porsche club of america
los angeles region
PORSCHERAMA calendar November ii: General Membership Meeting, Cahuenga Elementary School, 220 S. Hobart, L.A. 8:00 pore.; Nominations for 1972 Board of Directors; slides of Sedona Tour. November 14: Wine Tour; starts at Denny’s Restaurant behind Union Station downtown; 9:50 a.m. ; $3/car. November 16: Board Meeting; Lipham resid ence, 4310 Pampas Road, Woodland Hills. November 25 : THANKSGIVING (Gobble-gobble) November 29: PORSCHERAMA ~ea~line December 3: Putthepapertogether, Editor°s place, 8:00 p.m. December 4: Christmas Party January 29: Concours d’elegance, Santa Anita Racetrack; Porsches only. Write to Cliff Yost0 26308 Eshelman Ave, Lomita for pre-registration. For information about PCA activities, call DIAL-A-PORSCHE-CLUB .... 398-2217 ........
STAF! EDITOR ~ohn L~ph~m 277-0770 4~]0 Woo41~n4 H~I]s,C~. 91364
CONTRIBUTING F:DITOR ~74-5489 3ira Ew|n~
~eor~e Ge4eon 869-7842 8575 LuSec Downey, C~I. 90240
Ma~ Morris
Chuck Adk|ns 397-5204 792-4364 Dave Kalbach 325-4131 Cliff ¥ost John L|pham 347-7897 Don Somervil le 634-7355 Corky K~rk 447-5109 PO box 416 Arcad|a, Cal. 91006
In the February issue of "Porcerama", we bid a fond farewell to Elizabeth Easy and Arnold Atrophy. Since then, PORSCHERAMA has evolved into what we wanted it to, and Maudi Audi was born to give new spirit to PCA-LA. 1970 was not one of our region’s best; in fact, it was a bummer, some say. This year, I think we’re on the right track towards enjoying ourselves, having successful events, and having sufficient coins to keep the club going. Apathy and lack of direction have given way to esprit and an empetus for next year’s board. I wish them luck. My only advice to next year’s Directors is to "Keep on Truckin’" . .... The motoring world was saddened last weekend by the tragic death of Jo (Seppi) Siffert. It’s a great loss to Porsche and to all racing fans ...... Thanks to Vern and Ada Covert, Old Weird Jim, and (of course), Pam for their help in puttingthepapertogether last month. Write on, Maudi:
next events N~vEMBERMEETINGN~vEMBERMEETINGG~BBLEG~BBLEN~vEMBERMEETINGN~VEMBERMEETINGN~vEMBER Nominations for the 1972 Board of Directors will be open to the membership at the Cahuenga Elementary School, 220 S. Hobart St, L.A. on the llth. Business gets under way at 8:00; slides of the October Sedona Tour will be shown. WINETOURWINETOURWINETOURWINEWINEWINETOURIFYOUDRINKDONTDRIVEWINETOURWINETOURTOUR The Porsche owner is known for his taste, so come along to the wine frolic of the year and taste California’s best. The tour will cover the Cucamonga area, with time to visit several wineries. Lunch will be a picnic at one of the wineries; bring your own goodies; lunch wil be about noon, so don’t eat a late breakfast. TIME: First car out at 9:50. START: Denny’s Restaurant, behind the old Union Station, downtown L.A. ( East on San Bernadino Fwy, take Baldwin Ave. turnoff, make U-turn into left lane and left first opportunity; if going west on SB fwy, make U-turn at Rosemead and follow above). MONEY: Bring $3 entry fee. Free bottle of wine per car; first prize is a magnum of champagne, optional dinner after finish at Turners Original Hofbrau. Pencil and clipboard will be helpful. Duane C. Alan, Tour Master, assisted by the Original Wine Tour Master,
Nick Friesen. CHRISTMASPARTYCHRISTMASPARTYPCACHRISTMASPARTYJINGLEBELLSHOHOHOCHRISTMASPARTYPCA 1971PCA-LA Christmas Party, Banquet and Awards Dinner. TIME: Cocktails at 7 p.m., dinner at 8:00 p.m., Saturday, the 4th. PLACE: Regency Restaurant, Downey. Mark your calendar and make your reservations for our annual party. This year we’ll have a room to ourselves, a private bar, free hors d’oeuvres, and lots of door prizes, as well as our annual awards, an excellent dinner, and an introduction to your new Board of Directors. And, as a special bonus attraction, an evening full of Pors~he talk and friends.
Bring an inexpensive gag gift for
a grab bag. . . Please send your check, made out to PCA-LA, to Mrs. G.L. Gedeon, 8575 Lubec Street, Downey, California 90240. Call Carol at 869-7842 for further information. PCA .... LOS ANGELES REGION ........ CHRISTMAS ..... BANQUET .... RESERVATION--Name : Address: Please reserve
Prime Rib Dinners at $7.50 each.
Enclosed is my check for
last events
All you PCAers who worked to make the September 25/26 High Performance Weekend a success deserve special thanks. Your fellow club members appreciate your effort. The Willow Springs event was thankfully safe, smoothly run, and profitable for the club. We’re all thankful that the ambulance attendants had nothing to do but sit still on both days. The slow-down chicanes and driver training safety emphasis certainly helped. And then there’s always lady luck. Everyone with a job to do followed through and did it. The result was a symphony in harmony as the weekend progressed. Please ~ _ pat yourself on the back if you helped, but don’t -break your arm. One of the pleasures of belonging to PCA is working with good people. Profit-wise,_ how does better than $450 sound? 84 drivers signed up, and 70 ran for time. 21 trophies were awarded - one for every four drivers. Entrants came from San Diego to Cambria. Fastest times were in class X as usual, with Dave Hamren topping all. Glen Buckler took 911 class G by almost 5 seconds: ( Raised eyebrows ) Marcia Downey left all 914/4’s behind by at least 4 seconds, as long as her wheels stayed on. (Whatever happened to Hermione Arbon? - Ed) George Gedeon received over 100% to win ratio-figured class J. (He could have won class D, too) And finally, the slowest time recorded was Don Somerville’s 2-pylon 187.96. He must have spun on the track. Things we won’t forget are the Martins entering 2 cars with 3 drivers for each; or, Bill Yates flying in, setting 2nd fastest time, then flying on home. If you enjoyed the weekend, come again next time and plan to help. Bring a friend, too. Curt Kuebler, Eventmaster TOURTOSEDONATOURTOSEDONATOURTOURTOURGOGRAYHOUNDANDLEAVETHEDRIVINGTOUSTOURTOURON Friday, October 8th was the second annual club tour to Flagstaff, Oak Creek Canyon, and Sedona, Arizona. Certainly everyone who participated either time enjoyed the gorgeous scenery and cool, clear, fresh air filled with the scent of pine trees and woodsmoke. Varying degrees of temperature were endured enroute so the usual western attire of bikini to fur coat was needed. Saturday, 30 members, including several guests, enjoyed visiting the Indian ruins of Tuzigoot, Montezuma’s Castle and Walnut Canyon. Some took a very dusty drive to Flagstaff and the Snowbowl, a winter ski area, to view a mountain range called San Francisco Peaks. Saturday evening, the group returned to Slide Rock Lodge in Oak Creek Canyon to enjoy a very delicious barbeque prepared by our ever faithful devotees, Curt Kuebler, Mary Morris, and Carol Gedeon. Many thanks from us for al! your work and preparation. A vote of thanks also goes to the owners of Slide Rock Motel, who provided us with the barbeque area supplied with picnic tables and utensils. They are Bob and Betty Shelton, who were residents of Norwalk for many years before moving to Arizona. After dinner drinks and good Pors~che conversation was enjoyed by al! in one of the cabins, and soon everyone turned in for a good night’s sleep. Sunday morning, the group left early to sight-see in the ghost town of Jerome and enjoy the interesting scenery through Prescott Some who find this time of year nice for traveling are continuing to take extended trips through Arizona and the neighboring states as we did last year. This club tour is a good way to either begin or end a very scenic vacation through colorful Navajo and Hopi Indian reservations. Though people still live very primitively in the back country, there are available all the modern motel facilities and tours to all the canyons and parks. Much of Indians’ livlihood is derived from tourists, who spend their vacations taking the tours & enjoying one of the most historic and rugged land in the U.S. See you in Arizona next year: Geri Boothe. 3
residentiai rhetoric
In the last issue, I called upon the membersl ip to volunteer their services and enter their names for consideration in our forthcoming election. The response has been gratifying, but not overwhelming. It’s still not too late to volunteer. New members should not be bashful about entering their names for nomination. We do not necessarily require experience. What is really required is the willingness of a member to get involved in the operation of the club There are many things the new and succeeding boards can do. Some of the areas that should be explored are the following: (i) Standing committees for such activities as publications, racing, technical, rallies, and social sould be formed so we may become more proficient in each area. Such committees exist, but are not formerly organized. Too much time is spent by each board re-inventing the wheel. (2) Relationships with neighboring PCA regions can be improved. How, is the question. (3) Dealer-Club-Owner relationships can be improved. We have an excellent working relationship with a few of the 19 dealers in the Los Angeles area, but what about the rest? (4) Attendance at events has ranged between I0-20~ of the total membership. What must be done to arouse the interest of the silent 80%? .... Most of the above items have already been discussed in the 8 years I have been a member of PCA. Somewhere there must be at least 8 or i0 people willing to help tackle these problems. I know talent abounds in our membership. How to reach it seems to be the problem George
On September 25/26, the Orange Pumpkin rode again with grandma as drlver. True, we didn’t set any track records, but we beat our first time trial of last April by more than a minute: We even beat our first run this time. . . But more than that, we beat ourselves. We functioned as a unit in human/mechanical synchrony. We learned to tolerate each other’s trespasses (that car really has a soul and did most of the forgiving). We ended the weekend very dirty on the outside, but washed clean on the inside ’Tis a feellng like unto none I’ve ever experienced, and I recommend it to any and all women. Age is irrelevant. But a
Porsche is required be it begged, borrowed, or stolen, if necessary. Try racing that clock just once, and take my word for it, you’ll be hooked for life .... I do thank those PCA members responsible for the weekends at Willow. Their time and effort is certainly appreciated by this mere Novice struggling toward Class
II ....
Jane Shaw
PCA-LA October meeting was held on the 14th at the School. George thanked everyThe minutes of the September memberone who helped at the Willow Springs event. The officer reports were presented. ship meeting were approved as published. . Our current balance is $1509.59. Since the last report, deposits of $2082 have been made, and bills amounting to $1782/41 have been paid. John asked for black & white photos for a picture issue :of PORSCHERAMA. A tech meeting will be held on 10/20 at Competition Motors. Current membership is 272. Curt Kuebler preRalph Boothe sented Willow Springs trophies. The sedona tour was described. showed some beautiful slides of the 1971 Parade at Sun Valley. Respectfully submitted , R.H. Ziesenhenne , Secretary III~
It sure would be great if all you out there would get just one new member for PCA before January 1st. It really doesn’t take much effort.., the other guys out there possibly don’t even know about us -- put a membership blank and des4
criptive brochure on the next Porsche you see, and perhaps he’ll turn out to be your best friend: Pick them up at the next meeting. Corky RIVERON; Phillip; 5939 Seville Ave, Huntington Pk; 585-4268; clerk; ’71 914 MARTIN, Ralph; 3320 Primavera, Pasadena; 793-5862; MD; 914/6 GOODMAN, Anthony; 10515 Camarillo, N.H.; 763-1179; USC Dental Schl; ’69 912 CALAWAY, Jack; 165 E. Sierra Madre, S.M.; 355-2094; Vid. Tape Ed; ’70 911T ALTER, Richard; 15446 Sherman Way, V. Nuys; 989-1495; mgmt; ’68 911 BALCH, Alan; P.O.B. 1013, Arcadia; 285-8728; PR for Santa Anita; ’71 911T CASNER, Craig;18203 Coastline Dr, Malibu; 454-8656; Dep. Sheriff; ’71 911T KAYE, Walt; 5209 Harter St, La Canada; 790-7823; MD; ’70 914 HAVENS, Vicci; 1847 N. Kingsley, L.A.; 463-2203; ’67 red 912 targa STEWART~ Robert; 2711 N. Tanoble, Altadena; 794-9433; designer; car unkn. ANDERSON, Ken; 135 S. Rosemead, Pasadena; 681-8186; self-empl; ’69 911T BUCKLER, Glen; 1263 Oxford, Pasadena; 794-4106; mechanic; ’66 911 NOLEN, Wm; 671S. Main, Lone Pine; (714) 938-2438; School Super’t; ’69 911E LAWRENCE, J.Ro; 44449 Hanstead, Lancaster; 948-4450; Engr; ’69 912 HILL, Rod; 4498 Woodman Ave, Sherman Oaks; Transfer from Rocky Mtn Region Welcome to these new members to PCA-LA.
for sale,
1970 914, silver, air conditioning, am/fm, appr. grp.; 6,440 miles~ Brian Lucas, 883-0980, 22204 Victory Blvd, Apt. B-214~ Woodland Hills. 1965 356C, dark blue, tan interior, newly rebuilt engine, SC pistons, new clutch, flywheel, pressure plate; new tires; 75,000 miles; make offer. Jim Wagner, 670-7080, 545-7144. 1956 Speedster, fully restored, original condition; red/blk interior, leather; $90 engine. $4000, or, including original engine & transmission, $4700. Dick Smothers, 821-4108. 1968 911L, sportomatic, Air Conditioning, am/fm, chrome wheels, transistor ign; tangerine; $3975; Charles Fries, 545-4966 Radyot quartz driving lamps, (illegal in California) with hoods, used one month; black Porsche bra, clean; Maserati air horns, playing "Colonel Bogey’s March"; make offer for all or part. Bob Kauffman, 389-5044 WANTED: 911 trans parts: E, HA, or I second gear, O third or fourth; 904 main shaft; early model (’66-’68) or 904 limited slip. George Yule, 753-4251 days, 672-7875 nites. For Sale, 912 parts: one Lobro axle, new, $50; one set chromed Solex Air cleaners, $40; ’67 4-speed trans, $125. George Yule, same as above 914 rear competition springs, Ginther type, with plastic bushings, fits standard shocks; 911 series megaphone exhaust, can buy in lots of 50 for around $25 each; anyone interested, please contact me; Joe Korpiel, 882-8582 Miscellaneous: 356C tool kit & owners manual; two head rests with mounting hdwe; two rear jumpseat backs; Bursch chrome exhaust stinger; Bursch exhaust muffler; chrome luggage rack; one set of 4 Gabriel adj. shocks for 356; Robbins Top Shop tonno cover for 356 cabriolet; yop boot with storage bag for 356; chromed bumper exhaust tips for 356; 2 Blue Streak 5:00 x 15, recapable; 2 Firestone 5.50 x 15, recapable; 3 hubcaps from ’64 356C. Chuck Adkins, 397-5204 Wanted: about a 1960 or 1961 coupe, Normal, Super, or $90, in good condition, somewhere in the $1800 price range or below. Contact the Editor. If you read this paper, you’ll now be one to ]<now that next month, we’ll have a photo of George Gedeon presenting the PCA Appreciation Award to Steve McQueen. If you don’t read it, you haven’t missed anything and will see it anyway. 5
COMPETITION MEN Nick Friesen Paul Beam Bill McInerney Dave Kalbach D. Whorf Dick Kodani Peter Luelsdorf George Gedeon R. Selby Cliff Yost
250 220 160 155 145 115 105 i00 i00 i00
etcetera WOMEN Cece Friesen Mary Ann Kalbach Denise Kodani Carol Gedeon Merv Beam Cathy Clark Karen Pulley Pam Lipham Delores Ziesenhenne Helen Boyd
220 215 115 i00 90 90 80 60 60 50
WOMEN Pam Lipham Carol Gedeon Cece Friesen Merv Beam Helen Boyd Cathy Clark Karen Pulley Mary Ann Kalbach Jane Shaw Betty Yost
530 405 275 265 215 205 200 165 140 125
PARTICIPATION POINTS MEN Curt Kuebler Ron Ramage Peter Luelsdorf Nick Friesen Jim Ewing Paul Beam Duane Alan Bill McInerney Dale Boyd Lewis Pulley
1165 610 525 515 485 465 460 400 325 270
NOTE: Competition and Participation trophies will be presented to those Porsche Pushers compiling the most points as of November 30th, 1971. Awards will be presented at the Christmas Banquet, December 4th. - Cliff Yost, Activites Dir. Additional
FOR SALE: Four used Pirelli tires, 165/15; make offer. Cliff Yost.
.............................. technical
Hi kids. Your old Maudi has found a new use or TECH TIPS FROM OLE MAUDI two for them new-fangled female flit guns they’s sellin just everywhere now. First off, it’s just bad taste puttin them little pink cans out on all the shelves like they do. Decent folks should be ashamed. What’s more ya smell like a candy factory for a week. So, if ya got some, tho it in your glove box, as it does wonders for hot smelly brakes in a hard corner. And if you’re outta battery acid it ain’t so bad in there either. It’s also a fair substitute for MACE in case of assault as no self-respectin’ thug wants to smell like that for long. I tried it on one of them hiway patrollers too, but he just turned on, which ain’t what old Maudi had in mind. If you gals got any other suggestions for the stuff, drop old Maudi a line. An’ keep on Haulin’ Love, Maudi 6