Porscherama 1971 June

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.por he club of america

los angeles region

PORSCHERAMA calendar June 6: CONCOURS, North American Rockwell Employees Recreation Center, 5401 Imperial Highway, E1 Segundo. 9:00 a.m. June i0: General Membership Meeting, at Cahuenga Elementary School, 220 S. Hobart, Los Angeles. 8:00 p.m. June 17: "The Twenty-four Hours of LeMans" Hollywood Pacific Theater. 8:30 .p.m. June 22: Board Meeting, David Kalbach residence, 140 Malcolm, Pasadena. 7:30 June 22: PORSCHERAMA deadline. June 25: Putthepapertogether, Editor’s place, 8:00 p.m. July 6-10: PeA Parade, Sun Valley, Idaho **************FUTURE ********************* July: Surprise Event August 22 : Beach Party September 25/26: High Performance Event October i0/ii: Tour to Sedona, Arizona November 14: Wine Tasting Tour December 4: Christmas Party


june STAFF EDITOR John Lipham 277-0770 43]0 Pampas Road

Woodland Hills, Ca. 91364





George Gedeon


8575 Lubec


Downey, Cal. 90240 MaW Morris 330-5650


R. Zlezenhenne Chuck Adklns


653-7785 397-5204


Cliff Yost 325-4131 John Lipham 347-7897 Don Somervil le 634-7355 Corky Kirk 447-5109 PO box 416 Arcadia, Cal. 91006

For information about PCA activities, call DIAL-A-PORSCHE-CLUB, 398-2217, any time, day or night. Free information. THIS MONTH’S ISSUE OF PORSCHERAMA IS




"Let me get this straight . ~ . if l beat you, tear up the ticket.., but if you beat me..."



This month’s issue is over-the-hump for this year’s staff. YEA: Don’t~hin~ i~ ain’t been grand. We look ahead now to all the fun in store for good old PCA: Will Maudi Audi find true happiness at Hermione Arbon’s Flipflop Girls Summer Camp? Will Mike and Anne Adair win "The 24-Minutes of Wadamalaw" on their Yamaha Enduro? And write? Will we hear from our Charlotte correspondent, Tom Claridge? Will Ginther win in France? Or lose in Monte Carlo? Keep tuning in and find out. Last month’s putthepapertogether party was attended by this reporter, his wife, and General Stonewall Ewing. Make your reservations early for next time. Last Friday of every month. Elizabeth Easy has Reynauld’s Phenomenon: Write On:

next events

JUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJuNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNEJUNE June 6: CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE, North American Rockwell Employees Recreation Center, E1 Segundo (5401 Imperial Hwy). $3 for members, $3.50 for non-members. Porsches only. Cars will be judged on cleanliness and originality ( non-original chrome will count against you, no bumpers ok for 356’s). Seven classes: 356 & 356A; 356B; 356C & SC; 911; 912; 914 & 914/6; Specialty/Competition. Cars may be out at 9:00, judging at 12:00, go home by 5:00. Ron Ramage MEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEETINGMEET June i0: General Membership Meeting, Cahuenga Elementary School, 220 So. Hobart, L.A., 8:00 p.m. Slides of Yosemite, plus a 16mm color/sound documentary on the filming of "The Twenty-four Hours of LeMans" This flick is great for a better enjoyment of the feature film on the 17th. Sorry, no popcorn. M~VIEM~VIEM~VIEM~VIEM~vIEM~VIEM~VIEM~VIEM~VIEM~VIEM~vIEM~vIEM~VIEM~VIEM~VIEM~VIE June 17: PCA Night At The Movies. One hundred lucky PCAers go to see "The Twentyfour Hours of LeMans", Hollywood Pacific Theater, 8:30 p.m. At this writing, I have three (3) tickets left, so hurry to the phone and call:

last events

YOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TEYOS EMI TE How To Tour Yosemite With A Brownie and a Porsche for Less Than $.10 a Day. By I. Wasa Partofit ...................... First of all, let me say that the whole schtick was blown at the ranger’s gate. It cost three greenies a day just to get in. Or, if you want, you can buy the Golden Eagle ( whatever that is ). Ask oi’ Rog Wagner about the Golden Eagle. He didn’t get it either until the end, where he really got it. He paid his 6 bills in order to stay two days, missed the gate by one minute, and had to skarf up another three greenies to get out. The whole trip was some trip. On Friday it rained. Same for Saturday. And on Sunday, everyone went home. There were some 23 members, associates, kids, etc, eleven Porsches and one VW Square on the trip. We started on Friday ( as did nearly everyone else). We made it to Fresno where we planned to sack out, but there wasn’t a bunk to be had in the whole city. (Sort of reminds you of Christmas) It seems that the Western Relays were being held in town. Anyway, we made it back down the valley to Selma, where we found a super room at $6 a nite for two (Roger, take note). Bright and early the next morning, we found ourselves driving the valley floor looking for the Event Leader, Duane Alan. Having arrived early, we had already taken the winning picture for the photo contest. We finally found Duane and his little Yellow, sporting straps and all, parked by the wayside with a whole lot of other Porsches. We immediately spotted Duane on his hands & knees in a little meadow shooting rocks with some other fans. Upon arriving at 2

the clearing, we found George Gedeon shooting the rapids. Yes, there was a ~tream. And Carol was shooting Todd. Bruce Kuebler was with his wife Pat. Bruce had his photo equip suspended from his neck. Never did see him shoot, though. I suspect that the stuff was too heavy and it couldn’t be lifted or aimed. Peter Luelsdorf ( and Yoka, bless ~er ) was claiming the photo championship with some bear (bare?) photo. No one understood the photo, but we are anxiously waiting to see it ...... Paul Beam joined us from Lancaster. He was having a great time until Sunday, when he experienced some trouble with his gearbox. It was rumored that he couldn’t get his T out of second all the way through the tunnels. We never did see J.D. Ramsey, though, although some claim he was there. Apparently he was always going while everyone else was coming. So, outside of an occasional glimpse, no one knew he was there. "I am the invisible man". Who said that? ....... Nick Friesen and Cece were always looking for a bicycle to ride, but couldn’t find one anywhere...fortunately for Nick. So, they walked to Vernal Falls, unfortunately for Nick. Hay, it turns out that Dave and Mary Ann Kalbach like rocks, too. They spent the night next to a rock concert. They went to the Gedeon’s party first, then returned to their cabin for an all-nighter with their cabinmates, who sat on the opposite side of the wall and made noises and all sorts of other great things .... The trip was capped with a Saturday night dinner, planned by Duane Alan, at The Adwahnee. Duane, Roger, and Dave were the only ones without the required coat & tie. Kalbach mugged a guy in the men’s room for a tie; it seemed for a while that Rog and Duane wouldn’t get in, but they prevailed for a great reunion. The dinner was great .... On Sunday morning, I grabbed my first glimpse of John Bevan and Connie in a long time. They were with all the Juniors, the VW square, and they enjoyed a hearty breakfast with everyone prior to going to Glacier Point and on home .... If you haven’t been to Yosemite lately, you’ll find that things have changed:l) John Kepler and his pretty wife always come late; 2) The whole Valley is now a one-way street; 3) You can’t drive to the attractions, you take a bus. As far as we could tell, the existence of a bus is a rumor; 4) Park Rangers wear guns ( To fight the Indians); 5) For a great adventure, at a moderate cost, try eating at the lodge cafeteria. It’s a death-defying act ...... The park now puts on evening rock concerts to control "kollage kids". The fact that these dedikated ekology kids leave mounds of trash behind, has nothing to do with their ideological standards... And remember, no matter where you go with PCA, always drop by Gedeon’s Hospitality House. George and Carol ( or should we say Todd?) graciously put up with the whole crowd, their Porsche prattle, and drinking into the wee, wee hours of the morning... We left early on Sunday to make it back for dinner at our favorite -- The Golden Arches. We understand that most of the gang stopped off at Pioneer Village on the way out and continued to have a blast. In any event, a good time was had by all, and we’re looking forward to the next tour. Dave Kalbach WILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGS Our first big event of 1971 began at 6:55 a.m. on Saturday, April 24, as a stationwagon pulling a black $90 coupe moved into a deserted pit area at Willow Springs raceway. The sun was up in a clear sky, but a cold, cold wind continued blowing from the day before. Entrants and workers began arriving to enjoy the challenges and thrills of a PCA High-Performance Weekend. Honorary PCA member Vasek polak, sponsor of the event, arrived with his crewand their 914/6 GT demonstration machines. In spite of the wind, workers had the course open almost on schedule, and the wail of fast Porsches got under way. Entrants continued to register all day Saturday, and the wind continued to blow from a large fan somewhere in the west. By 6:00 p.m., most drivers were headed for 3

the evening social for beer and bull in a warmer environment. Sunday morning activity at the track again got under way almost on schedule, in spit9 of the% unrelenting wind. New entrants and more and more spectators kept the driveway busy, and when registration closed at noon, 106 drivers were signed up. Many were new members, and representatives from neighboring regions were on hand. Timing was completed by 5:00 p.m., with the wind still blowing. Seventy drivers had tripped the clock, with twenty-two trophies being awarded, or almost one for every three cars. The trophies were donated and presented by Vasek Polak at the May llth dinner meeting at the Schlitz Brown Bottle .... The event was a success. Those responsible for that success were many, but the following hard workers deserve special thanks: Mary Morris, Don Somerville, Nick Friesen, George Gedeon, Bill McInerney, A1 Gray, Peter Luelsdorf, Corky Kirk, and John Lipham. We are looking forward to the next high performance weekend later this year. Curt Kuebler

presidential rhetoric Thanks to many people, the recent Willow Springs event went into the PCA-LA record books as a successful event. It was successful for three primary reasons: First, the event enriched our treasury so that the board has sufficient funds to carry on the business of the club. Second, it went a long way~, thanks again to Vasek Polak, to cement the Dealer-Enthusiast relationship. Third, and most important, a whole group of Porsche Pushers got together under adverse weather conditions and worked and competed, and complained, and got to know other people in the club a little better than they had, and found out it could be a great experience. The message at Willow Springs is clear -- participate and reap the rewards of same. Both you and the club will benefit. George Gedeon

women’s glib Incredible as it may seem, the women of PCA-LA have nothing to say: Either that, or they’re afraid to write, or are just lazy... Come on, girls, we’re giving you your platform to make yourselves heard. Maudi Audi would have written something, but she got busted trying to sell conterfeit Bo Diddley records. Write on, Maudi.

secretarial The April membership meeting was held on the 8th at Cahuenga Elementary School. President Gedeon stated that April was the llth anniversary of PCA-LA. (Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to yooooo...) Mary Morris said the May meeting will be held on the llth at the Schlitz Brewery in Van Nuys. Chuck Adkins said our current balance is $783.17, and all bills are paid. John Lipham reported that publicity about the Willow event has been spread all over Southern Calif. Don Somerville needs help for tech at Vasek Polak’s. Corky Kirk said we now have 203 members. Gedeon acknowledged the efforts of the board. Dale Boyd presented info about rallyes. Bert Ohlander talked about Willow Springs. Respectfully submitted, R.H. Ziesenhenne, Secretary.

membership Twenty-eight new members were welcomed into PCA-LA during May. Quite a few of those were credited to the wonderful weekend at Willow Springs. Total membership now stands at 250, with more coming in every week. Shortly, we will have 4

PCA information in P-A showrooms and parts departments. If you have a dealer near you, and would like the job of keeping the information stocked in the PCA/ ~orsche-~udi bulletin board, contact Corky Kirk for details. Corky ADDISON BLISS, 20939 Anza, Torrance; 370-5387; Engineer, yellow ’67 911S DANIEL CRAMER, 5411 Carol Dr, Torrance; FR5-1681; Engineer; yellow ’67 911S ALAN TOMPKINS, 7049 Dume Dr, Malibu; 457-2963; Exec; 71 911S Targa, Por-Elva FRED CARPENTER, 18907 Dukas, Northridge; 360-6970; Ins. Agent; ’70 911T, Orange BILL ELLERMEYER, 545½ Washington, Venice; 821-6156; Personnel; ’65 Carerra c6nv. ALBERT IGE, 18614 E. Laxford, Covina; EDI-5934; Stock clerk; ’67 white 912 JAMES SCRIMGER, 23807 Audrey, Torrance; 373-6104; ’68 Targa ROBERT PETERS, 9109 Raviller, Downey; Transfer from San Diego

for sale,

1969 912 Targ~, last production model, all options except air, $6000. Corky? 477-5109 ....... 1965 C, clean, new clutch, flywheel, new valve job, dark blue, tan interior, corduroy inserts.$2700o Jim Wagner, 545-7144/670-7080 ......... Judson magneto, new, $25; Cannon muffler for 912, like new, $25. Paul Beam, (805)948-2484 ...... 1970 911T Tarqa, conda green, black interior, Mag wheels, coco mats, Michelins, 14,000 miles, Recaro seats, fog lights, AM/FM. Make offer or take over lease. 994-2916, evenings ...... 1968 Targa, Sportomatic, 34,000 miles, tangerine/black; AM/FM/SW; Delta ignition. Call Jim, 772-5221, ext.323, or 373-6104 evenings ..... 1963 Carerra, silver/red. 12,000 on rebuilt engine & trans, excellent condition. Bill Grist, 644-5891.

technical More of "Notes to 911/912 Owners", by good old Corky Kirk. Have you had any trouble with the "map doors" dropping down when you least expect it? It seems as there is a piece of elastic cord threaded thru a couple of holes in the door pocket, held there with a piece of cardboard. The cord is under tension, and the cardboard works its way back on the cord until it comes off. The indication will be the door has no return force at all, and may hang down. It’s easy to fix, just thread the cord back thru the holes in the pocket and tie a knot in the cord .......... Found two oil filters that work in my 912. These are both from dealers, so I can recommend the Lee filter #AFL-101, or the FRAM C-3P ...... Do you have 30M miles on your steed yet? If so, start looking at the shocks for possible leak or weakening. Adjustable Koni’s are fairly easy to readjust. Don Somerville may be scheduling a tech meeting on shocks, so will defer this subject to him. Corky Kirk

etcetera MEN Nick Friesen Bill McInerney Paul Beam George Gedeon A1 Gray Ron Reese Maurice Breunig Cliff Yost Skee Ziesenhenne David Zinn

WOMEN Cece Friesen Cathy Clark Mervidene Beam Delores Ziesenhenne Helen Boyd Marcia Downey Kay Kious Barbara Reese Mary Ann Kalbach Denise Kodani

130 120 95 90 75 75 70 70 60 60


140 90 60 60 50 50 50 50 45 45

PARTICIPATION MEN Curt Kuebler Duane Alan Ron Ramage Peter Luelsdorf Dale Boyd Bill McInerney Paul Beam Jim Ewing Nick Friesen Roger Wagner

470 400 355 280 220 190 185 160 155 95

POINTS WOMEN Carol Gedeon Pam Lipham Helen Boyd Cece Friesen Mervidine Beam Betty Yost Delores Zisenhenne Karen Pulley Yoka Luelsdorf Ann Egan

~ 235 185 185 145 120 115 95 90 70 60

NOTE: Participation points must be turned in by event chairman or Director to the Activities Chairman in order for proper credit to be given. WRITEONWRITEONWRITEONWRITEONWRITEONWRITEONWRITEONGODTHISISBORINGWRITEONWRITEON THE LAST DAYS OF THE PORSCHE ..... At least on the California highways. And you can count on it, too, if Sacremento legislators get their way. Take Senate Bill 318: It will prohibit the sale of an automobile after January i, 1973, unless certified by the manufacturer that it will withstand an impact of 5 mph without damage. Cars manufacturered after January i0 1975 would be required to withstand impacts of i0 mph without damage. Looks as though we’ll all be driving tanks: ..... Those manufacturers failing to meet these requirements would be subject to treble damages. Assembly Bill 32 would prohibit sales of 1975 models or later unless the manufacturer warrants they will withstand front and rearend damage from a collision with a stationary barrier. Which all goes to support the contentions of Strother MacMinn at the March meeting. Anything goes to keep the idiots on the roads ...... And nothing is being done about the drunk. Or the junkie. There are enough laws on the books today to do the job. The only trouble is that it costs too much to enforce them. So, the legislators will legislate against everyone, including the innocent, because it’s easier and cheaper ....... Nothing is being done to enforce the existing laws, in spite of all the arm-waving over deaths on the highways. How about mandatory safety inspections? We could always establish stronger driving qualification:tests, which should also include passing a skid pad test ........ And, it goes without saying that a better method of enforcing driving without a license could be developed. How about the drunk? Everyone points the finger, but nobody really does anything about it. Have you ever reported anyone for DWI? Of course not. The guy might get in trouble. The trouble is, he might kill someone down the road, too, which is a sobering thought ...... So, if you enjoy driving, and you should if you drive a Porsche, do somet~ing to keep the privelege. Tell your congressman where the trouble is, and what should be done. If he is one of the few that is supporting the cause, then let him know you support him. He needs all the support that he can get. Dave Kalbach ******************************************************************************** That’s it for another month, sports fans. This month’s Prolixity Award goes to good old Dave Kalbach. Keep those cards and letters coming, folks. You can see that I print them, and print them, ad inf. We recommend that you go see the Auto Expo and see all the neat cars down there, especially the Italian-designed Porsche. It’s over a 914 chassis, and really looks great. P.S.: Look for a swell event soon from good old PCA-LA-- a hillclimb in the Bonneville Salt Flats .... Whee! Bye. 6

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