Porscherama 1972 November

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porsche club of america

los angeles region


november STAFF

S CHED~-LED EVENTS NOVh~iB~R 6: SCHLITZ BR0~N BOTTLE ROOM Buffet Dinner with special guest speaker from the world of racing. See ’Events~ for details. NOVEMBER lh: Board Meeting 8:00 p.m. at Paul Beam’s home in Lancaster. ~5~10 Sandcroft Everyone


EDITOR Ge~trud~ Boothe 696-0866 79%7 S. Fo~est Ave. Whlttle~, Calif. 90602


~o~oo~. c~ ~0~/~-~.

NOV~IB~R 18-19: BIG SUR-CAP~iEL TOUR. Call Ron R~mage ~61-31~J~. See ’Events,--details. DEC~dBER 22: CHRISTMAS PARTY at The Windsor Ballroom in L.A. Dinner, dancing, prizes; see ’RVents’ for complete details. JANUARY 19-20-21: TOUR TO DEATH VALLEY.

~/~~ ~

DIAL-A-PORSCHE-CLUB For information about PCA activities, call: 398-221T


Duane Alan 283-7423 1049 Bradshaw Ave. Monterey Park, California 917%4


Dale Anderson Pau~ Beam (80%) Lewis Pulley George Gedeon Ron Ramage Gerl Boothe Rob,t VanCleave Corky Kirk P.O. Box ~16 Arcadia, Calif.

4%9-1219 861-1~3 869-78~2 37~-6888 696-0866 ~68-40~9 L~7-5109 91006

all porsche accessories for 356~ &

Custom Auto Air Conditionin, 9519 E. ARTESIA BLVD.


We are POESCHE/AUDI specialists, We of£~2 a complete, one-stop service fo~ all your ai~ cond~tloning needs. Our work is guaranteed. SPECIAL! Molded plastic airducts, replace existing air hoses PHONE




¯ steering wheels, bras, sway bars

10 percent off net to PCA members on hard ’parts PCA orders shipped same day




t~J~’.~t/~’~’J~’t:~rt,~t~ ]ames R. Griffin ~32a SANTA MONICA BL. ~.~,~,,,,~=, LOS ANGELES. CA. 90025


Ever since the first Wil!ow Springs ~ind-up back in ’67, there has been much discussion around the Porsche Club as to how an Antelope Valley desert ~acetrack got the name of Willow Springs as well as the nearby town of the same name. Several years ago an article appeared in Porsche~ama about this mystery name. The author suggested that once upon a time there was a willow tree where the track is now. Du~ing the "Grapes of Wrath" era a transient happened by with auto difficulty and stopped beneath the willow tree. After a few days of repair work an accidental fire destroyed the tree and the transient’s belongings including his bedsprings. So when he left, the local residents naturally put together the incidents to form the name of Willow Springs.. THIS IS NOT TRUE: ¯ ¯ ¯ It ~;ould be hard to discover the secret if you drove o~19 a Porsche. But if you rode out on a motorcycle somewhere between turns three and five where Po~sches rarely go, you would see a desert oasis. A small struggling willo~.y tree (honest.’) and a natumal wet spring. How about that?.~ I discovered this desert phenomenon while cruising around on my bike and its amazing how close you can get to this oasis before you actually see it. All the local ants were lined up at the spring to get a drin~ (they could only do it one at a time) but its there for sure. Next year during the driver’s meeting ask to stop on your pamade lad and see this sDa. Ron Ramage, Activities Director While on the subject of motorcycling, I would like to thank Ron for lending me his Honda Saturday afternoon at Willow Springs, to renew old memories of riding over the sun-drenched, wind-swept desert in days of yore. ~’~e would ride out several miles to watch the competit.!ve pros or, to use a flat track racing term, ’~qot shoes" (named after the rider’s boot with a steel plate especially built onto the bottom to slide along and balance their machine while racing on the tmack) while they did their thing on those desert slopes. When the buzz and drones of the various sized engines would fade, I was left ~;ith the "thump, thump" of my own Velocette and as I shut it off to wait for a friend, the stillness and quiet would close in around me and c~ackle in my ears. Only then does one have a chance to observe the many little creatures that inhabit this appsmently desolate area .... These are the feelings that are carried away after a Willow weekend .... Ecologists--right (or ~;rite) on.’ . . . Well, it finally happened. It seems as though some of you were charged 8~ postage on your October PORSCHERA!~A, so your coffee is on us (like free) at the next meeting. Geri Boothe Have you heamd about the ca~ buff who thought that the Rotary Club was an organization of Mc.zda o’~ners? Dale Anderson



next events

NOVEMBER 6: Our meeting ~lll be on a Monday evenin~ at the SCHLITZ BROWN BOTTLE ROOM 7521 Woodman Ave., Van Nuys about 7:00 p.m. We will have a buffet dinner of roast beef and ham with t~immings at a cost of ~.00 per pe~son. Please call Duane Alan, 283-7~23, eamly for reservations so he can let the caterer prepare accordingly... This will be a big evening with Willow Springs trophy presentations, nominations for next year~s board and a special guest speaker (we’ll let you guess ~ho it is). Now, that should be enough to hold you for an evening’s entertainment.’ Let’s be there. I

ports for porsches We stock a complete inventory of racing & high

glass, suspension end

drive line components for the earliest 356 to the latest 900’s.

performance parts as well as new and used parts for your Porsche,

~o,,. ~. s,.. ~..~.i., c.~. ~.o~ ~,: ~,,,) ~.~,,,

NEXT EVENTS continued NOVEMBER 18th and 19th: BIG SUR-C~RMEL TOUR. Acco~nodatlons have been arranged at the Big Su~ Lodge in Pfeiffer State Park. There will be a leisurely trip up and slght-seeing along the Monterey Coast is planned, with dinner at the Rocky Point Restaurant Saturday night. After a tou~ through Carmel Valley, there will be dining at Mattei Ws Tavern in Los 011vos. Big Sur Lodge accommodations are as follows : Queen size double bed for two - $1~.80~ Double up in a two queen-slze bedroom suite for$24.00. T~o queens and two twins for families (6 persons) for $30.00. Call Ron Ramage 461-31~4 for reservations. So far we have 33 people signed up to go. DECIde,[BEE 22rid: Our Christmas Party .and dinner-dance with a fou~-piece combo will be on a Friday evening at The Windsor Ballroom, 3828 W. Slauson Ave in Los Angeles. This is a very elegant restaurant, serving superb food which is usually booked four years in advance for the top echelon of many city, county and industry groups. The owner is a professional chef and entre prenetL~. The menu will start with shrimp cocktail, after which will follow choice filet mignon, baked potato with sour cream, Frenchstyle beans and hot bread and butter. For desert there will be creme d’menthe parfaits and coffee. Dinner is $8.00 per person, tax and tio included, drinks s~re 90~, with specialty drinks at ~1.2~ each. There will be several ver~ nice door prizes and everyone should bring a gag gift in value of not more than $2.00 apiece. All members are urged to come and bring any fellow Porsche driver, friend or neighbor. It will be well worth your while. Please make reservations earlF with John Bevin or Connie Bevin, ~!-8~7 Ocean View Blvd., La Canada 9lOll or phone 2&8-22~%. NAME



J~UARY 19-20-21: If you were not at our last Death Valley Tour you missed a good one. This is our first event of the new year and it should again, prove very enoyable. We will spend t~o nights at the Stove Pipe Wells Village. The cost is 17.%0 per night, per couple or single (Porsches included), meals are extra. To insure our reservations, $17.~0 should be sent to Duane Alan 1049 ~adshawe Ave., Monterey Park 917~ by December 10th. This will be a tou~-packed weekend masterminded by Dale Boyd and Duane Alan. More particulars in the December PORSCHER~A.


last events


On the 14th and l%th of October about 1%0 Porsche-pushers gathered together at Willow Springs International Raceway for a Porsche practice and time-trial. As usual the published schedule was not adhered to and things got off to their customary late start. Actually, it didn’t seem that anyone ~as ~eady for the t~ack prior to 9:30 anyhow. We were still getting our eyes open ~om the beautilk~l desert sunrise and wondering if the light sprinkle between Rosamond and the track meant those heavy dark clouds were serious about raining on our fun. They werenWt~ even though


1610 Broadway Avenue Santa Monica, California PETER HAACK

828-3407 Area 213 Porsche Technician

WILLOW continued it was cool and breezy almost all day. We had plenty of practice, with some folks practicing off in the dirt every so often. No great harm was done except to some egos and a concours wash job or two. Funny, but in the a.m. there were so many different colored Porsches in the tech line, but by dusk, there were a number of desert tan ones headin~ back to town. we had a barrel of beer at the track, cou~tes~ of the Sand Sailer Motel, after the track was closed for the day. ~his helped us forget the dirt and grime tuntil it got dsmk and it was time to head for the showers. Saturday evening found a number of Porsche-pushers at Captain Carl’s bar in the motel, while an equal number of gourmands were sampling s~ne desert style Margaritas, tacos, enchiladas, etc. It did take the chill from oum bones.... Sunday morning was a bit of a repeat of Saturday morning, what with a fire in the belly from the rellenos and another brillient sunrise. Sunday was cool, too, and an even nicer day than Saturday, one of the Antelope Valley’s best. ~here was practice in the morning and after a lunch break and reestablishing Cumt’s timing lights, the timed runs were started. All went well the first hour until the flash-llght batteries went dim and a dust cloud twisted the photocell. The timing crew was ready to go in about 20 minutes, while the "Hungry Dawg" ran out of relish. Actually that was all they ran out of, beck.use Tore Johnson had big eyes for ho~ much Porsche-pushers could consume. His ~uost popular item was the buck "91IS". As a result we set a new PCA world,s record for hot dog consumption at Willow Springs. Some 400 dogs got bit with the dust. The balance of the day~ wen~ well and we wrapped it up at about ~:1% with a clean-up and an attack on Tore’s 1% cases of beer. After it ~as over no one knew if we set a new record in beer or not. The list of names of the workers at Willow is a very lengthy one and cannot b~ ~n~luded here, so we would llke to extend a great big "th~nk you" to everyone who participated. Ou~ partict~lar than!~s to those of you that c~nme out to work and didn’t choose to run, but made it possible for the rest of us to do "our thing". The club also owes a debt of gratitude to Gabriel & 01sen Porsche/Audi for sponsoring the pre-tech ~o_nd trophies. To i.llke Goodin, M.D., our reliable course medic. To A1 Gray for obtaining plenty of fire extinguishers. To the Sand S~iler for free beer. To Bob Smith for a VW bus and to Bill McInerney for the use of his station wagon as a work car. To Tore Johnson for l~is ~ork on the "Hungry Dawg" and to "PORSCHOP" for doing the tech inspections and car class!ng. To Bell HeLmets for providing the skid-llds. ~ Oum thanks also, to the other regions of PCA who publicized the event and sent ~h~ir members to participate. Bob Van Cleave and Nick Frlesen, Event Co-chsirmen

for sale

FOR SALE: 19~9 Goupe - Cs_nary yellow, rebuilt 912 engine, very good cond. Call Craig ~ith - 714/984-6601.


1970 911T Coupe, % speed, American 6" mags, air cond., new Pirellls, Bursch exhaust, Lucas driving lights, low mileage, many extras; car is in show room condition. Call Ron Randall 747-0676 days, 473-8592 evenings. 1964 356C Coupe, red with black int., mag wheels, Dunlop tires, clean. Will consider a trade for foreign sedan. $3,200. Call Ken Wainwright 8~%-3783 days or evenings. FOR SALE (RELUCTANTLY): 91~-6 MID-ENGINED, 2 LITRE PORSCHE. A classic in it’s own time fully set up to blow the doors off 911’s-’ Yet docile enough to be driven every day on the street. Never wrecked and in beautiful condition. Close to $11,000. Invested in car. Will make you such an offer you can’t refuse: $6,99%. For a list of modifications and extras call Joe Korplel 882-8%82, 20616 Chase St. Canoga Park. P.S. This car took first place in class at PCA-LA Willow Springs Time Trials held

Oct. i4-15. WANTED: 3~6A & B ~a~EELS IN ANY CONDITION. ~OR SALE: NEW 91[~/VW ~- X I~ steel wheels $5. each. NEW Bosch Quartz Iodine Eumopean Headlights. CUSTOM built, triple chrome wheels for 911, 912, 91~ and 3%6 series, made to youm specification. Call Ralph Boothe 696-0866. WANTED: Set of original McAfee wheels for 356 type Porsche. Must be in very good condition. FOR SALE: Vinyl cover for Targa top. FOR SALE: BAUER C2A Super 8 Electric Movie Camera - ~lS0. Call Ron Ramage ~61-3!h.~.~ days o~ ~7~-6888 at home.

presidential rhetoric

This, I dare say, was one of the finest events yet at Willow Springs Raceway¯ Seventy-one drivers put on their derring-do helmets and blasted around the 2.5 mile course. A few putted and everyone had a ball except Tore Johnson whose suspension couldn’t hack the rocks off course and he was sent back to K.P. duty.. . Bob Van Cleave and Nick Friesen deserve a standing ovation for their efforts. ~l the committees did a grand job. ~he drivers did their stint at flaging and kept things moving. A special thanks to Joe Schneider, Santa Barbara Region President, who knocked himself out as starter. Many thanks to many people including our sponsor, Gabriel & 01sen Porsche-Audi in Encino, who remained open much later than usual so that we could hold our tech-inspection there. A buffet with free beer and the trophy presentation will be at the Schlitz Brown Bottle Room, 7000 Woodman Ave. in Van Nuys on Monday, November 6th. Note : This is a special meeting night for November only. Please call me so I can tell our caterer how many will be there. . Start thinking about the Death Valley Tour, January 19th. Dus~qe ~a~


MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 1972 G~-NERAL ~EMBERSHIP AND BOARD ~EETINGS OF PCA-LA The meeting came to order at 8:15 p.m. and officers reports were given¯ Dale ~tuderson apologized for the lack of a speaker, but it seems that Elliott Forbes-Robinson who was scheduled to speak, left to~n rather suddenly and was unable to call and notify anyone. Ou~~ next meeting will be a buffet and Willow Springs trophy presentation at the Schlitz Brewing Co. Brown Bottle Room in Van Nuys. This will be on Monday evening, November 6th and the change in the week day is due to the availability of reservations at the Brown Bottle. The dinner will be ~4.00 per person¯ Bob Van Cleave was absent with the flu so Nick Friesen gave a very thorough run down on driving the Willow Springs race course with slides showing the turns and how to take theza and stressing smoothness and "the line" . Coffee and cookies were served, thanks to Helen Boyd, Olive Anderson and ~i~k~ Alan who took time out of their busy schedule to provide them for us.... Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. The board meeting held at the Van Cleave’s home was well attended and the reports were as follows: Dale said Elliott Forbes-Robinson will speak at the November 6th meeting¯ Lewis Pulley gave the treasurer’s report and we h&ve ~1,403.37 as of the lOth. Geri Boothe also reported $1,242.50 from Willow Springs registrations. Tore Johnson will have the "Hungry Dawg" financial report later. Paul Beam said ambulance toilets, and Desert Yakkers have been paid and bills will be forthcoming. Bob Van Cleave said UP FIXIN’ is al~_ost ready for printing¯ Corky Kirk said we have 298 members and the Dealer Bo.ards seem to have been a large factor in getting new members. George Gedeon applauded Bob and Nick for an outstanding job at Willow. Ron Ramage said that we may have some problem with our Big Sur trip due to the mud slides but at the present time rye have 33 people going. ~e will check again about November 1st to see if they can accorauodate everyone at the lodge. Nick Friese~ then discussed the success of Willow and things that might be imprOved’in the future It was suggested that drivers should heed the warnings of the flagmen a little better ¯ .. The meeting was adjourned to a delicious frozen desert and coffee served by ~u~ hostess, Patty Van Cleave. Respectfully submitted, Paul Beam, Secretary PORSCHE CLUB OF A~ERICA, INC., LOS ANGELES REGION Statement of Receipts and Disbursements 9-10-72 to 10-10-72. CASH ON HAND September 10, 1972 RECEIPTS: PCA Tahoe Tour ~30.80 R & R Auto Air Conditioning $35.00 TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR: DISBURSEMENTS: Gertrude Boothe $85.00 Ron Ramage 36.08 Gertrude Boothe lO0.O0 CASH ON HAND October 10, 1972

$1,~58.65 65.80 1,624.45

221.08 $1,403.37 Lewis Pulley, Treasure~



CAR # 8 Misevic, Butt 57 Boothe, Ralph

131.59 DNR

131.67 T DNR

Bennett, Ronald Toto, Ma~k Wagner, Roger Wood, Jerry Lane, Clyde

12~.43 131.90 135.21 DNF DNR

125.59 T 127.96 T 135.95 137.45 DNR


132.74 T


Baugh~an, Jim


~orf, David


Luelsdorf, Peter ~uith, Larry Steward, James Allred, Jerry Rogers, Rich B.



122.01 122.29 T 122.80 122.11 T 122.20 123.95 142.05 3P 122.85 130.20 131.02

CLASS I 16 12~

Johnson, Tore Garrett, Dick




185 85 189 88 12 35 56 156 166

McInerney, Bill Schneider, Joe Yule, George Larson, John Uphoff, John Uphoff, Andrew Barrlson, John Chandler, Bob Bruggeraan, Mark

lll 23 27 29 125 3

Ko~plel, Joe herr, Alexander Bruno, J~m Schuman, Edward Berryman, Cliff George, Kelth

~6 9 231 15 43 62

114.61 116.70 117.96 134.67 DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR

122.80TP 115.08 T 116.68 T 13~.00 DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR

116.09 118.27 120.25 120.03 120.08 DNR

113.21 T 116.75 T 119.21 119.79 DNR DNR

Kegel, Dennis lll.03 Von Keszyckl H. DNF Willia~son, John 116.64 126.%6 P Covert, Vern DNR Anstead, Bill Bergstrom, Bob DNR

Bauer, Mary


130.38 T


13 98 lO ~ 19 34 36 45

Gedeon, George G~ay, Al Davis, ~omas La~ence, Jim Edwards, Will Little, Robert Kaye, Walt Ounjian, Michael

1~.90 137.~ 137.93 146.20 1~8.8~ 1~8.82 DNR DNR

~%8 ~ DNR 137.96 l~4.01 1~8.21 149.4~ DNR DNR

IV~ Lauman, Maryvon Index 1.031 18J Savage, Ruth Index 1.081 77B Boothe, Gerl Index 1.089 llJ Savage, Edith Index 1.104 25H Berz~man, Judy Index 1.110 52J Grunfeld, Ursula Index 1.148 ~lJ Felo, Mary Index 1.266 128K Beam, Merv Index 1.3~6 126I Gannett, Sally Index none

CLASS K Collie~, De~itt Harvey, Phillip Beam, Paul Milostan, Robert Prentlss, I..a~-~en Anderson, Dale Riley, Paul Edwards, Paul Brooke, Guy Thomas, Richard Coluccl, Rick Forest, Michael Somerville, Don

116.68 T 133.03



66 32 28 14 4 41 2~ 99 51 42 33 5~ 2

132.80 136.40


CLASS G 71 39 2~2

2nd RUN


CLASS C 50 47 78 69 48

CAR # 37 Waddell, Pat 7 F~iesen, Nick

1st R~UN

DNF 129.79 128.86 131.98 13~.71 P 131.81 131.67 134.53 136.44 DNF 139.29 1~.07 1~6.50

121.13 T 127.53 T 134.20 T P 129.~3 T 130.14 T 130.58 135.29 P 1~3.76 141.85 ~ 138.12 P 139.71 139.59 l~.12~

llO.9~T* lll.18 T 116.06 122.04 DNR DNR


1~.72 T


140.96 T


143.32 T


1~.04 T











T denotes t~ophy T. denotes fastest time of d.ay P denotes 5 sec~d penalty/hit pylon

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