Porscherama 1979 November

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THE BOARD PRESIDENT Dave Stephens ...................... VICE PRESIDENT Bill Bohn .......................... SECRETARY Howard Levin ....................... TREASURER Stana Cooper ....................... ACTIVITIES Jan Winthrop .................. days TECHNICAL Dave Kozak ......................... MEMBERSHIP days (714) Carola Anderson .......... eves (714) PUBLICITY/EDITORS Ann Wang ...................... days 12222 Montana Ave., L.A. 90049 Susan Clark ................... days

540-7752 247-8387 782-4661 766-7125 670-1976 822-5412 640-4600 586-3051 393-0411 278-8930

CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Sam Wang ...................... (714) 892-3431 MEMBERS AT LARGE Jack DiRosario ...................... Jose Ochoa ......................... Sara Pennington .................... Pete Zi~ermann .................... ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Burt Misevic .................. (805)

325-0211 398-1963 822-5475 991-3909 482-7076



Las Vegas Region Zone 8 Rally -- CANCELLED LA Dinner Meeting at the Lobster House (see flyer in this newsletter for reservation slip) Zone 8 Awards Banquet at the Ramada Inn in Culver City (Fox Hills); see flyer on next page; LA is sponsoring this dinner; everyone come out an support it.

D EC EMBE_____~R


PCA-LA Sunday, December 9 3-8 PM~ at the home of THE MICKEY HARRIS FAMILY~~ Entertainment (4-7) ....... Spirits

($1 per)


Light Buffet ........... Introduction of 1980 Board members ...... Doorprize -- 2 tickets to the Long Beach Grand Prix COST:

$7.50 per person


LIMIT OF 100 PEOPLE 26 November

Make your check payable to PCA-LA an~ send to: Sara Penni ngton 223 Watervi ew Playa del Rey 90291 A map and directions to the party will be sent when we receive your check. No phone reservations please.

n tes... If you read this column last month and the stuff about the new member-at-large positions on the board didn’t make much sense to you, take heart: this month the board came to the same conclusion. So forget what you read. Here’s the scoop.: the board will consist of the usual eight elected positions, plus five members-atlarge appointed by the board from a list of nominees. These five will be non-voting positions. It will be up to the Activities Chmn. to appoint from these membersat-large chairmen for speed events, social events, etc., as he sees fit. That makes a lot more sense. Several people have already offered themselves as candidates for the member-at-large positions; on the ballot there is a place for voters to write in other nominations. Despite the fact that there is little competition for board positions this year, we thought you’d like to know a little about the people you’re voting for ....... JOHN WILLIAMSON is something of a Porsche Club institution; although he joined PCA in 1965, he grew up with Porsches; he’s truly an all-around enthusiast, participating and winning in concours events, rallies, and speed events on the local, Zone 8, and national levels; he’s done just about everything except serve as president of the club; as the owner of The Porscha Place in the Marina, he’ll finally get his chance ...... BILL BOHN, this year’s V.Po, joined PCA in 1974; his first car was a 1962 356B coupe, and he presently owns a 1970 911T which he time trials; Bill says he’s enjoyed working as VoPo this year and would like to serve again next year to carry through on some new ideas for meetings and entertainment ............................ JUDD BOYKIN has been a member of PCA~LA since 1974; his main interest is in time trialing, and he considers himself a founding member of the Monkeyface Raceteam; he has served in previous years as V.P. and Tech Chmn; he’s running for V.P. this year because he’s "fed up."


PETE ZIMMERMANN, owner of Redline Independent Porsche Service in Santa Monica, is a longtime PCA member; his first Porsche was a 1964SC that he bought in 1967; since then he’s owned one other ’64 SC, two ’58 Speedsters and one ’57, a ’59 356A, a ’65 911, a ’66 911, and presently a 914-6 referred to fondly as "Baby;" Pete’s main interest is in time-trialing and he’s won many Zone awards; he has previously served as Tech Chairman, and he’s been a member-at-large this year ..... JERRY PENNINGTON thinks he’ll make a good treasurer next year because he can keep his checkbook balanced; although he and Sara only joined the club in 1976, they have owned a number of Porsches, mostly 356s, but Jerry now drives a ’71 911T; he and Sara are consistent concours winners; they took first in class at this year’s Parade with their ’55 Speedster .................. MICKEY HARRIS is another avid concours fan; the entire Harris family has made a project of their 1961 Roadster, and they are well on their way to winning a year-end Zone 8 award in concours; Mickey says he’s enjoyed the club so much, he wants to do something for it ........... ANN WANG has been an associate member of PCA-LA for about eight years, and finally became a full-fledged member this year; this is her third year as newsletter editor and she’s tired of sitting behind a typewriter; she owns a ’62 356B Super 90 which she’s cleaning up very slowly ............................................. JOSE OCHOA is best known around the club for his time trial exploits in the Red Racer (see Ben’s article), but his other interest is concouring; at last year’s Parade his ’64 SC took second in division (missing first by a hair); he’s beenamember of PCA since ’74 and has been membership chairman ........................ BEN ADAUTO joined the club in 1976; his first car was a ’64 C, and he now drives a ’74 911; Ben likes time trialing and rallies, and he’s looking forward to breathing new life into next year’s newsletter. When you finish voting, tear out the ballot and mail to Dave Kozak no later than 15 November.

Return Address:

DAVID KOZAK 12408 Culver Los Angeles, California


BALLOT FOR 1980 PCA-LA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Members (and associates), vote for one in each category; you may also nominate a member-at-large. Fold this ballot and return to D. Kozak by 15 November. PRESIDENT

Member Vote


John Williamson ..................... ~]

VICE PRESIDENT Bill Bohn ........................... [~]


audd Boyki n ......................... [~]


SECRETARY Pete Zimmermann .....................

TREASURER Jerry Pennington ....................

ACTIVITIES Mickey Harris ....................... []

MEMBERSHIP Ann Wang ............................ []


TECH Jose Ochoa .......................... L_]

PUBLICITY/NEWSLETTER EDITOR Ben Adauto ..........................

MEMBER-AT-LARGE (optional nomination)


A FAREWELL TO THE RED RACER People sometimes have special memories that they remember for as long as they live. One of those for me is the first time I rode in a car going as fast as the driver could, make it go. The place was Riverside Raceway, the driver was Jose Ochoa, and the car was his 1961 356B coupe, affectionately (and appropriately) known as the Red Racer. Well l’m sad to say that the Red Racer was prematurely retired during last month’s time trial at Riverside. While going thru Turn 2 flat out, Jose went off course and the Red Racer ended up on its roof. Jose was unhurt, and although he was able to drive the car home, it will need a lot of work to look presentable again. (if it ever did to begin with). From Valentine’s Day in 1974, when Jose and Lark bought the car for $500, it has been a familiar sight at PCA-LA and Zone 8 speed events. The Red Racer was undefeated in the annual PCA/POC Challenge Cup Slalom. It has carried Jose and Lark to two Parades, one in Seattle and the other in San Diego. In San Diego, Jose placed second in class at the autocross. Last year the Red Racer was fitted with the motor from its sister car, a 356SC that is a concours garage queen and doesn’t need an engine anyway (at least until Portland). With this engine installed, the Red Racer had to be moved up one .class for Zone 8 speed events. This year Jose drove the Red Racer in all of the Zone 8 time trials. Lark drove it at Las Vegas and Willow Springs. She was also driving at Riverside before the accident. On the way to Holtville this year, the Red Racer got 40 miles per gallon at an average speed of 70 miles per hour. Also at Holtville the Red Racer got bumped up to the next class and beat all the 912s. It’s not easy to look at a car that’s ended up on its roof, and it was especially hard because of what Jose and Lark mean to me. I left a little of myself out there with the Red Racer and l’m sure that some of Jose was left behind (if not at the track, certainly in his pants). I spent the rest of the day going

through the motions and was glad to see the day and the event end. l’ve got some serious thinking to do before I load up for Las Vegas next year. Bill Perrone from The Parts Shop is supplying a new roof and George Takeuchi of Emico is doing the installation. Jose will have the car painted white and will use it for daily transportation. Those of us who were fortunate to have driven and ridden in the Red Racer at speed will remember it always. Benny Adauto



NEWPORT SOUND Individually Tailored Audio Systems

& ~e CLIFFORD SECURITY SYSTEM 724 W 16th Street, Costa Mesa, Ca,

by appointment (714) 645-1385


WORK ~UARA.T~D,,, ¯ Fast Turnaround ¯ Reasonable Rates

¯ Flares ¯ Body Modifications

¯ Custom Paint ¯ Quality



10:00 a.m.--7:00 p.m.



We Do Flare Work on Your Porto:he Without Any Plastic, Lead, Welding Rod Used. "SOLID"!

15% Off With Work. Except In=urance Work.

¯ Collision Welcomed NO BODY FILLER USED ! Porsche Specialist George Takeuchi

¯ Your Car is Always in Our Garage ¯

14901 Moran Street Westminster, Calif. 92683 (Near Bolsa & Magnolia)


Cocktail~ at 7 PM Dinner at 8 PM SPEAKER:

Cost: $10 per person (pay at the door)

one of the NASCAR drivers in town for the race


Number for dinner Return this slip by 10 November to: SARA PENNINGTON 223 Waterview Street Playa del Rey, Calif.


* don’t send money; you can pay at the door. for info, call Sara evenings at 822-5475.



WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Mel McEndree 73 914 2.0 -- Black

Tom Mclntyre

Jerrold Hill 64 356SC Coupe -- Green

76 911S Targa -- Peru Red Dr. Stephen Bolkin

Norman Vogel 75 911Targa -- Rust

63 356B Super 90 -- Silver TRANSFERS TO LA REGION

Jeffrey Brooks 75 914 -- Copper

Morgan & Sandra Knechtel from San Gabriel Valley

James Leth 63 356B Coupe -- Red

Myrl & Pauline Carson from San Joaquin

Chris Capps

Phillip & Margarita Giambri

"79 911SC Coupe -- Lto Met. Blue Robert Fleck 75 914 1.8 -- Palma Green Greg Marsh 76 914 -- Yellow



from Great Plains Russell & Ceil Fenwick from Redwood Region William & Joyce Mickel from Orange Coast

... and our youngest new family member: CHRISTIANNE MICHELLE WINTHROP daughter of Jan and Cindy born Sunday, October 14

INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR 0~ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ~ Engine transmission rebuilding = Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial Race Specialists


(213) 391-7277 24-HOUR PHONE 13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (in Marina del Rey, 2 blocks ea~r of Lincoln, adjacent to Burger King] Marc

Rothman / Tom Marx

Division of International Racing Services,

fnr sale

1963 356S. White with black interior; chrome wheels, AM-FM Blaupunkt, 50,000 mi. on the engine. Best offer. Call Cindy C~ystal, (213) 766-3811 days. 1966 912 engine. $1750 or best offer. Call Angel Sepriano, (213) 662-0149 home or 274-6395 work. 1974 Carrera Tar~a. Black; polished alloys, AM-FM cassette, new battery, 2 new rear CN-36s, low mileage (21,600 mi.), alam with beeper, bra. $25,000. Call Fred Saenz (213) 884-0494 all day. 1977½ 924. Maroon, black interior; custom Turbo by Design Systems, 170 hp, air, sunroof, XWX tires, dust shield, quartz lights, stereo cassette; excellent condition. Best offer. Call Jack Burns (213) 829-1717 weekdays only. 1978 911SC Coupe. Brown with tobacco interior; loaded, immaculate condition, 6,000 miles. Best offer. Call Allen Klosowski (213) 381-6625 days or 821-9036 evenings. 1962 356B Cabriolet. Metallic silver, black interior. 100 % professionally restored to mint condition.; considered finest car of its type in Northwest; second place overall winner Oregon PCA. $18,500. Daryll Klein, 2866 S.W. Hillsboro Ave., Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 228-8770. 1973 911T Tar~a. #9113112279, beige-gray, dark brown int, factory leather Recaros w/ hound~tooth inserts; Bamberg radio w/ Clover enclosure; new factory 7" mags w/ new CN-36s; 5 speed, rare CIS fuel injection, Konis, sway bars, tinted glass and appearance group. Original and pristine, no nicks or dents, top never folded; concours winner; Armor page alert alarm system, bra and cover incl. $19,500. Call Allen Drucker 475-0463 days or 645~9157 evenings. WANTED: Top to fit 1960 Roadster; condition of the fabric is less important than the fit of the top frame to the car. Call John Kepler, 9045 Lincoln Blvd, LA 90045 642-1353 days or 454-1264 evenings.





WEBERS OFFER YOU THE HIGHEST PERFORMANCE AT THE LOWEST COST Performance - WEBERS are probably the best all-around induction system for the Porsche 911. If your mechanical injedton is worn, WEBERS will restore light throttle ddveabiilty permanently. If you have a CIS engine and ward a lot more juice, WEBEBS are the flint Imllortaflt step toward hue high performance. The CIS cams have to be reground to let mo~o gas in but a mild regdnd suc~ as a 911T will allow you to keep your odginal pistons. Check with WEBQualtiy - WEBER cad)uretors m tmhmmatly acdatmed as the best thef~ Is, the world over. 0e~endabiilty - WEBERS are easy to adjust and slmple to mat~tatn. Thm’e are only a few moving parts. Versabl#y - You can do more with WEBERS. They ca~ be fine tuned for the exact quantity and quality of mixture you need whether you have a street mild 2 liter or am building a full race 2.8. In example, interchangeable venturtes are available from 27ram to 38ram. ~=~ication - WEBER 40 IDA 3C’s will b(dt on the existing manifolds of any carbureted 911 except eadier Solex. For instance, although the 1970-71 911T comes stock with Zeniths, WEBERS will bolt on the same manifold and use the same air cleaner and linkage. The 196~ 911T comes stock with WEBER 40 IDT 3C’s and will realize increased pet~xmance from these IDA carbs. For 2.4 through 2.8 liter 911 engines, jets and venturies will have to be fitted acco~ling to the state of tune and use of the particular engine. WEBERS will ~ meet the emission rules in some states when installed in 1970 or later Porsches. The emission rules do not apply for racing. Ordering Info - We can guarantee shipping within one day because we don’t advertise until we stock. To eliminate check-clearing delays, we require payment to be made with a Postal Money Order or ~1 Bank or Certified Check. The pdce includes the cost of shipping via UPS and any applicable tax. $495.00 is aii you pay, wherever you live in the USA. PORSCHE MAIL ORDER/1 35-17th Street/Santa Monica, CA 90402/Ph. (21 3) 393-5423

-- Complete Engine and Transmission Overheul -- 911 Fuel Injection Analysis and Repai~ -- Expert Turbo Service and Repair by al~pomtrnent 720 Colorado Avenue Santa Monice, CA 90401

parts for porsches We maintain ¯ complete ~ of parts

Mon.-Ft;i. 8:30--6:30

pmls to lupf)ly todays Porache owne~.








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3906 Grandview L.A. 90066


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