OIR|CTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN John Kepler,, PRESIDENT Tore Johnson 48303 N. 20th West Lancaster, CA 93534 VICE-PRESIDENT Del Jackson SECRETARY Kurt Schweickhard. TREASURER Corky Kirk. ACTIVITIES Don Colwell, Jr PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Williamson. MEMBERSHIP Ken Grace, Jr. 514 Champlain Pasadena, CA 91103
820-2097 432-3216 (days) 861-5507 465-7933 447-5109 88]-4319 596-1381 391-8915 793-5077
PCA’IA AT A GLANC! PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:
presidential rhetoric 7084 Island Village Drive Long Beach, California 90803 714-979-8947 (day) 213-596-1381 (night) STAFF Carol Edwards, Production Jack DiRosario, Advertising Don Burkard, Photography POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.
The next £ew weeks will De very special weeks for PCA-LA members. The future of the LA Region will be in your hands. This is the time of the year when you elect the 1975 Board of Directors. I’ve heard it said that it’s a popularity contest. Let’s hope not. When you are voting, vote for the people that you honestly think will do the Oest job - not necessarily your friends, but hard workers. It may appear at meetings and events that the board members are in the spotlight all the time and that they always have a grand oi’ time. The truth of the matter is, you the membership don’t see 70% of the work that must be done by the different officers. It’s not all fun and games. So when you vote, vote for people that will (in your mind) perform for the club. Also in the next few weeks all of the membership can and should vote for your National Officers. These are very important positions and especially on a national level. These people really call the shots on how PCA will be run for the next couple of years. As most of you have seen, there (Continued on Page 2) COVER
This super fantasimoto wierd and backward photog was snapped and assembled by Don Burkard. Tom Tullius of Orange Coast Region is behind the mean 914-4.
Half page Quarter page Eighth page
$30/mo $20/mo $15/mo
$120/6 mo $ 80/6 so $ 60/6 mo
$180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr
Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.
(Continued from Page I) MINUTES are two complete slates this year for Nat-ional PCA - one submitted by the National PCA Nominating Committee and one other submitted by a few unhappy PCA folks in the hierarchy. I would personally like to see the slate submitted by National PCA get into office. As I see it, and also the majority of the LA Region sees it, it is the only choice. When National PCA’s Nominating Committee selects a slate of officers, they don’t pick names out of a hat they take nearly two years to pick by hand the most qualified people to run the club. So take advantage of your power in the next few weeks and vote!!
The monthly general membership meeting was again held at the Blarney Castle on September 12th. Tore Johnson called the meeting to order and covered some details about the upcoming Willow Springs week-end and the Orange Coast Region’s "Western Weekender". He also pointed out that the election of the new Board is coming up fast. Tore introduced the new club shirts and patches and made everyone aware that they are for sale now. He reported that the club has approximately $1200 in the bank (in the absence of Treasurer, Corky Kirk). Vern Covert handed out the trophies for the Midnight Streaker Slalom. Don Colwell, the activity chairman, went over the remaining events of the year. Ron Ramage will chair a ,tour to Lake Tahoe in October. Also, a rallye to benefit a charity will be an upcoming event. The Christmas Party is all set to be held on the Princess Louise. A time trial at Camarillo will be the last Zone 8 event for this year.
Tore Johnson P.S. When you are voting, don’t forget that National also lets family members vote. So get yourself, the active member, and also your family member in on it.
Ken Grace, membership chairman, introduced the guests and pointed out that the new membership roster was completed and is available to everyone. Tore Johnson held a short "For Sale" session and it was time for a 15 minute break. After the break, Ron Ramage showed a film on driving the proper line at Willow Springs, and Charly Akly, the chief driving instructor, gave a very extensive chalk
July 27 thru August ~ Post Parade Salm~ Fi~ing August 3, 1975 Westpo~
(Continued on Page 8)
all porsche anything...
Anytbig! L td.l:: 11324 Santa I%~)ni~ Boulevard
i Telephone: (213) 473.2941
Los An(Jeles, California 90025
October Events
November/Oecember 23rd C RITY LLYE a.m. Saturday/9:00
Thursday J8:00 p.m. October’s General Membership Meeting convenes again at - yup, you guessed it The Blarney Castle, 623 S. Western, Los Angeles at 8:00 p.m~ No dinner again this month (save your pennies for the upcoming Christmas party), but the entertainment will be great. To prepare you for next summer’s Porsche Parade in Seattle, John Williamson will conduct a fullblown tech quiz. Starting next summer, this type of quiz will count toward overall Parade points. Even if you’re not a Parade-goer, this will be a good learning experience, so be on hand. In addition, we’ll see the best film of the 1973 Monterey Parade - nostalgia-time for those who were there; drooling-time for everyone else. See you on the 10th!
BOARD MEETING 16th Wednesday/8:00
Don and Teri Colwell will host this month’s Board Meeting at their home in Reseda. Their address is 8109 Jamieson, and everyone is welcome. The Colwells’ phone is 881-4319 to let them know you’re coming and to get directions.
November may seem a long way off, but it’s creeiing up on us in a hurry, and so is our next rallye. The date has been changed to the 23rd, and this event will be a charity benefit. All proceeds from the rallye will go to Children’s Hospital, so plan now to attend a fun and very worthwhile event. Who knows, we may even have a special guest acting as our Starter?!
28th CHRISTMAS/NEW PARTY Saturday/8:00 YEAR’S p.m. Only 86 more days til the fantabulous PCA-LA Christmas/New Year’s Party. Put us on your calendar now, folks, to make sure that you don’t miss the year-end super-bash at the Princess Louise in San Pedro. Remember, the date is December 28th and the cost is $25 per couple (no inflation here - that’s the same as last year) - you can’t say we didn’t give you plenty of warning! Look for a mail-back reservation form in next month’s Porsche~
s~ayLAKE TAHOE~ S----undayTOUR 24- 27th T~ur Lake Tahoe here we come! Our October "biggie" will depart on Thursday night, October 24th, for two full days of mountains and casinos before the trip home on Sunday. Make plans now to take Friday off from work. We’ll stay at the Ludlow Lodge, but don’t try to make your own reservations because we have already ar-
October 1974 S
T S~m| W ~__ ~ ~ I
ranged is for taking a limited of rooms. Ron"~ 89 i{::~::!i9:~::::::::~{ii~ i i ~ ~ Ramage all number reservations and you :~i~i~:~:iii~i. . . can contact him at work (Bob Smith Porsche/ Audi - 461-3144) or at home (374-6888). ~ When you talk with Ron, he’ll give you all the information on place and time of ~4 ii~!’i ~~ departure. This is a great opportunity to get away for the week-end with some friends, ’~i2 j~ use that beautiful car of yours, and see ~ 28 29130 31 some fantastic scenery to boot. Don’t miss out on one of the year’s best events!
l Q 21 22
WILLOW ’74 OR EL EXHAUSTO A hundred and twenty-one entrants literally came out from the woodwork for this year’s Willow Springs. Since it was Part V of the Zone 8 time trial series, it was even more fun. There were so many quick and nice looking Porsches that spectators must have spent a million on film. Both days, yes, that’s right folks, both days were absolutely beautiful. For the first time the Hi Desert Yakkers provided the "Hungry Dawg" and not the club. Even that went well. The one and only flaw for the whole week-end was that the timed runs on Sunday ran later than expected. The worker chairmen of the event were the last to run, and we used our headlights. Yes, that’s right, pilgram headlights at Willow. I would like to thank everyone that came and participated at Willow one way or another. I would like to say in closing that I was extremely proud of the LA region’s showing at Willow Springs. I am not referring to the LA class winners, but to the LA people busting their butts to make it a successful event. Tore Johnson Event Chairman NAME Class A 1 Rode, R. 2 Boucher, J. 3 Ochoa, J.
356 C 356 B 356 B
TIME 125.17 125.37 141.08
Class B 1 Young, C. 2 Barrison, J.C. 3 Brow~lee, D. 4 Sebald, F.
356 B Spdst 356SC Spdst
Class C 1 Cunningham, C. 2 Williams, Q. 3 Bode, E.
914-4 914-4 914-4
125.35 128.00 138.00
Class D 1 Buckler, G. 2 Rothman, M 3 Greenfield, F. 4 Zimmerman, P.
911 911 T 911 911
115.14 119.16 120.60 DNR
Class E 1 Doyle, W. 2 Luelsdorf,°P. 3 McLendon, J. 4 Wang, S. 5 Anderson, D.
911 911 911 911 911
119.13 120.02 120.89 124.57 126.92
122.51 123.56 131.53 DNR
7 8 9 i0
Blumstein, D. Collier, D. La Franchi, S. Fisher, B.
91[ ~
911 911 911 911
Class F 1 Woodward, R. 2 Hurty, L. 3 Kravig, D. 4 Johnson, T. 5 Ramage, R. McLaughlin, C " B. 6 7 Maashoff, B. 8 Kravig, D.A.
911 S 911 S 911 S 911 S Carrera 911 911 911 S
114.21 117.65 121.12 122.93 129.51 143.39 DNR DNR
Class G 1 Martin, R. 2 Miller, L. 3 Leflang, J. 4 Sanford, H. 5 Williamson, J. 6 Grunfeld, U.
914-2.0 914-4 914-2.0 914-4 914-2.0 914-4
127.50 136.51 138.65 140.01 141.66 149.69
Class H 1 Arnett, G. 2 Schuman, E. 3 Bruno, J. 4 Douglass, B. 5 Kaye, W. 6 Fellows, M. 7 Sidell-Fish, R. 8 Beardslee, D.
914-6 914-6 914-6 914-6 914-6 914-6 914-6 914-6
Class CP 1 Salter, D. 2 Furrier, M. 3 Marx, T.
911 L 911 L 911 T
111.66 115.71 119.91
Ramos, J.
114.11 114.72 116.09 117.81 119.94 120.19 122.29 DNR
911 T
Class EP 1 Tullius, T. Jr. 2 Ohmer, T. 3 Tullius, T. Sr.
914-4 356 B 914-4
112.63 117.46 129.26
Class L 1 Podich, C. 2 Griggs, S. 3 Thayer, C. 4 Nylander, B. 5 Boothe, G. 6 Smith, M.L. 7 Goings, D. 8 Endler, J. Fisher, K. i0 Vaugn, J. Ii Akly, P. 12 Peterson, E. 13 Anderson, C. 14 Ryberg, J.
356 C 356 C 912 911 S 356 B 914-2.0 911 911 T 911 T 914-4 914-6 914 911 T 914-6
139.10 140.01 124.92 117.97 142.74 139.33 140.88 134.18 134.18 145.83 130.96 148.05 137.78 136.48
(Continued on Page 5)
(Continued from Page 4) 15 16 17
Jackson, A. Moir, E. Zimmerman, K.
356 B 356 A 911
157.79 DNR DNR
Class M 1 Thayer, F. 2 Waddell, P.
912 912
118.87 127.16
Class P 1 MacLean, B. 2 Yates, E. 3 Jackson, D. 4 Leflang, B. 5 Hartman, J. 6 Beatman, E.
356 356 356 356 356 356
135.39 139.44 146.57 152.40 155.29 DNR
Class R 1 Kerner, R. 2 McInerney, W. 3 Baughman, J. 4 Arrendondo, R. 5 Moir, D. 6 Rasumoff, D.
356 356 356 356 356 356
Class S 1 Kalbach, D. 2 Grey, G. 3 Walton, D. 4 Vaughn, M. 5 Ris, D.
914 914-4 914-4 914-4 914
Class T 1 Hass, P. 2 Colwell, D. 3 Nunez, D.
914-2.0 SDR 914-2.0 LAR 914-2.0 CCCR
130.62 131.90 132.62 134.81 138.45 DNR
130.60 130.63 131.32 136.40 146.21
Class U 1 Rogers, R. 2 Lewis, J. 3 Greenberg, L. 4 Abrahamson, T.
911 911 911 E 911 T
124.57 132.18 DNR DNR
Class V 1 Johnson, C. 2 Edwards, P. 3 Fels, J. 4 Potts, R. 5 Grace, K. 6 Rankin, J.
911 S 911 E 914-6 914-6 914-6 914-6
126.09 129.95 131.53 137.64 DNR DNR
Class W 1 Riley, P.
911 S
Class X 1 Nylander, G. 2 Dayton, J. 3 Wood, P.
911 S 911 L 911 S
111.43 DNR DNR
Class Z 1 Rios, G. 2 Davila, J. 3 Covert, V. 4 Franklin, W. 5 Latkowsky0 A.
906 914-6 904 RSK RSK
Class J 1 Goodell, D. 2 Relph, D.
912 912
107.90" DNR DNR DNR DNR 122.92 134.43
* Top Time of Day 125.88 135.27 137.22
Reqions LAR - Los Angeles LVR - Las Vegas OCR - Orange Coast RR - Riverside
SAR - So. Arizona SBR - Santa Barbara SDR - San Diego
PORSCHE OWNERS! A new one-stop Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: ]0:00- b:00
Saturday: ]0:00- 4:00
P4G ODUCTS--H B EST 10946 Santa Monica Boulevard West Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 Phone: 477--0507
(Continued from Page 2)
shop. Also, John will donate the end-ofyear competition trophies for both men and women’s classes. President, Tore Johnson, suggested we have a membership drive soon and discussed the cost of mailing flyers to Porsche owners and running an ad in Road & Track magazine. There will be more details on it next meeting.
talk on how to prepare yourself and how to get around the track the safest and best way. With everybody trying to remember all the "DO’S AND DONT’S", the meeting was adjourned at ii:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kurt Schweickhard Secretary
Activities chairman, Don Colwell, gave a rundown on coming events. Coming up is the West Coast Week-end, Tahoe tour in October and a November rallye which will be held for charity. It was suggested that we might get a write-up in a major newspaper with a celebrity to start the rallye. For future events, a slalom in November was suggested and a trip to Las Vegas is tentative for January. It was decided to co~tact Joanne Salzman for door prizes for the Christmas party. The next board meeting will be at the Colwells’ on October 16. Tore made a motion that we adjourn to two delicious fresh strawberry pies provided by Ken Grace. Thanks Ken.
The board meeting convened at approximately 8:15 p.m. with ten members present. Geri Boothe took the minutes in the absence of the secretary. The officers’ reports were presented and they are as follows: Vice President, Del Jackson, discussed our meeting place at the Blarney Castle versus other places to hold meetings. Some do not care for the Blarney Castle, but what they don’t realize is that many restaurants don’t have the continued enthusiasm for us holding our meetings at their establishment that the Blarney Castle has shown us. The consensus of opinion was that our meetings have improved, due partially to the warm friendly atmosphere. Del is also heading the nominating committee and the October membership meeting will be open for either self-nomination (as Horace Searcie) or that of others. The entertainment for the October meeting is a film of the 1973 Monterey Parade, preceded by a technical quiz by John Williamson, who says that the tech quiz will be counted as part of the total points starting with the Seattle Parade in 1975.
Respectfully submitted, Geri Boothe Acting Secretary
Editor, Paul Edwards, said the paper may be larger next month due to the Willow Springs results. He also wants to run an article of 2 or 3 pages on the 55 mile speed limit which will increase the cost about $50. He said we could get a Royal typewriter for about $300, but it was decided at this time that we won’t need one. Deadline for the paper is September 27.
San Diego Region Porsche Club of America Presents HOLTVILLE PCA TIME TRIALS November 2-3 SponSored By
Tore gave the treasurer’s report in the absence of Corky Kirk and said that the club has $1200 plus income from the Willow Springs event. Membership chairman, Ken Grace, discussed the new club shirts and the purchasing of them will be worked our by Corky Kirk and Jack DiRosario. Technical chairman, John Williamson, was thinking of a tire tech meeting at Caldwell Tire Co. or a tour of a local racing
Alan Johnson Porsche-Audi, Inc. San Diego, California Costs - Member $i0.00 Female Second Driver $2.00 2nd Male, Same Car $I0.00 Non-member $15.00 Headquarters - E1 Centro Holiday Inn (800) 453-5555 Info - Tom Hauseur Jr.,. (714) 272-9022
October 12/13 ~
6:45-11:45 a.m.
Tech Registration.
, I
Brief Dr±ve~s Meeting.
work group. 8:20 Practice. 4:30 Closes. Sun. - 13th 6:45-9:45 a.m. Tech Open. 7:30 Brief Drivers Meeting. 7:50 First work group. 8:10 Practice. ii:00 a.m. Timed Runs. Awards at end of timed runs. Costs - $20/Member, $8/Female 2nd Driver, $25/Non-member. Information - Jim Bruno, (805) 687-5577 (days) or (805) 687-5934 (nights).
LOS ANGELES 12630 S. Vermont Ave. 754-2907 20
Years at
at El Segundo Blvd. Just West of Harbor Freeway Take E! Segundo Blvd. Off-Ramp
.osT .o,o.ED
( nlinenlal SEMPERIT
INGLEWOOD 311 N. La Brea at Beach 678-1104, 677-8112
lO,OOO ~ard
tO find sizes for Carreras and other Por.sches
We specialize in "babying your buggy" by carefully I R ELLI
mounting and dynamically balancing your mag wheels We distribute American ~ags ,~nd ma,~, others at our Inglewood warehouse. We offer disc b~’oke service SEE JACK ON VERMONT .... OR ART IN INGLEWOOD
Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column. WANTED. 64-65 S.C. Cabriolet. Body must be good to excellent. Engine, running gear and interior fair to excellent. No rusties or crumpled rebuilds. Will pay top $ for right machine. Contact Ron Hays, (805) 966-4481o 911 European Tailliqht Lenses. Amber. Make offer. Call Bob Wood, 1340 Club View Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90024, (213) 2742634. 4 6x15 wheels with 185/70 Dunlops. Copies of the alloy wheels in excellent condition. Tires have at least half wear left. Also, driving bra for 911/912 in excellent condition. Contact Hugh Brown, 330 Orizaba Ave. , Long Beach. Phone (213) 434-7022. 4 6x15 Porsche alloy wheels. Only 8000 miles (1974). Will sell as set for $400 or $i00 each. Contact Barry Maashoff days at (213) 380-7831.
for sgie
1960 Porsche Super 90/C Model Coupe¯ Entirely new, rebuilt suspension including Konis, front disc Drakes, 7" chrome wheels and near new 185-15 VR Pirellis. Strong rebuilt engine including new 912 counterbalanced crank, 85.5 pistons, balanced rods and new Solex carbs. All new and some chrome engine accessories¯ Excellent interior, no rust. Sufficient parts to restore car to concours. $4500. Firth. See Ralph Boothe or phone (213) 696-0866.
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following: 1 Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses);
Set of 4 new hard-to-qet Dunlop "Sports Super" Steel Belted Radials 185-15 VR70. $80 each plus tax. See Ralph Boothe or phone (213) 696-0866¯ 5 5~x14 Porsche Alloys¯ With Michelin 185 HR 14XAS tires off my 911E. Wheels in excellent condition. Two tires much tread, three tires fair tread~ Recently balanced. Will fit 356C, 912, 914-6 and 911. Come see and make offer. Contact Paul Edwards at (213) 596-1381.
2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; 3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.
Lock yOIIT POTSC]16 10
your youth - fastest time of day, clean air, first place in class "F", new racing tires - and let not the sands of time get in your box lunch. Hire people with hooks. For a good time call 853-1212; ask for Ron. Take heart amid the deepening gloom that your mechanic is getting rich; and reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could be worse in Lancaster. You are a fluke of the universe; you have no right to be here, and whether you can hear it or not, the event chairman is laughing behind your back. Therefore make peace with your god, whatever you conceive him to be: Ginther suspension or a ’67S. With all your hopes, dreams, promises and urban renewal, the elapsed time continues to deteriorate. Give up.
Go placidly amid the noise of blown engines, and remember what comfort there may be in owning a piece thereof. Avoid quiet and passive persons unless you are in need of a 914. Rotate your tires and drive like hell; you will get there. Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself and heed well their advice, even though they be turkeys. Know what to kiss and when. Consider that two wrongs never make a right but that three do. Wherever possible bump people into the next higher class. Be comforted that in the face of all audacity and disillusionment and despite the changing fortunes of time, there is always a big future in "A" factory stock. Remember Irwindale. Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle and mutilate Bill Leflang’s rallye instructions. Know yourself; if you need help and/ or a chain tensioner, call Vern. Exercise caution in your daily affairs, especially with those persons closest to you - that lemon on your right, for instance. Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most driver’s schools would scarcely get your feet wet. Fall not in 10ve there fore with your paint job, it will stick to your
Jack DiRosario
I~ Ju,,Lo.
~..~ .~ ~ ~.~. [°~ su~,, 0, ~i~ v~io, ~"
~m~: (916)54~2s$I F.O. ~x 4|, Tah~ V~.~, Cal.
MEMBERSHIP If you wer~ at the last business meeting, you noticed that our region has a new patch ($1.50) plus a region shirt in blue or white. It’s a great way to identify someone from our region. Orders will be taken at the next meeting in October. They’ll make a good gift for someone special. You can even get your name with it. All new members can still purchase name badges for a small fee of $1.50. See everyone in October. Ken Grace, Jr.
P.S. Condolences from PCA-LA members to the Leonard Harris family. in September.
Leonard passed away
RE E 1.
Rainer Bartella Hans-Sachs Strasse 469 Hillegossen-Bielefeld, Germany 4811 0049-0-521-200001
Rainer is a student interested in autocross, tech, social and racing. He owns a metallic silver 1972 911T.
Lance Greenberg 4817 W. ll8th Place Hawthorne, CA 90250 644-4914
Lance is a salesman with a 1969 911E coupe. He enjoys racing, rallyes and social activities.
John LeFlang 5260 Gould Ave. La Canada, CA 91011 790-5099
John has just purchased a 1974 914 2.0. He and his wife like to be active in rallyes, autocrosses and tech sessions. He is an engineer.
Lee P. McKay 42 B Ashworth Place China Lake, CA 93555 (714) 446-3211
Lee is in the Navy. a 1971 911S coupe.
Raymond Pickens 1253½ Burnside Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90019 935-7432
Ray is a designer, married, and is interested in tech, rallyes and drivers school. He drives a white 1972 911T.
Richard Rogers 428 29th Street Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 545-9821
Richard works in investment banking, is married and drives a 1967 911 coupe. Drivers school~ racing and tech are his choices.
Jan Robert Winthrop 3019 University Mall Los Angeles, CA 90007 748-1791
Jan is a student, single and drives a silver 1966 9ii coupe.
Harry Woo 12502 S. Oxford Ave. Hawthorne, CA 90250
Harry is a physicist, single and owns two Porsches: a bahama yellow 1968 912 and a blue 1973 914 2.0. He is interested in tech, drivers school and social activities.
He and his wife own
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell ~he murmerings in the back room sound like many members are considering running for the Hoard. This is a h~alth~ sign and I encourage people to come to the October General Membership Meeting a~d throw their proverbial hats into the ring. The Los Angeles Region ha~ aba~s taken pride in the diversity of its member8hip - we come from all places, spaces and races. We’re got many interests as far as Porsches are concerned. Larking bshlnd ths steering whsels of too many PCA cars are members who feel this y~ar’s officer8 ar~ to "s~nilar. " As usual, others are not happy with a particular policy or ar~ not ha~ with ~ policy. It’e ~n, but not widely, that som~ of the older m~nbere are talking of breaking up the Los Angeles Region into ~o region, It’s no surprise that I feel the current Board ha~ don~ an gll~nt - although not perfect job. People will sa~, "l~eep pattin ", Bun~, you ’us bs~n standin on yoar head too lon~." Ma~be so. What r~ally ~o~’riss me is that people - good people - will coast through this elsction letting their oo~lin~s fester ~ntil they’re a bunch of soa~s. I don’t liks scars, and this editorial hopes to avoid them. If newfri~, id~a~, old or simply to ~ork hard and sit h~ad tabls a~dyou’re wave atgot yoar th~n~a~, run for office. like Don’t ~nderestimate the at timeth~involved, but I’ve been workin and wavin for t~o years - and only regret about two da~s. If wa gst down the line and only 8 or so ~opls are running for office, thsrs should be no bellyaching, just applause. If you’rs oon~laining more about who’s running than you’re thinkin about running yoarself, you’re whistlin up a rusty ~ can. After this blabber, I have sores suggestions that may ~mprove the elections (~ait till the Board wrings my neck for these wa~olicited con~nte). Under no oir~nstances should we simply list the r~nes of people running for th~ Board. 6~ even I can’t rem~nbsr names of half the hundred plus active m~nbers. Inotead, I suggest that each person running for office: be identiflsd with a photograph; l. 2. write a brief lO line campaign s~atemant. This could be about how good a guy he is, ho~ he’s been in th~ club for lO years or lO months, he~ hard he’s going to work, what he’d li~ to see different or the s~e, what kind of car he drives, ho~ ha li~es his eggs in the morning or whatever; ~. indicate what positions on the Board he would not feel he had the time, experience or interest to hold if ha w~re elec-t-d~. The point: If we encourage people to vote, ws have to give them some basis to mak~ their decision. We can’t blindfold people and let th~n choose on the basis of the ethnic sound of a name or some similar fooZishness. I ~ops that mar~ people will run and mared p~ople will vote. It would probabl~ be more fun if there ware more of the latter tha~ the but don’t let that stop you from being nominated or nominating yoarself. I also hope that we elect a representative group - one that reflects oar different ages, backgrounds and interests. I hope some are experienced and some are not . . . and that there are women as well as men. It would be ideal if we had a rally nut, a toarsr, a concours freak, a hot shoe barbara, a tech wizard, a cocktail sipper and a beer slurpsr. This will not make ever~ Board meeting a sewing bee, but every member will be abls to relate better to the club. ~-" And every Board m~mber will approach hie job not just in of its technical requirements, but in terms of those members who he represents. But it won’t happen unless you peoplb who feel in fact, will.