DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN John Kepler . PRESIDENT Tore Johnson 4225 Virginia Vista Long Beach, CA 90807 VICE-PRESIDENT Don Colwell, Jr. SECRETARY Bob Van Cleave TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Del Jackson PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL Marc Rothman MEMBERSHIP Ken Grace, Jr. 514 Champlain Pasadena, CA 91103
820-2097 426-8063
881-4319 368-4059 447-5109 928-1909 378-4790
PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:
presidential rhetoric
4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) 378-4790 (night) STAFF
Carol Scoville Jack Di Rosario
Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are tho~e of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication,
Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page
$40/mo $30/mo $20/mo $15/mo
$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6
mo mo mo mo
$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr
Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.
I would like to direct this initial Presidential Rhetoric to the newer members of PCA. I know how some, if not most, feel when you first experience the club. It was just three years ago when I encountered PCA for the first time, .at a general meeting in a schoolhouse in L.A. I felt very much alone at the first couple of meetings. I had just purchased a new 911S coupe, and since it was an "S", I felt as though I had an obligation to know what was going on. My complex started when I told ~Corky Kirk (then membership chairman) that I wanted to join. He handed me an application and told me to list the activities that I enjoyed most in order of preference. Complex #I!! I believe I put something like: i) racing, 2) rallyes, 3) slaloms, 4) concours (?), and 5) . . . excuse me, what’s an autocross and a gymkhana?? Does that give you an idea of how messed up I was? As if that wasn’t enough evidence, how about when I bought my new "S"? I told the dealer to take off the Michelin 185 VR’s and install Dunlop 185 VR’s!! (Continued on Page 2) COVER
This month’s cover shots were snapped by Don Burkhard at the "Take Your Turkey and Stuff It" Rally in November. Note the long-haired 356 driver in the lower righthand corner! ~’~:~’~-"~’~’" ~:~:~:~::~:~:~:~.:.x.~:~.~:.x,~:~i~
Our problems aren’t so complicated (Course they’re not so simple, too), But we’ll hash it out and try it And hope we don’t get *.
We are in the process of setting up a Ladies Auxiliary to enable more of the women of PCA to participate in the activities of the Club. We feel there is much that the women can contribute and that by handling some of the various functions, we can help out the guys and reap some Club benefits for ourselves, too.
If you can dig on other dudes Whose cars may cross yet own, You’ll share the joy o’ sh~win No spinout’s fun if yer alone.
Fer you who’re d~wn upon the ground With no member to entertain ya, Just grab yer keys and run fer fun Before the street man paves ya.
If you are interested in becoming a more active member of the Porsche Club, please contact Patti Van Cleave (evenings) at 368-4059 or Terri Colwell at 881-4319. If you feel that you do not know how to perform a certain function but would like to learn, we will be glad to teach you. Women aren’t just needed to bake cookies and serve coffee. You can work events (checkpoints, etc.), run in events, or even chair an event, if you’re so inclined. So you have no excuse - we are even trying to set up some type of babysitting arrangement so that more women with small children can participate.
Thus being happy, you’ll remember, It’s clear as a rainy day, But if Sheriff John’s to come to town, Yet birthday dues you’ll have to pay.
At least give it a try - you will have more fun at the events if youoare a part of the activity. Remember ladies, the Porsche Club needs you, too~l!
Now be sure to watch our progress So we won’t go all wrong, But don’t be watchin too danun close Or you’ll never get it on. And remember this ain’t home For the crier or complainer; Just gitten ’round this silly town Is a painer in the aner.**
(Chorus) Put another candle on our birthday cake, Another year, how great we’ll make, Pu~ another candle on our birthday cake, Yer another year old with PCA.
Patti Van Cleave
(Continued from Page i)
(Alternative Chorus) Give some more effort and partake, Without yet help, mistakes we’ll make, Give some more effort and partake, Spend another year with old LA.
After a couple of activities (probably due to my size), I began to feel at last.known by the PCA Establishment. They even asked me to run the "Hungry Dog" at Willow Springs. Boy, I thought that was great til I got to willow. I must say, though, that week-end made everyone aware of Tore Johnson. How did I make my mark, you say? I crashed! Yep, that’s right. I spun off turn three sideways at about 80 mph -
past tense of fastening process widely employed in the construction and assembly of wood and wood-based products,
** Anglicized wor~ ending appropriate when Latin word (masculine gender) refers to subject but otherwise doesn’t rhyme,
and Nick Friesen, who was my instructor, went with me. Fortunately, my car only suffered a bent trailing arm and a slightly battered gas tank. Oh yes, Nick and I weren’t hurt. I am telling you this just to let you know that only a short time ago I was the greenest of the green. So don’t be bashful or shy. Maybe in a couple of years, you’ll be writing this column. Tore Johnson
February Thursday/7:30 p.m.
23 rd
The Third Annual PCA-POC Challenge Cup Rally once again provides the forum for PCA to prove that it can out-rally POC. POC is hosting this year’s great event to the beautiful country around Solvang. All PCA members will be needed to help win the cup for the third time in a row, so don!t let your Club down. Besides, it’s a great opportunity to come o~t and ENJOY . . . Page 4 will fill you in on all the necessary details.
.... Grab your favorite Valentine and come on out to the February Membership Meeting to be held at the Blarney Castle, 623 S. Wentern, Los Angeles. If you don’t have a Valentine, never fear . . . this meeting is being especially geared to let all the singlen in the Club know who the other unattached and available Porsche people are! Cocktails will begin at 7:00 p.m. or so, with dinner following at approximately 7:30 p.m. The dinner will run about $5 per person, including tax and tip (and this time we’ll find the switch to the air conditioner so we’ll all be a little,more comfortable~). Our special guest for the evening will be race driver, SCOOTER PATRICK, who’ll discuss the Can-Am Series and other happenings of interest to Porsche freaks. Hope to see you there for a most interesting meeting!
~0 ’~
2 gd CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE Saturday/9:00 a.m. Another yearly event, our Third Annual Santa Anita Concours d’Elegance is coming up on March 2nd. Start polishing now, and have your Porsche on the infield grass by 9:00 a.m. to prepare for judging which should begin around noon. The entry fee will be $i0 per car, which includes admission to Santa Anita for one Porsche and two people. More details on this event will appear in your March Porscherama, but start planning NOW|! Call Eventmaster, Ron Ramage at home (374-6888) or work (4613144) for current info as it develops.
BOARD MEETING Wednesday/8:00 p.m.
Vice-President Don Colwell and his wife, Terri, will host the February Board Meeting at their home in Rese~a. The doings will get under way at 8:00 p.m., and all interested members are welcome. Don’s address is 8109 Jameison, and if you’re i~ need of directions, give him a call at 881-4319.
Thursday/8:00 p.m.
1974 THU
Re~ember that fantastic fuel injectio~ tech meeting that never quite got off the ground in November?! Well, it’s been re-scheduled for the 21st of February. All who are interested in Bosch Eisenspritzers - straight information on how they work and how they’re fixed - should get themselves out to Jerry Fairchild Industries, 135 West Union in Pasadena. The meeting will include an analysis of the new CIS system being used on the ’74 Porsches. Since Jerry’s is one of only two places in the U.S. that rebuild injectors, mark this meeting on your calendars right now!
17 18 19 22 24 25 26 27 28
roads. It won’t be a road race. All types of cars are welcome. This Monte Carlo style rally will be somewhat different from the straight navigational rallys we have run in the past. The true rally distances and times will be given at each instruction. This will relieve some of the computational burden for those of you running in the NAV class. It will allow you SOP’ers to check your progress and calibrate your intuition as you go. In addition, the instructions will specify the general location of each checkpoint to within several miles. So if you don’t want to be bothered with nayigating, you can just drive to the minimum distance point and wait until you are
The Pbrsche Owners Club and Gabriel & Olsen Porsche/Audi
right on time.
The rally will be simple enough for beginners to enjoy. If you have never run a NAV rally before it will be a good chance to learn what it is all about. For many it will provide the additional unique thrill of actually knowing whether you are ahead or behind time. If you think that this is too simple, th~n I challenge you to come out and prove it by zeroing a leg. The rally will start from Gabriel and Olsen Porsche-Audi, 15531 Venture Blvd., Encino. They are located just a few blocks west of the San Diego Freeway and Venture Freeway interchange. Registration will open at 7:30 a.m., and there will be coffee and donuts. The first car out will be at 8:00 a.m. The total duration of the rally will be a maximum of 12 hours. This will include a two hour rest, shopping and dinner break in Solvang. The rally will end in or near the San Fernando valley.
PCA %~S PQ C Ch~BBenge
Cup R~B~|
This is the event we have all been waiting for - the third running of the annual POCPCA Challenge Cup Rally to Solvang. Two years ago when I was rallymaster of the first Destination Solvang rally, I thought it would be a tremendous opportunity for the two clubs to get together and share an event. The rally was an outstanding success and everyone liked the back country roads and magnificent scenery. Unfortunately (for POC), the perpetual Challenge Cup trophy was won by PCA. Last year, after a postponement due to rain, PCA somehow managed to squeak out another win. This year I am confident that POC will win. We have been practicing at recent POC rallies, and we expect a large POC turnout which will enhance our chances for success. The challenge is on, PCA. Can you muster enough talent to win three years in a row? The rally is sponsored by Gabriel and Olsen Porsche-Audi in Encino. It will be held on Saturday this year, in order to avoid any gas availability problems. The date to reserve is Saturday, February 23, 1974. The route and instructions will be essentially the same as those used in the first Destinetion Solvang rally two years ago. The rally is a 12 hour Monte Carlo style navigational rally. The instructions are very simple, with no traps or gimmicks to confuse you. There will be a minimum of speed changes, an absolute minimum of city streets and freeways, and a maximum of pleasureable driving on rural, Porsche-type
If you have any questions call me at (213) 542-5561 during the day, or (213) 3265930 evenings and week-ends. Alternately, you can call the assistant rallymaster, Tom Wellbaum at (213) 793-7752 evenings or weekends. I’ll see you on February 23rd.
P.S. We Lnved You There is only one way to describe the Palm Springs Week-end: "Oh, Elizabeth, this is the big one, honey!!" From the minute we rolled into town, strange things began to happen. John williamson and your illustrious president, Tore Johnson, were pulled over and welcomed to town by one of the local constables. Luckily, they didn’t receive a formal w~ico~e, just a casual one. Later in the day, after were checked into our rooms, we met for the surprise event. SURPRISE!! It turned out to be a rally, Have you ever heard of a "hare and hound poker run rally"? Everyone had a ball! The roads that we used were super. Up and through Idyllwild there was fresh fallen snow all over, except where we were driving. On the roads that we used, we had old snow and as you know, "There’s no snow like old snow."
Later that evening, we met for a group therapy dinner and presented the trophies. The trophies were won by Horace Searcie, the Jacksons and Tore Johnson, who were, by coincidence, A) the rallymaster, B) the checkpoints, or C) none of the above. Since a couple of people BURPED, we had to give out the trophies to three others: Don Colwell (ist), also known as E1 Cheato, Lynn Smith (2nd), a new member, and Gary Hayes (3rd), a transfer-in from Oregon. After dinner, we all met at John Williamson’s suite, better known as "Sweet willie’s". The party was a great success . after we got the fire out and removed the Queen Mary. The next day was a free day - golf, tennis, trapping, sky diving and wine-o rollin . . . . different strokes for different folks.
Checkpoint Three was in downtown Idyllwild. After indulging in cold coffee and hot apple pie, we had to wait for Checkpoint Four to be pried away from the snackbar. (Can you guess who that was?!) Then we
Your Champion Spark Plug, Del Jackson
1450 West Pacific Coast Highway ¯ Wilmington, California 90744 . Phone 549-2000
Membership Have you noticed all the new PCA-LA members? Like to meet them? Then come on out to the Blarney Castle for the general membership meeting on Thursday, February 14. As your new membership chairman, I would like to meet the new members (and the old ones, toot). All of you in the very near future will be receiving renewal invoices, This year’s billing will cover from December 31, 1973 to the month you originally joined PCA, being pro-rated at $1.50 per month. From this month on, you will be billed only on your anniversary month of joining PCA for a full year’s membership, Example: I joined in September of 1972. I will be billed for $12 (January thru August) and then billed for $18 (September ’74 thru August ’75).
Ken Grace Membership Chairman Membership is at 308.
Neue PCAer’s
How many times have you gone down the freeway, minding your own business, when suddenly a big motor home pulls out and you have to take the necessary action? Or have you been stuck behind a semi-trailertruck passing another semi-trailer-truck? Well, Governor Reagan has signed a bill banning large campers, motor homes and perhaps even semi-trailer-trucks from the fast lanes of multiple-lane freeways. The bill outlaws all but the smallest camper rigs from the left lane of the freeways where there are more than three lanes in each direction. This sounds great, but will it be of much value to Porsche owners who will be forced to drive the same speed as the truckers? We have a choice: get our cars dinged with flying stones, gravel, etc., or we can break the speed limit (which Porsche owners never do) and run our cars the way they were meant to be driven, while looking in our mirrors for the CHP. Such is life . . . Ken Grace
George Andre. 30823 Rue Langlois Palos Verdes Peninsula 90274
George is an airline pilot. He and his wife, Lenene, own a 1969 911S and are interested in~tech, drivers school and racing.
Bill Beau 1568 Benedict Canyon Beverly Hills 90210
Bill is a musician and single. He and his 1960 356B coupe plan to enjoy rallyes, tech and social.
Wendi Bluth 4433 Arcola Ave. North Hollywood 91602
Robert B~wers 11715 Bombardier Ave. Norwalk 90650
Glen Buckler 1263 Oxford Pasadena 91104
Wendi is a music student who owns a 1971 914 1.7. This young bachelorette has intereats in concours, tech and drivers school. Robert, a maintenance mechanic, and his wife, Peggy, own a red 1953 356 sedan. Their interests include tech, social and rallyes. Glen, single, is a Porsche mechanic. He owns a 1966 911 and e~joys racing.
Donald Curry-Allen, Jr. 1346 Westlake Ave. Los Angeles 90006
Don is an administrator and drives a 1974 914 2.0. He is single and enjoys all activities.
Jules J. Dobkin 10880 Wilshire Blvd. #612 Los Angeles 90024
Jules is a vice-president in finance. He drives a silver 1973 911S coupe. His interests are rallyes, racing and social.
(Rev.) J. David Gray 1916 Pacific Ave. Apt. 3 Venice 90291
Reverend Gray and his wife Nancy own a 1970 911T silver coupe. They would like to be involved in rallyes and drivers school.
(Continued from Page 8) 9.
Robert Hamilton 228 29th Place Manhattan Beach 90266
Robert, a stock broker, and his wife Sheri~ drive a 1973 911E Targa. Drivers school, tech and concours are their interests.
I0. William Henderson 827 E. Chevy Chase Dr. #4 Glendale 91205 ii. Tom Ludwig 1528 Berkeley St. Apt. 2 Santa Monica 90404
William is a carpenter. He and his wife, Barbara, plan to enjoy concours, rallyes and drivers school in their black 1969 911S coupe. Tom is a management trainee and single. He drives a gold 1973 911 T and has interests in rallyes, tech and social.
12. Reid Olson 2420 Mission St. San Marino 91108
Reid has a gulf orange 1956 Speedster Super. He is in advertising and likes social, racing and drivers school.
13. Cyndel Anne Podich 646 S. Barrington, #112 Los Angeles 90049
Cyndel is single and drives a 1964 356C coupe. An artist-teacher, she lists social, drivers school and rallyesas her interests.
14. Ruth Savage Box 1094 Santa Monica 90406
Ruth has just purchased a silver 1960 356B Cabriolet. She likes rallyes, racing and gymkhanas.
15. Jack Schultz 6442 Eberle St. Lakewood 90713
Jack, a fireman, is single and drives a white 1967 912 coupe. He enjoys rallyes, racing and social.
16. Randolph Scott 1430 S. Duff Ave. West Covina 91790
Randolph, owning a 1973 914 2.0, is a traffic coordinator. His interests are rallyes, social, racing and autocross.
17. Lynne Smith 2158 Canyon Road Arcadia 91006
Lynne drives her 1974 911 Targa to work. She is single and works as a dental hygienist. She likes social, rallyes and tech.
18. Pat Smythe 1512 Sunnyside Terrace San Pedro 90731
Pat is a deckhand. His interests of railyes, autocross and tech will include his Alaska,blue 1973 914.
19. Barton Steinbeck 5870 W. 75th Street Los Angeles 90045
Barton is a student and owns a 1957 ivory speedster convertible. Concours, rsllyes, and tech are his interests.
20. William Sussman 2026 Beecham Dr. San Pedro 90731
William is an M.D. He and his wife Phyllis have a metallic blu9 1973 911T coupe. They like tech, rallyes and concours.
21. Ed Thompson 4408 W. 61st St. Los Angeles 90043
Ed, a pharmacist, drives a 1967 911 silver coupe. He and his wife are interested in drivers school, concours and social.
22. Jack Toyer 11730 Florence Ave. #14 Santa Fe Springs 90670
Jack is a deputy sheriff and single. He and his 1968 912 sedan plan to be involved in rallyes, drivers school and autocross. (continued on Page Ii)
~ Speclalizlngin
Porschera~a is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.
Manifolds. For use with Weber 48 IDA carbs to 914 engine. $70. Call Lee Roberts at 714-459-1465.
machining for air-cooled engines,
4 185X14 factory maq wheels. Complete with brand new Bridgestone Radial tires and tubes balanced to perfection and in beautiful condition. $400. Also, 4 specially made 6-inch by 14-inch factory stock steel wheels with four like-new 10.45 14-inch Goodyear race tires and tubes balanced perfectly. Will fit all disc brake Porsches (C series and 911 series). $180. Contact Bob Raucher, 13454 Weddington St., Van Nuys 91401 (784-6081).
PERFORMANCE VW’s-- Our bag! Send for FREE Catalogcoverin8 components, servicing tips,
and prices you can live with. MASTER
Tire Chains. Adjustable. Fit 165X14, 165X15. $5. Also, one 185/70 VR/15 Michelin. $50 or make offer. Contact H.L. Searcie, P.O. Box 3324, TA, LOS
209SN. LakeAve. Altadena, Ca. 91001 (213) 794-8402 (213.)681-5991
Miscellaneous. Nardi 14" wood wheel for 911, new. $50. Factory 911 leather wheel. $30. 914 stock exhaust. $15. Call Robert Tindel at 805-259-7076 after 3:00 p.m.
for sale
Front over-riders, low bar type, for 356A. Contact J.W. Sewell, 6903 Hartcrest, Rancho Palos Verdes (3~7-8109).
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following: i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses); 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; 3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number.
~ ~
~ "It’ll never work Herr Porsche you can’t have the power source at the rea{~"
All listings SO
are subject to editing and condensing; and
4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.
(Continued from Page 9) 23. Michael Turok 11118 E. Daines Drive Temple City 91780
Mike is an avionics technician, single, and drives a silver 1972 911E coupe. Re prefers tech, social and gymkhanas.
24. Ronald Workman 1261 N. Laurel Ave. #12 Los Angeles 90046
Ronald is a gemologist. He and his wife drive a 1973 911T coupe. Their interests include social, drivers school and concours~
25. Erhard Zedelmayer 7201 W. 83rd Street Los Angeles 90045
Erhard, an engineer, is married and the father of two children. He has a silver 1973 911T coupe and plans to use it for rallyes, autocross and tech..
die minuten The Blarney Castle was the setting for our first Membership Meeting of the new year. With its built-in bar and comfortable chairs, it was a welcome change from the old schoolhouse as a meeting place. Our new President, Tore Johnson, gave a brief welcome and then introduced the new Board Members for ’74. Each Board Member gave a short rundown on what he hoped to accomplish for the Club in the coming year. The audience was very responsive to the Officers’ reports and plans, and this portion of the meeting actual%y turned out to be the highlight of the evening. Xt looks like 1974 will be a fun year for all! New members were welcomed by our Membership Chairman, Ken Grace, and we had quite a number of first-timers attending that we hope will be back again. Duane Alan presented a trophy to our president for last year, John Kepler, for the fine job he did for the Club. See, Tore, if you do a good job you get atrophy!! John Wiliiamson talked briefly about the upcoming slalom at T~ on January 27th. Del Jackson then outlined other coming events such as the tour to Palm Springs, the 3rd Annual Santa Anita Race Track Concours, and the PCA/POC Challenge Cup Rally in the near future. Our special guest for the evening was Lee Slotar from "Money Tree" who presented some of his new race-oriented products for our reaction. ,
GreltPlainsRe~ion~s DerSk~m~er
After a brief "For Sale" interchange among the various members and a very interesting technical session handled quite capably by John Williamson, the meeting was adjourned. If this first meeting was any indication of the meetings to come, believe me I won’t want to miss any of them and I know that most of the members there felt the same. The January Board Meeting was held home and was attended by all Board except Marc Rothman who was in San Some the more significant items cussedofwere:
at my Members Diego. dis-
i. General Membersh£p Meeting format and content. It was decided that we would call various random members of the Club and get their reaction to the first meeting. 2. Corky mentioned that we actually had more money in the treasury than anticipated, but that we still needed to collect from some sponsors that have not as yet paid. (Continued on Page 12)
(Continuedfrom Page ll) FRAUD~ Oh fer gawd’s sake, it sure feels good to be back with ya all. Hope all of ya had some nice oi’ holidays¯ Mine wouldn’t have been too bad, if I hadn’t stuck my feeble oi’ hand in the microwave when the turkey was cookin. Now my hand glows in the dark. The only problem is that everytir~ I try to make a pass at oi’ Maudi, she sees me cominl! Guess I’ll just have to get the oi’ primer paint out and go over to the hod shop. The last time I went there, I got chromed, and some wise guy mounted me on the hood of an Edsel Ranger. Anyways, all you kids out there, here is the latest spicy news from PCA-LA. ¯ . . Is it true that Ken Grace fell in love Saturday night in P.S.?? ¯ . . Is it true that Del Jackson parks his car in his mouth occasionally?! ¯ . . Did Marc Rothman really move to San Diego because he found out who the other board members were?l? ¯ . . Is it true that Don Colwell won the hare and hound rally ’cause that’s the way he gets home every night?! . . Are Lynne Smith and Patty Rousey really card sharks?? ¯ . . Is it true that POC is going to lose the Challenge Cup Rally to PCA again this year because of an energy lack called brains?!?!?!
3. Bob Van Cleave was assigned to look into a one-day driving school at willow. 4. Don and Terri Colwell will look into obtaining new name badges and jackets. 5. Tore will be responsible for setting up a competition committee for future events¯ Many other miscellaneous items involving the Club were discussed and some ground rules for future events were established. The meeting ended with Corky suggesting that our February General Membership Meeting have a Valentine theme and the women guests present volunteered to carry it out. ~
Respectfully submitted, Bob Van Cleave Secretary
E $ewhere Feb. 2-3
POC Time Trials. Ontario Raceway; $33 (nonmembers), $12 for ladies (with male entrant)¯ All vehicles must have competition seat belts and fire extinguishers¯ For information call Tom Marx (784-5479) or Tom King (537-4423)¯
March 30-31
Sacramento Valley Region’s CRAB III Week-end. Autocross and gymkhana with crabfeed at the E1 Macero Country Club on Saturday night. $30 per couple; $20 for singl~s. For further info contact CRAB Command Post, 4640 Sunset Drive, Sacramento, CA 95822¯
Love and Kisses, Fraudi
~C~URg: o~o ~_~ g~1~E ~W~ ~’~
March 8-9 ~~
¯ ¯ ¯
(FLASH!) Just got word of the Associated sanctioned overnight Las Vegas rallye, Las Vegas Reunion. $55 per car. Contact Horace Searcie, Rallymaster, for details (783-1788)¯
PCA-P~ Cha!lenge Cup Rally Concours - Santa Anita Race Track ~Gymkhana Picnic
Swap Meet Rally
JULY 13 27. AUGUST ?? SEPTE~ER 14-15
Rally ~A-POC Challenge Cup Slalom Time Trials - Will~ Springs Tour - Lake Tahoe Rally - Las Vegas Nite N~ Year’s Eve Party
PORSCHE OWNERS! A new one=stop Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: 9:00--6:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
10946 Santa Monica Boulevard West Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 Phone: 477--0507
"THE PANIC BUTTON" 398-2217 pca activity info