Porscherama 1974 July

Page 1


OIR|CTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN John Kepler PRESIDENT Tore Johnson 48303 N. 20th West Lancaster, CA 93534 VICE-PRESIDENT Del Jackson SECRETARY Kurt Schweickhard TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Don Colwell0 Jr. PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Williamson MEMBERSHIP Ken Grace, Jr. 514 Champlain Pasadena, CA 91103

820-2097 432-3216 (days)

861-5507 465-7933 447-5109 881-4319 596-1381 391-8915 793-5077

PCA’LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA Offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:












presidential rhetoric


7084 Island Village Drive Long Beach, California 90803 714-979-8947 (day) 213-596-1381 (night) STAFF Carol Edwards, Production Jack DiRosario, Advertising Don Burkard, Photography POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication,

In the past few months, there have been several people asking the question: "Why do we have so much money in the treasury?" Maybe it hasn’t occurred to these peopie that you can’t provide a time trial, print the paper or cover club expenses (or losses) with a PCA card and a smile. Do you know that even the most simple event could cost us well over $i00, sponsored or not; that a dinner meeting could cost $200 and that this year’s Willow Springs event has a pro3ected cost of well over $12007 It is not the board’s intention to build the treasury into larger sums than usual. Our intention is to see that the entire year is successful without any financial difficulties and that there is a reasonable amount of money on which next year’s board can begin to operate. Hopefully, we will approach the end of the year with a little extra money, and should this occur, we will decide at that time where the money can best be utilized.



This month’s cover photo was snapped by Don Burkard at the Irwindale Slalom as your illustrious president tried to square off his tires for the twenty-fifth time.


Half page Quarter page Eighth page

$30/mo $20/mo $15/mo

$120/6 mo $ 80/6 mo $ 60/6 mo

$180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr

Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.




leave at 9:30 a.m. SHARP and the Saturday bunch will take off at 8:00 a.m. You should send your reservations IMMEDIATELY to the Big Sur Lodge, Big Sur Post Office, Big Sur, California 93920. The various accommodations available are as follows: 2 bdr. cottage for 6 people - $33 i) 2) Kitchen unit for 6 people - $33 3) Single room for 2 people - $18 4) Fireplace unit for 2 people - $21 Be sure to indicate how many nights you plan to stay and what type of accommodations you are interested in when you send your deposit. Big Sur and the Monterey area is a tremendous place to spend a weekend - shopping in Carmel, sightseeing along the beach, drinking at the Nepenth0 etc. so don’t miss out! Don Colwell (881-4319) or Horace Searcie (783-1788) can answer any questions you migh;t have. Mail your reservation NOW!!

Remember the Benbow Inn Tour? Well, those of you who sent in your deposits probably had a big surprise when your money was returned. For some reason, the Inn got confused and forgot about us, even though we had made prior arrangements with them. But never fear, we have an even better treat in store for you now. INSTEAD OF DRIVING ALL THE WAY UP TO NORTHERN CALIFORNIA WE WILL TAKE A NICE LEISURELY DRIVE UP THE COAST TO BIG SUR AND STAY AT THE FAMOUS BIG SUR LODGE. The dates are exactly the same as for the Benbow Tour, July 26-28, except that an additional departure on Saturday morning, July 27th, has been scheduled for those who have to work on Friday. The departure point is the same for both days - the International House of Pancakes, 15635 Ventura Blvd. in Encino (right next to Gabriel and Olson


Thursday/7:30 p.m. MEMBERSHIP MELTING Thursday/8:00 p.m. The General Membership Meeting for the month of July will once again be held at the Blarney Castle, 623 S. Western Los Angeles. No dinner will be served, so the meeting will begin at 8:00 p.m. If you’d like to relax for awhile and yak , get there a little early. Following the business meeting, we will be treated to a slide presentation of past PCA events by photographer, non Brown. It should be great fun - and you might even see yourself on the screen. That’s Thursday, the llth - be there[


BOARD MEETING Wednesday/8:00 p.m.

The Board and all interested members will be the guests of your editor and his wife, Paul and Carol Edwards for the monthly Board Meeting. The Edwards’ live in Long Beach and their address is 7084 Island Village Drive. If you need directions, call them at 596-1381. Everyone is invited!


WINE TASTING PARTY Wednesday/8:00 p.m.

Okay, all you elite Porsche owners, here’s your chance to become a little more knowledgeable about wines. Just think, the next time your girlfriend asks you for a little port, you won’t have buy her a dock. When someone asks for haute sautern, you won’t run down to Taco Bell. Some will even find out that dry wine is not powdered and sweet wine isn’t made by C&H. All kidding aside, the Wine Tasting Party will be a very enjoyable and informative evening. It will be held at the Brookside Winery in Glendale, and Mr. Buck Buchanen, the owner of the winery, will be presenting the program for us. For more info, call Tore Johnson at (805) 942-8675. The place again is the Brookside Winery, ii01 Airway, Glendale and the cost is $3/couple, $1.50/person. Hope to see all of you there.


The July Tech Meeting will be held at "That Porsche Place", 4155 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City. The Topic for the evening will be trouble-shooting and preventive maintenance, which should be of interest to everyone who wants to keep his car in top condition. See you there!


Loln 20th

BIG sun TOUR Friday/9:30 a.m. Saturday/8:00 a.m.

Big Sur is the place to be over the weekend of July 26, 27 and 28! A terrific tour has been planned to replace the Benbow Inn jaunt, and two departures have been scheduled. See page 2 for all the details.

UOHSt 4th


PCA and POC are at it again! It’s time for our second Challenge Cup of the year and this time it’s a slalom. The course will be even faster than last year - if you can believe that - and there will be classes for all cars, from showroom stock to super whizbang. Let’s pull together and give POC an upset they’ll never forget . . . but to do that we need PCA memhers in production classes with racing tires. ’Nuff said! See page 2 for more info.

July 74


l lidni lht

itr aI r

If you weren’t at the "Midnight Streaker", you missed one of the best and most unusual events we’ve had in years. Running a fast slalom course at night with only the headlights from your car isn’t as easy as it sounds. Vern and Ada Covert did a fantastic job of setting up and running the event. One of the high points of the day was Vern’s cooking of the steaks - that’s right, steaks! Salad and baked potatoes were served along with the barbequed steaks to everyone there between the practice runs and the timed runs. A great job by Bill and John LeFlang on the timing also helped to make the day a success. It almost seemed like the times were posted before the cars were through running (maybe that’s how I won my class!). Be sure that you don’t miss the next meeting to see the special hand-made trophies to be presented to the winners. Don Colwell, Jr. CAR #





40.89 43.78

40.46 43.49

32 570

Class B Doug Brownlee John Larson

T___356 356


Class C Ed Bode

T__914__44.94__ 45.49

i0 52 "~

Class G Sam Wang Ursula Grunfeld

T__911T 914

40.31 __ 40.49 44.17 44.91

13 103

Class H Ken Grace Rick Potts

T__914-6 914-6

42.19__ 40.78 41.53 40.93

69 197 912

Class R Tim Hunter Jose Ochoa Larry Offner

T__356B 356A 912

39.97 __ 41.49 42.22 44.36 43.34 43.06

170 14 6

Class S Jim Kenyon Don Ris Marty Traxler

T__ 914__42.09 __ 41.67 43.41 914 42.15 45.84 46.01 914

914 200

Class T Don Colwell, Jr.__T Don Burkard

95 17 124

Class V Paul Edwards Pete Zimmerman Doug Johnson

1 ii 16

Class X Kurt Schweickhard **_T Del Jackson Tore Johnson

914-2.0 914-2.0

T __.911E 911 911S

39.69__39.72 40.62 39.86

38.75 __.37.97 39~29 40.14 40.61 41.92

911T__38.33 __37 49 38.41 37.77 911S 38.90 37.77 911S

T denotes trophy ** denotes Top Time of Day (Continued on Page 5)


95.~ 94.9%

(Continued from Page 4) CAR #

341 57 20 911 00 91 7



Class L Geri Boothe Mary Ann Larson Joanne Burkard Carola Anderson Mary Lynne Smith Carol Quast Karen Zimmerman



T__ 356__42.94 T__ 356 53 31 914-2.0 43.97 911E 43.03 914-2.0 43.80 912 45.62 911 48.32


44.37 51.95 43.12 41.95 43.27 46.09 46.46

96.6% 93.3% 92.2% 92.0% 91.~ 90.9~ 81.8%

CSCHP One recent evening in Lancaster, the long arm of the law courageously apprehended two harmful threats to society. After making a ninety degree turn and almost wiping out ten cars, the CHP managed to pull over none other than your president and vice-president. What dastardly deeds did these two commit? They had their high beams on.

serious offense?" queried the officer. "No, but if you hum a few bars, I’ll fake it." On this note, the officers returned to their car leaving your pres and vice-pres harmonizing: "Oh, the cops are getting bold, And we’re stuck in this hole, The pizza’s getting cold Sign the ticket, Tore, we gotta go."

As the CHP was inspecting the headlights, the lovable vice-pres turned to the pres and said, "Pssst, flip ’em off - the pizzas are getting cold!" Then the officers approached the driver’s window and asked, "Did those come with the car?" (referring to the headlights)o "Why no, officer, they were f~own in from Mars," said your affable president. "I don’t think those are legal," observed the CHP. "Well, they are on Mars!" "Don’t you know that’s a


iI~I~ __ ~

all pnrsche anythinH. . STEERING WHEELS BRAS ° BOLT-ON
















Anything Ltd. I 11324 Santa Monica Boulevard





:,1 Telephone: (213) 473-2941

Los Angeles, California 90025












o~o~ on

meeting will be held tomorrow evening at Porschop on emission controls. The July tech meeting will be held at That Porsche Place and the topic will be trouble-shooting and preventive maintenance.

MEMBERSHIP MEETING - June 13, 1974 Following an excellent buffet dinner at the Blarney Castle, the meeting was called to order at 8:30 p.m. by President, Tore Johnson. Tore reported that our proposed changes in the Zone 8 Competition Rules have been accepted. Officer reports followed and were quite brief.

Upcoming events were discussed, including Sunday’s rallye sponsored by Cutright Porsche-Audi. The checkpoints will be DYS and it will be run SOP only. The Wine Tasting Party is coming up in July and will need publicity in the newsletter. Due to some hang-ups with the Benbow Inn and the long distance of the trip, it was decided that it would be best to cancel this event. (It has been replaced by a Big Sur Tour - Ed.) The Lake Tahoe Tour in October may be chaired by Ken Wainwright or Doug Brownlee. The date may be changed to an earlier time due to the cold weather in late October. The upcoming Challenge Cup Slalom, sponsored this year by POC, and the September Willow Springs event were also discussed. Terri Colwell and Patti Van Cleave will be chairing the Christmas/New Year’s Party. Horace Searcie will be the rallyemaster for next year’s PCA-POC Challenge Cup Rallye in February.

Activities Chairman, Don Colwell, discussed upcoming events including the Mountain Goat Rallye, a tour to the Benbow Inn (which has since been replaced with a Big Sur Tour Ed.), and the August PCA-POC Challenge Cup Sla!om. Doug Brownlee, rallyemaster for the upcoming event, answered questions regarding the rallye to be held June 23rd. Ron Ramage presented some information which he had received about a classic car concours to be held in Monterey on August llth for anyone interested in going. A few minutes were spent discussing items that club members had for sale. Then a gentleman who makes jackets, T-shirts, jump suits, etc. displayed his wares for the club. He will attend Wednesday’s Board Meeting and an official regional jacket and shirt may be adopted and made available to club members.

Del Jackson was elected to head the nominating committee for next year’s officers. Elections will be coming up soon. The Board then looked at jackets and shirts with the PCA-LA emblem on them and discussed various possibilities for presentation to the membership° The next Board Meeting will be held at Paul and Carol Edwards’ house. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 p.mo

After the business meeting, the film, Porsche Does It a documentary on Porsche racing victories, was shown. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. BOARD MEETING - June 19, 1974 Ten members attended the June Board Meeting held at the home of Del and Arda Jackson. Trophies were again discussed, and it was decided to postpone the decision about the proposed plaque trophies since there are not too many competition events left this year. The idea will be presented to the 1975 Board for their consideration. Del Jackson reported that the July membership meeting will feature a slide presentation of past PCA events,

Respectfully submitted,



Carol Edwards Ron Ramage (Sitting in for Kurt Schweickhard, who is out of town)

"Driving a Porsche is the most fun thing you can do with clothes on." Anonymous

An inter-series Zone 8 point competition was discussed and rejected by the Board. A discussion on assessing regions in Zone 8 to aid a region who loses money on an event followed this. The treasurer, Corky Kirk, reported that there were still some outstanding returned checks from past events. He also said that the editor, Paul Edwards, would be sending him inform-

(Copied from "The Drifter" of the Sacramento Valley Region, who copied from the "Porsche Zeitung" of the San Joaquin Region, who had copied from the "Montereyan" of the Monterey Bay Region, who in turn had copied it from the Rocky Mountain Region.) Why am I always the last one to know . . . Ed.




three events, PCA-LA has received three bad checks. Every time a check is deposited and is returned marked INS (insufficiant

As has been the case most every year, PCA-LA is trying to keep a bank balance high enough to provide the capital for events on a monthly basis. Some of the smaller events cost us $75 to $i00, while the larger ones initially cost us a large deposit of a couple hundred dollars and tie up our money and keep our cash flow on a very tight schedule. (An example would be a quick trip to the bank with a pay check to cover one or two checks already written.)

funds), the club has to pay extra for the returned check, plus has to go out and try to recover the funds due ito There is a check outstanding for the March 16th Willow Springs event - and the check is from a gentleman who trophied in his class! There is a check outstanding for the Irwindale Slalom. The third bad check has been cleared.

In fairness to most of the Porsche people, we have very few checks bounce in the normal course of our PCA business. Even the three cited above are in the minority. The

As you might realize, the credit rating of an organization is very important. Only in this way can you keep the cash flow problem in hand and only by promptly paying one’s bills when due, can you get the credit the next time. When an event income doesn’t reach the bank until 30-45 days after the event, it is important to maintain an adequate bank balance in order to protect this credit rating.

concern here is the increase of this type of thing the happening and flow. what can to protect club cash It be is done requested of all participants: i) Don’t write us checks where you know there aren’t going to be befunds in the 2) Event chairmen will required to bank; mail all entrance fee checks to the treasurer for deposit prior (Continued on Page i0)

In the last three months and at the last

LOS ANGELES 12630 S. Vermont Ave. 754-2907 20 Years at Same Location at El Segundo Blvd. Just West of Harbor Freeway Take El Segundo Blvd. Off-Ramp

INGLEWOOD 311 N. La Brea at Beach 678-1104, 677-8112



( nlinenl ! SEMPEHIT |~ELL|


ST K " ~

Hard to find sizes for Carreras and other Porsches We specialize in "babying your buggy" by carefully mounting and dynamically balancing yourmag wheels We distribute American ~|ags and man}, others at our Inglewood warehouse. We offer disc brake service SEE JACK ON VERMONT .... OR ART IN INGLEWOOD



Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.

ACHTUNG! 1966 Porsche 911 Enqin~. 1991 cc. with 6 Solex 32 IDA carbs; 130 bhp; engine# 900846; 62,000 original miles; excellent condition; complete with all parts and includes all chrome linkages, chrome alternator housing, complete set of new gaskets & fan belt, electric fuel pump (Benzi), Bosch coil, clutch, pressure plate, fly wheel, muffler. Contact Danny Beck, 621 Sierra Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, 274-1983 or 275-0512 (evenings). Make offer.

(Continued from Page 9) to the event when fees are collected by mail (such as Willow, Christmas Party, etCo) ; 3) Event chairmen must mail all collected fees to the treasurer within 24 hours after the event; 4) Cash will be requested as first choice at all events. Should the check bounce problem persist, PCA-LA will have to take a stand against accepting personal checks as payment for event fees. At the present time, there is a ban on accepting company checks in payment for club activities. Please help us keep this ban from spreading to personal checks. Corky Kirk, Treasurer ’

This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following:

We have quite a group of new members with us this month (see page 12). If we have a beef shortage, or go bankrupt, or miss our back taxes, we have someone who might be able to help us. if we get lost on rallyes, we have our own musician. Any gals looking for someone special, we have

i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses); 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers;

a person who owns two Porsches and is single. Speaking of beef (?), thanks to the members who responded to my plea for renewing and were very kind to meo Our membership count is about 270° See you at the next meeting with goodies.

3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclu-

Ken Grace, Jr. Membership Chairman

sion in the next month’s issue.

P.S. Does CLF mean ~hicano ~iberation IO


1Sth ANNUAL WEST COAST WEEK- END Can’t make it to the Parade this year? Well, fear not. The Porsche Club of America Orange Coast Region is sponsoring a fantastic mini-parade in September - the 15th Annual West Coast Week-ender. The dates are September 27, 28 and 29 and the headquarters will be the Hilton Inn, 25205 La Paz Road in Laguna Hills. The registration fee is $30/single and $40/couple and should be mailed to the registrar (whose name and address are listed on the registration form) by August ist. No refunds will be given after September ist. Be!ow is a schedule of events, al! of which are included in the registration fee, except the no-host award party on Sunday. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27

12:00 noon to ii:00 p.m. - Reqistration at Hilton Inn 6:00 p.m. to ii:00 p.m. - Tech inspection at Bill Yates’ Volkswagen Wine and Cheese Party at same place


i0:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon - Concour~ Box Lunch 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. - Rally 3:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Tech Quiz 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight - Cocktails and Mexican Fiesta at Coto de Caza, a private resort club


Breakfast at Hilton Inn i0:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Slalom at Carlsbad Raceway (just outside Oceanside) 6:00 p.m. - No-host party at Hilton Inn for award presentation

Sound like fun?! Just send the reservation form below to the registrar immediately (there is a i00 car limit) with your check for $30 or $40 and she will in turn send you room reservation information. Rooms will be $18/single and $22/couple. Make your check payable to: 15th West Coast Week-ender OCR.


Send to:



Carol Patrick 20582 Paisley Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92646 714-963-3459

Wilkommen 1.

Otis Chandler Times Mirror Square Los Angeles 90053 625-2345

Otis owns a 1958 silver Carerra Speedster and a white 1964 904 coupe. He is married and is interested in concours.


Douglas Dean 4850 Whitsett Ave. Apt. 3 No. Hollywood 91607 769-4039

Douglas is a musician, owns a 1970 911T, likes tech, social, rallyes, and is single.


James Degnan 724 Luton Drive Glendale 91206 242-0547

James is in banking, has two children and a red 1963 356B cabriolet (not necessarily in that order). He is interested in tech.


Dean Goings 3349 Studebaker Road Long Beach 90808 273-4464

Dean is an accountant. She owns a 1973 911T targa. She is single and lists soclal and rallyes as interests.


James Headley 8927 W. Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles 90034 870-1602

James is a manager. He and his 1970 911S plan to take on a new member in September (his financee). Tech, concours, and drivers school are his plans.


Paul Junger 7045 Trolley Way Playa del Ray 90291 823-9147

Paul is in banking, is single, and owns a 1968 912. He likes tech, concours, drivers school and social.


Walter Kocian 215 N. Belmont #203 Glendale 91206 247-0691

Walter is a butcher. He and his wife, Kathy, own a yellow 1972 914. They are interested in rallyes, autocross, racing and tech.


Thomas Mosley 1937 W. 41st Place Los Angeles 90062 293-2789

Thomas is an electrical technician. He owns a 1967 912. His son, Greg, owns a 1970 914-6. They want to be involved in racing, tech and drivers school.


Jose Ochoa 4020 Marcasel Ave. #3 Los Angeles 90066 398-1963

Jose is single (sorry, Lark!) and a student. He owns a 1961 356B coupe. He will be active (soon) in racing, gymkhanas and autocross.

i0. Chuck Rettig 23261 Erwin Street Woodland Hills 91364 347-1153

Chuck is a student, o~ns a 1968 912 targa and a 911. He’ll be participating in drivers school, autocross, rallyes, tech, racing and concours.

ii. Joan Ryburg 315 S. Virgil #i Los Angeles 90020 389-9537

Joan is a graphic designer. She’ll be using her 1970 914-6 in racing, tech, gymkhanas and social events.


¯ JULY 24.

Wine Tasting Party


Big Sur Tour


PCA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom


Cook-out Breakfast

¯ SEPTEMBER 14-15 ¯ OCTOBER 25-27,

Willow Springs Time Trials Lake Tahoe Tour


Rally - Las Vegas Nite


Christmas/New Year.’s Party

PORSCHE OWNERS! A new one-stop Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: 9:00--6:00

Saturday: 9:00-4:00

10946 Santa Monica Boulevard West los Angeles, Calif. 90025 Phone: 477--0507

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