SEPT. ’68
1968 officer¢ |11
president vice president secretary treasurer activities chairman membership chairman teoh chairman editor parlimentarian
Curt Kuebler Ray Cooper Lyle Arnold Ray Korfeld Peter I_uelsdorf Don Morris Roger Wagner non Ramage Ouane Alan
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SOON: AUTOSCAN 8000 Automatic Chassis Oynomometer
september meeting Sorry about that and apologies to all those who dearly love the schoolhouse meetings. Our application could not be confirmed until after the 29th of. August due to the summer absence of the Principal who must agree to the use of his school and in the event he would not approve there would be too short a time to. arrange another meeting place. But take.heart for October will probably see us all back in the schoolhouse again ’ For those who enjoy the fellowship of a dinner meeting we believe you will like this one, the 2nd Monday of the month, 9th of September, at THE ORIGINAL BARBECUE RESTAURANT, 801 S. Vermont Los Angeles. Centrally located at 8th and Vermont Ave., between the Santa Monica and Hollywood Freeways. The Restaurant offers something to suit anyone from a 90¢ sandwich to a $~.55 "Longhorn Special" ~2 oz Porterhouse Steak, and in between their barbecued chicken or rib specialties. You will be served from the menu g reservations or pre-choice is not required. Parking off 8th St. behind the restaurant $ enter thru "Steak Room" Door. Start with the Happy Social Hour at 6:~0 PM, dinner 7:30 PM, meeting approx. 8:~0 PM. Those who prefer to attend meeting only are also most welcome.
The guest speaker of the evening is a man who’s name is known to all Porsche enthusiasts of the Western States due to his spectacular success in racing Porsche ca~s of many vamieties. His numbe~ 3~ has continued for Porsche what another great number, the 50 of Ken Miles, had done in years past, which is no surprise to those who know that he was indeed something like a prodigy of the great Kenny Miles. So we are honored g proud of the opportunity to announce that Mr. "Scooter" Patrick will talk and entertain with films of racing experience. For those of us fortunate in being able to attend the San Diego Region Holtville event last fall this will be a welcome "return engagement". To Mr. Duane Alan deserved thanks i~ making arrange ments for Mr. Patrick to appear. ALso at this meeting you will have an opportunity to voice opinion and seek clarifications if necessary prior to voting on the draft resolution initiating amendments to the By-Laws. Guests are welcome. SEE YOU THERE. Ray Cooper, Vice President
e_ 4inutes-¢ qugust Meeting The regular monthly meeting was held at the Alexandria Avenue School, August 12, 1968. President Kuebler opened the meeting at 8:10 PM and moved that minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as they appeared in the August PORSCHERAMA; motion carried. Vice President, Ray Cooper, reported that the speaker for the September meeting will be Erhard Zeidelmeyer. He is expected to give us the latest on the new PORSCHES. The October meeting may be another dinner meeting. Look for details in your PORSCHERAMA. Treasurer, Ray Kornfeld, reported a bank balance of approximately $1,400. Ray also gave a list of items he has for sale at the meetings. Peter Luelsdorf, Activities Chairman reported on the Beach Party, in which 16 cars attended. The LUCKY 7 RALLY is coming up August 2Sth. Dale Boyd, Rallymaster gave a few details; a 125 mile rally with no desert driving. 2 classes, navigational and S.O.P., as usual. Peter continued with mention of an Octoberfest being considered for September - September? Surprise announcement was that there will be a repeat of the Willow Springs time trials, dates NOVEMBER 16th and 17th. All interested in helping were asked to meet at Shakey’s after the meeting. November will be a bu6y month for competition minded. Neighboring clubs will be running trials at Holtville and Riverside. President Kuebler complimented Ron Ramage’s last issue of the paper. Ron asks that members contribute articles of general interest, especially trips taken in Porsches. Ron concluded by reporting on the clubs new green and yellow tent. This is a badly needed item and we welcome it as the first in various new club
properties. Don Morris, Membership Chairman asked members g guests to sign the roster. The new membership roster is now Being prepared for delivery. Tech Chairman, Roger Wagner, is working on a timer which may be ready for Willow Springs. A section of the timer was demonstrated at the meeting. August 28th Tech Meeting will be held at Trans-0cean Motors. This is a tune-up session with guest speaker from Champion SDark Pl~qs.
Under New Business, Ron Ramage called attention to the Christmas Party, and the fact that it was not too early to make plans to attend, DECEMBER 21st. Curt asked that ballots sent by Nationa! be studied and returned. Awards for the Porscherama Teaser of the Month were made. Dave Kalbach arrived in time to give a humorous account of the beach party. After intermission and coffee movies were shown many of the members saw themselves in action on "Road and Track". Thanks to Peter for the excellent films and Ron also. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. Secretary - Lyle Arnold
NEW MEMBERS This month we welcome 8 new members to PCA-LA, of these 3 are transfers, they are: Phillip E. Deutschle, 14751 Miller Ave., Gardena, Calif, 90249, transferring from Maverick to L.A. region. Another new member transferred from Northeast region he is, Richard Roger, 1140 N. Clark Street, L.A., 90069. Charles C. Tucker has come to us from our neighbors in the Golden Gate Region, he now resides at: 4209 Kraft Avenue, No. Hollywood, 91604. Robert Morgan, an illustrator, driving a 1967-911 with #I interest in racing can be located at: 7734 E1 Manor Ave., L.A. 90045, telephone SP. 6-1387. Another 911 driver, Dr. Joseph T. Melton, 359Y Imperial Hwy., Lynwood, California, 90262, NE 8-0461, however his main interests are in tech, and rallying. Harriet & Robert Mortensen can be found at: 7009 Wright Terrace Culver City, 90230, telephone 839-5693. Robert is looking for good tech ~nformation with racing followinZ right alonK to keep his ’61 $90 in top shape. -
1965 Coupe is owned by Jeffrey Watts, 10400 Downey Ave., Downey 90241, 923-3666. Jeff is a student and is also interested in Tech--Roger Wagner should have afull crew at the next session. Along with students we have teachers, and that is what Lowell L. Semnns is, a teacher. Lowell & his wife Diane reside at: 10709 Kane Ave., Whittier, 90604, 941-4398. They are owners of a red 1963 Super. To all of the new members a special welcome and hope to be seeing you at the meetings and coming events. Members--please note these names should be added to your roster as soon as it is received, space is available. Change of address: Dave Kalbach
500 Mariposa Ave., #6 L.A., 90005
TOBERFE T - Oct. 6 Looking for an exciting event for September, well we have found the event, but guess what - ? it’s happening in OCTOBER. Yes, it’s the 0KTOBERFEST - October 6, 1968, at I0:00 A.M., meet at Denny’s Coffee Shop, 530 Ramirez, behind Union Station, Downtown. We shall rally from there to an afternoon of Bavarian music, BEER, food and other surprises. Entry fee: $2.00. This event i~---b-~ing co-ordinated by none other than the 0ktoberfest expert himself, Peter Luelsdorf! Remember this is a real Ist our September event in OCTOBER. BE THERE!!!!!!!
A bunch of PCA members needing parts convereged upon the local supply counter. There were ~ groups: 12 Speedster owners, 18 Targa owners, 20 Cabriolet owners, and 25 Coupe owners. Altogether they spent $1,330.00. If 5 Coupe owners spent as much as ~ Cabriolet owners, 12 Cabriolet owners spent as much as 9 Targa owners, and 6 Targa owners spent as much as 8 Speedster owners, how much did each of the four groups spend? The best solution received at: PCA Box 66515 L.A., 90066
by Sept. 7th wins the ing. Last month’s prize, a of Inglewood, went to the list of words (in words were: Carburetored Slalom Modified Christophorus Cabriolet Honorable mention for and Elton Mosher.
Prize of the Month at the September Meetset of metric end wrenches from Royze, Inc. Charles Watts and crew for being Ist with spite of the typographical error). The Undercoating Fiamm Insignia Region Autocrossing Ziebarted Polizei Trophy correct solutfons goes to Claudia Vlaming
Let me be the first to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS? In August? Try as we might we can’t stop the year from ~ust slipping away. Before you know it the Yuletide season will be upon us and we’ll be looking back on another year filled with memories of good times with fellow PORSCHENEERS. This year we can all look back and reminisce at the ANNUAL CHRISTMAS DINNER/DANCE. This year it will be at the LA CANADA COUNTRY C,LUB, on DEC. 21. After you have your Christmas shopping finished and you know everything is well taken care of, come and have a honest to goodness good time, everyone takes home a door prize, no one goes home hungry or thirsty. And just to make the evening complete MR. DON RICARD0 will entertain us with just the type of music that you like to hear. By the next meeting tickets will be on sale. Just walk up to your editor, Ron Ramage, and ask for them. Also feel free to invite your own guests. You are cordially invited to the annual PCA-LA Christmas party, THE GRAND FINALE. 6
SANTEE, CALIF. 92071 PHONE: 448-6757 OR 234-7488
#~89 ~490
’68 911 ~, polo red, tinted glass all windows, AM/FM, very low miles, still in warranty $7,295. ’68 911 S, bahama yellow, elec. sunroof, ~ band AM/FM, t~nted glass all windows, 4,800 miles, excellent condition 7,495. ’68 911 S, spec; factory midnight metallic blue, elec. sliding roof, outside thermometer, two 2 point seat belts, emerg, flasher, AM/FM, red leather recaro seats, leather headrests, complete leather interior, elec. heated rear window, wiper on rear window, 500 miles, complete with warranty. One of a kind. 8,695. 911 T coupe, just like new, 5 spd., chrome wheels 6,295. ’68 911 S bahama yellow coupe, Frankfurt AM/FM, 2 quartz i~dine driving lights, low miles, still in warranty
’68 911 S, burnt orange coupe, standard "S" extras, warranty, mileage so low ist service not required 6,495.
same as #495
911 T Targa, white, chrome wheels, a real dream with
#488 #487
~890 #~68
6 cyT., 125 h.p. engine, radio 6,495. ’67 912, 5 spd, coupe, dk. blue, chrome wheels, AM/FM, 2 new radial tires, excellent cond. thruout ’66 912, 5 spd., red coupe, chrome wheels, AM/FM, Dunlop tires, temp. guage ~ clock in f~ll panel 3,850. ’67 911 S, coupe, silver, AM/FM, 5 1/2" mags, new radial tires 6,495. Not a Porsche but made in Germany, ’67 Mercedes 250SE ~ dr. sedan, ~ band signal seeking radio, 4 on the floor, chauffeur driven
willOw springs WILLOW SPRINGS : WILLOW SPRINGS : WILLOW SPRINGS : NOV.16, 17 That’s Pight, the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA will PetuPn to sunny Willow SpPings on the weekend of NovembeP 16 and 17. This is an event that has just come into being so infoPmation is scaPce at this time, howeveP we can all assume that it will pPetty much be a Pepeat of last yeaP’s highly successful progPam. PRE-TECH Inspection wil! be duping OctobeP ( more information will follow in Oct. PORSCHERAMA ). Also the home base hotel has not yet been selected. Classes of caps will be Pun similaP to last yeaP’s. If fact, if you missed last yeaP’s Time TPials you can come this yeaP to see what you missed. Right now the thing that is most impoPtant is planning. The hard woPking team of JOE SCHNEIDER and NICK FREISEN will be cochaiPmen fop this event and they have a big job ahead of them. One thing they do need is volunteePs to woPk at various jobs. Some will be oPganization, committee woPk, scavangePs fop items PequiPed. Some ape fop woPkePs duping the Time TPials. These jobs could be flag men, pPe-gPid woPkePs, Pegistration helpers, startePs, tech inspection cPew and even PARTICIPANTS. If you would like to volunteeP, please call 398-2217. A little mope said about the extPa-curriculaP activities. For one~ SATURDAY night thePe will be a Gala Dinner, also Friday and Sunday nights will see good times for those who come early and stay late. Last yeaP was an example of the old cliche~ "A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL". Let’s make it again this year. YOU ARE HEREBY INVITED TO ATTEND THE SECOND ANNUAL WILLOW SPRINGS TIME TRIALS~ NOVEMBER 16~ 17~ 1968.
life, health, disability
630 S. Shatto Pl., L.A. 9
( 213 ) 385-3241
Wasn’t that a BEACH PARTY Yell, Seh~ inte~essen - The Japanese pinata was a ~oa~ing success --what with the turn out and evemyone doing so well we had to give evemyone who man a tmophy. This was a fimst fom the PCA-LA megion The July mally is the ist event duming Petem Luelsdomf’s tenum that lost money-due to the lamge ~umbem of tmophies awamded. The mallymastem was only pmepamed fom 50 pamticipants to tumn up. You can well imagine his sumpmise that even with the main we had ~ cams tumn out. The mally was mun by Ken g Micky Fields, Rogem Wagnem and his lively navigatom, B~uce g Tmish Kueblem g of coumse Nick Fmiesen and his tmusty scout CeCe Moutes. Of the mighty ~ only 1 neamly completed the coumse - Ken g Micky Fields, on rheim ist mally. They finished in spite of a giant plot against them (main) jack-knifed tmuck, back moads of Laguna and all. Bmuce Kuebler even wound up on the Newpomt Femmy. All in all evemyone finally ammived at the beach weme 8 cams had gone without enteming the mally. The sun came out g evemyone got a good tan. The Japanese pinata was waylaid on the way and nevem ammived g the bikini contest was called off because the judge was found fmatemnizing with the contestents. Finishems in omdem of placing weme: I) ~)
Ken Fields Bmuce Kueblem
3) ~)
Rogem Wagnem Nick Fmiesen
The mallymastem - "might" way Kalbach.
1968 Since the current events, meetings, and tech sessions are so successful, there is room for a few words concerning Club business. The matter of an increase in National PCA dues was mentioned briefly at our last meeting where the question of voting on the proposed by-laws amendment was raised. At that time, the complete story was not known. Additional information from National has made it clear that the Executive Council urged defeat of the proposed By-laws amendment because the National Bd. of Directors would be voting simultaneously on a motion to increase the dues to $18. If the proposed amendment were passed, the Bd. of Directors vote would be nullified $ dues would remain at $15. Faced with rising insurance costs ~ increases in postal £ printing rates affecting PANORAMA, the Executive Council discovered that the net flow of cash to surplus for 1969 would be negative. Thus the push to raise’ dues and maintain a positive cash balance (surplus) increase. The current surplus is about $27,000. The National Treasurer recommends an increame in surplus level to match one year’s operating expense, or about $60,000. The simple choice on dues increase is thus the following: If you feel that the $27,000. cash reserve is inadequate, then a dues increase is necessary. If you feel that the $27,000 cash reserve is too high, the present dues level is sufficient (at least for next year). Watch PANORAMA for the outcome of the voting. So much for National business. Locally, the Board of Directors has proposed an amendment to the By-laws which will, if passed, permit family members to hold office and also completely change the election procedure. The change in election of officers is necessary to increase the efficiency of procuring capable leaders for the Club. The By-laws Committee (Alan, Boyd, CooDer, Kuebler), with Ray Cooper doing all of the hard work, has prepared a resolution to be voted upon by our membership. The resolution itself explains the need for amending the By-laws, so just a basic explanation here will suffice. Instead of the usual 5 officers, 8 Directors will be elected each year. The officers will then be chosen at the ist meetin~ of the new Bd. of Directors, with the President from the preceding year serving as Chairman of the Bd. The bulk of the proposed amendments deals with the mechanics of electing officers in this manner. As soon as each member receives his ballot $ explanation of the proposed amendments, we urge that an affirmative vote be promptly returned. Any questions concerning the resolution will be answered at the September meeting. Which brinks us to the Sept ¯ ’ meeting.
New meeting place this month due to a staff change at the school. The ORIGINAL BARBEQUE at 801 S. Vermont, L.A., will have a preponderance of Porsches in its parking lot the evening of Sept. 9th, with Scooter Patrick on hand to talk about really fast PORSCHES, everyone will certainly BE THERE! Curt Kuebler, Pres.
for sale - wanted For Sale: 1967 911-S Targa, silver metallic. Full black leather interior including two head rests. Outside thermometer. Wooden Wheel on extended steering column. Tinted glass all windows, Blaupunkt Automatic New Yorker Radio with electric aerial. Limited Slip differential, Shoulder/lap seat belts (2). 4,300 miles. A rare opportunity. Contact: C. Tom Walters, 3905 N. Clearford Westlake Village, Phone: 805-889-1369. Make offer. Wanted: 65C or SC engine complete, contact: Charles Watts, 10400 Downey Ave., Downey, 90241, phone: 869-4596. For Sale: 65C body complete, grey, new Dunlop CBtires, clutch, grey interior, chrome wheels, Blaupunkt-AM, make offer, contact: Charles Watts, 869-94596. For Sale: 1966 912 blue with black interior, Dunlop SP tires, Blaupunkt FM radio, 55,500 kilometers. Contact Ed Rinker see1964 356 C Coupe, signal red with black interior, Pirelli-Veith tires, Blaupunkt LMU radio, chrome wheels, 57,000 miles. Contact Ed Rinker, 789-3456 eves.
JULY TECH MEETING A stimulating question ~ answer session with a Pirelli Tire Co. representative was the essence of July’s Tech meeting. Lyle Arnold demonstrated a new, flat-proof, light-weight tire (a shredded Michelin X). The time remaining was spent on a car burglar alarm bullsession. Ernest Oszvath demonstrated his version of a burglar alarm on his very sanitary 912. Roger Wagner, Tech Chrm. SEPTEMBER TECH MEETING Those with a tired left foot g right arm, from heavy traffic, are invited to a tech information session on the Porsche Sportomatic automatic transmission. The session will be conducted by a Porsche Car Distributor Inc. field service engineer. The meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 25th at Boggs ~ McBurney, 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., West L.A. It was somewhat surprising to Porsche’~owners when the Sportomatic was introduced because of the well know qualities of their ~ g 5 speed gearboses. Apparently this is part of a plan to expand their markets. Incidentally, everybondy’s invited. Roger Wagner, Tech Chrm.
radial ply 12630 S. VERMONT AT El SEGUNDO
(213) 754-2907
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John Clyman 923 "G" Second St. Santa Honica,Calif. 90~03