Porscherama 1979 March

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Edi~r’s ~, ’



Gee, this is an odd experience! Due to the exigencies of gainful employment, both Ann and * 11 Sue were unable to put together this issue of Porscherama. It fell to me to shoulder the responsibility of putting out THE PAPER. I was terrified at first, but soon the job became ¯ 15 rather fun. With a bit of advice from Ann as she was boarding a train to Chicago, I have managed to pass the weekend in a bu~s~ of editorial fervor. And guess what - it isn’t 17-18 all that difficult! I encourage all of you out there who have thought about getting into the production o~f Porscherama to give either Ann or Susan a call. March is an Incredible month for PCA-LA. There is the Zone 8 Rally which is also the Challenge Cup (vs POC) Rally. Created by John and Bill LeFlang, this is the best Porsche rally of the year. Don’t miss it - see the flyer in this issue. The next week is the tour to Las Vegas. This is our annual opportunity to strike it rich (or whatever!) The next weekend presents another Zone 8 event sponsored by PCA-LA. The Santa Anita Concours has been known as the best event of the Concours Series thanks to the efforts of Ron Ramage. Again, BE THERE! Lastly, there is the PCA National Executive Council meeting. We will be hosting the traditional get-together Saturd~yeve; this is a prime time to get to meet (and bend the ears of) the people who have real power in the structure of PCA. It’s a really significant opportunity for PCA-LA to impact PCA National policy. Call Dave Stephens, Jan Winthrop or Sam Wang for further details. IMPORTANT.

* 25

Board of Directors meeting at home of Jerry and Sara Pennington. Space is limited so please contact them at (213) 822-5475 if you plan to come. LA Region PCA/POC Challenge Cup Rally to Solvang. See flyer in this issue for full particulars. LA Region Membership Meeting at the Yacht Club, 8 PM. Presentation by Rudy Spielberger of VoA : "Development of the 928" Las Vegas EXPEDITION. Time Trialers will be going to the Speedrome for LV Region’s Z~ne 8 Time Trial while the other’half of LA Region’s contingent will do Tinseltown. Contact Pete at Redline Service for more info (450-7414) LA Region Zone 8 Concours at Santa Anita See flyer in this issue for details. This event is the best concours of the year - don’t miss it.

31Zone 8 Time Trial at Holtville put on Apr.1 by San Diego Region. There will be a banquet Sat. nite. Call (714) 272-9022 for details. APRIL *


LA Region attends Long Beach Grand Prix; Contact Sue McKee (278-8930) to see if there are any tickets left in our PCA block. They are in Grandstand 29.


Zone 8 Time Trial at Fastrack in Phoenix

* 11

LA Region Board of Directors meeting at the home of Jack DiRosario. Call Jack at 325-0211 if you plan to be there.

¯ 14

LA Region Swap Meet. We haven’t had one for years! Jose Ochoa will be in charge - site to be announced in next month’s newsletter.

* 18

LA Region Membership Dinner Meeting. Will be at The Original Barbeque at 8th and Vermont in LA. We’re working on getting a Big Name from the IMSA drivers to be our guest speaker. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS A WEDNESDAY 28-29 Zone 8 Time Trial at Willow Springs. Our first time of the year at the track that’s always been our "home" track. Organized by Riverside Region this year. (714) 892-3431 for more info.

ALIGNMENT Spring is just a~ound the corner and I expect that a lot of PCAers are going to take their beloved beasts in for an alignment. After all, the chassi~ has so be properly set up for all that heavy-duty super-serious summertime canyon driving. ~o hopefully this article will help explain sore of the whys and wherefores of Porsche alignment - before you spend your hardearned money on an alignment. Let me also credit Dave Hatch of PCA Milwaukee Region for much of the information and definitions that follow, £Vheel alignment has three basic terms of steering geometry: toe-in camber and caster, Since all Porsches have independent rear suspensions, you must think in terms of both front and rear adjustments. And don’t forget that both the front and rear suspensions affect your steering, not just the front, Toe-in is the condition wherein the leading edge of the tire points toward the centerline of the car. Just imagine the front wheels as being pigeon-toed. Although theoretically any deviation from straight-ahead is energy (not to mention Tire) consuming, in practice the wheels are adjusted so that there exists a slight amount of toe-in. Why? Because toe-out causes instability, toe-out is a self-steering mode, and because many rubber bushings are used in the suspensions of production Porsches. This rubber flex can cause toe-out when the car is going down the road. In general toe-out gives the car a darting sensation, first one way and then the other. And since Porsches do have independent rear suspensions, here’s a tip for all of the Boy (and Girl) Racers in the club: toe-in at the rear will affect the car’s cornering. More toe-in at the rear will give more understeer (Remember that when you sit down to order those new stabilizer bars!) Camber is best understood by imagining that you are behind the car and facing the front of the vehicle. If the tops of the tires are tilted in towards the centerline of the car you have negative camber; if they tip outward you have positive camber. The purpose is to compensate for geometrical changes in the suspension during cornering. You want to keep the tire tread as flat on the road as possible for maximum traction. If you don’t think your Porsche rolls or leans just watch the cars at the next speed event or look at a photo of a racing Porsche in a corner.

terms to visualize¯ Since caster is only adjustable on the front of Porsches you can at least forget about the rear. If you are looking from the side of the car,you might assume that upon hitting a bump in the road that the wheel would move in a vertical plane. In reality it moves slightly rearwards as well as upwards. Positive caster, the more common condition, refers to the steering axis being thusly tilted back at the top. The more the positive caster the more the steering returns itself after cornering. Also, the more the positive caster the more more negative camber you get when the steering wheel is turned. In a car which gets light at high speed or is actually physically light more positive camber has to be applied. Porsches however, normally run small caster ’ angles. Now that you understand the basics, here’s the hard part! Any change you make from the stock suspension components requires a change from the stock alignment specs. Lowering a Porsche markedly affects the camber, especially in the rear of 911’s and 912’s, and the caster, especially if the steering rack has not been raised. Lowering a car will produce negative camber and positive caster. Bilstein shock absorbers work on the principle of gas pressure and each shock absorber provides 60 pounds of force trying to lift the car’s body off the ground. The result is that Bilsteins require less negative camber than oil-damped shocks. If, with any shocks, you increase your car’s negative camber you’ll notice a definite improvement in the handling. But you’ll also notice that your tires will be wearing out about twice as fast as normally. Also, wider wheels and tires generally should have the camber set closer to zero. So, now that you know all about the intricasies of wheel alignment for your Porsche, you need to remember a few more things! Factory specs require a full tank of gas and a 150 Ib weight in the driver’s seat. However if you just remember the full tank of gas you’ll be in good shape. There are a few poeple scattered throughout PCA who have a good bit of knowlege relating to alignment specs, so it is possible to obtain good and accurate advice for the best specs for your car considering the way you drive your car and how you have modified it¯ David Kozak Tech Chairman

11_____ __march _. 79 sunuay ""

Sponsor and start location: Prestige Auto Service 24050 Ventura Blvd. Calabasas .... (213) 703-6644

8:00 AM registration begins 9:01 AM first car leaves Cost:

$5 member car $7 guest car

Guests with PORSCHES welcome.....

This is the Annual Challenge Cup Rallye between the P, orsche Owners Club and the Los Angeles Region of Porsche Club of :,merica, and also the second in the 1979 se,~ies of Zone 8 Rallye competition. ~ Information’ (213) 794-527,



Sunday 25 March 1979 The Los Angeles Region of Porsche Club of America and Bozzani Porsche/Audi of Monrovia present The 7th Annual Porsche Concours d’Elegance at famed Santa Anita Racetrack in Arcadia, California Cars will be displayed and judged on the grass infield amongst the flowers with the full color of raceday at Santa Anita. PCA members or guests should submit the official entry below. Cost ~s S12 for PCA members, $15 for guests. This is the first concours of the 1979 Zone 8 PCA competition series. Classes for both street and concours divisions are i) all 356, 2) 900 thru 1974, 3) 900 after 1974, 4) all 914, 5) 924/928, 6) special interest, current competition, limited production, and 7) novice. Spectators are always welcome. Porsche parking will be available in the parking area. Call for rain date. Information, Ron Ramage (213) 597-7746. Address





Car Type

PCA Region Division

Enclosed $

check payable PCA-LA,Inc..a~l to: 8aO SANTA15th ANITAPlace CONCOURS



Hermosa Beach, California 90254

~ -~


for sale

Robert BI ake ’78 924 Si I vet

This column is available free to PCA,LA mem~rs who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or ~lat~ equipment. All listings must confo~ to the following: i. Items must be personal property rand not connected with a~ business enterprise; and 2. Descriptions must be complete a~ inclu~ appropriate serial numbers. Nonmembers’ ads will be published on a spac~available basis for a fee

John Peha ’ 64 356 Coupe - Grey Jim Morris ’79 924 - Sil ver

Greg Lewerke ’59 2dr Cony. 120 Ronald Godfrey ’57 Speedster ’66 912 Coupe


o~ $~o.oo.


Stuart & Barbara Watson Lone Star Region

listings are subject to editing and condensing.

PORSCHERA~ is not responsible for a~ misrepresentation of items in this For Sale column.

Kim Stocksdale Golden Gate Region 1959 Convertible D Roadster. Red / Black. ’61 Super gO engine, 30,000 mi. Cover, bra, chromed wheels. Best offer. MUST SELL! Gary Adams 968-1831 late eves.

Marcel A. Moe Riverside Region

Mark Axline ’66 912 Coupe - Silver

1975 911S Coupe. New Silver paint, A/C, elect. windows, Sportomatic. Special Edition interior and equipment. AM-FM-Stereo tape. $12,500 / Best Offer. Bob Downie (213) 346-6675 after 6pm.

C. David McCandlish ’73 911S Targa - Grey Allen Klosowski ’78 911SC Coupe - Brown

Claude Corvino

Brown plush floormats for 911 Coupe, new, $50; black boot for soft window-type Targa, $40; 4 6xi5 forged alloys, perfect , make offer; 4 new 7x15 replica wheels, make offer; 2 Recaros, back panel and door panels for 914-6 in black

’78 924 - Bro~ze

leather, new, $1250.

Larry Brooks ’79 911SC Targa -Black

Call Ron Ramage 597-7746.

n tes... Zone 8 rules for the 1979 series of Time Trials, Rallies and Concours are now available. Pres. Dave Stephens (213) 540-7752 and Activities Chairman Jan Winthrop (213) 670-1976 have copies available. Be sure to contact either Dave or Jan because there have been some significant revisions for this year.

WORK GUARANTEED !!! ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

Fast Turnaround Reasonable rates Quality Quality Quality

WANTED Race Tires and wheels for 914-4

Contact Pete ¯

at (213) 450-7414.

(714) 897-0773


emlco I~OI~SCHI=1 *

Hours: 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Tues.-Saturday


Quality Body and Paint

Porsche Specialist George Takeuchi


14901 Moran Street-A Westminster, Calif. 92683

Dear PCA. SUNDAY: 27 May Slalom at Lion Country Safari Dress-up Awards Banquet

Orange Coast Region and Bill Van Porsche/ Audi invites you to attend the 17th WEST COAST WEEI~ENDER, May 2~ 27 and 2~ 1979, in Costa Mesa, Caiiforni~ The SOUTH COAST PLAZA HOTEL will be headquarters, as well a~ the Concours site, the Rallye start and location for two banquets. A very fast and challenging slalom (closed exhaust) in the expansive parking facility of LION COUNTRY SAFARI wild anireal park, a tour of BRIGGS CUNNINGHAM AUTO MUSEUM and a SWAP MEET will make for a socia~ competitive and rewarding weekend. Ladies’, men’s and overall awards will be presented to climax this popular California based event. May is a month we brag about in southern California so come enjoy this long weekend with us.

MONDAY: 28 May Porsche Swap-Meet Tour of Briggs Cunningham Auto Museum REGISTRATION: All Competitive Events, Swap Meet and Tour, Wine and Choose Party,, $25.00 Saturday Barbeque {per personl .... $20.00 Sunday Banquet Iper personL, ..... $18.00 Special Package Price {if received before April firstl $55.00 entrant

Mike Spnnger

Fill out Registration Form and mail with check/money order tmyable to PCA/OCR, 17th WEEKENDER, no earlier than MARCH 1, 1979 (Post~mrk! nor later than MAY 10, 1979 (received). Only 100 applicants will be accepted on a first come basis. Mail to:

17th WEEKENDER Chairman .71~ 847.~(~ ,m~,

FRIDAY: 25 May

Check-in, Hotel and Registration Pre-Tech with Wine and Cheese Party.

O G~orgia Andres, Registrar 6362 Freeborn Drive Huntington Beach, California 92647 Acceptance will follow with hotel info. and Competition Rules. Do not make Hotel reservations until you hear from us.

SATURDAY: 26 May Conco1~rs d’Elegance on Hotel lawn T.S.D. Rallye afternoon and casual pool side Western Style Steak Barbeque

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ register" ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ Entrant’s Name Address



PCA Region





Co-entrant’s Name City

Address Events to be entered ooConcours

Rallye ~ Barbeque ~ Slalom ~ Banquet ~ Tour ~



P~e-Tech ¢ Sun]and ~o~o~s 7-~ P~ FREE BEER’.’.’. SATURDAY


Mandatory novice drivers meeting 7:45 AM Practice 8-4

Practice 8-11 AM Timed Runs 12 Noon



Call Jan Winthrop 670-1976 for hote! info, or call " Las Vegas Hotel/Motel Reservations Convention Center Office (702) 735-8166

PCA MembeY


£~mi.]y/A%~l~&te membe~

(s&me 0&£)---$ 5.00


$20. O0 2rid dr~.ve~"

(,same oa~) .... $20.00

FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Carl Young 1809 LaVerne Circle Las Vegas, NV 89108 (702) 648-5534 (evenings (702) 876-7982 (days)

SEND REGISTRATION AND CHECK TO" Ellen Moir 2199 Mohawk St. Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 8,~q~}-@!~j~g ~/-~


2nd Dr’iver


...................... Zip

Car Model Run Group"

Do you need an instructor?

Year__ Red



Are you attending PreTech?

Are you willing to instruct? Yellow

Amount enclosed

PCA -AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is a "Region" of the Porsche Club of ~erica, the largest one torque c]ub in the ~or]d. At the loca] ]eve], PCA-LA is a group of over 500 PoPsche enthusiasts. Our club offers the Porsche o~ner the opportunit~ ~o shape the exhi]iPating and sometimes frustPating expePience of driving, mintaining, and understanding one of the aos~ unique autoaobi]es in the woP]d. Ne invite ~ou to en~o~ it with us. Ne~bership in the Po~sche Club of ~e#ica costs $24.00 annually. This includes ~egiona] dues, and it entities the aether to discounts at club events, subscPip~ions to both POESCHERAHA and PANORANA, and auch aore. For further i~fo~ation, contact our Ne~bership ChaiP~an, CaPo]a Ande#son.

~ SERVICE - Complete Engine and Transmission Overhaul - 911 Fuel Injection Analysis and Repair -- Exped Turbo Service and Repair

by appointment 720 0olorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90401

4SO’74 4



PRES[D~NT Dave Stephens .................

(2~3) 540-7752

V[CE PRES[BEN[ Bi]] Bohn .....................

(2~3) 247-8387

SECRETARY Howard Levin ..................

(213) 783-3~64


Stana Cooper .................. (213) 766-7125 ACT[V[T[ES Jan Ninthrop ............. days (213) 670-[976 TECHN[CAL David Kozak ...................

(2&3) 822-5452

NENBERSH[P da~s Caro]a Anderso~ .......... eves

(7~4) 640-4600 (7~4) 586-305~

PUBLIC [ TY/ED ~ TORS Ann Nang ................. Susan Clark ..............

da~s (213) 393-04[[ days (253) 278-8930

CHA[RI~N 0F THE BOARD Sa~ Nang ......................

(7~4) 892-343[


Eli ie Raucher .................. (213) 784-608[ zo~ 8 REPRESENTAT[VE

Burr Hisevic................... (805) 482-1076

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