" 34o
PCA-LA is a group of 400 Porsche enthusiasts. We are young and old, male and female, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "Region" of the Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque club in the world. On the nationa! level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine Porsche Panorama -- holds an annual week-!ong "Parade", and provides a nationwide forum for communication.
5~12 MOS~B~N~< DRo
~£OO V£RD~S ~’£N
The "ciub" part is mostly local. And what PCA-LA offers the Porsche owner is an opportunity to share the exhilirating, and sometimes frustrating, experience of understanding, maintaining, and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy it with us. Membership in the Porsche Club of America costs $24.00 annually. This includes regional dues, discounts at club events, subscriptions to Porscherama and Panorama, and more. For further information, contact Bob Wood, Membership Chairman.
v,ow ar.ivo angeles, ca 9002,
1st class mail
~ ~I ~
PORSCHERAMA is the official newsletter of t~ Porsche Club of America, Inc., and is publishe( numbered months. material must be received by the 20th of odd-m publication. Other contributions will be publi basis. All contributions become the property unless accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped
Statements appearing in Porscherama are those o necessarily constitute the opinion of the Porsc] Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, or The Editor reserves the right to edit all mater~ cation. PCA-LA members may insert non-commercia! Porsch~ in the "For Sale" column at no cost. Inquiries advertising should be directed to the Editor; h( should be prepared to provide camera-ready art.
WH00PS~ !
Due to a typographical, error on your Board of Directors ballot, Ann Wang, who is running for Publicity Director (does she really want this crazy job?’.), was deleted. She was running unopposed, however, so this shouldn’t pose any real problem as far as tallying election results are concerned. Humblest apologies from the ballot preparation squad, Ann.’ Speaking of election results -- they will be revealed at the November General Membership Meeting at the Lobster House. Best of luck to all the candidates:
Hosts: Rick and Dyanne Potts Attendance: Five Board members and four guests
I [
¯ ~-OS ANGE~.ES I~mE30 ~. VE~MONT 7~4"290~ 20 Yea~s a~ Same Location ~* £[ Se~.do 8[wd. ~s~ Was* o~ Harbor ~ree%vay
T~ke £~ Se~..~o m~d. O~-~m~ ¯ |~G[_l=~[~
I~_,~ ~.~r~_~ 878"~O4, ~77-9~12 10,000 Y~£s ~N SIOCK Ha~dto~i~dsizesfo~C~e~asa~dothe~Po~sches. We s~ecislize in "babying yourbuggy"b¥ .... fully ..... ing and dynamically
Official minutes were recorded by Sam and Ann Wang since John was on vacation. This meeting was held on September 1 by mutuai agreement among the board members since nobody was able to meet on the regular September 8 date. The meeting began at 8:20. After Rick announced a Las Vegas Region Time Trial to be held October 8-10, discussion centered on two main topics. The first was a discussion of the possibility of a free Christman party or one for which only a nominal charge would be made for PCA-LA members. Those present agreed that some fee should be charged, as an incentive for people to come and as a check on how many people are planning to attend. It was moved and seconded that, for our Christmas party this year, a small fee be charged for PCA-LA members. The amount of the charge would depend in part on the expenses and possible profit from the upcoming Zone 8 Riverside event. The next topic concerned having an inexpensive LA-only Willow Springs event this calendar year. After discussion, it was moved and seconded that we consider having a 1-day Willow event sometime in November, charging only a nominal fee for LA members. it was suggested that we could charge $5 for Willow and $2 per person for the Christmas party. Saturday was considered to be a better day than Sunday for the Willow event. After announcements of upcoming events, Sam reported on the progress of Riverside. Wen Wieman offered to take care of delivery of cold refreshments to the track on Saturday. The meeting adjourned
balancing you~ rna.q wheels. We distribute American Mags a~d rnam/ oth ........ Ing, .... d .... h ..... We offer disc brak ..... ice.
See JACK on Vermont... or ART in Inglewood
$1 Mp£nrr ( nlinenlal " SPECIAl D $COUN[ TO PCA M~M~ER5
16, 1976
In Rick Pott’s absence, Vice-President Judd Boykin called about ~0 members to order at 8:30. A lot of absent general members and board members did not know that they were going to miss two excellent speakers. Membership - Bob introduced six guests and new members. Secretary-John asked that any parade participants contact him. Tech - Pete said that the date and topic of the next tech me~ting will be published in the October newsletter. Also, he will be available at Riverside for any emergency repairs. New Business - Steve Michaelson gave the suggestions and proposals that resulted from his committee meetings. Sam Wang gave a final update on Riverside. Chuck Cooper read a letter acknowledging Bob Raucher’s contributions to the 356 Registry. Judd brought the meeting to a break at 9:20.
18 20 27
~--m~v~ ~=y~
San Diego -- (714) 287-5282 PCA-LA MEMBERSHIP MEETING @ LOBSTER HOUSE Zone 8 Awards Banquet @ Anaheim Stadium Club PCA-LA ONE-DAY WILLOW SPRINGS -- (714) 536-3734
PCA-LA BOARD MEETING (OLD & NEW) -- (213) 373-2562
A general question an~ ans%~er period -~-as
a slide presentation and then another question and answer session. Among the many interesting facts presented were that i) almost 500 Porsches that have been stolen this year have not been recovered, and 2) one of the Porsches that was recovered was found right in the lot of our meeting place. The officers kept everyone interested until 11:15 when most people decided to make sure that their cars were still where they had left them.
12 20 22/23
PCA-LA ZONE 8 CONCOURS @ SANTA ANITA -- (213) 461-3144
all pnrsche anything ORIGINAL 356 &900
. . *but were afraid to ask Q: A:
What is a Porsche Parade? Well, it’s not a bunch of Porsches playing "follow the leader"~ But it is when approximately 500 Porsches and their owners from all over the United States congregate at a specific location each year. Example -- Convention, Woodstock-on-Wheels, etc.
In 1977 the Parade locale is San Diego. Fellow PCA’ers from all over the country will converge on our southern neighbors for a week of competitive, technical and social events, Each day of the Parade highlights a different "main event", including an autocross, concours, rallye and tech session/ quiz. Event awards are made at the dinner parties scheduled during the week. PCA National Awards and Overall Parade winners are announced at the final Victory Banquet. It’s a week of Porsche events you must experience~
I.li. Vl=l:li_&. W _.I=KI=I!IiI:I Put on your Glitter Town duds, start practicing that Black Jack, and get yourselves ready for the rip-roarin’, hot damnin’ PCA-LA Las VeGas Week-end. The dates are January 21-23 1977. and
11431 ~nta Moni~ Boulevard
Think about it...
Anything Ltd. [ July24-30,1977
Drop by our new larae
Los Angeles, ~lifornia 9~25 FOR
Telephone: (213) 473-2941 CATALOGUE
OCTOBER 13, 1976
Hosts: Paul and Carol Edwards Attendance: Eight Board members and nine guests Rick called the larger than usual gathering to order at 8:15. Treasurer - Dean gave a complete financial report including a detailed accounting of Riverside. Membership - Bob informed us that we have sold out our supply of PCA badges and patches. A motion was carried permitting him to order 25 badges, 25 patches and i0 decals. Bob concluded his report by distributing new membership rosters. Vice-President - Judd announced a guest speaker for the October meeting. As nominating committee chairman, he presehted the conLmittee’s candidates which will be finalized at the general meeting. He then went on to lead a lengthy discussion on the interpretation of the by-laws in regard to the upcoming election. Afterward, he led a discussion on the best location for a November dinner meeting featuring Richard Petty as guest speaker. Secretary - John asked for help in getting the results from recent events in order to update points. Publicity - Paul set a deadline of O~tober 24 for the final full-size edition of the newsletter. Tech - Pete announced October 27 as the date for the tech meeting. The topic will be announced at the October meeting. He also announced November 17 as the date for pre-tech for the
leaving Friday evenlnq (for tho~e who’~a~n--[~-~e~--a~ from
work~). An invitation is being extended to the Las Vegas Region to join us in our hospitality suite for no-host cocktails on Saturday, and there will also be time during the day (for those who still feel like driving~) to cruise down to Boulder Dam or some other scenic place. Saturday night we’ll hit the hot spots and a late show, and if PCA-LA runs true to form, we’ll spend the wee hours gambling. For those of you who’ve enjoyed this event in the past, you know what a great time you’re in for -- and if you’ve missed it .. . well, now’s the time to get in the act! Room costs are $27.56 per night (double or single), and a special PCA parking area will be roped off in the Marina Hotel lot. January may sound far off, but start saving your pennies now -- we’ll need your payment in full for both nights by December 28, 1976! You’ll be receiving a flyer on this soon with a mail-back registration form. If you have any questions before then contact Carol Edwards at (714) 892-7922. START Y0UNS AND START RISHT As the Riverside Time Trials of the week-end of September 25th was my first experience behind the wheel of a race car, for me, it was a perfect way to start racing. I had an excellent car and most of all excellent friends. I have been in the club for three years, but never as a driver. I always considered myself the luckiest passenger in the club. In those three years I have met many people in the club and I have had the chance to realize who is a good driver and who is not. This comes in handy when it comes to choosing an instructor for your first race. I went to Speedy Livingston who had shown an interest in me as a first time driver, and he gave me some pre-race advice that I really respected. He also told me that he had asked Greg Arnett, a 914/6 driver, to be my instructor. What a good stroke of luck. I talked to Greg and we set it up. He first drove my car and talked me through the course. It was ~xactly what I wanted. Then, when I drove, he would set me up on a nice s~ooth line. Whenever I had trouble, he would grab the wheel or put his foot on the gas to get me straight. I went out with Greg as much as I could becahse I feel it’s best to get the most instruction you possibly can. When the next event comes up, I’ll place myself right back in the beginners’ class, as I feel that I would not consider any course without instruction. One of the most exciting aspects of the week-end was how everybody cared about me and shared their interest in me, an 18 year old beginner. Everybody was giving me Words of encouragement, and, believe me, I heard it all and appreciated it tremendously. As a resu-lt of the week-end, I now have a much greater appreciation for the Porsche and how to drive it. I have a respect for the car and its ability I never had before. I also have something I’ll never forget, and that is, what it’s like to not only go out there for the first time, but to have the pleasure of knowing that I learned something and did it well. My thanks to all who showed an interest and made the week-end so special. Now I can’t wait for the next event. Ted Fels
Activities - Ron reviewed events through the end of the year,
and then let Peter give a complete account of the Willow Springs event on November 27. A flyer will be forthcoming. Carol Edwards concluded by relating plans for a tour to Las Vegas in January. New Business - Ron led a discussion on year-end awards which ended at 11:20. MHMBERSHIP MEHTING - 0CIOBHR
21, 1976
After setting up all of the chairs that could be found to seat the 90-plus people attending the meeting , Rick brought the meeting to order at 8:15. Secretary - John began business by presenting the slate of candidates drawn up by the nominating committee. After introducing the candidates, he opened up nominations to the general membership. The final nominating produced a ballot as follows: President - Judd Boykin, Paul Edwards Vice-President - Jan Winthrop, Gerald Zilly Secretary - Stanna Cooper, Ursula Grunfeld, Lynne Smith Treasurer - Dean Goings, Jim Nielsen Membership - Bob Wood Publicity - Ann Wang Activities - Ron Ramage Technical - Jose Ochoa, Pete Zimmerman Membership - Bob introduced almost twenty guests and announced a total roster of 420. Tech - Pete announced the date of the tech meeting and the need for a dented fender for the demonstration at the meeting. Activities - Ron handed out a schedule of upcoming events and reviewed activities through the end of the year. Entertainment - A brief for-sale session and break at 8:40 preceeded the Mobil 1 presentation by Allen Stupplebeen. He concluded his technical presentation by 10:00 and a wide variety of slides taken by the general membership was shown until about 11:15. Included were pictures at the Porsche factory, Riverside and the Historic Auto Races. Respectfully submitted,
Fellow Porsche Owners: If you have been involved in PCA-LA for any or all of the past ten years, you are probably aware that the name PORSCHOP stands for dedication to technic~ excellence ~d integrity in ~1 ~=~f~-s~c~ ~d repair
You may not
/-~t. There,; ’3 hew~r~ which may interesV~ mainten~d~d:~~nltion mh, ~d custom restorat~. ~~~nths ~d the concept was.proven by air
~~ith~m~imingvrignU~,~,~le~ Two new~ie~e ~Rrms ~e now In stock. They ~ be us’~~ely or combined to give m~[mum security. You are inv[t~ to stop by for ~ demo.
print first place winners in each class along with all of our LA me~er entrants. LA meters are indicated by an asterisk.
The s~e customizing skills which have resulted in gobs o~ concours trophies ~e now being utilized in restoration of vint~e Porsches. We welcome this type of in~iry, but please remember that qu~ity work t~es time.
Vernon A. Covert
Curt Kuebler
4~ R£~O AV[. £O~ AN~£[$, ~
(21~) ~8-~21T
Nancy Bridges 73 914 - Orange Barrett Bunce 68 912 Coupe - Red Duquesne Dickey 65 SC Coupe - Platin~ Silver Sherwood Fei~erg 64 SC Cabriolet - Peruvian Red Jay & Susan Foreman 76 Turbo Carrera - White 76 914 (2.0) - Orange 58 Speedster - White David B. Harriman 74 911 Carrera Targa - Black Dick Lowe 73 911T Coupe - Sepia Brown Cal Marks 76 Turbo Carrera - Silver Jerry Marks
Mode I
Richard Martin Wes Weiman
914 2.0-- A4/E __ 117.71~ 100.82 912E A4/D 151.94 85.02
1 "3 "4 "5 "7
Dennis Thulen Jan Winthrop Victor Wang Edward Hartmann Robert Trousdale
Carrera_ 911 911S 911 911T
Ursula Grunfeld__ 914
A6/J-A6/F A6/H AS/J A6/G
117.60-119.18 117.97 121.53 121.71
99.23 97.60 96.30 96.03 95.47
2.0_ L4S/E--136.01__87.26
Margie Scott
Pa~ Alston
L4T/C--142 46--84.39
Charles S~lmore 68 911L - Red
*1 "4 "5
Judith Endler Henrietta Marks Joy Royston
911T 911 911
L6T/F__117.23__99.22 L6T/F 129.00 90.17 L6T/J 131.80 88.54
Les A. Sutton 61 356B Coupe - Red
1 "2
Catherine Briggs Ginger Boykin
356B 912
L4P/K_124.40__97.29 L4P/M 119.95 94.60
Sally Daves
Conv D__ L4M/W__113.54
Hall A. Acuff 76 911S Coupe - Silver John Berl 66 912 Coupe - Maroon
1 "6
Butt Wachtel 76 911S Targa - White
1__ Barbara Brennan
Wes Wieman 76 912E - Burgundy Metallic
l__ Jerry Davis
T~SFERS T0 L0~ ANGELES REGZON Charles Doll from Niagara Region Judy Endler from Riverside Region 69 911T Coupe - Yellow
Bill Shaffer
1__ Darrell Malott
914 1.7__D
Michael Green
Carl Young. Jerry Marks
911--F 911 F
110.91 122.79
] "3
Jerry Sturm
Marshall ~ite
Larry & Joann Koplin from Lonestar Region
*1 "5
John DiRosario Charles Royston
91~__ J.__ 114.62 911 J 132.65
Bob & Kathleen Luth from Metro New York Region
Jose Ochoa.
355__ K__ 120.42
Richard Wozniak
Floyd Mutrux
George N. Seide
58 S~e~dstar ~ ~ed "STOLEN" 63 Cabriolet - Yellow G.B. Osborne 61 356 Cabriolet - Green Eric Ross 76 Turbo Carrera - Lavender
from Florida Crown Region Stanley Siegel from Southeast Michigan Region 72 911T Coupe - Tangerine David & Patricia Stephens from Intermountain Region
i p~e p~e teeh As PCA-LA becomes more and more involved with time trials, a few things should be mentioned c6ncerning technical inspection. ~ No harsh feelings should b~ ~resen~’in the tech line if you’re caught with an improperly mounted fire extinguisher or a front wheel bearing that is too loose. These types of items are being checked for your protection and the safety of those who will be driving at speed, during the same sessions that you are in. To make pre-tech and tech at the track go much easier for you in the future, I’ve put together a list of items you can easily check yourselves. Fire extinguisher: It has to have a mounting bracket bolted securely to the floor or some other convenient, easy-to-reach location. In case of mishap, a loose extinguisher can become a very dangerous object flying about inside your Porsche. Battery: For your Porsche’s protection, make sure your battery is secure and both cable terminals are tight and clean. Please avoid making a hold-down unit using old coat hangars, bailing wire, etc., for the simple reason that they can, and often do, work loose and short across the positive terminal. Only use hold-downs that were intended for that specific purpose. Tires: Most of you who are just starting to attend "drivers’ schools" are competing on street tires. Showing up at pretech with the cord hanging out of a tire is inexcusable, There is only one proper way to check your tires before an event. Jack your car up until both wheels on one side clear the pavement. Then, while slowly rotating them, examine for unusual wear, flat spots, cuts, sidewal! bubbles, etc. Oil leaks: A good policy to follow here is to visit your local 50¢ car wash thathopefully has a high pressure booth, Clean the engine and transmission areas as thoroughly as possible. This is the messy part, but a little pain for all that week-end pleasure isn’t too much to ask, is it? Do this a week prior to pre-tech, and then place clean newspaper or grocery bags under the car to check for any telltale drips. These four checks may be done in less than two hours and will save you a lot of last minute grief if you find something wrong. These checks are preliminary and must be done before each event. In upcoming issues of Porscherama, I will go into more detail concerning it6ms such as shocks, brake pads, wheel bearings, etc. See you at Willow! Pete Zimmerman
Adam Reed
*] Quln Williams__ ].__Paul Haas *] Larry Dick *I Steve Michaelson *4 Paul Edwards *5 Peter Luelsdorf 1 Tim Loftus Bob Douglass *6 sam wang ,7 ,8 Michael Chandler "10 Ted Fels *** Walt Kaye Steve Whyte *I Bob Snyder *** 1 Rick Norquist 1 Ira Linderfeld 1 Bob Barnes *5 Leland Hurty *** Rob Courand Don Kravig 1 *3 Barry Maashoff *4 Gil Rios *** Dean Aronis 1 Bill -Yates *2 Otis Chandler
-114.60 9i4 i. /__N ~ 914 2.0--R--iii.22 911 R--I07.60 911E S__102.61 911E S iii.01 911T 114.02 S 914-6 T 100.98 914-6 T 107.53 914-6 T 109.36 914-6 T 109.69 914-6 T 116.68 914-6 T DNR 911T--U i00 " 15 Carerra U DNR 912 GT__V 109.12 914 W.__104.89 911T X__95.91 100.37 911S X 911 X DNR 911S Z__95.77 911 Z 102.99 Z 104.06 906 DNR 911S Z EX 91.13 911 917K EX 93.91
? You who are avid P~no~m~ readers -- and especially you newer members -- may have wondered,"What is U~ F~m~n ~ Po~8e~8?" Up F~men is a three volume compilation of tech tips from various regional newsletters and P~no~m~. Not apparent is that this three volume set was done by the Los Angeles Region (most notably Curt Kuebler of Porschop) and oi’ LA still receives a royalty on each volume sold nationally. Up F~n is a gold mine of service hints, how to’s, custom modifications, operational explanations, nostalgic reprints of new car announcements, and a little Porsche history here and there. The first volume covers Porsche models 1956 to 1960, the s~cond volume covers 1961 to 1966, and the third volume covers 1967 to 1972, and if the past is any indication of the future we hope to see a fourth volume soon. ! .~_-~
........ ! !
~~-~-~ ! ~.~ ~--~|~|" /~ ~.~____~_~_~~ I /~,~---~ ~ "
ZONE 8 CONCOURS SERIES FINAL POINT STANDINGS (after 4 events) Since there are so many entrants in the Zone 8 Concours Series, we’re limiting our standings to show just the Los Angeles Region members entered. The point total in the last column represents the total for that car in its best three events. If you see an asterisk next to the entry, that indicates a year-end Zone 8 trophy for the entrant. To be eligible for a year-end award, the entry must have competed in at least two of the four Zone 8 sanctioned events. CONGRATULATIONS to all -- as usual, LA Region came through with flying colors~! CONCOURS DIVISION Class C-2 C-4 C-7
Place 2nd *ist
Entrant Chuck & Kerrie Cooper Sara Pennington
Point Total 16 36
*ist__Ralph & Geri Boothe 2nd Geri Boothe Ron Ramage C-10~2nd Rick Ross STREET DIVISION S-2 *ist Chuck & Stana Cooper 3rd Wes Anderson Floyd Mutrux 6th Ron Ramage 7th George Caroll
60 13 13 9 5
S-3__*ist *2nd 5th S-4 5th 6th 7th
49 43 16 13 ii 9
Floyd Mutrux John & Linda Dusckett Floyd Mutrux Ron Bien Otis Chandler Bob & Eleanor Raucher Tony Goodman S-5--*ist 5th William Lippman s-7__*2nd Gerald Zilly 4th William Sussman 5th Dennis Nelson 8th Jorge Juarez S-8 *ist David Faulkner 3rd__Rick & Dyanne Potts S-9 S-10 *ist Vern Covert *2nd Cal & Julie Marks 3rd Otis Chandler 5th Marty Jacobson
60 16 16 13
49 ii 45 24 16 9 60 16 60 36 16 ii
for sale
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and, 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; however, all listings are subject to editing and condensing. 3. Non-members’ ads will be published on space-~.vailable basis for a fee of $i0.00. Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column. 76 Turbo Carrera #379. Paint-to-sample Beigegrau metallic, Black interior with black headliner, 1300 miles, sunroof, sport seats, ROSS alarm, lowered, Headlights and rear seat Turbo logo deleted from factory, Black chrome Bosch HI headlights, European taillights, bra and cover. Possibly the most beautiful Turbo built. Bob Wood (213) 274-2634. 911 Parts. Set of 6" factory alloys with or without tires, Targa top’, late 911 seats (black). Bob Wood (213) 274-2634. One complete set of Christo~horus from issue #i to present ’(1976). Excellent condition, only 6 issues missing out of 120 books. $400. Contact Robert Raucher, 13454 Weddington St., Van Nuys, CA 91401, (213) 784-6081. 1973 911T yellow coupe. 24,900 miles, 7" factory mags, Ansa exhaust, H-4 headlights, European taillights, lowered 5-speed, snooper radar, black trim, and much more. This is a concours coupe, recently serviced. Call Dave Lenton at )714) 631-1304. 1975 911S Coupe. #9115202291, 5 speed. Copper Metallic. 10,000 miles, orig. registered Oct., 1975 -- 1 year old. Air, alloys, CN 36’s, Konis, lowered, am/fm/8 tr., Britannia leather wheel, bra, wheel locks, anti-theft lock. Calif. registr, paid ’till Oct., 1977. Immaculate condition throughout. Price $13,900. (SC DDS). Call Bob Cornwell at (213) 821-6433 (home) or (213) 823-8945 (work). Stolen~ 1965 Porsche Cabriolet, 356C engine, red, approximately 73,000 miles on odometer, excellent condition. Reward for info leading to recovery of car. Contact local police department or call (215) 297-5632 any hour collect. Wanted. Porsche Factory Showroom Sales literature, Christophorus magazines, calendars, color charts, panoramas, workshop manuals, brochures, posters., and models, cars for th~ 1949 thru 1965 Porsche production period. Send firm price on pieces or whole collection. Have many original factory duplicate items for trade only. Write trading pieces you have and those you are seeking. Robert Raucher, 13454 Weddington St., Van Nuys, CA 91401 (213) 784-6081.
.. ......
Good ~ people--an( workers Riverside Speci, instructor. decisive iF drivers. F the novices
SecoF the start-I Ochoa and with it a At te really in # peopl e who Cheryl Coo some of th,
driver school/time trials in retrospect ~aration and organization can make a good event. But it takes lots of them--to make an event great. We want to thank everyone-drivers alike--for helping to make the Zone 8 Time Trials at his year such a success, 1 thanks should go first to John Thomas, our chief driving His level-headed enthusiasm and unquestioned driving skill were making this a safe and educational experience for all the is instructors spent a lot of time and energy making sure that really felt a part of the event, fly, thanks must go to John Fels ("voice of show biz") who manned ~inish tower and the PA system all weekend, with the help of Jose ack DiRosario. It’s a job that looks like a lot of fun but carries ot of responsibility; these guys didn’t let us down. :h we had Pete Zimmerman in charge. As a Porsche mechanic, he was ~is element: he tech’ed almost 150 cars. Pete was just one of the gave up their weekend to help us rather than drive; Nick Friesen, ,er, Doug Wasson, Phil Paget, George Person, and Ben Adauto were others,
Registration and scoring this year went smoothly with no serious hang-ups, thanks to lots of help from Ursula Gruenfeld, Nancy Bridges, Carol Edwards, and a lovely lady named Sharon Berry who doesn’t even own a Porsche but did as much work and running around as any of us and seemed to enjoy it more. Kurt Kuebler and Bill LeFlang had to contend with some faulty wiring in the timing bus and with a couple of CB’ers who decided to mess up our transmissions, but in spite of everything, they did an excellent job of the timing. Our track workers were from the Cal Club. You always know you can feel more secure when they’re on the track; the drivers may not always know what to do, but these flag people do, and that’s a good feeling. Refreshments on Saturday afternoon were arranged for by Wes Wieman; it went so well, we’re going to make that his permanent job. Finally we want to thank all the participants (except the guys who couldn’t wait to pop those beer cans and almost ruined the weekend for everyone) for driving safely and keeping their cool despite some unexpected aggravations and delays--who planned for fog in September? We hope that everyone had enough fun that you’ll be willing to come back next year and help us do it right again. Sam’n Ann and Dean P.S.
We’re grateful to Vasek Polak of Redondo Beach for sponsoring the whole weekend. We mustn’t forget to thank Mr. Otis Chandler for bringing his 917 for us to ogle, and Mr. Paul Newman for just bringing himself.
Your Board of Directors will hold its November.meeting on Wednesday, the 10th, at the home of Judd and. Ginger Boykin. The Boykins live in Van Nuys at 5302 Norwich Avenue. If you need some directions to get there, give them a call at 788-4182. The meeting will start at 7:30, and will center on events for the rest of this year, as well as the first few events of 1977. Any member who’s interested is welcome to attend.
Our November Membership Meeting is a very special one for the LA Region. We’ Ii meet for dinner at the L6bster House, 4211 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey, on Thursday, November 18th. After dinner, we’re very fortunate to have as our guest speaker 6-time Grand National Stock Car Champion, Richard Petty. The cocktail hour starts at 6:30, and dinner will be served at 7:30 (the entree is brochette of beef). The cost per person (which includes dinner, tax and tip) is $8.00, and your payment and reservation must be mailed to Judd Boykin, 5302 Norwich Avenue, Van Nuys 91411, no later than Monday, November 15th. In addition to our fine entertainment, great door prizes will be given away. If you can’t make the dinner, the entertainment part of the evening will probably begin around 8:30. Election results for the 1977 Board of Directors will also be announced at this meeting. This sounds like one you won’t want to miss, so get those reservations in NOW’.
ZONE 8 AWARDS BANQUET AND MEETING This year Orange Coast Region hosts the annual Zone 8 Awards Banquet and Meeting on Saturday, November 20th. All of you who were big winners in Zone 8 competition this year (time trials, concours or rallyes), as well as any other interested members, will surely want to attend this once-a-year get-together. The event will be held at the Anaheim Stadium Club, 2000 S. State College Blvd. in Anaheim, and you’re welcome to attend all or part of the goings-on. Meetings to discuss Zone 8 events and rules will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with a lunch break. No-host cocktails
Orange Coast must have your reservations and check by November 16th (along with an indicaentree). The money should go to George V. McClelland, 11301 Euclid Ave. #18, Garden Grove, CA 92640. George can answer any questions you may have --. contact him at (714) 534-9643.
WILLOW SPRINGS PCA-LA DRIVERS’ SCHOOL In celebration of our healthy banE account, we’ll hold a one-day R±llow for PCA-BA members onl~ on Saturday, November 2?th. Th±s w±11 be a low-Eey, drive-a-bunch type of event without the pressure of Zone 8, electronic light beams, and other time trials paraphernalia. Entry fee is a measly $5.00 -- $2.00 for a second driver if you can find one. One thing -- Zone 8 safety rules will apply (e.g., fire extinguisher, seat belts, roll bars in open cars). Helmets, courtesy of Bell, can be borrowed at the track. The usual compliment of track safety equipment -- ambulance, CB’s, flags, and Doc Sam -- will be on hand. Pre-tech will be at Bob Smith Porsche-Audi, 1751 Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood on Wednesday, November 17th from 7 to 9 p.m. Given a one-day event, pZ~as~ b~ th~e! Otherwise, we’ll waste good time at the track. November 27th the track will open at 7:00 a.m. sharp~ Remember things will get dark early, so it’ll pay to be there early! To get to the track, take State Highway 14 through Palmdale and Lancaster, go about 10 more miles, take the Rosamond off-ramp, and go left. You can’t miss it. Unofficial headquarters for those coming up Friday or staying Saturday night will be the Sand Sailor Motel on Sierra Highway in Lancaster. Although all spectators are welcome, no non-members or other region members will be allowed as participants~ This will be our event. Novices, you’ll never have a better chance to learn how to drive fast safely. Oldtimers, this is a chance to really practice on PCA-LA’s ole "home" track . . a chance to get your head straight for next year’s Zone 8 series. Our co-chairmen for this event are Peter Luelsdorf (714) 536-3734 and Sam Wang (213) 826-2292. Any questions? Give ’em a call.
BOARD MEETING Rick and Dyanne Potts will host a joint meeting of both the 1976 and 1977 Boards of Directors on Wednesday, December 8th, beginning at 7:30 p.m. This meeting will provide the opportunity for m4mbers of both Boards to exchange ideas as well as jobs, and get things rolling for 1977. The Potts’ live at 4917 Zakon Road, Torrance. Those of you who haven’t been there before can get directions by calling them at 373-2562.
CHRISTMAS BUFFET-LUNCHEON AND YEAR-END AWARDS Sunday, December 12th, is the day, and the Princess Louise Restaurant on Terminal Island in San Pedro is the place. Yes, folks, it’s our annual end-of-the-year celebration and Christmas bash. This year we’re having a buffet luncheon rather than the old stand-by dinner we’ve had in the past. We’ll gather at 12 noon, and mingle and munch until about 5:00 p.m., when you can either adjourn to the PL bar for dancing or go on your merry way. Year-end PCA-LA awards for competition and participation will be presented, and the 1977 Board of Directors will be installed. Of course, we’ll have our usual array of nifty door prizes. Due to the abundance of good things in our treasury, this fun-filled afternoon will cost members and their guests only $2.00 per person. You’ll be receiving a special invitation to the Christmas Party by Thanksgiving, and reservations will have to be in by Thursday, December 9th. By the way, reservations are a must’. Additional information can be obtained from Ron Ramage (213) 461-3144 (days) or Ginger Boykin (213) 788-4182 (eves.). This is a super way to kick off the holiday season, so be sure to join your PCA friends on December 12th for lots of good food and good company’.
support our advertizers they support us! Anything Ltd. 473-2941 HAL & AL TIRES 678-1104 PORSCHOP 398-2217
By the time you read this, PCA-LA will ha~e a~’ew ~rd of D~.’.~ractors. Based on the slate of members ru~niql~for/~he Boar~~ PCA-LA will have excellent leadership next year (a~’always?~. The one thing the Board is going to need is YOUR h@ip[ We had a very successful year in 1976, but it was ~cause of; ~fforts of many, not just the eight’Board members. Foi Chuck and Stanna Cooper really did a job on the conc~ Santa Anita; Steve Michaelson (and Co.) worked ~ery revise our competition rules; Sam and Ann Wang (and ]ut on a great time trial at Riverside; Paul and C~rol Edward~ did a fantastic job with Po~so~e#am~; and Rot Ramage --.7,wel~ Rot did everything no one else really wanted to do. . ~ ~. Pecause we were successful this year, there are a Couple of -~a#, low-cost events coming,Up. The first is a .driver trainlng session at Willow Springs!ilon November 27th. iThe event is for PCA-LA only. No crowds, just fun. If ~u’ve never had a chance to drive reilly fast in yo:dr Porsche, thi!~ is you~r chance to learn how to go fast - safely. The other event coming up is our annual Christmas P~r~¥~gn December 12th. This will be an afternoon affair, and,~#6uf~ bet there will be some .,.~ ,/ . : great door prizes. ~{.! Attendance ~t our membership me~tings~as be~n steadily increasing. Even’though itmay ge~" a littl~i.i~rowd~, f~ sure is a great way to get to know oth~r PorscM~ Pus~rs~’.i~ One of these days, we may @~en see el! 40!~% membeg~ at~0me~etin@. I don’t know what we would’do with everyone~ but<it sure would be great to see that many Porsches in one’place.
Rick Potts 4917 Zakon Road Days Torrance, California 90505 Eves VlCE PRESIDENT Judd Boykin SECRETARY John Dusckett TREASURER Dean Goings ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Rot Ramage PUBLICITY DIRECTOR AND PORSCHERAMA EDITOR Paul Edwards Days 11371 Nashawena Court Eves Cypress, California 90630 TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Pete Zimm&rman MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Bob Wood 1340 Club View Drive Los Angeles, California 90024 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Don Kravig 11433 Norwood Avenue Riverside, California 92505
Speak±rig o~ ~ha~ many Por~c~ea in one place, he 1977 Parade ±s ~o±n~ ~o be held ±n San D±ego, our n÷±ghbor ~o ~he aough, Porsche Parades are ~ru~¥ unbe~±evab~e eveng~, and ~here ±a no reaaon ~hg PCA-LA shouZdn’~ have ag leasg f±fky cara ag ~he Parade. Check your PanO~am~ fo~’~a±Zed ±nforma~±on, and reg±sger ~-- -. early.
PCA HO~L~NN fa±~a[)
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for all your help in~the~a~ year, because it would have been nearly as great witho~~OU. ~-~ " ~. /~ ~~"-.~ [~ _~.. , . /~; ~ "
MEMBERSHIP ~ Membership meetings this year have been very successful, if the nu~be< of people attending is any measure of success. We have been fortunate to h~ve had some very fine speakers, including Sam Weiil - former president of Volkswagen Pacific, Kurt Meier -jliason engin$~r from Porsche in Stuttgart, and at the September
213) 435-4868 213) 373-2562 213) 788-4182 714) 498-0258 213) 559-4141 213) 461-3144 (714) 979-8947 (714) 892-7922 (213) 395-7614
11213) 274-2634
(714) 689-7702
go cal.~ when all else (2~3) 398-22~7
Membership continued meeting ~e had special investigators Mike Codina and Bill Sharff
from the California Highway Patrol Auto Theft Division. For those of you who did not attend the September meeting, all I can say is that you missed a very informative talk on the mathods used in the theft and re-registration of stolen Porsches and the measures that we as Porsche owners can take to help prevent the theft of our treasured automobiles. This last month we had two more Porsches stolen from Los Angeles Region members. Need I say more. This month, we have Richard Petty scheduled as our guest speaker, and we hope to have more interesting speakers during the upcoming months. If you have any suggestions for speakers or meeting entertainment, give Judd Boykin a call at 788-4182. If you haven’t been to a meeting in awhile -- come and see what YOUR club is doing. "~-~ ~ £ ~ ~| Membership Director