!b ~ 4 ~\
453 cypress drive laguna beach, ca 92651
¯ ~’-~~13
april 78 1ASo
OtR ECs~ sa ScSo RRmE caTi I O N
R E QU -- ST -- O
r, res aent a rhetoric Last week’s t~me t~al at Las Vegas was a supe~ weekend for me. I had a great t~me doing the normal Porscherelated th~ngs -- caravann~ng, putting on race t~res and no~s~ exhaust, sp~nn~ng off the track and scaring
myself into a case of jellyleg-of-the-throttle-foot, BSing about the best way round that decreasing radius Turn 5. But that’s not really what made the weekend so special. And it wasn’t that we five -- Jan, Dave, Peter, Jack and I (Lee Burton and newly-acquired spouse weren’t seen too often) -- were all without our respective ladies. We went to some nice restaurants and even to a show where the performers didn’t wear their shirts. But that wasn’t the special part either. What did get to me was the feeling of camaraderie and mutual support that prevailed. In sharing the experience and, as it turned out, the hardship of this long weekend together, we learned more about each other and felt closer after hours of talk. Jack and Dave happily pitched in to get my boy’s racer ready for the track. And all the LA people were instrumental in helping Carl Young to run his event smoothly. After the event we helped each other to reassemble our cars for the street. And when both Jack’s car and Jan’s went on the blink, we elected to stick together for the long drive home. That may not sound particularly noble, but in the middle of the night in the middle of the desert, it’s kinda nice. So what I experienced was really the best of the Porsche Club: having fun in our cars and enjoying the fellowship of shared experience. And more importantly we’re all better friends.
~o ~he officers, ~t was obvious that Heinz had been gu~lt~ of speeding, and despite the efforts of several members to convince them otherwise, the~ ~ssued h~m a c~tat~on. The matter ~s not ended -- future dealings await ~n traffic cou~t -- but for now, HeSnz, please accept m~ apolog~es for PCA-LA.
P.S. Just received a letter from Chris Pook, head of the Long Beach Grand Prix Association. It is clear to me now that he and I had a very different notion of what we had all agreed to. I’m drafting a reply for the record, and expressing the hope that, before next year’s LBGP ’ we can be better organized ¯
ills for p~ple ~o love the ~st ~cb~nes ~n tbe~rld ~ see o~ ~de selection o2 ~que ~rscbe g~fts ~d apple1, ~nclud~ng T-s~s ~d tops, b~n~s, sc~es, j~kets ~d ~aters, ~d lugg~e ~e~b~ng you n~ to get rely 2orate 8423~LSH~RE BOOLEVARD
Stepping down to the next level of my variable-ratio, turbo-CIS soapbox, I want to mention a small but important point. Last month’s ski trip to Utah was a success, except for one glitch: one of the rooms we had reserved went unoccupied and the club had to swallow the $30 forfeiture. This unfortunate situation came about when a new member, who had tentatively agreed through tour leader Dave Stephens to join the
tour and reserve the room, lost contact.
Since Dave
didn’t or couldn’t call him back, the new member let the question ride til the weekend had come and gone. It was only after the fact that we got in touch with him and learned that he had indeed wanted to go with the group; he even offered to pay for the room. So because of faulty co~unication, the ski group was smaller, a new member missed a chance to make some new Porsche friends, and the club lost money. The lesson is simple: if you can’t get hold of one person, try someone else, anyone on the list of board members on the backside of this newsletter. If one of us doesn’t know the answer, someone else will. Finally, I must make an apology. It is ironic that just last month in this space we printed a very nice letter from Heinz Mikulka of Beverly P/A, in which he offered his dealership’s support for future PCA-LA activities. At last week’s membership meeting Heinz brought a white 928 for the club’s inspection and
general oohing and aahing.
On~ of our club members
took the car out for a "little test," thereby arousing the interest of a patrolling black and white. Problem was, by the time the officers caught up with the 928 back in the yacht club parking lot, our club member had exited the car and returned to the meeting. Heinz had slipped into the driver’s seat to park the car.
Last week we received a special request from John Hecklsmiller, vice president of Central Iowa Region. John told us about his young Porsche friend, 11 year old Mike Swanson. Mike is a Porsche enthusiast. and Mike has leukemia. As a means of encouraging Mike and to keep his determination strong against this dread disease, John is asking all PCAers to take a moment to do something nice for this young man: everyone of you has at least one photo of your car(s); it will take only a minute to write the model, the year, and your name and address on the back of the picture, drop it in an envelope and mail it to Michael Swanson c/o John Hecklsmiller 820 30th Street N.E.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402 This is a small thing to ask, and it will mean a lot to Mike. Think how neat it would be if everyone of the 500 people this newsletter reaches mailed just one picture. DO IT NOW] Ann
BOARD MEETING - 8 March 78 Alan H. Kominz 78 911SC Coupe - Mocha Brown
Hosts: Sam ’n Ann Wang Attendance: seven board members, plus Peter Luelsdorf
Richard MacDonald 68 912 Coupe - Yellow
Timothy Milaney 73 914 (2.0) - White
David W. Kimes from Orange Coast Region
Frank Rich 73 911S Targa - Black
Edgar & Beatrice 0shika from Santa Barbara Region
Ursula reported a booming business in the Goody Store for last month; the new badges are selling well. Thanks to our quarterly rebate and some more advertising money, our treasury is a little less lean.
Rennie Simpson66 912 Coupe - Silver Kim Tucker 56 Speedster - Silver 61 Cabriolet - Silver
The rest of the meeting was concerned with a discussion of up-coming activities, including the Sunday rally and the economy run; we decided to combine the latter with a wildflower excursion.
Robert Turner 75 Carrera Coupe - Black
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As the first order of business, Peter asked for the board’s opinion on two Zone 8 proposals: a Zone 8 logo suitable for a car badge, and a Zone competition for Region of the Year. The board opposed both ideas, giving reasons of cost, practicality, and a desire to stem the tide of competition.
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This is a note to those lucky people who got accepted to Parade. Even if you have already made reservations in Snowmass, there is still the matter of your first night’s lodging on the road. Dave Stephens has kindly made arrangements with Art Wallnas of the Swiss Village Motel in Parawan, Utah. This is where our group stayed for the ski trip earlier this year. Parawan just happens to be halfway between L.A. and Aspen and makes a perfect stopping point. The motel is located just off the highway; it’s very nice and has ~ fine restaurant for dinner.
The meeting opened a little after 8 PM with.the introduction of new and old members and guests. Ann awarded two Dennis Merritt posters to the winners of last month’s Puzzler, Mac McKee and Ben Adauto. Dave Stephens and Ursula gave us the latest scoop on Parade arrangements, and Jan listed the upcoming events. The Goody Store auctioned off "an original, unused 914 footstool"! (We still don’t know what Bill Corwin intends to do with it) On a serious note, Sam asked all present to try to send at least one picture of their cars to the young boy in
Iowa (see PLEASE HELP under Rhetoric). The tech quiz turned out to be harder than expected. Chris Florin got the best score for men, and Joanne Salzmann outdid the other ladies. Joanne and Heinz Mikulka of Beverly P/A brought a 928 for our inspection. And we ended the evening with some slides from our recent LAPD slalom. Nancy ~~)t~ ¯
76 and 77 911 owners: be aware that V0A has recalled your cars to correct a faulty air hose feeding the heater... Thanks again to Joel Morenfeld for helping us get our local car badges... A pat on the back to Carola for taking over her new position so efficiently.
Room rates are as follows: $25 for 2 persons, dbl. bed; $29 for 2 persons, 2 single beds; and $31 for 4 persons, 2 dbl. beds. Art is holding sufficient rooms for us for the nights
of July 7,8 and 16,17. Because this is a popular tourist area, he would like a firm set of reservations from us by May 15. Please let me know if you would like to stay at the Swiss Village and on what dates. The required deposit is one half the room
Call me at 749-4383 during the day, or in the evening
at 399-6233.
Remember, May 15 is the deadline. Ursula
4~o5 Redwood
L.A. 90066
;-lOl r Ursula has just received the other half of our order of local badges , along with notification from the factory in Taiwan that, from now on, they will only be able to accept very large orders, such as the national badges. The badges are expensive to produce, and small orders of a few hundred (like ours) are not economical for the factory. All this means that, once this batch of local badges is sold, there won’t be any more. At least not at $I0 apiece. We may be able to find another factory to turn them out, but they will cost members-a lot more. So if you haven’t bought a local badge yet, get on it! Don’t wait til it’s too late.
What we have on our hands is a crisis of disinterest. Although LA Region has a number of members who are active and successful in concours events, we seem unable to find a single member who is willing or able to chair such an event. This unfortunate fact has led us to once again postpone our Zone 8 Concours. Maybe it’s time to listen to the membership, to find out if anyone even cares. The board feels that LA Region has some responsibility to the Zone to put on a certain number of events each year. For several years our Santa Anita concours has been a wellattended and respected event. This year, in response to complaints from participants that Santa Anita was getting to be a hassle with all the non-Porsche people around, we decided to seek an alternate site. Now, three months into the year, we still have not come up with a suitable site, one that is appropriate for a Zone 8 event. Putting on a successful concours takes a lot of time and energy. It would be impossible for a firsttimer to do it alone, and most of our former chairmen simply do not have the time this year. What do you think? Are you interested? Do you care? Would it break your heart if LA Region did not put on a Zone 8 concours at all this year? And if you do care, then where do we find a chairman and a site? Your board is unwilling to go ahead with a concours unless we know it’s going to be done right. A poorly run event is worse than none at all.
UP ’N COMIN FrAY ........
JUNE .......
7 10 14 18 21
LAR Zone 8 Concours: POSTPONED Board meeting LAR LAPD Slalom Membership -- Dinner Meeting (see reservation slip on back page) San Diego Zone 8 Concours
3 11 17 24-25
Riverside Zone 8 Rally POC/PCA Challenge Cup Rally LAR Catalina tour OCR June Bug Time Trial - Ontario
JULY ......
9-15 29
PAP~ADE in Aspen LAR picnic
AUGUST .... 12-13 19 20 26-27 27
POC Riverside Zone 8 Rally (site undecided) PCA/POC LAPD Challenge Cup Slalom Monterey Historic Auto Races Riverside Zone 8 Concours
Santa Barbara Zone8 Rally Arizona Zone 8 Concours LA Zone 8 Time Trial - Riverside
9 17 23-24
1 21
Santa Barbara Zone 8 Concours Arizona Zone 8 Rally
4 18
Las Vegas Zone 8 Rally Zone 8 Awards Banquet
LAPD Slalom Winners - 12 February A A4 A6 CT CP
Tom Ohmer* Ed Dahlen* Frank DiPaolo* A.M. Riach* Judd Boykin*
89.73 88.69 84.66
Mike Mirell
90.97 76.71
Geary Smith Fred Trueman Sam Cabiglio
Paul Norris*
Gerald Scott*
80.44 86.84 Nick Friesen* Pete Zimmermann* 71.80 Steve Nakajima 80.38 Larry Dick* 76.58
Peter Luelsdorf* 74.08 F. Fiaschetti* 85.90
Vernon Covert* L4S Louise Ellison L4T Pat Stephens* L4M Barbara Webb* * = PCA-LA
"babying your buggy" by carefully mounting and dynamically balanCln9 your mag wheels, We d[s1~ribule American Mags and rnar~y olhers aI our Inglewood warehouse. We offer disc brake service.
1135 EAST FLORENCE BLVD. (by We~t Blvd., 1 mile north of Forum)
(213) 674-1104,677-8112 27 YEARS SERVICING
nlinenlal YOKOHAMA
74.50 73.39 80.31 93.63 82.57
As we go to press, we have not yet received the flyer on this event. It will be held at Fastrack, just outside Phoenix. For info on time, entry fees, and accomodations, call Judd Boykin (213) 476-2633 days, or 788-4182 evenings. If you want to call direct to Arizona Region president, call Dave Snow (602) 939-3022 evenings.
The meeting this month will be held at Jan Winthrop’s home, 5430 Garford in Long Beach. Call Jan for directions (213) 839-4574. Meeting will start at 7:30 PM.
Judd Boykin has arranged a tech session this month at SELF FIX, 8810 Washington Blvd. in Culver City. SELF FIX is a do-it-yourself repair shop, specializing in foreign cars and metric tools. Club members who are professional mechanics will discuss with us how ~o perform a basic tune-up, and will be available to answer questions about other repair problems you may have. The session will begin at 7:30
We’ll rendezvous at REDLINE PORSCHE SERVICE, 720 Colorado Avenue (one block west of Lincoln) in Santa Monica at 9 AM. Tour will begin about 10 AM. Unlike a rally, you know where you’re going on an economy run; the point is to predict (guess?) the mileage your car will deliver over a specified route. Event chaiman Dave Stephens promises scenic roads, and we’re trying to arrange a stop-off at either the Briggs Cunningham Museum in Costa Mesa, or the Nethercott collection of historic cars near Saugus. In any case, our tour will finish in early afternoon. For more info, call Dave (213) 540-9612.
South Coast Corinthian Yacht Club ~o~ Mindanao Way, Marina del Ray
Our speaker this month will be Wayne VanWaggoner, head of a consulting firm that specializes in investigating highway accidents. He’ll tell us about some of his experiences in the field and about what he and his investigators have learned concerning automotive safety.
WHITE GLOVE CONCOURS On the greens of the South Coast Plaza Hotel (Bristol at the San Diego Fwy, Costa Mesa)
This is the first Zone 8 concours of the year. Registration opens at 8:30 AM; judging will begin promptly at 11 AM. Entry fee: $15. Participation plaques, wine, and color photos for all entrants. Street and Concours classes, as per Zone 8 regs; trophies for class winners. A cash bar will serve coffee and tea in the morning, soft drinks and hard drinks in the afternoon. If you wish your name to appear in the concours program, send your $15 entry fee along with the following information to Mike Springer, 6362 Freeborn Dr., Huntington Bch., 92647: Name, Address, Telephone, Region, Zone 8 number, Class entered, Model, Body Type, Year, Color, License # and State, Odometer reading, and any special facts that are particular to your car. For additional info, call (714) 847-7598.
Headquarters for this event will be the Essex House in Lancaster. Tech will be held Friday night at the hotel and Sat/Sun at the track. Entry fees: PCA members, $30; Non-PCA, $35; second female driver, $7. For info call Burt Misevic (805) 482-7076, or Doug (805) 482-0407. If any new LA members need instructions to get to the track, call Sam (714) 892-3431 evenings.
Replace heat-producing 1975-77 Porsche thermal reactors with a free-
Eighteen cars gathered in the SofA parking lot last
flowing ProParts
Saturday for our second Shorty Rally (not bad for
Easter weekend). It was a perfect day for getting lost in the San Fernando Valley. We had a lot of newcomers and first-timers. The entire Florin family came -- Bob and Greta in their
¯ Significantly reduces engine operating temperatures for improved gasket and
911T, son Chris and his wife Pam in their 912, and daughter Tina and friend in a 914. Toby Raucher and
¯ Provides improved performance in late
seal ,fe-- reduces costly re~uilds~
911’sbyeliminatingexhaustrestrictions. construction assures trouble-free service and easy installation. Availableinmildsteelforal1911’s
High quality
Chuck Cooper teamed up in a Speedster to work on
their suntans. Jack DiRosario drove for Kathy LeFlang, who reported that he did not yell at her once. Sam ’n Ann tried another method to avoid the inevitable battle: Ann worked the course and Sam drove and navigated (now he’ll have to admit that he really needs a navigator). Dave Stephens tried to
explain to driver Carola Anderson that the point of rallying was to pay attention and concentrate; she thought the point was to have a good time. Three drivers brought their kids for navigators: L.J. Warner proved that his son Scott really can read; Meg Janes insisted her team would have done better if only her father had listened to her; and Laureen Mitchell had a terrific navigator in Alberto Garcia, if only she had stayed on course. Jim Lawrence and Anne Rocap discovered that PCA rallys can be fun. John Williamson and Lynne Smith went out as the last car to sweep the course and ended up following a 914 that was only on its way to the grocery store, Forty-five miles and one hour and forty minutes after the start, all entrants arrived safe and sound at the Straw Hat Pizza Parlour in Reseda. For once we had a rally that ended with no unhappy people. Winners and ~os~s a~ike ba~ a goo~ time, and everybody stayed around for pizza and Porsche talk. We were delighted to see so many new faces and hope they’ll come back for our next "Sunday" Shorty, which we’re trying to organize for May or June. John LeFlano did a terrific job on this one, but he can’t be expected to chair every rally. Anybody interested?
($175 per set) or special stainless steel
BILL BAGSHAW (213) 821-~111
4113 Redwood Ave.. L.A. CAg0066
versions, ideal for Turbos ($450 per~
set). Easy installation.
DINNER AND MEMBERSHIP MEETING Thursday, 18 May at the LOBSTER HOUSE 4211 AdmiraltyWay, Marina del Rey Cocktail hour begins at 6:30 PM Dinner will be served at 7:30. Cost is $8.50 per person. We’ll have salad, beef brochette on rice, vegies, beverage, and dessert. For the evening’s entertainment, we’ll either have a speaker, or we’ll show a couple more of the old time movies on the history of auto racing. In any case, it should be a fun evening. Fill in the reservation slip below and send it along with your check, payable to PCA-LA, to Stana Cooper, 3211 Oakdell Drive ’ Studio City, 91604. RESERVATION SLIP Name
Number of persons for dinner NAV Class A: Art Zapf/Marc Rothman Bob Gayman/Francine Gajnnan John Wi I l i amson/Lynne Smith SOP Class C: L.J. Warner/Scott Warner Bob Florin/Greta Florin Wilbur Sanford/Thurma Sanford Bob Raucher/Chuck Cooper Jack DiRosario/Kathy LeFlang John Dusckett/Linda Dusckett Jim Lawrence/Anne Rocap Laureen Mitchell/Alberto Garcia Sam Hang/ditto Tina Florin/Susan Gundell Ron Ramsey/Karyn Massoni Carola Anderson/Dave Stephens Cal Marks/Cyndee Freeman Dustin Janes/Meg Janes Chris Florin/Pam Florin
Error .49 2.30 3.71
Enclose your check for $8.50 per person . Return check and reservation to Stana by 12 May. ......................................................
6 09 6 29 6 65 6 66 6 74 8 49 8 74 8 93 9.81 11 82 12 50 13 21 16 11 16 32 16 76
But back to our black clouds.
i i i i i il N
U8~8 ~Or DOPSC~eSL
and AUD
! i!
.....................................~ We maintain a ~mplete ~k of pa~s
by dismantling~ and im~ing new ~rtstompplytodaysPormheowner.
Mon.--Fri. 8:30--5:30
Or,~ ~,~’,o~y-~.=~,~v=~o,=h=~=,,~=,
~m~ I~III :~0"~1~ I:!!; ~
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time trial
The overall score was a little like the good-newsbad-news joke: six PCA-LAers at the first Zone 8 time trial of the year in Las Vegas, three trophies bagged and three cars dead! The trip to Vegas was uneventful enough. Jan and Peter’s CB units provided a measure of security that allowed us to reach the Nellis Motor Inn in 4 hours! Peter had said he would take it easy, but a certain Germanic harmony between him and his nice yellow
beer at Friday night’s pretech) was Speedrome~ Las Vegas’ claim to auto racing fame. It ain’t much to brag about.
Set in the midst of a rock-strewn
desert, the course is a flat, sinuous, deceptive 1.7 miles. With only seven turns, it seems easy enough to learn the way around, but after you spin off into the rocky desert a few times, you give it a little more respect. Saturday morning our contingent was full strength as Dave Viancour, Jack DiRosario and Lee Burton joined us. And the first little "black cloud" appeared: Jack’s 74 Carrera Targa had died just outside L.V. It later proved to be a fuel pump, but Jack was out of commission for the whole weekend, The time trials went splendidly for us o- Peter, Jan and I all won our respective (though small) classes, But for me, the highlight of the weekend came on Sunday mornin~ when I took a ride with Mike Hammond. Because of his consistent ability to beat his competition by 5-10 seconds, there’s been a lot of talk about Mike having all sorts of illegal mods in his trusty 67 S (especially from the San Diego Zone 8ers who know they have "special" cars and still can’t stay with him). I found out firsthand that Mike’s success is due to nothing more than a near perfect embodiment of the classic rule~ of fast driving: consistency of line, smoothness of transitions, easy and rhythmical shifting and braking. To be sure, Mike’s 20+ years of competitive driving give him a lot more seat-of-the-pants skill than the rest of us have, but it’s clear that it’s not a cheater motor or 9000 rpm shifts, or extra sticky tires that have gotten Mike all those Zone 8 trophies.
his 73 911Tmotor had just died. Who says bad luck doesn’t come in threes? Anyway, thanks to Carl Young for a super event. Sam LAS VEGAS TIME TRIAL WINNERS
Targa made 85mph more comfortable, What we were hurrying to get to (aside from the cold
We started home,
"feeling very upbeat, until Jan’s car began to smoke and show signs of terminal illness. After two hours of chin scratching, we decided to limp home in caravan at 50 mph . It wasn’t much fun with all the American Iron streaming past our proud but shackled convoy. We made it home by midnight. The last straw popped up Monday when Dave called to say that
A4 A6
J. Diehl R. Goldsberry
78.48 75.92
J. Winthrop* L. Miller
73.42 78.48
L4S C. Voll L6S L. Dockstader L4T R. Culver
84.63 83.40 93.20
R. Taylor P. Luelsdorf*
74.78 73.99
R. Miller M. Hammond
73.38 65.81
75.64 73.85
M. Keaveny
F. Trueman
B. Shaffer H. Watanabe
DT D. Clark ET A. Stanten EP M. Green GT B. Young GP S. Wang*
78.50 70.92 73.89 72.76
X Z.
60.96 R. Borlase (fastest time of day) J. Kattenhorn 66.88 * = PCA-LA
~~ I@r
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. All listings must conform to the following: I. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers. Nonmembers’ ads will be published on a space-available basis for a fee
6f $io.oo.
All listings are subject to editln9 and condensing. PORSCHERA~ is not responsible for a~ misrepresentation of items in
this For Sale column.
63 356 Roadster. White/black, vinyl top and bra; chrome wheels, crested hubcaps, recent paint, AM-FM cassette, car cover, rear luggage rack, good mechanical condition. $7000. Call Van Perkins (213) 725-0426 days, or 537-4899 evenings. 76 912E. Beige grey/black; factory air and alloys; 6000 mi. Call non Ramage (213) 597-7746. Also two 9" factory alloys, new, $375 each. 914 shocks, front and rear, 4000 mi., $15 each. Call Steve Conston (213) 535-1044 days or 372-2847 eves. 5½ x 14 polished ma~s. 84~-8180.
Call John Graham (213)
Set of 4 5~ x 15 chrome wheels for 356C, 911 and 912 series cars; excellent condition, $120. Ski rack for Targa only, used once, $30. Old Becker Monte Carlo TR LW/MW radio, questionable condition, best offer. Also misc. R&T magazines. Call Tom Shubin, (213} 928-1973.
A kite contest was held in a neighborhood, and any child could enter as long as he made his own kite and decorated it with a drawing of his favorite Porsche. Prizes were awarded for the most original, most colorful, the largest, the smallest, and the kite that flew the highest. Fred, Gail, Herman, Irene and Johnny were the winners. Using the following clues, determine each child’s last name (Austin, Barton, Carson, Drake, or Eden), his grade in school, the Porsche model each chose for his kite, and the category for which each won a prize. 1. The Austin’s live next door to Irene’s parents. 2. Fred and the child with the Turbo kite and the Drake girl are in the fifth grade. The child who won for the most original design and the child with the Speedster kite are in the fourth grade. 3. The Edens live between the houses of Fred’s parents and the parents of the child with the 914 kite. 4. Gail lives next door to the child with the Speedster kite. 5. Herman and the Eden boy, along with the boy who won for the most colorful Rite, worked together on their kites. The girl who had the 928 kite worked with the girl who won for the smallest kite. 6. The Bartons live across the street from the child with the 904 kite, and next door to the boy who had the largest kite. Send your solution to EDITOR, 6943 Grand Manan Drive, Cypress 90630. First correct solution to reach me
I 3 6 9 13 14 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 27 29 31 33 34 36 37 38 39
SCCA year-end runoffs: CSPRRC THE automobile: PORSCHE Porsche’s biggest enemy: RUST PCA-LA newsletter: PORSCHERAMA Newest model: NINETWENTYEIGHT Winter sport: SKIING Top og the line Porsche: TURBO Formula 1 car: FERRARI Watch out for them: CHPor COP New 911 designation: SC Another Formula l car: WOLF or LOLA Zone 8 concours winner: IKEMURA GTX: CASTROL License plate seen at PCA/POC events: A FAST 1 Porsche author: LUDVIGSON (oops! should be "EN") Maker of racin~ seats: RECARO Janet Guthrie’s competition: MEN Dr. __ Porsche: FERRY Jan Winthrop’s SILVER LADY International Race of Champions: IROC Largest single-marque club in the world: PCA Parking lot: SLALOM
~tbi~ tim~ "c~osm" is not good enough) gets a prize
at the April membership meeting. Congratulations to Ben Adauto and Mac McKee, who each missed only one clue on the puzzle (yes LUDVIGSEN was spelled wrong) for March. -
.P ........ ~ .... ~ ........ l~depende~t PorscheServicea,d Repair
,Time’$uspenIiTri,l ...... RaGin~in~
DOWN 2 Biggest US pro rally: POR 3 The National event: PARADE 4 Porsche protector: BRA 5 Engine’s rev limit: REDLINE 7 Speed event: TIMETRIAL Beginner; nonprofessional: AMATEUR
10 A return to original condition: RESTORATION
for speed events or time lrials
~ ~
¯...... ~, ............
,¥,t .... AH-proofsynthetlcoJl .Filler~fety
19111h .... I reac,o,.~,44
.~ (213) 391-7277 24-HOUR PHONE MARC ROTHMAN- TOM MARX
To clean,
and clean and clean:
P~esJden~ and edJ¢oF: ~ANG
~o~ld champ ~n Formula 1: NIKI
18 Hardtop Porsche: COUPE 19 Los Angeles , PCA: REGION 21 Dean Going’s profession: CPA 23 National magazine: PANORAF~ 25 Ski place; Parade place: ASPEN 27 Another Porsche author: FRERE 28 What we give our Porsches: TLC 30 January tour place: VEGAS 32 A fun way to get to Solvang: RALLY 33 Favorite American driver: MARIO 35 2.8 or 3.0 European: RSR