LOS ANGELES REGION 24081 silvestre mission viejo, ca
.... :
september 78 1St class mail AODR.ESS
u rhetoric It’s a lamentable fact that this column (and others like it in various PCA newsletters) usually carries a plea, exhortation, or threat to get the membership more active and involved. This month it’s a pleasure to congratulate several people for recent PCA-LA events that really hit the mark in quality and quantity of participation, For our August 6 Zone 8 Concours (see Pat’s full account below) co-chairpersons Pat Hurty and Judd Boykin (school teacher and banker respectively) put their organizational talents together and produced a superb event. Pat’s thoroughness came through in her almost-daily progress reports to me. And when we were faced with a last-minute site change, Pat and husband Lee spent incredible time and energy to work it out. My sincere thanks to them -- and to John Dusckett -for "saving PCA-LA’s bacon." I’m sure (~) we can entice all these good people to chair our 1980 concours~ Last week Jan Winthrop and Bill Corwin chaired the annual PCA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom at LAPD. They had their own problems, including the use of an untried and temporary pursuit course (our old familiar LAPD has been razed and will eventually be permanently replaced). Still, 57 Porsche pushers showed up for a full day of oversteer and bump steer. Two points need mention: 1) thanks to Ursula Grunfeld for her yeoman service as registrar for the event, and 2) condolences to John Clark and family for the unfortunate indisposition of their keen 73 Targa (it’ll be fixed under "Dr. Pete’s" expert guidance). Here’s a list of the winners: D. Bishop T. Henry AL 72.30 GL 63.99 B. Adauto AP 70.01 M. Perlin GP 60.08 B. Newton AS 64.45 R. Gager GS 63.91 J. Boykin L. Erenberg BP 64.25 HL 64.76 R. Vessels BS 65.02 J. DiRosario HP 76.70 S. Erenberg T. Johnson CP 63.13 HS 63.42 W. Isabel CS 67.92 S. Becker JL 66.33 J. Borwick DL 69.41 M. Chasse JP 57.67 W. Jones DP 61.92 J. Miller JS 69.35 M. McKee M. Livingston M 62.24 DS 67.89 L. Smith S. Cabiglio EL 66.64 X 56.82 * "CLF" ES 63.19 B. Webb XL 68.23 J. Winthrop FP 65.25 S. Wang Z 64.85p P. Zimmermann FS 63.63 * = Top Time of Day I~
HOW GREEN WAS MY CONCOURS Five o’clock in the morning is pretty early, sports fans, even for something you tell yourself you like to do. Anything to do with Porsches, of course, is what we like to do, and gawking at the pretty ones falls in that category. Even being on the business end of the show falls in that category. And so it came to pass that on Sunday morning, August 6, before the crack of dawn, we were struggling out of bed with fear and trepidation, just hoping to avert any more evil befalling LA Region’s Zone 8 Concours. Evidently our good thoughts weren’t zeroing in too accurately that warm, muggy morning, because ol’ Pat got 25 miles or so down the road before she realized she’d better hightail it for home and get the most important thing: score sheets! Well, what do you
w oo oo, o
thoughts are on Porsches? Evil triumphs everytime in a Chevrolet. Actually, we were lucky to have a site to go to. The first one slipped out of:our hands a mere three weeks before show time and caused panic, consternation, and some colorful language to erupt. LA Region’s Concours was almost going down for the third time when John Dusckett pulled his ace out of the hole: the secluded back grounds of the elegant Irvine High School. For h~s marvelous suggestion and follow through, John was to pay with permanent bleeding ulcers and acute paranoia. But more about that later. We weren’t~sure if anyone would ever find us, despite frantic SOSs as to the new site. Ann Wang volunteered to be chief flagpole sitter at Wm. R. Mason Park in Irvine, our original site, and sent the gleaming Porsches, amed with maps, smiles and encouragement, down the road three miles to Irvine Hi. Only Ann’s charm could have done so perfect a job. Twenty-seven beauties motored up, their occupants full of enthusiasm and admiration for the lush grass and towering eucalyptus trees which were the backdrop for our setting. The powers that be at Irvine High School specifically stated they weren’t too keen on having the Porsches on the grass; however, the heat and first-hand knowledge of the weekend habits of school administrators (sick) prompted a quick decision. It was onto the grass with everyone, and the cool breezes and pleasant setting more than made up for the possible future wrath of Irvine Hi. Poor John Dusckett, though, had a severe case of quaking knees the entire day. It was his name that was known to the Irvine High School peop--~-e; they had never heard of the rest of us. John went incognito all day, refusing to wear his name tag and skulking furtively into the storage compartments of the concours division cars (he just happened to be judging that area). As a follow-up, John went into hiding for two days afterward, neither answering the phone nor the doorbell from 9 AM to 5 PM. We’re happy to say they never caught up with him and he is once more enjoying the sunshine, but he still has that peculiar habit of looking back over his shoulder at every sound. Then the latest of a long list of disasters struck: the catering truck did not arrive and did not arrive and did not arrive. A wave of weakness hit everyone’s tummy around 11 AM and moved in for the kill about 1 PM. Those of us who were still staggering forward at 3 PM were being powered only by the thought of food and drink (strong) afterward. In this light, Peter Luelsdorf became the unsung hero of the day. Lee Hurty, whose capacity for food no one will debate, became lightheaded, headachey, and growly about noon, after having forced his emaciated self to carry on bravely since 5 A~4. Now no one argues with a hungry bear; you feed it or run. Peter dropped everything and raced out for food so that the timer for the concours judges (Lee) could continue his job in a responsible manner. When Peter returned, the bear was sated and once more benign. Thank you, Peter, for performing what was probably the most important job of the day. (On Monday, Canale, the catering company, was contacted. It seems t--~3-r drivers walked off late Friday afternoon and left everyone hanging, including us. When Lee finished with the dispatcher, their trucks may never roll again). Our very great apologies to everyone at the concours who was inconvenienced.
OCTOBER’. ..... 1
Santa Barbara Zone 8 Concours; call Jack Ogden (805) 252-1844. 19 Membership dinner meeting at Del Conte’s, Redondo Bch; Lindley Bothwell, speaker; send in reservation slip on reverse side by 12 October. Info, call Dave Stephens 540-9612. 21 PCA-LA ONE DAY WILLOW SPRINGS TIME TRIAL: call Jan Winthrop (213) 597-4872 for info; more next month. 21 OCR Invitational Fashion Island Concours (non Zone 8); call Mike Springer (714) 847-7598. 21 Zone 8 Rally, Arizona Region; call Peter Luelsdorf (714) 536-3734. 22 P0C Lion Country Slalom; rag and tech 7-11 AM; call Jan Winthrop 597-4872. 22 sports/Foreign Autofaire at Los Ala-
Anthony E. Chariott 78 924 Coupe - Red Mark dePaola 76 930 Turbo Carrera - Black
Frederic Lee Hess 76 911S Targa - Red
Paul ~iannotta 75 911Carrera Coupe - Black
Ivan Minarik 78 911SC
Michael Roach 74 911S Carrera Targa - Brown
TRANSFERS TO LA REGION Dave & Lynda Gottwals from Connecticut Valley
mitos Racetrack; swap meet and auto s~le open to all; concours for MGs only; Dave Robertson (213) 923-3310
~ pUrSChe ~ythi~u ORIGINAL 356 &9OO ENGINE PARTS
4 5
MIN 10% OFF: TO PCA ................... ~T ~o ...... ~ 12 * ~o~ ~ o~
A~y|hi~g [td. ~
16 18-19 DECEMBER .... 3
8~ ..... ~,
...... oR .~Ro .~.~s c~o~
~ ?
Zone 8 Rally, Las Vegas Region LA Invitational Porsche Retrospective on infield at Santa Anita; call Ran Ramage (213) 775-7471. LA Sunday Shortie Rally
LA membership meeting POC Riverside Time Trial 2nd Malibu Grand Prix and Sunday Brunch Get-Together; call Jan (213) 597-4872. PCA-LA Xmas Party
Ifyou would like to help with any of these events, please call Jan Winthrop (213) 597-4872.
BOARD MEETING - 12 August 78 Stana reported that the club is on a sound footing
financially (finally).
The board voted to open a
savings account again. Goodie Chairperson Ursula has ordered more miscellaneous stuff from national, and she has some local car badges and T-shirts left.
We discussed the idea of putting a "special of the month" in each newsletter. Peter opened a discussion of proposed Zone 8 time trial changes. The board supported the elimination of Showroom Stock class, leaving only Stock, Production,
and Modified classes. They also suggested eliminating Ladies class. Peter raised the notion of reclassifying all cars according to weight/horsepower ratio, regardless of model, year, or body style. All these ideas will be forwarded to Carl Young and will be discussed at the September Time Trial meeting at Riverside. As to upcoming events, Dave Stephens is working on a dinner meeting for October with Lindley Bothwell as our speaker. We are considering the merits of a oneday event at Willow Springs in October (it costs $850 for one day~). Nick Friesen agreed to put on one of his infamous Friesen Frolics in November (a combined rally and wine tour), and we’ll do another Malibu Grand Prix in December. We decided to try for a block of 50 tickets for next year’s Long Beach Grand Prix; there seems to be a lot of interest. (See the tear-off flyer in this paper), Finally, the board appointed a nominating committee to get started on a slate for next year’s board, Ursula, Ann Wang, Peter Zimmermann, and Jose 0choa will serve. If you’re interested in running for an office, please contact one of these people ASAP.
PORSCHE BOUTIQUE ~o~ people v~ love the best n~cbines ~n the ~ld Come see ou~v~lde select±on o~ u~±que Po~scbe ~i%ts ~d apparel, includi~ T-shirts and tops, bikinis, scarves, jackets and sweaters, and luggage
MEMBERSHIP MEETING - 17 Aufust 78 After Sam opened the meeting, Pat Hurty reported on the success of our Zone 8 concours the previous weekend. We gave Pat and husband Lee a well-deserved round of applause for all their work. We talked up several activities for the future -- a Zone 8 rally in Santa Barbara on Sept. 9, our membership meeting at Vasek Polak on Sept. 21, and our Riverside time trial on Sept. 23-24. We also passed out limited copies of the ticket order form for next year’s Long Beach Grand Prix (see tear-off in this paper). After the break, we came back to see Vern Covert’s film of a one-week Caribbean cruise aboard his beautiful boat, the Flyaway. The film is almost 20 years old and many of us have seen it before, but the scenery is still breath-taking, and we thank Vern and Ada for sharing the film with us one more time. The evening ended with Ran Ramage’s slides of the Aspen P~rade. ’
Another special event, concurrent with the concours, was Pat Scanlon’s birthday. We had a birthday card and a bottle of champagne ready for presentation at awards time, but Pat was so reticent about anyone knowing it was his birthday that we had a private presentation at the Hurty’s later. He was pleased that LA Region and the Zone 8 concours bunch wished him the best on his birthday. We were pleased he spent it with us. So in spite of the snags, the disappointments, the heat and the hilarious, hysterical moments, it was a most gratifying day for those of us who shouldered the load. Perhaps the most gratifying thing of all was a little incident that proves that our fearless leader is not only intelligent, clever, quick-witted, etc., but also human. Each concours entrant was asked to address an envelope for results; out of 27 entrants, only 26 handed in envelopes. After checking the names, whose was missing? Sam Wang. He was so busy with last minute preparation of his 911 that he almost forgot to pay the fee. Never mind, he won his class anyway.
Meanwhile, back at the concours proper, we had bne of" the most beautiful arrays of cars ever and, for once~ more cars in concours division than in street division, The quality of the cars and the participants was outstanding. It was probably the cleanest, least littered event ever held, with almost nothing to do but pick up the garbage cans and leave. Thank you all for being the finest people in the world~ Thanks also must go to the backbone of the event, the tireless workers: Ursula Grunfeld, who was so cheerful and efficient at registration I merely got in her way; then we put her to work as a score card runner and she still was smiling; Dean Goings, whose business-like efficiency at scoring enabled us to present the trophies in record time; Judd Boykin, event co-chairman, who quietly picked up all the pieces I dropped and placed them correctly in our squirrelly puzzle; Lark Nagazaki, who came to spectate and instead stood bravely in the hot sun as timer for the street division judges; Bob Raucher, who was drafted at the eleventh hour -- you guessed it -- to judge the forward chassis of concours cars, and who had the The following results tell the story: excellent grace to say he actually enjoyed it; Stana Cooper, scores, outstanding examples of our favorite car. another spectator who cheerfully ran score cards for Stars from LA Region were Sam Wang, Tom Chang, Angelo the street division; our outstanding judges from almost Pino, Ken Ito, Bud Schoen and Mickey Harris, first all regions of Zone 8 (Tore Johnson, Ernie Paschoal, place. Second place awards went to Bob Turner and Cal Bob Upton, John Dusckett, Bob Raucher, Jose Ochoa, Marks. Carol Patrick, Geri Boothe, Pat Scanlon, and Ken Thanks a bunch to everyone~ Emory); Chuck Cooper, chief judge, whose knowledge in Pat Hurty concours made us all shine, and whose very presence Event Chairperson lent an aura of dignity and respect to our event; Lee Hurty, jack of all trades, master of every one, whose First Place Winners: ideas made the event sparkle, and who tells me our STREET DIVISION marriage is still on o- at least for another 30 minutes S-1 La Neil Silveira CCR 203.0 or so; Lynn Wineland, our excellent sponsor, whose S-2 Cecil O’Brien OCR 218.0 TARGET PRODUCTS and affiliates had a most interesting S-4 Dirk Layer SD 228.0 and informative display at the event and who creatively S-5 Sam Wang LA 208.2 master-minded the design for our trophies; and last S-6 Tom Chang LA 228.5 * and probably more important than anyone could realize, S-7 Robert Dunn OCR 219.0 Sam Wang, whose quick wit and incredible ingenuity kept S-8 Ernie Paschoal SD 225.3 the whole thing afloat from the beginning. S-9 P. Calzia/R. Herzog SD 158.5 Our photographer, Bill Bayless, former Orange Coast Region member, took several excellent shots of the cars with his first roll of film and then -- disaster number six million -- the camera jammed. Bill raced home (to San Clemente no less) and got another camera and started all over again. He wasn’t sure just how the first roll of film came out. Soon we’ll see because the slides will be presented at a general membership meeting in the near future.
CONCOURS DIVISION C-1 Angelo Pino C-2 Ken Ito C-3 Norman Wykes C-4 Gary Laven C-5 Ken Malkus C-6 Bud Schoen C-7 Mike Springer C-8 Mickey Harris C-10 Ron Armour
290.3 292.8 296.3 241.7 310.8 * 270.0 294.1 279.8 284.6
fred s~zes {or Carreras and other Porsches. We specialize in
"babying your buggy" by Carefully mountin9 and dynamically balar~cmg your mag wheels, We distribute American Mags arid many others at our Inglewood warehouse, We offer disc brake service.
(213) 674-11~,677-8112 27 YEARS SERVICING
nliaealal YOKOHAMA
SE=T BOARD Our meeting this month will be held at Dave Stephens home, 428 Esplanade, in Redondo Bch. Call Dave fbr directions (213) 540-9612 or call,Ann (714) 892-3431. Meeting begins at 7:30 PM.
S.B. ZONE 8 RALLY Rally begins in Camarillo at the Lloyd’s Bank parking lot (take Los Posas exit from Rte. 101). First car out at 11:01 AM. Under 4½ hours, with lunch break. Will end at Rancho La Vista in Ojai; dinner to be hosted by Reese Milner (bring your swim suit and tennis racket). Cost for entry is $8 pre-entry, or $9 at the start. To pre-enter, send check made out to PCA-Santa Barbara to: Zone 8 Rally, 5610 Cielo Avenue, Goleta, Calif., 93017. Rallymasters are Joe Boucher (805) 964-2113 and Roger Kerner (805) 967-8628; so you know it will be challenging for experienced rallyists and fun for first-timers.
PRE- TECH Pre-tech for our Zone 8 Riverside event, is mandatory for all entrants residing In the LA area. The location is Vasek Polak, 199 Pacific Coast Hwy in Hermosa Beach. Time: 7-9 PM.
Join Arizona Region for their first Zone 8 Concours. Festivities begin Sat. the 16th with registration from 2-6 PM, followed by a no host welcome party. Judging on Sun. begins at. 8 AM, to be followed by a champagne breakfast. $20 entry fee. Novice, Street and Concours classes. For info, call Bob Craig (602) 274-3929.
199 Pacific Coast Hwy~ Hermosa Beach
This is beginning to look like "Vasek Polak Month" for us. Our general membership meeting this month will be held at Vasek’s Porsche showroom, 199 Pacific Coast Hwy. in Hermosa Beach (near King Harbor). Vasek will be the speaker for the evening as he shows us his race cars and relates his experiences. George Follmer, who drives for Vasek, is also set to put in an appearance. Don’t miss it. To get there, take Artesia west from the San Diego Fwy. When you get to PCH, turn south; Vasek’s store is about 2 miles down PCH. Try to be there by 7:30 PM so we’ll have lots of time for questions and ogling.
~rtesia Blvd.
L.A. RIVERSIDE TIME TRIAL sponsored Vasek Polak Fill in the registration slip to the right and send it in to Nancy Bridges before 15 Sept. Registration is a hectic and complex task; so give Nancy a break and get your money in as early as possible.
Zone 8 Time Trial & Driver School Sponsored by VASEK POLAK
Driver instruction and practice all day Saturday, with refreshments at track close, and Sunday morning, with timed runs Sunday afternoon. Track opens 7:30 AM. CASOC track workers in force. Trophies awarded at track Sunday evening.
For info: Sam Wang (714) 892-3431 Peter Luelsdorf (714) 536-3734 Ron Ramage (213) 597-7746
23 & 24 5EPTEIII$Eli FEES: $40 first driver $10 second club affiliate driver (non-members, add $10) Bring membership cards to track
PRE-TECH: Tuesday September 12 7-9 PM Vasek Polak, 199 Pacific Coast Hwy, Hermosa Bch. Required for entrants in LA area; contact region presidents for regional pre-tech info.
GARAGES: $I0, first come basis. Make out separate check, which will be returned if garages not available to us for this weekend,
HOTELS: Ramada Inn (714) 682-2771 or Holiday Inn (714) 682-8000 both located on University Ave.
Fill in form below and send with check(s), payable to PCA-LA to: Riverside 78, 1144 Ruberta #2, Glendale, California 91201.
driver’s name address PCA region
Nancy Bridges,
second driver zone 8 no.
:years of time trialing?
car type
1st time at Riverside?
,questions :
encloserl is $
driver(s) á $
for garage ( separate)-
Long Beach Grand Prix
For next year’s Long Beach Grand Prix, PCA-LA has decided to purchase a block of 50 tickets. We are Ap~i~ 8 1979 asking for seats high up in sections 28 or ~9, at ~ the Queen’s Hairpin (the concensus among those who have attended the race is that these are the best, (F~NlSH) althQugh not the most expensive, seats). The ~o tickets, at a cost of $35 each, will be good for | the full three days of race events and will include ~ parking passes. ~ CLUB We are offering these tickets on a first come/GABAGE~AREA~ ~ ~basis. If you are interested in purchasing one or more tickets in our proposed PCA-LA block, fill in the form below and mail it to: Peter Luelsdorf, 19717 Seashore Circle, Huntington Bch., 92548. PLEASE DO NOT SEND MONEY NOW. Once we are certain of our order, we will bill you. Just send in your order as soon as possible. NAME ADDRESS PHONE Send form to:
Peter Luelsdorf 19717 Seashore Circle Huntington Bch., 92548
October Dinner Meeting
Please reserve for me __ticket(s), at a cost of $35 per ticket, for the three-day Long Beach Grand Prix event April 6-8, 1979. I understand that I will be billed for these tickets once the order is firm.
~="~’’~ ~.~ ~-"~ ’--’~ ~
19 October 1978 Cocktails at 6 PM Dinner at 7 PM
,,, o,
2900 Pacific Coast Hwy., Torrance (at the corner of Crenshaw and PCH) o~~r."
¯ ,o~ ..~woo~ ~,. ~.,. ~oo~
and AUD~
Mail in this reservationslip, wi tha check payable to PCA-LA, to: Dinner Meeting 6943 Grand Manan Drive
~ ma~n~n a eomp~ele ~k of pa~s
Cypress, California 90630 ~
~m to ~pply todays Por~he o~er. ~
956 2419
Numb~r fo~ d~nne~
Amoun~ ~nc1os~d ~
~ ............
Replace I~eat-pro~ucing tg7~-77 Por~che thermal reactom with a flowing Pro Par~s
Independent Porsche Service and Repair ~~&~ eTime Trial -- Racing Specialists
¯ Significantly reduces engine Operating temperatures for improved gasket and seal fife -- reduces costly rebuilds! ¯ Provides improved performance in late
911 "s t)y e/imina Sing exhaust restrictions.
BILL BAGSHAW (213) 821-2911 ¯
41 f3 Redwood Ave.. L.A. CA 90066
High quality construction assures trouble-free service and easy installation. Available in mildsteelforal1911’s ($175 per set) or special stainless steel versions, ideal for Turbos ($450 per set). Easy installation. ¯
mAIl factory Po~he pa~$ eThermal r~ctor replacement headers
for sale
eMSDS Turbochar~r sy ...... All*Proof Sy nthet ic Oil o914/4 Hub Conversions mall Por~he accessories
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. conform to the fol lowi ng :
All listings must
(213) 391-7277
13332W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (Two blocks o~ of Lincoln, adjacent ~ Buyer King)
[Lems must be persona] property and not connected wt~h any business
enterprise; and Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers.
~fN°nmembers’ fees10.00. ads will be published on a space-available basls for a All listings are subject to editing and condensing. PORSCHE~ is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this For Sale column,
1970 911E Coupe. Yellow/black, recently repainted with original factory paint; factory air and mags; B]aupunkt. Never damaged, given special care, show quality. $8000. CaT] Richard Mathias (2131 836-6897 mornings, 1970 914-6. Yellow. 2.4S engine built by Walt Adrian. L~d. slip, double adjustable rear Konis; teflon, P-7’s, Scheel seats both sides, late shift linkage, 911S front struts, fuel cell, vented rear discs, harnesses, 916 chassis stiffening components, oversize master cylinder; bi-amp AM-FM cassette. One of the best and fastest. Perfect for time trials and slaloms. Call Toby Cowan (213) 829-3391 days 9-5. (Looking for a 74 Carrera). Enclosed custom trailer for 356 or 911. Tandem axles, electric brakes, used once, $2600. Five polished 6x15 alloy wheels with Michelin XWX tires, lugs, caps and locks, $675. 911 right door shell, $100. 69-73 front bumper, $100. 68-73 911 engine lid, $50. Call Ken Ito (2131 485-4792 between 8-5 weekdays, Pistons & C~linders for 2.0 911T; 30,000 mi. Priv. party. Call Pete (2131 395-7614
DRIVING IMPRESSION, 2ND HAND, 924 TURBO ¯ " ¯ " Last week I saw a factory 79 924 Turbo 5-speed, serial number 0008. The car, along with a 4-speed red 924 Turbo, is being tested by VOA and the US government, I suppose to conform and all that. Although I did not have the privilege of driving the car first hand, our district sales manager, who is quite frankly not an old time Porsche type and who has never driven a Turbo o~_ Turbo Carrera, related his impressions of "putting miles on the prototype" on his trip to San Francisco last weekend. First, cosmetically, the car looks like a 924. At the base of the rear window is a Carrera-type spoiler with a slight turned up edge, all rubber about 6-7 inches wide. It will raise with the window. In front there are about six air inlet ducts across the nose, between the headlights and about the bumper, nicely done. One more below-surface air duct on the hood, about where the valve cover now is. Also about ten vertical air louver slots on either side of the front spoiler below the bumper. Nicest and really most obvious difference is five lug bolts and 15" BBS wheels -- Pirelli 15" CN36s and 4 disc brakes. Bob’s trip to San Francisco, in his words. "For the first three hours, I didn’t like it. I~ ~elt equal to a regular 924 until the boost came in (at about 3300 rpm)" What did it feel like then? "Like a 57 Chevy ~8"w~en you hit overdrive; it was uncomfortable driving without trying to put the boost on(sounds neat). Brakes stopped on a dime, and with the bigger wheels, handled even more positively than before... Noise level is down, down. . Vibration is no consideration at all... Gas mileage, going up I didn’t check, coming home I got 22... All I can say is (still one year away) put in your order now for the license plate ’24 TURBO’." non Ramage