Porscherama 2010 June

Page 1

Porsche Club of America

Los Angeles Region

Long, Bergmeister, Lizards Triumph in Six-Hour Squeaker at Laguna Muscle Milk Porsche RS Spyder Second Overall Monterey, Calif. - May 23 - Four Ferraris, two Corvettes, two BMWs and two Porsches, all running within ten seconds of each other during much of the six-hour American Le Mans Series Monterey race at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca yesterday, continue to provide fans at the track and a national TV audience the finest sports car racing ever seen in North America. With nine minutes and 20 seconds left in the endurance event, Patrick Long (USA), driving the Flying Lizard Motorsports Porsche 911 GT3 RSR, overtook the factory BMW on the re-start after a late yellow flag to score a three-tenths of a second GT class win - the team's second straight victory.


Corvette, Ferrari, Corvette, Porsche, BMW and Ferrari - in that order. Porsche now leads the manufacturers' championship points with 65, while Ferrari has 55 and BMW 50. In the drivers' points chase, Bergmeister/Long enjoy a tenpoint lead over the Ferrari drivers Melo/Bruni, while BMW drivers Mueller/Hand are third. While this exciting battle was raging in the GT class, a smaller, but just as intriguing competition was taking place for the overall race win. The Muscle Milk Porsche RS Spyder, with Klaus Graf/Sascha Maassen/Memo Gidley aboard, led the race overall at several junctions, and looked like they would compete for the overall win when bad luck struck. Memo Gidley, the

June 2010

Inside: Laguna Seca ALMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Greystone Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Late News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Greystone Invitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 New Members & Anniversaries . . . . . . . 4 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LA & Z8 Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 last-minute substitution of car owner Greg Pickett, spun the car during his first lap out in the middle of the race, going through the gravel trap. A small piece of gravel had lodged itself behind the shift paddle, causing the car to stay stuck in gear. Once the American was towed Continued on Page 4.

Long, and co-driver and fellow Porsche factory pilot Joerg Bergmeister (Germany), overcame an eighth-place grid position after a troublesome qualifying session to gain the season points advantage over their rivals. The pair won five races in a row last year en route to the GT class championship. Referring to his battles with first the Ferraris, then the Corvettes, and final the BMWs in the closing 60 minutes of the race, the usually calm and articulate Long was almost speechless. "I can't even describe the last hour of this race. I was on everyone's bumper, and they were on mine. We were fast enough to compete, but would have not been fast enough to win if the Flying Lizard crew didn't put us in that position by minimizing our time in the pits and calling perfect strategy. The Porsche 911 GT3 RSR was perfect, and Joerg and I kept the mistakes to a minimum. I've never been in a race that was a pressure-cooker from green flag to checkered flag like this one," said Long. With 10 yellow flags for various incidents during the race, the green flag re-starts played as critical role in teams' final finishing positions as efficient pit stops did. Long pointed out that when the green flag drops for the first car, it's time to race for everyone - you don't have to wait until your car gets to the starter stand. "On that final re-start, Joey (Hand, the BMW driver) left a bit of a door open for me, and I took it three- wide through the last corner," Long said. "Then it was all about running away because I knew Joey wouldn't be happy. We came from eighth on the starting grid and worked our way through a very competitive field," Long said. The final standings in GT showed Porsche, BMW,

Flying Lizards Porsche 911 GT3 RSR. Courtesy of Porsche Cars North America, Inc.

Entry Form Page 3

Attendance Info Page 5

July 18, 2010


page 2

PCA-LA REGION PRESIDENT ......................................................David Altemus 310-478-7728, fax 310-479-5181 1537 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 VICE PRESIDENT .......................................................Art Yuter a.yuter@verizon.net SECRETARY .........................................................Roger Ignon rignon@edgesystem.net TREASURER ...................................................................Open MEMBERSHIP ...............................................Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR ......................................Martin Holford martinholford@me.com ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Roger Ignon .........................rignon@edgesystem.net Arthur Yuter ................................a.yuter@verizon.net Bill Ehrich, Jeff Peck, Terry Sullivan, Robert Vincent WEB MASTER ...............................................Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR & ADVERTISING MGR......Bruce Pollock imset@pacbell.net

PCA-ZONE 8 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE....................................Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com ZONE 8 WEBMASTER..............................................Ken Short webmaster@zone8.org CONCOURS CHAIR .................................................Joe Nedza jcnedza@aol.com RALLY CHAIR .........................................................Tom Gould tcg3@aol.com CHIEF DRIVING INSTRUCTOR.................................Paul Young pdyoung@cox.net TIME TRIAL CHAIR/DE CHAIR.................................Paul Young pdyoung@cox.net AUTOCROSS CHAIR ........................................Neil Heimburge porschebadboy@cox.net CLUB RACE COORDINATOR ...........................................Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com RULES COORDINATOR................................................Tom Brown tb911@adelphia.net TREASURER ..............................................Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com REGION COORDINATOR ....................................Gary Peterson Gary.Peterson@HRH.com CHANGE OF ADDRESS .....................................Notify at once: pca.org - Member Services & Contacts PLUS Joe Shubitowski - joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com SUBSCRIPTIONS PCA members of other regions may become “Dual” members of PCA-LA and receive the Porscherama for 12 months by sending $24.00 to Joe Shubitowski, Membership Chairman, joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com Non-member subscription $36.00/ year. EDITORIAL POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. (PCA/LA), a California Non Profit Corporation. It is published in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not constitute an opinion of the PCA/LA, its board of directors or staff. All contributions become property of Porscherama. Porscherama reserves the right to edit all contributions. ADVERTISING POLICY Classified Advertising: Porscherama accepts classified ads for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche related items. Ads can run for three consecutive months. No charge to PCA/LA members. Non-member cost is $10.00 per month payable in advance, after which time they must be resubmitted. Porscherama is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in any ad and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale, nor the accuracy of any claims or representation made by the advertiser. Type or print clearly, include your PCA number and email ad copy to: imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in the subject line.

June 2010



Zone 8 Calendar

LA Region Calendar Watch Your Email.

June 12

Concours - OC Reg.


Autocross - Grand Prix & SGV Reg.

June 2010

29-4(Jul.) 54th Porsche Parade 2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting

July 1-9

call 310-478-7727 to verify

Porsche Parade


Concours - Los Angeles Reg.


Autocross - OC Reg.


Gathering of Friends - CalCentralCoast

26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

July 2010

August 8-10

Monterey Pre Historics


Monterey Historics - Laguna Seca


Concours - LA Region

7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify


18 (Sun.)....................................LAR Zone 8 Concours


PCA Escape - British Columbia


Z8 Staff Rules Mtg.


Route 66 Days - Arizona Reg.


Time Trial - OCR


Time Trial - San Diego Reg.


Porsche Timeline - Riverside Reg.


Time Trial - OC Reg


Coronado Speed Festival


Greystone Mansion, Beverly Hills 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club Event Info:

Martin Holford martinholford@me.com



When you open an email from one of our board members it will look just like this. It is notification of an up-coming event and an invitation to join us. Response, contact info and other pertinent data about the event is included. Sometimes events grow from concept to reality in a short period of time. These email notices are the most reliable and effective way to be aware of upcoming events! All the more reason to be sure your email info is up-to-date.

Make your email updates at


Don’t Miss A Thing. Update Email Addresses At:



page 3

R E G I S T R AT I O N I N F O R M AT I O N Absolute Registration Deadline: July 6, 2010. Space is limited, Register NOW! All Judged Class entries: $75. • All Park & Display entries: $50. All entries include one (1) lunch ticket. Additional lunch tickets available at $20. each. 2010 PCA Concours Classes Full Concours Division C-1 All Closed 356 C-2 All Open 356 C-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 C-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) C-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) C-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993: ’89-’98) C-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ’99 on) C-8 Boxster, Cayman C-9 914-4, 914-6 C-10 All 924, 928, 944, 968 C-11 Cayenne, Panamera

Street Division S-1 All Closed 356 S-2 All Open 356 S-3 911-912: ‘65-’73 S-4 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83) S-5 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) S-6 911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993: ‘89-’98) S-7 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ‘99 on) S-8 Boxster, Cayman S-9 914-4, 914-6 S-10 All 924, 928, 944, 968 S-11 Cayenne, Panamera

Unrestored Stock Division


All 924, 928, 944, 968

Wash + Shine Division All 356 W&S-2 911-912: ‘65-’73 911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E: ‘74-’83 914-4, 914-6 W&S-3 911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84-’89) 911-Carrera & Turbo, (964, 993:’89-’98) W&S-4 911-Carrera & Turbo, GT2, GT3 (996, 997: ‘99 on) W&S-5 All Boxster, Cayman W&S-6 All 924, 928, 944, 968 W&S-7 Cayenne, Panamera

Special Categories Division >



Current Competition


Special Interest



All 356


911-912: ‘65-’73


911-911 Turbo, 930, 912E (‘74-’83)


911-Carrera & Turbo (‘84 -’89)


911-Carrera & Turbo (964, 993:’84 -’89)


911-Carrera & Turbo (996, ‘99:Y-10)


Boxster (‘97:Y-10)


914, 914-6

Limited Production

Entered Porsche Info Class Entered ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Year ________

Model ________________________________________________

Color ___________________________________________________________

Body _____________________________________

License Plate


Entrant Contact Info Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email

@ ______________________________________________________________


Address _____________________________________________________ PCA Region ________________________________________ City ___________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip __________________________________ Primary Phone


) ________________________ — ___________________________________________________________

Entry Fee Enclosed ____________ + ___ Additional Lunch Tickets @ $20. _____ = Total Enclosed $ __________________________

Make checks payable to PCA/LA and mail with completed registration form to:

Jo e S h u b i t o w s k i , 1 5 3 7 Po n t i u s Av e. , L o s A n g e l e s, C A 9 0 0 2 5 joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com

Photographs graciously provided by Dr. Knut I.Oxnevad

June 2010


page 4



June 2010 Armen Akian Robert Aldoroty Henderson R. Cooper

Bell Canyon Huntington Beach

Edwin C. Ek

10 Years

Victoria Bias Rita C. Otto

Los Angeles

Jill Ward


Debra Werner

Dodd M. Darin Kirkland S. Johnson

15 Years

Los Angeles

5 Years

Thomas A. Baker Wolfgang P. Fetten

Serena Sandino


Sam M. Sunada


Sean M. Kenney

Sherman Oaks

Jeff Lee

Bryan L. Taylor Uri Thatcher


Ron Guttmann

Wendell Price Mark A. Roemer

David A. Weinstein

Los Angeles

LATE NEWS: Five Porsche Factory Drivers Top Podium At 78th LeMans; 9th 2010 GT2 Win From PCNA Stuttgart/Atlanta - June 13 —The success story of the 2010 Porsche 911 GT3 RSR race continues

Susan R. Silver

June 2010

Laguna Seca (cont.) back to pit lane, the crew immediately assessed the problem, but had unfortunately fallen seven laps down to the leaders, and to 18th place overall. But Maassen and Graf peddled hard through the field, aided by attrition at the top of the standings, and earned a second place finish overall. "It 'ain't' over until it's over! That's what they say. I think these kinds of races are the sweetest, when there is a little bit of a setback and you have to recover. Fun is not a straight line and we were up and down and in the end to finish second is, I think, a great achievement," said Maassen, who won the first race ever for the RS Spyder at Laguna Seca in 2005. The American Le Mans Series takes its traditional mid-season break for teams who participate in the 24 Hours of Le Mans (June 12 - 13), and returns on July 11 to Miller Motorsports Park in Salt Lake City for round #4.

at the 78 running of the 24 Hours of Le Mans as factory drivers Marc Lieb (Germany), Richard Lietz (Austria) and Wolf Henzler (Germany) piloted their German Felbermayr-Proton Porsche to a two-lap GT2 win over the second-place Ferrari earlier today.

—helped lead Audi's sweep of the overall podium. They drove with former Porsche factory pilot Mike Rockenfeller (Germany) to a one-lap victory in their Audi R15 TDI. All six LMP1 and GT2winning drivers have either victories or championships in the American Le Mans Series as well.

Two other Porsche factory drivers Timo Bernhard (Germany) and Romain Dumas (France) —on loan from Porsche to Audi's factory prototype effort

As for the worldwide performance of the Porsche 911 GT3 RSR so far this year, the car Continued on Page 7.



Everyone Welcome Plan To Attend FREE Admission • Lunches Available - $20. NO RSVP • No Car Fee Just Show Up Over 50 Pristine, Rare & Exotic Road & Racing Porsches on Display Many, Many Exquisite Specimens Representing All Types Of Porsche.

Raffle Prizes Worth Over $1,000. Raffle Tickets: $5. ea. / 5 for $20.

An Abundance Of Fun Available For All !! Judging Begins at 11:00 am

page 5

Photographs graciously provided by Dr. Knut I.Oxnevad

June 2010


page 6

June 2010


A Rallye To the left is an ad for a rallye put on by the combined energy of the Grand Prix and Orange Coast regions. It appears to be what’s called a “gimmick” rallye, which actually is a good excuse to simply drive your car and have additional fun as part of the deal. We don’t have many, if any, rallye events here in the LA Region, so this is a good opportunity to try one on for size while having a fun drive. Each region seems to have a type of event in which they specialize. That specialization is a reflection of the make up of the membership. As members of the LA Region as well as the Zone and National segments of the Porsche Club of America, we are able to take advantage of participation in all events from any of those segments. Get you car out and have some fun!



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Ask for

John Beard


June 2010

Classifieds Ads can run for three consecutive months, after which they must be resubmitted. If your ad is included here with three dots following it, you must resubmit. Submit by email to imset@pacbell.net and include your current membership number and contact information.

page 7


Porsche Cars 1975 914 2.0 “Sunflower” Yellow. Total restoration over 8 years. You name it, it was done. Approx. 2,500 miles on totally rebuilt

Spitfire Grill 3300 Airport Ave. Santa Monica

engine with Weber 44 IDF carburetors. All records and restoration receipts available. Mint condition. No surprises. No disappointments.

Interstate 10 to Bundy Drive. South to Airport Ave. Right to 3300 (on the left).

Price reduced to $12,900 firm. Bill - 503-368-4481, wn0268@nehalemtel.net ••

9:00 am

911 GT3 class, 993 Turbo body. Fast, fun, reliable! 2150lbs. 3.4L Jerry Wood engine, twin plug, RSR

June 26, 2010 July 24, 2010 August 28, 2010

September 25, 2010 October 23, 2010 November 27, 2010

style MFI, 335BHP. C.Schuh Motorsports. Full 930 brakes and suspension w/coilovers. Runs like on rails; brick wall braking. Race gears, ZF LSD, squirters/cooler. Quality engineering, built right, '73 tub. $43,200.Ray 847-894-5473; mercuray1@yahoo.com•• Porsche Miscellaneous Genuine Porsche Car Seat. Black and grey. Like new. Rear seat mount only with car seat belt. Can be used as a booster seat as well. An airplane carrier bag is included. $95.50. Gerald, (310) 488-2710 • 1988 911 Turbo Parts for sale. All parts removed from a silver coupe with 5000 miles- built a track car. Front, rear bumpers, doors, RS door panels( light grey leather), door sills, deck lid w/tail, rear and side windows, some suspension parts (front cross member, rear plates, torsion bars), K26 turbo, intercooler, plenum, smog components, fuel tank and many more—please inquire. Ladi 310- 801-7765, 930express@sbcglobal.net••


imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in in the subject line.

Don’t Miss A Thing. Update Email Addresses At:


LeMans (cont.) that won the 24 hour race in Dubai and holds the championship lead of the Le Mans Series (Europe) and the American Le Mans Series, and was the most successful GT race car of 2009 has now won the GT2 class of the Le Mans 24 hour race. This victory at Le Mans marks the 98th win (class and overall) for Porsche at the prestigious long distance classic. For the ninth time, a race car based on the street legal 911 GT3 prevailed over its rivals. Positions three, five, seven and eight also went to drivers of the 450 hp Porsche. Moreover, the winning 911 also clinched the environmental "Michelin Green X Challenge" award as the GT car with the best efficiency.

Ed.Note Look for more on this LeMans story and hopefully some photos from the legendary venue next month. There are surely some stories and photos on the Internet if that’s too long to wait.

PORSCHERAMA Porsche Club of America

Los Angeles Region

1537 Pontius Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025



2010 — JUNE—JULY

Dates are subject to change.

June 2010 2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

July 2010 7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 18 (Sun.)....................................LAR Zone 8 Concours Greystone Mansion, Beverly Hills 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club

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