Porscherama 2013 June

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Porsche Club of America

Stars of the Road Meet the Stars of the Sky by Boyd & Terry Krueger PCA-LA sponsored a “night under the stars” on April 6th, featuring stars of a celestial variety rather than the stars of the road—Porsches. Twenty-five PCA-LA members were treated to a night session with the Mt. Wilson Observatory’s 60-inch telescope. The evening began with a forgathering of our group at The Dish, a restaurant in La Canada. Good food (try the pulled pork sandwich) and good company set the mood for that which was to be a very exciting evening. We sorted out the carpools as there are but eight parking spots beside the telescope. We took off in our caravan of nonPorsches (oops, one Cayenne), Jeeps, Hondas, VWs and BMWs, winding our way up Hwy 2. It is a beautiful 45 minute ride up to the observatory and fun even in the “other” cars. Our cortege arrived at the front gate and announced our arrival.

The caravan arrives at the gate. Boyd Krueger Photo.

Our session director, Shelley, duly arrived in a red VW bug.

Los Angeles Region

Dressed appropriately enough for the evening of star-gazing in a sweater bedecked with stars and her hair swept up and held in place by a galaxy of pencils, chopsticks and garlands of beads and stars, Shelley’s personality lit up the area as she opened the gates and we proceeded onto the grounds of the Mt. Wilson facility. A narrow road led the caravan up to the telescope dome, where we parked, gathered for a group photo and prepared for a night in search of heavenly bodies.

floor, the excitement builds until … there it is, the telescope, standing in all of its glory waiting to peruse the heavens.

Mt. Wilson 60 inch . . . . . 1 European Delivery . . . . . . 1

Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . 7 LA & Zone 8 Events . . . . 2

Porsche European Delivery Program

After becoming acquainted with our surroundings and a brief tour of the downstairs area where the big gears reside, the white lights were turned off, leaving only red lights to illuminate the night.

The group is anxious, excited, briefed and ready. Jeff Peck Photo.

The dome which houses the telescope was built in 1908, but is still in tip-top shape. Age and beauty certainly are not a factor for domes and telescopes as even with maturity, their impressiveness does not dim. As one climbs the two flights of stairs to the main


New Members . . . . . . . . . 6

Suddenly, there it is. This is what we came for! Boyd Krueger Photo.

Shelley explains things to the group. Jeff Peck Photo.

June 2013

Part of the 60 inch’s maneuvering mechanism. Boyd Krueger Photo. Continued on Page 2.

By Fritz Kastner I took delivery of my new Porsche 991 in September of 2012 and took advantage of the European Delivery program the company offers. This requires some planning ahead and in early 2012, when I decided to buy a new 991, I contacted my local dealer and started the conversation. The way European Delivery works is to order the car from your US dealer and make your deal like in any ordinary transaction, except you specify European Delivery. This means that you pick up the car at the factory, drive it around as long as you are in Europe and then return it to Porsche. The factory will then ship your car together with all the other new cars to your US dealer, where you pick it up. Since I travel to Europe just about every year and always end up driving a rental car, I had already once before taken European Delivery of a car, so Continued on Page 6.




Emails with this banner at the top are notification of up-coming events. Response, contact info and other event data is included. These notices are the most reliable and immediate way to know what’s coming up. Be sure your email & contact info is up-to-date. Make email updates at:


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June 2013

PCA-LA REGION President . . . . . . . . . David Altemus davidaltemus@aol.com Vice President . . . . . . . . . Art Yuter a.yuter@verizon.net Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . Roger Ignon rignon@edgesystem.net Treasurer . . . . . . Chris McGranahan cwm@mcandc.com Membership . . . . . . Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com Activities Director . . . . . . . Jeff Peck jbpeck@pacbell.net Activities Committee Robert Vincent bobv@pcalosangeles.org Colleen Stein colleen@pcalosangeles.org Chris McGranahan cwm@mcandc.com Driving Event Chair . . Randy Blaesi rblaesi@sbcglobal.net Webmaster . . . . . . Maggie Garnett & Social Media maggie@pcalosangeles.org

Zone 8 Rep. . . . . . . . . . .Tom Brown zonerep@zone8.org Prior Zone 8 Rep. . Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Skip Carter skipcarter@pobox.com Zone 8 Webmaster . . . . Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org Concous Chair . . . . . . . . . Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com


Rally Chair . . . . . . . . .Revere Jones Zone8rallychair@aol.com


DE/InstrTrng/OpenTrack - GPX

Chief Driving Instr. . . . . Scott Mann scott@renegadehybrids.com


Autocross - San Diego Reg.


Autocross - OC Reg.


Autocross - San Diego Reg.

Autocross Chr . . . . David Witteried dwitteried@hotmail.com


Autocross - OC Reg.

Club Race Coordinator Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com


Autocross - CCC Reg.


Rules Coordinator . . . .Russell Shon rules@zone8.org


Concours - LA Reg.


6 ( Thur.) LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify 22 (Sat.) Breakfast Club 23 (Sun) LA Zone 8 Concours Greystone Park, Beverly Hills

13-14 Time Trial - Gldn Gate Reg.



Rally School - San Diego Reg.

11 ( Thur.) LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify


Autocross - OC Reg.


Autocross - Santa Barbara Reg.

Time Trial/DE Chair . .Dave Hockett davndirc@yahoo.com

Treasurer . . . . . .Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com

Newsletter . . . . . . . . . Bruce Pollock & Advertising imset@pacbell.net

Rules Coordinator . . . . . . . .Vacant —

Board Member At Large . Martin Holford

Address Change . . .Notify at once: pca.org - Member Services & Contacts


2013 EVENT CALENDAR W a t c h Y o u r E m a i l


SUBSCRIPTIONS PCA members of other regions may become “Dual” members of PCA-LA and receive Porscherama for 12 months by sending $24.00 to Joe Shubitowski, Membership Chairman, at: joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com Non-member subscription $36.00/ year. EDITORIAL POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. (PCA/LA), a California Non Profit Corporation. It is published in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not constitute an opinion of the PCA/LA, its board of directors or staff. All contributions become property of Porscherama. Porscherama reserves the right to edit all contributions. ADVERTISING POLICY Classified Advertising: Porscherama accepts classified ads for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche related items. Ads can run for three consecutive months. No charge to PCA/LA members. Non-member cost is $10.00 per month payable in advance, after which time they must be resubmitted. Porscherama is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in any ad and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale, nor the accuracy of any claims or representations made by the advertiser. Include your PCA number and email ad copy to: imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in the subject line.


23-29 Parade - Traverse City, MI

19 (Sun.)


Drive & Eat Ojai

25 (Sat.) 26 (Sun.)

Breakfast Club Autocross

AAA Speedway (BMW CCA event)

13 ( Sat.) 27 (Sat.)

Tech Session Smart Wax Breakfast Club

Event Info:


Concours - San Diego Reg.


Autocross - OC Reg.

Jeff Peck jbpeck@pacbell.net

Event Calendar Note Events shown in the LA Region Calendar of events are always subject to change. The published schedule of activities is best thought of as “intended” activities. When all aspects of the event are confirmed and solidified, email notification, including details, begins. When email “blasts” go out, the event is firm. Email is now our primary event notification method . Keep your email current at:


Mt. Wilson (cont.) Our eyes soon adjusted to the darkness and our hearing was awakened by the sound of the dome opening, the telescope moving to the proper position and the wind blustering outside. Nik, our telescope operator for the night, began work to bring the night sky to life through the eye piece into which we would peer.

9 ( Thur.) LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify

Shelley, already “the life of the party,” came alive in a whole new way. Her enthusiasm for astronomy was akin to those of us who love our Porsches. Her outbursts of delight as the different objects came into view made each viewing opportunity even more delightful and fascinating. Shelley and Nik imparted their Red light signals star gazing is soon to begin. Boyd Krueger Photo.

Continued on Page 4.

June 2013

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Mt. Wilson (cont.) knowledge and indicated how unique each star, planet or galaxy which we saw was. Each time Nik re-positioned the telescope for the next object, it proved to be better than the last. Shelley’s jubilation at the sighting of each new object created excitement amongst the budding astronomers as we all waited with great anticipation for our chance to have a peek.

Our Jubilant host, Shelley. Jeff Peck Photo.

Nik maneuvered the huge 60 inch telescope with aplomb, each view better than the last. Boyd Krueger Photo.

First we saw Jupiter, with its bands and moons visible. Aha, the night was off to a spectacular start. We were privileged to see twin stars, spiral galaxies, dying stars, star clusters and when not peering into the telescope, the majestic night sky thru the open shutter of the dome. It was a cool evening with wind gusts but the viewing was superb. Some die-hards stayed until the very end, despite the late hour and brisk weather, and were

June 2013 rewarded with extended scope time and the piéce de resistance, Saturn, complete with its rings and moons. At just short of 6,000 ft in elevation, it seemed we were closer to the night sky. Soon it was midnight and we made our way out to our “nonPorsches” in the darkness of the mountain top. As we recounted our evening while winding our way down the mountain, we were greeted with the sparkling lights of the Los Angeles basin. Last September, members of PCA-LA took part in a “fun run” up the very same mountain roads to the observatory. We toured the facilities and grounds while absorbing the history of Mt. Wilson Observatory. As it worked out, this was actually a precursor to our evening excursion thru the heavens. It would be enlightening to any who may wish to partake in a night viewing session. As one sits in the dome and views all of the different heavenly bodies, one cannot help but realize the historical value of Mt. Wilson and that for this brief evening, one becomes a part of this fascinating place. As a true part of Los Angeles history, many discoveries were made in this very spot by the likes of George Ellery Hale, Edwin Hubble and Albert Einstein, to name but a few. This intrepid band of PCALA’ers were able to sit and peer through the same equipment used by those who have helped shape our knowledge of the galaxies.

Boyd Krueger Photos ( this and above)..

Los Angeles from Mount Wilson. Boyd Krueger Photo.

The 3 bulbs at the top of this control panel are from the Edison era and still work. Boyd Krueger Photo.

This article & more photos at


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Absolute Registration Deadline: May 24, 2013. Space is limited, Register NOW! All Judged Class entries: $85. • All Park & Display entries: $55. All entries include one (1) lunch ticket. Add’l. lunch tickets available at $25. each. Raffle Tickets: $5/ea. or $20/5 All paid entries eligible for Peoples’ Choice Award voting. Full Concours Division C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 C-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) C-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) C-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993: ’89-’98) C-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ’99 — 2012) C-8 914-4, 914-6 C-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968

Übergang Division UG -1 All Boxster UG -2

All Cayman





Special Categories Division >




Street Division S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 S-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) S-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) S-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993: ‘89-’98) S-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ‘99 — 2012) S-8 914-4, 914-6 S-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968

Unrestored Stock Division UR-1 All Closed 356 UR-2 All Open 356 UR-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 UR-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) UR-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84 -’89) UR-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993:’89 -’98) UR-7 911-Carrera & Turbo (996, ‘99-Y-10) UR-8 914, 914-6 UR-9 All 924, 928, 944, 968

UG -3

911 Carrera, 991 (2012 on)

UG -5

UG -4

All Cayenne


Special Interest


All Panamera

Current Competition

Wash + Shine Division


All 356


911-912: ‘65-’73 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E: ‘74-’83 914-4, 914-6


911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) 911-Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993:’89-’98)


911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ‘99 on)


All Boxster, Cayman


All 924, 928, 944, 968


Cayenne, Panamera


Limited Production

Entered Porsche Info Class Entered ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year ________

Model ________________________________________________

Color ___________________________________________________________

Body _____________________________________

License Plate


Entrant Contact Info Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email

@ ______________________________________________________________


Address _____________________________________________________ PCA Region ________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip __________________________________ BEST Contact Phone

( ________________________ )

— ________________________________________________________

Entry Fee Enclosed ______ + ___ Add’l. Lunch Tickets @ $25. _____ + ___ Raffle Tickets @ $5 ______ = Total Enc l. $ ___________ Entry Fee Enclosed ______ + ___ Add’l. Lunch Tickets @ $20. _ Or ___ pack/s of 5 @ $20 ______= Total Enc l. $ ___________ Make checks payable to PCA/LA and mail with completed registration form to:

Joe Shubitowski, 1537 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com


Photo by Art Yuter

June 2013

Page 6

June 2013

New Members May 2013 Camilo Alfaro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles John Armstrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Malibu Ray G. Bohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Woodland Hills Adam Deflorian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Playa Vista Nick Deleo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sherman Oaks James Fitzgerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Marina Del Rey Matthew Konicek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Sascha Linn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Nigel T. Maidment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Topanga Marc S. Matejka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .West Hollywood D.L. Mingori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Thomas L. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Patrick O'Connor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Steve Radenbaugh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles David G. Raysse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles David Samuels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Walter Spadone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Manhattan Beach Robert Telimi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Van Nuys Brian Wiese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Los Angeles Mark E. Woodsmall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .San Marino Richard S. Yamashita . . . . . . . . . . . .Redondo Beach

Anniversaries May 2013 15 Years

Arthur Russell

10 Years

William O. Fleischman Peter A. Forrest Douglas Ioki John Matise Brian Wulff

5 Years

Thomas A. Beck John R. O'Donnell Ryan Smolarek S Anthony Vignolo N ew R e g i o n We b s i t e


Euro Delivery (cont.) the process was not entirely new to me. This time, the plan was to get a 2013 model, and we settled on a European Delivery date of early September. That month is traditionally quite dry and sunny, and with the summer travel season being over, this also meant less traffic and the prospect of reasonable hotel prices. The trip is in jeopardy unless you deal successfully with your spouse’s panic. There is enough of room for luggage in the car. We ended up with two 24” suitcases, three carry-on’s, assorted coats and jackets, umbrellas and

Photo opportunity with the local authorities on the way to Cap Frèhel in Brittany. Note the charming lady Gendarme and her colleague with the radar gun. Fritz Kastner photo.

camera bag. By the end of the trip, there were also several shopping bags. With a little planning, everything will fit without restricting 360 degree visibility at all. Porsche announced 2013 specifications and pricing in April 2012 and that is when I finalized my order. That sounds easy, but it was preceded by days of studying the options list and making the hard decisions. As we all know, Porsche has a laundry list of options and deciding what options not to chose will test your strength of character. It tested mine. Depending on what you plan to do while travelling in Europe, you may wish to select option code TDN, European Navigation on PCM. This will give you GPS navigation across Europe, and as it turned out, it worked very well. It will give you alternate

routes if you get stuck in the infamous STAU on the Autobahn, tell you about heavy traffic ahead and will guide you to your hotel. I was happy to find that the Porsche European Delivery program comes free of charge. You are reading this right. No additional cost for European Delivery. This includes 2 weeks of registration and insurance, and you can buy more time if need be. We did. By the time you are ready to pick up your car, all the paperwork is done, and as part of the Auslieferung ( delivery ) they will hand you a temporary registration and insurance certificate and have the German Custom license plates installed on the car. Front and back, unfortunately, since the German Police have even less tolerance for missing front plates than the CHP. In addition, Porsche will give you vouchers for your taxi ride from and to the airport, and will treat you to a one night stay in a very nice hotel in Stuttgart. This delivery program has been in place for a relatively short time and hopefully will stay in place for a while. There is another wrinkle you need to be aware of. Germany charges a VAT tax on vehicles. Since your US price does not include this tax, you are required to make a deposit which will be refunded after the factory ships the car out of Germany. If you are having so much fun zipping up and down the Autobahn that you decide to keep the car in country after all, then the Germans will be happy to keep your deposit. Which, BTW, is 10,000 USD. Continued at pcalosangeles.org There is much more to Before we left for Europe, PCNA Fritz’s informative gave us a fine black leatherartibriefcle. entire article case withThe all the paperwork, can be seen at our new which I thought was a very web site: classy touch. It also had a letter pcalosangeles.org

June 2013

Page 7

Classified Ads Ads can run for three consecutive months, after which they must be resubmitted. If your ad is included here with three dots following it, you must resubmit. Submit by email to imset@pacbell.net with Porsche Classified in the subject line and include your current membership number and contact information.

Porsche Cars 2003 Porsche 986 Boxster Silver, in amazing condition. 2.7L Flat 6. Interior is 9.5 / 10. Exterior is 9 / 10. Sports Package w/ Bose 7 speaker sound. All repairs and parts in this car are OEM -- No mods no track days. Newish rotors and pads. Proud PCA owner shows pride of ownership. OEM oil change each 7K miles. 87K miles, 5-Speed Manual. No stores, no leaks, no drama. Premium condition car. Contact Nir Bashan: 213-448-1117, moocowfilms@yahoo.com.•••


SEND YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS TO: imset@pacbell.net with Porsche Classified in the subject line.

May 25, 2013 • June 22, 2013 • July 27, 2013

N ew R e g i o n We b s i t e


PCNA Image

Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region 1537 Pontius Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025


2013 — June - July June 6 ( Thur.) 22 (Sat.) 23 (Sun)

LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify Breakfast Club LA Zone 8 Concours Greystone Park, Beverly Hills

July 11 ( Thur.)

LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7728 to verify

13 ( Sat.)

Tech Session Smart Wax

27 (Sat.)

Breakfast Club

Wa t c h Fo r E m a i l Event Notifications

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