Porscherama 1975 September

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Hot Dog (again) ,

Se/ t. 75

The return of the HOT DOG.’ September 18th, Thursday evening in the Marina. 13445 Mindanao Way,. be sure to get there before Eleanor Raucher, i0 lbs. of Bar-B-Qued Hot Dogs were cdnsumed last month so get there early ..... 7:00 PM, as soon as the coals are hot we’ll Once again cook the little devils. The business meeting will start at or around 8:00 PM. By the way, the bar also opens at 7:00 PM ........ E~tertainment evening be slides from the Riverside Time Trial~~ On Sept 13/14. Come to the eventfor andthe then come will see yourself on the big silver scree~n~ As usual guests are ~a~lways welcomm to the meetings.


Warm up your race tires and mount your fire extinguishers, ’cause it’s gonna be rac day at RIVERSIDE RACEWAy. Porsches only for a 2 day high speed event on the track.. Fun and improving your driving skills. If you’ve never been to this event you ~ST come. This is our biggest event of the year, it’s not the one to miss .............. Weekend Headquarters is HOLIDAY INN In Riverside ;BOB 1200 HOLLYWOOD University, 714 - 682-8000 SMITH P~R~CHE / AUDI e mention ~CA for- special rates SEPTemBeR 13 - 14 $12/single" .... $14/double ........ Saturday & Sunday "" Pre-Tech will be Wednesday evening, Sept. 10 1751 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood, Ca. 213 - 461-31~4



Registration by mail before Sept.10 or at Pre-Tech is $25 .... $30 at track... Second driver (female) $5.00 Garage rental for weekend $5.00 Use Tear off sheet on back cover .....


Info: call Tore Johnson or Ron Ramage...213 461-3144..


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