Porscherama 1975 March

Page 1

glRECTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN Tore Johnson --805/942-8675 PRESIDENT 461-3144 Ron Ramage 1751 Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood, Ca. 9002~ VICE-PRESIDENT KurtSchweickhard 465-7933 SECRETARY 696-0866 ~ri Boothe

TREASURER ~n Race, Jr. ACTIVITIES Rick Potts PUBLICITY Jack DiRosario TECHNICAL John Williamson MEMBERSHIP Jose Ochoa 4020 Marcasel Ave., #3 Los Angeles, Ca. 90066

"THE PANIC BUTTON" 793-5077 373-2562 325-0211 391-8915 398-1963

PCA’LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse ~Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche~Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA bffers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:

398-2217 pca activity info









CYNDEL PODICH 646 S. Barrington #112 Los Angeles, California




Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly ±n accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted ~pr publication.


~e~dy for Lady Luck at the Rallye and the tables these qambling Porsches line up for the start of the Las Veqas Tour. Pictures and story pages 6,7,


Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page

$40/mo $30/mo $20/mo $15/mo

$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6

mo mo mo mo

$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr


SUBSCRIPTIONS Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.


hN OPEN EETTER TO THE MEMBERSHIP h ~at newsman once said~ "A paper exists because of the news ]t prints." Who that person was is extraneous to the problem at hand, namely the l~ck of contributing edltoria]s to PORSCHER~M~, but b~s advice h~ts r~qht to home. The ~iversity of ~b~iti~s f~und Jn th~ members of PCAL% ~s nothing short of phenomen~l and is born o~t at every ~neral membership and board meeting I h~ve attended. It is seen in the som~times heated discussions ~e have ~n our attempts to meet a consensus o: o~inion on some club activity or policy ~d ~ot at the same time not have the fee~ng we are sublimating opinions we personally hold very strong feelings on. with th~s plethra of intelligensia why is it that your Publicity Chairman and Editor are constantly starved for editori~l copy to put in next months paper? Is it an inability to write what you consider to be journalistically adequate material? Well, I assure you I am not a Jack Anderson and at the moment I am going through agony trying to put my thoughts down on this paper. I am not worried about the memberships opinion on the correctness of my format, gender, or syntax because I am attempting to do my best and that is all a person can ask of another. I assure you there will be no gales of laughter or niggardly snickers over such petty problems as mentioned above coming from your Editor or Pub. Chairman’s house as they sit down and review next month’s material, It is the thought or idea that that contributing member is trying to put forward to the membership in his article that will be precious to us, not his or her problems in verbalization. For those of you whose next excuse is that you can’t think of any subject matter to write about I also take exception! Again at the board meetings or membership meetings I have witnessed many continuous and heated debates both


before, after, and sometimes during the reports of your Borad of Directors. I~fortunately, many of these "disagreements" have at times left festering wounds in the cohesiveness of the club membership. Well, don’t sublimate your feelings! Write an article, get it out in the open, air your v~ews, say something GOD-DAMN-IT! Don’t sulk in the gage of your mind. Somebody else said, "The pen is mightier than the swords" if you feel you got the worst of an argument or were, in your opinion, unfairly shut off at a meeting in giving your opinlon...write an article! If the opposition doesn’t reply, you have the satisfaction of knowing you got in the last word. If he or she does reply, your Editor and Pub, Chairman are now in ecstacy because they now have two articles and maybe just maybe, two friendships can be patched up in the coolness of such an article, rather than the heat of a face to face argument. The club in the end will benefit from it I assure you! Finally, there are those of you out there who are expert in many matters, but feel uncomfortable or ill at ease when asked to get up and speak before the general membership. What better way to contribute your knowledge than by writing an article...you have all the time in the world before you present it for publishing and can organize your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. In conclusion then, please let~ hear from you folks out there. . . you are out there, aren’t you? --Jack DiRosario

Racing T~"~s 4 - 4.75 x 7,~0 year T~res w~th Caldwo]~ Re¢-~ps, $50.00 Ca] POD Colwel] at 881-4q]~ eves.


5AL £

This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following~ 1 Items must be personal property and not connected with anybusiness enterprise. (Display advertlzing at nomina! rates are available for businesses.)~ 2 Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers~ 3 Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number., All listings are subject to editing and condensing~ and 4 All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue. Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.

1970 914 Yellow, 54,000 mi, Sunroof, Arise exhaust, front and rear spoilers, Cibie headlights, Riviera Maqs, console complete with qauges, Bra, Cover, Burglar alarm, Konis, 911Porsche tailight lens, AM-FM stereo radio, tape deck. SUPER CLEAN, Beautifully maintained. $5,000. Contact Jim Noragon, 430-1639 Lon[l Beach. 1960 Super 90/C 356 Coupe Very strong car with no rust. Call for details. Ralph Boothe. 213/696-0866, Miscellaneous 5-1973 Porsche 6x15 ALLOYS with like new 185VR 15 steel belted Dunlop tires--new condition $175. each. Without tires, $125.each. 4-22.5 x 8.0 x 14 Goodyear racing tires, Two with tread, two qumballs. Have been run in one slalom. $45. each. 4-5½ x 14 (E-type) MAGS with partially worn XAS tires~ $i00. each. 4 New 6½ x 14 Italian made Porsche Mag wheels. Fits all "C", 912, 911, 914-6~ $60. each. Golgan bra and car cover. 2 sets of 4 NEW 914 MAGS~ 6 x ~4~ $55. each, 5½ x 15: $50. each. One pair 1972 black seats complete with headrests and base, $275. set. One set of 4 NEW 215VR60 x 15 Dunlop Sports Super Steel Belted tires. Will deal. Two NEW Recaro seats, will deal. Call Ralph Boothe 213- 696-0866.


This month’s board meetin~ will be held at Bo~s & McBurneF Auto

Par~ on



iio The 8:00 P.M. meeting will be at their

RENEMBER REMEMBER REMEMBER: ! ’ WILLOW: : PCA-LA’s first spe,~d event driver education time trials at W~]]ow Springs. More information on page 8.

lo~atlon on 11650 Santa Monica Bl~d. (duat

C~11 Ron at h61-31~4 during the day for directiOm~

O~ further


Tires, Inglewood location on 311 No, La Brea Ave. Participants livinq within 25 miles of Hal & Al’s must attend pretech or pay an ad4itional fee of $5... NO EXCEPTIONS: For further information please contact eve~t coordinator Jose Ochoa ~t (213) 398-~0217 oF PCA-LA Activities ChR~.rma~ Rick Potts at (21"]) 373-2562.

~ ~E~L~

~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~



~ ~lO~

~ ~

Do you know what a reverse i4~er gear lake? Are you aware that most Porsche gear boxes have jelly beans in them? Were you aware of the fact that your transmission cn~ be ~n two gears at the same time? These ~uest~on~ ~4 many others were covered by ¢~r tech cb~irm~n ~t h~s meet~n~ on 900 ~erles transmissions last month. This ~onth the s~bject wi~l be 900 ser~es e~qines ~n4 should be just as ~nteresting as last m~nth’s event. The tech meeting will be held at That Porscb~ Place, 4155 Sepulveda S~vd,, Culver City. Jo~ Williamson wil~ provide Gree boer and pretzles starting be~n at 8:00. If you missed last month’s m~etinq, be sure not to miss tb~s one.

The March membership meeting will be held at a NEW PLACE and a NEW DATE. Thanks to Marry Jacobsen, a new member in the club, PCA-LA now has access to the private meeting ball of a Marina Del Rey yacht club. The meeting will be on March 20th (the THIRD Thursday of the month) at the South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao, Marina Del Rey Ca!ironic, at the last place on the right, before you get to Cyr~no’s; on the North side o£ the street, which makes it about % mile West of Lincoln B~vd. Marty tells me that there is no street number on the building, but there ~s a metal plaoue with the initials S.C.C.Y.C. .No dinners or food w~l] be available, however, alcoholic beverages and soft drinks will be served at a no~inal fee. Entertainment for the evening wi!l be coming from some representatives from Vasek Polack Porsche/ Audl who w~ll ta~k about the new street Turbo Carrera. See you al! at the NEW meeting place on March 20th~

The first Zone 8 cometition time trials will be held at Ho]tville. This speed <>vent is sponsore<~ by the Porsche Club of America, San Diego Region. Contact PCA-SD member ~al[h Hurry (714) 728-7661 or the PCA-SD President Tom Hauser (714) 272-9022 for further info~ation on this Zone 8 event.

The S~cond Zone 8 competition time trial w~ll be he]c] at FnsTrak ~n Phoenix, Arizona. Th~s speed event is sponsored by the Por~:che Club of America, Arizona and South Arizona ~e%~ons. Contact Arizona Region Pro~dent ,~ohn Cla~s at (602) 992-98].I~or South Arizona Region President Robin Side1~-Fish at (602) 795-6399 for infer-

January 25th and 26th were the dates o; PCA-LA’s tour to Las Vegas at the invitation of the newly formed Las Vegas Region. Discussions prior to the event were very heated as members enthusiastically debated their chances at being winners~ not only at the gaming tables, but also ~t the Rallye on Saturday morning set up by the Las Vegas Region. Well folks, I got some good news and some bad news for you...first, the good news. The rallye :~aturday was great: despite Las Vegas Region’s apology for lack of expertise,


the event went off l]k~ clockwork. We all gathered in the parking lot behind the Thunderbird Hotel and after registering and a brief drivers meeting we were ~oon enjoying the twJstlng, winding and ungraded roads of the Las Vegas bac~country. You really don’t know how boring a graded, flat and arrow straight freeway can be until you experience the joys of driving your car on these roads. The halfway point was at Red Rock Canyon, a prehistoric formation of reddish sand dunes that over the centuries hgd solidified into solid rock.

Pickinc, up our second set o{ instructions at that checkpoint we found ourselves heading back toward civilization and an enjoyable Prime Rib dinner awaiting us at the f~nal checkpoint. The good news? Well, PCA-LA swept the field, winning four of the six trophies presen%ed. Having proven their winning abilities on the road, Saturday night found PCA-LA members hot to try the action at the gambling tables. But, we first adjourned to the Dunes Hotel Lounge to watch a performance of the famous Lido De Paris. Now for the bad

news; shortly after the show Lady Luck abandoned us. Sunday morning found most of us sleepless and either broke or just about breaking even. After breakfast, = tired but admittedly happy group piled into their cars and headed home. However, lady luck was not through with us yet, and by the time we reached Smogland the score was California Highway Patrol 3, PCA-LA 0. Not only that but everybody was wondering why Williamson drove Lynn’s Targa all the way back with the top off and watching the sky rather than the road.


PC~.-IA’~ ~[Yst ~oeed ev~-nt of

I-,o 197~

PoYnches will run Saturday and Sunday, Ma~,-~ 1~, I~; ’Z’ car~; will run Saturday only. SitHrda’F w~1] craft with a 7:30 A.M. mech,Jnsp~ztlon with th~ f~rst car out

tJcJpants have fir~ :-xtlnguishers and

$25 P~, $29 nonPCA, ~;(<c~nd driver?~’k (f::~!v :~ctJve), $o no~iUC.L, ether second ~v<.r- $25 PC~, $28 nonm’dA. ~:o~:,:-v~tion= should be m}~,~ a~ race

at 8:00 and the track {:1o-~ing =or th,~ d~y 3t 4:30 P.M. There will be no s~cond or late tech o~ Sund~y and practice will start promptly at 7:30 A.M. and run until II:00 at which time everybody will break for an hour lunch. Timed runs w, ill begin :~t 12:00 noon and hopefully be complete by 4~00 P.M., the track w.iL1 <:]o~’. ~ffici~lly at d:30 P.M. In the saf~ty area the follow[nq rules will apply: Helmets :~nd seatb<,Its are mandatory (loaner he]m(~ts ~vai]able at the tr;~ck), roll bars are mandatory for all open cars, [n~’ludin~ ql4 or Tavqa models with the windshield romove<~l

,:~u~l,{~’s ,,{h~ch wi!! he

[~one 8 comootition rule< an4 classos w~ll he nsed and strictll" enf<’~’col NO alcoho]~c

tban]<m to HAL nnd :~I~ TIRES for the of their facilJ.t~es a~-~d tb~,J.r continuing

bcverag~,s ~.’i]l be allowed un[il the ]a~t car {s off the t~ack en both days of tbc event. Tb~ Event Chairman recommends par-

~upport o£ our club in th{~ form of adw-rrising ~n the club newsletter and {~spec]a]ly



atoJ at the

San8 Sail.or Mot<)~: Hotel at -93321 Hi<.hway, I,ancas~-or, C:~., (90~% h ,~nosit ~s required and t:h~g can dene b~, mall r~E l:!’rc~’]q}% %’~H~: !OPa! tr~,vo] servi.c~. }le sH,-o to m~-nt~on to ~:-~t~-I that you aY~ u~th [he PCA-L~ grr~up. For £u~ther he~p or infoE~at]on Rick Pot~s a~ (?!q) qT:~-gz~2 or Ver Cover~ and John L~,r~on ;~t (21%) 398-2217 days or (2] 3) 8~I-95~] In fh~s Lime of r~n~ prices and l~w profits, PCA-LA wi~he:-~ t~) ~xtend

for sponsoring the Willow gDrings event.

MARCH 15-16 9

~ ~~ Jo~,y Lyons 301 Lennoz Ave. El3 Van Nuys 91d05

A1 Ezcurra 177] HomewooJ Alts@ena 91001 791 -I 340 (1973 914-1.7) Stephen Thorpe 2741 Lambert Pa~adena 91107 449-3629 (19’[.4 356 ,C)

Dennis Yonge

~rian En9 ~h 159 ,~. H(.Lart Blvd. Los Angeles 90004

1354-D Springfio]d


Thomas Lepper

Kenneth 3eiger

~{iverside 92504 689-2742 (1970 914-6)

Los Angeles



476-1 700 (1974 911 Targa)

Parade Headquarters thie year is at the SeaThe first Zone 8 Rallye of the year is being hosted by PCA-IA.

Tac Motor Inn.

For yon rallye freaks this

for one and $28.00 for two.

will be a super event, since we will be g~ne for two days!

Their rates start at $23.00 Less expensive

accumodations should be available at the

The rallye is on April 12 & 13

Holiday Inn or Royal Inn, both located on

and will orlgina~e at Cutright Porsche/Audi at

Highway 99 very close to the Sea-Tac Motor Inn.

their brand new location on llth. St. & Santa Monica Blvd. in Santa Monica. iO:01 in the morning. members $9.00.

First car out a%

PCA members, $7.00, non

Since this will be an overnight

event, you must make your own reservations.


is planned ~t Saturday night will be spent in Vista, Ca. (near Oceanside) at rallye headquarters which will be located at the Franciscan Inn, 955 So. Santa Fe Ave., Vista (Zip 92083, phone 714722-9333). $15.50.

Roo~ rates are singles, $12.50, Doubles,

An alternate place to stay will be the

vl, ta ~iverla ~otel, ~2~ w. Vista w,,~, vimta S~n~lss, $8.50, doublee, $10.50.

Bill Leflam,

our ~all~a Master Info~ me t~g ~hare will be 3

Electrical Aecemulating devices), Class B - ’NAV’ (without accumulating devices, use of slide rules, rallye tables, etc. permitted), and Class C - S.O.P. The event ~ill be limited eely to Porsche’s and for further information call Bill at 213-792-5277 or Rick Ports, PCA-LA Activities Chairman, at 213-373-





~ ’

Take El Segundo Blvd. Off-Ramp


" c,Eo,T~A.os

.~~"~ ~’~"~-~-:"--

678"1104, 677"8112

( ntinenl l



Hard to find sizes for Carreras and other Porsches We specialize in "babying your buggy" by carefully mounting and dynamically balancing your mag wheels


We distribute American ~ags and man- others at our Inglewood warehouse. We offer disc brake service



















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Los Angeles, California 90025




Telephone: (213) 473-2941 RICK




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Saturday: lO :O 0- 4: 0 0


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