Porscherama 2011 July-August-September

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Porsche Club of America

Los Angeles Region

July/August/September 2011

2011 Auto Gallery Porsche Concours at Greystone Mansion in Bevery Hills

Porsche Concours at Greystone . . . . . . . 1

Zone 8 Concours Presented by PCA LA

New Members & Anniversaries . . . . . . . .4

June 26, 2011 - Beverly Hills The 2011 version of our Zone 8 Concours at Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills provided us all with a real-world example of the truth in the old joke about how you get to Carnegie Hall— Practice, Practice, Practice! While practice does make perfect, this third year of presenting our annual concours on the prestigious mansion grounds proved that with practice does come improvement, although none of us

offered here and elsewhere for the support and participation of all our sponsors. This year we relocated registration to a point nearer the final placement areas and the entire process of arriving and the time required for the activity affectionately known as "the placing of the cars" was significantly reduced. Prior years have taken more time than was optimum, resulting in having to wait for cooling before any judging could realistically begin.

Inside: Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LA & Z8 Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Expanded Web Version: Palos Verdes Run to Terranea Resort Malamut Collection Senna - The Movie SmartWax Tech Session More Concours Photos lunch and the raffle portion of the festivities before judging results were totally complete. Our by now iconic lunch from Outdoor Grill was again enjoyed by all. There were many happy raffle winners. Raffle prizes ranged from books to various representative products from almost every one of our sponsors, and were once again capped off by The Auto Gallery’s reprise of its “Panamera Weekend” prize, which grants the winner the use of a Panamera for one weekend. This year, Eddie Maldonado collected not only the first place trophy for Street 2 with his 1964 356 SC, but also the “Panamera Weekend” in the raffle. Each sponsor addressed the assembled lunch / awards crowd and then presented their raffle prizes. So don’t forget to procure plenty of raffle tickets next year (June 24, 2012). Somebody wins each of these prizes, and it most certainly might as well be you!

David Altemus Photo.

would be so bold as to suggest perfection has been reached. We have, however, attained a level of familiarity that contributes to smoother running of the event. While applying lessons learned in the two years preceding this, our quest to produce a distinctive and memorable event for all the participants is increasingly enhanced by our sponsors, without whom it would simply not be possible to present our Zone 8 Concours at this grand venue. A mighty “Thank You” is

A full field of entries provided a wonderful display of immaculate specimens from Zuffenhausen. Forty seven judged and nonjudged Porsches graced the courtyards of Greystone while many, many more were available for viewing in the Porsche Corral located in the upper-most parking lot. Judging went smoothly, although ran a bit longer than anticipated, requiring that we start


Our own LA Board member Colleen Stein was well rewarded for preparation work she did on her white, 2001 996, winning not only her class (Wash and Shine 4) but also the coveted “Best of Division” in Wash and Shine. This was Colleen’s first concours entry. Colleen and Jason Zammit took charge of the “Raffle Ticket Vault” (which bore a strong resemblance to an Orchard Supply paint bucket), drawing and calling the winning ticket numbers to the anticipatory audience. Colleen also stepped up to be the “trophy girl” for the concours awards presentations, as can be seen in the accompanying award winners photos on page 5. Story continued on Page 7.


Many additional concours photos, stories & photos from other events and other interesting items can be seen in our new expanded version of Porscherama. It is posted at pcala.com in PDF format with “. . . XWV.pdf ” at the end of the file name. You can download and print it or just view it on your monitor. At pcala.com we will post both the web version of the printed & mailed Porscherama (“. . . WEB.pdf ”) And the expanded version (“. . . XWV.pdf ”).

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