Porscherama 1972 May

Page 1

fSo~c~e club of america

los angeles region


calendar SCHEDULED EVENTS ~ ’MAY 7: Reservation deadline for Memorial Day Weekend at Lake Tahoe, call 7i~/833-3%!9. i~LAY II: General Membership Meeting at I Cahuenga Elementary School, 220 S. Hobart, !L.A. 7:30 P.M. Feature film with Jim Garner. MAY 13-14: PCA-SB Mother’s Day Tour to Calmnel. MAY 16: Board Meeting 8:P.M. at Dale Anderson home, 160%1 Anoka Dr. Pacific Palisades, phone ~%9-1219. Any new ideas? h?eryone welcome. MAY 20-21: PCA-SD Palm Springs Weekend. MAY 26-29: Lake Tahoe Memorial Day Weekend, i E~ent chairman, Peter Luelsdorf, see ’Events ~ MAY--A TECHNICAL MEETING is tenatively scheduled for this month and Bob Van Cleave ~ill have information about i~ at the Genera! Heeting. As yet, no date is set. JUNE i0-Ii: Stanislaus River T2ip~ call Cu~t Kueble~ 398-2217 for information. JUNE 17 : SLL~mer Dinner-Dance. JULY 16-21: 17th PORSCHE PARADE - Lake Geneva~ ~is. Playboy Club ~ith Chica~o Re~ion as ~ost. JULY 23: PCA-LA Drivers School and Road Test. AUGUST 26-27 : Colorado River Tour - tena~iv~ ~PTH~BF~R 24: Gay Nineties Picnic. 0CTOB~R 14-15: Willo~ Sprin~s Time ~rials. OC~OB~ 28-29: Tour to San Simeon. NOVE~BER 18-19: Over-ni~ Nav. Rallye. DEC~LBER $ : C~ris~s Dinner-Dance.


Gertrude Boothe 696-0866 79%7 S. Forest Ave. Whittier, Calif. 90602


Duane Alan 283-7423 1049 Bradsha~ Ave. Monterey Pa~k, California 917%4


Dale Anderson Paul Beam (80%) Lewis Pulley George Gedeon Ron Ramage Geri Boot~e Rob’t VanCleave Corky Ki~k P.O. Box 416 A~ca~ia, Calif.

4%9 1219 ?48~ 2484 861-I~3 86~-7842 374-6888 696-0866 368-4056 447-5109 91006

information aboct PCA activities: DIAL-A-POHSCHE-CLUB - 398-2217

~ this issue of Porscherama sponsored by..



l briel & Olsen 15531


Blvd.,. Encino,

Walter Knaebel, service mg



Pors :he A u li 91316.

Tel. 213


00NGRATULATIONS to JIM EWING upon being selected a contributing editor ~o~the PCA matlonal magazine PANORAMA. As most of you know, Jim won an award last year for his very fine PORSCHERA~IA newsletter of 1970 and he has contributed much to the club with his literary skill. EDITH SAVAGE is driving to St. Louis, Mo. on or about May 23rd in her 912 Coupe and would like to share the ride and expenses with someone who might be traveling in that direction at that time. Call Edith at 393-2785 days, 454-4041 evenings. Again, thanks to our faithful prexy Duane Alan, Tom, Evelyn and Sandy Terrell, Lewis and Karen Pulley, Edith Savage, Curt Kuebler, Corky Kirk and Ralph for getting the paper together Tuesday, April 4th and Phil Riveron who showed up Friday with good intentions whom I couldn,t contact by phone. . . The next issue of PORSCHER~LA will be put together Wednesday, May 24th, at ~:30 p.m. Due to the Lake Tahoe trip and our forthcoming vacation, this is the closest date to the last Friday of the month. The definition of POLLY-UNSATURATED is: A parrot with an umbrella..., and.... 0vet-eating is the destiny that shapes our end. Geri

next events NEX.TE~,.EN. TSNEXTEV~NTSNEXTEVENTSNEXTEVI~TSNEXTEVh~TSNEXTE~ENTSNEXTEVh~TSNEXTEV~TSN~ MAY ii is our GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING and we are asking everyone to come early-the time is set for 7:30 P.M. as Dale Anderson has planned the evening with a fulllength movie "The Racing Scene" with James Garner and made by Scooter Patrick. We will meet back at the school-house, Cahuenga Elementary School, 220 S. Hobart, L.A. LAKETAH0,ELAKETAHOELAKETAHOEP ORS CHETTP 0RSCHETTPORSCHETTPORSCHETT~HI CHMEANS TAH0~TOU~ MAY 26 thru 29 is our LAKE TAHOE M~,IORIAL DAY Wk’WKEND including R~0, NEVADA and HA~RRAH’S AUTOMOBILE COLLECTION.... We are planning to meet early Friday morning ant caravan up to the lake. Saturday will be open f.or sightseeing around the lake. Sunday we will join members of ~he Sierra Nevada Region to view and admire the most complete collection of automotive masterpieces. Afterward there will be a little get-together with the members of this region. Those members wishing to avoid the traffic will stay over another day to expl~r~ ~he beautiful surroundings of Lake Tahoe and leave early T~esday for Los Angeles.. . The temperature at the Lake can range from a low 40 degrees to a very pleasan~ 75 degrees.. . Acco~:~iodations have been arranged. The cost will be $12.60 (incl. tax) for a c~uple per night. There are also several two bedroom cottages on the lake front available at the cost of $22.00. Reservations are limited so register early. DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS IS MAY 7TH, 1972.’ Send your deposit (check payable to PCA-Los Angeles) and the attached reservation slip to: Peter G. Luelsdorf, 17772 Acacia Tree Lane, Irvine, Calif. 92664. see next page I I

"California Imports" ~ ~/~:~.~ ~,.~..~,~ 12071

Garden Grove Blvd.,

N~, US~ ~ E~UIL~ P~TS


extr&mi’l. ~nd dt~l.ooo 714

534 - 7717

Garden Grove, California

.1969 911E ~GINE...1965

~GINE, FA0~0~ R~UIL~, S~ ~ P0R 90~ (S~. #P99057).. 0~IND~ KITS ~iI0.00, FOR 5o.oo sE ...197 SPOILE~S ~E FOG LIGETS ~I0.00 ~. . .~l origln~ p~s from


Lake Tal~oe ~eekend reservation slip: NUMBER OF PERSONS IN PARTY




DEPOSIT - $15.00

STANISLAUS RIVERTRI P STANI SLAUSRIVERTRIP STANI SLAUSRIVF~TRIP STANI SLAUSRIVERTRIPSTANI S JUNE I0 and ii will be our trip to the Mother Lode Country and the STANISLAUS RIVE~ A river trip is a never to be forgotten located about 3~0 miles north of L.A. experience of white water thrills and ~u~e~ contemplation in a roadless wilderness area. The river is similar in size and rapids to Oregon’s Rogue River and Idaho’s famous Middle Fork of the Salmon. During the two days we will go through about 20 enjoyable rapids. The road is soon left behind and we quickly feel a sense of growing adventure. Except for a few crumbling remains of the gold recovering operations, man’s impact on the scene is slight. Rose Creek with its shallow pools for bathing, beckons the ~explorer. Saturday afternoon a choice campsite is chosen where the boatmen prepare a hearty dinner while passengers relax. Daytime temperatures are in the 80’s and 90’s so its wise to wear a hat. A change of dry clothing is needed for relatively warm evenings (55 to 65 degrees). Of course we are caz~pin8 out so a sleeping bag is necessary and an air matress is advisable. Water-proof packs for your gear will be supplie.d. The cost of the trip is $45.00per person. Pertinent information and rese~vatlons may be obtained by calling 398/2217 - Curt. _PORS CHEPARADE17 THP ORS CHEPARADEI 7 THP 0RSCHEPARADEI 7 THP 0RSCHEPARADE17 THP ORS CHEPARADE17


JULY 16 thru 21 will be the annual 17th PORSCHE PARADE hosted by the Chicago Region of Porsche Club of America, Lake Geneva Playboy Club Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. ¯ ¯ ¯ Registration per car is $35.00, lodging is ~30.00’ per night for a double room at Playboy Club. It is estimated that the average cost per couple will be $35 ~ 0 .00, not including travel expenses. To register and obtain all inform_ation write: Bonnie Gladish, 17th Porsche Parade, P.O. Box P, Glenview, Illinois 60025.


, ,

presidential rhetoric

About three ~eeks ago I bought one of "them that funny furrin’ cars with th’ beepbeep engine in the middle." All of a sudden i feel ostracized. NO ONE WAVED OR FLASHED THEIR LIGHTS AT ME. Even if they flashed~ they would be long gone by the time my lights popped up : Maybe a modification with hearty rubber bands would snap them up quicker. The haugJqty 356’s don,t even glance at me, the 912-gll’s look at n~e with wonder in their eyes--a couple of them even started to lift a little finger and as for the 91~’s, they don’t even seem to Imow what tr~e whole thing is about: Wait ’til I install my fog light flasher. Things will really light up....Bought the car from Gabriel & 01sen in Encino--they have been our advertisers for the past two months and they also sponsored the PCA-POC 12 hour rally in February. i was treated royally and fairly. Bob Chamberlin was my salesman and he even knows quite a lot about Porsches: Incidently, Gabriel & 01sen gives us 10% off on parts. . Those of you who missed Ron Ramage.s Economy Run were missed, it was a real n’~c~ drive over part of Angeles Crest Highway and~ down towards Palmdale and back to Newhall. I guessed quite conservatively on my mileage and came in 8th, but I did get 31 miles to the gallon. Roger Wagner got 42 mpg. .Trust Roger to wring the last drop out: . . . . Every month Corky Kirk, our membership chairman tells us of new members and transfers. Hey, people, where the hell are you?: We would like to see you all.. . . . Don,t forget the trip to Tahoe and our river outing.... Also, patron’~ze our advertisers and sponsors--23 Skid-rico. Duane Alan

Lock your Porsche




last events

Milt Minter was introduced at our April 13th dinner-meeting in Pacific Palisades by Vice President Dale Anderson as having competed the Porsche Marque in practically every racing categox~y from SCCA club racing on up to an international level. His most recent achiever~ent was as co-driver of a 910 which finished 7th at Sebring last month. He has been driving the Vasek Polak 917 in the Can-Am series and finished 6th in the point standings at the end of the season driving a 5 liter car in the face of cozpetition from 7 and 8 liter cars. We ~ere also priviledged to have Alvin Springer whose responsibility it was to keep t~at car running. . . Milt Minter l~.kes to talk about racing but the term ’guest speaker’ makes ~i~ nervous and rezinds him that in school, working on his car always took precedence over any spe~<ing course. He says Vasek Polak rezinds him of his father as they do things ~uch the same way. He told a story of how he started very young racing his father’s horses on Sunday afternoons after church and of his father’s schemes with the horse that see~ed to work as he always won the race. He compares this with the 917 in that once he got going, it was ha~d to stop. He became interested in racing in 1956 snd one of his first experiences was a bet ~yith a buddy in the Navy who said his MGTC would corner better than Milt’s ~41 Ford, which it did. This led him to buying a Volkswagen after a fast ride in one on a wet San Francisco street. He said he drove it like a zanlac until he t~aded it in on a ’58 MG. and ~yent on to finish 2nd in his first competitive race in San Luis Obispo. From there he went to Porsches--a Speedster, a 550 Spyder, a 356C and then he bought a 904. He remarked that seeing Vern Cove~t’s beautiful 90~ took him back to those days and how pleasurable they were to drive.... His only serious, wreck followed in a Lotus Super 7 and he wished they had been as strict then as they a~e now with the tech inspections as the car’s roll bar folded up like a coat hanger. . . Upon zoving to Los Angeles he ~yon a Southern California regional championship i~ a formula ’V’ and expressed his dislike for the cars with their open wheels. From there he got tied up with a little Trans-Am racing and finally Vasek. He said its been a pleasLtwe driving for Vasek and again m~entioned Vasek~s likeness to his father. He said they thrashed around togethe~ racing fairly successfully here and there until his mechanic, Alvin Springer came on the scene. Fro~ then on they won races everywhere. Las~ year Vasek came up with a 917 without engine or transmission, until he went to Porsche in Europe and obtained one. Everyone doubted its possibilities and success and Fdlt said they ~ent through a lot of real hell with it at first, but ~ith Alvin’s and Vasek’s knowledge over a bottle of whiskey, they figured it out. At this point he spoke highly of the un-glorifled mechanic ~hose skilled services are the crux of the whole operation. Next year they are to get a new car in which their old engine will be used. But the term ’old’ should not be misconstrued as Alvin has it perfor~ing fantastically. Milt described his Sebring driving experience as a ,breeze, saying you cou~d’d~ive along singing to yourself. Nevertheless, he turned some pretty impressive times there in a 910, equaling that of the Ferraris and Alphas. He felt that with a good 908 and Alvin as mechanic he could give them all a bad time. Too bad Porsche isn’t going for that sort of thing any more... He is dubious about competing ~ith the Penske car but still hopes to have a car t~at will. . In answer about comparative horsepower in the 917, he said that the only dyno V~sek’ever had was in his head and Alvin thought it to be about 710, without turbo-charger. He talked about running at E~monton, Canada in the rain and how the car performed so beautifully ~ith so much torque at 2 or 3,000 and yet when hitting a slick spot would i~mediately rev to 8,000 rpm. He said he thought they had shelved the Porsche entry at Indy--not enough power and its ha~d to beat the little 49 year old design of 0ffenhauser. Besides himself and Donahue, they expect Peter Gregg in a 917 at Can-Am this yea~. He talked a little about Vasek’s racing program. He discussed using a fou~-speed gearing in preference to a five saying that a five speed will work you to death and really isn’t necessary. In cornering, he says the 917 compares favorably to the Mc Clarens and talked about the technical side of gearing. As the cars get faster, the gears mean less and for each track you must have exactly the right gear or you don’t go fast.... Milt’s stories had a lot of htnnor and we ~ant to thank him and Alvin for entertaining the group so well .... Also a special thanks to Dale Anderson for making the a~rangements.


by Paul Beam

Sunday morning dawned bright and beautiful on the old Mojave Desert, so with my chief navigator we headed for one of Ron’s rallys in L.A. which we always look forward to. One small enroute problem popped up that had the makings of spoiling ou~ morning drive. Ri~ht--a black and white car with red light on our tail. As I looked in the mirror, I also caught sight of the speedometer and that silly thing was registering somewhat above the speed limit. A very friendly Highway Patrol officer informed me of a well-known fact--that these little Porsches have a tendency to travel too fast. Well, after some chatting, he released us with the admonition to "hold her down". Ah, it was still a beautiful morning. (~hew: Ed. ) Arriving at Denny,s we found only ten other cars ready to run; not a very good showing from a club with over 220 members. My chief navigator swapped seats with me and was now chief driver. As Merv drove out the Pasadena freeway we turned off on Orange Grove and from there onto Prospect and one of the most beautiful streets we have seen. The leafy trees crowded the street and reflected the green and gold sunlight onto the beautiful yards. After some confusion in locating Houseman street at the end of the freeway s~d Foothill Blvd., we started up Angeles Crest Highway. .~he view was clear and beautiful almost to the point of distraction. The next turn was left at first opp past SRIP "Pa~udale" and then on toward Antelope Valley from whence we came. ~e road was lined with golden flower laden bushes and even a patch of poppies was seen. At the "Gordons Motel" sign we turned back south on old Sierra Highway; oh, what an exhilarating feeling to be driving a Porsche on a day like this~. Cruising t1~rough Saugus and past a jtuuping swap-meet, we followed ou~ nose toward our destination arriving in Newhall at a "76" service station. We had pretty well maintained our position and there were still about six more cars to come in including l~ane who was actually just getting the feel of his beautiful new silver 914. By 1:30 p.m. all had arrived and were busy eating l~u~ch at Tiny Naylor.~ restaurant while Ron figured out the results of the run. . Thank~ to Ron and his pretty helper, Mary Ann, for a fun rally and that extra e~fort he puts forth for our club. ~lhe results are as follows: PLACE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 ll



Savage / Grtmfeld Plunkett / Plunkett Beam / Beam Colwell Jr / Colwell Terrell /. Terrell LeFlan~ / LeFlang Admus / Ful! er Alan /Boothe Riveron / Acosta Colwell/ Colwell Wagner --



912 356B 911T 912 911T 356B 356B 914 914 914 914

28.156 23.684 20.477 21.253 19.250 20.733 25.090 30. 833 26. 823 38.880 152. 727


ERROR .096 .286 .507 .601 1.250 1.~67 1. ~00 3.033 3.323 4.580 7 . 727


NEW MH~iBERS : Rick McMahon

5609 Col fax #263 No. Hollywood 91601 980-5958. Rick owns a white ’68 912 Targa and likes rallyes, social racing and tech.

Peter Pearce

3838 Carpenter Ave. Studio City 91604 763-3724. ’63 356S in silver and likes all activities.

Delbert Jackson

9332 Sameline, Downey 9021~0 928-1909. Delbe~t owns a white ’70 914-6 and likes social, rallyes, concours and racing.

Peter owns a

Let’s have a big welcome from all ou~ old members for all the new members, of which there are quite a few lately. And new members, let’s see your faces at the meetings and activities. We’re a ~kooky’ bunch, but we have lots of fun:

Pnt a PCA emblem on your Porsche



This month we had a dinner meeting held at the Santa Ynez Inn in Pacific Palisades. Following dinner and chatting, President Duane Alan opened the meeting at 9:p.m. Minutes of the last meeting were approved and the officers reports were heard. Lewis Pulley reported the bank balance at $1,736.78, a very tidy sum. Corky Kirk reported between 217 and 223 official members in the club and stated that he had ordered new ’goodies’ such as old type car badges, emblems, etc., which should be here by the next meeting. Ron Ramage reported up-coming events and Duane took this time to present Ron with his trophy and a plaque for his navigator, Mary Ann Wenda which they won on the PCA-POC rallye. Peter Luelsdorf gave the particulars on the Memorial Day Tahoe Tour and said the registration deadline is May 7th. Also, the Stanislaus River Trip was discussed--call Curt Kuebler. (Curt also has some slides he will show at the next meeting-Ed. ) Dale Anderson asked everyone to be early at the next general meeting (7:30p.m.) as we have a full length feature movie. Dale then introduced our guest speaker, Milt Minter and his mechanic Alvin Springer. ~llt gave a very interesting talk on some of the events of his life that led up to his racing career. The meet.ing was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. MINUTES OF THE APRIL 1972 PCA-LA BOARD MEETING at the home of Duane Alan. The meeting was called to order at 8:p.m. and the officers reports were given. Dale Anderson reported on entertainment for future meetings--a Honda racing film and a possible dinner meeting aboard a 7~7 jet at L.A. International. Lewis Pulley gave a treasurer’s report and asked about the coffee money, the surplus of which is used for Christmas presents. He also stated that all necessary forms due by the State and Federal Gov,t., required by non-profit organizations had been submitted. Bob Van Cleave reported the progress on technical activities. Gerl Boothe had some questions regarding the publishing of other clubs activities and after some discussion it was decided that it should be done. Corky Kirk said that he is about to send out the new roster of club members. There was a discussion on setting up a price schedule on ads for the paper, non-member subscription rates, etc. George is to come un with some guides and present them at the next board meeting. The next boar~ meeting will be at Dale Anderson’s home, the 16th of May and ~h~n’at George Gedeon’s home in June. The meeting adjourned for some coffee and goodies served by Ni cki, Duane, s charming wife. Respectfully submitted, Paul Beam, Sec’y. PORSCHE CLUB OF A~RICA, INC., LOS ANGELES REGION Statement of receipts and disbursements 3-13-72 to ~-13-72. CASH ON HAND March 13, 1972 RECEIPTS TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR Di sbur s ement s CASH 0~’~ HAND 4-13-72


558.J!)! l, 9!)! ¯ 27 2,102.71 365.93 $1,736.78 Lewis Pulley, Treasurer


for sale

FOR SALE: ’69 TARGA TOP--new, never used, reasonable, call Joe Kalmick 685-8120 ofc. or 472-5554 home. FOR SALE: CUSTOM W~V.~T.S - chrome or not, 15 x 6, 15 x 7 for 356 A, B, C and 911. WANTED: 356 A, B, C, 911 and 912 wheels or wheel centers. Call Ralph Boothe at home, 696-0866.

The 2.7 liter Porsche that ran in the Monte Carlo rally will be introduced as a production model this summer. Engine can easily be expanded to three liters. from Competition Press/Autoweek -6-

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