Porscherama 2008 March

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Porsche Club of America

Los Angeles Region

March 2008

Inside: All Porsche Swap Meet . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Recent News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LA Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8 Zone 8 Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

All Porsche Swap Meet By Bruce Pollock

The highlight of the All Porsche Swap Meet on the 24th of February was in the parking lot and not for sale. This 356 Coupe was a joy to behold.

On the 24th of February, the All Porsche Swap meet was held on what, for Southern California, was a rather dreary day. As we drew near the parking lot, there was no question as to whether or not we were in the right place. I believe that what we saw was the largest assemblage of 911s and 356s I have ever seen in one place.

Inside the actual swapping area there was much uncertainty as to whether or not the turn out would be what everyone expected, and vendors were trying to decide whether to stay or leave before everything got totally soaked. Most stayed while some left early, seeming a little disappointed in the turn out. I’ll be looking forward to next year’s event when we all expect to experience normal weather. In the parking lot on our way out we saw what was the highlight of the day. It was a 356 A Coupe that was either an actual factory rally car or one that had been built by its owner to replicate that look. Exquisite is a word that doesn’t even really fully describe how well done this car was and the time transport created by its presence. continued on Page 4.

When you open an email from one of our board members it will look just like this (without the poppy). It is notification of an up-coming event and an invitation to join us. Response, contact info and other pertinent data about the event is included. Sometimes events grow from concept to reality in a short period of time. When that happens these email notices may be the only way we have of contacting you in time. All the more reason to be sure your email info is up-todate. Make your updates at www.pca.org. When we receive notice about when we will be able to drive to and view the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve, this is how we will be notifying you. Keep watching your email for the notice.


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PCA-LA REGION PRESIDENT ......................................................David Altemus 310-478-7727, fax 310-479-5181 1537 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 VICE PRESIDENT ..................................................Bob Gordon 818-888-7224, fax 818-615-0624 SECRETARY .........................................................Roger Ignon rignon@edgesystem.net TREASURER ........................................................Jan Altemus 310-478-7727, fax 310-479-5181 MEMBERSHIP ...............................................Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR ..........................................Bob Gordon 818-888-7224, fax 818-615-0624 ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Dick Shipman.....................................310-474-8194 Roger Ignon .........................rignon@edgesystem.net Martin Holford.........................holford@sbcglobal.net Arthur Yuter ................................a.yuter@verizon.net WEB MASTER............................................................Eric Mai ericmai@msn.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR & ADVERTISING MGR......Bruce Pollock imset@pacbell.net



Zone 8 Calendar

LA Region Calendar




Time Trial - San Diego Reg.


Driver Ed. - Las Vegas Reg.


Club Race - Arizona Region


Autocross - OC Reg.

5 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 22 (Sat.).......................Stanley Gold Collection Tour Spitfire Grill 22 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

April 4-6

Speed Festival - Zone 8


Concours - Riverside Reg.


Rally School - Santa Barbara Reg.

ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE....................................Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com ZONE 8 WEBMASTER ...........................................Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org CONCOURS CHAIR .................................................Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com RALLY CHAIR .........................................................Tom Gould tcg3@aol.com CHIEF DRIVING INSTRUCTOR.................................Paul Young pdyoung@cox.net TIME TRIAL CHAIR/DE CHAIR.................................Paul Young pdyoung@cox.net AUTOCROSS CHAIR ........................................Neil Heimburge porschebadboy@cox.net CLUB RACE COORDINATOR ...........................................Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com RULES COORDINATOR................................................Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org TREASURER ..............................................Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com REGION COORDINATOR ....................................Gary Peterson Gary.Peterson@HRH.com CHANGE OF ADDRESS .....................................Notify at once: Joe Shubitowski - joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com AND Ruth Harte / PCA National P.O. Box 30100, Alexandria, VA 22310-8100


Porsche Platz @ LBGP - Zone 8


Long Beach Grand Prix


Autocross School - Santa Barbara Reg.


Autocross - Santa Barbara Reg.


Rally - Santa Barbara Reg.


Concours - San Gabriel Valley Reg.


Cayenne Off Road Tour - Grand Prix Reg.

SUBSCRIPTIONS PCA members of other regions may become “Dual” members of PCA-LA and receive the Porscherama for 12 months by sending $24.00 to Joe Shubitowski, Membership Chairman, joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com Non-member subscription $36.00/ year. EDITORIAL POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. (PCA/LA), a California Non Profit Corporation. It is published in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not constitute an opinion of the PCA/LA, its board of directors or staff. All contributions become property of Porscherama. Porscherama reserves the right to edit all contributions. ADVERTISING POLICY Classified Advertising: Porscherama accepts classified ads for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche related items. Ads can run for three consecutive months. No charge to PCA/LA members. Non-member cost is $10.00 per month payable in advance, after which time they must be resubmitted. Porscherama is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in any ad and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale, nor the accuracy of any claims or representation made by the advertiser. Type or print clearly, include your PCA number and email ad copy to: imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in the subject line


March 2008

March - April ................................Poppy Fields Tour Watch For Email Notification

April 2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 4-6 (Fri.-Sun.)........................................Speed Festival California Speedway 18-20 (Fri. - Sun.) ..............Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach 26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

May 7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify

May 2

Cinco De Mayo Welcome - S. Ariz. Reg.


Club Race - Las Vegas Reg.

24 (Sat.).......................VW/Audi Design Studio Tour Spitfire Grill


DE - Lapping Days - Las Vegas Reg.

24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club


Concours - S. Ariz. Reg.



Autocross - S. Ariz. Reg.


Autocross - Grand Prix Reg.

4 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify


Autocross - Golden Empire Reg.


Concours - Grand Prix Reg.


Welcome Party - OC Reg.


Rally - Cal Inland Reg.

28-3 July (Sat.-Thur.) ..............PCA Porsche Parade Charlotte


Concours - OC Reg.



Autocross - OC Reg.

2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify


Rally - San Diego Reg.


Concours - LA Reg.


Porsche Parade - Charlotte


8 (Sun.) ..........................LA Region Zone 8 Concours Burton Chace Park - Marina Del Rey 28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

20 (Sun.).........................................Fun Run & Brunch Channel Islands 26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club


July 1-3

Porsche Parade - Charlotte


Autocross - San Diego Reg.

August 10

Autocross - Santa Barbara Reg.


Monterey Historics - Laguna Seca


Autocross - Riverside Reg.

6 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 9 (Sat.) ..........................................Poker Run & Dinner Carpenteria 15-17 (Fri. - Sun.)............Monterey Historic Races Laguna Seca Raceway 23 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club


March 2008



February 2008 Brian Eisendrath

Los Angeles

Peter J. Fischler

Los Angeles

Gary A. Friedman

Los Angeles

Jason W. Gore

Stevenson Ranch

Justin Guichard

Manhatten Beach

Jay D. Haskell


Kassie L. Justin

Los Angeles

Alexander R. Marmureanu

Los Angeles

Charlie Martin Darryl D. Schaeffer Franz Seow Paolo Stuppa Deborah Walker

25 Years

Allen S. Chroman

20 Years

Roger B. Anderson Jim Y. Sakabe

15 Years

Lawrence N. Goddard Eric C. Hanson Ray Oakdale

Palos Verdes Peninsula

Eric Hybiske

page 3

10 Years

Jonathan D. Lloyd Tom Mcwilliams Keith G. Meggs Wayne Smith

Santa Monica

Barry K. Weber

North Hills

Lars G. Wikblad

Agoura Hills

5 Years

Andrew Coulter

Palos Verdes Estates

Jeff Dagan

Los Angeles

Michael J. Terhar

Watch Your Email For Our Poppy Field Trip In March or April. There will be a picnic and great views of our state’s flower. Keep an eye out for the date! Big Band Jazz

LA Region member Roy Wiegand played trombone with the Stan Kenton Orchestra for many years. One of 5 CDs available is a tribute to Stan Kenton, and another is entitled

“Love Sounds - Five trombones and twenty strings with rhythm” You can listen to audio samples at www.bigbandjazz.net/new-design/cd_stan.asp. CDs are available from Roy for $14 ea., including shipping. Call 818-980-9387 to order.

page 4


March 2008

Swap Meet (cont.)

Recent News

New 911 GT3 RSR

Despite the weather, the turn out was significant and there were folks from all over the country who came to see if they could find whatever they were looking for.

From David E. Davis at windingroad.com comes news about a recent sad event.

Below are some photos from PCNA of the new and improved 911 GT3 RSR for 2008. We’ll have the full story in the next issue.

The variety and quality of the goods and services available from vendors present was impressive. It’s clear that this is one area where yesterday’s craftsmen can still practice their trade and gain some recognition for jobs well done.

“Road & Track’s Belgian correspondent Paul Frère was a damned good journalist and a damned good racing driver—not to be confused with a journalist who either thinks he is or wishes to be a racing driver. He won LeMans in 1960, sharing a Ferrari with fellow Belgian Olivier Gendebien. He entered

As we drove back to LA, the weather began to clear and it seemed like Southern California again. All in all it was a very pleasant trip and event.

The world lost a legend in February — Road & Track’s Belgian correspondent Paul Frére.

The lovely 356 Coupe. Complete with auxiliary driving lights, headlight grille guards & leather hood straps.

These are cast wheels in the style of the original steel wheels. They are works of art.

Spirits were not dampened by the overcast and raining skies.

eleven Formula 1 races between 1952 and 1956, and finished second for Ferrari in his final race, the Belgian GP at Spa Francorchamps. Even after his eightieth birthday he could wiggle himself into a racing car and cut pretty impressive lap times. As a journalist, he was absolutely reliable, and carefully kept every note on every car he had ever tested. He was a total professional and a thoroughly decent guy. He died after a long illness at the end of February. In Stuttgart, I sat next to Paul at the great farewell dinner Daimler-Benz management threw for Günther Molter, another damned good automotive journalist who was about to retire as head of the Mercedes-Benz press department. As the speeches began, Paul asked me if I’d like him to translate for me. "Oh no," I replied like an idiot, "I’ll understand enough to get by." Ten minutes later, Paul was urgently pointing out, sotto voce, that the speaker was saying that the proof of Günther’s professional skills and reputation was that David E. Davis, Jr. had flown all the way from the United States to honor him on his retirement. I was, of course, mortified, and Paul Frère was vastly amused. It was always a bit of a thrill to see him—more so to be recognized by him and even be treated as an equal. He was handsome, always carefully dressed, and seemed to be totally unaware of the awe with which a generation of automotive journalists beheld him”. - David E. Davis, Jr. Thanks to David E. Davis and windingroad .com.

Porsche will be well represented in the 2008 American Le Mans GT2 Championship, and hopes are high that this “most powerful racing 911” will overcome the challenge from Ferrari.

March 2008


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March 2008

David E. Altemus n



















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Ask for

John Beard

March 2008


Classifieds Ads can run for three consecutive months, after which they must be resubmitted. If your ad is included here with three dots following it, you must resubmit. Submit by email to imset@pacbell.net and include your current membership number and contact information.

page 7


Porsche Cars 1969 912 Targa Hardwindow. Five speed, Fuchs wheels, Solexes with K&Ns, Bursch exhaust, RS0012 distributor. Original Tangerine color, no rust. Interior is good, dash is cracked in the usual places. Runs good. Long list of upgrades which I’ll be pleased to forward with pictures to anyone interested. It’s a nice car that goes down the road very well. $17,500. Jon 818-207-1026, calfiles@sbcglobal.net•••

Spitfire Grill 3300 Airport Ave. Santa Monica

1957 356 Cpe Factory sun roof. Grey(silver) good condition, black interior. Chrome factory wheels, original working radio, overriders, wood steering wheel. Engine rebuilt 600 miles ago, runs great. All chrome redone and much more. All receipts since 1977. Always garaged, current license. Many extra parts (10 large boxes) including a complete extra rebuilt engine like new. $32,000. for everything. Avery Waisbren, 818-755-9568.•

Interstate 10 to Bundy Drive. South to Airport Ave. Right to 3300 (on the left).

Porsche Miscellaneous 993 Black Brakes removed from 1995 C2 in 2006 in working condition with about 75K miles on them. Pads and rotors have about 50% left. Asking $950. Kevin, 818674-6952, kc1bj2@aol.com• Wheels/AutoX 17 x 7.5, 17 x 9 Mille Miglia. Fits: C2, C4, 993, 996, 944 and some Boxsters. Good condition. Good Price. $519. 858-481-0626, tkbryson@san.rr.com •••

Don’t Miss A Thing. Update Email Addresses At:

9:00 am March 22, 2008 April 26, 2008 May 24, 2008

June 28, 2008 July 26, 2008 August 23, 2008

p c a . o r g

PORSCHERAMA Porsche Club of America



Los Angeles Region

1537 Pontius Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025



Return Service Requested Time Sensitive Material

2008 — MARCH -

APRIL Dates are subject to change.

March 5 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 22 (Sat.).......................Stanley Gold Collection Tour Spitfire Grill 22 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club March - April ................................Poppy Fields Tour Watch For Email Notification

April 2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 4-6 (Fri.-Sun.)........................................Speed Festival California Speedway 18-20 (Fri. - Sun.) ..............Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach 26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

2008 Events Dates are subject to change.



7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify

6 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify

24 (Sat.).......................VW/Audi Design Studio Tour Spitfire Grill

9 (Sat.) ..........................................Poker Run & Dinner Carpenteria

24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

15-17 (Fri. - Sun.)............Monterey Historic Races Laguna Seca Raceway


23 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

5 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 22 (Sat.).......................Stanley Gold Collection Tour Spitfire Grill 22 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club March - April ................................Poppy Fields Tour Watch For Email Notification



Event Contacts Bob Gordon

4 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 8 (Sun.) ..........................LA Region Zone 8 Concours Burton Chace Park - Marina Del Rey


Dick Shipman 310-474-8194 Roger Ignon

28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club 28-3 July (Sat.-Thur.) ..............PCA Porsche Parade Charlotte


2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify


4-6 (Fri.-Sun.)........................................Speed Festival California Speedway

2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify

18-20 (Fri. - Sun.) ..............Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach

20 (Sun.).........................................Fun Run & Brunch Channel Islands

26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

A l l

D a t e s

A r e

S u b j e c t

If you change your email address, log onto pca.org and change it there. That will take care of all local and national pca groups that need to know. T o

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