AUG 13
PCA .. AT n GLANCE siasts. We are young and old, male and female, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "Region" of the Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque club in the world. On the national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine -- Porsche Panorama -- holds an annual week-long "Parade", and provides a nationwide forum for communication. The "club" part is mostly local. And what PCA-LA offers the Porsche owner is an opportunity to share the exhilirating, and sometimes frustrating, experience of understanding, maintaining, and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy it with us. Membership in the Porsche Club of America costs $25.00 annually. This includes regional dues, discounts at club events, subscriptions to Porscherama and Panorama, and more. For further information, contact Bob Wood, Membership Chairman.
v,ew d Jve
los angeles, ca 90
/~ t::LY~N, 5’~?1~
P~LI3:~ %~ER~ -- ,rI E.~ "C’ PEN
1st class mail
PORSCHERAMA is the official newsletter of the Los Angeles Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc., and is published bimonthly in evennumbered months.
Members are encouraged to contribute articles and photographs. Dated material must be received by the 20th of odd-numbered months to ensure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. All contributions become the property of the Los Angeles Region unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
i/ /
Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not necessarily constitute the opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Los Angeles RegiOn, its Board of Directors, or the Porscherama Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication .... PCA-LA members may insert non-commercia! Porsche-related advertisements in the "For Sale" column at no cost. Inquiries regarding commercial advertising should be directed to the Editor; however, the advertiser should be prepared to provide camera-ready art.
Plans for October include Las Vegas Region’s-Zone 8 Time Trial at the Speed~ome on the 9th and 10th. We have little information yet, but if you are interested in going call the regional president, Carl Young (702) 876-7982. More info will be available at our Riverside Time Trials in September. Also in October, we have a tour planned to Three Rivers on the week-end of the 23rd and 24th. We’ll leave Saturday morning and spend one night in Three Rivers. The week-end will concentrate on Golf and Tennis, and in letting the sportsman (or person) out in some of us. If you’re interested, call me (Ron) NOW and I will get you the info in advance. There will not be another Porscherama before reservations must be made! The number is (213) 461-3144 -- call right away!
I:mOl::l CHE "rIRES
¯ ~I~I-~ ~I~S ~~ ~. ~I~#l~I~&I~ ~’~ 20 Years at Same Lo~a~io. at El Segundo Blvd. Just West of Harbor Freeway
Take El Segundo Blvd. Off-Ramp
¯ INGLEWOOD 1135 FLORENCE 678"1104, 677-8112
I I~.~.LI
10,000 TIRES IN STOCK Hard to find sizes for Carreras and other Porsches. We specialize i~ "babying your buggy" by .... fully ..... ing and dynamically
minutes BOARD MEETING - JUNE 9, 1976 Hos~ - Ron Ramage Attendance - Five Board Members and one guest Board Chairman Ron Ramage called the meeting to order at 8:30 after a quorum had arrived. After explaining several board absences, reports began. Membership: Bob reported that only about 15% of the newsletters went through; almost 400 newsletters had been returned to him by the Post Office for insufficient postage. (The problem turned out to be the one page flyer for Riverside -- an amazingly light "straw that broke the camel’s back." Lesson for future editors: the diet scale in your kitchen is not accepted by the U.S. Postal Service as an accurate weighing device ... no wonder my engine never seemed balanced ... spaghetti on the piston ... muse, muse, muse. Ed.) He mentioned that drop notices had decreased and that our membership was 415. He suggested posting a sign at the old meeting place that would give directions to the new meeting place. He also reported that the infamous purple tie had been ripped off at the last membership meeting.
Secretary: John suggested sending a letter of thanks to the South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club for their hospitality, but the Board decided to wait until we are established at our new meeting spot. ~±~±~±~: ~ ~±~±~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ meet and the beach party and then led a discussion on the Christmas luncheon. Treasurer: Dean reported a balance of about $2900, including a $196 profit on our Zone 8 rallye and a $78 loss on our dinner
balancing your meg wheels. We distribute American Mags and many
meeting at Bruno ’ s.
o,~ ........ Ingl .... d .... h ..... Weofferdiscbrak ..... ice,
See JACK on Vermont... or ART in Inglewood
sz. z.
( .Ii.enlal
audd announced that Curt Meyer guest speaker at our .July membership meeting.
would be the
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 with wine and casual conversation.
PCA-SD Zone 8 Concours -- (714) 582-5909
The California Yacht Club was the scene of the June membership meeting. With over 80 people at the new surroundings, it was 8:45 before things settled down and business began. Our guest speaker, Curt Meyer, who acts as liason for the Porsche factory, led off the meeting with an hour long question-and-answer session on matters relating directly and indirectly to Porsche. After this informative dialogue, abbreviated board reports followed. Bob Wood reported on membership, John Dusckett presented competition and participation points informati0n, and Carol Edwards announced the deadline for the August/
Historic Auto Races @ Laguna Seca/ Pebble Beach Concours @ Del Monte Lodge in Monterey
SEPTEMBER 4/5 12 16 18/19
PCA-LPR Seca Solo --
PCA-LA COOKOUT BREAKFAST AND DAY IN THE PARK PCA-LA GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING PCA-SB West Coast Week-ender @ Santa Barbara Miramar Hotel -- (805) 482-7076
all pnrsche anything ORIGINAL 356 & 900 ENGINE PARTS
~ dnythio0 Ltdi1 ¯ 11431 ~nta Moni~ Boulevard
7, 1976 Ro~ts - ~m ~Rd ARR W~R~ BOARD MEETING - JULY
Four Board Members and seven guests
D~op by ou~ n~w~ge 8~o~oo~!
Los Angeles, ~lifornia 9~25
In Rick Putts’ absence, Board Chairman Run Ramage called the meeting to order at 7:55. Everyone who was going to be present was there.
O1=I= "r£R ~CA ~ AND
21s Porsche parade
. I Telephone: (213) 473-2941
Paul informed us that some new ads will be appear-
ing in the next paper. He stressed the importance of proper publicity for the Riverside Time Trials (another flyer) and the Santa Barbara Week-end. He expressed the need for articles and photos and set a deadline of July 20 for contributions. Vice President: Judd led a discussion of the upcoming Zone 8 Presidents ’ Meeting, which our region will host in conjunction with the OCR-hosted Zone propose 8 Awardschanqes Banquet. JuddZone will8 head our committee to review and to the commeti-
The third annual Historic Auto Race will soon be history in itself. If you’ve been fortunate enough to have visited one of these in the past, you will know of the nostalgia that roams through the pit and paddock area. But here is how the Porsche People are gonna do it this year. We plan to leave So. Cal. on Thursday morning, August 25, from North Hollywood, and take an ever so leisurely drive (short, quick spurts) to Carmel that day. A dinner is planned in the hotel room in Carmel. If you think that first day is low pressure, the next day’s gonna be motionless -- sunning, shopping, washing cars, funning around in Carmel and Monterey. Saturday morning we’re heading for the Laguna Seca Racetrack, where Steven Earle, event chairman and historic car buff, has allowed us Porsche Private Parking near the pits. We plan to have a hospitality table and the PCA banner there. The whole day will be full of viewing the old beauties -- Bugattis, Porsches, Ferraris, Porsches, Cad Allerds, (actually not many Porsches), and the cars are beautiful! Sunday morning early we’ll take off for the Pebble Beach Concours at the Del Monte Lodge on the 17 Mile Drive in Monterey. A box lunch from the concours will get us by for the day until dinner which we’ll catch enroute home. If yo~ can join us . . do! Call Ron Ramage at (213) 461-3144.
We61 C0a61 WEEKENDER The Porsche Club of America - Santa Barbara Region hosts the 1976 WEST-COAST WEEKENDER on Saturday and Sunday, September 18 and 19. This is the event for those who want a Porsche Parade atmosphere on the West Coast when the Parade is on the East Coast. It covers most of the aspects that the Parade covers only on a smaller, more intimate scale. Here’s a sample of the schedule: Fri. nite~ Sept. 17 -- Pre-tech inspection of all entrants’ Porsches; location yet to be determined; plus, beer and bratwurst party, Sat. mornt Sept. 18 -- Concours d’ elegance held at Manning Park in Santa Barbara; cars in position at 8 a.m., judging starts at i0 a.m.; no undercarriage judging; Parade Competition Rules apply; box lunch included with entry. Sat. afternoon -- Rallye; starts from the Miramar Hotel; PC Rules apply; about ii0 miles and 3 hours long. Sat. evening -- BBQ and Square Dance Party Sun. morn~ Sept. 19 -- Oxnard AFB Autocross or Gymkhana (whichever you prefer); mufflers required for competition; PC Rules. Sun. overall eveninq week-end -- Buffet points and Awards at the (for you must onlyMiramar competeHotel in three events). Headquarters for the week-end will be the Miramar Hotel, P.O. Box M, Santa Barbara 93102, (805) 969-2203. Call for hotel reservations NOWi and mention PCA for a special rate (rooms from $17 to $32 -- some with kitchen facilities). The Miramar is the one with the Blue Roofs at the San Ysidro exit. Entry fee is $60 per couple and includes all events, Fri. rite, box lunch Sat., Sat. rite, and buffet on Sun. Singles are $50. Fee does not include room. For additional information call Joe Schneider (805)687-1619 in Santa Barbara or Ron Ramage (213) 461-3144 in Los Angeles.
ann~h~n~i1~d~-t~~-g. J~d emphasfzed the need for committee members’ well thought out proposals so this year’s
meeting will be more fruitfu! than previous ones. Secretary: John gave Pau! new point standings to be published in the next paper. Activities: Ron reviewed the upcoming activities, expressing our need for a chairperson and location for the September picnic. Old Business: Judd made a motion to remove Marc Rothman from the Board for his lack of participation in meetings and events. Paul seconded the motion and it was subsequently passed unanimously. After a few names were suggested for the vacancy, Ron adjourned the meeting at 9:55 to begin an informal discussion of the Riverside event.
EMBERSH P EETIN - JULY 15, 1976 The night’s entertainment -- Ron Ramage’s new black 924 -attracted so much immediate attention that Rick was not able to call the meeting to order until 8:35 " Membership: Bob introduced four guests and reported that, even after the loss of some active members to the new San Gabriel Valley Region, our membership is still over 400 and strong. Publicity: Paul asked for articles for future papers and for someone interested in being the club photographer. Treasurer: Dean reported a balance of about $2900 and noted that pre-registration forms/checks for Riverside Time Trials should be sent to her. Activities: Ron reviewed the upcoming activities and emphasized the importance of pre-tech for Riverside. The chairman, Sam Wang, then answered questions about the event. Ron concluded by asking members to submit any suggestions they feel are needed in any of the Zone 8 Competition Rules. Rick conducted a brief "for sale" session and then asked membars for suggestions for a new Tech Chairman. (According to our by-laws, Board vacancies are filled by Board appointment at its next meeting.) He adjourned the meeting at 9:35 for everyone to take a close look at the new 924.
FOr octoSer
Vern Covert of Porschop has lined up a great speaker for our October 21st Membership Meeting -- Allen Stupplebeen of Mobil Oil. Allen, a research chemist whose travels take him all over the United States, will give a full presentation of the new Mobil lubricating oil -- a synthetic "super oil" that actually adds horsepower and can handle temperatures up to 500°. This will include a 12-minute color film, a slide presentation, and question and answer session. With a price to match its performance, Vern ensures me that he will be primed with questions about this new oil. This should be one of the best technically oriented meetings in years -- it’ll pay you to be there!
If you have been involved in PCA-LA for any or all of the past ten years, you are probably aware that the name PORSCHOP stands for dedication to technical excellence and integrity in al!~phas~s .05[,~rvice and repair. You may not
realize that our custom engine b~*:~a~}~,e.~’~e~t of special products has resulted in a nationwide ~Spl~rg~vity. O~ ~J-E hydropn~l!:roatie strut con~ .......~:~: ~:~%~.i~ - ~ !~ vers[. p~!~s~\~.~--
~ ~~ ~ ~
~ ...... T~er~ h~w areas/which rhay intere~ou: m~i}ite~6~’=]~e~qg~6~
~i~s, and custom restorati~s. SogB ,-:<~$~Ste ~’~is an fi e~.~.~,s!l~D<ig~it~~.,~.,~r ,,,~)z/~+{~-~l~t ~ei% ~-/" o,ths and the concept w~S pgo~nby~ c4~stalled ~0~ io~£in~ o9~%~ i~h~ut~re.~lnl[ng~o~.Agn[tton~rnble ~’~ Twone~~,~91ealarms arenowlnstoek. They ean be uS~4~tely or combined t.o glve msximum security. You are invited to stop by for a dame. The same customizing skills which have resulted in gobs of eoncours trophies are now being utilized in restoration of vintage Porsehes. We welcome this type of inquiry, but please remember that quality work takes time. VernonA. Covert Curt Kuebler 41~ 8£DWOOD AV[. £OS AN(][£[$0 ~ WELCOME
NW- 4 MW.MB~I~$ Robert Cramer 69 911E Targa - White Elvin Yoshida 71 911T Targa - Green Clarke Farter 73 911S Targa - Yellow Eric Holzapfel 74 Carrera Coupe Jeffrey Lewis 73 911T Coupe - Signal Yellow Rainer Gehres 74 911 Targa - Silver Richard A. Ibanez 57 Speedster - White David & Margaret Belgrade 70 911T- Green Tom Taylor 71 9~IIT Coupe - Burgundy Them M. Malooly 69 911T Targa - Emerald Green Fyni~ Briddle 75 914 (1.8) - Copper Metallic
(213) 3S8-~217 ~
John Rehfeld 65 356C Cabriolet - Yellow Dewitt Collier, Jr. 76 Turbo Carrera - White Lance J. Roth 74 911 Targa - Brown George L. Person 72 911T - Silver Wesley Minear 65 356C Coupe - Green
Dale & Barbara Rice Southeast Michigan Region William W. Moore Rocky Mountain Region Lewis Bradley Potomac Region Donald & Rose Marie Menza Orange Coast Region
~ ~~~_
These days merely owning a Porsche can be a real challenge -especially to the owner who dreads someone ripping off his or her pride and joy. Myself a theft victim, I became interested in the steps the police take to recover stolen vehicles and apprehend the criminals " An officer I met through my unfortunate experience provided the following insights. I hope it gives you an idea of what’s being done behind the scenes. Beginning with the theft of a 1974 911S Targa on February 16 there were 20 a~tempted Porschenappings by one ring operating for 6 months along Orange County’s south coastal area. Nineteen of these thefts were successful! It took a major effort by the Orange County Sheriff’ s Department -- assisted by the CHP, National Auto Theft Bureau, and the city police departments from Newport Beach, Laguna and San Clemente -- to arrest two major suspects and recover several cars, numerous parts, etc. early this month in Dana Point. An early lead was found when the suspects, Mike Mahboub, 29, of San Bernardino and Ronald Young (AKA Robert Conrad), 30, of San Clemente were observed dumping a broken Porsche windshield behind a San Juan market on the night of April 27. Soon after, the Sheriff’s Department was able to develop a pattern to the previous thefts. In cooperation with the Newport Beach Police, stakeouts were placed at various restaurants in the area. A "bait" vehicle, equipped with a homing device, was used and locations were designed to cover the times and days when the thieves were thought likely to strike again. And the thieves did strike again and again as anticipated -- but always waiting until surveillance had been discontinued. An expanded effort was undertaken based on publicizing the ring’s method of operation to all patrol units from Newport Beach to San Clemente. Surveillance was maintained on suspect Young’s house in San Clemente. Finally, on May 5, both suepects were observed transferring objects from one vehicle to another, eventually unloading them at an address in Dana Point. These objects were later identified as tires, wheels, radios, seats, and other Porsche items. The wheels were matched by the Sheriff’s lab to a Porsche originally stolen from the San Diego area, which had been recovered a short distance from Young’s address in San Clemente. Mahboub was then followed by Sheriff’s investigators to San Bernardino, where he was arrested by the San Bernardino Sheriff’s Department. Young was arrested in Los Angeles and returned to Orange County. Search warrants were obtained for the San Clemente address. Property was picked up there and at Dana Point. This included considerable parts and personal property traced to three stolen Porsches, as well as from an automobile repair garage in San Clemente. TWO more suspects are still under investigation by the Sheriff’s
Orange Coast Region
Two more suspects are still under investigation by the Sheriff’s
Department, but no further arrests have been made. Some of-the stolen parts have been traced to two Los Angeles area Porsche garages, as well as to body shops and individuals. Recent efforts have been directed toward getting property identified, witnesses located, and evidence gathered for presentation to the District Attorney’s offices. As a result, the Grand Jury recently handed down two indictments. It looks like the a= of the law is beginning to come down.
~~ avOCadO zone If you thought you had enough of orange groves in Santa Barbara, let us tell you about THE GREAT AVOCADO ADVENTURE that San Diego Region dreamed up for the third Zone 8 Rally. The rally began at the Royal Inn in Oceanside, just off the San Diego Freeway. At least the starting point was easy to find; not much else on the rally was. The instructions looked simple enough, but executing them was another matter. Slipped in among a multitude of speed changes (which gave us SOP’ers apoplexy) were some sneaky test of our knowledge of the’rally rules: what exactly is "the most straight-forward direction" and what about landmarks on the left-hand side of the road? Although the pace of the rally was for the most part leisurely, there were a few tire-spealing instructions that caused some of the residents of Vista to take exception to "those funny little foreign cars" racing through their neighborhood. Thanks to an understanding CHP, we got through that leg without incident. (And I got through the next leg, thanks to some delicious tollhouse cookies from a generous checkpoint worker). The six legs of the rally took us (most of us) through some pretty countryside around Vista and the Pauma Valley, but we could have done without that smelly chicken ranch! There were also some agonizing stretches where we drove for miles without seeing another Porsche ("Are you sure we’re going the right way?")! The rally ended 103 miles and 4 hours after the start, back at the Royal ~nn, where we relaxed at a poolside barbecue and tried to figure out where we had gone wrong. Anticipating the worst, we left before all the time cards had been checked. After seeing the results, though, I guess it could have been worse. Although LA Region might not have been spectacular on July 17, diehards that we are, we’ll probably all be back again for the next Zone 8 Rally in Orange Coast. See you there . . Ann ’n Sam Wang And here are those "Great Avocado Adventure" results. Since we don’t have room to list all 39 entrants in the SOP class, we’ve listed the top 10 and any other LA’ers who were entered. ~DR~VER/NAVIGATOR
CLASS A i. Jack/Sheila Rabell 2. W. LeFlang/J. LeFlang. 3. Lynne Smith/John Williamson 4. Bayanne Hauhart/Jim
.45* 5.75 7.44 1063
CLASS B i. Roger Kerner/Joe Boucher 2. Helmut Roth/Robert Diehl 3. Bill Haggerty/Bill Bartee
.41" 14.95 16.48
John and Linda Dusckett CDMPET~T~DN CBM~TTEE A Competition Committee has been formed to discuss any changes or additions to the Zone 8 Competition Rules. The following people will comprise this committee: Steve Michaelson, Chairman, Bob Douglass, John Fels, Jose Ochoa and Judd Boykin. A meeting will be held on Thursday, August 12 at 8:00 p.m. at Judd’s place, 5302 Norwich Ave., Van Nuys. Anyone who is interested may attend, and all suggestions are welcome. If you cannot attend but have something to contribute, contact any of the committee members and pass along your ideas. A WQfChGMGCGIIif V R T F A H S K N A R C K O N I T O N H A L S Y.S H T ~ M S B O B B E T T P 0 L E L S A T O L C O L L E C A R J L L A K D L R N F T E C I R C L E I R O L L Y I A C L N G A H L I J S L L W Y E S P Q R R S T A O ~RLOAVS ROTERUB RACE YB I 0 I U S T S U F O R A C E R P C I D R N S ~ S F U E L I N J E C T I O N E C U 0 L N L L A T E R F U K S H L L W B M T L A L E L A N R 0 T A G I V A N T R I A Z S C N P N L E O S R A A C E L Y R V L R V T E W S F O W F L L H E A D L A M P S K E A S O U O M S O L V A S E R E R A C T O L M A T S R C L R E A T L E L N W D S E L O O N N G MHES HORVS E GEC P I LACUWT ACDTUWMELAEE F T S E B E I O I C TS LI ON I C CI OO COGOU A D O LRE PREWOORUYLGNAGFLOW I S REHQ P S US PENS I ONPORS N T H W E S T W O 0 D C S R E D N I L Y C D U Y D E G R O F E F I R G H L P M 0 R F E L A B C W Y D I J K R A U T O C R O S S FWQSPO I LERTC RUST URSTO V H W X L L N E F Z M E. R L I N O L S E N EB I LSO RT I SQR~ACE OAT LS D H D A Y A P S O V A S E K P O L A K P S Z ALLOY ALLRED ATLAS AUTOCROSS BEVERLY BILSTEIN BOB SMITH CARBURETORS CHALLENGE CUP
---CLASS C 1 Phil Reese/Rosemary SB 2 Sam Wang/Ann LA Ed Marsh/Do~g Marsh 3 SB Burr Misevic/Marge 4 SB Ralph Krans/Norma Rogers 5 SD 6 Anita Banke/Larry. SB 7 Tom Gould/Jill OC Don Kravig/Peggy 8 RIV 9. Judd Boykin/Ginger LA i0. E.W. Gluesenkamp/Kathy SD 13. John Dusckett/Linda LA 28. Benny Adauto/Shawnee Browne LA 38. Diane Chachula/Bobby Wilkinson~ LA
9.64* 11.09" 11.24" 12.16 17 26 24.53
*Denotes trophy
(As of June 30, 1976) Men’s Competition i. John Williamson 2. John LeFlang__ 3. Judd Boykin 4. Sam Wang 5. Steve Michaelson 6. Paul Edwards__ 7. Leland Hurty 8. Bob Douglass 9. John Dusckett i0. Quin Williams
570 520 420 420 400 380 350 300 200 200
Men’s Participation i. John Williamson__91 2. Chuck Cooper 85 3. Ralph Arredondo 68 4. Ron Chase 58 5. John LeFlang 53 6. Jose Ochoa 50 7. Cheryl Cooper 48 8. Sam Wang 45 9. Leland Hurty__39 i0. Steve Michaelson 38
Women’s Competition i. Ginger Boykin 2. Lynne Smith 3. Ursula Grunfeld 4. Pat Hurty 5. Carol Edwards 6. Ann Wang 7. Linda Dusckett 8. Cece Friesen_
460 440 410 400 300 230 200 120
Women’s Participation i. Ginger Boykin 86 2. Lynne Smith 64 3. Carol Edwards__63 4. Carola Anderson__60 5. Stanna Cooper 55 6. Ursula Grunfeld 43 7. Linda Dusckett 37 8. Pat Hurty 37
3.30* 4.43* 4.56* 6.51" 9.09* 9.21"
By Dyanne Potts
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and, 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; however, all listings are subject to editing and condensing. 3. Non-members’ ads wil! be published on space-available basis for a fee of $1O.O0. Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column. 1973 914 2-1iter. 53,000 miles, appearance group, AM-FM stereo, Konis, 914-6 springs and sway bars, new silver metallic paint, new transmission, new valve job, bra. Price $6500 firm. Contact Don Colwell at (213) 881-4319 (evenings). Miscellaneous. Carrera II disc brakes (complete to emergency brake cables); 741 gearbox - LSD, 2B, 2D, 3B, 4A; IC first gear (brand new); Parting out 1966 912 - mags (6x15 with tires), 10,000 miles on engine, Konis (new), 4 speed. Contact Doug Brownlee at (213) 374-8961 (work) or (213) 934-7811 (home) " Lookin@ for a sharp 356B show car? I have a concours quality 1961 Super 90 coupe for sale. This Zone 8 competitor is signal red with black interior. Features include new chrome and rubber, rebuilt engine and transmission, Becker Europa AM-FM, oversized (touring) gas tank, Pirelli CN 36’s, chrome rims, bra and cover. This is a low mileage, second owner, California car and may be seen at the San Diego Zone 8 Concours on August 15. For more information and price, call John Dusckett at (714) 498-0258. Rare 1961 1600GS Carrera GT four cam 692/3A engine #P96027, light body coupe #115376. Mechanically excellent, no rust or significant body repairs. Licensed, tuned, and driven daily on the street. All original aluminum doors, deck, plexiglas windows, etc. Factory rollbar, LSD trans, spartan GT interior, large fuel tank, etc. Prefer open 356 trade (~peedster, "D", or Cabriolet) or best offer, but please, no dogs. J. C. Norris, San Diego Region. Phone (714) 487-7099 (eves.) or (714) 2380304, ext. 357 (days). Miscellaneous. Drum brake, wide wheels - 6" and 7"; mag wheels 14x5 1/2 and 15x6; 911 caliphers; ’73 911 rear wishbones/caliphers/ventilated discs complete; 4 cyl. cases/heads; set of 7" Centerline wheels (2 used one week-end, 2 new) for disc brakes; 22.5 x 7.5 slicks (used). Contact Carl Young, Las Vegas Region at (702) 876-7982.
REGISTRATION AND RESERVATIONS Pre-reqistration form: Obtain one immediately (if you havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t already) from Event Chairman, Sam Wang (826-2292), and mail to Riverside â&#x20AC;&#x2122;76, c/o Dean Goings, 3640 Cardiff Ave. #119, L.A. 90034. ~ees: With pre-tech -- PCA members $25/ ist driver, $5/2nd driver; all nonmembers $30 Without pre-tech -- PCA members $35/ Ist driver, $10/2nd driver; all nonmembers $40 Dash plaques free to all participants. Gara@es: $5 extra on first come, first served basis for PCA members only (request when pre-registering), Hotel Headquarters: The Ramada Inn, 1150 University Ave., Riverside 92507, (714) 682-2771. Make your own reservations, mention PCA, and ask for mailed confirmation.
EVENT WORKER AND DRIVER MEETING A meeting for Riverside event workers and novice (or any other) drivers will be held on Wednesday, August 25 at 7:30 p.m. at Boggs & McBirney, 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., L.A. The first part of the meeting will be for event workers. Discussion will cover responsibilities for registration, pit and grid control, timing, driver instruction, cleanup, etc. If you have not yet volunteered but would like to help make this a successful event, please come. The second part of the meeting will be for people who are new to Driver Education/Time Trials or Riverside Raceway. Pete Zimmerman has lined up a chalk talk covering the basics of high speed driving and car preparation, including a turn-by-turn description of the Riverside short course, and tips on safety equipment, brakes, shocks, etc.
iVer school/time trials tptember 25& 26 PRE-TECH
Pre-technical inspection is mandatory for entrants living within a 50 mile radius of one of the 7 pre-tech sites. Those living out of these areas can pre-register by mail at pre-tech entry fees. Los Angeles Pre-Tech: Tuesday, Sept. 14, 7 to I0 p.m., Vasek Polak PorscheAudi, 199 Pacific Coast Hwy., Hermosa Beach. For info call 461-3144. For regions other than Los Angeles, contact one of the following: Santa Barbara - Joe Schneider (805) 687-1619 San Dieqo - Tom Hauseur, Sr. (714) 459-1610 Riverside - Don Kravig (714) 689-7702 Las Veqas - Carl Young (702) 876-7982 Oranqe Coast - Harry Watanabe (714) 993-3980 Arizona - John Rockerhausen 1976 PCA Zone 8 Competition Rules and Classes will be used. Fire ektinguisher, seat belts, and roll bars in open cars (except 914’s and Targas) are required.
Track will open at 7 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Practice will begin as soon as possible, providing a maximum amount of time for each practice group (red, blue, green, yellow). Helmets are required for drivers and passengers, and may be borrowed at the track, if necessary. Track workers will be provided. Beer and soft drinks will be provided at the track on Saturday after the last practice. Saturday night a Presidents’ and Competition Chairmen meeting will be held at the Ramada Inn to discuss ideas and alterations for the ’77 Competition Rules. Timed runs will begin by noon on. Sunday, and we’ll have the trophies at the track (God willing!).
ophles donated by vasek polak
AUGUSI" The Board’s August get together will take place on Wednesday, the llth, at the home of Paul and Carol Edwards. Things will get started at 7:30 p.m., and the Edwards live at 11371 Nashawena Court (believe it or not), Cypress. If you need directions, give them a call at (714) 892-7922, and don’t be surprised if Ripley answers. All interested members are invited to come. COMPETITION COMMITTEE MEETING The Competition Committee, described on the opposite side of this Porscherama, will meet on Thursday, August 12th at 8:00 p.m. Judd Boykin will host this meeting at his home, 5302 Norwich Avenue, Van Nuys. His phone number is 788-4182, if you need directions. Anyone who has new ideas for the Zone 8 Competition Rules for 1977 should attend. SAN DIEGO REGION’S ZONE 8 CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE PCA-San Diego will sponsor the next event in the continuing series of Zone 8 Concours. Although the pre-entry, dea~line was August ist, there is no deadline for those of you who’d like to spectate. Sund~y, August 15th, is the date, and Fashion Valley Shopping Center in San Diego is the place~ Cars should be in position by i0:00 a.m., so plan on spending a nice leisurely Sunday traveling to beautiful San Diego to gaze at some beautiful Porsches. For additional information, contact Ron Ramage at 461-3144. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND HOT DOG ROAST Well, folks, it’s back to our old meeting spot, the South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club. An overwhelming majority seem to prefer oi’ SCCYC, so we’ll continue to meet there for the General Membership Meetings for the rest of the year. The address (for you new members, or you old timers who’ve forgotten) is 13445 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey. This month we’ve got a special treat.lined up -- one of our infamous hot dog cook-outs. We’ll start loadin’ up the charcoal around6:00 p.m., and for a mere $i.00 (kiddies free), you can have a hot dog supper The business meeting should get started around 8:00 p.m., and, as usual, there’ll be bar service and coffee. See you on the 19th! !
PCA vs, P0C CHALLENGE CUP SLALOM AT LAPD Crash and burn in style with POC (Porsche Owners’ Club for you 924 owners) hosting the 5th Annual DO IT WITH COMPETITION FEELING/CHALLENGE CUP SLALOM on August 22nd (Sunday) at the infamous LAPD Pursuit Training Course on Terminal Island in San Pedro. Refreshing with the
The business meeting should get started around 8:00 p.m., and, as usual, there’ll be bar service and coffee. See you on the 19th! !
PCA vs, POC CHALLENGE CUP SLALOM AT LAPD Crash and burn in style with POC (Porsche Owners’ Club for you 924 owners) hosting the 5th Annual DO IT WITH COMPETITION FEELING/CHALLENGE CUP SLALOM on August 22nd (Sunday) at the infamous LAPD Pursuit Training Course on Terminal Island in San Pedro. Refreshing with the smell of the ocean in the background is the smell of Castrol and burned rubber without the noise (closed exhaust required). In the cars you can’t tell because you will have a helmet on (loaner helmets available at the track). Did I say August 22nd?! Oh yes, the track opens at 7:00 a.m. (in the morning), practice starts around 8:00 with timed runs starting around noon. No special POC Competition License required for this event and you can run with stock Porsche type seat belts. The full catastrophy of POC type classes will be used. Speaking of trophies they are donated by FRED GREENFIELD’S PORSCHE PAINT PLATZ, a division of Steering Wheel Ltd., 1660 W. Anahein St., Harbor City, (213) 530-2142. Trophies will be awarded at the POC September 27th meeting at the Sheraton West Hotel on Wilshire Blvd., L.A. If you are a lady and want a fair shake for cla-ss structure, the BQC.~ha~s~a ladies~’~class t0~corr~spond wit~ each male cla~. Entry fee: ’POC/PCA members - $8, $i0 for two drivers (2nd female); guests add $2 for first driver. The event chairmen are Rick Gutierrez (213) 379-5236, Tom King (213) 537-4423, and Tom Marx (213) 626-3153 (and he’ll sing "Wedding Bells" to you!!).
25 Those TECHNICAL MEETING of you who are planning to attend the Riverside event should be sure to note this month’s tech meeting (which is really an Event Worker and Drivers Meeting). If you’ll look just above at the Riverside information section, you’ll see all the pertinent details about this meeting to be held on the 25th at Boggs and McBirney. Plan to attend.
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You’ve heard the old "good luck" adage for weddings -- well, this month it seems to apply to PCA-LA~ Something Old -- Back to SCCYC. Our membership meetings will return to South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club this month. See you there on the 19th for the hot dog cook-out. Somethinq New -- I am proud to announce that Pete Zimmerman will take over as Tech Chairman for the remainder of 1976. Pete is already busy lining up a chalk talk on Riverside Raceway for August’s tech meeting, and those of you planning to participate at our Zone 8 Time Trial in September should try to attend. Something Borrowed -- PCA-LA is "borrowing" Riverside International Raceway for two days in September. Sam Wang, our event chairman, has a lot of great things lined up, particularly lots of track time. Make your reservations now and avoid the rush. Something Blue -- The PCA "blue mood" at the PCA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom is getting pretty old, and it’s about time PCA really put out. A lot more PCA cars than POC cars at the LAPD Pursuit Course in San Pedro would sure be nice to see. It would be even better to see more PCA firsts. If we all try, maybe we can beat the "other" club at its own game. ¯~
P.S. Judd Boykin is forming a Nominating’ Committee for the election of next year’s Board of Directors. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on this committee, contact Judd as soon as possible.
PRESIDENT Rick Potts 4917 Zakon Road Days Torrance, California 90505 Eves V~CE PRESIDENT Judd Boykin SECRETARY John Dusckett TREASURER Dean Goings ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Ron Ramage PUBLICITY DIRECTOR AND PORSCHERA94A EDITOR Paul Edwards Days 11371 Nashawena Court Cypress, California 90630 Eves TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Pete Zimmerman MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Bob Wood 1340 Club View Drive Los Angeles, California 90024 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Don Kravig 11433 Norwood Avenue Riverside, California 92505
(213) 435-4868 (213) 373-2562 (213) 788-4182 (714) 498-0258 (213) 559-4141 (213) 461-3144 (714) 979-8947 (714) 892-7922 (213) 395-7614
(213) 274-2634
(714) 689-7702
PCA HOTLINE -- THE PANIC BUTTON (Who to call when all else (213) 398-2217 fails[)
MEMBERSHIP With the publication of this issue of Porscherama, the newly formed San Gabriel Region of PCA will be a reality. During the past months I’ve received notices which transfer members of Los Angeles Region to the San ~abriel Region.
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~ncluded in this group are individuals who, in past years, have given much of their time to our region either as active members or former Board Members. I know I speak for Los Angeles Region in wishing these individuals and their new region all the best.
Membership Director