Porscherama 1971 March

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13-14: Santa Maria Time Trials-(805) 937-5459 for deta,ils ~ Jim Miller


13-14: Holtville Time Trials (Headquarters at E1

Centro Holiday Inn; San Diego Region)

John Lipham

20: White Glove Concours, Orange Coast Region. Phoenix Club, Anaheim, 9:00 a.m., $5 entry fee.

Apt. B’I08


22204 Victory Woodland H~lls, Cal. 91364

21st: Open Oractice Slalom, Jungleland Parking CONTRIBUTING EDITOR

Lot, Thousand Oaks, 9:00 a.m. $3 per car, $I for second driver; Limit of I00 cars. .

Jim Ewlng



April 18 : Rallye PRESIDENT

May 8 : Yosemite Tour


8575 Lubec Downey, Cal. 90240


June ? : PCA-IA Concours July 6-10 : Porsche Parade, Sun Valley (Get your reservations in early~ 500 c~r limit. Over 120 paid already- Ed) July ? : ?CA-L~ rallye Aug ? : Beach l~arty -

Aug ? : Go-Kart Grand Prix’. PCA-IA

George Gedeon

Mary Morris 330-5650 R. Ziezenhenne 653-7785 Chuck Adklns 397-5204 Dave Kalbach 792-4364 Cliff Yost 325-4131 John Lipham 347-7897 Ron Reese (805)948-8081 Corky Kirk 447-5109 PO box 416 .Arcadia, Cal. 91006



.Se~ 25-26 : Willow Springs Time Trials " " Oct ? : Sedona tour/ Oktoberfest Party Nov 14 : PCA-IA Wine Tasting Tour Dec ? : Christmas Party *SPECIAL NOTICE**FLA’SH* Save March 27-28 for a Willew Springs Special Race - ?CA Members H~rk! More to come... ~9g-2~17

o The highest standard of courtesy and safety on the roads o The enjoyment and fellowship of other Porsche owne~ o Maintenance of a high standard of operation and perfo~nance of the marque through shared technical information o The maintenance of beneficial relationships with the Po~che Works, Porsche dealers, and other Po~che clubs

VASEK POLAK INC. 19g Pacific Coast Highway Hermosa Beach, California 90254 772-228S |


I$ PROUD TO SPONSOR l’i iJ i’lll ll,\, l,\


Want to know why PORSCHERAMA is. in its present form? Come to the next meetin~ &nd ask me. Thanks to George Gedeon, Dave Kalbach, M~,ry L.,,~-r~ i.s, Skee Ziesen~enne, and es~ecially my wife ~am for their held in getting cut the February PORSC~RAMA. (Even if the name was misspelled on the cover - some typo, huh? ) We welcome to the staff Jim (General Stonewall) Ewing, who brings with him last year’s experience and much talent. Jim will be responsible for mak.l.n~ sure the newsletter looks pretty. He also has some great ideas about public[zLng events, which we’ll tell you more about later. The following comes from Joe Schneider: "Schneider A, tohaus has flown by night to its new home in beautiful Santa Barbara. We want t~ o:~a~.k those in PCA-LA who, through their patronage (especially mine - Ed) over the ~oast year, have made this move possible. Please make note of our new address and stop by when you’re in the area." (Ed note: Joe’s new address is 2941 De La Vina St., S,B. 9310~)~,~

next events

PCA ~ARCH II M~TING, Thursday, 8:00 p.m. Please note ~han~e of da~ an.d placel We no lon~er meet at the Alexandria School on second Mondays. The March meetinK and future meetings will be at the CahuenEa Elementary School Auditorium, 220 South Hobart St, Los An£eles, on every second Thursday. (Take Vermont exit off Hollywood Fwy, South on Vermont, Right on Third St., Right on Hobart) Parking will be available on the play,round. Our Speaker will be Strother MacMinn, who ~ inform us of the future automotive design chan~es proposed by the National Safety Regulations, which MAY reKulate our Porsches off the roads~-Mary Morris March Board Meetin~ will be at Dave Kalb~ch’s new home at lhO Malcomb, Pasadena. Meeting will start at 7:30 promptly. Date is March 16th. March 21st, 9:00 a.m. JUNGLELAND OPEN PRACTICE SLALOM, Jun~leland Parking lot, Thousand Oaks. Entry fee is |3 for car, $i for second driver. Limit of IOO cars,

SPECIAL NOTICE*** May 8 & 9th is PCA-IA "Nun To The Clouds" tour to Yosemite N&%ic~lPa~. If you have ever been to Yosemite in the sprlng, you know how beautiful it is. Yosemite comes alive with the vibrance of the waterfalls, the newly leafed trees, and the ~reen meadows. Within the Vally are six major falls, plus innumerable active, but short-lived c~scades. Temperature range in the Valley is 37-75 de,tees. It is about 325 miles from the L.A. Civic Center to Yosemite Valley; a six to seven-hour run. Leave Friday when you can and we can all meet Saturday morning. If you would rather leave Saturday early and arrive in Yosemite l~ter in the day, that’s fine too. This is a low-key tour with no pressure. The tour is not limited to Porsches, so drive what you like. Redwood cabins with bath and he~t are $15 per niKht per couple. We must Ket reservations in early; the deadline is March 15! A deposit of $15 is necessary. You are not restricted to two ni~htsl- P~ase make check payable to Duane C. A!an. Further information will be sent to those registering. Call 1~3-7423 for info. NAME: ADDRESS: MUMBER OF NIGHTS: TEAR OUT AND SEND TO: DUANE C. AIAN, 1049 Bradshawe Ave, Monterey Park Ca. 91754

last events

IDYLWILD ECONOMY RUN - Janua~ 17, 1971 * Ho~ come? 9h-degree weather in January and we ge to snow country? Sounds silly, but that’s what PCA-LA headed into. From @ start in West Covina at the Holiday Inn, the happy economy-minded(?) Porsche nuts made their way through sunshine and ended saddle sore, llh.2 miles later at Welch’s Carriage Inn at Idylwild. The trick was to guess your mile-per-gallon before the start, but ~fter seeing the entire route mapped out, through Brea Canyon Cutoff, Carbon Canyon, past lake Mathews, and through Hemet. Fifteen eptomistie participants guessed that they would do better than they did. The best mileage was turned in by a 1970 91h belonging te John Lipham (Yea~- Ed) with 33.588. Eight pessimists’ guessed low, lowest mileage honors going to Peter Luelsdorf’s 911T and Jack Solomon’s 91h/6, beth having 16.O84 mpg. It was a big day for 356’s; thirteen participating and one for the event chairman. Two 912~’s, six 911’s, and three 91h’s (Yea~-Ed). Only one 911 did not finish. The event s~w many old-timer members in attendance, including Duane Alan and Dale Beyd, both past presidents. Also, top honors went to past president’s wife Cece Friesen(wlth Nick playing navigator) with an error of .250 mpg. All the new board members were there(that tell you anything?-Ed), as well as new member Ben Goodman, along ~ith the regulars. Route instructions went well except that the Highway Department chose to move a sign reading "Ramona Road", which was of no consequence with the exception of 24 Porsches. Sharing the destination was the San Diego Region PCA, which had an Eye-Ball rallye ending at the lodge for a late brunch. See you at the "Fasching Party" in February! -- Ron Ram~ge, Event Chairman. PLACE



Cece/N± k Fr .e e 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24

356C $90 914 S 911T 911 Normal Normal C 911 Norma,l 911T 911T Normal C S~O Norm~l SC $90 912



. 5o


,45~ .428 ,608 ,612 ,648 ,724 ,875 1o152 1.442 1.450 1.771 2,019 2,046 2,296 3,166 3,337 3,541 3,999 4,853 6,465

26,.558 20.211 22.392 25,954 21.148 20,035 24,825 2~,825 24,298 28.550 25,954 16.084 14,~455 20,954 ~3,791 25,377 2~.~59 20,763 21,548 30,865

Duane Alan ~ary/Don Morris Ben Goodman Robert W~shburn Ron Reese/~a~ Noony P~ttl Beam/Merv Alan B~umann/ Vicki Ness Dale/Helen Boyd Don Sommerville/Nick Johnson Roger Wagner Ann Egam/Guest Peter/ Yoka luelsdorf Skee/Delores Ziesenhenne Clark Roberts#~argo Sweet Ray/Shirley gornfeld Barry Moore Robert/Patricim. Harting George/Carol Gedeon Cliff/Betty Yost Corky Kirk/Jane DeBone

6~ 60 71 59 70 70 58 60 65 66 %8 70 69 61 64 63 56 64 61 69

aohn/ m




Jack Solomom ~,. Jeanie Bicanck Ed Hedrick

70 914/6 70 911T

7,416 DNF


(Ed Note: Seems to me tha~t Skee h~d lowest mileage and three cars had 16,084)

No writeup is ~-~ilable on the January Tech Event.

No February Tech Meeting.

presidential rhetoric In last month’s PORSCHERAMA, I briefly c~vered the ~oals of the 1971 board. John has done a superlative ~ob with PORSCHERAMA. Cliff has the event schedule in ~ood shape and is constantly looking for new and better events. Mary Morris ~ot us a new meetin~ place, which is centrally located and free. It’s too early to talk ~out our progress towards the treasury. We’ll talk about that later. What we’ve done so far is good, but not without problems. One point wasn’t mentioned in my last column. This board has agreed that the board members should not put on any events. Believe it or not, we have enough to do without acting as ewent chairmen, etc. So, what does that mean? It means we need help and plenty of it from the membership. We need members to work on and participate in e~ents. John Lipham and Cliff Yost need the most h~Ip and the fastest. PORSCHEHA~ is NOT a oneman operation. One man cannot organize and run all our e~e~ts. So, ladies and gentlemen of PCA-LA, please help! Yo~ may not understand ~ow desperately we need


ATTENTION IADIESI 1 ! Ladies, lag% month we talked about getting envolvec. ~nis month we are offering you a, new way to get involved -- easily and painlessly. Several ladies agreed that it would be a good idea to organize a support group. A women’s group that was loosely organized and willing to help out when help was needed-- to help at coffee breaks during the meetings, work at registrations, check p~ints, picnics and parties, and to work refreshments and miscellaneous shores when needed. It would be m ~reat hel~ to the officers of the club if they could dispense with worrying ~bout who was going to take charge of refreshments and miscellaneous chores when needed. It would be a great help to the officers of the clu~ if all women who are willing and able to lend a hand once in a while, and, who are int@rested in getting to knew others in the club to sign up. This will in no way obllg&te you to anything~ .~.~.~’< ¯ only let us know if the women in the slub ~~ are interested in the idea and are willing to pitch in. Until we determine if there is an interest in the idea, our list will simply be @ volunteer list and give us someplace to ~_egin looking. There ~d.ll be m sign-up sheet ~t the meetings. If you don’t attend meetings but are interested, you can send a post card with your name address to: Carol Gedeon, 8575 Lubec St, Downey, Ca. 90Z40. In fact, it’s not a idea’ to send ~ card even if you go to the meetings. Would love to talk to you. Call 869-7842. Please indicate if you would be willing to work on refreshments at the generml meetings and if working on other events would interest you. We are searching for the right direction to proceed, so any comments/ideas are appreciated. Carol.

TREASURERS REPORT* As of the February board meeting, there wins $280.87 in the club treasury. Last year’s major expenses were:Printing-~3628; Postage-$530; Trophies - $502; Dinner meetings - $1857; Event Expenditures - $1171. Chuck Adkins



PCA-IA January 1971 Membership Meeting Minutes: The January membership meetin~ was held on Jan II at the Original Barbecue Restaurant. President Gedeon called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m.. He stated we plan to have a wide variety of ~ood events for 1971. The board will decide on a permanent meeting place to be announced. The club officers present were introduced. A new membership roster with phone numbers is in the works. President Gedeon cal].ed for the officer reports. Cliff Yost gave a tenative rundown of the 1971 events. Ron Rama~e is event chairman for January; the event is an economy run to Idylwild. A Faschin~ party will be the February event; ~arc, h has scheduled a Jungleland Slalom; Dale Boyd wil], chair a rallye in Apr~.l; Willow .Springs is scheduled for the fall; Curt Euebler will have a $odona to~m in Se~t. John Lipham annouuced that PORSCHERA~A will have a new format this 7jear. The magazine now has nine advertisers; John asked for help and articles fron~ the members; the magazine will have a women’s column each month. President Gedeon stated there is now $13~.63 in the bank account; He stated t~t we need good participation in the events to hel[, our treasury;, the members were reminded that ann~ml dues should be oaid to National; our club receives a $% ref~nd from National for each of o~m members. Ray Cooper tusked what was being done to encourage new membership and to sec~re PCA literature boards for local P/A dealers; Gedeon said Corky Kirk is lookin~ into it; Ben Goodman made a motion that the membership solicit new members; ~ary ~,~orris seconded the motion, the motion was approved. President Gedeon adjourned the meeting at 8:hO p.m. R.H. Ziesenhenne, Secretary BOARD SPLINTERS: January Board ~eeting was held a~t Dave Kalbach’s home on Jan. 12. All Board members attended, as well as Ron Ramage, Don Sommerville, and Pau.]. Beam. Chuck sta,ted that the current bank balance is $701, with $1~.0 tc deposit. Outstanding bills total $921. The club lost $50 on the December Pickwick dinner because we did not have the number of guaranteed peoole. Event chairmen in the future will con.plete an exoenee form. Chuck said we should get $ from National in Feb and Wmrch. He said the treasury should end the year with a balance of $600.The club coffee pot has not been located. (Anyone knowing the whereabouts of it or any club prooerty is requested to contact your nearest board member - Ed) Chuck will try to find out what happened to all the money from last year. John indicmted the monthly ad income will be $162.~0. The estimated cost of printing ~00 coDies is $17~ (Actual-$117-Ed); the only photo wi].l be on the cover; including postage, it appears tha,t the cost of the newsletter will. be $60 monthly. Advertising is a problem; publica~tion date is 1-18-71; John doesn’t care how the info gets to him; he will do all typing; we want to make sure the magazJ_ne goes to paid-up members only. ~ary fouud tPmt the school is available only on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. }~o other mee,ting place is set. It wa.s decided that meeting night will be on the 2nd Thursday of the month. ~ary said there was nothing new on the ladies Auxil.3ary. She and Cliff will look into a summer dinner dance. It was decided to }~ave a dinner meeting at the Brown Bottle after Willow Springs. Cliff presented his event schedule. ~uch discussion followed. There wi!] only be one Willow Springs; Cliff said people will work but don’t want to c~mir events; we may have co-chairmen; we need budgets for all events; Don Som~nervi.lle is tabulating competition/participation points. Corky will have a membership directory done; he is coordinating _~CA literature boards for dealers; Corky is also working on a P~A information booklet. Ron has difficulty as Tech chairman because of distance and work conflicts; Awards for the 1970 Board will be put off until we have more money; we cannot afford to send anyone to the PCA Board Meeting in Houston. The meeting was adjourned at lO:hh p.m. - Skee


membership New members include: ~AL HARRIS, 108 Via Veronica, L.A. 90024~ Drives a 1970 silver 911T~ Attorney~ lists rallyes, racing, a~d driver’s school; wife is Doralyn. ~elcome. G~RRY K~AUSNER, 11676 Che~ault St, L.A. 90049; Drives ~ red 69 911E; Attorney also; lis~s tec~ical, social, and au~ocross~ DR. ED CONOLLEY, 9711 Regent St, Apt. #9, L.A. 90034; drives a silver 68 Targa; Psychologist; lists racing, social, rallies. ~AURICE BREU~IG is the latest transfer to PCA-IA; he comes from the Poto~ic Region; ~elcome to the ~est.....Tra~sfers during the last ~hree monts include: ED BECKNER, Goldenstate~ STEVE STANFORD, Goldenstate~ ART IA~BERT, Northeast; FRANK ~JESKE, Orange Coast; TO~ ~LYE, Heart O’ Dixie; HOL~ NEU~ANN, Nor~ Stern. (Does anyone know Holm’s whereabouts? He’s supposed to be at Rancho Los ~migos Hospital, but ~is mail was returned from there-CK) ~CA-IA ~a~id-up membership stands at 115, as of Feb. llth. If you haven’t ~aid your

1966 911/~, green/tan! am/fro; chrome wheels; 91,000 kilos; engine r~built 15,0OO m~’~es~ ago~ some rust . $2500...Cari Stasiewicz, c~ll (213)336-1137 after 6:00 p.m. 1970 911S, metallic silver, am/fro; tin~ed ~indows, black br~, cover; close ratio tra~s with A,E,J,F,~; i~aculate. Tom Landini, (714) 557-9159 Rall~ counter- Smith controlled dual electric counters, complete wi~h speedometer tee, electrical connections, built to fit 356, slides in ash tr~y mou~t, measures tenths - $25; ’58 Speedster windshield bow, complete with rubber and center rod; ’58 Speedster doors a~d other 356 parts...Budd Snyder, 645-0279. New member of ~CA looking for a job; college grad; anyone ~ith ideas ~lease contac~ Ben Good,an, 20035 Redwing St, ~oodland Hills, 91364, 347-0611. **LETTER TO THE EDITOR** Jim Ewing: "The ~edium Ain’t Necessarily The ~essage" (with apologies to ~cLu~) A noble experiment...~t was innovative. It re~ched all the loyal ~ubjec~s. U~u~lly. For its fl~, it was a decent example of the kingdom’s interest and taste. A~other local kingdom reacted to i~ and resumed their technological development in the same field. ~ith impressive resul~s. And the popular belief is ~h~ our noble experiment wiped out the kingdom’s coffers. Not quite. ~e ~d a lot of help. ~ii in all, the kingdom ~a~ a nifty, expensive medium all wrapped up ±~ 24 pages of photos, text an~ advertis±~g.....Bu~ nobody got ~he m~ssage.....Excep~ the experimenters, and our rival kingdom. A~d they wern’~ the messages we ~xpec~ed....~Basically, no ~tter how slick FORSCHF~A~ is, it can’t ~anufac~ure good events. ~nd no matter wh~t ~r~s we give a dinner meeting, no noble experiment can m~ke up for an expensive, bad dinner, followed by a speaker who doesn’t ~how up. A~d all th~ unsettling, depressing rhetoric that flies from both sides of the speaker’s ~able as a frustrated result. And no amount of pres~ ca~ impress when the event~ script is bland at best. ..~..~t ~s indifference that cost th~ coffers. ~t w~s lots of peopl~ who worked ~rd. And not ~any who thought hard.....Your faithful prime experimenter woke up to all thi~ too I~ l~t fall to do any good. And ~ted formulating a new experiment for 1971. Uncostly, ambitious, low risk, high reliability. And, under the auspices ~f a new prince of publicity, with a clear ~andate fro~ the l~st "council of war", we’re off and ru~ning..... So thi~ should be the last retrospect for awhile. Last month, ~oh~ bid a graceful goodbye ~o Elizab~th Easy and ~r~old ~troFhy. An~ I jus~ saw tha~ ’63 Cabriolet disappear over yonder hill o~ its unnervingly dull trip to nowhere ..... The PORSCHERA~ medium doesn’t ~ke a great PCA-I~. You do..~ G~ the message.

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