THE BOARD PRESIDENT Dave Stephens ......................
Bill Bohn .......................... SECRETARY Howard Levin ....................... TREASURER Stana Cooper ....................... ACTIVITIES Jan Winthrop .................. days TECHNICAL Dave Kozak ......................... MEMBERSHIP days (714) Carola Anderson .......... eves (714) PUBLICITY/EDITORS Ann Wang ...................... days 12222 Montana Ave., L.A. 90049 Susan Clark ................... days CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Sam Wang ...................... (714) MEMBERS AT LARGE Jack DiRosario ....................... Jose Ochoa ......................... Sara Pennington .................... Pete Zimermann .................... ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Burt Misevic .................. (805)
247-8387 782-4661 766-7125 670-1976 822-5412 640-4600 586-3051 393-0411 278-8930 892-3431 325-0211 398-1963 822-5475 991-3909 482-7076
I UP ’N COMINI Saturday, December 1 PCA-LA Grand Prix event in Gardena (see next page for details and directions to the track).
Sunday, December 9 PCA-LA Christmas Party at the Harris’ Any questions, call Sara at 822-5475.
(The Zone 8 Calendar for 1980 will be published in your January newsletter!.
. 714/897"0773
10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday
¯ Reasonable Rates ¯ Flares ¯ Body Modifications ¯ Custom Paint ¯ Qualit~ ¯ Collision Welcomed
TOP QUALITY BODY WORK FOR PORSCHE Most Body Parts We Do Flare Work on Your Porzche Without Any Plastic, Lead, Welding Rod Used. "SOLID"! NO BODY FILLER USED !
Porsche Specialist George Takeuchi
¯ Your Car is Always in Our Garage ¯
15% Off With work. Except Insurance Work. 14901 Moran Street Westminster, Calif. 92683 (Near Bolsa & Magnolia)
PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, LOS ANGELES RFGION, INC. ANNOUNCES TI~EASCOTGRANDPRIXCH~T~,ENGE Saturday, December 1 9:00-11:00 AM 18240 South Vermont Ave. Gardena, Calif. (Take the Harbor Freeway to 190th Street, go west to Vermont, and turn north to 18240). We’ve had some good fun at other Grand Prix tracks this year. This is our last chance to find out how fast we are. Food and drinks will be available. FOR MORE INFORMATION:
Call Bill Bohn (213) 247-8387 home or 956-2373 office
With a detailed map like this you have no excuse for not coming
1 .=.
~ .’..:,-
n es. . . This month is strictly for fun. We’ll get December off to a good start on Saturday the 1st with a low-key event at the Ascot Grand Prix in Gardena. Call Bill Bohn if you have any questions .......... Sara Pennington is hard at work organizing a really terrific Christmas party for all of us on the 9th. Hope you got your reservations in on time. We’ve gathered some areat doorprizes; the food promises to be really speclal, and Sara has planned some surprise entertainment for the afternoon. See you there.. Dave Kozak reports a decent response by voters for the 1980 PCA-LA board. The votes have been counted and the results will be announced at the Xmas Party. After all the complaining about having "another" dinner meeting at the Lobster House, our November get-together turned out to be very entertaining. The guest speaker was Joe Millikan, candidate for NASCAR Rookie of the Year honors. In the "good oi’ boy" tradition of Richard Petty, who gave Joe his start, Joe regaled us with stories of his early days helping out at the Petty’s, saving money for his first car, and some of his experiences on the NASCAR circuit. We all liked him so much, we really rooted for him at the Times races at Ontario on Sunday, but Joe lost Rookie of the Year to Dale Earnhardt. You can expect big things from Joe in the future though ............ As a final note l’d like to wish my best to our new Porscherama editor, Ben Adauto. It hasn’t always been easy, but I hope Ben has as much fun doing it as I did. Thanks to all the people who helped out and who wrote articles and gathered info for the paper. Don’t go away, Ben’ll need you too. Ann
Tech Talk
I’m not quite sure what,prompted me to write this article, It was probably the fact that attendance at our high speed events has been on a slight downward trend of late, but also it is evident that some of you that the sport could be right for are missing one hell of a good time by not coming out. I’m not sure if the flyers that PCA sends out are too complicated, or if rules aren’t clear, or if too much emphasis has been put on the racing aspect (which we don’t do). The following article will hopefully clear up some of the unknowns and put "time trialing" into proper perspective -- a simple, moderately expensive, high excitement weekend that you and a friend (spouse) can do together.
A time trial is not a race. It is a controlled event where you can surpass 55 miles per hour without a black and white magically appearing in your rear view mirror. A time trial has, theoretically, the single purpose of making you a better driver, but people who have done it have also gotten the side benefits of meeting new people, getting a chance to drive on race tracks monitored by emergency track workers with an ambulance in attendance, and seeing places you would otherwise never have gone to. A hypothetical time trial will be held in the near future. The first time you hear about the event will probably be in the "Up’n Coming" section of our Porscherama newsletter. The second time you read about it will (hopefully) be about 3 or 4 weeks before the actual event takes place. This time it will be a full-page ad, either in your newsletter or mailed as a flyer. The bottom part of the page is devoted to a simple registration form requiring name, car model, engine type, etc. You have plenty o~ time to send this in, even if you have to call your mechanic to find out how big your engine ~rrently is. A clarification is necessary here. Each one of the Zone 8 time trials is run by a different region within the zone. Zone 8 is comprised of the following regions: Golden Empire (Bakersfield area), Central Coast (north of Ventura), Santa Barbara, Riverside, San Diego, Arizona, Southern Arizona, Las Vegas, Orange Coast, San Gabriel Valley, and Los Angeles. All of the above regions are affiliated with PCA. Not all of them are interested in,
or equipped to run, a high speed time trial; so in 1979 we had a total of five. Las Vegas held one at their "Speedrome", and San Diego used Holtville, a Sports Car Club of America course in the El Centro area, for event number two. Willows Springs is a fantastic track (biassed comment) located near Lancaster and was the site of event number three, organized by Riverside region. The fourth event was held at the one and only Ontario Motor Speedway, and due to the high cost of weekend rent (over $3500) the burden of organization was split between Orange Coast Region and POC. POC stands for "Porsche Owners’ Club" a locally based club, very enthusiastic and active. The last event of this year was held at Riverside International Raceway, and Los Angeles Region sponsored it, with financial assistance from Bob Smith Porsche Audi in Hollywood. Now back to our hypothetical time trial. You have filled out and mailed your pre-registration form. Now you have to make sure your car is ready for the next step: Technical Inspection. Absolutely nothing to worry about, if your car is in good condition. Your shocks are checked, your brake lights are checked; your fire extinguisher(~)is checked; the general condition of your tires, your battery hold down(~), seatbelts(~)and anchor points, wheel bearing condition, cleanliness of engine and transmission, and throttle linkage smoothness are all looked at very carefully. If you have any doubts about the condition of your car, pre-tech is for you. Pre-tech is held on an evening at least a week prior to the event. It is designed to give you time to make necessary repairs, and to make the event itself go quicker and smoother on Saturday morning. Less time in the tech line means more time on the track for everyone concerned. After your car has passed tech inspection, you will be assigned to a particular practice group. PCA normally uses four groups: yellow (novice), green (experienced drivers in four cylinder cars, and some slower six cylinder cars on street tires), blue (experienced drivers in six cylinder cars on street or race tires, and fast four cylinder cars on race tires), and red (very experienced drivers in very fast cars). You will be given a color dot, either atregistration or tech, to place on your car. The paper dot has an adhesive backing and
should be stuck to your left headlight, or on 914s, on the left front turn signal lens. Before practice begins, a drivers meeting is called. This meeting is mandatory for all entrants. Its purpose is to inform all drivers what is going to take place on that particular weekend-- such as the running order for pr~ticegroups, tips on track conditions, etc. Also corner worker flags will be reviewed. These flags, and your understanding of them, are extremely important to the health and well being of all the people involved with the event. After the drivers meeting, a spectral meeting for novices is held. This is just a more detailed session covering basically the same items as the main meeting, including extra emphasis on the different flags and their meaning. The availability of driving instructors in also discussed. Instructors are always .available on request and should be considered mandatory for your first practice session. The culmination of the weekend usually begins about one o’clock Sunday afternoon: timed runs. This is when you find out how much you learned during the weekend. You are on the racetrack all by yourself. No more need to constantly watch your mirrors or have an instructor with you. Just total concentration for the job at hand; that is, to complete two laps safel~ as fast as you want to try. Your resultant lap times are recorded separately and posted on a board so you can see how you stack up against other cars similar to yours. To make it more interesting, trophies are awarded to class winners. Your first couple of time trials will be somewhat confusing, but after the procedures become second nature, you can really start to enjoy yourself. Driving fast under controlled conditions is very exciting, ~nd the repetition of different types of corners opens up a whole new area of understanding and respect that you will gain for your car. This about the only safe way you can find out for yourself just how good your Porsche really is. Respectfully submitted, Pete Zimmermann
Footnotes to Pete’s article: I Every car without exception is required to have a securely mounted I0 b.c. rated fire extinguisher. These are available at numerous outlets for between $12 and $20, and you should have one in your Porsche anyway. The extinguisher bracket has to be mounted permanently somewhere in the passenger cab of the car, preferably within eqsy reach of the driver. The bracket in my 914/6 is bolted to the floor in the left forward corner of the passenger side footwell. If you can’t bring yourself to drill holes in your new Turbo, or your old 356, there is a good place to put an extinguisher anyway. Below and forward of the rear seats, on a vertical bulkhead, you will find a luggage strap bracket. Remove that bracket (two Phillips head machine screws), and bolt your extinguisher bracket, using the original screws, in its place. Presto, ten minute work, no new holes in the car, and a permanently mounted extinguisher in a ready to use, easy to reach place. 2 Any factory installed hold down in good condition, or an improvement on that unit, is accepted. 3 Seatbelts: A touchy subject. More on this as soon as the rules for 1980 competition are on paper. If there are any questions concerning time trialing, there are lots of people you can call for help, including me at (213) 991-3909, Jan Winthrop 670-1976, Jack DiRosario 326-5435, or Sam Wang (714) 892-3431.
NEWPORT SOUND Individually Tailored Audio Sys~ms
& /he CLIFFORD SECURITY SYSTEM 724 W ’16th Street. Costa Mesa, Ca.
by appointment (714) 645-1385
Long Beach Grand Pr,x
Mac and Susan McKee are making arrangements for another block of tickets for the 1980 Long Beach Grand Prix. The tickets will be for the whole three days; we won’t be offering any single tickets. Seats will be reserved for the whole weekend. In next month’s newsletter look for an order blank.
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Tom Mclntyre 1976 911S Targa -- Peru Red Greg Marsh 1976 914 -- Yellow Black
Bernard Kiel 1977 924 -- Red Richard Chandler 1964 356C Coupe -- Irish Green Harlen Woolery 1958 356A Coupe -- White Kent Morgan 1966 906E -- White/Red Daniel Ziesler 1979 930 Turbo -- Green Carl Ceby 1979 930 Turbo -- Anthracite
Stephen Bolkin 1963 356~ Super 90 -- Silver INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR ¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial - Race Specialists
(213) 391-7271 24-HOUR PHONE 13332W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 900~6 )In Marina de/Rey. 2 block~ east of Lincoln, adjacent to Burger King) Marc
Rothman / Tom Marx
Division of International Racin§ SeP/icws, In©.
for sale
1963 356S. White with black interior; chrome wheels, AM-FM Blaupunkt, 50,000 mi. on the engine. ~Best offer. Call Cindy Crystal, (213) 766-3811 days.
1958 Speedster. Documented Southern Calif. car since new. Exceptional collector ~ar; superb, rust free, unrestored chassis. Nice overallappearance featuring original emblems, seats, steering wheel, gauges, etc. Approx. 2000 miles on engine, transaxle, front suspension, brakes and exhaust system. All body panels, doors, lids, and bumpers are original. For more info, call Pete at (213)450-7414 days, or (213) 991-3909 evenings. $15,000.
40 IDA 3C WEBERS $495/.,. WEBERS OFFER YOU THE HIGHEST PERFORMANCE AT THE LOWEST COST Pedm~anca - WEBERS are prot)ab~ the best all-around loduct~m system for the Porsche 911. If your mechanical injedkm is worn, WE~ERS will restore light throttle ddveability permanently. If you have a ClS engine and want a lot mo~ juice, W~BERS am the first important step toward b~e high perfon~anco. The ClS cams have to be reground to let mm~ gas in but e mild regdnd ~ud~ a~ a 911T wi# allow you to keep your original pisto~s- Check with WEB"
QualRy - WEBER cad=ureto~ munl~emally acclaimed is" se the best them , the world ovor. Dec~mdabi~/. WEBERS are easy to m:l~st a~d ~im~ to malntain. Thore m ontY a few moving PartoVel,aatl#ty - you can do more with WI=_BERS. "llley cart be I~e toned |or the ex~cl[ quanUty and quality of mixto~’a YOU need whether you have a sb’eet mild 2 liter or are building a full race 2.8. In example, interchangea/~e ventudes are ave#able from 27ram to 38ram. )4~lostkm - WEBER 40 IDA 3C’s will bolt ou the exisbng manifolds of any cart~Jreted 911 except eadler Sntex. For In~ance, although the 1970-71 911T comes stock with Zeniths, WEBERS will bolt on the same manito~d and use the ~ air cleaner and linkage. The 19~ 911T comes stock with WEBER 40 IDT 3C’s and will realize increased pe~mtance from these IDA ca~os. For 2.4 through 2.8 liter 911 engines, jets and vor~uries will have to be fitted =~,,. on:f~ng to the state of tune and use of the particular engine. WEBERS will not meet the emissk:m rules in some states when installed in 1970 or later Porscbes. The emission rules do not a~oply for racing. O~ledng into - We can guarantee shipping within one day because we don’t advertise until we stock. To eliminate check-~leadng delays, we require payment to be made with a Postal Money Order or ~ Bank or Certified Check. The prk~e includes the cost of shipping via UPS and any applicable tax. $495.00 is all you pay, wherever you live in the USA. PORSCHE MAIL ORDER/1 35-1 7th Street/Santa Monica, CA 90402/Ph. (21 3) 393-5423
-- Complete Engine and Transmission Overhaul -- 911 Fuel Injection Analysis and Repair -- Expert Turbo Service and Repair by appointment 720 Colorado Avenue
Santa Monica, CA 90401
3906 Grandview L.a. 90066