the board President~ Judd Boykin ......... days 550-3805
eves 788-4182 Vice Press Jerry Pennington .... eves 822-5475 Secretarys Carmela Tellez ...... eves 362-3801 Treasurer~ Dustin Janes ........ eves 275-5247 Activitiess Sam Wang ...... eves ~71~)892-3431 Concours - Ken Ito ........... eves 937-8081 Rally - Bill LeFlang ......... eves 794-5277 Time Trial - Jan Winthrop .... eves 325-3433 Tech~ John Fels ................ eves 476-4755 Memberships Bob Housman ........ eves 990-2869 Editors~ Connie Fern ........... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ......... eves 398-1963 Ann Wang .............. days 393-041].
policy PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. POIkSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the 15th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in PORSCIIE}tAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-IA, its board of dir(~tors, the POgSCHEK~ editorial board or its staff. All contributions beco~e the property of PORSCI[ERA~.Âź tu~less accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of IX)P~SC~KJ~tA reserves the right to edit, as nec(_~.~s~ry, ~ll material submitred for publication.
editor’s notes We’re off to an auspicious beginning. Lark just ran out of press-on letters, Connie has a miserable chest cold, and Ann’s typing is slower than ever... But we’ve never let little things get us down before, and we’re so excited about the new year for PCA-LA, we’ll forge ahead. We promised you a new format, and we really are working on it. We now realize why most clubs stick with the same format year after boring year. It’s hard to start all over. But we’re making good progress, thanks to some professional assistance from our own Ken Ballard, and all the neat stuff we learned at our graphics seminar. So just hold your horses for one more month. We hope you’ll like the results. You’ll notice that we didn’t have a "staff" for this month’s newsletter. It’s probably just as well, since we’re all a bit under the weather. But once again we want to encourage members to help us out, with articles, cartoons, typing, pasting, etc. We can always use help. Connie, Lark ’n Ann
3240 Whiffletree Lane Torrance. Ca 90505
(2131 325-3433 398-1963
f om
the president Trying to think of things to say in your first column for the first newsletter of the year is not an easy task. There are so many items to cover, so many people to thank. PCA-LA ended 1980 on a really high note. We had great success with our One Day Willow, the New (and old) Member meeting, and the Xmas Party (thanks Rothenbergers). The prospects for 1981 are really exciting. John Fels has some super tech meetings planned. Sam will be working with a very experienced trio of specialists in the realm of activities. Ken Ito ("Mr. Manhattan") will be heading up concours~ Bill LeFlang, ralleys~ and Jan Winthrop, both time trials and slaloms. Jerry Pennington has some interesting entertainment lined up for our membership meetings. Don’t miss the January meeting at the Lobster House -- good food and a great speaker are on tap. Bob Housman is planning our next quarterly new member meeting for February. And Sam is working on a Zone 8 One Day Willow driver instruction school/fun day, for early March. Watch our for the February newsletter. You won’t recognize it! Our able staff of Connie, Lark ’n Ann are planning a new format for your reading pleasure. During the past year we laid a good foundation to grow on. With your help this year’s board intends to do just that. Don’t forget that you are the club, you make it happen. If you have any suggestions or complaints, let me or the other board members know. We need your input. All in all, the new year holds great promise for PCA-LA. Let’s enjoy it together.
Speaking of working together, the 1981 board members are contemplating the possibility of LA Region hosting the 1984 Porsche Parade. A task of this magnitude involves a great deal of planning and work. With this in mind, we are asking for comments, suggestions, and volunteers. Contact any of the board members if you are interested. P.S. Have you noticed the lower octane ratings of ethyl at the gas pumps lately? The major oil companies are switching to an unleaded type of ethyl as demands for leaded gas have declined. This has resulted in lower octanes and has a direct effect on our high performance Porsche engines. A "reliable source" from Standard Oil has said that the company realizes what the drop in octane means to us and they are planning to introduce a higher rated supreme in approximately four months. In the meantime, watch those ratings at the pumps.
m,Po{sche and VW
AVINUE ALIAD[NA, CALIFORNIA 91001 (213) 794-8402 681-599]
JAN. 7,1981
GUEST SPEAKER, RICKY RUDD 1977 NASCAR Rookie of the Year At the Lobster House 4211 Admiralty Way, Marina del Rey Cost: $13.50 Menu:
Cocktails: 7pm
Dinner: 8pm
Top Sirloin Steak Salad Vegetable Potatoe or Rice Coffee, Tea, or Milk and Dessert
RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY JANUARY 3,1981 ....... tear here Name No of people Make check payable to: PCA-LA Mail to: Judd Boykin Phone: 5302 Norwich Ave. (days) 550-3805 Van Nuys, Ca. 91411 (eves) 788-4182
winston western 50O 1981 NASCAR season opener -- Winston Western 500 January I0-ii, _I_981 Riverside International Raceway Two days of racing for the price of one. New Teams -- New Drivers -- New Cars See your favorite NASCAR drivers including January’s guest speaker Ricky Rudd competing in the first event of the year from the best location -- the Turn 6 Grandstand. Admission and seats for both days~ $15 and $17 Call Judd Boykin 550-3805 days, 788-d182 evenings for reservations. CALL BY DECEMBER 30 -- no exceptions.
sun rno tue we thu fri
’ sat
71 MEMBERSHIP MEETINGs Dinner at THE LOBSTER HOUSE with guest speaker Ricky Rudd. See flyer in this issue. JAN 141 BOARD MEETING at 8pm at the Penningtons. Call Sara for directions 822-5475. JAN 241TECH MEETING 10am at COACHCRAFT 1144 No. LaBrea. See Tech Talk for more info. OTHERs JAN 171 ZONE 8 PRESIDENT’S MEETING & AWARDS BANQUET - Apple Valley
up & coming FEB
7~ Natl. Bd. of Dir Mtg. San Antionio, Tx. 12, PCA/LA QUARTERLY NEW MEMBER MEETING 14-15~ Zone 8 Time Trial - San Diego 19~ PCA/LA MEMBERSHIP MEETING 22~ Zone 8 Rally - Los Angeles. 25~ PCA/LA TECH MEETING - MACE
7~ PCA/LA TECH MEETING - C0NCOURS PREP 13-14-15~ LONG BEACH GRA~ PRIX 19~ PCA/LA MEMBERSHIP MEETING 22~ Zone 8 Concours - Orange Coast 28-29~ Zone 8 Time Trial - Riverside
5~ Zone 8 Coucours - PCA/LA Ii~ Zone 8 Rally - Orange Coast 16~ PCA/LA MEMBERSHIP MEETING 25-26~ Zone 8 Time Trial - Arizona
MAY I-3~ Zone 8 Concours - So. Ariz. 16-17, Zone 8 Time Trial - Las Vegas 2~ PCA/LA STEAK B.B.Q. MEETING JUN
6~ Zone 8 Rally - Golden Empire 14~ Zone 8 Concours - Riverside 20-21: Zone 8 Time Trials - Orange Coast
JUL 26~ PORSCHE PARADE, ASHVILLE, N.C.. (All ZONE 8 dates tentative at this date)
christmas extravaganza Once again our Christmas Party chairlady Sara Pennington came thru with a really special party to celebrate the end of 1980 and the end of another fun year for PCA-LA. John and Linda Rothenberger generously offered their home in Palos Verdes for the party. We had a beautiful view of L.A. The tables of food, arranged like pictures from Gourmet magazine, were prepared by Paul Brooks of Fast & Natural Catering. Sara had gathered together a great collection of doorprizes, including luggage, jackets, umbrellas, champagne, a radio in the shape of a model Porsche, jewelry, tools, Porsche pocket knives, key fobs, pictures, lights, Malibu Grand Pr~x tickets, and more. We want to thank all the companies and individuals who donated these gifts~ Vasek Polak, Westwood P/A, Circle P/A, Max Dial, MFR, Robert Wood, Inc., Porschop, RedLine, The Factory, The Porscha Place, Mike Hammond of Hamlain Ltd., Continental Accessories, Ray Litz of Competition Engineering, The Parts Shop, and Malibu Grand Prix. You all helped make our party a success. The entertainment was magician Jason Randall. He has added a lot of new tricks to his repetoire and he kept us amazed and guessing the whole evening. Toward the end of the party, he gathered us in one room to ~o ~o~ "b~g" tricks with help from people in the crowd. Even the cynics were impressed. Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed the party and to all those who contributed their time to ~a~e it a success.
talk Our first tech meeting is set for Jan. 24 and it appears to be an outstanding one! Bill Stoessel and his father Rudy (who created the Packard Darrin -- remember?) will open their nationally famous body and restoration shop to us so that we can find out all we want to know about body shops, and more. He’ll cover such subjects as what to look for in buying a used Porsche, how to deal with rust, dealing with insurance companies and their adjnsters, the difference between collision repair and restoration, home maintenance, lead vs. bondo, and any other subjects you might want to question them about. Besides their own personal collection, Bill is also going to make available to us several Porsches from a well known collection that he has restored. The time for this event is I0 AM, Saturday, January 24. We’ll follow it up with a picnic (you supply the groceries, we’ll bring the beer, wine, soft drinks) at nearby Plummer Park. The address for Coachcraft is 1144 North La Brea, West Hollywood. For your calendar, here are some future tech dates, Feb. 25, a Mace Class (self-protection for [ou!); Mar. 7, a "hands on" workshop sesslon on concours preparation. More later.
membership This is my last column as membership chairman, and I’m really going to miss this job. It’s given me the opportunity to meet and talk with so many interesting people over the last year. And it’s been rewarding to see new members become active in the club and enjoy it as much as we all do. Bob has some great ideas for getting new people into the spirit of PCA~ so I’m really pleased to turn over the official file (a broken down cardboard box) to him. And here’s my last WELCOME to our new members for this month= Lawrence Robert Burns -- 67 912 - h~te Bruce Zook -- 77 911S - Peru Red Sharon Ikemura -- 80 928 - Tobacco Met. Henry Voskanian -- 70 914-5 - White And welcome back to Brian Farmer.
the factoru (213) 391-7277 24HOUR P,O~E
Dieter Schoepflin owner of
LOMITA .PORSCHE SERVICE, INC formerly co-owner of "DIRO K. G., Inc." Contlnues 25 years of Quallty Workmanship on PORSCHES & MERCEDES from the same 11 year location. He hopes his past and new Porsche & Mercedes friends will continue to be satisfied here with Dieter, as always.
(213) 534-3631
Joe’s Porsche Service Independent Por$che Servicing
Pof sche.Audi- BMWeVoikswagen All makes of foreign cars
4215 Lincoln Blvd. ¯ Marina dei Rey ¯ 821-7567 ¯ 823-4683
owner~ G. Joe, Pacheco
a special thanks to all ol= our adver isers I=or supporting
our club
sale 70 914-6 (only 2760 in production). White/ blk, polished alloys, Konis, Momo leather wheel, new Continentals, brakes, oil return tubes~ 61,000 mi. on excellent engine~ bra~ immaculate. Best offer over $I0,000. Call Tom Pypeman 767-7672 all day. 75 Carrera Tarq~. Sepia brown, 18,000 mi. $22,000. Serious inquiries only. Call 822-5475. 76 911S Tar~a. Brown/beige, stereo, 5speed, bra. $14,500. Call Richard Otterstrom 390-3365 or 396-7397. 61 Roadster. Completely restored. Cream yellow,brown int, brown top. Engine rebuilt. ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! $12,500. Call Ann 213306-2784 home.
-- Complete Engine and Transmission Overt~ul -- 911 Fuel Injection Analysis and P,e~ir -- Expert Turbo Service and Repair by appointment 720 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, CA 90401
,~D,~ ~,~,m ,~