Porscherama 1976 January

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I would like to wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year from the entire board of directors of PCA-LA. I would also like to thank all of the members who ran for the board. It’s unfortunate that only eight officers had to be filled because everyone who ran was very qualified and deserving to win. Howerer, the eight individuals who won have already started working very hard. We got together on Dec. 21st and started planning for the new year. I think you will enjoy what we have iu the way of activities for the year. We tried to offer something for everyone. A few speed events, rallyes, tours, swap meets, concours’ and of course there will be plenty of Zone 8 events. One of the primary goals of the new board of directors will be the placing of proper emphasis on the different phases of the club. Such as, Zone 8 events not being the primary functions th&t the club will have to offer. More importance placed on the LA Region as a Region - within itself. Not worrying about how mar~ people show up for an event but making sure that those who do attend have a super time. We would also like to see some new members chairing an event, instead of the same old faces. The board is open to any and all snggestions that you may have for improvement on - membership meetings, the newsletter, activities, etc., etc. Feel free to ~ll any of us with your ideas (or attend a board meeting) and we can discuss them. I hope to see all of you at the first membershipm~%tiug on the 15th of January so we can start off the year in a big way. ~

January will see the first meeting of the PORSC~HE CLUB OF AMIRICA - LOS ANGELES REGION returning to the South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club at 13445 Miudanao Way ( next to Cyrano’s Restaurant in the Marina. Go to the end of the ~L~rina Fwy and left on Mindanao Way for 2 ½ blocks. The meeting will start promptly at 8:00 PM so .try and get there by 7:30 so that you can settle down with your refreshments before the meeting starts. The business portion will consist of outlining the first ½ year’s activities, treasurer, membership, tech and publicity reports. An intermission will follow and a g~aest speaker will conclude the evening. Approximate adjournment time will be 10:00 PM. All Porsche owners and guests are welcome as well as the members ~$ho never show up. Hope to see you there ......... ............ .The 1976 BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

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Porscherama 1976 January by Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region - Issuu