsche Club of America and they are as follows : Class
I - All 356’s
II - 912-914-4
III- 911-914-6
IV - Special Interest
1st place - Fred Archer (Speedster POC) 2nd place - George McClelland (Cabriolet PCA-Orange Co. ) 1st place - Keith Foster (912 Coupe PCA-0range Co. ) 2nd place - Dale Boyd (912 Coupe PCA-LA) 1st place - Pat Scanlon (gllL Coupe PCA-San Diego) 2rid place - Ralph Boothe (911E Targa PCA-LA) 1st place - Vernon Covert (904 GTS PCA-LA) 2nd place - Mike Warner (Carrera 2 Coupe non-member)
Following the special Porsche Sweepstakes Race, Alan Johnson of B0ZZANI AUDI presented the top Porsche owner, Fred Archer, the over-all trophy, silver Revere bowl....Ada and I want to thank everyone for the great ation and interest in the first event of the year. We both hope to see year, same place. Vern Covert, Event Chairman
PORSCHEa beautiful cooperall next
The racetrack crowd was very impressed with the display and favorable comments were received by the contestants~. ~aanks to Alan Balch, public relations and Porsche owner at Santa Anita Racetrack. Ron~Hamage, Activities Chairman
¯ ~
Since entries were limited to 3~ Porsches, I was prompted to get my check in the mail to Joe Ramos, San Diego’s event master, as he had no trouble filling the places. We arrived at Ontario Motor Raceway on a dark, rainy February ~th at 9:a.m. and were to have full tanks of gas and 3% psi of air in all tires. After introductions, Bob Bondurant lectured with slides on high performance driving and stressed smoothness. He said to brake deep into a turn, easing up gently before getting back on the gas, so there is still some extra loading on the front wheels to avoid understeering....Upon putting theory into practice, I was assigned to a group of real "hot shoes" with Bob and Debbie B~own, Dieter Vongehr, Dr. Mike Goodln and Joe Ramos. With a Datsun called "Seablsqult", ~e started at the skid pad and were shown how a car will go straight even though the front wheels are spun lock to lock. After spins of 180 and 360 degrees and a fishtail skid, we were invited to try our hand at it and in l~ minutes or so, we all were able to recover from a spin or skid. Our instructor, Bill, said he would show us a 720 degree spin and instead did a 1,080 degree spin (3 full turns in 2½ - 3 car lengths)....Our next stop was the slalom course and the object was to learn about ou~s and the car’s handling. With a dozen or so pylons about 80’ apart we started at 30 mph, gradually increasing the sp.eed to ~ mph at which time it gets rather dicey so we took a lunch break. Then we proceeded to the pits for some ’qaeel and toe" practice _(no Mother, we weren’t trying to be ballerinas).On the main straight we went around and around for an ~our and then to the accident simulator. This is lald ottt on a big curve, slightly off camber and the course is analogous to being in #2 lane of ’a 3 lane road and having an obstacle suddenly appear ahead. The idea is to hold a stBady speed and pick a lane ~ith a green light wlthou~ hitting a pylon or to stop in the minimum distance. The average speed was 4~ mph, I did it at 47 mph, Bondu~ant’s best time was %~ mph and one instructor managed it at ~8 mph after 3 days practice. .As it began to sprinkle again we moved to the "oval" for a few laps in the ~a~suns and then in ou~ Porsches. The idea was to concentrate on braking and "the line". At the garage the instructors fired up the school race cars (including two ellS’s, the Johnson and ~inter ,C’ production National Champion cars of 1969) and we took a tour of the Ontario road course. Bob Bondu~ant led the parade of 35 plus Porsches in his new Mercedes sedan. The light rain wasn,t bad but the gardener left sprinklers on which flooded the track in 2 spots. We got up steam going down the pit straight and kept on trucking to turn 7. So far, so good; eh, what’s that, someone clipped the inside and got mud on the trackA I glanced in the rear view mirror to check ottt the mud and saw a concours early black el1 going thou it backwards and the other cars scattering. No problems the’, just a little review of the days fine points. . .No students or their cars had been injured yet and Bondurant said he’d like ~ keep it that way. .The day was so well liked that Jo~e Ramos announced that San Diego Region would’d~ it all again on Sat., May 6th. The experience was very similar to that of a well run ski school, that is, harder than it looks, an opportunity to learn something new and to practice current skills while having fun. Hopefully we 35 are now better everyday drivers as well as knowing more about competitive driving and how we and our Porsches perform. Its a school worth attending. "Try it, you’ll like itA" Nick Friesen
secretarial MINUTE80~ THE FEBRUARY 1972 NS~4BERSHIP NRRTING OF TWR. PCA-LA Due to the absence of Corky Kirk, president Duane Alan reported that 94 members had paid their 1972 dues. Up-coming events were discussed by Ron Ramage and Ed Moh~ of POC. Vern Covert said that next year we would be invited to Santa Anita again for the Concours and possibly more cars could be entered. Curt Kuebler asked for some help on "Up-Fixen’ Der Porsche~ with offers from several persons. Dale Anderson showed a fine home movie of the 1969 Can/Am races. cont’d, next page -4-
MIRIITES OF THE FEBRUARY 1972 PCA-LA BOARD MEETING &~: the home of Duane Alan. It was agreed that we would start future meetings at 8:00 p.m. instead of 7:30 p.m. Lewis Pulley submitted a current financial report with a check of $530.00 from National. It was agreed that we will publish an event schedule of other clubs. Corky Kirk said that we now have 236 members. Ron Ramage said we need an event chairman for the photo rallye in April. Coffee and cookies were served by our hostess, Nicki Alan. Respectfully submitted, Paul A. Beam-Secret_ary
Chas. Penny 5222 Los Caballeros Wy. Los Angeles 90027 Bruce Dickerman 91 Birchwood, Agoura, California 91301 Richard House 1200 N. State St. Box 322 Los Angeles 90033 Harold Semans 1682 Morse Dr. San Pedro, California 90732 ~om. McCarthy., Jr. 20829 Anza #120, Torrance, California 90503 Robert Cogen 1900 Ave of the Stars #2510 Los Angeles 90067 Paul Holderman 6323 N. Lovla Ave. Temple City, Calif. 91780 Jon H. Tate 4520 Haskell Ave. Enclno, California 91316 Donald Colwell, Jr. 17320 Bullock St. Enclno, California 91316 Ken Wainright 255 E. Orange Grove Ave. Burbank, Calif. 91502
467-5608 889-1779 227-0851 831-1997 370-6173 277-3655 287-8046 986-8809 342-8208 845-3783
The new PCA name buttons are in and will be at the desk next meeting. If you have one coming check with Ursula Gru~feld as I’ll be in Colorado. New badges are going for $2.10 ea....Membership stands around 175--pay your dues or get dropped (no more Panorama or Porscherama). .We fll have some Porsche "goodies" at the door from now on, including decals,’a~to badges, cuff links, lighters, ~atches and so on....Corky Kirk
for sale
FORSALEFORSALEOHMANTHEREISNINEMOREMONTHS.0FTHISSNOREZZZZZ SNOREZZZZZFORS~EWAKEUPFOR " FOR SALE: 914/4 1970 (black) POC Competition #1111, ~lass A Year End Winner 1970’71; Reasonable offer or take over lease, Marcia Downey P.O. Box 2019 Beverly Hills 90213 or call 347-7047. FOR SALE: One pair Hella Q~artz Iodine Fog Lights - $35.00 Car covers for 911, 912 and 356 - $30.00 ea. CUSTOM WHEELS made to order for all 356 A, B, C, 912, 911, 914 and Audi; available in any rim width that you desire, $30.00 outright, $25.00 exchanse, call R~Iph Boo,he 696-0866. FOR SALE - PICTURES taken by Burr Misevic of cars that participated in the Sept. PCA-LA Willow Springs time trials. Car numbers are listed below with the no. of ~lide~ available shown in parenthesis: CAR NO.
88 (1)
ll4 (1)
19~ (1)
90 (I) 98 (I) lO0 (I)
124 (2) 161 (2) 170 (I)
201 (I) 363 (I) 1104 (1)
~, (1)
lO (1)
28 (1)
2 (i) 3 (~) 4 (1)
ll (1) 12 (1) 15 (1)
31 (I) 32 (i) 34 (i)
66 (I) 69 (1) 71 (1)
37 (I) 55 (I)
74 (2) 77 (3)
lO1 (I) 106 (1)
9 (I),
25 (i)
61 (1)
83 (1)
ili (I)
6 (2) 8 (I)
23 (I) 2A (2)
~3 (1)
171 (I) 173 (I)
II07 (I)
188 (I)
These slides are available at 35~ each. Send necessary coin & self-addressed, stamped envelope to George Gedeon, 8575 Lubec, Downey, Calif. 90240 and slides will be mailed to you. "GOLIATH GOT STONED" -5-
,technical by Harold L. Semans
To answer this I obtained horsepower, torque and fuel consumption curves from Ron Wakefield of Road & Track. By plotting both engines on the same graph a ntnnber of things show up.... (1) The most unusual item is the reverse curve on the ’72 for both horsepower and torque. This I interpret as the result of ignition timing for smog control. (2) ~e~ torque of the 2 liter is exceeded by the 2.34 over a range from 2,000 rpm to ~,(uu. That is why the 4 speed box can be standard with no apologies. (3) The quicker fall-off of the torque for the 2.34 when matched with the quicker fall-off of horsepower is tell-tale of a more m~_ld cam, also for smog. (4) The fuel consumption curve shows a thirstier 2.34 except at 6,500 rpm where the lines meet and the 2.34 is delivering 18 more h.p. for the same amount of gas. Fuel injection, you know is more efficient at high rpm than carburetors. The gear box plot shows the relationship between the four and five speed units for 1972 - this for ’T, ’E’ and ’S’. Previously, did not the top gear have the same ratio for both the’four and.the five speed units?
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Porsche prejudice?..."Speedsters Endanger Neighborhood Children"...headline in U.S. Government agency newsletter in District of Columbia area. (Courtesy of Gold Coast Region 6/71) -6--