Porscherama 1968 May

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may ’68

president vice president secretary treasurer activities chairman membership chairman teoh chairman editor parlimentarian

Curt Kuebler Ray Cooper I_yle Arnold Ray Korfeld Peter I_uelsdorf Don Morris Roger Wagner Ron Ramage Ouane Alan

398 - 2217 661 - 6642 684 - 1861 653-9520 925 -3014 284- 0387 474- 5452 781 - 6737 283 -7423

MAY MEETING DINNER MEETING FOR MAY !% Second Tuesday, 13th of May, at SCHLITZ BROWN BOTTLE ROOM, 7521 Woodman Ave., Van Nuys. (Between Shemman Way % Roscoe Blvd.) We have been assumed the food will be excellent, a catered dinner Smomgasbomd style, for $2.10 per person and F R E E B E E R !~ Happy Social Hour starting at 6:30 PM~ dinner 7:30~ and meeting approximately 8:30. For entertainment the "Viajeros" of L.A. Region: Nick Friesen, Bob Briffett, The Luelsdorfs and Coopers will share with you some thing of their expemience on the Viaje A’ Mexico of last October. In Panorama of January ’68, Lucille Comunale, Chicago Region~ had a featured article of the tour. Now thmu movies, slides and comment we hope you will enjoy the excitingly beautiful Porsche ~ype roads of Mexico. Included in the films at4 parts of the Gran Premio De Mexico~ one of the last grea% wins of Jimmy Clark. For dinner reservations please use the fomm provided in the paper and mail NOW! om no later than 8th of May. Those who prefer to attend meeting only may feel free to do so. Remember also that ~uests ame always welcome~ BE THERE! Ray Cooper Vice Pmes.

MINUTES OF APRIL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, April meeting was held at the Alexandria Ave. School, on April 8. President Curt Kuebler called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M. Curt called on officers g chairmen for reports. Vice Pres. Ray Cooper gave the members a rundown on upcoming meetings g talked shortly on information sheet that was in a previous Porscherama. Treasurer Ray Kornfeld reported that our bank balance was $823.g a check was given to him by Curt for profit from UPFIXIN’/ Ray also reported that the May Meeting will be at the SCHLITZ BREWERY in Van Nuys. Meeting in the Brown Bottle Room, ALL THE FREE BEER YOU CAN DRINK. Activities Chairman, Peter Luelsdorf, waiting for Joe Schneiders report on Mission Impossible Rally called on Don Morris for a short report on an upcoming event in May. Also Paul Magaris and Dick Seward talked about Gymkana at the Rosebowl on April 21st, also Swap Meet. Joe arrived an gave a report on the rally and presented the trophies. Roger Wagner our Tech Chairman, gave his report on last Tech Meeting at Boggs-McBurney.

Guests were introduced $ just before Coffee Break Ray Cooper introduced our speakers for the evening, Alan Johnson g Bob Kirby. Alan $ Bob discussed their second attempt at Sebring with their Bursch prepared 911S. It was a very interesting $ informative talk. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Don Morris Acting Sec. ***********************MEMBERSHIP ROSTER************************

A new membership roster is in the making so - if any member has a new address, phone number or wife, please contact:

Mary Morris 1532 Prospect Avenue #32

San Gabriel, 91775 28q-0387

tech column Rumors are that the present 1968 Porsche exhaust emission control (smog pump) may be discontinued in 1969. Emission control can be achieved in other ways such as accurate air-fuel ratio control, coasting fuel shutoff, and a retarded idle spark advance. Carburetors particularly on high performance cars, like the Porsche, are not well known for accurate full range mixture control. So the subject of May’s Tech Meeting is how one manufacturer, VW, reduced emissions, increased gas mileage and improved overall performance of their 1968 - 1800 models with electronic fuel injection. Meet at Volkswagen Pacific, Inc., 11300 Playa St., Culver City at 8 PM, Wednesday, May 22nd. It’s about ½ mile E. of San Diego Freeway, Jefferson offramp. Jefferson becomes Playa at Sepulveda Blvd. Park in adjacent E. lot and meet at the main front entrance. Knowledgeable service instructors will give a detailed explanation of the system and will give a live engine demonstration. Correction to last month’s 900 sway bar discussion: Addition of a rear sway bar tends to promote oversteer. (Consult activities chairman, Peter Luelsdorf, on the results of adding a front sway bar (13mm) to his ’88 Targa 912.) My apology for March’s Tech Meeting as the guest speaker did not appear due to his sudden overtime work schedule. A discussion of the electronic rally timer was substituted. Basic tuned exhaust theory was briefly covered. The exhaust gas analyzer was demonstrated on Ray Kornfelds’ Coupe. RoKer A. Wagner-Tech Chairman

MISSION :IMPOSSIBLE......... On Sunday morning, March 31st, 38 ears gathered in the parking lot of the Crocker-Citizens Bank in Burbank for the start of the "Mission Impossible" Rally. The first car was sent out by the starter, Pete Galena, at 10:31.00. The 10 mile 0DO check ended at Hanson Dam and from there the route wound up over Little Tujunga Canyon Rd. and down into Sand and Mint Canyon the rallyists headed towards Vasquez Rocks Park and there encountered the ist checkpoint, manned by George Gedeon % a very unhealthy soundin~ Cu~t Kueble~. The insZructions, if p~opemly executed, then brought our hearty troops over to Acton, down Soledad Canyon and

back toward Aqua Dulee. Immediatly after passing under the freeway, the smiling faces of Pete Galena and Bill Leflang were encountered at the 2nd checkpoint. Pressing on, the route went through Agua Dulee, down Mint Canyon to Vasquez Canyon g over to Bouquet Canyon. The rally ended about 1/4 mile down the road from the Big Oaks Lodge, for most people. While we managed to wave down most of the rallyists to inform them that this was indeed the finish, a few people, who apparently thought our frantic waving $ shouting was merely an enthusiastic salute, bombed right on by the finish and tried to execute the last 2 instructions. As these people eventually realized, the last two instructions were just made up % their execution wag an IMPOSSIBLE MISSION. All 38 cars did finish, eventually, and most of us stayed for drinks g the Shish-Ka-Bob buffeZ a~ :he Lodge. Everyone had a real good ~ime and most people were able to pick up a few of the fine points of rallying. Since the "Mission Impossible" was conceived as an instructional type rally, a number of tricks or "traps" were used along the route. As far as I know, the event lived up to its’ name and no one ran the whole rally correctly. The traps used are explained below in the orde~ in which they appeared in The ~oute instructs. Add one minute for each "STOP SIGN". This note should not have been executed at all. The generals state that "quotation marks are used to indicate the p~ecise wording on a sign." There were no signs along the route that said "STOP SIGN". ~ NOTE X: 35.00 "ACE CAIN" Shortly after coming into Sand Canyon~ there appeared a large "Ace Cain" sign on the left. This sign should have been disregarded because the generals say "all signs and landmarks are on the right hand side of the road, straight ahead or overhead, unless I instructed otherwise." The reason this was changed from an instruction to a note was that an instruction cannot be disregarded but must be fully completed before continuing on. This is also the reason why inst. 14 was changed to Note Z. NOTE Z: 32.51 "EARL CAIN" "Earl Cain" appeared on the right about a mile or so past "Ace Cain" however, it was on a mailbox and we all know from the generals that signs on mailboxes don’t count. NOTE A:

Note B: ("30.00 MPH after crossin~ railroad tracks") and the unnumbered instruction ("if in douby, BR") were not supposed ±o be confusing. Many people took the BR at the Stop si£n at Soledad Canyon road in Acton. In doing this~ the instructions worked out, but Note B was carried out at a point other than where it should have been. At the Stop sign there should not have been any doubt .about which way to go. The most straight forward direc tion would have taken you across Soledad Canyon Road and very quickly thereafter across the railroad tracks, where Note B could be executed. The "if in doubt, BR" came in a little further down the way, where the road forked. Here again the route was fairly obvious, that is why the instruction was worded as it was and also was not numbered. The off-course trap that caught everybody (except Wild Bill McInerney and his fearless navigator, Joyce) was on the last leg. After going through Agua Dulce, you came to a Tee where inst. 29 "37.50 L at Stop" was executed, placing you on Sierra Hiway, about 50 ft. down the road there was a branch off to the R (Old Mint Canyon Rd.), since you were put onto Sierra Hiway by opportunity, rather than by name or number, you should have followed the most straight forward route and gone onto Old Mint Canyon Rd, about 100 yds. up the road you passed "Petersen Rd."which was the action point for Note C "30.00 MPH at Petersen Rd." This excursion brought you out by the "Kaefer’s" sign in the next instrt So, I hope everyone had a good time and maybe learned something that will be of help in future rallies. If you cna’t wait till the next PCA Rally to try again, be aware that on any weekend there are numerous events all over L.A. and Ventura counties~ most of which ware listed in the "Pit Stops" column in the L.A. Times. Final results are listed below showing erros for each leg. L and E stand for "Late" and "early". Trophies were awarded to the first two places in the Navigational class and the first four places in the SOP class. NAVIGATIONAL CLASS Place T1 T2 3 4 _ ~5 ~

Car No. 24 31 35 37 33 18


ist Leg

E R R 0 R S 2nd 3rd Le$ Leg Total

M. Hokue/W. Hutchins 4.67L 3.70L J. Parz/L. Koval 5.40L 3.17L R. Kovanagi/H. Szilagyi2.21L10.25L Paul White 2.00L 9.46L N. Friesen/C. Moutes 4.6$L 9.81L D/H. Boyd .54L45.11L

1.96L 3.02E 2.21E 4.04E 2.23E 1.73L

10.33 11.59 ! 14.58 15.50 16.69/

SOP CLASS Place T1 T2 T3 T4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 ii 12 13 i~ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ~4 25 26 27 28 29


Car No.

Ist Leg


E R R 0 R S 2nd 3rd Leg Leg


2 5 3 38 36 4 34 9 30 29 27

B/B.Jones .02L R. Thompson/J. Menge 1.05L L./B. Arnold 1.00E B. Gregory/ D. Larson 3.75L S. Saleen/M. Wilson .65L D./M. Mary 1.95L B. Johnson/ V. Haynie 3.38L 3.11L T/J. Putnam M. Hendrick/L. Mullinsl.47L G./T. Wilburn 3.82L C.F/M. gouchenour 2.63L

.20E 2.18L 3.76L .78L 2.39L 1.83L 2.59L 4.03L 3.46L 4.76L 3.59L

.03L .23E .0BE .50L 2.17E 2.03E .95L .27E 3.56L ,04E 2.49L

.25 3.46 4.84 5.03 5.21 5,81 6.92 7.41 8.49 8.62 8.71


H. Semans/J. Elder




S.78L 1.19L 2,76L L. Strutz/M. Powell B. Phillips/Rochester ~.58L 3.66L 2.05L C./M. Walters 3.42L 3.66L 3.23L P./Y. Luelsdorf 4.73E 4.28L 2.23E B. Hayes/S. Wishon 4.40L 4.03L 3.12L J./J. Cooper 4.82L 6.07L 1.80L R. Wagner/R. Kornfeld I0.43L 3.24L .37E T. Schneider/R. McNeilS.08L II.39L 1.73L R. Brifett/R. Luse 1.78L 16.76L .27E J. Lewis/T. Mattchen 5.63L II.80L 1.84L R./Minna Cooper 3.97L 14.28L 2.03E G./L. Ramage 5.13L I~.~0L 2.48L B./C. Munch 4.52L 7.75L 10.20L B./J. McInerney 1.03L 28.07L .10E g.72L 27.99L 1.72L R./S. Rama~e L. Hammett/P. Lame 35.95L 2.96L 3.75E G. Maddox/Broderson 4.13L 66.02L 4.71E B./V. Rhine MCP 12.99L F. RiKoni/C.Devore MCP .68E

9.73 10.29 10.31 11.24 iI.5~ 12.6W 14.04 18.20 18.81 19.27 20.28 20.91 22.47 29.20 3~.~3 42.68 74.86 -

21 32 ~8 1 25 23 39 16 19 15 7 22 13 ii 6 12 14 i0 ~ 17


CHANGE OF ADDRESS Dr, Alain G. Mona 9292 HazelbPook Dr. Huntington Beach, 9~4S Dave Kalbach 509 Marguerita Apt. #C Alhambra, 91801

J,S.Richardson i~062 Hemlock T~ona, Ca. 935S~ , ~

WELCSME NEW MEMBERS George M. Byrne (Joan) 4615 Mar~qood D~. L.A., 90065 ’66 911

Robert C. Williams 650 W. 109th PI. L.A., 90044 ’67 911

M.D.Grant 22338 Espuella Saugus, 91350 ’66 911

Paul 0xman 7459 W. 93~d PI. L.A. 90045 ’66 912

Theodore K. Yim 1812 La Manzanita S. Pasadena, 91030

Jack Vollstedt 12360 Riverside N. Hollywd, 91607 ’67 911

Jack T. Williams 100 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 711 Long Beach, 90802

Malcom S. MacQuoid 5725 Reseda Blvd.~35 Ta~zana, 91356 ’68 912 Ta~ga




day at the Races

AT LAST, WE HAVE NEWS OF THE MAY EVENT!! WE HAVE FOUND A MOTEL THAT WILL TAKE OUR RESERVATIONS FOR ONE NIGHT ONLY ( SAT. NITE) ON MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND~ and fmom what Don Mo~mis tells me, this isn’t easy to do. However, you must make your oum reservations fom Saturday Night, June Ist. We will be staying at the PETIT CHATEAU INN, 3055 De La Vina St. (intemsection of State Street) in SANTA BARBARA. They a~e holding several mooms for us. There will be the famous CHAMPAGNE PARTY Hosted by the Santa Bambama Region also on Sat. Nite. The place is not known now but here is the plan. We will meet at the RANCH HOUSE RESTAURANT ( near the Castalc Junction, Saugus, just noPth of the San Fe~nando .Valley on the Golden State Fmeeway) for breakfast at 10:00 AM on June i, and £o to Santa Barbara up the back way in a caravan. These a~e approximate mates at the PETIT CHATEAU INN. One double bed ..... $ii.00 813.00 Two double beds,~ people ..... $17.00 Santa Ba~bama Re~ion has arranged fo~ PORSCHE PARKING AREA at the Races and we-will be infommed of the location before June i. Theme is loads of fun ahead so be sume to make this event a ........ You know the old saying, don’t you (be the~e)....f ~%.,~~Two double beds,2 people ..... =

TEASER OF THE MONTH Upon s~ar~ing a long trip in his $90 Coupe, an observant Porsche Pusher noted that the sum of the fide digits on his odometer had never~fore been higher, but it had been the same 900 miles ago. How many miles did he drive until the sum was higher than at the start of his trip?? Best solution received at: PCA P. O. BOX 6651~ Los Angeles,


by Hay 13th receives a special award at the Hay meeting. only are eligible and must be present.


Correct solutions to last month’s Teaser were received from Gene Bradford, Bill Leflang, Carole Mulligan ~ Joe Schneider. The prize - all the champagne he can drink at Monterey Bay Region"s Laguna Seca Party May gth - went to Allan Crane for the following simplest yet complete solution: Each member attends a succession of meetings the numbers of which are multiples of the first meeting he attended following the meeting at which the seven met. Therefore the answer is a number which is the smallest multiple common to all. g2 (6 X 7) is common to 6 and 7 so we know that members #6 and 7 will both be present at meeting #~2. Since it is also common.to i, 2, and 3 members #i, 2 and 3 will also be there. The same group will also be present at meeting #Sg since 8g is the next multiple of ~2. Since 8~ is also a multiple of g, #~will be there also. Since the answer must be an even number (because of 2, ~ and 6 whose multiples are always even numbers) and since 5 is divisible only into numbers having 0 or 5 for a final digit we can go at once to the 5th multiple of 8~ for our final answer: the seven members will be together again for the ist time at the g20th meeting followin~ the one in which they met. Curt Kuebler-President.









J15 board


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122 ]’ECH I me~ing VW Pacific 29 --, memorial day



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8 10 gen. meeting









. ~-6

.......... 2-9- ........


meefing .........

1968 Mister Impossible, put on a termiffic point in the Apmil IMPOSSIBLE MISSION

Joe Schneider, did it again. Not only did he mally~ but the awamds pmesentation was a highmeeting. Letls hope Joe will dmeam up another for ’6g.

Alan Johnson and Bob Kurby again did an outstanding job of relating their experiences at Sebring. Their sly humor makes listeninga real pleasure, but we did feel sorry for Bob~s cmushed fingers. Alan and Bob a~e always welcome to ~ive us the inside story of their Po~sche wins. The beer will be flowing llke water at the SCHLITZ BROWN BOTTLE ROOM, in Van Nuys, MAY 13th when PCA-LA invades the brewery for dinner and FREE BEER and a ~reat progmam of highlights of the camavan to Mexico City and more FREE BEER. Any PCA’ers who are not seen at this evening extravaganza will ~eceive a get well card in the mail because only sickness will keep them from attending. BE THERE~ Cumt Kuebler-President



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PROJECT CEP (CLUB EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT) PCA-LA now owns over i00 pylons, thanks to Owen Champion’s cent donation of 50 freshly cleaned beauties. Owen is on the trail of the most durable paint for all these pylons so watch fom the announcement of oum PORSCHE PUSHERS PYLON PAINTING PARTY ’. ! ’. Functional design of the PCA Timem was discussed at the Ma~ch Tech Meetin~ and faith in the concept as applied to slaloms and time trials was not shaken. The first batch of parts is omdemed and the devioe will be assembled and tested by volunteers. Thanks to Ray Coope~, the Club now has a pmojector for showin~ 8mm films. This projecto~ will be useful wheneve~ ou~ amateu~ photo~s have movies of Po~sches etc. at the monthly meetings. Cu~t Kueble~-P~es.


FOR SAL " For Sale:

One pair 1965 Porsche Black Coupe Seats including headrest g brackets, $150. or t~ade for lightweight Porsche Speedster type seats. Bob Raucher 877-2081

For Sale:

One Judson Transistor ignition complete with facility for electronic tach. Less then 2,500 miles $25.00 Bob Raucher 877-2081

For Sale:

1600 Normal 1956 coupe. Fresh engine, 4 new Cont. Padials $1,700. oP bPing 6-pak and haggle. Joe Schneider 615 W. Ave., H-8, Lancaster 805-9~28795


Lightweight aluminum body panels fop B or C SePies Coupe, fPont hood ream hood, doors aluminum window frames, black speedsteP seats. Plexiglas windows on each side and particulary the reap window. If you don’t have these, maybe you could put me in contact to gather these items. Bob Raucher 5312 Corteen PI. #i~ N. Hollywood, 877-2081

For Sale:

1966 Jaguar Mk II 3.85, Sport Sedan, Manual Trans. All goodies incl. sun roof ~ chrome wire wheels. White, black leatheP inter, maintained in mint condition during all of its 35,000 mi. Will make an excellent family car for an appPeciative PoPsche enthusiast. PPice: Blue Book Petail - fiPm. Contact Ray Cooper - 661-66~2 evenings. !

An interesting boPPowed fPom DER PORSCHEWEISER, St. Louis Region by Gwen Dieckmann


It all started on February first when two Porsche-Pushing men, namely Carl Dieckmann and John Pialt, left fop Daytona Beach in a Buick Riviera. That was quite a concession - ~ust fop me to go along, so it was "in the back seat and keep your mouth shut" for me, which I thought a small price to pay to get to see the Daytona 2W Hour Race. However, when we arrived and they went hiking around the tPack leaving me behind, (a~tem PemindinK me how much they would prefeP to be there in the 9115) I did feel unwanted.


I had heard that James Garner fell in love with racin~ durin~ rh~ filming of "Cmand Prix" and entered some ears in this race so I set out alone to try for a glimpse of him. I wa~ delighted when Ed Leslie, one of his drivers, came over to the fence where I stood watching and asked if I would like to come into their pits. He gave me his pass to get in. Needleds to say, this is wheme I spent most of the race - riKht in the middle of the actio and it was absolutely great. James Gamner not only gave me his autograph, he called me "Honey" ’. The crew was extremely confident. Their two Corvettes had a potential HP of 700, which they tuned down to 500. They qualified 15th overall with 2.0~ and weme doing quite well. A happy bunch, they didn’t even lose heart when their cars nave out during the cold 38~ ni£ht with rear seal troubles. The mechanics worked together like clockwork, but after the third serious breakdown they wePe satisfied just to finish the race with one car, which they did. The drivers, Dick Guildstrand, Ed leslie, Dave Jordan, Herb Caplan and Scooter Patrick (who, by the way, was offerPed a 907 to drive for Porsche but kept his word and dmove for Garner as promised) were as calm as our guys would be on a Sunday drive. I’ve never enjoyed a race so much - Porsehe I-2-~ and I sincePely believe it would have been 4 ~ B also but for the spectacular accident that removed cars SI ~ ~. P.S. I believe the fellows forKave me for all when I got them ~nto the pits fop the finish of the race.

Let us look ahead fop a minute and see what’s in s~oPe fop PCALA.

First off, in May, we will all be headin~ to Santa Barbara

for two days of fun at the Races.

Saturday will be the caravan

f~om ~he Ranch House ~o ~he race track, Sat. Nite will be the now famous Champagne PaPry put on by the SanTa Barbara Re~ion, and that still leaves Sunday for the Races themselves.

If you

have never been away for the week-end with the club, you have been missing a Kreat time, and remember you don’t have to be a member to be there and enjoy the fun, ~uests are always welcome. In June there is scheduled a drivin£ event. It’s a little hazy now as to whether it will be a Gymkhana or Slalom, or maybe a Driver’s School. Let’s hear some opinions at the next meetin~ as to what you would prefer.

In July there are 2 bin activities. Number one is a combination General Membership Meeting and Special Summer Party. This will be at Mr. Don Ricardo’s home. Dance and Dine as much as you like. More details will be at the next meeting which is, by the way, a Dinner Meeting at the Schlitz Brewery with all the FREE BEER you want, but I’m sure everyone has this one on their calender for sure.

Number two in July will be a Combination Picnic And Beach Party at Doheny State Park, for the outsdoorsman in us. Let’s make this a big success. Of course there are the other specialized meetings, the Board Meeting for you to come and voice your opinion on a more personal basis, and the Technical Meetings if you would like to learn a little more about the car you drive, which reminds me of a very special Tech Meeting in May on the 22nd. You can get a head start on the PORSCHE Fuel Injection that is rumored for next year by becoming informed on the Volkswagen version that is currently in use. Well, there is the schedule for the next few months. I would like to say in closing that the club events are absolutely nothing, all the planning and time spent is literally wasted if the members of the club don’t take advantage of this very inexpensive entertainment that is given to them. Become more involved in the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, there are some damn nice people associated with it. There is a clique in our club. The best part of it is that everyone is invited to belong. So let’s all try to BE THERE at these events to show our enthuasism for the car, to show the event chairmen our thanks and just for the fun of it. Ron RamaKe-editor



Advertising is being accep±ed for the PORSCHERAMA. Any interested persons please contact the editor: Ron Ramage, 5737 Tobias Ave., Van Nuys, Calif., 91~01 days..983-0763,87S-1263




Tires Distributor discounted to PCA members

specialist for PORSCHE, VW, MERCEDES



WH. 8-3921


45050 N. Trevor Lancaster, Calif.


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