Porscherama 1975 June

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Cyndel Podich 646 S. Barrington ~I12 Los Angeles, Ca. 90049 213-472-8291 H~HECTUH8 BOARD CHAIRMAN 805/942-8675 Tore Johnson. PRESIDENT Ron Ramage 461-3144 1751Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood, Ca. 90028 VICE-PRESIDENT Kurt Schweickhard 465-7933 SECRETARY 696-0866 Geri BootheTREASURER 793-5077 Ken Grace, Jr. ACTIVITIES Rick Potts 373-2562 PUBLICITY Jack DiRosario 325-0211 TECHNICAL John Williamson 391-8915 MEMBERSHIP Jose Ochoa .398-1963 4020 Marcasel Ave., #3 Los Angeles, Ca. 90066





Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ ’addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication. AOVERTIZ|N(~


Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page

$40/mo $30/mo $20/mo $15/mo

$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6

mo mo mo mo

$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr



p AmLA AT A LAN | PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA bffers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:

Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.

~ ~~

Raymond, Jacqueline Zazzetti 2861Woodwardia Dr. Los Anqeles, Ca. 90024 Dr. Frederick Blitzer P.O. Box 1741 Msnhattan Beach, Ca. 90266

James, E. Sink 247 W. 7th St, Claremont, Ca. 91711 ’74 914 Ravenna Green

E. Michael Ross 312 Manhattan Ave. Manhattan Beach, Ca. 90266 ’74 914 2.0 Zambezi qreen

Philip Padgett 505 S. Lafayette Pk. PL@402 Los Angeles, Ca. 90057 ’75 914 2.0 Silver

Connie O’Shaughnessy 19100 Coastline Dr. Malibu, Ca. 90265 ’74 911S Targa Gazelle Metalli(

Paul C. Gnitke, Jr. 12456 Culver Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90066

Leonard C. Sanchez 1345 S. Goodhart Whittier, Ca. 90601

Stephen H. Kemp 14600 Saticoy St. e246 Van Nuys, Ca. 91405

William Goodridge 18154 Rancho St. Tarzana, Ca. 91356 ’60 356B White Coupe

Joseph Stonskas 3652 Hayvenhurst Ave. Encino, Ca. 91436 ’62 356 Cabriolet and a ’65 356 Coupe

With good attendance and a comfortably filled room, President Run. Ramage opened the meeting at 8:30 p.m. and started right off with officer reports. Jose Ochoa, in charge of membership, introduced the guests and Jack Di Rosario, head of publicity, apologized to those members who didn,t receive their newsletter on time or perhaps not at all. Bill Leflang presented the trophys for the April Zone 8 Rally, which

were again, a nice color photo Of

wirnaer’s car, assembled and framed by our accomplished President, Run Ramage. Director of Activities, Rick Putts reviewed coming events for the rest o£ the year. John Fels ~ut great emphasis on making sure that the autocross at Riverside Raceway, September 13th and l~th, is highly salvertised to all regions and other Poreche It drivez~s, well in advance of the even~. was pointed out that this breakdown of communications in advertising an event throughout Zone 8 can promptly guarantee failure o£ an event. Any extra money e~ent on flyers is well worth it. Secreta_~y, Geri Boothe assu~ed those few going to Lake Tahoe that they would enjoy the scenic drive and find an emple amount of entertalnment in the area. We regret that this event was not scheduled for the Memorial (three) Day weekend, so more club members could have gone. On the technical side, John Williamson reported on the April tech meeting held at Porschop and Vein Covert gave the prizes to the winners of the tech quiz conducted at that time. John says tech quizzes are valuable, not only for the knowledge gained from them, but they are soon to become a part of tota~ points given at the National Parades. It looks like ou~ tech meetings are begirmlng to have some real "pizzaz" with door prizes and refreshments =

There was discussion of the fact that the insu/~s_noe one may have on their Porsche could not be adequate if the ear is stolen. Again, John Fels urged ever-june to check with their insurance company and work out a stated value. Most well-cared-for Putsches are worth much more the/% what the insu~unee company will pay without proof

of it ~s value and condition and a good fight ensuing. He said that Putsches are being stolen every day, so be extra cautious and have your car|s value established BEFORE it is stolen.


Richard Lincoln 8566 Kelvin Ave. Cano~a Park, Ca. 91306 ’65 356C Slate Gray Coupe

mission, Vern and Ada Covert showed a film about their slxty-foot yacht, "Flyaway" and tee cha~ter cruises they offered from Florida through the vemlous g~oups of islands. The film was presented to them as a gift from a passenger of one of the cruises and ended up being shown at yacht clubs and to those groups who wished to charter the boat. Thanks, Vern and Ada, for showing us this beautiful film. ~N6 !~[N~


President F~on Ramage opened the board meeting May 6th at 8:30 PN at Bogg’s & McBurney. The first item of discussion was new PCA-LA name badges with Publi=ity Chairman Jack D~Rosario bringing several samples in for discussion. After some heated debate a size, color, and format was chosen and hopefully a finished sample will be available at the next membership meeting. The paper ’Porscherama’ was discussed next and a new format was planned for possible future use. The prmblems of cost, advertising and articles from the general m-~mbership ~-~re al~o discussed. Vice President Kurt Schweickhard stated that a backup entertainment should be planned, since many times the films or speakers he arranges for are, at the last minute, unattainable or unable to attend. The board discussed various possibilities and decided that the membership itself owned enough material itself in the form of personnal 8~ films or slides to fulfill the requirement. The basic subject o£ these slides and films to be either past PCA-LA or NATIONAL events or some uou-Porsche related event having a unique curiousity appeal. Run ~amage stated that subsequent to talks with Ken Grace, Treasurer, that the club was for the moment financially sound. Chairman of f.he Board Tore Johnson talked somewhat about PCA-LA’s Zone 8 Time Trial at River-

side in September and again reiterated the need for lots of advertisement of this event. Membership Chairman Jose 0choa stated that merebership was around 412 members and that he was having some difficulty in obtaining new member application forms from National. The board was then led into a discussion on wasted applications, that is, those left on dealer boards which many times are picked up by non-Porsche buyers or by others for ’future’ reference. The meeting adjourned at II:00 PM.


PRESIDENTIAL RHETORIC A "letter to the editor" in the L.A. Times recently from a reader who wanted to be heard simply stated, "at this time, I have nothing of importance to say." Well, in direct contrast, this is certainly an imDortant time for the president to say as much as possible. A good portion of the year has passed and we’ve sponsored some very well run, safe and fun events. The surprising thing to me is the attendance at some of these functions. An overnight two day, eight leg rallye drew all of 21 cars. Timed runs at Willow SprinGs in-March showed about 24 people who braved the elements to drive faster than 55 mph. Compare that to 38 entrants at the Santa Anita Concours or almost 50 cars that turned up at the January TRW Slalom. It just is not consistent, especially for an organization with a membership of around 375. Enough said about that. Some members, who are in name only, should actually become members. Specia! thanks to John Thomas at Bozzani, Dario Barie at Olsen, Hal and All Tires and Cutright for their support so far this year. We also thank Boggs & McBurney for the use of their meeting room whenever we need it. I heard some fantastic news about 1976 Porsches which I may be able to tell you about soon--concerning new models and continuation models¯ Maybe by next month a surprising Rhetoric column will be here. All of us, as Porsche enthusiasts, hope to be something special concerning our cars. But there is a new Porsche buyer, who buys new cars as well as our beloved classics. He isn’t the type who appreciates the car as we do. Let’s try and r£ach these people, not to join PCA but just to get them to fall in love with their machines. Whenever I deliver a new car I always say, "I’m going to tell you about this car as I regard the car, both its history and maintenance. I am a confessed Porsche chauvanist. Please listen to what I say and tolerate my extremism for a while and maybe some of what I say will make sense¯" Then I explain what Porsche care and tradition is to the extremist. Repeting myself, let’s go after old and new Porsches that have new owners and pump up their interest ¯ Ron

This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following: 1 Items must be personal property and not connected with any ~siness enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses.); 2 Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers~ 3 Each listing must be limited to fifty words plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4 All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each moth for inclusion in the next month’s issue¯ Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.

1965 356C Coupe Red/black interior. Serial ~220155. 52,000 original miles; one owner~ immaculate; no rust. With Blaupunkt AM-FM, Michelin XAS steel radials, Burch exhaust~ garaged, like new inside and out. All service records available. $6500. E. T. Kaufmann, Box 1847, Santa Monica, Ca. 90406, or cal 213-688-5892 weekdays between 9-4. 1965 356C Coupe Engine ~P-717-838, Chassis ~ 222-537. 87,000 miles. Michelin tires, AM radio, Headers, Headrests. Irish Green with black uphol. STRICTLY ORIGINAL. Purchased at factory in Stuttgart, Zuffenhausen 4/8/65¯ A one owner car, always garaged and has had Tender Loving Care. Driven daily and runs very well. Not concours but close. Complete service records available. $5000.00 Firm. Bill Morey, 8240 Glencrest Drive, Sun Valley, Ca. 91352. 213-767-7567 911Miscelaneous Used or almost new: Luggage straps $9.00¯ Almost new Hella 139 fog lamps $45.00 pair. Clymer 65-72 service manual $5.00. Factory tan vinyl seat cover ’73, $25.00. Bosch speed relay P/N 901.615.111.00 new $50.00. Call R. Van Abrahams, 714-640-5091 or 213639-5050. FOR SALE: Last set of unused REOAR0 SEATS in all black vinyl to fit 911-912 thru 1973. Front 356B brakes, rebuilt and complete with spindles. Call (213)696-0866.


6/8 - Zone 8 Rallye - SBR - Board Meeting 6/11 6/18 - Membership Meeting 6/21 & 22 - Zone 8 Time Trial - OCR - Tech Meeting 6/25 6-29 - Slalom - LAR 7/13 7/26 - 8/38/17 8/24 9/13 & 14 9/21 10/5 i0/Ii & 1210/24 - 2611/8 & 9 11/23 12/~7

Rallye - LAR PORSCHE PARADE Zone 8 Concours - SDR PCA/POC Slalom - ~R Zone 8 Time Tir~l - LAR Zone 8 Concours - RR Rallye - ~R Zone 8 Time Trial - LVR San Diego Tour - ~R Zone 8 R~llye - OCR Autocross - LAR PCA-~ Christmas Party

~ ~~ 2~L ~ 6a~b~ ~i ~ The ne~ £allye of the Zone 8 series, hosted by the Santa Barbara 2e~ion, will be held on Sunday June 8th. Registration and Timin~ will sta~’Z at i,~asterson Porsche Audi, ~059 ~. Main, Ventura. fhe approximate len~h of the rally will be 5 ~ hours in duration on well looped and enjoyable £orsche roads. Zone 8 ~eneral rubes will ap~ly , and coffee and donuts will be available at the sta~. The fee for this event will be ~7.00 for ?CA members and ~9.00 for non meters. Since Santa Ba~ara re~ion is limitin£ this event to 60 cars it might be a ~ood idea to contact ~ichard Martin~ Presidenh of SS.~ at 805-96~;-769~ o~ Mar~e Misevic~ Actigities Chai~erson~ at 805~2-2076 to see if ~ny openings still exisl,


~0~b I~EIN0’~ ~b~\/ ~ ~ Anybody wishing to attend the Board Meeting this month should head on out to Boggs & McBurney Auto Parts on Wednesday June ii. The meeting will start at 8~00. You have something to say? Some comment? Some comDliment???? Stand up and be heard. That’s 8.’00 P.M., June Ii, Boggs & McBurney Auto Parts 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., ~A.

I’m not sure if it’s port or starboard but this month’s membership meeting had to be moved to a new day, but only temporarily folks. It seems some Russian crawler or is it trawler is coming in and confiscating our friendly familiar territory on the third Thursday of June. . . und so. . . Wednesday June 18 (got that, Wednesday) wil! be our membership meeting day, same time (8:00 P.M.) same place (South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club~ 13445 Mindanao, Marina Del Rey). Actually, now that I remember, I don’t think that a Russian anything is coming into to~, but if you show up there on the Thursday you’ll be likely to find a large group of people who don’t speak Porsche. Achtung~

A~L U~NE [~I

The 5th. Zone 8 Time Trial, hosted by the Orange Coast ~egion, will be held on the ~Jeekend of June 21 & 22. Registration and Tech will start ~t 7:30 A.~[. on Saturday with a Driver’s Meeting at 8:30 and the track offical]y opening at 9:00. There will be no Tech on Sunday; h~wever, a Driver’s Meeting at 8:~0 is planned and the track will open again at 9:00. Timed runs will commence at 12:30. The fee will be $20.00 per ca__~r for card carrying PCA me~oers and ~75.00 per ca___~r for non members. Pre-tech is mandatory for all cars within 50 miles of Garden Grove and will be on k~ednesday, ~une 18th from 7 - I0 P.M. at Don Burns Prestige Porsche/Aadi, 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove, Ca. The track is to be the Reeves Field L.A.P.D. Training Facility at Terminal Island, Ca. To get there you must go south on the Long Beach Fwy., off at Terminal Island Queen Mary ramp. Follow signs to Terminal Island. Bear right before toll gates. Left on Ferry St. and follow PCA signs to L.A.P.D. road course. NUfE: Zone 8 rules apply, no gas available at track, bring your street muffler, 2 ½ lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher mandatory for every car. For further info contact Ken Malkus, Coursemaster, at 714-637-9597

Der techneisschen meetin vil be helden at That Porsche Place, 4155 Sepulveda in Culver City (391-8915). Another Wednesday night? Yep! Wednesday June 25, 8:00 P.M. {~ee, I hope none of you are taking UCLA Extension classes on Wednesday this month!) John says he’ll provide free pretzles and beer--which should help you through the parts identification quiz he’s prepared. L~st I heard, John was planning to tear ~part a 900 series engine. See ya there.

~L~L~ G~A~ The June 29th event will be a slalom, hopefully held at TRW parking lot. Actual place, time, entry fee, etc. is contingent uoon our hard working Activities Chairman being able to contact an offical of TRW or another agency, who shall at this time remain nameless, and ~etting permission to use said facility . Therefore, fina! word on this matter will be given out to the general membership at our June membership meeting on the 18th.

~ ~ The Board of D~rectors and the General ship of PCA-LA ~.~ishes ~o extend its thanks to ~.ir. Duune Allen for his most interesting slide present.~tion, at our April general meeSin~, on the r~ ent abortive attempt by publisher Malco~ ~’o~’bes to cross the Atlantic Ocean by Balloon.


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