Porscherama 1971 September

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porsche club of america

los angeles region





.September 4/5: West Coast Weekend, Santa Barbara Region. (See "Next Events") September 9: Membership meeting, Little 3ohn Lipham 277-0770 Joe’s Italian restaurant; Reservations are 4310 P~mpas Road a MUST; Call Mary Morris, 330-5650 Woodl~nd Hills, C~. 91364 September 15: Pre-tech inspection for Willow Springs; Kendon Motors P-A, Harbor City, 7:30; Bring checkbook CONTRIBUTI.NG EDITOR September 16: Board Meeting, Mary Morris Jim Ewing 374-5489 residence, 2552 Rio Branca, Hacienda Hgts, starts at 7:30. September 25/26:Willow Springs Time Trials September 28: PORSCHERAMA deadline October 1 : Putthepaper together, Editor ’ s PRESIDENT Oeorge Oedeon 869-7842 place, 8:00 p.m., call for reservations 8575 LuSec October 9/10: Tour to Sedona, Arizona Downey, C~l. 90240 November 14: Wine tasting tour VICE PRES. Mary Morris 330-5650 November ?: Willow Springs Awards banquet SECRETARY R.Ziezenhenne 653-7785 December 4: christmas Party TREASURER Chuck Adkins 397-5204 ****************************************** BD CHRMAN Dave Kalbach 792-4364




Cliff: ¥osf 325-4131 John Upham 347-7897. Don Somervil le 634-7355 Corky Kirk 447-5109 PO box 416 Arcadia, Cal. 91006

For information about PCA activities, call DIAL-A-PORSCHE-CLUB,

day or night.


any time,


Free information.

- .... ....... ~’


~.~ ,E s~L,s S~,V~CE ~UST FO, YOU..



HARBOR CITY, CA. (213) 326-7231


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Have you ever been cooling it down the road around Los Angeles in your b~lov~d Porsche and have some jerk blast by, nearly running you off the road and scaring the daylights out of everyone, and he’s driving a 1940 Wombat VI2?: You scream "Look at that idiot driving that Wombat VI2: All those Wombat VI2 drivers are crazy fools, durn yankee hippies:" The point is that when someone is rude or dangerous on the road, you usually notice what kind of car he’s driving, then tend to class all drivers of those cars with him. A Porsche is noticed and hardly ever mistaken for a 1940 Wombat VI2, so the moral is BE NICE: Someone may even notice if you are courteous ..... Congratulations to Chuck Adkins and Mrs. Adkins on their new baby son ..... See Maudi’s column for some choice comments from our favorite worker ..... And don’t forget Willow Springs ..... it’s rumored that Maudi Audi’s water bed sprang a leak and she drowned ..... some people don’t believe in Maudi Audi. That’s like not believing in The Great Pumpkin: You’ll see ..... Write on: ..... John

next eveDts

SEPTEMBERSEPTEMBERBACKT~ScH~~LINSEPTEMBERSEPTEMBERWATCHF~RKIDSINSEPTEMBERSEPTEMBER T. C. Browne of Motor Trend magazine is guest speaker at Little Joe’s Italian Restaurant, 904 N. Broadway, L.A. ( across from Chinatown ). If you don’t have tickets by now, it may be too late, but call Mary Morris, 330-5650 to find out. That’s September 9th0 dinner about 7:30, drinks before. This will be the membership meeting for the month. P~RsCHEWEEKENDP~RSCHEWEEKENDP~RsCHEWEEKENDP~RScHEWEEKENDP~RSCHEWEEKENDP~RsCHEWEEK Santa Barbara Region sponsors this year’s West Coast Weekend for PCAers, on the 4th & 5th. Registration is at the Holiday Inn, 5650 Calle Real, Goleta. $20 for each person~$35 for couples) covers registration, BBQ, and victory banquet. Limit of i00 cars. There will be a concours, rally, steak BBQ, slalom, social events. Write Ed Yates, P.O. Box 3587, Santa Barbara, California 93105. TECHINsPECTI~NF~RWILL~WsPRINGsTEcHINsPECTI~NF~RWILL~WSPRINGSTEcHINSPECTI~NTEcH~N: Pre-tech inspection for Willow Springs Time Trials will be on September 15th at Kendon P-A, 1450 West Pacific Coast Hwy, Wilmington (Near Harbor Fwy & Pacific Coast Hwy). Starts at 7:30, cost is $20 for PCA members, $25 for non-members, $3 for additional female drivers, $5 refund if you’re not a member but join to run the event. This Tech is mandatory for members living within 50 miles of Wilmington; otherwise, it costs you $2 more to be teched at Willow. D. Somerville. WILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGSWILLOWSPRINGS Fast drivers and aspiring leadfoots who have looked forward to another fabulous weekend at Willow Springs International Raceway should make definite plans for 25/26 September.( See above for pretech info) Activity at the track will start at 7:30 a.m. with registration and tech/safety inspection. Drivers meeting is at 8:30, course opens at 9:00. This is a Porsches only event. Driver training wi[[ be available, experienced instructors. Headquarters for the event will be the Sand Sailer Motel, 43321 N. Sierra Highway, Lancaster 93534. (805) 948-2691. Contact the motel directly for reservations. A free beer party will climax Saturday’s day of hard practice. Timed runs will start at 12:30 p.m. Sunday. Trophies will be awarded one for every three per class. See you at Little Joe’s with more details .... Curt Kuebler, Eventmaster TOURTOURTOURTOURTOSEDONATOURTOURDRIVEDRIVETOURTOURTOSEDONATOURTOURTOURTOURTOUR Let’s go, guys and gals: The most picturesque, idyllic accomodations in Arizona’s Oak Creek Canyon will be ours for the weekend of October 9-10. Plan now to join the PCA-LA tour to Sedona, where Todd’s Lodge will be ours for the weekend. All 2

shutterbugs are welcome and Duane Alan has a photo contest organized, complete with prizes. The scenery in the canyon is superb. Nothing quite matches the visual impact of looking up from the canyon floor at reddish walls glowing in the late afternoon sun. Match this with the thrill of driving Porsche roads with Porsche people, and you have all the makings of an enjoyable weekend. Not to mention a "rock soup" barbeque and party Saturday evening ..... Reservations are limited. Contact Ada Covert for sign-up, (213) 397-8533, or write 11730 W. Washington Blvd, Apt. 17, Los Angeles, California 90066. No obligation - you will receive full info on prices and schedules ..... Curt Kuebler, Eventmaster

last events Twenty-nine participants enjoyed a Sunday learning all about their car’s performance capibilities on August 8th, from Jim Ewing and his instructors, at the TRW parking lot. A non-competitive event, this driver’s test included a braking & acceleration test, where the driver would accelerate down the strip 500 feet, hit the brakes, and measure the stopping distance, as well as the ET and speed. After a few of these to warm up the car, you moved to the infinite circle, where the driver got the feel of the car making a high-speed turn, clockwise and counterclockwise. Finally, a short slalom course tested your driving abilities. After all this, you were asked to return to the pits and compute various times using the data accumulated during your test runs. A good time was had by all, and the event proved very popu~.ar with the participants. Those who attended will benefit greatly at Willow Springs. (UJ for OWJ)

presidential rhetoric Ladies and gentlemen of PCA-LA: During their last meeting, the Board of Directors of your club decided that we would undertake the September edition of Willow Springs Time Trials & Drivers School, even though we were unable to obtain a sponsor for the event ..... This will require much volunteer work on the part of the club members, and over $i,000 in cold, hard cash. Curt Kuebler, the Chairman of the successful April event at Willow, has agreed to chair this one also. Soon, Curt will be asking several people to head the various committees necessary to insure the operation of the event. In turn, the chairmen of these committees will be looking for help from the membership. As your President, I respectfully request that each of you volunteer your help in any way you are able. I sincerely hope that each member will help and in doing so, will benefit himself and the club. You really won’t know how much fun it is until the event is over ..... George Gedeon

women’s glib Agony is puttingthepapertogether on Friday night - and Saturday - all by ~ourself. I know all of you are able to read the paper pretty fast this year. It isn’t very big, but let me tell you what: The pages have to be collated, stapled and folded, and the envelopes have to be labeled, stamped, stuffed and sealed. All that for 400 papers every month takes a lot of time ..... I realize that by Friday night, most people don’t feel like folding and licking, but if you had any idea how much you would be appreciated, you would certainly volunteer. Five or six people can do it all in a couple of hours, but it seems to take two forever. (AMEN: -ed) Los Angeles is so spread out, it’s hard to participate in everything, but all the events take much behind-the-scenes work. If you see an event 3

in your area, maybe you could give the chairman a call and really be a big help. ..... If you don’t have any plans the last Friday of the month, the Editor and Wife would love for you to give us a call. I know there are a few of you in Woodland Hills and Canoga Park that are close, because I’ve put a label on your envelope: pam Lipham

secretarial PCA-LA July membership meeting minutes: President Gedeon called the meeting to order and asked the members to write Mr. Douglas Toms about the National Hiway Safety Program ..... Mary Morris said Jack McAffee will speak at August meeting at the school. She also said the September meeting will be at Little Joe’s ..... Chuck reported all bills are paid and the balance stands at $1,005 ..... Cliff said the July event will be a rally, and August will be a driver’s test. Nick Friesen described the event .... Curt discussed the September event, Willow Springs. He also mentioned the tour to Sedona in October. John announced that Ursula is not 71 year old ..... Mary introduced the speaker, Miles Brubacker of Motorists United ........ Carol Gedeon for vacationing Skee. PCA-LA August membership meeting minutes: President Gedeon called the 8/12/71 meeting to order. Mary said the September meeting will be a dinner meeting at Little Joe’s. T.C. Brown from Motor Trend will speak... Chuck said our current balance is $1144.00 John said he still needs help with PORSCHERAMA. Don S. announced the tech meeting on 9/15...Corky distributed the membership roster. At present our membership is 265...Cliff had Curt Kuebler present the trophies for the July rally .... George asked anyone interested in being on the board of directors for 1972 to contact Dave Kalbach ..... Duane Alan introduced our speaker, Jack McAfee, who showed movies of the Pan American Road races. R.H. Ziesenhenne, Secretary.

membership Current membership stands at 267. I could use some volunteers to help me with The Hongry Dawg at Willow. Please call 447-5109. Corky Kirk HAROLD JOSEPH, POB 96, Northridge; 782-0080; Teacher; ’70 914, blue TONY KUSTEIN, Salesman at Vasek Polak, joins PCA-LA driving various demos TORE JO~INSON, 3139 Locust, Long Beach; 426-0679; drives ’71 911S, silver WILLARD EDWARDS, POB 5520, Valencia, transfer from Reisentoter region (Penna) ROBERT FERN, 1200 Newbury Rd, Newbury Park, transfer from Southern Arizona HOWARD NEAL, renewal ALEZ KERR, renewal Copies of the 1971 membership roster are now available. Anyone desiring one, please come to a membership meeting:

for sale RACING TIRES, two 4.25/700x15 Goodyear (Caldwell Racing recap); and two 500/730x 15 Firestones; 60% wear remaining on all. Cliff Yost, 325-4131 DISTRIBUTOR, one each, new, for 356C, Bosch VJR4BRI8, $15; one each used centrifigal valve for S90, $8. Don Somerville, 634-7355 VENTURI, complete set of 34mm for 911 Webers, used once, $24; left and right intake manifol~s for 911S, brand new, $25 each; WANTED, used 912 camshaft in good condition; want like new 66/67 911 left chrome headlight rim, want chrome nerf 4

bars for ’55-’58 Speedster. Roger Wagner 474-5452, BR2-2091 FROM $90 - rods, $20; scored crank, $50; camber compensator & torsion bars, $25; two Solex 40Pll carbs, $75; $90 cam, valves and Isky kit, $35; gears: 7:31 R & P, $50, 3B, $40, 4D, $40; one pair new 912 valve covers, ½ dealer price; one Berry TransAm GT seat and custom aluminum mount, new, $90; four 4½" rare light alloy Carrera wheels, $70; four 6" 356 wheels, $80. Tom Ohmer, 463-8143, 347-0877

technical PENSKE & PORSCHE ? - Roger says, "I talked to them (Porsche) in 1970 concerning a 1970 program and in 1971 concerning a 1972 program, but there is nothing formalized at this point" Rumors still have Penske campaigning Mark Donahue in a Porsche in next year’s CanAm, says CP/Autoweek. 914 PROBLEM - When changing the oil in a 914-4, one might be tempted to remove the oil strainer screen and clean it. If so, says Potomac Region, warn everyone not to over-torque the bolt which holds the screen in place. The bolt enters from the passenger side of the case and is threaded into the driver’s side of the case. If it is torqued more than 7 ft-lbs, both halves of the case will crack. The only known remedy is to replace the case. If you change your oil at least every 4,000 miles, the strainer will never get dirty. 911/9L2 SPEEDOMETER - When the needle of your speedometer begins to jump a little at a steady speed, it’s trying to get your attention. VDO put the metal input shaft inside the cable and decided it would turn inside a drilled hole forever without lubrication. The local repairman says don’t use any penetrating oil on the shaft, but give it to him to repair at a high price. If, however, you can lubricate the shaft without getting oil on the inside of the instrument, it will cure the wiggling. You could also disassemble the speedometer and lubricate the shaft with light grease. If you don’t do anything, the shaft will eventually seize and break the cable. ( DER VORGANGER) 900 SERIES SEAT BELTS - If your 900 series still has ( the seat belt’66-’68 in the models), original the anchor~~~’~F’~lq---_~!~._/ position especially ioION cation is i0 inches above the rear floor, and is very dangerous in case of collision. The high fastening points hold the belt above the pelvis and can cause internal injury. You can remount your belts to forged closed hooks mounted LOCATION through the floor as shown. Be sure to use heavy diameter washers or plates under the body between the nut & the underside. (GGR) CLUTCH LIFE - One of the most frequent repairs on a Porsche is the clutch. The reason is that it is somewhat marginal in size, except for early 356 models. The way to get more life out of your clutch is to avoid slipping it. ’68 & ’69 912’s are hard to get going because of carburetor flat spots, and ’70 & ’71 911’s because the clutch engages suddenly. If you let the clutch out slowly until it starts to take hold, then let it out quickly while you push on the gas, it will help. Or, let clutch out first, then push on the gas. ( San Diego Region) SPARK PLUG LIFE - 911E and 911S drivers can lengthen spark plug life by controlling your driving habits. The 911 Bosch fuel injection is mechanical, unlike the electronic 914 system. The fuel mixture of the system is controlled by several items: Thermostat, idle mixture, part load mixture and barometer cell setting cannot be controlled by the driver, but you can control the mixture to a certain degree. Inside your fuel injection pump, there is a centrifugal governor which partially controls the contoured cam, which in turn controls the control rack. This means that the faster your engine goes, the more fuel it 5

receives. This works fine under sport driving conditions, but under light d~iving, at very light throttle and higher RPM’s, the car has a tendency to run very rich. And then, fouled plugs ...... Only you can control this rich situation. The old Porsche story, "Keep the RPM’s up and keep it cleaned out", does not apply to the fuel injected models. When you are loafing in traffic, keep your RPM’s down to 2500 to 3500. This will keep your plugs cleaner longer. (S.D.R.)

etcetera COMPETITION MEN Paul Beam Nick Friesen Bill McInerney Dave Kalbach George Gedeon D. Whorf Ken Fields Dick Kodani Peter Luelsdorf


175 170 120 ll0 95 95 85 80 80

WOMEN Cece Friesen Mary Ann Kalbach Cathy Clark Denise Kodani Merv Beam D. Ziesenhenne Helen Boyd Marcia Downey K. Kious

180 130 90 80 75 60 50 50 50

Pam Lipham Carol Gedeon Merv Beam Helen Boyd Cece Friesen Karen Pulley Mary Ann Kalbach Betty Yost Jane Shaw Cathy Clark

405 300 220 195 170 150 140 125 i00 95

PARTICIPATION POINTS Curt Kuebler Ron Ramage Peter Luelsdorf Duane Alan Jim Ewing Nick Friesen Bill McInerney Paul Beam Dale Boyd Lewis Pulley

740 575 455 420 410 355 350 330 305 210

Board Chariman, Dave Kalbach, requests anyone having nominations for 1972 Board of Directors, or anyone desiring to serve on the Board, to contact him. **************************************** HOW MUCH DID YOUR PORSCHE COST? ( per pound ) Next time you complain about the high prices today, consider what your Porsche cost you per pound. - Based on R & T series of Porsche Road Tests (Gunnarson)


1500 Speedster



1955 1955 1959 1962 1964 1964 1965 1966 1967 1969 1970 1970 1970

Carfare Coupe 550 Spyder 1600 Conv D Carrera II 356C 904 911 912 91 IS 911E 2.2 911S 914/4 914/6

2.89 4.50 1.94 3.42 2.32 5.50 2.75 2.36 3 . 05 3.06 3.70 1.94 3.06

~9, ~ ~ ~1~ -,5


-l,t’, ~, ,,, 18 .,,th c,,tr~t - t~t w,,Id b, ,2.137.50 o m,th I

Note: a 917 figured to weigh in at 2,000 ibs would come to $17.50 per lb. 6

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