Porscherama 1974 June

Page 1


glR|CTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN John Kepler PRESIDENT Tore Johnson 48303 N. 20th West Lancaster, CA 93534 VICE-PRESIDENT De1 Jackson SECRETARY Kurt Schweickhard TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Don Colwel~, Jr. PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Williamson MEMBERSHIP Ken Grace, Jr.. 514 Champlain Pasadena, CA 91103

820-2097 432-3216 (days)

861-5507 465-7933 447-5109 881-4319 596-1381 391-8915 793-5077

PCA’LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:













presidential rhetoric

Long Beach, California 90803 714-979-8947 (day) 213-596-1381 (night)

This presidential rhetoric ~,as written by the president, then edited by the editor, then rewritten by the president, then edited .... then . . . you get the idea.

STAFF Carol Edwards, Production Jack DiRosario, Advertising Don Burkard, Photography POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by P’orscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not’constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board o£ Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become.the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff ofPorscherama~reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication. AOVERTiZING

Half page $90/mo Quarter page " $20/mo Eighth page $15/mo

Los Angeles Region has played the ~roverbial sleeping giant for some years. We’re now waking up. Part of this is taking the initiative to get together with other PCA regions and other Porsche clubs. Once you share events (as for example we’ve been doing with POC on the Challenge Cup Slaloms and Rallyes) you realize that presumed differences are more fiction than fact, and more the result of differences in priority than basic philosophy. The reverse of this is also true. We must express our opinions and see that we make an impact on both Zone 8 and National PCA policies - particularly when they don’t seem right for us. A leadership role is expected of the LA Region - after all, we’re probably the Porsche-owni.ng center 6f the world. More important is that We not be lead by highly organized but narrow(Continued on Page 2) COVER Remember how great events were two’yegrs ago - they StiLl are! Renew your membership . . . we’re cutting our mailing list (see p. 12). The cover i~ an L.A. Turf Club photo of the 1972 Santa Anita Concours.


$120/6 mo $ 80/6 mo $ 60/6 mo

$180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr


Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.


POINTS thinking groups that want to push their rules, regulations and priorities throughout the PCA system. It’s not that we don’t expect people to stop trying this, it’s that we shouldn’t accept it.

Here are the competition points up to and including the March Santa Anita Concours, as tabulated by our secretary, Kurt Schweickhard. If you are displeased with the results, just meet him out in back of the Blarney Castle after the June 13th meeting! Participation points will be coming soon.

Both of these ideas are really a matter of better communication. We shouldn’t disilfusion ourselves and we shouldn’t let other people disillusion us.

i. 2. 3.

The Los Angeles Region has always been a diverse group. Although good in nearly all types of activities and events, we’re not what you would call a "hot dog" in any one area. In the past we’ve thought this was a problem. We’re now realizing that diversity is a unique strength. We don’t have to argue technical issues with other regions, as we’ve done on the question of Zone 8 competition rules. All we have to do is point out that it doesn’t fit our needs. No region has to be railroaded by experts, much less self-ordained experts, We’re a group of people who get together to enjoy ourselves, not serve an ulterior goal, such as making money or seeking life or death recognition. And since the majority of almost any region’s membership is as diverse as we are in total, we truly are in a leadership position. And that’s where it’s at.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

i. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

Los Angeles Region, with a little coming out of its shell, can be the most personally enjoyable and satisfying region in PCA.

7. 8. 9.

Most of you may not be aware of the Board’s intent, but we’re going to submit LA Region into the Region of the Year competition at the 1975 Parade in Seattle. That entry will be unique and reflect something new that’s happening among Porsche people. The first half of this year has been great, and all indications are that the second half will be even better. So take part and enjoy. By ’77 we’ll be holding the Parade here. Really? It’s possible.

i0. Ii. 12.

13. 14. 15.

Tore Johnson P~u[ Edwards

16. 17. 18.


WOMEN Carola Anderson ................ 190 Lynne Smith .................... 170 Ursula Grunfeld ................ 150 Joanne Salzman ................. 150 Ellen Peterson ................. 150 Pat Drummond-Kustein ........... 140 Teri Colwell ................... i00 Cyndel Podich ................... 80 Joanne Burkard .................. 70 Geri Boothe ..................... 50 Karen Zimmerman ................. 20 MEN Don Colwell .................... 370 Peter Luelsdorf ................ 260 Paul Edwards ................... 250 Tore Johnson ................... 250 Doug Brownlee .................. 200 Sam Wang ....................... 200 John Fels ...................... 200 Tim Hunter ..................... 190 Vern Covert .................... 190 Ed Bode ........................ 180 Gary Hayes ..................... 180 Don Burkard .................... 170 Pete Zimmerman ................. 1’70 Ron Ramage ..................... 160 Del Jackson .................... 150 John Williamson ................ 150 Roger Wagner ................... 150 Kurt Schweickhard .............. 140 Walt Kaye ...................... ii0 Bill LeFlang ................... 100 Joe Korpiel .................... i00 Martin Traxler ................. i00 Rick Tilden .................... I00 Bill Sussm~n ................... i00 John Dusckett ................... 90 Bob Barnes ...................... John Larson ..................... 70 George Byrne .................... 70 Ken Grace ....................... 50 Duane Alan ...................... 30 Malcolm Harris .................. 20 Leonard Stern ................... 20

~-U no

Thursday/7:30 p.m.

LJttlc Hountain Goat

The June General Membership Meetinq will feature a buffet dinner at the B].arney Castle, 623 S. Western, Los Angeles. If you were at the April meeting, you know how great the food is, and if you missed it, be sure to join in this time. You’[[ have a choice of ham, beef, chicken, assorted salads and cheeses and rolls: if you wish, have a little of everything. The cost is $5.50, and this gou~et feast is certainly worth it. The evening’s entertainment will be a film entitled Porsche Does It. See you on the 13th.

~[~ BOARD MEETING Wednesday/8:00 p.m. Del and Arda Jackson will host the June Board Meetinq at their home in Downey. The address is 9540 E. La Villa, and you can get directions by calling the Jacksons at 861-5507. All interested members are invited to attend,

~[~ TECH MEETING Thursday/7:30 p.m. ~e tech meetinq for dune has been scheduled at Porschop’s new location, 4105 Redwood Ave., Los Angeles 90066. This is very close to their foyer location, and specific directions can. be obtained by ea~]~



which ahould Be of k~en







to bt’ h~]d

June 23 . . and save yotlr penn]<?s, this is "The Big One" or at least< sofia. The rallye will begin from Cutright PorscheAudi, 1932 Wllshire Blvd. in Santa Mon~ca. Fxrst car out will be at 9:@] a.m and this will be an SOP (Seat of the Pants) event. Instructions will be relatively s~mple and the roads are tailored for the Porsche Driver (and maybe a few goats). The ~allye will end at Lake Sherwood the Santa Monica Mountains. W<’ wl]] have a reserved area under the oak trees for yep - another i:icnic. There arc bar-b-que Fits, rest rooms and runntnq water. Take your pick. For activities at the lake, there is a grass ba~[ lick) and ro~,~ boats to Fent, or just bring a x,olleybal[, frisbee, chess set or whatcver ttirllS you on. Come on out and participate. Tho lake beautiful and the picnic areas are uncrowded. It is a very comfortable place to spend an afternoon with friends - you might even make some new ones. The price for the Raklye/Picnic wilt be $6.00 for one car and two occupants. Extra occupants are 5~¢ for kids under 12 and $1.50 for everyone else. The price [s a little higher than usual to include a $1.50 p.pr person entry fee into the park. Come to the membership meeting at the Blarney Castle for more information, or call Doug Brownlee (who left off his ~hone number) or Don Colweil at 881-4319 (who’s going to have his phone ringing off the hook again).


interea~ ko ail.

This will also give us all an opportunity to see the "new" Porschop. That’s 7:30 on the 20th - see you then!.

16 17 18 20 21 24 25 26 27 28

april minutes APRIL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The monthly General Membership Meeting of PCA-LA was held at the Blarney Castle on Thursday, April Ii. This was a "buffet" dinner meeting; more compliments about the food than at prior meetings. After dinner the meeting was called to order by our President, Tore Johnson. He introduced the new Tech Chairman, John Williamson, and the new Secretary, Kurt Schweickhard. John Williamson informed us that there will be a Tech Meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at That Porsche Place. This will be a three hour meeting with specifics on alignment and suspension and the application of preventative maintenance. In July the Tech Meeting will be held at Porschop, and it will deal with exhaust systems and related problems, For activities, Del Jackson outlined upcoming events, including a Zone 8 time trials in Phoenix on April 20-21, a May 5th swapmeet at Rusnak Porsche-Audi, and a picnic on April 20. Tore read the official results of the one-day time trial at Willow Springs. There were 60 entries and trophies will be presented at the next meeting. Ron Ramage described the Santa Anita Concours as a perfect event. Trophies were awarded at the event, Membership chairman, Ken Grace, reported about 200 paid members. The next meeting will be held at the Blarney Castle on Thursday, May 9, however, no dinner will be served. There will be a tech discussion with John Williamson and John Brown. The Competition Committee will meet in the interim to discuss Zone 8 competition rules. Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned. APRIL BOARD MEETING The monthly board meeting was held at the home of Kurt and Wilma Schweickhard on Wednesday, April 17. Eleven members and guests were in attendance. The officer reports went as follows: (Continued on Page 5)


FRAUD! HORSCHEN AROUND (or If the Bullet’s Silver, Bite It) Early one late afternoon, just about dusk, Sheriff Boothe observed a stranger riding into town wearing a black mask and mounted on a white Horsche with "Carrera" emblazoned on its flanks. (Little did he know that this was the Lone Ramage.) Following c[ose behind was none other than his faithful companion, Tonto Jackson, riding a black Horsche with an "S" branded across its rear. "Tell me, Sheriff, where can we get boarded for the night?" asked the masked man. "Well, POC havin a meetin down the road," replied Sheriff Boothe. "You misunderstand! I said boarded, not bored! .... Well, then you best check with Bourbon Brownlee, the bartender." "Okay, Sheriff, thanks a lot." "Hey, wait a minute, masked man," said the Sheriff. "I’ve seen a lot of masks in my day, but that’s the first one I’ve seen with ’Horsche’ on it." "Hoookay," quipped the Lone Ramage, as he turned to go. The masked stranger and his companion slid silently down to the local saloon. "Are you Bourbon Brownlee?" asked Ramage upon entering. "Yes, I are," said the barkeep. "Tell me, B.B., where can we get boarded for the night? .... Well, POC havin a meetin down the road." "No! No! No! We don’t want our Horsches in traction, we’re just looking to give ’em some action!" shouted the Lone Ramage. "Stranger, if you want action, PCA havin a super Horsche race!" "Are they runnin those square Horsches?" queried the masked man. "Nope," replied Bourbon, "just the thorough-breadS." "Come, Tonto, let’s get over to the blacksmith and get a set of racing shoes." "Right, Kimo Carrera," said Tonto Jackson. On they trave].ed to visit the local smithy. "Are you the blacksmith? .... No, I just toast marshmallows," came the cigar-smoked reply. "Of course, I’m the blacksmith! Name’s Anvil Williamson. I shoe ’em, don’t screw ’em! .... Well, Anvil, we’d like racing shoes put on our Horsches for the big PCA Horsche race." "Haven’t you heard?" asked Anvil. "The Horsche race was cancelled because somebody stole Major Johnson’s old gray mare." "Who do that, Kimo Carrera?" asked the masked man’s companion." "Only time will tell, Tonto." (Continued on Page 5)

(Continued from Page 4)

(Continued from Page 4)

Since this is obviously a tall tale, the Lone Ramage and Tonto naturally decided to rescue the old broken-down mare. "Anvil," asked the Lone Ramage, "who do you think would steal Major Johnson’s Horsche? .... That’s easy, stranger - old Maude Bode." "Who’s that, Anvil? .... She’s the meanest, crankiest, oldest bag in town. And she’s been eyein that mare fer years. You can find her with that rowdy POC bunch."

Vice President - Next membership meeting to be held May 9 at the Blarney Castle with no dinner being served. There will. be a tech question and answer period and a panel of three will explain in detail how to run and win a ral]ye. Secretary - Minutes of th(? last meeting were read and checked for old bosiness not taken care of. Treasurer - Money in the bank is $1,300. It was emphasized that the club must have more control over the amount of money spent for events (trophies). It was suggested that for some events a F, redetermined amount of money should go into the treasury. Membership - We have approximately 200 paid members. A "Fee Due" rubber stamp to go on newsletters was discussed. We wi~l supply 8 or 9 dealerships with club information (how to join, etc.} on specially posted bulletin boards. We discussed new and old ideas for new membership campa igns. (Continued on Page 6)

will time tell? Will they find Maude Bode? will the old qray mare be what she used to be? Will Tonto ever get a word in edgewise? Tune in next month for another sterling segment in this continuing saga.

Love and Kisses, Fraudi

LOS ANGELES 12630 S. Vermont A~e. 754-2907 MOST



at El Segundo Bird





Just Wesl Of Harbor Freeway

~[ake El Segundo Bbd

Off Ramp

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We’ spe~’ia ] izc~



(Continued from Page 5)

exchanged Board positions; Don is now the activities chairman and Del is acting as vice-president. Don Kravig, the Zone 8 representative° was introduced. Membership was informed that the Competition Committee had met and worked out several changes regarding the Zone 8 Competition Rules. The proposed changes were read and will be submitted to Don Kravig at the next Board Meeting.

Newsletter - The new issue will not be ready for another week or two. Ways of helping Paul without getting in his way was a main topic. No real solution, but it was suggested to search out a new editor for next year and have him work with Paul now as a sort of "showing the way and getting help" effort, Activities - We found that a Zone 8 event was scheduled at Ontario on the same day as our rallye, May 25. A heated discussion took place on whether we should postpone our event or not endorse the Zone 8 event, It was decided to leave our event as scheduled,

Paul Edwards, our editor, informed the meeting that he was looking for an individual who would be willing to be editor of the newsletter next year, with the idea that Paul could work with him and show him the ropes.

A Competition Committee meeting is to be set up by Tore Johnson for next week. Zone 8 competition rules are to be the topic. A discussion developed about the way National splits and uses membership dues, and also on the format of Panorama. It was suggested that a petition be drafted in order to make National more responsive to the feelings and needs of general membership.

The secretary, Kurt Schweickhard, announced the present competition point standings and the list will appear in the next newsletter. He also indicated that he would be writing to Rusnak Porsche-Audi thanking them for their sponsorship of the Swapmeet held on May 5. Treasurer, Corky Kirk, then gave a detailed rundown on our current financial situation. The new activities chairman, Don Colwell, announced the upcoming events for the year. He then introduced Horace Searcie, who fielded question on his upcoming rallye0 which has been changed to May 18. Membership Chairman, Ken Grace, reported that membership is up and then introduced several guests. (Continued on Page ii)

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned, MAY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING The monthly general membership meeting was held at the Blarney Castle on Thursday, May 9o Tore Johnson, President, called the meeting to order and announced that Don Colwell and Del Jackson have














Anything Ltd.! 11324 Santa Monica Boulevard





! Telephone: (213) 473-2941

Los Angeles, California 90025











b nbow

The day was beautiful, the sun was bright, and so were the faces, spirits and cars of eighteen eager entries for the May "By the N~nbers" Raliye. Their minds were sharp - figuring times, computing distances, asking questions, faking it, the whole bit. But they were cool. Some came to spectate, some came to wish the others well, and some came to try their luck but decided against valor. Oh well, so it goes.

A trip to famous Benbow Inn, located on the Eel River in California’s magnificent Redwood Empire, has been set for July 26-28. Benbow Inn is situated on Highway i01, two miles south of Garberv~ile, Ca]ifornia. Rates are in the range of $14 to $16 per night for double occupancy. There is swh~ing, fishing, delightful hiking trails and a nine-hole, par 36 golf course. For the less active, an attractively comfortable lobby is perfect for bridge, chess, reading and conversation. Since July is the height of the tourist season, and the Inn is very popufar0 early reservations are suggested. A reservation deposit of $i0 should be sent to Benbow Inn, Garberville, California 95440 by June 15th. You may cancel up to forty-eight hours in advance, if necessary. More complete details will be available at the June membership meeting from event chairman, Horace Searcie. Next month’s newsletter will contain info regarding departure, etc. So make plans now for a nice, relaxing week-end with your Porsche buddies in northern California on July 26, 27 and 28!

After registration, coffee and donuts (so graciously supplied and hosted by super salesman Roy Hammork of Downtown PorscheAudi, who also donated their facilities and the trophies), the rallye headed north over freeway, roadway, highway and by-way on Angeles Crest to Palmdale for a do-ityourself check-point. Then a short 60 mph maze which was supposed to end in a manned check-point that could be seen as you worked through the maze. But an error in my directions caused that check point to be thrown out. Lucky for you, kids! Then on to Vasquez Rocks County Park for a picnic, volleyball and general "sweat out" of the results. Trophies were given for the first three places. Congrats to all! Horace Searcie Event Chairman Driver and Naviqator i. 2. 3. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. i0. ii. ]2. 13.


Bill LeFlang, Kurt Schweickhard 0.38 Pete & Karen Zimmerman 0.48 Paul & Carol Edwards 0.58 Doug Brownlee, Jose Ochoa 1.38 (and Lark) Don & Teri Colwell 1.38 Sharon & Steve Hallinan 1.38 Marvin Cutchins 1.38 Richard & Dyanne Potts 1.38 Don & Joyce Colwell 3.48 Tore Johnson, Cathy LeMonds 4.18 Mike Martinez, Rick Gutierrez__4.38 Carola Anderson, Ken Grace 5.08 Bill Henderson, Rob Nehrbas 6.08 John & Evelyn LeFlang 6.28 Ellen Peterson, Bob Aguilar 8.62 Tim & Maureen Hunter 5038 Ralph & Geri Boothe DNF


JUNE 20 DEADLINE FOR JULY PORSCHERAMA Material received after the 20th will be published in the August issue!


Class v - Speedster Class 1 Jim Levitt 2 Stana Cooper 3 Bob Raucher 4 Ron Ramage 5 Jeff Dewey 6 Gary Tollack

Below are the results of the 3rd Annual Porsche Concours at Santa Anita Race Track sponsored by PCA-LA, in conjunction with Bozzani Porsche-Audi in Monrovia. Twenty-nine cars were on display, including the RSR Carrera from Bozzani. It was particularly good to see some new cars that haven’t been displayed before, along with the old favorites. No matter how many times you see Vern’s g04 on display, it still is a terrific sight. This year, with the introduction of a street car class, attendance was considerably better than last year. Although the event was twice rained out and even the day before saw a very soggy Bentley display on the same lawn, our Sunday morning was bright and sunny, and the whole day followed along beautifully.

Class VI - 356B Street Class i. Bob Bloomingdale 2. John Dusckett Class VII - 356C Street Class i. Rich Tilden 2. Tom Shubin Class VIII - 356A Street Class i. Wes Anderson 2. Dan Wright Class IX - 911 Street Class i. Bill Sussman 2. Bill Walsh 3. Peter Luelsdorf 4. Tore Johnson 5~ Bart Title 6. Sam Wang

Cars were positioned before i0:00 and judging started around 12:45 with a team of five judges carefully inspecting each car. Thanks to Peter Luelsdorf, Don Sommerville, Ron Malmquist, Dale Boyd and Joe Altzman for judging, Don Ris for sco[ing, twenty-nine Porsche owners for participating, all the membership for witnessing and my friend, Mary Ann, for holding my hand through the whole thing. Our highlight of the day came when we were invited to be photographed in the winner’s circle with the winner of the race named for the Porsche Club of America.

Class X - 914 Street Class I. John Fels 2. Don Colwell, Jr.

Concours buffs and others reserve next year, March 2, 1975, for the 4th Annual PCA-LA/Bozzani Porsche Concours at Santa Anita. Special thanks to Alan Balch at the park and John Thomas from Bozzani. Ron Ramage, Event Chairman Class I - 356 Concours Class i. Chuck Cooper 2. Paul Holderman Class II - 911 Concours Class 1. 2.

Ralph Boothe

~"~.~.~’~ i~’.~.’ ~ ~ ¯ ~" --~

Ron Armour



Class III- 912 Concours Class i. Keith Foster 2. E d M~Coll um ,, -¯ . . "-

S~ecialty Concours Class C[aSSl.VernIV Covert 2.

Rick Norquist





CASH ON I{AND, JANUARY i, 1974 ............................... $1275.39 RECEIPTS: Advertising - Porscherama (See Note) ......... $245.82 Merchandise Sold ............................. 243.38 Turkey Stuff Rallye (1973 Event) ............. 243.38 First Regional Dues Refund ................... 521.40 TRW Slalom ................................... 209.00 Willow Springs (March 16) .................... 698.00


TOTAL TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR ..................................................... $3429.85

DISBURSEMENTS: Porscherama .................................. $254.37 Merchandise Purchased ........................ 95.06 Willow Springs (1973 Event) 229.93 1973 Year-end Trophies ......................... 244.65 Chairman’s Expenses .......................... 35.57 Palm Springs Tour ............................ 53.63 TRW Slalo .................................... 225.40 Santa Anita Concours ......................... 42.43 Willow Springs (March 16) .................... Willow Springs (September 14-15) ............. i00.00 Miscellaneous ................................ 57.89

~ ~r L: ~~ I~*]



CASH ON HAND, MARCH 31, 1974 ................................ $]472.47 TOTAL ACCOUNTED FOR ............................................................ $3429.85 Note:

Includes $21.82 from Bulk Mailing Account Respectfully submitted, Corky Kirk Treasurer, PCA-LA


Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of ~tems in this "for

ACHTUN ,! Parts. 911/912 air conditioner from ’67 Porsche - $150. Gas heater - $125. 19 mm B&~ rear sway bar and brackets - $30. ]959 transaxle - $]00. Nadel~a halfshafts rebuilt - $50. Contact Tony Torgersen, 6318 Bigelow St., Lakewood, CA 90713. Phone: (213) 925-6757. Parts¯ IROC Carrera whale tail replica 911 spoiler bumper with box for $160. cooler - $ii0. Flared fenders 911 or 914 fiberglass replicas - $ii0 for set of four. 911 Carrera drilled brake rotors disc rep licas - exchange or new. Fiberglass rear bumpers, will ship freight collect anywhere. Contact Gilbert Rios, 445 32nd St., Manhattan Beach, CA 90266. Phone: (213) 545-5268. Car Stolen. 1970 911T Sportomatic, signal. orange. License #748 HHM, Chassis # 9110101~30, Engine #6108299. Center rear view mirror is missing. Contact Bonnie Mackie at (213) 441-2913 if you have any information on the whereabouts of this car.

for sale


Car Stolen. 1958 tangerine Speedster. Co!orado License #MV 1832, Chassis #84832, Engine #830144 (early 912), 741 gear box #]9581. 5 speed, disc brakes. If you have any information on the whereabouts of this car, contact Bob Raucher at (213) 784-6081.

This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, p~rts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.o0 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following:

Wanted. 1969 Porsche 912 in near-concours condition. Will pay cash. Contact John Friedlander, 1600 43rd Ave. E. #308, Seattle, WA 98112.

i. Items must be personnl p]~operty and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses);

Wanted. 356 Coupe,,~mechanically sound. Body not important. Up to 1964. Will pay decent price for the right car. Contact Del Jackson at (213) 8~i-550~.

2. Descrimtions musf be complete and include appropriate serial numbers~ 19~" PORSCHE

3 ¯ Each listing mus< be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and te]enhone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing: and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 2<th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.


(Continued from Page 6) Tore will also bring a sample PCA shirt to the next meeting.

After a short break, a pane[ of four, conmisting of Dale Boyd, Bill LeFlang, Ed Mohr and Chuck Harget (from the Santa Mon[ca Sports Car Club), led a question and answer session on how to run and win a rally. The meeting was adjourned at ii:00,

General comments on the last membership meeting included an effort to start the meeting on time; to have a better time schedule; and to have board me~bers better prepared with their reports.

MAY BOARD MEETING There being no further business, the ~eeting was adjourned.

The May Board Meeting was held at the home of Board Chairman, John Kepler, and his wife, Jocelyn, on Wednesday, May 15. Thirteen members attended. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Tore Johnson.

Respectfully submitted, Kurt Schweickhard Secretary

Del Jackson presented an idea for a trophy and will make arrangements to have a sample made up. The next membership meeting will be a dinner meeting at the Blarney Castle and the club has guaranteed 45 dinners. The film Porsche Does It will be shcwn. A decision was made to put together a film from club events with the club paying the expenses.

NO. | |38

Don Colwell repQrted for Corky Kirk that there is $1700 in the bank. Payment must be made to the Blarney Castle for use of parking facilities. Ken Grace reported that he intends to call the national office in order to get an up-to-date roster so that he can follow up with membership reminder renewals. Replying to Tore’s question on who is responsible for the dealer boards, Ken said that he will prepare a list of those involved. Paul Edwards reported that he will have to rent a typewriter for the next issue of the newsletter. Porschop and Akly & Czombos Engineering are interested in having ads in the next issue. Paul stressed that event chairmen








This ~s not a ticket, but i~ it were within ~n¥ power, you would ~e~ei~ Because of your Bull Headed, inconsiderate, feeble attempt at parking, you have taken enough room for a 20 mule team, 2elephants,

must make an extra effort to supply the

newsletter with the necessary reports, John Williamson confirmed the May 22nd tech meeting at That Porsche Place.

I goat, and a safari of py£mies from the African Interior.

Don Colwell reported that the women’ s group will call members with a reminder of the May 18th rallye. He reported that Horace Searcie was in a position to purchase a timing device specifically for rallyes. The Board decided that no more than $30 should be spent on this item. A suggestion was presented that sponsoring dealerships engrave their names on trophies. Irwindale was confirmed for the June 9th slalom. Tore will buy the food for the barbeque.

The reason for giving you this is so that in the future you may think of someone else, other than yourself. Besides, I don’t like domineering, egotistical or simple minded

drivers and you probably fit into one ot these catagories.

I sign of~ wishing you an early transmission failure, (on the freeway at about 4:30 p.m.).

Also, may the Fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits.


membership It’s hard to believe that five months have passed since we received our renewal notices. "Now if I could just find it, I could mail it . . ." I hope that everyone has renewed by this time. Since National has been a little slow in getting membership information to me, you may have paid your dues and still not be on my roster. If you are not on my roster, there will be a stamped address on your Porscherama ~o which you can drop me a line indicating that you are an active member. Better yet, xerox a copy of your current membership card, and send it to me. We will be updating the Porscherama mailing list this month, so be sure to contact me if your newsletter is stamped - you don’t want to miss getting the next one!! Thank you. Ken Grace

If you do not renew your membership with National PCA you will not continue to get Porscherama or Pano. Remember .

Wilkommen i.

Dave Berutich 8545 Balboa Blvd. #224 Northridge 91324 886-9057

Dave is single, works as a consultant, owns a white 1973 914, and is interested in social, racing and tech activities.


Chris Florin 14909 Lodosa Drive Whittier 90605 693-6935

Chris is interested in tech, racing and drivers school. He is a student and drives a silver 1966 911 coupe.


Roger Hand!y 12~20 Monteci~o Drive Los Angeles 90031 Russell Harrison , , 5915 Finecrest Drive Rancho Palos Verdes 90274 " 541-3589~

Roger drives a red 1971 914. He is single, works as a communications technician, and has interests in tech, rallyes and social ictlvities. Russell is in Kales. H~s family includes his wife Marilyn, two children and a 1969 912 coupe. ~He is interested in concours and racing.


Don Nelson 4823 Ocean View Blvd. La Canada 91011 248-5586

Don is a landscape architect a~d drives an orange 1968 911L Targa. Social, tech and concours are his interests. He and his wife, Charlene, have three children.


Divid Schneider 684 S. June Street Los Angeles 90005 931-5171

Dave drfves a chocolate brown 1974 911 Targa. He likes rallyes, tech and social activities. He is an assistant to the president of his company and is single.





O~NE 9 23.__



Irwindate Autocross L]ttleMounta~nGoatRall~-e


Benbow Inn Toul: PCA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom Willow Springs Time Trials





Rally - Las Vegas N~te



Christmas,New Year’s Part~,


PORSCHE OWNERS! A new one-stop Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: 9:00-6:00

Saturday: 9:00-4:00

10946 Sa.ta Monica Boulevard West Los A.geles, Calif. 90025 Pho,e: 477-0507

"THE PANIC BUTTON" 398-2217 pca activity info





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