Porscherama 1973 February

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PORS .CHERAMA february seventy three CAL|HDAR FEBRUARY 8 ......... GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday Featuring "By Porsche to the Black Sea" 8:00 p.m. a narrated slide presentation by PCA member Dr. Harold Semans (See "Next Events") 1022 .Van Ness Avenue, Hollywood FEBRUARY ii ........ PCA-POC CHALLENGE CUP RALLY Sunday Gabriel & Olson P/A, 15531 Ventura Boulevard, Encino to Solvang (See "Next Events") 9:00 a.m. FEBRUARY 21 ........ TECHNICAL MEETING Brakes! Ogner P/A, 21577 Roscoe Boulevard, Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Canoga Park (See "Next Events") FEBRUARY 25 ........ POC SWAP MEET Sunday Bozzani P/A, 411 West Huntington Drive, Monrovia Just say, "The devil made me do it" 8:30 a.m.? MARCH 1 ............ BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Thursday Ralph Campbell’s Place, 12425 Texas Avenue, West 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles (All PCA members welcome if r.s.v.p.) MARCH 8 ............ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP DINNER MEETING (Details Soon) MARCH 17 ........... CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE (See "Next Events") APRIL 29 ........... BRIGGS-CUNNINGHAM MUSEUM AND PICNIC (And More)

DIRECTORS BOARD CHARIMAN Duane Alan (283-7423) PRESIDENT John Kepler (820-2097) VICE PRESIDENT Ron Ramage



STAFF EDITOR Paul Edwards 4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) / 378-4790 (night) statement OF .oRscnerama EDITORIAL PoLIcY Po~schelama is the official publication o[ tile Po/sch,a Club

Edith Savage TREASURER


A .... ica,

Los Angeles

Regi .... P ..... h ...... J ...... d by

the P ..... he Club o! Amelica, Los Angeles Region (a Calif-

Corky Kirk (447-5109) ACTIVITIES

Ralph Campbell (479-0695) PUBLIC ITY

Paul Edwards


orni,~ Corporation) and is pubUshed .... thlyi ..... cord ...... with the, club by-1 ....... d ...... diti ...... f the cha,ter g,anted by the Porsch~~ Club ol Americi~. Dated



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th~se of tile aulho~ a~d do not cor~stJt(JlL’ all opinion o[ the

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(397- 3041)


Tore Johnson (426-i183) 3139 Locus t Ave. Long Beach, Ca. 90807

~ ..... h~, C~,u o~ ~m~,~, U,~ ~g~ ~.g~ .... i~ ~o~ of Diu’cl ..... th~ P ..... h ........ dit ...... its staff. All contri-

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" presidential rhetnric I feel kind of bad about the movie for the last meeting. We obtained the film from the Distributor and understood it was about Porsche (not VW) testing. Nevertheless, it was interesting-especially the scenes on tire testing and the photographs of fuel ignition inside the cylinders of the stratified charge engine. But still, it wasn’t exactly as we advertized and I am sorry. Certainly no apologies will be needed or accepted for the fine entertainment package put together for our February Meeting. Those of you who have seen Dr. Seman’s shows before know that his presentations appeal to those interested in cars, travel or photography. So grab your spouse or date and we’ll see you there. John

comment WHATEVER HAPPENED TO MAUDE AUDI? I know that all of you have wondered what ever happened to my relative Maude. Well I received a Geritolgram from her last night. (How else could I get that strength to write this). She stated that she wanted me, her old half dead brother, to take over the tablet and crayons. Thats a pretty tall order for someone as old and feeble as myself. Let me put it this way-I’m so old and slow I’m still trying to finish the 12 hours of Solvang. (Did anyone see checkpoint one?) FLASH (Oh! My Heart!!) Is it true that one of the board members suggested a Porsche drag strip event? Is it true that Nick Friesen has refused to ride with anyone at Willow Springs? Is it true that two of the board members are putting on a charity boxing match? Is it true that POC has conceded the rally to us? Is it true that Corky is being deported to Warsaw for calling a 914 a VW? Is it true that John Kepler fixed the election? Is it true that Lewis Pulley is alive? Is it true that we still own the timing equipment? Is it true that Scooter Patrick is driving an Alfa? Is it true that Kathy Patrick wants a divorce because of the Alfa? Is it true that there is a tech meeting scheduled at the Pink Pussycat? (There maybe snow on the roof, but there is fire in the furnace) Is it true that this article is ending because I fell asleep 3 times while I was writing it? Love and Prunes to all Fraudie Audi


anuary minutes The first General Membership meeting of 1973 was called to order at Santa Monica Elementary School by our new President John Kepler. The minutes of the December meeting were approved as published in Porscherama. Reports from the new officers were brief. Vice President, Ron Ramage gave a run-down on coming events. As chairman of the Annual PCA-POC Rally on Feb. ii, he advised that the rally would leave GabrielOlson P/A in Encino at 9:00 am and that it would again go to Solvang. He also mentioned that March 17 would be the date for the Santa Anita Concours D’Elegance. Paul Edwards, our new editor, asked for help in publishing ’Porscherama’ - particularly the need for contributions. John Larson, Tech Chairman, reminded us of the Tech meeting Jan. 25, and gave a quick "SHOW & TELL" about rods (what they look like with and without oil:) Activity Chairman, Jerry Ringer sent his regrets at having to relinquish his chairmanship and John Kepler announced that his replacement would be Ralph Campbell, who has had much experience in this area and is ready and willing to take over. Ralph reminded us that the 18th Annual Porsche Parade is in Monterey next August and requested that as many as possible send in their registration early: Treasurer Corky Kirk did not as yet have the "books" but did have three bills. Never the less it was concluded that we were in good shape with $800 to $i000 in the till. Duane Alan reported 28 cars were registered for the Death Valley trip and announced the forthcoming PCA Orange County Swap Meet. Membership Chairman Tore Johnson reported 320 current members including nine new ones. There was no old business and since new business was already discussed, John introduced and briefly interviewed six guests. After intermission, when coffee and cookies were served by Ms. Kepler and Ms. Robards, we turned off the lights to see a new film from the Volkswagon factory which depicted upcoming safety and anti-polution devices and the sophisticated engineering and testing which goes into their development. They even had a battery operated van stopping for a battery change instead of a gas fill-up. What next? ..... One prototype has a rotary engine. Good viewing and much to learn. The Board met on Jan. ,~8, 1973 at Edith Savage’s environs in a drenching rain. After wrapping up the loose ends from last year, most of the four hour meeting was devoted to PCA-LA policy. The loose en~s: i) in regard to "The French Confection", a film Jim Ewing proposed to make, it was agreed that we cancel our monetary support (not our interest) and take a $5.00 loss on the $60.00 worth of film we purchased; 2) it was agreed that we need to accurately assess the financial books of the club - an unenviable job assigned to Corky; and 3) in response to and inquiry from Pickwood Theater to have a rally that would culminate at the theater with a showing of "Lemans", it was agreed that this would be excessively expensive and repetitious. On more substantive matters, John emphasised the need for the club to define its goals and identify how we can best achieve those goals. Considerable discussion was given to the types and timing of major events, obtaining publicity for our activities, the content and format of "Porscherama", the types, locations and conduct of meetings, and the need to involve a larger segment of the membership in club activities. After raising many questions, the Board thought it best, at this time, to resolve only a few. Hence, it was agreed that there would be one tech meeting per month, that each event would be publicized by a seperate "flyer", that Ralph would establish a tentative calendar of events for the entire year and send this calendar to other regions within the zone and that we would all think critically about the changing needs of the club. Respectfully submitted, Edith Savage



next events FEBRUARY 8


8:00 P.M.

"By Porsche to the Black Sea", a narrated slide presentation by Dr. Harold Semans will document his Eastern European assignment for Educational Opportunities University of Denver, Colorado. Dr. Semans starts at the Porsche factory and proceeds through Switzerland, Austria, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Czeckoslovakia. You shouldn’t miss the pictorial answers to such questions as "W~y does insurance for a Porsche 911 cost $127.00 a month in Europe?"; "What do Cacia, Skada, Tatra, Volga and Zsiguli automobiles look like?"; Which one was designed by a friend and contemporary of Dr. Ferdinand Porsche?"; and "How are many of the cars washed in these countries?". Anyone planning a factory delivery and having questions about it or touring Europe will find the program of special interest. See you at the school. FEBRUARY ii


9:00 A.M.

DON’T FORGET! The 2nd Annual PCA-POC Challenge Cup Ralley will leave Gabriel & Olson Porsche/Audi, 15531 Ventura Boulevard in Encino at 9:00 a.m. and will wend its way for six hours to Solvang. Since the flyer flew let’s not have to say, "We blew it!" FEBRUARY 21


7:30 P.M.

John Larson got an eager response from Ogner Porsche/Audi to put on a definitive tech session on the care and handling of brakes. Topics will include how to assess wear, how to adjust and change pads and shoes, how to bleed lines and the different types of linings and fluids. As at Rusnak, demonstration cars will be used and you will be able to poke and touch at will. Ogner is located at 21577 Roscoe Boulevard in Canoga Park and everything begins at 7:30 p.m. MARCH 17


9:00 A.M.

Back to Santa Anita for one of the most fantastic concours settings in the West. This event is open to non-PCA members and is limited to 50 cars (Porsches only). There will be four classes for judging: 356’s; 911-912’s, 914’s and "Specials" Cars must be on the infield grass by 9:00 a.m. and judging will begin at noon. The 7th race will be named for PCA and trophies will be donated by Bozzani Porsche/Audi in Monrovia. (I’m sure that John Thomas of Bozzani and Alan Balch of Santa Anita would appreciate a "thank you" from all PCA-LA members who attend.) So, get out the polishing cloth, the wax and the "make rubber black" and get to work. And don’t be late. With a limit of 30 cars last year, we had to turn some away. And that’s the truth.

"THE PANIC BUTTON" 398-2217 pca activity info

last events DEATH VALLEY A treacherously hot desert land where Indians lived for centuries and learned to cope with its environment. Only the careless white man gave it the connotation of death . it was still very much a frontier in the early 1900’s, when mining towns such as Rhyolite were still booming and the famed 20-mule team borax wagons were still etching their tracks through sandy washes. Those days contrast greatly with the sight of 28 Porsches speeding rapidly over the paved roads that today make every part of the Valley accessable. Where summer temperatures reach 120 degrees and above, and winter days are often in the 80’s, we enjoyed an uncommonly cool weekend of about 60 degrees. Nearly half of the group left Friday morning; the other part, Friday night to be joined by a few who caught up with the caravan Saturday morning in Ridgecrest. The splendid two-hour drive to Stove Pipe Wells grew progressively more scenic and we saw some of the wild burros that inhabit parts of the Valley .... Saturday afternoon we visited Scotty’s Castle, a combination home and showplace of Moorish/ Spanish design replete with imported (read "expensive") furnishings from Europe, which was built by an ailing insurance millionaire from Chicago who took a fancy to flamboyant Walter Scott, prospector and wild west trick rider. . . From there we drove the snow-covered route to Beatty, Nevada, where we tried our luck at the local casino’s slot machines and black jack table. As darkness set in, we snaked back to Stove Pipe Wells for dinner and porsche gabfests .... Unusual cloud formations threatened rain on Sunday morning, but passed over to let the warmth of the sun through and cast deep, changing shadows accross the snow-capped Panamint Mountains. Everyone headed for Furnace Creek Ranch with its palm-covered golf course, museum and shops. Time didn’t permit us to visit every scenic spot, but we did manage to see Golden Canyon with its narrow dirt road, Bad Water, which is 282 feet below sea level, and Artists’ Drive, which is a must for every photographer. The various rust and beige colored sandstone formations contrasting with the bluish mountains and the white clouded skies were breathtaking . At this point almost everyone broke into smaller groups to wend their way homeward. We were advised not to miss Dante’s View, a point from which all of Death Valley can be seen. The extra 24 miles was worth the effort .... Except for some wind and sand which left its mark on a few windshields, it was a delightful weekend. Thank you Duane Alan and Dale Boyd for a well conceived tour. We drove, we photographed, we enjoyed as a club. Geri Booth RUSNAK TECHMEETING Condolences to those who missed this one! And thanks to Rusnak. With Rufus Zinn at the 914 and Lee Price at the 912 (and with Paul Primeau standing by with tips for 911 owners), this meeting on tune-up techniques was, as the old tiger on the box says, grr...reat. A real hands on, cars up in the air, bonnets pulled open, show me where it’s at type session that proved valuable to expert and novice alike. Ask one of the 35 or so members that were there. You won’t miss the next episode on brakes. Ed.

membership Well folks, here we are again for another year. Since joining PCA I’ve seen us steadily increase in membership. However, this year must be a bumper crop and we could well pass the 400 mark. Not that size alone is a good measure of a club - but it does indicate good potential if we can all participate and share our sometimes exhilirating, sometimes frustrating, experiences. Anyway, to the new members, I say "WELCOME"; hope to see you at our activities. For you old timers, I’m going to tell you who the new members are and a little bit about them: i.

Ignacio Andrade 3434 East 5th St. Los Angeles, Ca. 90063 261-7393

Age 28, Truck driver, owns ’68 912 Coupe, Interest in Tech, Social and Racing.


Virginia L. Baldwin i01 N. Sierra Bonita #i Pasadena, Ca. 91106 796-2019

Age 28, Student/Secretary, owns ’71 914, Interest in Drivers School, Social and Rallyes.


George Berzsenyi 5638 Turedo Terr Hollywood, Ca. 90068 466-5768

Age 40, Prod. Engr., owns ’71 911S Coupe, Interest in Tech, Rallyes and Racing.


John Beyea 15947 Bassett St. Van Nuys, Ca. 91406 994-4412

Age 25, Parts Mgr., owns ’73 Interest in all events.


Robert Gerrits 20021 Northwood Ave. Carson, Ca. 90746 632-2910

Age 34, Equip. Maint. Foreman, owns ’65 356B Coupe, Interest in Tech, Social and Rallyes.


Ron Harris 6922 Hollywood Blvd. #302 Los Angeles, Ca. 90028 466-5411

Age 34, Travel Agent, owns ’72 911S Targa, Interest in Rallyes, Social and Drivers School.


Randy Hewitt 8051 Redlands #2 Playa del Rey, Ca. 90291

Age 22, Sales Mgr., owns ’70 911T Coupe, Interest in Rallyes, Autocross, and Drivers School.


Robert O. Hidalgo 15846 La Fluresta Hacienda Heights, Ca. 91745 330-5424

Age 33, Parole Agent, owns ’57 Speedster, Interest in Tech, Rallyes and Racing.


David A. Maddox 900 Chester Ave. San Marino, Ca. 91108 796-7892

Age 39, Attorney, owns ’70 911E Coupe, Interest in Tech, Rallyes and Social.



George W. Martin 4175 Beach Meadow Lane Westlake Village, Ca. 91361 889-2571


Age 32, Dentist~. owns ’68 912 Targa, Interest ~.n Rallyes, Tech and Social. //

all pnrsche anything...









11324 Santa Monica Boulevard SEND






Los Angeles, California 90025








Telephone: (213) 473-2941 HITTINGER,




Richard K. Simon 611 W. 6th St. (23rd floor) Los Angeles, Ca. 90017 626-1251

Age 28, Attorney, owns ’73 911T Targa, Interest in Social, Tech and Rallyes.


Michael E. Quinn 2468 W. 236 St. Torrance, Ca. 90501 325-3966

Age 28, owns ’69 912 Coupe, Interest in Racing, Autocross and Rallyes.


Douglas E. Jost 777 E. Villa #6 Pasadena, Ca. 91101 793-6503

Age 25, owns ’72 914, Interest in Tech, Rallyes and Autocross


Richard L. Tilden 2600 Monterey Road San Marino, Ca. 91108 799-8015

Age 28, owns ’70 911T Targa, Interest in Drivers School, Tech and Rallyes.


Hold on to your competition belts, we are going to (I think) have some new goodies at the door. So bring your hot little hands to the next meeting and grab. Tore (Turn 3) Johnson

P L A Y T E N N I S ~ looking for a partner a ladder?






Courts located at Laural Canyon and Victor (behind Sears Store) FOR INFORMATION CALL Suzanne Sproul 764-1337

tech DOES YOUR 356 RATTLE? The 356 series cars often develop a rattle sounding very much like loose floor boards when in any gear between 3500 and 6000 rpm. After thoroughly soundproofing my floor boards, I discovered the source of the "rattle" to be the nylon grommet supporting the forward end of the transmission shifting shaft. Replacement of this "relatively" inexpensive part is simple and straightforward. A purist would completely remove the sha~ft and install the new grommet a la the factory manual. An easier way is as follows: Remove the shifting lever housing and the remains of the old grommet; make a diagonal cut through the new grommet much like a lock washer; install this grommet by slipping it over the shaft and gradually threading it into the support cutout. The final threading operation will probably require some persuasion with a blunt screwdriver.. It is best to install the grommet in such a manner that the split is at the "top" so that it can provide an uninterrupted bearing surface on the lower (i.e., loadcarrying) side. Jim Baughman

~ (~) ~ ~ r-’-’ ~ (~ ~

porscheneering consultants for:

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Personalized Porsche Service 4477 Sepulveda Boulevard

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3 9 8" 2 217 Ve r n C ove r t ,


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for sale 1959 Porsche Cabriolet. Chrome wheels, leather seats, good top, ’62’ front and rear body - body rusty. Complete car $700. Contact: D.C. Snyder, 8122 Bleriot, Westchester (645-0279, Bus. 670-9151, ext. 1591). 911 Enqine Parts. Oil coolers, cylinder and piston sets, crankcase, porsche gas heater, front sway bars - torsion bars, solid and vented disc brake sets for 356 conversions, oil pumps, heads and cam housing, stock cams, flywheel, solex carb. manifolds, gas tank and stock 911 muffler, also other parts on request. Contact: Gilbert Rios, 445 32nd St., Manhattan Beach (545-5268) . 914 full center console, complete with padded arm rest, glove box and panel for instruments, $35.00. Contact: Geri Boothe (696-0866). 53-55 1500S, split case minus pistons, barrels. w/1600 barrels and pistons. $400.00 takes all. (373-7203)


Ground "C" crank Contact: R.J. Schramm

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