presidential rhetoric What we flav~ b~r~ i~ a bi~ club full of ~o~]e who live in tflB LO~ Ang~]~ ar~a and who happen to own Porsches. O~her than ~hat, thoro ~ea]ly imm’t much of a common bond. Despite a d~amatie ine~a¢e in membership over the pa~t few year , the participation rate for club event~ ha~ remained about the same. But considering the widg array of loi~u~mtime actfvit~e~ that Lo~ Angel~ offmr¢, wm can’t possibly expect a huge turnout at every PCA event, I am left with the thought that we ~hould ~top moaning ove~ all those people who never come to events, and start worrying about tho~e membe~ who do want to participate, and to listen to what they hope to get out of the club. Our other "competition" comes from Zone 8. In the past we have allowed the Zone 8 calendar to dominate our plans, to the point that we failed to organize local events for fear they would conflict. But for many member~, the club itself ~s more important than th~ b~oader Zone 8 conGept. We let these members down when w~ allow the club to take a back seat. So this year we are putting our emphasis on local events for our region, reaffirming the importance of the club. The Zone 8 calendar for 78 is already full-to-overflowing with events. But we have tried to plan at least one club activity each month (other than membership meetings) to give members an alternative. We are not trying to fill up every weekend with Porsche events, but we hope that by offering a few fun, well-planned club events, more members will want to participate. I would like the club to be more than just a newsletter/calendar service. I am really excited about the coming year for PCA-LA. I ran for this office with some trepidation, knowin~ it would mean a lot of time, worry and phone calls to see that all the events were planned and carried off well this year. My only hope was to have a good Board to help me, I am delighted with the promi~e that this year’s Board holds. The main inspiration for t~e meeting~ and actlv~tle~ came from VP Dave Stephens and Activities Director Jan Winthrop. With their optimism and willingness to get things done, combined with the enthusiasm and energy of all the other officer~, we can look forward to a fun and rewarding year.
who’s who Since the elect~on, a couple of additions and changes have been made to the Board. At her request, Lynne Smith has been relieved of her responsibilities as Tech Chairman; the runner-up in the balloting, Judd Boykin, has agreed to fill the position. Because both our pa~t provident and pa~t pa~t presiden~ have declined to serve as Board Chairman, the 78 Board ~elected Ursula Grunfeld for the job. Ursula i~ a ~rmerBoard member and i~ well acquainted with club procedures. Ursula ha~ also volunteered to handle the Goody Store this year. Finally, in an effort to keep informed of Zone 8 activities, we have appointed Peter Luelsdorf to serve as a liaison for PCA-LA. Among other things, Peter will make ~ur~ w~ g~t results from Zone 8 events and that our calendar is up-to-date.
I ~pen~ Xma~ wc~tlon with my nose buried ~n Karl Ludv|gsen’s new book PORSCHE EXCELLENCE WA3 EXPECTED.
If some soft-hearted relative ha~n’t favor@d you witfl a copy already, I encourage you to treat yourselT. The book, a~ already reported by several revlewers, is 51mply amazing. E~ch of its thirty-two chapters contains information not previously released t~ the general automotive press. We are given insights to factory dec~ion~ in marketing and racing ventures, as well as an explanation of the Porsche-Piech family feud and its resolution. It’s a huge volume, at almost 900 page5 and over 1000 photos and illustrations. Its extravagant size and thoroughgoing quality may make it the best auto book ever. Bob Wood, our Membership Chairman, has copies for sale. Don’t hesitate to call him,
¯ ]=::ll~ ’
4~os Redwood Ave. L.A. 90066
Editor’s Note It had to happen sometime. Your editor has finally had to face reality. For mo~t of last yoaP, I left on my own to produce the newsletter a~ I ~aw fit. So long as the treasury wa~ fat, no ono eomplained. It was easy to produce a nice paper when money wa~ no object. ~ell, money ha~ now become an object. The year-end financial report disclosed that the newsletter was far and away the most costly item in our budget. (Budget!?! The very word makes me cringe!). Last year’s PORSCHERAMA was not only expensive to print, but alsoexpensive to mail. We can’taffordanother year like that. I pouted a lot (it never works, but I thought I’d try it anyway), but I was really more upset about having to set up a new format than I was about losing my shiny coated paper. Putting the newsletter together is t~me-consum~ng, and just as I wa~ getting th~ hang of it, I was being asked to go back to ~quaro one. Bother. t~hat you now hold in your hand is my compromise solution. Cheaper paper, ~maller ~ize, no photographs. But still the poster idea rather than a booklet that has to be collated and stapled. If you hate it, I don’t want to hear about it, but if you think it’s OK, I’d be glad to know. You will note that I have optimistically labolled th~ issue for January only. If all goes well we ’ can produce something on this order every month. (l’d keep my fingers crossed, but it’s tough to type that way).
W~ hav~ ~ ~om~l~t~ ~l~otion of Call or write {or price comparison and information,
71 911T COUpe - Red
Sam Boyer 65356C Cabriolet - 6rey
Joe Mason 77911£ Coupe - S~lver
~:~o~:::~-r w. w~~l |~. 1340 CLUB ViEW DRIVE
GeP~ t B#eman
(ZI~} Z74"ZO34
Bav~d HoP;e 75 911CaP~ePa TaPga Yello~
56 9~2 - 0Pange 58 912 - BPown
Nil Ph1111p£ 6804911S3563CCoupeC°uPe--Silve~Blaek 906 CarPePa
7770911911CoupeTaPga _- RedSilveP Octavio Rezende 72914 - White
Ed Dahlen Jr. 76912E - Brown
A.M. Riach 69912 Coupe
Michael769142.0 &Pame]a_ SilvopDick
- BuPgund~
Frank DiPaola 779115 Coupe - Brown
~ames Rinker 56356A Coupe - Burnt Orange
73914 Z.O - Pearlescent Blue
7; 914 - ~,leta]. Green
76 530 Turbo Carr~ra - ~ilvoP
77 ~£4 - ~hite
Phillip Hoffman 64 356C Coupe - Forest Green
L:6 & Pa~ Hurry ~ELCOH[ BAGK~
~ohn Bycr3 £rom 6ermany Rcglon
Dave Johnson 73 914 2,0 - Green
Richard C, Coffin from Potomac Region
Jack Kalvin 77 gll£ Ta#ga - £{Iver
Allen Cofiori f~om ~ve~de Reg~on
Our thanks to all the people ~ho helped ~ake cup ’77 Christmas Party a success: D2anne Ports and Carol Edwards for arranging everything, Ursula 6Punfe]d and Dave Stephens for the neat ~ear-ond t#oph~es, and the dealers and local merchants ~ho genePousl~ prov~ded our door prizes: Porschop, Redl~ne, The Porsche Factory, Colgan, Mitcom, NVR, R.N. Need, Ralph Boothe, Rusnak, Steve Taub, Max Dial, Vasek Po]ak, Beverly, and Circle P/A, and the Long Beach 6~and PP~x ASSOC, for two t~ckets to THE event,
__lib" £~ ~u~e ~o ¢~eck ~he rever~e ~{de o£ ~h~ newsletter fo~ gull de~a~Is aBou~ our upGom~ng D~y et the Mmlibu G~and P~iR ~a~etr~¢k in :he Valley, We’ll have the t~aek to oum~alw~ fO~ ~wo hour~ ~hcn ,c’11 r~tlr~ to Dean Goingm home {or ~und:y brunch and award~ for the ho~to~t’t~mom of the day, Send {n ~he tear-off sheet to Dean QUICK so she’ll know how many people to plan for. NOTE: Because we have to guarentee a certain amount of money to the track, each participant muSt pay $5; that w~ll cover 5 lap:, Beyond ~he~ you can pay fop and d#iw a~ many or as few laps as you like (betcha can’t Stop,at ~um~
Sam Wang ....... 260
Carol Edwards ...... 137
Otis Chandler.. i010
Lynne Smith ........ 730
Bill LeFlang... 108
Sara Pennington ....
John Williamson
Ben Adauto ..... 102
Stana Cooper .......
Ed Hartmann ....
Jane Ikemura ....... 500 Ada Covert ......... 500
Chuck Cooper...
Dyanne Potts .......
Vern Covert ....
Julia Marks ........ 480 Geri Boothe ........ 480 Janie Kaye ......... 460
John Williamson
Lynne Smith ........
John Dusckett..
Julie Marks ........
62 57
5. 6.
Cal Marks ...... Ernie Kaye .....
550 530
Jose Ochoa .....
Ada Covert .........
Jo~e Ochoa .....
Bob Raucher ....
Geri Boothe ........
Steve Ikemura..
George Juarez..
Linda Dusckett .....
io, Gai #lark5 ......
E]lie Kaucber ......
Ken Ire ........ ~lph B~t~... George Carroll,
480 400 480
Diane Ross ......... 430 Annika Yaro ........ 340 Barbara Nebb ....... 200 #yennc Po~ta ....... 190 Lua~ Bergmann ..... 190
zone 8 calendar o~.~c.~.~x
The Long Beach Grand Prix Association is making discount tickets available to PCA members who want to attend the race March 31- April 2. The tickets must be ordered on special forms which we will be receiving soon. We will distribute these forms to the following locations, where you can pick them up: PORSCHOP (213) 398-2217; REDLINE PORSCHE SERVICE (213) 395-7614; CIRCLE P/A Long Beach, in care of Ron Ramage (213) 775-7471; BOZZANI P/A Monrovia, in care of John Thomas (213) 359-6655.
on the Zone 8 calendar; so there are still some question marks as to dates and sponsoring regions. Let’s hope this calendar holds up better than last year’s. JANUARY
No Zone 8 events scheduled.
No Zone 8 events scheduled.
4 11-12 19 I-2 ? 29-30
San Diego Rally Las Vegas Time Trial LA Concours San Diego Time Trial - Holtville OCR White Glove Concours Santa Barbara Time Trial - Willow
3 24-25
Riverside Rally OCR June Bug Time Trial - Ontario
19 27 SEPTEMBER: ? 23-24
ASPEN, COLORADO 9-15 JULY 1978 Yes sports fans, you have read it right. The Parade is in July and -- GOOD GRIEF -- it’s only January. Basically this little message is to alert all those who are planning to go to Aspen that I will be the tour chairperson -- LUCKY YOU. I realize that people will probably be leaving at different times on different days. But I feel sure there will be enough Pushers who will want to caravan. Having driven that routebymyself, without seeing another car for miles and miles, I can assure you it’s nicer to have friends close by. After all, it’s over 900 miles and across the desert in the middle of summer, My family in Denver has thoroughly cased Snowmass for accomodations. I have details of what they consider to be the best deal, and I trust their judgment. I would be happy to make reservations for you, but I will have to know how many people are definitely interested. We will have to get in our reservations
;; ~
No Zone 8 events scheduled.
Rally rules: no changes made. Slim Durham and Jack Rabell are the rally chairmen again this year. They hope to improve the overall quality of Zone 8 rallies by checking
out each region’s proposed rally before the event. LA Region is not presently scheduled to put on a Zone 8 rally, but Jack and Slim can be very persuasive. 2.
Las Vegas Rally Zone 8 Awards Banquet
Here’s a brief rundown on the rule changes that were adopted at the Zone 8 Presidents’ Meeting in November. We should be receiving new copies of the competition rules very shortly.
4 ?
Santa Barbara Concours Arizona Rally
Ru e Changes
fast. So, after you have ~ent in your registration in Feb. (see January PANO), I want to hear from ALL those who are going, even if you want to solo. Call me -days (213) 749-4383 or eves (213) 399-6233.
? 21?
No Zone 8 events scheduled. Rally (region to be decided later) Riverside Concours Santa Barbara Rally LA Time Trial - Riverside
Time Trial rules: only minor changes, mostly clarification on protests. Shoulder straps will now be required in ALL cars, including 356s. The proposal that competition belts be required in all cars was voted down. Fire extinguishers will now be required to have a capacity of IOBC, an increase over the old 4BC. LA membor Leo Hurry ha~ off~d to ~upply th~
new extinguishers to the club at a cost of $I0 if ordered in bulk. 3.
Concours rule~" many ~til] under discussion. The main suggestion, made by concour~ chairmen Mike Springer and Ron Armour, was to do away with concours class entirely. Members of each re~ion
wer~ to b~ poll~d about ~liminating oithor ~t~oot cla~ or tho full eoneou~ el~. Wo will b~ notified when a decision is made. Jack O~den of Santa Barbara ha~ joinod tho eoneou~ eommittoo for thi~ year.
The first Board meeting of the year will be held at Chuck and Stana Cooper’s home, 3211 Oakdell Drive in Studio City. We’ll start at 7:30 PM. Interested club members are welcome to attend, but please give Stana a call to let her know you’re coming (213) 766-7125.
c°r n " an
13445 Mindanao Way in Marina del Rey, 8 PM.
thursday night at the movies We’ll start off right in ’78 with two great films from a series entitled A HISTORY OF MOTOR RACING. Produced by Shell Oil Co., the films cover the years 1902-1914 and 19201929. The first period provided some of the most exciting and dangerous motor racing ever known. In these early races, giant cars were driven at speeds up to 90 miles an hour for hundreds of miles along dusty roads. The second film starts with the revival of racing after WWI and shows races at Indianapolis and the French Grand Prix. These were the great days of Duesenberg, Fiat, Sunbeam, Alfa Romeo, Delage and Bugatti. The latter part of the film shows the rise of sportscar racing, with some scenes from the 24 hours at Le Mans. There are four more films in the series. If these first two get a good response, we’ll try to get the others later in the year. So come join us for a fun evening at the movies.
Chairman John Rothenberger says there is still time to sign up for our annual trek to T~nsel Town. If you have a few pennies left over from Christmas, what better way to spend them? The main group will be leaving Friday morning at 9 from Denny’s on the San Bernardino Fwy at Baldwin Ave. in El Monte. We’ll have maps and directions at the membership meeting and also at Denny’s so no one can get lost along the way. Head quarters in LV will be the Union Plaza Hotel downtown. A double room will cost us $35 per night (including tax and baggage handling). That’s not much, considering that the parking situation is very good for Porsches. To make your reservations, call John Rothenberger during.the day at (213) 378-I~01~ his home number is 378-3336, but he’s hard to reach. Keep trying.
You’ve seen the Zone 8 calendar; there are no speed events for two months. What to do? Come out to the Malibu Grand Prix for a couple of hours of great fun. This is one speed event that everyone can enjoy. The cars are small -- about like quarter midget racers -but remarkably rea1~stic. And the small size helps to create the sensation of high speed and cornering forces, although you’re only going 30-plus mph. The timing tower reports your time immediately as you finish a lap; it’s hard to resist "just one more lap" to try it a little faster and smoother. PCA-LA will have exclusive use of the track -- located in Northridge at 19600 Nordhoff (near Tampa) -- from 8:30 AM til 10:30. The cost is $I per lap. Afterwards, we’ll caravan to Dean Goings’ home in Van Nuys (see map below) for brunch and trophies. Hope to see lots of you there.
Our Lm~i~latiw Liaison Bob Ra~a reoontly reported on a m~etin0 ho and ~everal other member~ of the PCA E×ecutivo Council attended in Washington. The group met w~th the legislative assistants for several Senators and Representatives who are involved in auto legislation. The main ~ssues discussed were air bags and minimum fuel economy standards. As you know, Congress did not rescind the mandate that all cars sold in the US must have air bags or similar devices by 1982. But several Congressmen, including Bud Schuster (Pa.) and John Dingell (Mich), are planning to renew the fight against the air bag mandate. Once again the PCA membership is urged to write to their Congressmen to indicate support for rescinding the mandate. If our Congressmen know that we favor action on the subject, something may be done this year. But the second issue is even more critical..hi]e air bags would be an expensive and, we feel, unjustified nuisance, the fuel economy standards that are presently being discussed in a conference committee could literally mean the end of Porsche in the US. The present Federal standards would apply to minimum fleet average fuel economy. Manufacturers would be penalized $5 per one-tenth mpg per car sold, for not meeting this average fuel economy figure for their entire "fleet" (total cars sold). But President Carter wants additional incentives. The House has called for a gas ~uzzler tax on thirsty cars that do not meet the fleet averages. But the Senate, led by Howard Metzenbaum (Ohio) has passed a resolution banning cars from sale ~n the US that do not meet the following minimum standards on an individual basis: 19 mp9 16 mpg 1983 1980 20 1984 1981 17 ~ 18 1985 198~ The ~avings of fuel by the House proposal would be about 175,000 barrels of oil per day. Savings with the Senate version would be only 10,500 barrels per day. The problem is that Porsche would have a difficult time meeting the Senate standards with the 928, as well as with the 911 series. For example, the combined mpg for a 77 Turbo Carrera is 17; for a 77 911S it is 18, and for a 9~4 it is ~1 mpg. The picture gets even gloomier when we look at the 928. We all know that Porsche has its future invested in the 928 model, and that the 911 series is due to be phased out. If the Senate-proposed minimums go into effect, the 928 will definitely be affected. It will either have to be modified to the detriment of performance, or face a ban in the US. Mr. Lars 5chm~dt, a director of Porsche A5 ~n 5tuttgart, has indicated that the future of Porsche will be determined by the outcome of the present debates in Congress. Vie owe ~t to ourselve~ and to Porsche to do what we can to prevent the Senate minimums from going into effect. We need to get as many letters as possible ~o our G~ngr~m~n immediately, Our reasons for opposition are simple: The Senate minimum~ would not result in a ~ubgtantial ~aving~ of fuel; th~ gaving~ would amount to one-half of one percent of the total daily consumption in the US.
3~I ~hey w~ul~ hurt bQth ~om~ti~ and foreign manufaGturers, while not b~neflttlng the consumer, (Editor’~ Not~ I know momt of you will read this and ~hake your head~ and think it’~ a terrible thin~ and then you’ll forget it. I am writing a letter of my own, and if there i~ enough interest, I will brin0 Xerox copies to the membership meeting. You can ~ign a copy if you agree with it and send it off to Sam Hayakawa. Maybe that way a few more letter~ will be sent than if each of you has to do it on his own).
Speedster Re g ival ~ ~
I’d like to say a few words on the Automobili Intermeccanica Speedster replica. This thing has been written up in R&T and C/D, and we have to face the fact it’s not going to go away quietly. I am all in favor of it. And I don’t see any good reason for an honest Porsche enthusiast to feel otherwise " Of course, it’s not for the guy who cares more about ~hat his "real" Speedster i~ ~orth on the market than he does about driving the car. The AI people are not pas~in9 ~his thing off as a "real" Porsche; there is no subterfuge involved here. It’s a replica, for customers who either feel they can’t afford the real thing or who don’t want to risk the real thing in rain and snow and freeway traffic. I am a Speedster nut, and you’ll never convince me that Speedsters are not human. Show me a guy who once owned a Speedster, and I’ll show you a guy with a hundred stories to tell. I haven’t tried one of the AI fiberglass numbers, but I’d take bets that they’re human too. In this country the Speedster model practically created the Porsche "mystique" single-handedly. The assorted coupes and Cabriolets and Targas and Turbos have been respected and revered and held in some awe. But the Speedster made it a love affair. The fact is that the Speedster is an adolescent, devil-may-care, reckless abandon kind of car. The recent economics of Speedsters has ruined it all for would-be owner~ who would actually drive th~ ear a~ it was meant to be driven. The replica ehange~ that, for the better. What the Speedster offered was personality, and what the Speedster driver had was personality. I think the combination is now back together again. Yes, I’m happy I have a "real" one, and no, I won’t move over for a replica. But I won’t be too upset if one passes either. ¯ Charlie Doll
29 January
8:30 AM - 10:30 AM Northridge Malibu Grand Prix 19600 Nordhoff Ave. (two blocks west of Tampa) Either take the Nordhoff exit west from the San Diego Fwy, or the Tampa exit north from the Ventura Fwy. It’s about 5 miles from either freeway. Cost:
$i per lap; minimum of 5 laps to cover our guarantee.
BRUNCH to follow at Dean Goings’ home: 7042 Cantaloupe Ave. in Van Nuys (3 blocks west of Woodman and north of VanOwen) Cost: nominal charge for food
Name We will be coming to your house for brunch.
# of people
Please send this slip to Dean Goings 7042 Cantaloupe Ave. Van Nuys, Calif..91405 Or call Dean at home:
(213) 989-5742
Before 24 January
22 Riverside Region Wine Tour. info, call Willie 888-4765.
8 Board Meeting 12 LAPD Slalom. For info call Jose (213) 398-1963 or Judd Boykin 788-4182.
16 Membership meeting at SCC Yacht Club. 18-20 Ski Tour to Utah. Good snow and NO CROWDS; a good opportunity to get in lots of skiing over this three day holiday. Call Dave Stephens (213) 540-9612 days or evening. MARCH
19 LA Zone 8 Concours 25 Sunday Shortie Rally 1-2 Long Beach Grand Prix 16 Economy Run to antique auto collection near Sylmar 7 PCA-POC Challenge Cup Rally
17 Catalina tour
9-15 Parade in Aspen 29 Picnic Meeting
It’s a day at the races, and 5 Porsches are sitting on the pre-grid waiting for their turn to run. Each is a different color and type, with different tires and numbers, and each is driven by a man of a different nationality. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I0. ii. 12. 13. 14.
The American drives a white car. The Carrera Speedster is driven by a Dutchman. Goodyear GP tires are on the red car. The German drives on Continental radials. The red car is immediately to the right (your right) of the green one. Car #35 is a 5-speed 912. The silver car is #18. The middle car sits on Semperits. The driver of the first car on the left is Swiss. The driver with #00 is next to the driver in the 904. Car #18 sits next to the 911 Targa. The driver of car #111 likes Dunlop SP tires. The Englishman’s number is always 42. The Swiss driver chats to the man next to him in the yellow car.
Now, who drives the RSK Spyder, and who prefers to ride on Michelin X tires? Solution in next month’s newsletter.
6 PCA-POC LAPD Slalom 24-25 Monterey Historic Auto Races
23-24 LA Zone 8 Time Trial Riverside
@~I porsche 8flythiflg
? Willow (maybe with another club)
12 Sunday Shortie Rally
? Christmas Party
Anything Lid i .....
for sale
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade
or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment.
All listings must
conform to the following: 1.
Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise; and
Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial
numbers. Nonmembers’ ads will be published on a space-available basis for a fee Of $10.00.
All listings are subject to editing and condensing. PORSCHERAMA is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this For Sale column.