Porscherama 1977 November-December

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LOS ANGELES RE( I 1340 club view d r ve los angeles, ca 0024

PCA-LA is a "Region" of the Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque club in the world. The national organization provides a nationwide forum for communication through its excellent monthly magazine -- PORSCHE PANORAMA -- and holds an annual week-long



5~ ~

At the local level, PCA-[A is a group of 400 Porsche enthusiasts. We are young and old, male and female, novice and expert, slow and fast. Our club offers the Porsche owner an opportunity to share the exhilirating, and sometimes frustrating, experience of understanding, driving and maintaining one of the most unique automobiles in the world. We invite you to enjoy it with us. Membership in the Porsche Club of America costs $24.00 annually. This includes regional dues, and gives the member such benefits as discounts at club events, subscriptions to both PANORAM/~ and PORSCHERAMA, and more. For further information, contact Bob Wood, Membership Chairman(213) 274-2634.








1st class mail ADDRESS




PORSCHERAMA is the official newsletter of the Los Angeles Region, Porsche Club of America, Inc., and is published bi-monthly.


Members are encouraged to contribute articles and photographs. Dated materials must be received by the 20th of even-numbered months to ensure their publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. All contributions become the property of the Los Angeles Region unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the individual author ahd do not necessarily constitute the opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, or the PORSCHERAMA editor. The editor reserves the right to edit all material submitted. PCA-LA members may insert noncommercial Porsche-related advertisements in the "For Sale" column at no cost. Inquiries regarding commercial advertising should be directed to the editor. Advertisers must be able to provide camera-ready art.



ANNOtatIons running for Publicity Director. This sort of insane behavior is usually handled with a butterfly net or a straight-jacket. I could say I’m doing it because I love it (well, it’s not all that bad), but the truth is no one offered to take it off my hands. I confess that the rigors of putting this rag together do diminish with each passing month. I figure after another year of cutting and pasting and typing my little fingers to the bone, I’II really have this job under control -- just in time to pass it on to some other unsuspecting fool. We will stick with the bi-monthly format with flyers inbetween. That way I can keep you informed of upcoming events without having to fuss over "frills." I’II put in my standard plea now for articles and pictures. This year I discovered that several people who claimed they "couldn’t write" were actually quite good. This should encourage more of you to contribute. You are the ones who make the paper work. Here’s looking forward to a great year.

David Altemus 77 930 Turbo Carrera - Anthracite 73 911T Targa - Black

Alex Smariga 75 911S Targa - Blue

Charles Blalack 70 914-6 - British Racing Green

Katherine Sobieck 65 356SC - Champagne

Scott Boses 58 356A Roadster - White

Susan Sullivan 64 356C - Cherry Red

Bob Burnside 65 SC Coupe - Black 64 C Cabriolet - Brown

Lawrence Warner 65 356C Coupe - Yellow

John Connor 77 911S Coupe - Brown. Frank Fiaschetti 74 911S Coupe - Black Bruce Furst 71 911Targa - Irish Green Rosemary Gutierrez 70 914 - Canary Yellow Brian Jablon 7~ 924 - Red

finicky gourmet, and then dancing ti] late in the evening with a band that should appeal to young and old alike. We’ll be installing our new ’78 Board of Directors and giving out year-end awards. AND... (why haven’t we given up hope by this time?) we just might have some new PCA-LA car badges to show and sell " It should be a great way to end our year. Come and enjoy. You’ll find a tear-off at the bottom of the encolsed flyer. Fill it out and mail it in as soon as possible. Hope to see you there.


Michael Bahe 74 Carrera Coupe

Walter Castro 75 911S - Green

The Plush Horse Inn in Redondo Beach is the site of our ’77 Christmas Party. Our co-chairpersons Dyanne Potts and Carol Edwards have organized a very special late afternoon and evening for us. ~e’ll have the usual cocktail "hour," followed by a buffet dinner with plenty of choices for the most



Yellow This must be some sort of record -- four 904s in the same garage.~ From left to right, Vern Covert’s 65 Turbo - c~.~,~=~ .... ~ n~ ....... . ~u~/~, uo~ ~ess’ . 63 904 ¯ rom North Carol~na, Otis Chandler’s 64 904, and Bill Kargus’ 64 904. This last car was freighted from France, where it has been in storage for some 12 years~

Keith Whaley 77 924 - Bronze James Fall 76 911S Coupe - Red Betty Bloeser 76 911S Coupe - Blue Carole Gordon 77½ 924 - Brocade Red Larry Twomey 61 356 Roadster - Red Robert Youngdahl 62 356 S Coupe - Green

Joseph Jordan 77 924 - Silver


Pete Karnes 73 911S Targa - Yellow

Bruce Allen from Chesapeake Region

Perry Kneisel 76 911S Coupe - India Red

J. Thomas Batte from San Diego Region

Brian T. Koga 74 911Targa - Blue

Robert Berkoff from Metro New York Region

Tom Marx 74 911 Coupe - Silver

Kent Buchanan from Northeast Region

Richard Mays 76 911S Coupe - Desert Beige

Ronald Hargrave from Hawaii Re~ion




~ary Humroy 70 914-6 - Blue

d. ~ary Herser from Alaska Region Grattan Reynolds from First Settlers Region

JoAnn Salzman 77 924 Craig Sanders 75 911S Targa - Silver Tobi Singleton 77 924 - Creme




For all the preliminary grumbling and predictions of financial disaster. our Zone 8 Time Tri~l at Willow Springs was a big success. We had hoped to repeat last year’s successful event at Riverside, but scheduling problems forced us to go to Willow instead. I’m just as glad we did. POC’s one-day event at Riverside the same weekend may have robbed us of a few hot shoes, but so much the better for the novice drivers. They all got in five practices on Saturday and had as much instruction as they needed or wanted. Each region sent us at least one or two experienced drivers who had promised in advance to serve as instructors. Some of them came out just to instruct and not to compete at all. Can you believe that people would be that generous with their time? Every year we talk about running Willow without chicanes, and every year something happens that makes us change our minds. This year we finally made it work. Using Nick Friesen’s expert knowledge of the track, we were able to set up pylons at the entry, apex, and exit to Turn 9 that made it possible to drive through the turn without the help (?) of a chicane. Most of the drivers seemed to like the new system, even those who had earlier favored chicanes in the name of safety. ~e managed to get through the entire weekend with no major mishaps. Of course, Jack "Top Wop" DiRosario couldn’t resist sailing off into the boonies at Turn 9, just to prove there is an exception to every rule. The weekend was not without its excitement. One of the Hi Desert Yakkers got a shock from some electronic equipment in the communications bus, and His shout of pain could be heard all the way to Palmdale. Fortunately, he recovered quickly, and the ambulance attendants got to earn their money. Peter Luelsdorf took on the job of Protest Chairman, thinking he had nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon. It wasn’t long before he found himself inundated with protests and counter-protests that threatened to spoil the whole weekend. In the end, it all worked out OK. And speaking of protests. Saturday evening at Cap’n Carl’s Restaurant we were treated to the spectacle of President Paul Edwards dressing down a waitress for incompetent service. Talk about disorganized -- we even got someone else’s bill. Ah well, just part of the fun of weekending in Lancaster. It’s a weekend Carl Young of Las Vegas probably won’t forget. Early Saturday he broke a spider gear in his transmission. For most people that would have been the end of the weekend, but not for Carl. He simply called a friend in Las Vegas who agreed to drive all the way to Willow Saturday night to ~et a new part to him. That’s friendship. Willow events usually seem better in retrospect (after you’ve forgotten the wind and the heat and the dust), but even us grumblers actually enjoyed this weekend. We met a lot of new people that we hope to see again soon, and we even managed to convince a couple of concours nuts like Jerry and Sara Pennington that dirt isn’t so bad after all. Thank~ to everyone who helped and to Bob Smith P/A for sponsoring the event. See you next year (are we keeping our fingers crossed for Riverside?). Sam’n Ann

....... ~ .......................... w ...... J ............. w~ ~,,~,uu~,,,j discussed topics for the 911, but not all of the discussion has been particularly accurate. Most problems, believe it or not, are caused by the Porsche owner driving his vehicle after a tensioner has collapsed and sounded off. Anyone who has heard a tensioner fail knows that there is no other sound quite like it. It can be a deep loud rattle, or in some cases a subdued faraway rumble. One owner said "it sounds as though someone threw a handful of ball bearings into the crankcase and they’re being bounced around as the engine turns over." If a tensioner fails in your 911, DO NOT DRIVE IT~ With the tensioner collapsed, the chain has no way of staying taut below about 3000 RPM (centrifugal force takes over at that point), and a sudden "blip" of the throttle can cause the chain to jump a tooth or two on the camshaft sprocket. This leads to contact between the top of the pistons and the valves ($$$$$). From my experience, most failures occur when the car is slowing to a stop with the engine at operating temperature. The noise can be heard over a softly playing radio or even with the windows up and the air conditioner on. It is most prominent at idle and can often be detected up to 2500 RPM. The driver can easily verify that the tensioner has collapsed. With the car in neutral, slowly rev the engine to about 3500 RPM. If the noise disappears, odds are good that you still have a healthy engine but with a sick tensioner. Let the RPMs decrease gradually back to idle speed, shut the car off, and go look for a tow truck. In 911s thru 1973, a simple installation (by a qualified mechanic) of a new tensioner, usually involving two hours or less labor, corrects the car’s problem. Rebuilt tensioners, for one reason or another, are not recommended. Alas~ From 1974 on, thanks to the heat generated by the anti-pollution equipment, a myriad of problems have surfaced. Not only do the cam "0" rings and oil return tube seals leak like sieves, but the chain guides get cooked, become brittle, and break. Chain guides are (were) made of a hard rubber material. There are six per engine, three per chain. As the name implies, they keep the timing chains on track. Over a period of time, after they become brittle from extreme heat exposure, a slightly slapping chain can break them. The broken pieces can fall off their mounting points and jam the chain, either causing the chain to break or the cam to jump timing ($$$$$) Early this year the factory made available to us a new " type of chain guide, made of heat resistant plastic, that they claim will cure this problem. Also available is a new chain tensioner that has been discussed in PANOP~AMA. If your 74 911 is approaching 40000 miles, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to have the original chain guides replaced with six of the new type. 1975 and 1976 models should be done sooner, probably around 20-25000 miles, because of additional heat from the thermal reactors. Guides are about $2.50 each and take about four hours to replace (longer on air conditioned models). Mechanical chain tensioners have been around awhile, but have never been approved by the factory. They built the cars; so they ought to know. In summary, chain tensioners are considered the weak link in the 911 engine, but when their failure is treated promptly and properly, it’s really not such a big deal after all. Other than late model chain guide failure, l’ve seen only two engines with bent valves caused by ~hain tensioner failure, and both of those cars were driven in excess of thirty miles before complete breakdown occurred~ Tip of the Decade: I have just found out that the factory has put together a reseal kit to take care of the oil leaks in your 1975 or later 911~ Apparently the dealers have been instructed to do this reseal one time, FREE OF CHARGE, for anyone who complains about oil leaks. Pete

Congratulations to PCAer Barry Maashoff for taking a ist in B Production class at the September SCCA Willow Springs event. Now if Pete can just get those gears right, the Corvettes at Laguna Seca won’t have a chance.

Porsche was silting in the police impound. A notice reading "LAPD Hold" was scrawled across the windshield in white paint. By now you have received a fat little envelope, filled with important goodies that require your immediate attention. All year we have been talkingabout the revision of the bylaws; now you can see the results, and vote your approval or disapproval. We enclosed a copy of the new bylaws, along with the old 1974 version so you could see the changes that have been made. Also enclosed in the envelope was a ballot for the 1978 PCA-LA Board, and a brief bio on each candidate. Our nominating committee chairperson Ursula Grunfeld has done an excellent job of getting together a slate of officer candidates. Now it’s up to you to select the best people. DON’T FORGET, YOUR BALLOT MUST BE POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN 15 NOVEMBER in

order for it to count,

The question was, how could this have happened to me? I had purchased the car from a private party who advertised in the LA Times. He had ownership

papers, registration (both out-of-state); the vehicle ID numbers matched the papers, the car was mechanically sound, and it looked nice. What more could a girl ask for? How was I to know about a hidden vehicle ID number?Z

~~~UF~ On Sunday, October 2nd, Santa Barbara Region held its first ever Zone 8 Concours at Manning Park, a rather isolated area at the south end of Santa Barbara. During the past three years I have either judged or competed in most of the Zone 8 Concours, including this past 22nd Porsche Parade. But I have never enjoyed myself so much or been so impressed with a concours, The setting in Manning Park was beautiful and totally removed from city crowds. The people attending the event were true Porsche fanatics with total respeCt for the Porsches being shown. There was none of the usual worry about people banging their cameras into your car. To keep away the "Lookie Lous," Santa Barbara Region intentionally omitted any advertising in the local press, thus drawing only those individuals who were really interested in the cars. The concours was skillfully organized and executed by Jack and Dena Ogden, with a great amount of support from many Santa Barbara Region members. I remember Jack speaking with me last year about putting on a concours that would be the first Zone 8 concours for Santa Barbara Region -- one that would not be more hassle than enjoyment for the entrants, and one that would end on time to allow everyone to get home at a reasonable hour. All this was accomplished with great skill. The day started with a fine continental breakfast for the entrants and judges. Martini & Rossi showed up with their liquid refreshment available to all. The quality of Porsches on display was impressive and equal to the cars I judged at the Parade, if not better. The time and effort that concours requires was very evident at this show. The turnout from LA Region was as strong as ever, and the superiority of Zone 8 in concours was definitely apparent. The standout in Street Class was Ken Ito and his black 356SC Coupe. Ken easily won his class and topped it off with the special Martini & Rossi award and the Overall Street Class Award. Vern and Ada Covert drove their 904-6 up for the weekend and took first in class. The red 904-6 looked as nice as ever. Steve rkemura won the tough late-911 class with his immaculate 74 911 Coupe, followed in class by LA Region members Rick and Diane Ross, Cal Marks, and Tom Chang in their well-prepared Turbo Carreras. Although they are no longer LA members, Tom and Sandi Smock drove their 73 911T Coupe up to the show to let the folks see what it takes to win Overall Concours at the Parade. Los Angeles Region was called on to supply a majority of the judges. Sara Pennington, Gerald Zilly, David Faulkner, Chuck Cooper, non Ramage, Bob Raucher, and myself were all seen judging some very fine cars throughout the day. I would like to personally thank Jack Ogden and Santa Barbara Region for ~,,+÷~ .... ~ ~÷ ......... T ~ .......... ÷~

I had purchased the car in April and had proudly driven it for over five months. By this time I had put another $1300 in the car in addition to the purchase price. And my husband liked my 914 so well, he had now bought one for himself. ~ou can imagine the shock we received when the detective knocked on our door and asked to check the identification on my car. He Lold us he had reason to believe the car was "hot." Unfortunately, he was right.

T~ ...... ~,,~ ~

to locate the person who had sold me the car and start a civil action against him. A check with the DI~V investigator, the city attorney, and my insurance agent offered no better suggestions. A private detective costs a lot of money, and the chances of his finding the guy seemed slim enough to be invisible. So my husband and I geared into action. Three days of intensive scrounging finally produced results. In searching the county recorder’s files, we found a property recorded in the gentleman’s name. Although he is long gone, we still may be Ibc~y enough to recoup our losses. I’m sure not many people in our position have been that fortunate. I’ve learned a lot frc~ this experience. (Hopefully, enough to keep me out of trouble, as I’ve pruchased another Porsche thru a Times ad). From now on I’ll check for 4 vehicle ID numbers when I purchase a car. I’ll also try to get as mucFinformation as I can on the owner of the car, as well as on the car itself. After all, the seller wants to get the best price possible, and should be more than willing to put my mind at ease. There may be some difference of opinion as to what constitutes a "good one" when it comes to buying a used Porsche. But I think both Pete and Charlie will agree that a "hot one" just doesn’t make it. Carol "Caveat Emptor" Klein

thOUghtS To the uninitiated, a Porsche is just a car -- four wheels, a lot of bills and frustration. But for one who has experienced what I have, owning and driving a Porsche is much much more. Putting aside all the "cheapo" thrills -- a POC/PCA Challenge Cup Rally with 60+ cars, 130 mph on Hwy 5 at

~XdlIlpl~ OT


type OT compezlzlOn HUH oTTers, aria Iz was Pba az l~S nesz. Bob Wood

MEMBERSHIP NOTE: The reason we no longer print the membership roster for general circulation is because of the theft problem in LA. Most members would prefer that their addresses not be passed around,

"’~"~, ....... : ..... ................. never made itJ ...................... to Parade, or your first o Willow Springs tlme trial -- ~ere have been two days in particular for me which have made all the frustration and aggravation of owning an early 911 worth it, and I’d like to share them with you. This first day had to be experienced to be believed-- at Ontario, "racing" with a legend (Otis Chandler’s 917K). On the back straight, as it left me in the dust, it was like time stood still, and there was no one but Otis on the track. The rest of the world disappeared, and all you could hear was that incredible 917 scream. It may sound funny, but I really felt honored to be on the same track (half a lap back in ten seconds!), just trying to keep it in sight.


(The following are excerpts from a letter sent by our National Legislative Liaison to the US Senate and House of Representatives during their hearings on passive restraint systems for automobiles),

The Porsche Club of America, Inc., is an organization of approximately 23,000 automobile owners. We submit the following opinion as a representative group of automobile consumers, We are opposed to the proposed regulation to mandate front seat automatic crash protection in 1982 for full size cars, 1983 for intermediate and compact cars, and 1984 for subcompact and mini cars, on the basis that it will be a substantial expense to the consumer with very little initial return in terms of safety and actual lives saved.

My second day was also something spectacular. Driving to Parade with three generations of Porsches just made me sit a little taller in the driver’s seat. We caravanned with 356s, a 912 Targa, some 911s, and at one point an RSK -- all in primo condition. That, and then driving into the Parade parking lot and seeing all those hundreds of cars from all over the US, covering 25 years or so of Porsches, was simply awe inspiring. And the people have been important too -- Jose and Lark, John and Teddy, Pete, Vern and Ada, Sam and Ann, Latty D., Judy (my arch rival) and Tom, Mom Morgan, Judd, Jim and Chris, and all the others that have made three years in PCA-LA the best in my life .......... And if anyone wants a deal on a neat 911, or wants to sponsor a race car ........ Jan Winthrop

AS AN ALTERNATE we propose immediate Federal legislation to require all passengers in a motor vehicle to wear seat belts, under penalty of fine for violations thereof... State governments would in turn enact the actual legislation. In support of our premise that the present proposed regulation is costly to the consumer and will yield little actual saving of lives, we submit the following arguments: It won’t be until 1984 that 100% of the cars being produced will have the automatic crash protection devices. By contrast, over 99.9% of the cars produced now in the US are equipped with seat belts and/or ~houlder belts, -




Most of the automobiles on our highways are several years old, which means that even after the start of the automatic crash protection program, it will be many years until sufficient vehicles have been equipped with these devices, ManufactUrers estimate that such crash protection devices as air bags will cost several hundred dollars per car; multiplying this cost by the almost ten million cars sold annually in the US, we find that these devices will cost the consumer several billion dollars per year. The benefits of seat belt usage laws have been shown in other countries including Australia (25% reduction in the fatality rate), France (22%), and Belgium (39%). Only front seat passengers are protected by air bags. Seat belt laws would protect everyone in the car. Further, air bags are effective only in frontal crashes, and only for the first impact,

We consider that the Federal government has the obligation to save as many lives as possible within the most reasonable cost. The proposal submitted herein would accomplish that goal easily. It would save MORE lives, with ~mostNO cost to the consumer, and could be effective almost immediately.

Iss .

We respectfully urge that the automatic crash protection device regulation put forth by the Department of Transportation be rescinded, and that in its place a Federal law be passed to require all states to adopt mandatory seat belt usage laws. Respectfully submitted, PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Robert C. Rassa Legislative Liaison Chairman

This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: i. 2.

Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers.

Nonmembers’ ads will be published on a space-available basis for a fee ~f $10.00. All listings are subject to editing and condensing. PORSCHERAMA is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this For Sale column.

63 356B 1600 Normal coupe. Original, not restored. Champagne yellow, black interior, 5½" chrome wheels, ’S’ hubcaps, Michelins, Calif. car, no rust, always garaged and covered. $3300 spent in last 4 years on all fresh mechanicals and minor cosmetics. Very near concours. $7000. Call Tom Batte (213) 373-5357 evenings. 55 Speedster. Silver, original engine, original 16" wheels. Very driveable, needs restoration. Former PCAer would like to sell to PCA member. $6000/offer. Call Peter Smith (213) 871-1444 days, (213) 455-1961 evenings and weekends. WANTED. 74 911 Coupe or Targa, any condition, but must be complete. For garage project in rebuilding victim of engine fire. Contact Craig or Sandi Clifton, 213 Haggin Street, Bakersfield, Calif. 93309; call collect (805) 323-4214.


WILLOW SPRINGS 24-25 September 1977 Results (Trophy Winners)





A4 A4 A4

Jack Diehl Tom Edwards Lyle Deem


77 924 76 912E 71 914 1.7


Ed Hartmann


74 911


Louise Ellison Lynne Smith


73 914 1.7 74 914 2.0


Lynne Springer


74 911


Lucie Bergmann


73 914 1.7


Tricia Taylor


67 911S


Judy Vaughn


73 914 2,0


Margie Smith Barbara Webb


70 914/6 73 914 2.0


Jerry Davis


63 356B


Rod Vessels


68 912


Donald A. KraVig


72 914 1.7


Paul Haas


74 914 2.0


John Williamson David Henry


74 914 2.0 75 914 2.0


Luciano Trujeque




Dave Snow Mike Eby


70 914/6 70 914/6


Carl Young Steve Lee Richard Baker Jan Winthrop


65 72 70 66

911 911T 911T 911


WILLOW SPRINGS 24-25 September 1977 Results (Trophy Winners)





A4 A4 A4

Jack Diehl Tom Edwards Lyle Deem


77 924 76 912E 71 914 1.7


Ed Hartmann


74 911


Louise Ellison Lynne Smith


73 914 1.7 74 914 2.0


Lynne Springer


74 911


Lucie Bergmann


73 914 1.7


Tricia Taylor


67 911S


Judy Vaughn


73 914 2.0


Margie Smith Barbara Webb


70 914/6 73 914 2.0


Jerry Davis


63 356B


Rod Vessels


68 912


Donald A. Kravig


72 914 1.7


Paul Haas


74 914 2.0


John Williamson David Henry


74 914 2.0 75 914 2.0


Luciano Trujeque




Dave Snow Mike Eby


70 914/6 70 914/6


Carl Young Steve Lee Richard Baker Jan Winthrop


65 72 70 66


Rod Taylor


67 911S


Jack DiRosario


74 Carrera


Mike Molnar


Bill Bohn


62 356


Harry Watanabe


66 912 1.75


Michael Green Darrell Malott


75 914 2.0 72 914 2.0


Mike Higgins


70 914/6


Larry Dick


66 911


Ron Zirkle


73 911T


Mike Hammond Guy Ober Ed Molloy


67 911S 70 911S 73 911S


Jim Baker


Bill Roberts Wayne Baker Rick Borlase


70 914/4 2.5 70 914/4 2.5 72 911 2.5


Jon Kattenhorn


73 911 2.2

911 911T 911T 911

77 930

66 912




BOARD This month’s board meeting will be held at Paul Edwards’ home in Cypress. Heeting be?ins at 7:30 PM. Interested members are welcome to attend, but give Paul a call to let him know you’re coming (714) 892-7922.

BANQUET This is the annual Awards Banquet. and Presidents’ Heeting for Zone 8. The site ~s the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa (Bristo| St. at the San Diego Fwy). For information call Mike Springer (714) 842-2221.

SD SWAP MEET Third Annual Super Swap, 9 AM to 4 PM, at Alan Johnson P/A, 3663 Rosecrans St. in San Diego. Sellers -- $3.00 per space; set up begins at 8 AM. For more info, call Sid Wake, (714) 223-1050 after 4 PM.


MEMBERSHIP For our last meeting at the Yacht Club this year, we’ve got some great things planned. We’ll show a factory film entitled LE MANS 77. Ben Adauto, our club photog, will quickly run through the slides he took at Willow Springs; if any of you are interested in buying a shot of yourself "hot shoeing," don’t miss it. And, despite the fact that Goodie Chairman Sam Wang will not be able to attend, our new T-shirts with the LA logo will be on sale.

Third Annual Super Swap, 9 AM to 4 PM, at Alan Johnson P/A, 3663 Rosecrans St. in San Diego. Sellers -- $3.00 per space; set up begins at 8 AM. For more info, call Sid Wake, (714) 223-1050 after 4 PM.


MEMBERSHIP For our last meeting at the Yacht Club this year, we’ve got some great things planned. We’ll show a factory film entitled LE MANS 77. Ben Adauto, our club photog, will quickly run through the slides he took at Willow Springs; if any of you are interested in buying a shot of yourself "hot shoeing," don’t miss it. And, despite the fact that Goodie Chairman Sam Wang will not be able to attend, our new T-shirts with the LA logo will be on sale.


LA SOP ONLY RALLY A 2½ hour S.O.P. Only rally co-chaired by Bi!l LeFlang & John Williamson wi!l be held on November 20. Start will be at the Bank of America parking lot on the corner of Devonshire and Sepulveda at the northern end of the San Fernando Valley, and end in Saugus. First car out i0 a.m. Fee: $ 5.00 per car. Bring lunch & refreshments. For more information, call Anne Wang at Days (213)







write for price comparison











L.A. 90066






Be sure to send in your reservations NO~.

BOARD This will be a joint Board meeting for the old and new Board. in next month’s flyer.

Site will be announced

911 WHEELS Set of 4 Factory 6 x 15" forged alloys (new take-off). $575.00



Polished replica of Factory 7 x 15" (U.S,A.). AIFblack center or polished spokes. Exceeds SEMA 5-1A sp .... $150.00 ea. new. Set of 4 Factory 6 x 15" p ........ cast ATS "Cookiecutters." $300,00 924 WHEELS


)0, INC 90024


New for 924: Polished 7 x 14" and 8 x 14" alloys. All-black center or polished spokes. ’ Call for price.





Green drill or poiy-cotton. $54.95 Tan flannel (recommended for concours paint-jobs). $69.95

all pnrsche anythinH

,,0 ’,,, ’0"’ "’AUTOSCAN--















nythinu Ltd I

showroom,Dr°p by omr



11431 Santa Monica Boulevard SEND

Los Angeles, California 90025 FOR




Telephone: (213) 473.2941 CATALOGUE


720 Colorado Ave.

Santa Monica

’ ~.~,~ ...... ~ ~ ~. ~i ...... ~ ~i~ , ~

Added to local events were the Parade and 356 Registry’s Weekend in San Diego . . . as well as a whole series of concours, rallys, and time trials held by our fellow regions in Zone 8. In short, there has been something tointeresteveryone.

~i ~ ~



....... ~ ~’~ PRESIDENT Paul Edwards .... 11~71Nashawena Court Cypress, California 90630

~ Days Eves

A lot of the Board’s effort this year went into improving the operation and .image of our Region. We’ve got a new logo. After many hang-ups, our fourcolor T-shirts will be ready for the November membership meeting, and our new regional badge should (god willing) be back from overseas for the Christmas Party. We’ve got a better hold on the Club’s equipment inventory, and we’ve proposed a completely revised set of by-laws. We even went "on record" supporting a better organized, publicized, and funded Zone 8 Series, one that communicates better with participants and is responsive to the needs of the individual regions.

(714) (714)

557-1050 892-7922

Gerald Zilly














(213) (714)

393-0411 892-3431





There is really no way to compensate these people for the hundreds of miles they’ve traveled, and hundreds of man-hours they’ve spent so that we could all go out and have a "good time°" ~





SOME RECENT AND UPCOMING EVENTS: The Board unanimously recommended Carl Young from Las Vegas Region as our Zone 8 Representative. John Williamson and Bill LeFlang are putting together a fun-type SOP rally for November. Dyanne Potts and my wife Carol have planned an excellent Christmas Party at the Plush Horse Inn in Redondo Beach. Try to get your reservations in early~


SECRETARY Ursula Grunfeld


PUBLICITY DIRECTOR AND PORSCHERAN~A EDITOR Ann Wang 6943 Grand Manan Drive Cypress, California 90630 TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Pete Zimmermann MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Bob Wood 1340 Club View Drive Los Angeles, California ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Don Kravig 11433 Norwood Avenue Riverside, California



PCA HOTLINE -- THE PANIC BUTTON (who to call when all else fails~)


Days Eves


Well, the Christmas Party is just around the corner and it’s a good time to recap what we’ve done and where we are. In general, 1977 was a busy year for the Club. Not that we did everything we thought about doing, or that things were always easy. But we have accomplished a lot, and the prospects for 1978 look even better. A RECAP: Our events this year included a fantastic concours at Santa Anita, the Zone 8 Challenge Cup Rally, trips to Las Vegas, Catalina Island, and the Historic Auto Races-in Monterey. Driving events.., the Rose Bowl Gymkhana, a slalom at LAPD, and a super-smooth, accident-free Time Trial at Willow Springs. Membership meetings hosted George Follmer, Andy Shupak (great movie and poster raffle), and Otis Chandler... good food at the Lobster House and Brunos, a drawing for a Clifford Alarm, not to mention hot dogs and often cramped meetings at the Yacht Club. We had two picnics with all the tennis, volleyball, and softball we could handle.., and some very pertinent tech sessions on buying a Porsche and what to do with it once it’s yours.

IN APPRECIATION: Except for a few lapses, this year’s Board has worked exceptionally hard to keep things going smoothly. My appreciation to Ann for her outstanding job on PORSCHERAMA and the flyers, to Bob for his prompt and professional handling of membership, and to Pete for an excellent series of newsletter articles and the many tech sessions he hosted at his shop in Santa Monica. Dean provided excellent management of the Club’s funds. Ursula deserves special recognition for keeping track of competition and participation points and chairing the nominating committee, in addition to keeping the minutes and handling most of our correspondence. As Chairman, Rick did a super job of providing general guidance and drafting the proposed by-laws. Mr. Ramage spent considerable time organizing and chairing our events, and Gerald did an excellent job designing our new regional logo. Probably most appreciated was the tremendous effort of Sam Wang. Although not a Board member, Sam made the "Goodie Store" sing, chaired Willow Springs, and generally accomplished things for the Club when others were too busy or too tired to get things done.

FINALLY: Well, that’s about it. I was really happy to see the number of capable people running for next year’s Board -- this new blood is essential to keep the Club "on the track." After this year as President, and three years as PORSCHERAMA editor, l’ve decided it would be in the best interest of the Club and myself not to serve as Chairman of the Board next year. Not that I won’t be active as a member, but as some of us old-timers have found -- there’s a lot of young talent out there and it’s time to step aside and let them run with the ball. I think this year we did some excellent groundwork. I hope you enjoyed it.

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