Porsche Club of America
Porsche Club Paradise Cove Run By Robert Franssen SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2011 After yesterday’s gully-washing rainstorms, I was a bit hesitant this morning and anticipated our drive today would be in heavy rain with obstacles galore to navigate. But I was pleasantly surprised as I looked outside to find blue skies and distant billowing clouds! OK, let’s get dressed, grab a latté and off to Taft High to meet up with the club. It was a bit cold cruising over Topanga Canyon (top down of course!), but with a heated seat and warm air emanating from the vents it was quite comfortable. As I crested the summit I was treated to the sight of a snow-bound Tehachapi mountain range in the distance. My Garmin guided me to Taft High School and into the parking lot just in time to follow a silver Cayman. We parked side by side as the queue of Porsches soon began to arrive. It wasn’t long before a bevy of beauties were neatly lined up in adjacent rows with owners chatting and perusing their siblings. After all the requisite club necessities, we took our chances with some sketchy street maneuvers before wending our way up to Mulholland Highway. Somehow I managed to inch my way up the lineup to the shotgun position, where I had a clear view of our lead Boxster and in the rear view mirror — a magnificent Black Spyder! Luckily, we found some clear road ahead to stretch the ponies in our vehicles and chase the storm clouds gathering above. Fortunately they were holding their cargo till later in the day. It was great fun dodging the rock slides (small and not too dangerous thankfully) and road dirt to find clear roadways ahead with exhaust notes echoing off the surrounding canyon walls. Fantastic! We sampled a great section of Mulholland from Topanga to Encinal with straights and twisties to test suspensions and feel the precise steering that we all paid so much to experience...
Los Angeles Region
With a couple of stops to regroup and to allow for nice photo opportunities we continued onward. After what seemed like too short a time, we were descending Encinal with the Pacific Ocean in full view, bathed in dappled sunshine through the threatening clouds that marched eastward. A left turn onto PCH had us out of the canyons and onto the coastal highway where about six of the lead cars stretched their ‘legs’ and headed off to Paradise Cove, our final destination.
April/May/June 2011
Inside: Paradise Cove Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 New Members & Anniversaries . . . . . . . .4 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LA & Z8 Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Our Porsches (and an errant Mercedes) were allowed the privileged ocean-front parking spaces near the pier, where we had ample room to gather for conversation, pictures and stunning views of the coastline. After a group photo, we adjourned to the restaurant where we gathered in small groups to dine and carry on the ‘meet and greet‘ festivities and enjoy some hearty fare for brunch. All and all a fun day and great first ride for myself and my new Boxster with the L.A. Porsche club!
February Coastal California. Robert Franssen Photo.
A seemingly disinterested spectator. Robert Franssen Photo.
Bill Clarkson Photo
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