Porscherama 1973 February

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PORS .CHERAMA february seventy three CAL|HDAR FEBRUARY 8 ......... GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday Featuring "By Porsche to the Black Sea" 8:00 p.m. a narrated slide presentation by PCA member Dr. Harold Semans (See "Next Events") 1022 .Van Ness Avenue, Hollywood FEBRUARY ii ........ PCA-POC CHALLENGE CUP RALLY Sunday Gabriel & Olson P/A, 15531 Ventura Boulevard, Encino to Solvang (See "Next Events") 9:00 a.m. FEBRUARY 21 ........ TECHNICAL MEETING Brakes! Ogner P/A, 21577 Roscoe Boulevard, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Canoga Park (See "Next Events") FEBRUARY 25 ........ POC SWAP MEET Sunday Bozzani P/A, 411 West Huntington Drive, Monrovia Just say, "The devil made me do it" 8:30 a.m.? MARCH 1 ............ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday Ralph Campbell’s Place, 12425 Texas Avenue, West 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles (All PCA members welcome if r.s.v.p.) MARCH 8 ............ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP DINNER MEETING (Details Soon) MARCH 17 ........... CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE (See "Next Events") APRIL 29 ........... BRIGGS-CUNNINGHAM MUSEUM AND PICNIC (And More)

DIRECTORS BOARD CHARIMAN Duane Alan (283-7423) PRESIDENT John Kepler (820-2097) VICE PRESIDENT Ron Ramage



STAFF EDITOR Paul Edwards 4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) / 378-4790 (night) statement OF .oRscnerama EDITORIAL PoLIcY Po~schelama is the official publication o[ tile Po/sch,a Club

Edith Savage TREASURER


A .... ica,

Los Angeles

Regi .... P ..... h ...... J ...... d by

the P ..... he Club o! Amelica, Los Angeles Region (a Calif-

Corky Kirk (447-5109) ACTIVITIES

Ralph Campbell (479-0695) PUBLIC ITY

Paul Edwards


orni,~ Corporation) and is pubUshed .... thlyi ..... cord ...... with the, club by-1 ....... d ...... diti ...... f the cha,ter g,anted by the Porsch~~ Club ol Americi~. Dated



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th ............ days all .......... pl~’li ..... f ........ ~ to i ...... pub-


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th~se of tile aulho~ a~d do not cor~stJt(JlL’ all opinion o[ the

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(397- 3041)


Tore Johnson (426-i183) 3139 Locus t Ave. Long Beach, Ca. 90807

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