OF AMER’~I~ii-:~’,’~ii~~"
los angeles, ca Club of ~erica, the largest one~arque club in the world. On the national lev-
~,:~ ......
magazine -- Porsche Panorama -- holds an
~5’~ ~[~;~ ~- ~-~-~::~ v~-~L~:~:’ ~ [:~
.de for~ for co~unication. The "club" part is mostly local. And what PCA-LA offers the Porsche owner is an opportunity to share the exhilirating, and sometimes frustrating, experience of
~ "-~
~t~’~ ~ ~’~........
1st class mail ADDRESS
~~]~, ~]~a]~]~, ~ ~v~
Me~ership in the Porsche Club of ~erica costs $25.00 annually. This includes regional dues, discounts at club events, subscriptions to Porscherama and Panorama, and more. For further info~ation, contact Bob Wood, Membership Chairman.
~ i~i
PORSCHE~ is the official newsletter of the Los ~geles Region, Porsche Club of ~erica, Inc., and is published bimonthly in evenn~bered months.
Members are encouraged to contribute articles and photographs. Dated material must be received by the 20th of odd-n~bered months to ensure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. All contributions become the property of the Los Angeles Region unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
Statements appearing in Porscher~a are those of the author and do not necessarily constitute the opinion of the Porsche Club of ~erica, the Los ~geles Region, its Board of Directors, or the Porscherama Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication.
PCA-LA members may insert non-co~ercial Porsche-related advertisements in the "For Sale" column at no cost. Inquiries regarding co~ercial advertising should be directed to the Editor; however, the advertiser should be prepared to provide c~era-ready art.
~ NOTE HR0~ ¥0U~ ~DIT0~:
Become famous ! / When you’ re loading your car for the next event, throw in your camera and some good black and white film. I can use the help -- you can be the first on your block to have his or her pictures plastered all over the front of PORSCHERAMA! This is also a good place to brush up on your creative writing skills. I’d like to thank Ron Ramage and my wife (and even myself) for their many contributions, but the paper’s better when we all get into it. Secondly, I’d like to put in a little plug for Sam Wang, chairman of our Riverside event September 25-26. I’m sure Sam is looking for volunteers to help him get this thing rolling, so if you’d like to participate in any way, give him a call at (213) 826-2292. PORSCHE
¯ L~’~S AI%IGEIES l~mE-’40 S. %~R~#~ONI" 7-~4"2SO7 20 Years at Same Location at El Segundo Blvd. Just West of Harbor Freeway
Segundo Bird. Off-Ramp
¯ INGLEWOOD 1135 FLORENCE 678"1104, 677"8112
IN[ICHELIN ’X I ~AD,~L~,,~m~,~[ 10.000 TIRES IN STOCK Hard to find sizes for C~r,eras and other Porsches We sBecialize in balancing your meg wheels. We distribute American Mags and many
minutes BOARD MEETING - APRIL 7, 1976 Hosts: Rick and Dyanne Potts Attendance: Eight Board members and five guests Two new records may have been set at this meeting. The meeting began at 7:50 and ended at 10:50.’ ’. Hope there are more of the same’. Officer Reports Publicity: Paul announced the date of the next paper as April 8. The Board discussed outside ads for LA events in order to get new members more inwolved. Paul will be entering our newsletter in the PeA national contest. Technical: Marc disclosed the upcoming tech meeting as a preparation for Willow Springs. Also mentioned that many members are inquiring about tech matters. Membership: Bob distributed a new roster of over 400 members. The Board then discussed various ways of involving new members. Paul motioned to thank Carlo, our label supplier, with a gift. The motion passed unanimously. Vice-President: Judd led a discussion concerning a new meeting place. Secretary: John asked that anyone sending out correspondence should save a copy for him so that he might include it in his files. Treasurer: Dean reported a balance of over $3600 with $229 coming from Santa Anita. She proposed a form for event chairmen that would list proposed costs. Activities: Ron reviewed the upcoming event schedule, then began a discussion about enthusiast and family of the year.
o~h ........ Ingl .... d .... h ..... We offe~ disc brak .........
See JACK on Vermont . . . or ART in Inglewood
sz. z.
( nlinenlal
New Business
Rick proposed a new consolidated format for future membership meetings. Afterward, the meeting gave way to cookies and chocolate cake from Dyanne and slides and movies from Ron.
JUNE 13 24 27
UPNCOMIH [VEHIS PCA-OCR Zone 8 One-day Time Trial @ Orange County Raceway -- (714) 534-9643
Rick Potts called about 60 members and guests to order at 8:05. He then presented the new meeting format to the group and proceeded to sum up reports from John, Dean, Judd and Marc.
Membership Chairman, Bob Wood, introduced new members and guests. Then Ron Ramage passed out activity sheets and reviewed upcoming events, such as the Cambria tour, Willow Springs and our Zone 8 rally.
After a brief "for sale" session, Judd informed us that we would have a coffee and drink break, followed by movies from the Long Beach Grand Prix.
JULY 4 15 17 30/1
~E~£ERSH[P ~EET[NG- APR[L ~, ~976
15 19 22 28/29
PCA-SD Zone 8 Concours PCA-LA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING PCA-POC CHALLENGE CUP SLALOM @ SAN PEDRO LAPD -- 626-3153 Historic Auto Races @ Laguna Seca/Pebble Beach Concours @ Del Monte Lodge
all pnrsche anythinH ORIGINAL 356 & 900 ENGINE PARTS STEERING
~ Anythino Ltd 11324 ~ntaMoni~ Boulevard SEND
Our new
Telephone:(213) 473.2941
Rick and Dyanne
Attendance: Six Board members and seven guests Meeting called to order at 8:00 by Rick Putts.
Officer Reports
watch for Grand Opening Specials! home will be 11431 Santa Monica--
BOARDMEETIN:IN~IS]~~q9;:G’23-28 Eosts:
We’re expanding June 30th!
21st Porsche Parade
Technical: Zn Marc’s absence , Rick named the topic of the next tech meeting - ignition and spark plugs. Publicity: In Paul’s absence~ Rick announced a deadline for the next newsletter of May 20. He also mentioned that more new ads would be in this issue. The topic of excluding unreputable businesses was discussed at length. Membership: Bob reported that our region is constantly growing in numbers despite the formation of the San Gabriel Valley Region Treasurer: Dean distributed disbursement statements from the past quarter and informed the Board that several ad bills were unpaid. Secretary: John will be submitting points standings to Paul and space limitations will determine how many are published.
Secretary: John will be submitting points standings to Paul and space limitations will determine how many are published.
Vice-President: Judd announced our new membership meeting site to be the California Yacht Club. The first meeting will be held there in June. Activities: Ron started his report by asking for checkpoint workers for his Zone 8 rallye. After reviewing upcoming events, he announced Sam Wang as the chairman for Riverside. An extensive discussion of the event followed. New Business Dave Falkner presented his design for a new region logo. The Board agreed to present the design at the next membership meeting. The final order of business was determining sites for the June and July Board meetings. Meeting adjourned at 11:00.
Class A l. Bill LeFlang/John Williamson__PCA-LA 2. Lynne Smith/John LeFlang. PCA-LA 3. Tom Gould/Tom Gould, Jr. PCA-OC 4. Bayanne Hauhart/James PCA-? Class B i. Roger Kerner/Joe Boucher 2. Wally Cole/Bea 3. Jim Paden/Jean Class C i. John Dusckett/Linda 2. Phil Reese/Rosemary 3. David Bowren/Doug Marsh 4. Dean Goings/Phil Padgett 5. Sam Wang/Ann 6. Paul Edwards/Carol 7. Leo Loret/John Horodenski 8. Jack Compere/Jack Compere, Jr. 9. Don Kravig/Peggy 10. Eduardo Harari/Patricia Ii. Diane Chachula/Bobby Wilkinson 12. Lyle Wallace/Bev Hancock 13. Butt Misevic/Marge 14. Mary Felo/Mary VanDette 15. Bill’Sussman/Bruce Sussman 16. Benny Adanto/Shawnie Browne 17. Ron Crews/Sondra 18. Cheryl Cooper/Peggy Coler 19. Don Colwell/Joyce 20. Rick Potts/Dyanne 21. George Bell/Evee Randy Scott/Gail Conn Ken Malkus/Shirlene Dick ~arole/Steve Carole *Denotes trophy
ERROR 1.08" 1.60" 1.93 8.51
7.24* 8.68 11.27
1.31" 1 44* 1 70* 3 63* 5 81" 5 97* 6 41" 6 64* 7 31 7 91 9 74 i0 99 11 45 19 24 21 20 23.10 34.34 37.86 40.34 51.88 DNF DNF DNF DNF
20, 1976
Bruno’s Pizzeria was the place for our first dinner meeting in many months. A hungry group of about 80 feasted on a superb Italian buffet. Dinner began at 8:00 with a short business spot at 9:00. Rick began by welcoming everyone and announcing our new meeting place and the first meeting at this site - the California Yacht Club on June 24. Brief reports followed in order to allow plenty of time for our guest speaker. Publicity: Pau! will be working on the paper this week-end. Membership: Bob introduced new members and guests. Technical: Marc gave his tech meeting date as May 26, and the topic as ignition. Activities: Ron quickly reviewed upcoming events and then awarded trophies from the PCA-POC Challenge Cup Rallye. Our guest speaker was Mr. Sam Weill, who related many interesting and humorous events that led up to his position as former president of Volkswagen Pacific. His story began in the early fifties and concluded with his selling out of his share in V.P. back in 1973. Many thanks to Mr. Weill for an informative and entertaining narrative. ~
ATTENTION ALL 356, 356A, 356B OWNERS! Did you know there is a club devoted to your car? Just over one year old and national in nature. It is an organization oriented exclusively to the interest, needs and unique problems of the 356 Porsche owner and enthusiast, the goal of which is to help in the preservation and perpetuation of the vintage 356 Series Porsche. The 356 Registry also serves as a central forum for the exchange of ideas, experiences and information -- enabling all of us to share the "356" with one another without the "one to one"correspondences. Dues are $i0 per year for which you receive a copy of the 356 Registr[ every other month. Dues should be sent to: Bill Durland, 99 Roundhill Rd., Greenwich, Conn. 06830. If you would like more information or application forms, please feel free to call one of our local enthusiastic members, Bob Raucher (PCA-LA) at (213) 784-6081.
If you have been involved in PCA-LA for any or all of the
ten years,
you are probably aware that the name PORSCHOP stands for dedication to tech-
excellence and integrity in all,phases, ots~yice and repair. You may not and~Ve~ii]ea~, of special products has resulted in a nationwld¢,.sphe~:~ct~vity. ~ ~IE hydrop~eumatic st~t con. ::~ :.-<~ ~:~ :,_/ . . ~ -~ .... verst. ~ ~p~ :z~:.... ~ ~T~er~6:~3 n~reas which may intereS~bu, ma~~ten~e~fr~:~gn~tibn ~ ...... -,.i~, ~. : /,~~.r~ms, ~d: custom restorati~s.~ S09~,~,. ~ ~, ~ ~ :~-/ e,ts, ~ nical
realt~e that our custom eng_t~e b~:
r~:~CD~ai’t~~~Y ~.in~~ ~ onths ~d the concept w~s p{oven by~c~. ~led~ fO. ~°~m~z~ ove~T~ i~r~.-ti~m~ng..o~i~n~ti.~problems-~ Two nd~h~le 81arms ~e now in stock. They c~ be dS~tely or comhinedto glve m~Imum security. You are invited to stop by for a demo. The same customizing skills which have resulted in gobs of concours trophies ~e now being utilized in restoration of virtue Porsches. We welcome this type of inquiry, but please remember that qu~ityworkt~es time. Vernon A. Covert Curt Kuebler 41~REDW~DAVE. LOS ANGELES, ~
(213) 398-2217
NEW MEMBERS Ben Aduato 64 356 Coupe - ~ite Wen Anderson 59 Convertible D - Yellow Ron Baisley 70 911S Coupe - Green ~ John Blandford 64 356 Coupe - Red Howard Blau 74 911 Carrera Jack Cardinal 72 914 (1.7) - Tangerine George Carroll : 56 Speedster - White Oscar Castillo 72 911T Targa -BLack Michael Christman 59 356 Coupe - Brown Anthony Coddington 55 356 Coupe - Silver Metallic 57 Speedster - Silver Metallic Robert Cornwell 75 911S Coupe - Copper Brown Bill Co~in 64 SC Cabriolet - White Larry Dick 66 911 Coupe - Gulf Blue Hans Dijstra
~ ~ Cal O’Hair _ 71 914 - Red Jim Paden 69 912 Coupe - Be~g~-Ivan Pang 54 356 Coupe~ i Biue Art Pearlman 76 911S Targa - Silver Sara Penninq%On 65 356 Coupe - Red Michelle Raciop~o ~: ~ : ~~ .~= ~ . Adam Reed 66 912 coupe ~ ivor~ "~ ~ ~ ~ Andy Rosen 68 912 Targa - Silver ............ ~ _ John Rothenberger 74 911 Carrera Targa - Aubergine Jeffrey Silver 58 356 Coupe - Copper Tom Smock 73 911T Coupe - Beigegrau Met. Bob Snyder 74 911 Carrera ~oupe - Yellow
Because I usually tend to sit on the sidelines or catch rides with mo~e experienced drivers at s~ged events -- this year’s Zone 8 Willow Springs time trials was an exciting change for me. ~ had driven at Willow once before (one week-end when a
few brave souls from LA stuck it out through the rain and snow!) but that’ s the only time I’d found the courage to venture out on a real live race track with ~e behind the wheel. This time I made my mind up a week ahead that I was really going to give it my "all" - even went out and got a helmet to boost my courage. Saturday morning found Paul and I loaded down with suitcases,. folding chairs, racing tires, and all the other necessiti’es (such as suntan -- or should I say sunburn -- lotion, grit remover, etc.) that you need when taking off fo~ Willow. Not too far outside of Palmdale, we spotted a CHP and a Porsche off to the side of the road. At first we didn’t recognize the poor driver -then we noticed his ~urgical cap. Yap, it was none other than Doc Sam - guess he Was trying to take Turn 21 of the Antelope Valley Freeway a little too fast. Of course, we i~ediately slowed our pace to avoid being the next one caught. After a quick breakfast break to console Sam, we headed out to the track, which we almost didn’t recognize because of the new construction -- a ~eaZ building -- probably to house Jim Russell’s Driving School. We arrived just in time for Joe Schneider’s first driver’s meeting, conducted with typical Schneider aplo~. Santa Barbara and Joe did a super job in making the event fun and safe. Outside ~ a ~tle :~low-up in the tecb a-rea (no, John, you ~e~ZZy weren’t in line for 3 hours~), everything ran smoothly with all-~f us getting in lots of practice time. Los Angeles Region was well-represented on the track and in the pits. Nick Friesen (who did a ~ot of work as starter and instructor), Judd & Ginger, Ursula, Mary Felo, Sam & Ann, John Williamson,_ Lynne Smith, Jose & Lark, John and Evelyn LeFlang, Lee & Pat Hurty, Steve Michaelson, DeWitt Collier, Jack DiRosario ("Would you believe my tires are stuck on a Teamster’s truck somewhere in Texas?"), and Edith and Ruth (both of whom we’ve missed for awhile) were a few of the f~iliar faces I saw. Free beer after the track closed for the day got us all in the mood to head back to town for a relaxing evening. Thanks to Nick’s great memory for good food, some of us had a terrific Mexican dinner in Lancaster -- believe it or not, Lancaster has a decent restaurantl~ Sunday’s practice started out a little shaky with a seven car spin-out just after Turn One~ Although several cars came within inches of one another, no one crashed - from the pits it sort of looked like a slow motion ballet. Outside of that,, the biggent thing we had to worry about for the rest of the day was the increasing size of the chuck holes in Turn Eight and the decreasing size of the second chicane! When my turn came to go out for timed runs, I felt kind of like I had swallowed a wate~elon: I definitely did not want to do
........ u .... Carl Dorschner 69 911E Targa Tangerine Robert Effler 76 912E Coupe - Black David Faulkner 73 914 (2.0) - Lime Green Met. 62 356 Coupe - Black Martin Firestein 76 911S Coupe - Silver Barry Franklin 76 911S Coupe - Peru Red Ken Ito 69 912 Coupe - Burgundy Denis Levine Don Lidikay 67 911S Coupe - Bahama Yellow James Manly 59 356 - Red Steve Morris 76 911S Targa - White Max Mulcock 76 914 (2.0) - Fiesta Orange Mina Nakhai 76 914 - Malaga Red Dennis Nelson 71 911T Coupe - Silver
74 911 Car~e~a C6upe - Y~Ilow Stuart Taft 72 911E Coupe - Daytona Blue George Takeuchi 70 914-6 - Blue Robert Trousdale 70 911T Targa - Green 74 914 - Blue Robert Turner 74 911 Carrera Targa - Black James Van Noy 65 356 Coupe - Green Leonard Van Ryn 73 914 - Light Blue David Viancour 73 911T Coupe - Black Ron Warner 76 911S Coupe - White James Watters 70 914-6 - Silver Rick Whiting 63 356 Coupe - Grey Steve Whyte 70 911T Coupe - Black Alan Wizelman 76 Turbo Carrera - Silver Fred Woodward 4 Speedsters: - Red, White, Blue and Gold Gerald Zilly 70 911T Coupe - Sepia Brown
$173.50 39.00 483.04 229.41
Total Sources of Cash USES OF CASH: Meeting Expenses. Safari Slalom Miscellaneous Membership Porscherama
$924.95 $
102.48 38.99 42.02 99.16 1,371.48
Despite the fact that we almost got blown away as we tried to pack up Sunday afternoon (what would Willow be without the wind, anyway?!), and I had to clean dirt out of my ears and my camera for a week, and my sunburn peeled for at least two weeks, and the engine now definitely needs the rebuild -- Willow Springs has now burrowed its way into my psyche -- and more than that, I think I’ve finally contracted that weird disease known as "howfastcanIgoroundthisstupidcoursitis"! Carol Edwards (NOTE: If we had the final results, we’d print them. we don’t, so we won’t. -- Ed.)
C~~~ri~ ~ S~" TH£ WAY HOM£ IS PART 0F TH£ WHHK-HND, T00!
The last thing Sunday night was two Porsches parked in front of the Chelsea Inn in Woodland Hills, with Chuck and Stanna and Ron and Carola inside drinking whisky sours - this was right after a quick, fun ride through Hidden Valley and past Lake Sherwood and exiting a crowded freeway in Oxnard. We last saw the Colwells in Solvang at a late lunch at the Four Flags, and they went to buy the kids ice cream and never caught up again. Saturday morning early we all met at the Sea Lion in Malibu and stopped for breakfast in Ventura at the Holiday Inn. Skirting Santa Barbara past the polo grounds, we hastened over San Marcos Pass and made it to Lompoc and north past Vandenberg to a pit stop at Maryann and John Larson’s new "Porschouse" in Santa Maria for cokes, beer and conversation. Next stop was the Blue Bird Motel in Cambria, just the perfect place to stay in the area. Ralph went immediately to the local saloon, looked inside, and it was so empty his eyesight echoed, so Eileen and friend and the Coopers and us all had a sandwich before leaving for the Castle. We arrived just in time to cover our cars and board the bus to take the tour - Dean said it was just the same as last time except for the damaged guest house. Del and Arda slept through most of the tour. The bus ride up and down the hill was the highlight. Anyway, the motel became the local saloon, as we poked fun at all the PCA members who weren’t there. Off to dinner at 9:00 at the Brambles, and then we slept the rest of the night.
FINANCE PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA Los Angeles Region Source and Use of Cash Four Months Ended April 30, 1976 SOURCES OF CASH: Merchandise Miscellaneous Regional Dues Santa Anita Concours
I h~d swiIIo~ed~ite~el6h: i defihft~ly did hot Want to do this ridiculous thing! Some masochistic urge made me go ahead, though, and I’m sure I’ve never concentrated on anything so hard in my life " My face went into a permanently distorted position that I couldn’t change the whole time I was on the track. And when I pulled into the impound area, my body was shaking so much, I had to ask Paul to drive oi’ Blue back to the pits. I know this sounds more like a medieva! torture chamber than something a person would do for fun -- but for some bizarre reason it was a super feeling, and I’d do it again in a minute!
Sunday morning we lost Ralph at the wrong restaurant and never saw him again, but we ate at the Grey Fox and had a quiet ride through the wildflower road to Templeton with occasional stops for looking, smelling and just plain relaxing. Next stop was a picnic in Atascadero (yes, Virginia, there is a California Cantral Coast Region) for the local PCA monthly event. Great week-end and good friends - looking forward to the Auto Races in Monterey in August. Ron Ramage ~
Total Uses of Cash
Ron Ramage i~654.13
CASH - January i, 1976
CASH - April 30, 1976
Men’s Competition i. John Williamson 2. John LeFlang 3. Sam Wang 4. Paul Edwards 5. Judd Boykin 6. John Dusckett 7. Nick Friesen 8. Lee Hurty. 9. Otis Chandler i0. Roger Wagner
390 380 330 300 240 200 190 190 160 140
~en’s Participation i. John Williamson 2 Chuck Cooper Ralph Arredondo 3 4 Cheryl Cooper 5 Jose Ochoa John LeFlang 6 Sam Wang 7 8 Jim Nielsen Bob Douglass 9 10. Jack.DiRosario
74 73 68 48 38 36 30 28 27 26
These standings are as of May 23, 1976, excluding results from Willow Springs and working on the April newsletter.
for sale
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and, 2. Descriptions must.be complete and include appropriate serial-.numbers; however, all listings are subject to editing and condensing. 3o Non-members’ ads will be published on space-available basis for a fee of $i0.00. Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.
Women’s Competition i. Ginger Boykin 2~ Lynne. Smith 3. Ursula Grunfeld 4. Ann Wang 5. Linda Dusckett 6. Carol Edwards 7. Pat Hurty 8. Cece Friesen
270 250 230 .230 200 200 200 120
Women’s Participation i. Ginger Boykin. 67 2. Carola Anderson.__58 3. Stanna Cooper 53 4. Lynne Smith 47 5. Carol Edwards 41 6. Linda Dusckett 37 7. Eileen Bal! 28 8. Ursula Grunfeld 26
PCA Members! Have your favorite picture of your favorite Porsche impregnated on any shirt by heat transfer method. Just in time for the Parade this summer. $5.00 (transfer only). Call Boyd Krueger, Star Sporting Goods, 1645 N. Highland Ave., Hollywood, CA 90028, (213) 469-3531. 1961 Notch-back Coupe. Kobalt blue, rebuilt engine; bra and car cover included. $5500. For further information, call Eileen Ball at (213) 879-1212, ext. 180 (days) or (213) 473-9415 (eves.). Miscellaneous. Early style factory 6" alloy - new w/Dunlop SP57 185VR70 - new. Late style factory 6" alloy - new w/Dunlop SP57 185VR70 - new. One late syle factory 6" alloy - perfect. ’73 911 front bumper - metal only. Various 911 rubber mouldings. Contact Bob Wood at (213) 390-3461, ext. 466 (work), or (213) 274-2634 (home). The Good One - 1970 911S Tar@a. Very clean, very fast. Black/ black with polished mags. 69,000 miles. Air/c. New paint, airport gears, AM-FM cassette stereo, top. Plus large sway bars, lowered, Konis, sport wheel, leather, quartz lights and trailer hitch, if desired (Hobie cat or dirt bikes). $9000, firm. Call Dr. Mick Francis at (714) 689-3021 (days), or (714) 686-4800 (eves.). EZ Goes is for Sale. 1970 Porsche 911S, #9110301002. This could be the cleanest Porsche in town. Silver/black leather interior; air conditioning; Recaros; AM-FM stereo; fog lights; bra; cover; air horns; highly polished factory alloy wheels. Completely rebuilt engine. Extremely clean and well-running car. $9850. Contact Jim Headley (213) 870-1602 (days), or (213) 684-0126 " (eves.) Four 185/70 VR-15 steel radial Dunlop SP D-I. New, never mounted. Includes tubes for $300. Lists for over $500. Also four 15x7 steel wheels for 914 or VW. Same offset as ATS cast wheel. Never used - $50. Call Paul Norris.at 376-7597 or 273-1138. Speedster Body Parts. Right/left door, front and rear lids, grill. Make offer. Call Chuck Allen at (213) 990-3601 (eves.).
!ii~!~y!i. .
Cooper said to me on the day before the concours, "Boy, I’m really worried about this event!" Well, Coop, that ain’t nothin’ like the day before a rallye! Everything’s gotta be perfect and if it isn’t, you might find yourself hanging from a local tree. My "SS" Rallye was really a Sunday Shortie for most; I guess Super Simple for almost no one. It was Somewhere South for the DNF’s and I guess OK for Doc Sam. Sorry to the entrants about that "Private Road" sign (honest, it wasn’t there the week before). Everything else seemed OK, and the fifteen or so who had dinner at the 94th Aerosquadron in Costa Mesa ended the day happily,
Thanks to the fo true-blue Porsc] Judd Boykin Boothe, Ralph point 2); Carola Edward’s Theatr~ to Mr. James start location the morning. Thanks so much next Zone 8 Rall’ the backside of awarded at the
lowing hardworking, sunburned, enthusiasts~ Ginger Boykin, â&#x20AC;&#x2122;ob Wood (Checkpoint i) ; Geri the and Carola Anderson (CheckAnderson and Marcella Sheldon of at the start. Special thanks rds and the Irvine Co. for the d the coffee and donuts early in r coming -- look forward to the e on July 17th. Results are on orscherama -- trophies will be ne membership meeting. Ramage, Eventmaster
..... ..
W Th
The Board gets it together this month on Wednesday, June 9th at Ron Ramage’s place in Hermosa B meeting starts at 7:30 p.m., and any interested members or guests are welcome. Ron’s address i Manhattan Ave., and if you call him at (213) 461-3144 (that’s his work phone - you’ll never ca’ home!), he can give you directions.
Sunday, Juneq _ 13th is the date of the next in our series of Zone 8 Time Trials.
Sunday, June 13th is the date of the next in our series of Zone 8 Time Trials. Orange Coast Re host, and Orange County International Raceway is the place.. All Porsches are welcome, and the $25/$30 couple for PCA members or $30/$35 couple for non-members. HOWEVER~ because this is a o there is a $i0 rebate for cars who go through pre-tech on Saturday, June 12th!! Pre-tech will Don Burns Porsche/Audi, 13631 Harbor, Garden Grove from 12-6 p.m. If you’d like any more info, Harry (714) 993-3980 or Skip (714) 998-4078.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE!! Both the place and date of our membership meeting change this month! Our n is the California Yacht Club, 4469 Admiralty Way in Marina del Rey. This month only we’l! meet fourth Thursday -- June 24th at 8:00 p.m. You can find the yacht club by following the same ro to take to the old meeting place -- except when you get to the intersection of Mindanao and Adm (by the big bank building), turn right on Admiralty. The California Yacht Club is located on t side of the street between the Warehouse and Fiasco restaurants. We’re hoping to have Curt MeT on hand as our guest speaker. See you on the 24th!
PCA-LA’s Annual Swap Meet will be held in the combined quarters of Porschop and Marina Auto Bod June 27th. Spaces will be available for over 100 sellers of cars and/or parts at $3.00 per spa tration for sellers will take place from 8:30-9:45 a.m. The swap meet will continue until 4:00 will be no charge for buyers or lookers. Plenty of free parking is available. The exact locat Redwood Ave. From the intersection of Washington Blvd. and Lincoln Blvd., i% is less than oneeast on Washington to Redwood. Consider combining breakfast, brunch, lunch or early dinner in with a visit to the Swap Meet. Questions or volunteers contact Ron Chase at 788-3216 (home) or
~une’s Tech Meeting will be held by Marc Rothman on Wednesday, June 30th, 8:00 p.m., at the reg the Porsche Factory, 12125 Washington PI., Mar Vista. As of press time, we didn’t have Marc’s the meeting, but we expect it will be interesting as usual. He’ll have all the details at the meeting.
19 26
each. The s 1507 ~h him at
~ion is the
II 18 2S
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~ 17 24 31
PCA-POC Challenge Cup at the beach?! No! This is a non-competitive event. However, there will be 4 cylieder vs. 6 cylinder tug-o-war -- a pre-’67 vs. post-’67 wheelbarrow race -- a 914 vs. 911 3-1egged race -and a.non~Zone 8 re~ay. This is. the 1876 POC-PCA BI-CEHTENHIAL BEACH PARTY!! In the first 200 years, the U.S. of ~ never experienced a fantastic event, such as this. It will all take place on the FOURTH OF JULY at Doheny State Park in Dana Point -- that’s between Laguna Beach and San Clemente right on the Pacific Ocean. There’s no fee -- just bring your own trappings and blankets and you can open your exhausts. There’s no special arrival time -- just be sure you get there for the body concours and the watermelon rallye. If you wanna find out more, call Ron at 461-3144 -- plan to come!!
If you Wanha find out m6re, call Ron at 461-3144 -- plan to come]!
ion is the
ost is ~e-day event, 3e held at contact
~w location on the ute you used iralty Way he left hand
BOARO Sam and Ann Wang will host the July Board Meeting on Wednesday, the 7th, at 7:30 p.m. The Wangs live at 12222 Montana Ave. in West Los Angeles, and you can get directions by calling them at (213) 826-2292. Once again, you’re all welcome to attend -- at least, as many of you as can be squeezed in!
The General Membership Meeting for July will be held at our new meeting place, the California Yacht Club ~see directions to get there under last month’s meeting), only this time it will be held, as usual, on the third Thursday of the month, July .15th. Meeting time is 8:00 p.m. and we hope to see all of you there ’ "
er of VOA
~ on Sunday, ze. Regisp.m. There ~alf mile hhe Marina 381-3251.
~lar spot, topic for membership
San Diego Region’s Zone 8 Rallye takes off from Oceanside on Saturday, July 17th. Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m., with the first car out at 9:31 a.m. The Royal Inn will be both the start and finish for this event, and you can get there by taking Interstate 5 to the 0ceanside exit. Wally Cole in San Diego can answer any questions you may have at (714) 426-42i9. More details will be available at the July Membership Meeting, too.
Marc Rothman will conduct July’s Tech Meeting again at the Porsche Factory, 12125 Washington PI.,-Mar Vista. The date is Wednesday, July 21st, and the time is 8:00 p.m.
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~,~I~i,~ Ltd, 473-2941 HAL & AL TIRHS 678-1104 POmSOHOP 398-2217
THE BOARD For those of you who missed it, the May Membership Meeting was absolutely fantastic. With eighty-two plus people, it was a little crowded, but the food at Bruno’s was great - PCA-LA really had a feast. Our guest speaker, Sam Wiell, former President of Porsche Pacific and VW Pacific, gave a great talk on the early days of Porsche in Southern California. It was a real pleasure to see so many new people and quite a few old friends we haven’t seen in a while. If we keep up with this kind of attendance, even our new meeting place, the California Yacht Club, may become too small. Wouldn’t that be something?! At the next Board Meeting, we will be finalizing the new LA Region logo. I think we will have something very distinctive and very Porsche. Another topic for discussion will be changing the Christmas Dance to a more informal, afternoon buffet party. Remember, the Board is always open for your suggestions for new events, changes in policy, anything. This is because we are ~ZZ members of PCA-LA. The summer months are upon us, and this has been the time when people have a tendency to forget about PCA. Your region is on the move, and needs your help to keep it that way! See you in June and July!
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Judd tells me that he’s looking for slides or movies of P.S. past PCA events (oldies but goodies?) for meeting entertainment. If you’ve got something that you could put together for a show of your own, or could combine with someone else’s, please give Judd a call at (213) 788-4182.
PRESIDENT Rick Potts 4917 Zakon Road Torrance, California 90505
Days Eves
(213) (213)
435-4868 373-2562
SECRETARY John Dusckett
PUBLICITY DIRECTOR AND PORSCHERAMA EDITOR Paul Edwards 11371 Nashawena Court Cypress, California 90630
(714) (714)
979-8947 892-7922
Days Eves
TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Marc Rothman MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Bob1340 Wood Club View Drive Los Angeles, California 90024.
(213) Ext. 390-3461466
ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Don Kravig 11433 Norwood Avenue Riverside, California 92505
PCA HOTLINE -- THE PANIC BUTTON (Who to call when all else fails~) (213) 398-2217
MEMBERSHIP Los Angeles Region membership is currently well over 400. But where are all you people when there’s an event? Don’t be shy, come out and have a good time (I even finished the last rallye!). If it’s going to be your first time for an event, give me a
call and I’ll send you the appropriate rules. rules for time trials, rallyes, and concours.
We’ve got 1976
The theft of Porsche automobiles in the Los Angeles area has be-
~ --- _~ ~
Reprinted from "THE NEWSLETTER".
Rocky Mo~tain Region
come a very serious problem. I’ve talked to four members in the last two months who have had their cars stolen, and none of them had an alarm. We also have a member who has had four attempted thefts on his car in the last several months. Although some minor damage was done, he still has his Porsche - thanks to the alarm system. Through personal experience I’ve had the opportunity to become familiar with some of the alarm systems currently available, and would be happy to pass on the information to anyone interested. ~ /~ F ~ _ ~ Membership Director