glR|CTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN John Kepler PRESIDENT Tore Johnson 48303 N. 20th West Lancaster, CA 93534 VICE-PRESIDENT Del Jackson SECRETARY Kurt Schweickhard TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Don Colwell, Jr. PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Williamson MEMBERSHIP Ken Grace, Jr. 514 Champlain Pasadena, CA 91103
820-2097 432-3216 (days)
861-5507 465-7933 447-5109 881-4319 596-1381 391-8915 793-5077
PCA.LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA Offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:
7084 Island Village Drive Long Beach, California 90803 714-979-8947 (day) 213-596-1381 (night)
presidential rhetoric
Carol Edwards, Production Jack DiRosario, Advertising Don Burkard, Photography ImOLICY ¯
Porscher~ma is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angelgs Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication,
COVER Christmas is a time of pretty things, and the pretty thing gracing this month’s cover was on display last March at PCA-LA’s annual Santa Anita Concours.
Half page Quarter page Eighth page
$30/mo $20/mo $15/mo
$120/6 mo $ 80/6 so $ 60/6 mo
$180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr
Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles
Feeling low in your gear box? Sludge holding your engine together? Is that what’s got you down? r~en listen, friends, to news of good cheer. Shift into high gear for the new year -- come to PCA-LA’s annual Christmas/New Year’s Party on Saturday, December 28th at the Princess Louise Ship Restaurant, Berth 236, Terminal Island. Cocktail time begins at 7:00 p.m. followed by a scrumptious pr~e rib dinner about 8:00 p.m. After that we’ll have end-of-the-year participation and competition awards, announcement of the ’75 3oard, and lotsa super door prizes! Want more? How about dancing to a great band?! You can get all this for a measly $25 bucks if you’re a couple or $12.50 if you’re a single. Send your check or money order with the handy-dandy form to: Teri Colwel 1 8109 Jamieson Avenue Reseda, California 91335 Teri must have ~our reservations by December 20th. Each person should bring a small gift, gag or otherwise, limited to $2.00. Don’t be left out and don’t leave us out. Questions?? Call Teri at 881-4319.
First, it is most important that I thank Don Burkard, Tore Johnson, Pete Zimmerman, Jack DiRosario, Lynda Webber, Del and Arda Jackson, Don Colwell, Ron Ramage, Dale Anderson, and all the rest of the troops who made this job not only bearable, but sadistically enjoyable. A special thanks to my wife, Carol, who picked up the work as my shoulders sagged, and to Carlo Bottegoni, who unfailingly helped me each month in updating our mailing list and roster.
12~h MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday/8:00 p.m. The last general membership meeting of the year will be held at the Blarney Cantle. 623 S. Western, Los Angeles, and will feature a slide show of the tour to Lake Tahoe taken by PCA-LAer’s in October. If you haven’t already made reservations for our fabulous year-end bash, this will be a good opportunity to see Teri Colwell and pay your money. We’ll also have information on upcoming January events including the annual TRW slalom - so be there and get a jump on the new year| No dinner this time, so following cocktails at 7:30. the proceedings should get under way around 8:00 p.m.
Now I should say something profound. Right? You ~now, this paper’s a funny thing. As I got married to it and got "experience", I got better ideas . . . unfortunately I also began to wear down. In two years I’ve learned what’s hard to convey and easy to obfuscate (he-he, a little joke, folks). Simply stated, there are a lot of talented people who own Porsches and also enjoy putring themselves into things which turn them on and benefit the club. Conversely, there are few loyal PCA-LA members who can consistently commit their free time to performing non-profit tasks within this chartered region of a national organization.
BOARD MEETING Wednesday/8:00 p.m.
The 1974 Board will convene for the last time at the home of Jack DiRosario. 2414 Grand Sun,nit Road in Torrance. All interested members are welcome, so come out and let your voice be heard. Jack can give you directions if you call him at 325-0211.
I enjoy you all and I’ll miss doing this paper. But it’s time to get turned on to some other things which I and hopefully you can enjoy.
Hugs and kisses from the land of rubb~ cement and
2B~h CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR’S PARTY Saturday/7:00 p.m. Are you ready for the party of the year? Now’s the time to make your reservation for the Christmas/New Year’s Party at the Princess Louise Restaurant in San Pedro. You can get to the Princess Louise by following the Harbor Freeway south to the Terminal Island exit. Take that exit and go over the Vincent Thomas Bridge to Ferry Street. Turn right on Ferry, then left on Seaside. and follow the signs to the restaurant. Now that you know how to get there, all you have to do is reserve your spot by contacting Teri Colwell. Page 2 ~asallthedetails.
December 1974 T
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1.’:t la.
17 24 31
HOW did you enjoy the beautiful weather that I had ordered for the rallye day? I hope you all enjoyed the route and the more difficult parts were not too hard to understand. All told we had twenty-four Porsches, one MGB, one 24 OZ., one Capri and one J. Healey, but, (I think) each car contained a PCA member. We tried to make the route as pleasurable as possible. Hope to see everyone at the next PCA Rallye. Thank you for coming. Ron Ramage, Rallyemaster Driver CLASS A i. David Hofer 2. Don colwell 3. Bob Gayman 4. Lynne Smith CLASSC i. Malcolm Harris 2. Sue Burris 3. Paul Edwards 4. Tore Johnson 5. John Dusckett 6. John Leflang 7. Doug Brownlee 8. Sam Wang 9. Ken Grace i0. Jack Maxwell ii. Jack DiRosario 12. Kurt Schweickhard 13. Del Jackson 14. Marty Traxler 15. Ed Bennett 16. Carol Quast 17. Cyndel Podich 18. Bill Sussman 19. Ken Williams Ellen Peterson Jose Ochoa Jose Sanchez Alex Sanchez Nina Wells
Sharon Hofer Teri Colwell Francine Gayman John williamson
914 2.0 914 2.0 356 C 911
00 49 01.60 06.27 06.75
* *
Doralyn Harris Larry Courtroul Carol Edwards Marc Rothman Linda Dusckett Evelyn Leflang Karen Wolstenholme Ann Wang Lori Langworthy Judy Cans Yolanda Arreola Wilma Schweickhard Arda Jackson Barbara Porush Dean Goings Mary Kotowski Bruce Ourieff Phyllis Sussman Linda Nathan Bob Agulia Robby Horibe Linda Sanchez Debbie Sanchez Brian McManus
911 914 1.8 911 E 911 S Capri 914 2.0 356 SC 911 T 914-6 356 C 911 911 T 911 S 914 MGB 912 356 C 356 C Jensen Healey 914 240 Z 914 911 914
00.33 02.12 02.26 03.05 03.40 03.73 04.86 09.14 12.88 12.94 14.42 19.75 19.84 21.49 23.38 36.40 36.95 41.86 DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF DNF
* * * * * *
the past Willow Springs time trial. The itech chairman, John Williamson, handed out a tech quiz, and that kept everybody busy up to the break. Tore arrived in the meantime and tool over. It turned out that the Leflangs are not only top rallye competitors; they took top honors in the tech quiz. A tech meeting will be held at Akly & Czombos in Glendale on October 24th.
~inu~ MEMBERSHIP MEETING - October i0r 1974 The monthly membership meeting was held at the Blarney Castle on Thursday, October i0. Del Jackson, the Vice-President, called the meeting to order as Tore Johnson was delayed by a trip to San Diego to pick up the film about the parade in Monterey. Del discussed the upcoming elections and announced the candidates on the ballot.
After the break, Tore told the membership that some of the members participated with their cars in a cigar commercial which will be seen on national TV. Tore also thanked
Don Colwell went over remaining events for the year. He also read the results for
(Continued on Page 5)
(Continued from Page 4)
any more dinner meetings this year. Competition trophies and special awards will be presented at the Christmas/New Year’s Party.
everybody for the tremendous help at Willow Springs, which turned out to be a very successful event. Following that, we all watched the film about the parade, which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. The meeting was adjourned about 11:30 p.m. BOARD MEETING - October 16, 1974 The monthly board meeting was held at the home of Don Colwell in Reseda. Tore called the meeting to order and opened discussion on the subject of club shirts. The high cost of previous proposals was the topic and alternate possibilities are being checked out by Corky Kirk and Jack DiRosario. Corky will also get bids on new name tags. It was decided to keep soft drinks from previous event for later use; they are presently stored at Vern Covert’s. The club’s bylaws will be reprinted with previously approved amendments. Estimated cost for 300 copies in booklet form is $60. Vice-Pres. Del Jackson announced that there won’t be
Corky Kirk gave his treasurer’s report we have a balance of $2300 (Willow Springs has not been processed yet). Deposits for next year’s Riverside and Willow events have to be made. Kurt Schweickhard will make up ballots for the upcoming election and mail them by October 21. More discussion was held on the point system and it was decided not to award points for overall place in a multiple event. Don Colwell reported for Editor Edwards that the newsletter deadline will be Oct. 25. John Williamson announced two upcoming tech meetings - Oct. 24 at Akly & Czombos and Nov. 21 at Boggs and McBirney. Ken Grace reported that he has sold $190 of club merchandise this year. Next month’s board meeting will be held at John Williamson’s home. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Kurt Schweickhard
LOS ANGELES 12630 S. Vermont Ave. 754-2907 20
Years at Same
at El Segundo Blvd. Just West of Harbor Freeway Take El Segundo Blvd. Off Ramp
MOST .o.o.ED
¯ ~’~.,, -
( ntinent !
INGLEWOOD 311 N. ta Brea at Beach 678-1104, 677-8112 i0,000 TIRES IN STOCK
Hard to find sizes for Carreras and other Porsches
We specialize in "babying your buggy" by carefully moonting and dy.omioolly bolon0ing your w.ools We distribute American zlags ;rod ma,~, others at our Inglewood warehouse. We offer disc btake service SEE JACK ON VERMONT .... OR ART IN INCLEWOOD
Anythino 11324 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90025
~ While painting a wall in the bathroom recently, the proper area of the house to reflect on 55 mph speed limits, I decided to put down on paper some of my thoughts on the subject. Speed limits, that is.
Telephone: (213) 4732941
Many arguments against the 55 mph limit are reaching for speeds as high as 75 and in some cases 85 mph. Sorry pal, we don’t all drive 911’s, and this country does not build cars that are safe to drive faster than 70. If we see a few more independent rear suspension~ and four wheel disc brakes come out of Detroit, to go along with those nifty quadruple rectangular headlights, well, maybe 75 mph. But first we must rid ourselves of all those Detroit blunders of the 60’s.
I have been driving in California since the age of 16, and due to an enormous growth in traffic, believe it or not, I am in favor of the switch to 55 mph becoming pe~anent for certain areas. I am also in favor of speed limits being returned to state control as soon as possible. Then .legislationj,. could be passed so that out~yln~ freeways that see very light traffic could be restored to a reasonable rate of speed,
Another reason for keeping the speed limits to 55 mph locally and on two-way roads with no dividers is the damn DMV. How many of you had to go on the freeway to qualify for your ~license? How many of you had to tell your examiner the stopping distance of your car from a certain speed? How many of you had to panic stop your car without leaving your lane? Beginning to see the point? How many people have you seen on the way to work sipping on a cup of hot coffee with one hand, holding adonut in the other, with about one and a half fingers on the wheel? If he ever dropped that coffee in his lap, he might kill someone at 70 but get lucky at 55. As a fully qualified driving instructor in this state, I have found that people in general just do not absorb and use what they see. If the DMV had a more stringent examination, proble~ns that some individuals have may be uncovered before they are released to attack the remainder of the driving population.
For example, while growing up in Malibu, I witnessed a stretch of wide open 65 mph highway become one that is unsafe, even in a Porsche, to drive in excess of 50 mph. In this case, lower speed limits will undoubtedly make for a safer way home for many people. On the other hand, many of us went to Willow Springs Raceway in September to do a little legal speeding, How tough a time did you have retaining your sanity at 55 mph on tbat beautiful Antelope Valley Freeway? Or did you drive 55 mph? In my opinion, a 70 mph limit on a safely divided highway such as Interstate 14 is within reason,
(Continued on Page i0)
CASH ON HAND, JUL%" i. 1974 ................................... $2191.51 RECEIPTS: Dinner Meetings ............................... $ 149.00 Merchandise Sold .............................. 16.50 Porscherama ................................... 483.00 Events ........................................ 2132.01
TOTAL TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR .................................................... $4972.03 DISBURSEMENTS: Chairman Expenses ............................. $ 26.69 Dinner Meetings ........................ " ....... 244.50 Merchandise Purchased ......................... 277.42 Porscherama ................................... 728.67 Events (Note i) ............................... 1481.94 Miscellaneous Expense ......................... 79.72
CASH ON HAND, SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 ............................. $2133.09 TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR .......................................................... $4972.03 Note i:
Included deposit for Christmas Party Respectfully submitted, Corky Kirk, PCA-LA Treasurer
513 HAHN AVE./GLENDALE, CA. 91203 / (213) 243-4842 (213) 245-5213
Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column. Miscellaneous. 1-1600 Super engine, $500; 1-1600 912 engine, new bearings and rings, $800; 5-factory mag wheels (complete), make offer; 911 Targa (1970) parts and 1963 Cabriolet parts - both cars being parted out. Contact Doug Brownlee at 837-7030 (late evenings or before 7:30 a.m.). Miscellaneous. New 215 60 VRI5 steel belted Dunlops, standard on Carreras. Bosch HI quartz iodine headlights for 911’s and 912’s. 1 set of 4 911E type forged alloy Porsche mags with XAS tires. Car covers and bran for all Porsches. Contact Ralph Boothe at 696-0866. Library Sale. Panorama, Christoforus, Road and Track, Car and Driver, etc. Not all years complete. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope for list. Jack Case, 2185 Argyle Ave., Los Angeles 90068 - Phone: 462-5556. 1958 1600S Speedster. Serial number 84847, hard/soft tops, XAS/chrome rims, CD ignition, 65 transmission and disc brakes, excellent interior, original style carpeting, ten year old blue paint (original color), no rust, CaliforniaoveryearsCar" Many parts accumulated five for restoration included. 2nd in class at Monterey Parade. $6150. Contact Joe Boucher, P.O. Box 3587, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 - Phone: (805) 964-7724 (days), (805) 964-2113 (eves.). I I
||I| This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche CIu]D of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following:
SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS (Continued from Page 8) In summation, the 55 mph speed limit is g~eat for certain areas, but a blanket limit is like any generalization. In this case, there are far too many miles of safe ro~d that fall under the classification of being t~e exception to the rule.
i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses); 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers:
Write letters and let’s get this thing under state control again. Then, maybe, we can get those beautiful 70 mph freeways out in the country back to 70 mph.
3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing;
Pete Zir~nerman
4. and All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.
Have you finished your Christmas shopping for that someone special? (I’m still working on a life-sized hot fudge for T.J.) Why not pick up something inexpensive from PCA’s goodie box at the next meeting? It’ll save you time and gas. Sorry, no giftwrapping. The warmest season’s greetings to all PCA members. Ken Grace, Membership Chairman P.S. A member of the Southeast Michigan Region is very much interested in picking up a 1960 or older 356 (for a Christmas gift). Any member who can be of assistance is asked to contact: Mr. JoK. Pliniussen, 52 Langarth St., E., London, Ontario, Canada N6C IZI.
I E IE i.
Bill Altaffer (664-4804) 3556 Lowry Road Los Angeles, CA 90027
Bill is a ski instructor, owns a 1957 red speedster. He is interested in concours.
Walter Benefield (371-6156) 4720 Maricopa Torrance, CA 90503
Walter drives a blue 1970 911S. He is a customer training specialist and is married.
Bud Brisbois (761-9711) 6266 Morse Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91606
Bud drives a 1972 911T, is married and is a free lance musician.
Mitchell Daks (826-9765) 1856 S. Bundy #5 Los Angeles, CA 90025
Mitchell is an accountant, drives a 1968 912 coupe, and is single.
Dr. Lloyd Ely (790-6294) 271 St. Katherine Dr. Pasadena, CA 91103
Lloyd is married, and with his son Scott, will enjoy his 1974 911 coupe.
Ruth Esbin (836-3606) 9019 W. 25th Street Los Angeles, CA 90034
Ruth is a student-receptionist, single, and drives a sunflower yellow 1974 914.
Ruthann Etz (747-6710) 729 W. 28th Street Los Angeles, CA 90007
Ruthann drives a 1973 914 2.0, is single, and is a student.
Thomas Fette 324 E. 61st Street Long Beach, CA 90805
Tom is an inspector and drives a 1973 914 1.7. His affiliate member is William Eberhart.
Brian Kahn, M.D. (271-9124) 1850 Loma Vista Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Rallyes, tech and drivers school are waiting for Brian’s 911 Ta~ga. He and his wife, Laurene, have two children.
10. Stephen LaFranchi (397-0088) 3614 Wasatch Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90066
Stephen is a pediatrician. He and his wife, Carol, own a red 1967 911S.
.i. Jerry Manas 4468 North "D" Street San Bernardino, CA 92407
Jerry and his wife, Cathy, have transferred in from the Potomac Region.
(Continued on Page 12)
(Continued from Page ii) 12.
Doug McNaughton (284-7241) 2440 Westmont Drive A~hambra, CA 91803
Doug and his wife, Jeanne, own a 1964 356C coupe and a 1965 356C coupe (a his and hers arrangement?). Doug is an electrician.
Norman Nakata (370-5931) 20910 Anza #309 Torrance, CA 90503
Norman is a medical doctor. He is single and drives a white 1974 911 coupe.
Milton Nollkamper (398-1237) 12724 Caswell Avenue #3 Los Angeles, CA 90066
Milton is a police officer and is interested in tech, rallyes and social. He and his wife, Ilse, have a 1959 gold 356A.
Michael Norman (378-5137) 166 Via Los Miradores Redondo Beach, CA 90277
Michael is a physician, married, and is interested in drivers school, racing and autocross with his silver 1973 911E Targa.
Paul Norris (996-6193) 5847 Jellico Encino, CA 91316
Paul and his wife, Terry, o%a~ a 1973 1.7, sunflower yellow in color. He is an industrial designer.
Michael Pomykata (439-7409) 140 St. Joseph Ave. Apt. C Long Beach, CA 90803
Michael is a locomotive engineer. He and wife, Donna, own a black 1958 speedster, and are interested in concours and tech.
Bill Randle (799-7655) 710½ Park Ave. So. Pasadena, CA 91030
Bill is a service advisor. He and his wife, Kathy, have a sought-after yellow 1970 914-6.
Kathleen Soto (336-3870) 1122 Egan Avenue La Puente, CA 91744
Kathleen is a typist. She and her silver 1974 914 1.8 are single.
John Thompson (324-2736) 2501 Redondo Beach Blvd. Gardena, CA 90249
John and his wife, Meredith, will be participating in social, tech and rallyes. He is an inspector.
Tim Tsuneta (285-9447) 9100 E. Duarte Road #118 San Gabriel, CA 91775
Tim is a pharmacist. He and his wife, Diane, own a 1974 911 Targa, gemini blue in color.
April Yasuda (821-8748) 7760 Paseo del Rey #i01 Playa del Rey, CA 90291
April is a sales representative, single, and drives a 1973 914.
This handsome high quality T-shirt* with rugged monocoque construction is now available for $12.50"*. Designed and made in West Cermany, each shirt is checked out by a trained factory worker, who wears it for one week before final inspection and acceptance. *E and S shirts available at additional cost. **This same quality shirt available with Volkswagon crest for $1.95. ~AUTHENTIC RUST PATTERNS
POBSCHE OWNERS! A new one-S~top Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: 10:00-6:00
Saturday: |0:00-4:00
PRBDU~"TS--WEST 10946 Santa Monica Boulevard West Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 Phone: 477--0507
"THE PANIC BUTTON" 398-2217 pca activity info
ORIVE 90803