Porscherama 1977 January-February

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club view drive ,. 1977 JAN i~

is a "Re~ on" of the Porsche Club of club in the d.ca,The national org ~ationwide foru~ for communication through


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"Parade." At the local level, PCA-LA is a group of 400 enthusiasts. We are young and old,

Membership in the Porsche Club of America costs $24.00 annually. This includes regional dues, and gives the member such benefits as discounts at club events, subscriptions to both PANORA~ and PORSCHERA~, and more. For further information, contact Bob Wood, Membership Chairman.


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its PANORA~ -- and

fast. Our club offers the Porsche owner an opportunity to share the exhilirating, and sometimes frustrating, experience of understanding, driving and maintaining one of the most unique automobiles in the world. We invite you to enjoy it with us.


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PORSCHE~MA is the official newsletter of the Los Angeles Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc., and is published bi-monthly. Members are encouraged to contribute articles and photographs. Dated materials must be received by the 20th of even-numbered months to ensure their publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. All contributions become the property of the Los Angeles Region unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the individual author and do not’necessarily constitute the opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, or the PORSCHERAMA editor. The editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted. PCA-LA members may insert noncommercial Porsche-related advertisements in the "For Sale" column at no cost. Inquiries regarding commercial advertising should be directed to the editor. Advertisers must be able to provide camera-ready art.





NEW MEMBERS Victor Allen 73 911T - Green Alan W. Baldwin 67 912 - Orange Dave Beck 68 911 Targa - Brown Toby Cowan 73 914 - White Walter DeLorrell Jr. 77 924 - Marina Blue Metallic Douglas Dewey 69 911T Coupe - Black Paul Englebretson 75 911S Coupe- Yellow A. Daniel Fox 66 912 Coupe - Green Charles E. Gates 77 911S Coupe - White Gall Hauck 73 914 - White Roger Hicks 69 911S Targa - Yellow Kurt Hillgruber 76 912E - Red Ruben Jackson 66 912 Coupe - Yellow Helen Kidder 76 912E - Silver Robert W. Long 72 914 - Red Robert Marcus 67 911S Targa - Green Jeff Miller 76 911S Coupe - Burgundy Metallic Don Nelson 63 356 Cabriolet Ken Sawina 73 911RSR Coupe - Orange Robert Sawyer 74 911 Targa - Beige

BOARD MEETING - 10 November 1976

Art Schultz 73 911T Coupe - Blue Jerry & Marge Scott 77 924 - Red 75 911S Coupe - Brown 73 914 - Silver J. Cyrus Shuster 73 914 (1.8) - Green Sanford Sigoloff 65 356C Coupe - Red Alfred W. Slayton 65 356SC Cabriolet - Dark Blue Frank Vaughn 58 Speedster - Cream David Weber 58 356A Coupe - Yellow 69 912 Coupe - White William Weisner 64 356C Coupe - White Carl Weissburg 76 911S Targa - Burgundy Metallic Michael Yaro 71 911E Coupe - Silver 72 911T Coupe - Brown Joseph F. Yates 66 911 Coupe - Gold TRANSFERS TO LOS ANGELES REGION William Coleman Ill from Golden Gate Region Eugene D. Gierson from Orange Coast Region John Moffitt from Orange Coast Region 56 Speedster - Black Kenneth Provasi from Orange Coast Region

Hosts: Judd and.Ginger Boykin Attendance: Seven Board members, and Ginger Boykin, Dyanne Potts, and Ben Adauto. Rick began the meeting at 8:00 by relaying some messages from Paul and Carol: the paper will bemailed on Friday, and Las Vegas deposits must be in by 31 December. Vice-President - Judd reported that only about half of the needed reservations for the dinner meeting have been received. Membership - Bob said that we keep losing members to San Gabriel Region, but that we keep getting enough new members to keep us over 400. He has received a new shipment of badges, patches and decals. He also suggested a time limit for guest speakers. Secretary - John mentioned that the ballot return has been super, and asked if the points procedures need to be revised. Activities - Ron revealed the door prizes for the Christmas party, suggested a social slide show meeting~for 16 December, and announced two dates: 20 Feb 77 for the PCA/POC Challenge Cup Rallye, and 13 March 77 for the Santa Anita Concours. He also led a brain session for upcoming activities and year-end awards. It was decided.to award three trophies each for men.’s and ~omen’s competition and participation, plaques for board members, and a gavel for the new president. Ron will make arrangemerits to obtain all these ,awards. Technical - Pete announced the next tech meeting will not beuntil January. Treasurer - Dean suggested that we deposit some of our money in a savings account. The board agreed to an amount of $2000. New Business - Judd ~eviewed arrangements for the upcoming dinner meeting. MEMBERSHIP MEETING -18 November 1976 The most well-attended meeting of the year began with dinner at the Lobster House in Marina Del Rey. At about 8:50 a short movie was shown, introducing our guest speaker, NASCAR champion Richard Petty. After the movie, president Rick Potts formally introduced Mr. Petty. What followed was ~ most interesting, humorous and thoroughly enjoyable dialogue between Mr. Petty and the audience. After more than an hour of super entertainment, Rick extended PCA-LA’s thanks to Mr. Petty by presenting him with a large framed photograph of his only appearance in a Porsche~,anIROC Carrera. After a break for autographs, the regular business resOmed with the awarding of. trophies for the Riverside Time Trials. Secretary John Dusckett then announced the results of the election for the 1977 Board: President - Paul Edwards Vice President - Gerald Zilly Secretary - Ursula Grunfeld Treasurer - Dean Goings Activities - Ron Ramage Publicity - Ann Wang Membership - Bob Wood Technical - Pete Zimmermann Activities Director Ron Ramage talked about the upcoming Christmas party and the Las Vegas tour. The meeting was concluded at 10:45 with a drawing for two tickets to the NASCAR race at Ontario Motor Speedway. Definitely a super eve~ing.

66 912 Coupe - Yellow

71 911E Coupe - Silver 72 911T Coupe - Brown

Helen Kidder 76 912E - Silver

Joseph F. Yates 66 911 Coupe - Gold

Robert W. Long 72 914 - Red


Robert Marcus 67 911S Targa - Green Jeff Miller 76 911S Coupe - Burgundy Metallic

William Coleman III from Golden Gate Region Eugene D. Gierson

Don Nelson 63 356 Cabriolet

from Orange Coast Region John Moffitt from Orange Coast Region 56 Speedster - Black

Ken Sawina 73 911RSR Coupe - Orange Robert Sawyer 74 911 Targa - Beige

Kenneth Provasi from Orange Coast Region

New Business - Judd reviewed arrangements for the upcoming dinner meeting.

MEMBERSHIP MEETING -18 November 1976 The most well-attended meeting of the year began with dinner at the Lobster House in Marina Del Rey. At about 8:50 a short movie was shown, introducing our guest speaker, NASCAR champion Richard Petty. After the movie, president Rick Potts formally introduced Mr. Petty. What followed was ~ most interesting, humorous and thoroughly enjoyable dialogue between Mr. Petty and the audience. After more than an hour of super entertainment, Rick extended PCA-LA’s thanks to Mr. Petty by presenting him with a large framed photograph of his only appearance in a Porsche~-an IROC Carrera. After a break for autographs, the regular business resumed with the awarding of. trophies for the Riverside Time Trials. Secretary John Dusckett then announced the results of the election for the 1977 Board: President - Paul Edwards Vice President- Gerald Zilly Secretary - Ursula Grunfeld Treasurer - Dean Goings Activities - Ron Ramage Publicity - Ann Wang Membership - Bob Wood Technical - Pete Zimmermann Activities Director Ron Ramage talked about the upcoming Christmas party and the Las Vegas tour. The meeting was concluded at 10:45 with a drawing for two tickets to the NASCAR race at Ontario Motor Speedway. Definitely a super evening. John Dusckett

July 24-30 This year the Twenty-second Annual Porsche Parade will be held in San Diego. This increasingly popular event brings together PCA members from all regions of the country. It is the biggest Porsche happening of the year -- a full week of concours, rallye, autocross, tech and social events, Parade entrants may register in one of two classes: Competition or Social. The Competitive class will be limited to 400 entrants, who will be able to compete in any or all of the three competitive events (driving, rallye and concours). Registration for the Social class is unlimited; social entrants may participate in everything except the three competitive events. Applications are being accepted now. Hurry~



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An interesting addition to the day’s activities at Willow Springs was the silver 924 that John Williamson brought for club members to drive. Much to Ann’s chagrin {"Not another one"), I had a test spin (~) and here ave some road tester/racer first impressions,

BOARD MEETING - 11 December 1976 Hosts: Rick and Dyanne Potts Attendance: Combined old and new Board, and Dyanne Potts, Ginger Boykin, and Sam Wang. Treasurer - Dean gave the financial status of the club. It was decided to put $1500 into a savings account, for which three signatures will be required. A financial statement will be published in the next newsletter. Publicity - Ann wants to keep the bi-monthly format that Paul developed this year. There was a discussion of postal rates; and the delivery problems if we try to send the newsletter for 13 . Budget for the paper is $2500. Membership - Bob Wood reported on membership advances, despite some 25 transfers to the San Gabriel Region. Membership presently stands at over 400. $7.50 covers all mailings to nonmembers, Bob said he needs more letterhead stationery; 500 sheets will be printed up. Board members received their new name tags; club needs to order new blanks. Judd recommended we print up 200 at $2.25 (?) each. Bob will look into the costs. Technical - Pete reported that there will be a tech meeting in January, and that he will have an article for each issue of the newspaper. Rick suggested that we have a tech question box at membership meetings.

Because the 924 embodies entirely new concepts for Porsche (i.e., a water-cooled front-mounted engine with rear-mounted transmission and disc/drum braking), there is an initial unfamiliarity for the 356-, 911- or 914 owner.

Goody Chairman - Sam Wang volunteered to be in charge of the badges, patches, etc., because the membership chairman is too busy during the meetings to take care of them.

The seats, taken from the 911, are very comfortable. The steering wheel is thick, small and low, close to one’s legs, but located far enough

President - Paul offered suggestions on general meetings, such as starting earlier and keeping the business short. It was suggested that

Parade entrants may register in one of two classes: Competition or Social. The Competitive class will be limited to 400 entrants, who will be able to compete in any or all of the three competitive events (driving, rallye and concours). Registration for the Social class is unlimited; social entrants may participate in everything except the three competitive events. Applications are being accepted now. Hurry~




An interesting addition to the day’s activities at Willow Springs was the silver 924 that John Williamson brought for club members to drive. Much to Ann’s chagrin ("Not another one"), I had a test spin (~) and here ave some road tester/racer first impressions, Because the 924 embodies entirely new concepts for Porsche (i.e., a water-cooled front-mounted engine with rear-mounted transmission and disc/drum braking), there is an initial unfamiliarity for the 356-, 911- or 914 owner. The seats, taken from the 911, are very com#ortable. The steering wheel is thick, small and low, close to one’s legs, but located far enough away to avoid a cramped feeling. The windshield pillars rake back quite sharply and one gets a somewhat closed-in feeling, unlike the spaciousness we’re used to in other 900 series cars. Driving the 924 around Willow showed it to have adequate but not generous power and torque. While it is fine for street-legal settings, On the racetrack the 924 needs to be driven flat-out all the time. There really isn’t power, enough to throttle,steer the car around a tough turn, and it can bog quite badly if the driver lets the RPM slip too low Cunder 3500). However, the experienced driver will find the power adequate if he is careful to keep up momentum. It’s roughly comparable to a 2.0 liter 914, and stronger than any of the 1.7 or 1.8 liter 914’s or a 356 Normal or a 912. Handling is the 924’s strongest feature. Balance and directional stability are good. Lightness and accuracy of steering are phenomenal, better (it seems to me) than 911’s and 914’s in stock trim~ When the 924 driver overcooks in a turn and a spin begins, the car gives fair warning and there’s a good chance to save it. 356’s and 911’s rotate much more suddenly. The 924’s brakes, like the motor, are super for the stre?~ but.only adequate for the track. They’re smooth (if your line is and fadecontrol is good without being as powerful as 911 four-corner discs. The shifter is really a treat. It’s smooth and positive on the street and the track, once the Porsche pusher learns the new feel. There is some difficulty with rapid downshifting and u~ing the heel-and-toe technique, because the pedals are suspended from above. The distance between the brake and accelerator pedals also makes downshifting somewhat cumbersome. So that’s our poor man’s track test of the 924. Since we can’t afford a Peter Gregg or a Sam Posey (or a Jose Ochoa), you’ll have to settle for my amateur opinions. Thanks again to John Williamson for arranging the loan of the 924 from the distributor,



Treasurer - Dean gave the financial status of the club. It was decided to put $1500 into a ~avings account, for which three signatures will be required. A financial statement will be published in the next newsletter. Publicity - Ann wants to keep the bi-monthly format that Paul developed this year. There was a discussion of postal rates, and the delivery problems if we try to send the newsletter for 13¢. Budget for the paper is $2500. Membership - Bob Wood reported on membership advances, despite some 25 transfers to the San Gabriel Region. Membership presently stands at over 400. $7.50 covers all mailings to nonmembers~ Bob said he needs more letterhead stationery; 500 sheets will be printed up. Board members received their new name tags; club needs to order new blanks. Judd recommended we print up 200 at $2.25 (?) each. Bob will look into the costs. Technical - Pete reported that there will be a tech meeting in January, and that he will have an article for each issue of the newspaper. Rick suggested that we have a tech question box at membership meetings. Goody Chairman - Sam Wang volunteered to be in charge of the badges, patches, etc., because the membership chairman is too busy during the meetings to take care of them. President - Paul offered suggestions on general meetings, such as starting earlier and keeping the business short. It was suggested that we try to have three dinner meetings like the ones that were so successful last year. For board meetings, Rick suggested that every three months the meeting be held on a Saturday afternoon to allow more time for discussion of important items. Chairman - Rick talked about having a two-day drivers’ school at Riverside either at the end of the year or before Zone 8 competition starts. Surplus money from the event would be put into a special Zone 8 fund, to be used if any region-(including our own) suffered a big financial loss at an event, such as a time trial at Riverside. The idea has been favorably received by other regions’ presidents. We discussed by-law changes for board members, and finally, the type of events we want to have next year, including some fun events for LA region only.

MEMBERSHIP MEETING - 16 December 1976 Considering the time of year, we had a remarkably fine turnout of 40-plus Porsche Pushers at the South Corinthian Yacht Club. Ron opened the meeting in Rick’s absence, introducing guests Dick Meathrell, POC President and David Hofer, POC Activities Chairman, with suitable comments. Ron reminded members of the Las Vegas tour in January; reservations must be in by the 1st. Ron also mentioned that the new rules for 1977 will be ready early in the new year. Sam Wang, newly appointed Goody Chairman, showed samples of his wares. Gerald Zilly introduced new members. Ann Wang reminded everyone that items for the paper must be in by 28 December. Ron answered some questions about the Parade and accomodations in San Diego. After a short break, Ron presented an informal slide show of 1976 PCA-LA events, including the tour to Cambria, the historic auto races in Monterey, the Riverside Time Trials, Santa Anita Concours, and the Lion Country Safari slalom. Ursula Grunfeld

pre pre-teel One of the most important things to be done before an event to insure a trouble-free weekend is to make a careful examination of the fuel system. Visual inspection can reveal cracking or rotten fuel lines, leaking "banjo" fittings at fuel pumps and carburetors, and also problems with the fuel system components themselves. When gasoline has been seeping slowly, a dark blood red residue will be left in the area of the leak. ~~~. ~~~

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The last Saturday in November was the day chosen for PCA-LA’s treat-toitself--a one-day driver training event at Willow Springs. Because of financial success earlier in ’76, it was possible for the club to provide a full day at our "favorite" track for a registration fee of only $5 per car. This contrasts with the $20-25 normally required to supportsuch an event, The trek to Willow began before dawn for many PCA stalwarts (Editor’s note: Yawn.). The weather was not encouraging; a cold front and gusting winds made a day in the desert something less than inviting. Severe crosswinds and the threat of sandblasting on Hwys. 5 and 14 caused several members to turn back, or to stay at home altogether. Those tenacious (crazy?) racers who made it to Willow were rewarded with relatively good weather at trackside. The wind was strong, and cold enough to numb noses and fingertips, but it didn’t affect the cars’ behavior significantly. The cold air made the-motors run at their best. We ran the course without chicanes for the first time in recent PCA memory. It made turns 8 and 9 much different but apparently not more dangerous than before, as there were no complaints from students or instructors. The day moved along smoothly. With a turnout of 36 cars, everyone had more than ample track time. My 914-6’s odometer showed around 120 miles-or 60 lap~ Peter Luelsdorf, the event chairman, deserves hearty congratulations for a well-organized and safe event. And thanks to the 1976 board for making this day of play possible, Sam Wang

P.S.--The day ended on a melancholy note, I had an accident on the freeway outside Palmdale, and the 911 was wrecked, l’d like to thank Peter and Nick, Pete ~immermann, and Ron for their help, and all my PCA friends who have expressed their concern,


The most critical fuel leak problems occur in the 914/4 cars. Before time-trialing a 914, some important changes should be made to the fuel system. Directly beneath the battery holder, there are two plastic fuel lines that pass from inside the engine compartment thru to the fuel pump area under the car. To remove these from the car, simply undo the flex hose from the end of each tube and pull the tubes out thru the engine compartment. Be careful not to break them; they are pre-formed and may be used as a pattern for making their replacements. Obtain from your local auto parts store a six foot length of 5/16" copper tubing. Bend the tubing by hand until it is the same basic shape as the stock plastic lines, then cut to size. Cutting should be done with a tubing cutter. If a hacksaw is all you have, clean the tubing thoroughly before installing it. When installing the new copper lines, be sure they pass through the rubber bushings in the correct manner to avoid chafing. Changing from plastic to copper will effectively reduce corrosive action of battery acid drippings, and at the same time will eliminate the possibility of the old plastic lines splitting from engine compartment heat. Another trouble area in the 914 fuel system involves the short flexible hoses on the injectors. These hoses must be checked frequently and secured with clamps at both ends. All other fuel lines in,all cars must be clamped tightly at all connections. All 356A, B and C models and 912 type Porsches have a fuel line problem that many owners don’t know about. Between the carbs and hidden forward of the fan housing is a short piece of flex hose that connects the lines from the left and right carbs. If this line hasn’t been changed on your car for as long as you can remember, CHANGE IT~ The late-model 911’s are fairly trouble-free because they use a vastly superior type of fuel hose. But a visual inspection before, during and after a speed event is recommended anjavay. Early 911’s (mechanical injection or carbureted) have some characteristic problems of their own. The models with carbs have a short fuel hose between the two inlet fittings at the carburetor. This is true of both Webers and Zeniths, and these hoses should be changed if they show any signs of wear. The carb fittings these hoses attach to should also be checked periodically for tightness. All models with a cold start valve, that is fed by a small fuel line connected to the main line via a p~astic "T" fitting, should be inspected visually. The "T" fittings become brittle with use, and changing them for time trials would not be a bad idea. Whether you are at a drivers’ school or just on you way to work, if you smell gasoline, diagnose and fix the problem as soon as possible. Do not remove your fire extinguisher between events. Leave it in your car permanently; you may need it someday.

or 60 lap~ ............................. Peter Luelsdorf, the event chairman, deserves hear~ congratulations for a well-organized and safe event. And thanks to the 1976 board for making this day of play possible, Sam Wang P.S.--The day ended on a melancholy note, I had an accident on the freeway outside Palmdale, and the 911 was wrecked. I’d like to thank Peter and Nick, Pete Zi~ermann, and non for their help, and all ~ PCA friends who have ~xpressed their concern,

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you smell gasoline, diagnose and fix the problem as soon as possible. Do not remove your fire extinguisher between events. Leave it in your car permanently; you may need it someday.




Sam Wang ............ 175


Ginger Boykin ....... 158

Chuck Cooper ........ 138

Stana Cooper ........ 110

John Williamson ..... 117

Carola Anderson .....


Ralph Arredondo .....


Linda Dusckett ......


Jose Ochoa ..........


Carol Edwards .......


Steve Michaelson ....


Lynne Smith .........


Jorge Juarez ........


Ann Wang ............


John LeFlang ........


Ursula Grunfeld .....


Ralph Boothe ........


Geri Boothe .........


Lee Hurty ...........


Dyanne Potts ........


COMPETITION MEN’S John Williamson..


John LeFlang ....... 690 Steve Michaelson... 680 Judd Boykin ........ 600 Sam Wang ........... 590 Lee Hurty .......... 480 Paul Edwards ....... 450 John Dusckett ...... 420 Ralph Boothe ....... 400 Quin Williams ...... 400

WOMEN’S Lynne Smith ......... 920 Ginger Boykin ....... 680 Ursula Grunfeld ..... 600 Linda Dusckett ...... 420 Stana Cooper ........ Pat Hurry ........... Geri Boothe ......... Ann Wang ............ Ada Covert .......... Carol Edwards.. .....

the lines from the left and right carbs. If this line hasn’t been changed on your car for as long as you can remember, CHANGE IT~ The late-model 911’s are fairly trouble-free because they use a vastly superior ~pe of fuel hose. But a visual inspection before, during and after a speed event is recommended an~ay. Early 911’s (mechanical injection or carbureted) have some characteristic problems of their own. The models with carbs have a short fuel hose between the two inlet fittings at the carburetor. This is true of both Webers and Zeniths, and these hoses should be changed if they show any signs of wear. The carb fittings these hoses attach to should also be checked periodically for tightness. All models with a cold start valve, that is fed by a small fuel line connected to the main line via a p~astic "T" fitting, should be inspected visually. The "T" fittings become brittle with use, and changing them for time trials would not be a bad idea. Whether you are at a drivers’ school or just on you way to work, if

400 400 390 360 300 300



This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: I. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers. Nonmembers’ ads will be published on a space-available basis for a fee of $10.00. All listings are subject to editing and condensing. PORSCHERAMA is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this For Sale column. 1957 Carrera 1500GS Speedster. #83539. Nine month reconstruction of "The Beast" (PANO 10/74) by Stoddard Imported Cars. Everything new or rebuilt to my specs. No rust, no bondo, immaculate silver finish. No frills, bare Spyder-type insides, with black buckets. Motor 1600 $7500 very firm.



zone 8 rules-1977

1962 (late’) Roadster. Dual grill, new carpet and interior, paint and new trim parts. Very rare car $8900 firm. (213) 767-3570.

On 20 November Zone 8 representatives met to review and revise Zone 8 competition rules. We have room here to present only the highlights

1969 912 Coupe.

European specs, AM-FM radio, deep chrome rims, Konis,

Lee Hurty ...........


Dyanne Potts ........




John Williamson .... 1010

Lynne Smith ......... 920

John LeFlang .......

Ginger Boykin ....... 680


Ursula Grunfeld ..... 600

This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business 2.

enterprise; and Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers.

Steve Michaelson...


Judd Boykin ........


Linda Dusckett ...... 420

Nonmembers’ ads will be published on a space-available basis for a fee

Sam Wang ...........


Stana Cooper ........ 400

of $10.00.

Lee Hurty ..........


Pat Hurty ........... 400

All listings are subject to editing and condensing.

Paul Edwards .......


Geri Boothe ......... 390

John Dusckett ......


Ann Wang ............ 360

PORSCHERAMA is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this For Sale column.

Ralph Boothe .......


Ada Covert .......... 300

Quin Williams ......


Carol Edwards ....... 300




1957 Carrera 1500GS Speedster. #83539. Nine month reconstruction of "The Beast" (PANO 10/74) by Stoddard Imported Cars. Everything new or rebuilt to my specs. No rust, no bondo, immaculate silver finish. No frills, bare Spyder-type insides, with black buckets. Motor 1600 Normal. $7500 very firm. Contact Charlie,Doll, (213) 379-3850. 1962 (late~) Roadster. Dual grill, new carpet and interior, paint and new trim parts. Very rare car, $8900 firm. (213) 767-3570.

On 20 November Zone 8 representatives met to review and revise Zone 8 competition rules. We have room here to present only the highlights of the changes made; the complete revised rules will be available soon. RALLYE -- no significant changes; some new definitions added. ra-~s are scheduled for 1977. CONCOURS -- classes rearranged: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Speedsters 356/356A (except above) 356 (1960-1965) 911/912 (to 1968) 911/912 (1969-1973} 911/912E C1974 and up)

1969 912 Coupe. European specs, AM-FM radio, deep chrome rims, Konis, original ivory white exterior, black interior, engine rebuilt and detailed. Near perfect condition, never wrecked, no rust, secondowner California car. $7450. A1Cardenas, (213) 869-4218.


7. 914-4, 914-6 8. 924, 928 9..Special Interest 10. Current Competition 11. Limited Production Cstreet cars only)

Other concours revisions: street cars must have front license plates; $10.00 protest fee. There will be five concours events this year. TIME TRIALS -- Snell 68 or D.OoT. approved helmets will be required. Competition belts and shoulder harnesses will be required equipment in Production and Modified classes. Steel brake lines will be allowed in any class. Number and class must be on car at tech inspection. The word "fuel" will be replaced by the word "gasoline." Oil coolers will be allowed in any class. Entry to Factory Stock class will be limited: winners of first, second or third place in this class in Zone series may not compete in Factory -Stock the next year). Improved Touring now has separate classes for 914-6 and 912. Any size tire, 70 series or higher, can be used, but only with unmodified wheel wells, including fender lip. D.O.T. legal tires means wear limited down to the level of the wear bars; exposed wear bars are cause for disqualification. 911 Production and Improved Touring classes have been completely reorganized. A Turbo class was created.

1969 white 912. 18,000 mi. on 1700cc engine, rebuilt at cost of $1800; new-tires, AM-FM stereo cassette; meticulously maintained with complete records. $6750. Contact David Weber, (213) 256-1829. Red lenses for 69-73 911 series. Yaro, (213) 344-6369.

Two complete sets.

Contact Mike

Dr. Porsche lOOth Anniversary Commemorative postage stamp. Issued in Austria, unmarked mint. $2.00 each. Limited availability of mint 50 stamp sheet, suitable for framing. $35.00 per sheet. Robert Raucher, 13454 Weddi-ngton St., Van Nuys, Calif., 91401, (213) 784-6081. Literature. Color Xerox copy of original "356 Speedster" showroom brochure. $5.00 each. Color Xerox copies of original showroom literature (1949 thru 1965 production only) available; write needs. Robert Raucher, 13454 Weddington St., Van Nuys, 91401, (213) 784-6081.


Front bumper for 1958 356A coupe.

David Weber (213)


WANTED. Porsche factory showroom sales literature, Christophorus magazines, calendars, color charts, PANORAMAS, workshop manuals, brochures, posters, and model cars. for the 1949 thru 1965 Porsche production period. Send firm price on pieces or whole collection. Have many original factory duplicate items for trade only. Write trading pieces you have and those you are seeking. Robert Raucher, 13454 Weddington St., Van Nuys, Calif., 91401, (213) 784-6081.

PCA-LA closed 1976 on a high note. Members enjoyed a full day of high speed driver training at Willow Springs Raceway. And our Christmas luncheon aboard the Princess Louise was the best-attended party in recent years.

But the membership meeting for November may have been the most memorable event of our year. We’ve bad dinner, meetings before, but never one quite like this one. Our guest speaker was perennial NASCAR champion Richard Petty, who was in town to drive in the California 500 at Ontario Motor Speedway. In more than an hour of good-natured dialogue with the audience, Petty taught us the meaning of "good oi’ boy." His quick wit and homespun manner won over skeptics who had wondered what he could possibly say that would interest Porschephiles. We’ll never forget him, and to help him remember us, we presented him with a large framed photograph of his 1973 IROC Carrera.





















The first Board meeting of the new year will be held at Bob Wood’s house on 12 January at 7:30 in the evening. Interested members are welcome. Bob’s address is 1340 Club View Dr. in West L.A.



The first membership meeting of the year should be a dandy. Our meeting place is the same as last year -- the South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao Way in Marina del Rey. The meeting will start at 7:30 sharp wit~ the business half of the agenda. Our entertainment for the evening will be a Penske Productions film entitled "Porsche--The One For the Road."



t ur tions ~ith the group for our annual trek to Tinsel Town. But anyone who wants to can still join us just for the fun of caravanning up there. We’ll be visiting with the Las Vegas Region of PCA, as well as doing some non-Porsche things. We will be driving in two groups, one leaving Friday morning (call Carol Edwards), and the other leaving Friday evening (call Ron Ramage}.

tions with the group for our annual trek to Tinsel Town. But anyone who wants to can still join us just for the fun of caravanning up there. We’ll be visiting with the Las Vegas Region of PCA, as well as doing some non-Porsche things. We will be driving in two groups, one leaving Friday morning (call Carol Edwards), and the other leaving Friday evening (call Ron Ramage).

rsc /








Drop by our new larae

Anything Ltd. I how oo , 11431 Santa M0nica Boulevard SEND

Los Angeles, California 90025 FOR



Telephone: (213) 473-2941 CATALOGUE


Fell(,w Porsche Owners: If you havo been involved in PCA-LA for any or all of the past ten years, you are probably aware that the name PORSCHOP stands for dedication to technical excellence and integrity in all ~a~S~sof-se~.~ice and repair. You may not realize that our custom engia# bu~l~!~:i~::~10p~n~ent~ of special products has resulted in a natlonw|de~,.~here~o[i~tctiyity. Ou~ 91~E hydropneiim~tt£~strut con-

~ed fok. ~~nths ~d the concept w~ proven by d~.e~ ~--~~:’

Two ne~~h~qe alarms are now in stock. They can be u~’~ely or combined to give maximum security. You are invited to stop by for a demo. The same customizing skills which have resulted in gobs of concours trophies are now being utilized in restoration of vintage Porsches. We welcome this type of inquiry, but please remember that quality work takes time. Vernon A. Covert

Curt Kuebler





9 . B14




720 Colorado Ave.

Santa Monica


This month’s Board meeting will be bald in the cozy but cramped quarters of Sam’n Ann Wang. While they are always delighted to have any interested club members attend meetings at their house, we should warn you that the seating capacity of their living room is an absolute maximum of 12 (and that’s only if you keep your elbows to yourself). Of course, if you don’t mind sitting in the kitchen and listening through the open door, you are welcome to join us. The ~ime is 7:30, and the address is 12222 Montana Ave. in Brentwood.

M MBERSHIP This month’s membership meeting -- same time and ~]ace as last month -- will feature for

our entertainment some of non Ramage’s slides of (what else?) Porsches. If that’s not enough to turn you on, we’l! ~ ~rovid~n~.hot b~ttered popcorn for everyone: ~o~ join




This month’s Board meeting will be held in the cozy but cramped quarters of Sam’n Ann Wang. While they are always delighted to have any interested club members attend meetings at their house, we should warn you that the seating capacity of their living room is an absolute maximum of 12 (and that’s only if you keep your elbows to yourself). Of course, if you don’t mind sitting in the kitchen and listening through the open door, you are welcome to join us. The time is 7:30, and the address is 12222 Montana Ave. in Brentwood.


MEMBERSHIP This month’s membership meeting -- same time and place as last month -- will feature for our entertainment some of Ron Ramage’s slides of (what else?) Porsches. If that’s not enough to turn you on, we’ll be providing hot buttered popcorn for everyone. Come join us for a fun evening of socializing and discussion of our upcoming events (including the Santa Anita Concours on March 13).


This is it folks -- our big chance (maybe the only one) to show up POC at an event. They may be able to outdistance us on the track, but at least we have proven ourselves as rallyists. This year PCA is in charge of writing the rallye, and you know that means it will fun and challenging. The old standbys will be out in full force, but we hope to see lots of new members and novices. The route will be well-looped; there will be plenty of chance for error, but not for getting lost. Pray for a sunny day.





The first Zone 8 time trial of the 1977 series will be held ~y PC~-San Diego at the Holtville Airport International Raceway (otherwise known as ’HAIR ). This traditional season-opener is our first opportunity to see what "improvements" fellow time-trialers have wrought since last year’s Riverside finale. The entry fee is $20 for PCA members, $5 for second driver, and $35 for non-PCA drivers. Event headquarters will be the Holiday Inn in El Centro (zip code 92243). Their phone number i~ (714) 352-5152; ask for special PCA rates. A buffet dinner will be served Saturday night, cocktails at 6:30 and dinner at 8:00. To make reservations, send $6 per person to Tom Hauseur, Sr., 610 Pacific View Dr., San Diego, 92109.

The first Zone 8 time trial of the 1977 series will be held by PCA-San Diego at the Holtville Airport International Raceway (otherwise known as "HAIR"). This traditional season-opener is our first opportunity to see what "improvements" fellow time-trialers have wrought since last year’s Riverside finale. The entry fee is $20 for PCA members, $5 for second driver, and $35 for non-PCA drivers. Event headquarters will be the Holiday Inn in El Centro (zip code 92243). Their phone number i~ (714) 352-5152; ask for special PCA rates. A buffet dinner will be served Saturday night, cocktails at 6:30 and dinner at 8:00. To make reservations, send $6 per person to Tom Hauseur, Sr., 610 Pacific View Dr., San Diego, 92109.


It"s never too early to start preparing your car for our Santa Anita Zone 8 Concours. This is an event that all Porsche enthusiasts enjoy -- participants and spectators alike. Mark this special.event on your calendar.





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~o~e 8~eve~ts ~(see Mr~Ra~ag~}, a~d ~@’ve. agr~ed ~to altennate ~he Bo~t~ng ~of)our~two~an~al ~"ch~lle~ge ~op"~eve~ts x.~this year ~e~re doing the ~all#; ~ Th~ ye~r-end confa~ at tb~ Po-tts ,surface~some ~allenges for 77 Most ar~ hO~ ~.~ plap t~mes tha~,ke~p u~ tug,her add enjoying ~our~elves aB .a. ~ ~ group,~hot me~ly ~as comp~t~in~ individuals. Idea~ included a b~althy ~ T ba anc~ of~

Inner meetings Clast year Brunos,and the L.obster House were




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- ~e~n.~o~-D~s. ~-~.-: .... ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR


Ton~=~e-%ige~.rrrrreat), getting shirts and jacket~th~t comfo~bly .,.~ Run ~ge "~ " say "Los ~ngel’es ~eglon," Zone 8 regi~nal"awards~ an~ som~-skill~ ~ " ~ ~ ..... ’ ....... ~ " PUBLICITY DIRECTOR AND PORSCHERA~ EDI~ . happenings~ like g~khanas~- funkhanas, picnics~, b~ach parties, brunc6es, Ann Wang;. phot~hy toors~:~;ne~s,~,~:..e~c~r~ --Here we need to scratch, our he>ad;s .... . .. . ’12222 Montana A~enu6 ~ "..... and’ ask fo# everyone’s hel’p. ;If you have an idea, c6me ~o a~ boa~rd meeting Los Angeles, California 90049 or just speak to a board member. Most local events reqoire more initiative t~t effort to bring them off. .. ~. TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Pete Zimmermann Expect some new wrinkles. The business portion of meetings~will be short (30-45 minutes), with everything but conversation and tippling over by MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR 10:30. We’ll be totally rewriting the By-laws to finall~ get them into Bob Wood the 1970’s--see Rick if you have a good idea to add to his bundle. Pete 1340 Club View Drive will be relating tech sessions to the schedule of competitive Cand not Los Angeles, California 90024 just speed) events. Ann has run off with PORSCHERA~ like it’s a longZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE lost lover; let’s make sure she has the photos and articles tocontinue the Don Kravig excellent jobshe’s begun. 11433 Norwood Avenue Last thought. This is a club of people more than cars. We’ll try to be Riverside, California 92505 sensitive to this, We need to keep old members as well as get new~ones-PCA HOTLINE -- THE PANIC BUTTON Cwho to call when older members have experience with events, Porscbes, and just life that all else fails’.) gives texture and richness to the ~hole experience. We shouldn’t forget that too much competition keeps us cooped ~p alone. Finally, if you have a suggestion, complaint, or a whole program you h~ve to get out, let me know. .That’s what the board is for. I think we’ve got our ear to the ground. We hear a good year coming.

Days {2~3}<’ 3~3-04ii Eves (2~3) 826-2292 {213)








When you’re married to a Porsche crazy like I am, you can’t stay uninvolved with PCA for long. So here I am with a board position that will at least allow me to sound off occasionally. For the newspaper, we’ve decided to stick with the format developed by Paul last year. As 1977 rolls along, I hope to make a few innovations of my own. But I need your suggestions, and even more, I need your articles and pictures. I’d like this paper to represent the wide variety of interests in PCA. None ofus can attend every event during the year, but we still like to read about them. So this is a plea to rallyists, time trialers; and concours fans (and anyone who likes to see himself in print)--don t keep all the fun to yourselves. We

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